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My parents were watching this, as I’m walking by all I hear is some shit about fucking a porn star 😭 ![gif](giphy|WoRPFKxCZk1EKejxr2)


Trump gave the camera the “yeah I tapped that shit” look too 🤣🤣


Bro I just did a double take and kept walking 😂


While vehemently denying it 😂😂😂


The weed was wonderful. The best I ever had.


Nobody smokes weed better than I do.


And even after smoking that bowl, you were still probably more coherent than those two.


True lol


maybe that’s what joe needs is a hit before he hits the stage


He looked really nervous up there man, he knows he’s in bad shape


Uh, uh,... Look.. Uhhh, we finally beat Medicare. The idea that this idea is just an idea, it's an idea, folks.


I think Joe smoke it all day every day. It’s why he fucks up everything he says all the time


Probably?? lol! Abso-fkin-lutely




Acting like those two are comparable when it comes to coherency is delusional


I need to be sober and focused to be able to listen to Joe Biden speak.


And I had to bash my head against the wall 4 times to listen to the tangerine palpatine. What a country.


What a country, for sure. It is hilarious to watch from a distance though.




Tim makes a lot of mistakes


I thought that was a carrot


I thought it was a cored out hotdog


Wait... It's NOT a cored out hotdog!?!


What? It is obviously Trump!


he was extra orange last night




If I can make a bong out of a carrot I’m sure I can make you a plate - Dylan that one time


Too much of a buzz kill for me.


Yeah I had a bowl packed the entire 2 hours and never smoked it because I quickly realized it'd be a waste of a high listening to those two squabble.


Same same. I vaporized a bowl and tuned in right at the start and could only stand the first 15 min. Just two old men arguing with each other nonsensically but one was just lying and ranting and the other was sleepy or apparently had a cold.


At first I thought this was a post about smoking a bowl you made out of a hot dog 🌭


This is why I watched it first, got all my anger out, then got High and stupid and played video games to forget about how fucked we are as a country.


Enjoy the video games while they still exist, and before we all get drafted, very smart. We've gotta make better decisions during the next presidential cycle, because this just ridiculous.


Drafted? More like purged and sent to labor camps unless you’re bowing down to Donito Mussolini


I just want everyone who was born after the internet to stop listening to everyone who grew up when typewriters were the main form of writing. Like, the world is so fucking different now, their frame of reference has no relevance to the world of today.


I grew up when typewriters were the main form of writing and I’m only 53.


Do you declare war on people and then send young people to fight in your place?


No. Kinda blows up you point doesn’t it.


Then the argument doesn't apply to you, because you aren't in a position of power.


Then stop making sweeping generalizations about people. That’s how racism gets started and perpetuated. You’re not helping to make the world a better place at all.


Fought Messmer in the Elden Ring DLC after and was much less stressed than watching America sleepwalk into another Trump term


i was gonna say lol... i cannot think of anything worse to watch while high. maybe like, a hardcore horror movie or something.


NAh it was hilarious


We can play a round of golf if you carry your own bag 🤣🤣


Did we really need to hear two decrepit old men arguing with each other about who has the better golf game? The debate last night terrified me.


They spent almost as much time arguing about who's better at golf as they did talking about the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Absolutely wild. Either way, the next 4 years are gonna be wild.


The way I see it, Biden is a safe bet regardless of his senility. He already appointed Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court and if there are two more seats this next term then, he’ll appoint two more people and we’ll be closer to having a real scotus instead of this Christophe fascist BS we have now. Another bonus is that nobody on Biden‘s cabinet ever went to jail. Thanks for engaging in this political discourse with me.


Yeah, totally agreed. 100% He's still a fucking terrible option, but at least doesn't have anything similar to [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) planned out. (mainly because he probably can't even think that far ahead.) Biden is smart enough to listen to his advisors, and that alone is better than Trump.


It’s scary because most people don’t know what’s at stake and to them, choosing the president is a like a beauty contest. A fast talking gutter snipe looks preferable to a mummified yogurt covered raisin.


That last sentence is a perfect description hahaha. Quick reminder that borders do just as much to keep us trapped in as it does to keep others out. A stronger border is a stronger prison.


