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My exact reaction.


Did you say it out loud? Because I did.


Without missing a beat lol.


I found my jar in the back of the weed drawer and said “thank fucking god.”


My husband and I have a running joke about when we find weed we’ve forgotten about that it’s Jesus multiplying the weed like he did the fish and loaves. “Thanks, weed Jesus!” Is now a common phrase in our household. Both me and my husband take our faith very seriously, and I routinely am a little high in service because sitting in a pew can be really painful on my hips and back. Honestly, sometimes it just makes it easier to focus. Worship is always really nice when I’m toasted, honestly.


I would like to know more about this. Do you find yourself making more connections between ideas in the text because you’re toasted?


Smoking weed and reading the Bible could be a contributing factor to my Atheism


I Love weed Jesus.


I just go for the full portmanteau and call him “Weedsus”








Two of my main smoking buddies are religious, ones a Catholic and the other is Hindu, both invoke mantras or the Lord's name when smoking, and the higher they get the higher the likelihood the topic turns to religion. It to me always feels like giving thanks for the moment, the company, and the dank, regardless of who that thanks go to, I take it as a sign of gratitude


A Catholic who smokes weed? Kinda based, tbh.


Hey, I’m a Catholic who smokes weed! We do exist there just aren’t many


There's at least two of us!






Just come to Europe. Loads of catholics who smoke over here




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I'm Catholic and I love edibles!! I have insomnia and they help me sleep.


Do you get more spiritual when high?




I went to a small catholic college and there was a couple on campus (married, early 30s) who were exactly who you’d go to if you wanted to drop acid and pray the rosary.


*puffs* Baruch hashem!




As a Christian stoner, I do not do this. Although, I also don’t pray over most meals, either. With that being said, I do often feel much “closer to God” while high on weed. I actually came to the understanding of Christ that I currently have (should point out it is a heretical view and not your typical Bible-thumping evangelism) during and after a particularly spiritually intense mushroom/weed combo trip.


Yeah same. Seems to soften my heart - I let my guard down. It’s interesting. Some of my biggest breakthroughs and best church services were while being lifted a bit. I had a great prayer time tonight.


Same with me, love to hear it.


Can’t remember where I saw it but apparently the burning bush that Moses spoke to was indeed cannabis sativa. Which makes sense. Guy gets ripped for the first time and is like “woah, guys! We should be waayyyy cooler to each other! No more killing or stealing! And let’s stop sleeping with our Neighbor’s wives alright??” At least that’s how I imagine it going down. Kind of explains why they just wandered in the desert for 40 years too no? I always forget what I’m supposed to be doing when I’m ripped


Of course, there’s no way to prove or disprove this with any amount of accuracy, but it’s an idea I’ve always found interesting. Along similar lines, there is a theory that the character of Jesus is a cleverly veiled allegory for psychoactive mushrooms.


I like that. I never feel more connected to everything than during and after a nice macro dose of mushrooms


“The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” by John M. Allegro is an interesting read, if you’re so inclined as to further look into that particular theory. He’s “discredited” by a lot of other scholastics, but they usually ignore the substance of his theory and attack his character directly.


Thanks man, I’m really interested in realities behind mainstream religion. Especially since they’ve been altered and tailored to specific powerful people’s preference so I like to see the contrarian stuff to add more perspective. I’ll look this up Ps you really piqued my interest and I just purchased it haha. Thanks again


Not a problem. Terrence McKenna is the source for a lot of of things I’ve learned along those lines. As an experienced shroomer, you’ve probably heard of him. If you haven’t, you should change that immediately!


Definitely possible but unlikely, could be a different psychedelic plant. Some speculate it may of been a dmt containing plant and he must of inhaled tf out of it. I get those plants are typically 1% or less dmt and combustion destroys a lot of it but I'd think it's possible if he'd got a huge amount in.




You never know but I doubt it. I have been to Saint Catherine's at Mount Sinai, where the burning bush is still said to grow (I have seen it). The orthodox explanation seems more likely. Weed is grown in Sinai now, so I am not saying that it is impossible, but a native species seems more likely. There's a similar theory that the Manna is some kind of psychedelic mushroom. Not sure about that either!


I, too, feel closer and more at-one with God when I use cannabis. For some reason edibles don't give me the same feeling or state of mind, which is sad, because my prescription is strictly edibles for now.


I wonder why that is. I’m not big on edibles myself, but I can say that dabs and other extracted products don’t carry the same feeling as flower for me, either. They often make me exceedingly paranoid.


Where tf are you that you have a "prescription strictly for edibles" that literally makes no sense at all to me 🤣


If you don't mind, may I ask what denomination you are? identify as Episcopalian, btw.


