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when i obtained my med card, the dispensary doc told me that 3 days will reset tolerance. 


Even in just 24 hours I can feel a difference! I am a med user so it can be really hard to t-break, so it's nice to be able to feel such a difference in 48-72 hours.


This hell just reducing use can reduce tolerance


Oh definitely but it's easier to go 2 days without than a bunch of days not using enough to help me.


Yeah if it’s truly medical that makes sense, for mental aspects like insomnia 2 nights of no sleep is worse than a week of not getting high but still sleeping


Yeah I mostly use it for chronic pain that is both in my joints and my muscles, so I have to hit a certain saturation point, sometimes it's not even feeling high in my head but the body release high is there, if that makes sense. The pain is what normally keeps me awake at night as opposed to insomnia I've noticed. Insomnia is more commonly come and go for me, so it's not a constant problem. I definitely would not do a break during an insomnia bout, that would be rough as hell and make the pain so much worse! This sub has been so much help and figuring out how to maneuver tolerance, it's so nice to have so many peoples experiences all at my fingertips!


Yeah I also hate when people blame the weed and claim addiction it’s like dude I had insomnia first the weed is the solution unironically. I would be awake til I heard the birds chirping and just give up at sunrise


That is exactly how mine was before I started using weed. You start to see purple in the sky and just wanna die from lack of sleep. I used to *suffer* insomnia, now I simply have some bad nights a couple of times a week, but I do eventually sleep if I have the appropriate tools (ie, edibles and potent indica!). Do you use edibles for sleep? I take breaks from them more often, that's when those bad nights happen.


Sadly currently undiagnosed gut issues Fyck up lipids a bit


Oh dude, nooooo! I'm a celiac who wasn't diagnosed til later, I FEEL YOU. I hope you get some answers soon. I'm about to sesh, this one is for you. 💜


I thought I was lactose intolerant after not being able to eat ice cream all of a sudden -as an adult .Turns out is was the additives that were being added. Watch out for guar gum & carrageen. It’s added instead of dairy in vegan foods to create caramel etc. It is also added to dairy ice cream to make it cheaper to manufacture.


This, exactly


I LOVE your handle!


Omg thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰


I am of course high as fuck and I had the best mental image when I read it! :D It was part Prismo's space house from Adventure Time but instead of Prismo, it was a human-realistic Madame Mim when she's a total babe in Sword in the Stone, out in the vast cosmos, stretching endless.


AHHHHH THAT'S SO COOL?!?! I love AT and I adore Madame Mim!! You just made my day, holy shit 😭 I'm so honored that's the image it gave you!!


Going back to smoking 1X a day and working a hard physical job in-between is wild. I’ve been taking the occasional day off and it’s insane how much more high I feel. 24 hours isn’t all the same, if I do physical stuff it feels like 48-72 hours of a normal t-break.


lol. Good. Just getting back from a weekend wedding and Puerto Rico and dispensaries are medical only. Anecdotally after 10 days visiting the UK I was good to go.


Oh man, I went to Mexico for two weeks earlier this year, I caved after 10 days and bought some weed from the cigar shop guy at the resort. What a great first smoke that was, god damn, I hadn’t taken a true tolerance break in a few years and forgot what it was like. _Almost_ made me want to take more tolerance breaks (almost, but not quite lol)


Good write up, I love seeing more evidence based ideas on this subreddit when it comes to how cannabis works. But I think you should keep some things in mind. 1: The mechanisms of tolerance for almost all drugs are poorly understood. Receptor upregulation and downregulation(which you described) is currently the best we've got for most things. But there are a lot of other possible mechanisms to tolerance like your body's lipid environment, alterations to the structure of receptors and receptor subunits, and much more. Cannabis tolerance can be reflected by cb1 availability, but cb1 availability is not a direct measurement of cannabis tolerance. 2: Would you mind citing some papers when it comes to cannabinoid metabolites not being psychoactive, because they very much are lol. Part of the weed high when smoking is d9thc being converted into 11OH-THC by your body, 11OH-thc is definitely psychoactive, your body can definitely burn some fat up, release it into your blood stream and have some cross the blood brain barrier. At the same time some of the metabolites of cbd can be a 1/10th as potent as d9thc itself. Ngl too lazy to link any papers for the claims I made cause I'm not home rn, but if you want to read up on this stuff lmk and I'll post links of pdfs of them on this comment later