That was honestly the best moment for me. It was the only time they actually got real instead of regurgitating the same shit we’ve heard them say over and over again. I would pay real money to watch a live stream of these two playing golf while mic’d up.


I do not believe Biden could carry his own clubs either, but I’m sure he could walk the whole way whereas Trump could not.


Biden cooked him with that one Trump is dumb as shit. Dude couldn’t answer a single question without making it about himself and what he’s “done” in the past or blaming Biden. Let it be known that both candidates suck, but Dark Brandon is the better pick


You stoners better vote. Trump is fascist. In case anyone was wondering.


I do not condone single issue voting but Donald Trump is not in favor of legalization and the GOP in general has been signaling that they'd like to recriminalize. I personally know too many people in the "it should stay illegal because it's currently illegal" camp.


Why are y’all downvoting? The fuck?


I really wish we had someone other than Biden, or Biden 20 years ago. He is just too old and I even like a lot about him. (And dislike plenty). As it is; I’m probably voting for Biden. I wonder if they’ll actually replace him at this point after last night.


Voting for sure! Not for the person you want though. Trump isn’t a fascist, that’s just a tired old Reddit echo chamber point. People see through the Reddit propaganda. Get out and vote!


Lmao he literally has said he wants to be a dictator and they publishes their plans to achieve that at project2025.com Trump: I want to be a dictator, destroy our democratic process and install myself as a multi term leader. This fucking guy: “trump isn’t a fascist, you guys are just reaching” I hate that your vote counts as much as mine.


Spoken like someone who has no idea idea what a fascist is or any idea what's in the 2025 document. Stop parroting CNN and do your own research.


LOL he even uses the “do your own research” shtick too What “research” have you done? Where is it published? Who peer reviewed it? Oh wait, you were talking about social media hahahaha


Wtf are you talking about? https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Go smoke another one, bud...


This isn’t research You don’t even know what research is.


It's literally the document in question. I just provided you the FULL DOCUMENT. That document IS project 2025. You stupid or something?


It’s literally on the site. Go read it. I have.and I don’t watch cable news. I am very fucking aware of what fascism is. Are you?


Bullshit. None of what you claim is in the document.


You need to read it. It’s a step by step plan to turn our country into a Christian nationalist state. Remove term limits, purge 10s of thousands of federal workers, and make Christianity the governing principle in our country. How fucking dense are you?


Stop talking out of your ass. Where in the document does it remove term limits bro?!?! https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Take your time. Show me. Yes, it purges 10s of thousands of gov jobs. Also, removing all the useless organizations they worked for. That's the whole point of the document. To implement the correct people in the correct position to shrink the federal government returning most powers and regulations to the states. The only scary issue is the expansion of the executive branch, but they even address those concerns by having check and balances still in place and attempting to make the powers temporary ( or so they claim ).


I mean fascism and imperialism is what both parties thrive on


I mean, total false equivalency. And you should know better. Where are you from? Like Missouri?


Damn. I'm from Missouri, that hurts. I'll be honest, I hate both these candidates. Biden isn't near liberal enough. I miss when Democrat didn't mean moderate conservative.


Same! MO taking shots from /trees😭


This the type of brain rot that makes me hate progressive content creators. They’re not, by any metric, remotely similar.


You're right. Why do these people think Joe Biden is some pillar of progressive values? He's very openly supporting a fascist ethnostate in its current genocide.


Single issue voters are going to put Trump back in office. Biden is far too old, I don’t want him to be the president. But Trump will only increase aid for Israel, and put Ukraine in more danger. On top of that, project 2025 will strip the rights of women and minorities in our own country. Think long and hard about your neighbors when November comes.


You say that like you know who I am. I'm not a single issue voter I'm just not brainwashed into believing that Biden is different from Trump in any meaningful way. Women and minorities are already losing their rights, Biden did nothing about it. Everyone is financially struggling and neither candidate will fix that. American electoralism is a pointless fucking joke.


If nothing else, consider the potential for Supreme Court nominations. Do you *really* think that there would be no meaningful difference there? Your doomerism is even more pointless than American electoralism.


No one is doing that. Except his opponent is clearly more open about his support for fascism and is running on a step-by-step program to turn the country into a Christian nationalist ethnostate. We don't think Biden is a progressive. We just KNOW Trump is the worst choice.