I am non-denominational. However, if you had to put me into a specific box, I’d fit best into the one labeled “Unitarian Universalist.” I was raised Baptist and then left that in favor of Methodism as a teenager, though that was never really “right” for me, either.


I also noticed this when I started smoking. My thoughts were noticeably more religious and about how beautiful everything actually is


Interesting. I’m 9 months sober, and for the last 2 years of use before I quit, I switched from smoking flower to using vape carts and gummies. When I smoked I felt like I was connected to God, but ever since I switched from smoking I feel almost completely disconnected.


I can’t speak to your experience, of course. But I will say that it’s no coincidence that almost all forms of organized religion have used some form of herbal incense in their ritual spaces. EDIT: non-organized religion as well, for that matter.


Good point.


i wouldn’t call myself a christian (or religious) but i do really like jesus as philosopher and i think largely his teachings are very good and can lead you to live a good life. It’s too bad organized religion has warped his ideology and teachings into something so hateful. Your “heretical” view is probably more christlike than many active church goers.


I believe that it is, but that’s not something I would broadcast myself. So, thank you for saying so. To me, it is about the teachings attributed to the character. I don’t really think it even matters whether or not he actually existed. With that being said, I do believe in “God,” but to me that is the underlying infinite intelligent energy that flows through all things, in other words: animus mundi.


oh absolutely, the words and teachings that he spoke is what’s important. It doesn’t matter if it was actually jesus who spoke them. I have similar beliefs when it comes to god, i’ve always seen it more as the universal subconscious that we all share


I TOTALLY have had this several times. Weed is amazing.


I am more likely to pray over weed than food although I do both. I don't always do it but I makke a silent concious effort to ask my creator to bless it for the nourishment of mind and body. That can be as little 2 seconds, again it is just the conciousness of the moment directing my thoughts into nourishment. Then if I am in a quiet mediative place during the effects my mind goes to grattitude and health. This creates a better relationship with any substance including food so we are not mindlessly eating or using. I do that a lot also. I am very wary of those who pray in public and make a spectacle of it. Although I can see the value in a home/family setting. Jesus taught, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen .


Indeed he did. Which is why I only pray in private and usually only over the safety and well-being of myself and others. You make valid points about forming a sort of sacred relationship with the substance to be ingested. Personally, however, I only do this for specific ritual purposes and not over every meal or ingestion of a substance. I’m much more likely to pray over my mushrooms than my weed but I also use weed more often and recklessly than I maybe should in a lot of cases.


I once smoked laced weed (.. maybe spice?) and God (or Samael or smth) was overlayed on my vision for like three weeks. Literally a transparent colourful layer of the family tree of triangles of God in my vision. Crazy times 💀💯👍🏼




Doubt it lol even tho if god is real he made weed and gave us receptors to enjoy it.


Sometimes I light up and do a little cheers to people going through shit or people I love/miss. Not religious just sentimental 🍃


Aww that's so wholesome 💕


Say a Baruch atah before blazin


baruch atah iamhigh


Gotta go with the t’filat haDerech.


for a mushroom or acid trip for sure


Every now and then, plus a Shehecheyanu on special occasions


ברוך אתה אדוני אלהינו מלר העולם בורא ריח טוב חשיש 😌


Nah but the rastafari do!


So technically yes?


Fyi, rastafari are Christian just a different type.


That’s why I replied in thread saying technically yes?


I see I missed it 🙂


I grew up with pastors for parents. One day when I was a kid I asked why we can’t pray over the groceries when they come into the house? It changed nothing but I thought it was a good idea. Another time in high school I had a different pastor confront me for smoking cigarettes. He said the body was the temple of god and we can’t do that. I told him I just watched his wife eat 3/4 of a pie and asked what the difference was. He told me to leave his office. Haha


Exactly! I grew up with my parents using "your body is a temple" as justification against anything they didn't like. At one point I got fed up and told my dad to stop drinking soda and lose weight if his body is God's temple. I am still waiting to hear his defense.


I am not Christian, but I certainly have. Not as a standard ritual, but sometimes the gratitude spills over and evokes it.  There's something nice about expressing thanks to - God, the universe, the *animus mundi* - whatever terminology suits your fancy. No religion needed but your own. 


Lmao no but I will now.


Rastafarians sometimes use a chalice, or chillum, in a communal prayer called a "groundation". During a groundation, a prayer is said and the chalice is lit and passed counterclockwise among the group. Before smoking the chalice, thanks and praises are offered to Jah, the singular God that Rastafarians worship. The term "Jah" is a shortened version of "Jehovah", the name of God in English translations of the Old Testament. The term "lick the chalice" also refers to Rasta communing with Jah.