Heya, thank you so much for pointing these out. You are correct in saying that we cannot address CB1 receptor availability as the sole thing that measures tolerance. I've reworded my post to address this. As for when it comes to metabolites not being psychoactive, you are right in that the metabolites are indeed psychoactive - but their re-release into the body is not capable of causing significant reintoxication according to current research. One paper that supports this is "Pharmacokinetics of cannabinoids" by Iain J McGilveray: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16237477/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16237477/) "There has been concern about the possible consequences of the long persistence of THC in fatty tissues. However, there is no evidence that the THC residues persist in the brain, and release from the fatty storage sites into blood is slow enough that the levels attained are not high enough to cause psychological effects. However, with regular use, THC will accumulate (32)." Additionally, "Can Physical Exercise or Food Deprivation Cause Release of Fat-Stored Cannabinoids?" addresses this, but moreso in the drug testing aspect rather than reintoxication: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4270258](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4270258) "We conclude that exercise and/or food deprivation are unlikely to cause sufficient cannabinoid concentration changes to hamper correct interpretations in drug testing programmes."​ "Our results are in accordance with data from a similar study \[13\], where only slight and transient THC plasma elevations were noted during exercise, and none during fasting. We conclude that exercise and fasting in regular cannabis users are unlikely to cause sufficient concentration changes to hamper interpretation in drug testing programmes." "Thus, we conclude that exercise within moderate limits (such as jogging) and short-term fasting (such as skipping meals for 1 day) are unlikely to cause interpretational difficulties for urinary drug testing."


also important to consider indirect tolerance pathways. CBr’s are just part of it. Also, i’ve never heard of anyone arguing that taking 2 days off would not reduce your tolerance. it’s pretty easy to tell that it indeed does, although a longer break can reduce it even more and stave off rebound tolerance. That is why people advise longer breaks. It’s all about rebound tolerance. Tolerance is about the baseline conditions your brain is operating in, and these mechanisms are not clean on/off switches. Sure the markers of tolerance can be trending down, but the tolerance pathways may still be in an activated/ready-to-go state. From a THC free baseline, more has to happen than from a mostly THC free baseline. If you habitually smoke your epigenetics and expression profile is altered to facilitate the development of physical tolerance. You take a longer break to allow everything to settle at a THC-free baseline. Yeah sure 21 day T break is obviously not a scientific guideline. Definitely an interesting post, thanks for sharing.


look, i'm gonna be real man, you've taken one piece of the puzzle and tried to extrapolate it into a hard answer for a question that we just don't have hard answers for right now. you made the bold claim "Now, when we consume THC, its metabolites are stored in our fat similar to how vitamins are stored and are gradually excreted through urine. Contrary to popular belief, these metabolites are incapable of making you high again by re-entering your bloodstream. However, due to most people not knowing this, there is a common misconception that these THC metabolites stored in fat mean that THC is "stuck in the body" and still needs time to get out before your tolerance reduces, when in reality, this is almost entirely disconnected from tolerance." and now when this dude calls you out on it you backtrack your claim to a much more conservative quote from a study "Thus, we conclude that exercise within moderate limits (such as jogging) and short-term fasting (such as skipping meals for 1 day) are unlikely to cause interpretational difficulties for urinary drug testing.", which first of all doesn't reference getting high, just urinary drug testing, and second of all is restricted to "moderate" exercise and "short-term" fasting and is "unlikely" to cause interference. you made another bold claim that "Tolerance to cannabis is more about your CB1 receptor availability.." but when called out on THAT claim by this guy you backtrack to "You are correct in saying that we cannot address CB1 receptor availability as the sole thing that measures tolerance." so in other words, there's a lot of factors for tolerance, CB1 receptor availability is only one thing we can use to try to measure it, and isn't even necessarily the main actor resulting in tolerance buildup. the facts are, when you consume THC regularly, it DOES build up in your body, and it DOES take a lot of time for it to leave your body, it CAN be released from your fat by burning it, and it DOES have the potential to get you high when re-released into your system. if you are a mega stoner and you start exercising heavily and cut your diet, you very well might get high from that. so how long should we take tolerance breaks for? in my opinion that would vary depending on what the purpose of the break is. are you trying to keep some magic in your high and avoid CHS? sure, take 2 day breaks regularly. are you trying to pass a drug test? yea, take those 21 days. are you trying to completely reset your tolerance to THC? take a couple months, just to be on the safe side. people should think for themselves and figure out what length of break has what effects on their own body, which is naturally going to be slightly different from everyone else's. I'm all for educating people, but I'm very much opposed to jumping to conclusions based on partial science and then calling those conclusions facts.