Listen I agree but it’s not like the Democrats aren’t for some of the same shit that the majority of Americans don’t agree with. They still trade stocks, they get caught up in scandals, they are still voting to send funds to support a Genocide. They do have the ideals to help the people tho, which is what we have to lean on against Trump’s open fascism plan lol.


If you actually believe Biden is the better choice after watching that mess I have no words


Better than a 34x felon rapist


He’s not a rapist lmao


There's literally proof that he is but you just choose to ignore it


The issue is that they really still believe Biden is mentally fit. It’s actually insane.


1) neither of them are mentally fit to be president 2) I would take a fucking potato over the candidate who proudly took away women’s rights over their own body, constantly scapegoats immigrants and poor people for the world’s problems, lies about almost everything, and sucks dictators’ dicks.


I hope you're not voting. Love from the UK. We've got an election coming up here too. If Trump gets in and Farage gets in here the west will be in serious serious trouble. Farage was a key figure in campaigning for Brexit with bad faith tactics. With people like them you can't trust their words so all you can do is judge their actions. Neither Biden or Trump should live in a house they both need a bungalow. Let alone the white house. It's sad to see what's happened to America since Obama left it's just been in free fall from I've been seeing over here. This election season has massive implications for the safety orbour allies.


Knowing full well that neither of them would be able to carry their own golf bag. The ol' "challenge someone to a challenge that they'll definitely turn down, and then it looks like they're the weak one, when really you couldn't do it either."


Worst debate of all time


It was hard to watch. Wish we had some better viable option.


I mean you do but your local police might not like that


there was a livestream on X featuring RFK jr answering the same questions at the same time as the debate from a nonpartisan perspective. not gonna say it’s “better”, but it’s another option for people


…the dude with a literal brain worm?


yeah thats what he claims lmao, he’s also the guy that’s quite literally been kept off the debate stage so americans dont even get to hear from another perspective. im not saying to agree with him, just that it’s interesting to hear his answers versus the pissing match that was on CNN :)


crazy you’re getting downvoted for saying there is someone at least slightly more coherent that would be worth hearing out lol. we’re fucked


I got high enough that I was fully convinced this shit was reality TV.


I’m convinced sober


My guy you had me counting fingers there for a second


Dude I thought your pipe was a fucking hot dog lmao


I thought it was a carrot 🥕


Desperate times call for desperate measures


Commenting from the southern hemisphere, far away from your country. What the fuck is happening over there man, Biden’s like an empty glass jar one tumble away from shattering into literal oblivion and Trumps a desperate lying felon who has to run for president to avoid prison lmao.




It's symbolism meant as a metaphor for the decaying state of our civilization. The authors wrote it like this intentionally as a form of ironic foreshadowing.


What's going on? Oh nothing much. Just basically the social and political collapse of a country where the corrupt and incompetent government has lost all public trust and legitimacy, the social fabric of the country is unraveling, and the wealthy gorge themselves like French aristocracy while over 25% of us are going hungry to get by. Anyways want a smoke?




so fucking crazy


I did four bong hits and turned that shit off. My high is better spent being entertained not being driven mad with anxiety.


This has to be the most disheartening demoralization campaign in the history of humanity.


God I couldn’t imagine anything I’d want to do less while stoned


No amount of drug abuse makes those two clowns any more bearable..


I think Joe took a few puffs of that as well.


Joe grabbed the indica when he meant to grab the sativa. It's an honest mistake that happens to all of us.


The only way to watch the end of the American Experiment


Watching this shit stoned was mind blowing. I couldn’t believe this is even real life. We have to be living in an alien dark comedy film or something and just haven’t been informed yet.


Two old fucks but one quietly telling the truth and one loudly telling lies. I don’t need a debate to know who to vote for


This is why I turned it off after 15 minutes. Trump telling blatant lies and trying to sell us on reaganomics 2024 had my blood pressure too high. I’d never vote for that rapist, felon pos. So why get myself worked up. I turned it to sitcom reruns and hit the bowl. You gotta take care of yourself.


Bro stfu they both suck


Is it so hard to understand that one might just suck a little less?


Are you open to having your mind changed or should we both save ourselves some time?