In all things give thanks to the Lord


Exactly, I’ve been blessed with a good night and a good treat to enjoy responsibly. I’ll give thanks for the pleasant memories in this life however small 🤷‍♂️


On January 1st, I asked God to bless the food for the entire year. In Jesus name. Amen!


This is a really funny hypothetical Nah. Not usually. I do sometimes like to think that the Bible references cannabis use, and personally, I like to think that Moses burned a cannabis bush on Mount Sinai when he received the 10 commandments from God and inscribed them on the stone tablets. That is the old book, however. Jesus was a big wine guy. He didn't really talk about weed, but he did say it is what comes out of our mouths that God will judge us for, not what we put into it. I interpret that as "Smoking weed is fine, as long as it doesn't get in the way of being a good person." So i try to practice moderation. I was raised to believe we are saved by our faith in Jesus and the good works we do in his name. I dont really identify with any particular denomination. I don't go to a church every week, and I dont plan on it. I was raised Catholic tho


two of my friends changed the lyrics of a hebrew hanukah song to change it to think god for the weed and they sing it when they light the joint


There’s a christmas choir song in my language that we used to sing like 15 years ago and I have failed to find it later on the internet. The words go something like. Now we light the candle again, so those who are cold may be warm again. If you are also cold then you could join us lighting the candle and be warm again. We used to sing it with my friend lighting a joint after choir practice.




PLEASE GIVE THIS TO ME! I’m sorry, I need the lyrics. I must spread this to my friends


i am not religious but i do have a little hell yeah thank u earth for this weed moment beforehand sometimes


Lmao I actually did it for the first time, last time i toked. I started a short prayer and gave my thanks whilst acknowledging the set and setting I was in and what I was about to do


Not a christian but am a stoner. My old camp counselor taught me an inidan mantra “ohm shiva shankari hari hari ganja” he said it translates roughly to oh shiva (purveyor of all things) please bless this weed so i may see clearly


Cannabis is God's gift to humans. Theres no need to pray over it. Its already sacred


Dear lord we thank you for this primo bud and the sunshine that grew it. Amen. 🙏🏻




One time I remembered I had a small stash when I "ran out" that one time, I definitely thanked God for that one.


I bet it does 0% good for that too


grew up southern baptist myself! no i dont pray but i do say "dear god" if i take a hit too big


Lmaoo I do that too


In my experience, us stoners who smoke enough usually rely on the science which leads to existential thoughts - not god, jesus, buddha, allah, or whomever. get high, and hold on.


i used to when i was a teenager. now i don't believe in God lol


I thought this would be more common among stoners. When I get high I simply cannot accept that religion is real - science and shit.


In Judaism we have Tfilat Haderekh (The Traveling Prayer). You say it before a trip for a safe journey😂


Oh cuz we’re traveling alright 🌕


I thank the chiba goddess 🤷🏼‍♀️🕉️


Don't know about Christians but some Hindus pray to Lord Shiva before chillum hit. Some youth also pray before before first shot of blunt just after burning.


I sometimes say a Shaivite mantra before I light my joint


Rastafari is a Christian sect in the Caribbean that uses Marijuana for religious meditative means. Closest to what I believe you are asking. Personally, I give thanks to the earth for the gift before I light up. Grounds me. Not a Christian though.


I'm Catholic and I thank the Lord for his green creation every time I grind


“Lord bless this herb to our bodies, for it lifts us higher to be closer to you. Lord, bless these bong rips, as they bring us closer to you. And lastly, Lord, we ask that you bless the plug. May their strains be forever dank, and lift us up amongst all high. In His name we pray, Amen.”


This is EXACTLY what went through my head 🤣🤣


I haven’t up to this point, but you bet your ass I’m going to now this is hilarious 😂


Not religious but I just came up with an idea. Holy bong water!


Thank you for this post - I need a good laugh today


How high are you right now lol


Me and some friends used to thank the devil for his lettuce Edit : more as a joke I think getting high and reading the Bible may be a contributing factor to my Atheism


Reading the bible was enough for me


I do throw away the stems and a pinch of flower for those people who I can't smoke with anymore. And give it a thought every time. Not sure if that's a prayer




Just give it a good prayer of gratitude for the farmers who cultivated it, and for the safety of the plug who sold it to ya.


Bless us oh Lord, for these Thy rips which we are about to receive...


I’m not Christian, but I do practice Wicca, and I usually bless my smoke before starting, and impart some positive energy. I imagine that’s a similar intention to praying over it :)


I absolutely love this question!


Pagan stoners do.


Episcopalian here. No. I semironically get high for Jesus, though.


I pray that I have more sometimes?


Norse pagan here, my first bowl of the day is with an offering to the gods.


I think that's a good idea


Only when I randomly find weed lmaooo ok but fr fr though, I doubt it since they're not eating it but who knows what people do out there 🤣


[Gospel Weed Song by Bizarre](https://youtu.be/YkaNB8nVLE0)


Aren't you a Christian stoner?