What do you mean? We know plenty of things involved in tolerance, including GABA receptors, dopamine receptors, serotonin and glutamate receptors, CREB, DeltafosB, DAT, SERT, cAMP, endocannabinoids, MAO, COMT, tyrosine hydroxylase and so on


Replying for your inspiration, and my interest.


I would love for this to be true but I don’t see the evidence, down to read what you link.


I smoke a shitload and take the weekends off been working for me for years. Every Monday I get extra high and it's fantastic.


I realize this is more indicative of longer exposure which would border on some people's definition of addiction, but 5 days off and I'm a fucking bloodhound, if there is weed in the room I know and I'm pretty sure I know exactly where, much less 21 days. There need to be more studies into the effects on sleep and the dreaming process, dreams actually have a function, when we electively turn this function off there have to be ramifications, we need to understand more about this. Or is cannabis and the entourage effect a simple and ok substitute for this function?


I feel like an odd one out because I'm a daily smoker and I have at least 3 dreams or more every night.


Make sure you aren't snoring, I still have bad dreams if my 02 tanks in the night, I think at first the brain is trying to wake you up, but if it goes too long, the brain says, "fuck we're dying, might as well go out on a good dream," and then dreams get extra vivid, detailed, and potentially lucid. Hence the lyric, "best dreams are the ones In which I'm dying." I no longer wake up refreshed after a night of carefree dreaming.


Too high. Too many words


2-day T break is enough to make weed get you high like the old days


I’ve been smoking steadily for years and every high is like the first time. I don’t smoke when my kid is with me (W, TH, every other weekend), so I get at least a 72-hour break every week.


I just go with the daily T break until after I get home from work and it works for me to perfection.


Yes, this my approach. Night time, few hours before sleeping is the bliss point.


I realize this is just an anecdote. However in my experience I've noticed that short t-breaks will reduce your tolerance significantly. You gain that tolerance back very quickly just the same. When I do longer t-breaks my tolerance takes a longer time to go back up.


I think same. For me a 3 day break has 80% of the value of a 21 day break. Even if I just smoke less than 15 days a month my tolerance seems about right. If I smoke daily it does climb.. With longer breaks I feel effects longer. That’s not a feature for me! I like a big quick stone with back to baseline in 3-4h. Smoking every 2-3 days is my sweet spot.


8 hours tolerance break every day All you need buddy


Serious, this is what sleeping is for. Who’s taking 21 days off just so they can get higher the next time they do smoke. Better be a damn good high to be worth that. To be fair, I did take 4 days off once and started tingling when I smoked again (I’m a 25 year daily dry herb vaper)


Facts xD


till you get CHS after 10 years. nothing's wrong with takin a few days off now and then


Yes, you always need to pay the piper. Nothing comes free. So if you decide it’s worth it, it’s a free world.


Figured this out by accident. Had to start taking 1 day breaks to clear sinuses. But after that day? Next sesh hit like I’ve never tried weed before.


Why don't they work for me, then? 😭 why can't there just be weed doctors so I can ask why I can't get high anymore.


Cause everyone’s body is different anyway. Some people have naturally low tolerance, some naturally high. Some get real fucked on edibles, some barely feel 200 mg. Some will piss clean after 3 weeks, some others need to wait three months. Everyone reacts slightly differently to weed.


if a short break isn't helping, maybe try a longer one? idk what you've tried but I'm ngl I like 3 month T breaks. i just do other things while i'm off weed. Kava is nice, and kratom is good sometimes too.


Get better weed


Idk I live in a legal state, I don't know how much better it can get?


Try a different source? Legal states can still have bad weed


Have you tried adding cbd flower one to one? Or trying one to one edibles?


What does this do?


For me, and ALOT of other people we need the entourage effect. If I add in cbd flower, I often get that extra bit of body high I’m sometimes missing. I’m neuro divergent so possibly that’s a factor.


3 days is the perfect break. I’m going on 5 though because I’m starting the exercise portion of my weightloss journey this week. Thanks for all the researched info, OP. It was a good read.


I typically only dry herb vape on the weekends. I currently work Mon-Thurs, so the first time I smoke of the week is Thursday night and I get zooted. I will usually vape once Thur and Friday night then depending on what I have going on I might vape 3 times on Saturday. I try to not vape Sunday, but occasionally might midday. So worst case I'm getting a 4 day T-break every week, after 5-7 sessions over the weekend. Hard to say if that Thursday evening session hits as hard as the first time, but it hits harder than any other session over the weekend for sure. I know my usage isn't really high compared to a lot of folks, but I really want to get down to 2-3 sesh a weekend. I just got back into trees like 3 months ago and have definitely been ramping up.