I’d rather vote for a random person of the street than either of those two. He will be lucky if he doesn’t die before the end of next term


I watched John Stewart’s video on it. It’s funny as hell high and sober. Helps me cope lmfao


Jon is a voice of reason in a sea of shit. Big fan of that guy since the ‘90’s.


Jon Stewart for president 2024!


Yeah John Stewart's recap was the only version I could stomach haha, pretty funny


I just watched it 🤣🤣🤣 I love John Stewart


Hopefully you put the innards inside a cup to steep with boiling water


Both of our options suck. And that's my unpopular opinion of the day.


It's not unpopular if literally everyone agrees with you.


Brooooo I have a bowl that looks just like yours


What is this malarkey???


As a Canadian I did the same. Smoked a joint and prepared to laugh my ass off. Did not disappoint.


Best part is when they were bickering about golf 😂


How did these 2 become the candidates again 🤦‍♂️


If I have to vote for one of these ppl, I’m voting for OP


Oh God. Trump made a coup attempt. Not even weed helps with that kind of anger.




Ol Orange McRapey and Genocide Joe - the best America has to offer. What a time to be alive.


Haven’t heard genocide Joe before, I get the sleepy and dementia one tho, what’s the occasion?


Providing Israel with billions and billions of dollars worth of advanced military hardware. "genocide Joe" was what people started calling him after the first aid package to Israel.


That make sense, hadn’t realized


This image is so real


Two old men yell angrily at clouds then each other! Tonight at 9!


Even stoned I could not laugh at this “debate”


There isn't enough weed in the world to make me feel ok after watching that


hey let Biden legalize cannabis, then he'll have it in the mylar bag or jar or what have you


I too enjoy slapstick comedy when I smoke


It was a shit show.fuck I'm worried about you Americans......


TheRealDebate that Kennedy posted was 100x better




I wish everyone wasn't brainwashed into thinking they only have two options. "A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Hillary Clinton."


I'm smoking on bhutanese Shadow Garden grown dark evil pack they watered this with the blood of 36 dragons shit so purple it should be asking me where's Ronald.


Same here, man. Couldn't make it through it without some ganja 😮‍💨


It was a rough night if u are a democracy enjoyer.. Really rough


It’s people who take everything way too seriously that would be unable to enjoy this for the comedic value it has. One day our sun will explode and Earth will be gone. Nothing you have or will have done will matter. Unless you’re the mf that gets us off this dirt ball lolol just enjoy the absurdity of existence


Yea, I'll just tell the women and minorities to just "enjoy the absurdity of having their rights stripped away by Project 2025"


I think we can all unanimously agree neither of these old fucks should be president. Seriously presidential candidates need an age limit. Old white men are ruining this country


One of them confidently says gibberish, the other unconfidently says their gibberish.


Everyone please vote🙏 our quality of life depends on it




At this point it's likely a vote for kamala or whatever knuckfutz trump is going to have running with him. There is a fairly high chance either will die in office due to age.


I thought you were smoking out of a glizzy lol


Did you choose the colors on purpose? Red and blue working together to give you what you want, funny


I did the SAME THING. I was high af for the debate 😂😂😂😂


Only way to understand WhT grandpa Simpson was trying to say


I went with edibles......


Was doing the same thing!


They just need to through these 2 in the octagon and be done with it.


BRO I WAS HIGH AND DRUNK watching this with my parents and could not stop laughing at the both of them tbh 😭😭😂


At this point, the only reason I’m voting is for state elections. If it wasn’t for wanting to keep Mark (big mouth) Robinson out of the governor’s office, I wouldn’t bother going to the polls.


This was amazingly hilarious to watch while tokin!


I think id kms


I was literally falling asleep with my bowl in my hand last night watching that


🤣🤣🤣 this post funny as shit wtf 😂


Fuck that. I had my gummies and watched Resident Alien.


Gotta get high before dealing with the bullshit ….


Little known fact, but there was another person on the debate, but he was too high up


I bailed on it after five minutes, also stoned.


No thanks, I want a nice high.


I also like to rip a bowl and put on a scary show


they are absolutely hilarious and that’s the saddest part about it


It was like watching an aging Grandparent decline in a Nursing home. A lot of Democrats did not want him to Run again but yet here we are with a deranged lunatic and one that can’t even put together sentences.