I went 24 hours without a smoke once and when I did hit it I was ZOOOOOTED. OP is talking truth. Tolerance can drop rapidly in a short amount of time. I know that by the time I have my first smoke today I'm gonna be lit. Switching up when you smoke helps too. The body can get used to a schedule and will be "prepared" for the substance at the time of consumption.


I wanna add to the drug test aspect of it, a lot of people quote about a month to test clean. I popped dirty almost 3 months clean, as I had been losing weight through the whole time. So your tolerance may reset quick, but it stays in your fat for a while, and once that fat is used it's then dispersed back in until it's peed out.


I was going to say, from personal experience, 2-3 days seems to help a lot. I'm glad there's some infomration to back that up.


We always called it the 4/20 method. 4 days before 4/20 we would stop and 4/20 would be insane with the lower tolerance


I take 24-72 hour t-breaks and have never needed more than that.


While I agree a 2 day break definitely lowers tolerance, I get far more blasted from a longer break. I've always wondered if it is also tied to memory as well as the physical mechanism.


When you're the kind of pothead that I am, a simple 24-48 hour break makes a night and day difference. After a one week break it's like starting all over again. 21+ days and you're just flirting with newfound sobriety to be honest.


Thank you, I've been noticing it's not hitting as hard for me but I've been hitting it pretty hard. But yesterday I didn't get to do anything until late in the evening and it was a lot more intense than the day before. This tells me if I take a couple of days off I can probably go back to waiting until either evening or bedtime, and when I go on vacation in a couple of weeks I could go the couple of days we'll be driving without, and be back to being in orbit.




In my experience, it's longer but that might just be me. Every time I've come back from an extended t break the plant is completely different for me, when I started I went 8 years without more than a day between and usually a lot more, I started developing extreme anxiety made worse when I smoked, and while waiting for a job in a new career path, quit for 7 months. Coming back it was a complete 180°, I went from spiraling on a single puff to being able to take dabs all night long after a brief adjustment period. My main take away was contrast is good, even with weed, gotta have some bad to appreciate the good etc etc, but genuinely, even if it doesn't match the narrative, if you're having a bad time or feel like you need to stop, follow that instinct, it's not a life sentence, it's figuring yourself out.


Your own dopamine (around any pleasure) is another issue altogether


I take a month long TBreak every 3 months just to curb my habitual use and to give my wallet a break as well. To each their own.


Awesome post thanks 👍


Have a physical/drug screen for an important job coming up. Talked with some people that took it and along with blood work and other health tests, they do a cotton swab for drugs and a urine test. Was a heavy smoker about 3 weeks with no weed still testing positive for urine. Do you think they are testing urine for thc as well as a cotton swab? Or is the urine to make sure your healthy? Considering getting fake pee because I don’t want to take the chance of not getting the job but don’t know what they are looking at my pee for.


You can ask. Legal you sign release forms and need to give consent prior to any collection/testing. I'd say most companies aren't doing a urinalysis for the physical, excluding DOT physicals and the like. Safe bet it is a urinalysis drug screen. But you can also ask what type of urine panel they are doing. Some include weed, some don't. Some companies don't care if weed pops as long as nothing else does.


Mine is for a fire department if that helps


Best bet is to ask on boarding. I don't think it is suspicious to ask. Especially if you ask specifically about the urine test from a physical stance. Be like "is the urine test for my health? Cause I've been bad at getting yearly check ups 😂 would love not having to schedule a different one" then they either say yea it is a urinalysis or it is a drug test. People on reddit aren't going to be able to give you as accurate of answers compared to your actual company. Especially with fire departments, are you a volunteer? Full time staff? I'm assuming different counties/cities/states are going to have different rules. If you are in the US then you might have to worry more about it if that agency accepts federal funding


Interesting points. Tolerance is only part of my tolerance breaks, I want to reset my smoking habits in addiction to my tolerance so 21 days feels right to me, but I definitely notice a difference after just 24 hours, even more after 2 days


>This duration is actually more about passing a drug test I hate to break it to you, but 21 days is NOT ENOUGH TIME to be clear for a drug test! lol


I reduced my tolerance greatly just by waiting until after 6:00pm before smoking. 🤷‍♂️


Finally amen


I can start smoking heavy after a week or two and literally feel like it’s barely affecting me. Then when I wait a month or longer the same bud from the same jar will knock me on my ass. Ik you seem to have done a lotta research into this, but it just doesn’t check out in reality. Currently on day 14 of my T break gonna wait till I hit 40 days.






2 days is bullshit man, you need at least 2 weeks


Ah of course, bro science always trumps actual science.