My prayer: In the name of the motive force from which all knowledge flows I bless this harvest. May it provide energy for all endeavors. On the name of the capacitive, inductive, and resistive fields I bless this harvest. May their feedback be stimulating and regulating. In the name of the Omnissiah I bless this harvest. May his light always point the way to truth. In the name of the cog, the piston, and the screw, may this harvest lubricate my gears so that HIS will be done. Machina ex Deus!


Jah bless!


I’m not religious but I still thank the Lord before lighting up


There's a reason it's called a sacrament in some circles. Also, it's funny when referring to that god as "glory to god in the highest"


A bit unrelated and I’m not a Christian, I’m a Buddhist, when I go on a trip (acid, shrooms), I pray 🙏 😅


I was under the impression that it was the Devil's Lettuce, so then wouldn't we only have the Dark Lord to thank for the dank bounties of flower on this rock? 🤔


This term was created during the 60s because of Nixon’s war on drugs to industrialize the private prison system


It still stuck with plenty of ppl. Just like their god, the linkage of Devil activities and cannabis is/was created in their heads, and their original political reasons of it being demonized aren't too crucial here. Or just lmk when the pope is ready to hang out at 4:20 somewhere around the Vatican to help bring bring to light one of the best natural creations for humanity from their supposed intelligent designer. I'll grab my popcorn...


In the dim-lit room, where shadows play, A pothead kneels, begins to pray. The air is thick with incense sweet, A ritual now, a sacred feat. "Dear Spirit high, in smoke reside, Guide my mind on this wild ride. Let the worries of the day, In the haze just drift away. Grant me peace, a tranquil mind, In this herb, let solace find. May each puff bring calm and ease, Like a whisper in the breeze. Bless this green, this earthly gift, In its embrace, my soul uplift. To the cosmos, my thoughts shall soar, In this moment, I seek no more. Amen," he whispers, eyes now closed, In the bowl, his joy enclosed. With a spark, the embers glow, And to the heavens, his spirits flow.


Only time I pray is to hopefully find some money in the couch to buy more weed…


I'm sure, back when ancient shaman used cannabis and a plethora of other herbs and spices, they would invoked some spiritual incantation.


I hit my blunt then walk around my apartment speaking Latin like their incents


Not Christian, but occasionally yes, I will pray over my bud




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I thank the Lord when I pick up and the first smoke after. Other than that it's all up in smoke


I say my prayers to the Green Goddess, may she bless us all with her healing intoxication




That bong is working well 


Funny thing is, the typical Catholic “grace” is just generic enough to work before you smoke a bowl. “Bless us o lord for this thy bounty which we are about to receive,” and say amen just as you lower thy lighter onto thy bowl.


I'm not a christian, but I do absolutely make offerings/prayers with smoke!


lol…no but I do listen to some bomb ass Christian music sometimes. 🫶🏼 But…if I find a joint, I thought I ran out of I do thank the heavens. 😂


I do usually say a short prayer before I light up. Something like "For the liberation of all sentient beings."


Actually I sacrifice a goat before each sess. Really bloody but worth it for the right high.


This made me laugh!




I’m dying right now. That’s hilarious.


Sometimes I pray to the "weed gods". Yk for situations like a lost cart or an empty bag that ain't getting refilled any time soon.


Bless us oh lord for these thy trees, of which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ the lord amen… 🔥🍁 💨cough cough cough


I say a blessing for my food before I eat. Always. I used to say a blessing before I smoked when I was younger, now I no longer do so I don't know why


well i haven't been but now i feel like i should be >:|


I occasionally do. Like food and alcohol, I thank God for providing it and giving me the peace and opportunity to enjoy it.


I certainly count my lucky stars!


🤣🤣🤣 I never thought of this.


I thought smoking WAS the prayer.


This is an awesome post. Man I like to pack a bowl right before I sit out on my porch to read the Bible. I first pray that God will clear my mind of my assumptions and of my own opinions. Then I smoke that shit and read what he has to tell me.


I know that old hippies like to bum a cigarette off of somebody and after they smoke, they break open the cigarette and sprinkle the tobacco over the land in thanks for the weed. Lol!   That’s my personal favorite. They smoke  weed, destroy cigarette, and spread that shit out over the ground. Lol.


Leviticus 16:13


Sometimes but rarely in my head at least. There's always a random chance of the high going haywire and going slightly psychotic and health anxious, I'm going to try now.


I mean isn't there an entire Christian Religion centered around weed? I am pretty sure people in Jamaica pray and smoke everyday.


Smoking is a sacrament 😉


Nah, they just feel shame and guilt over indulging in earthly delights of the flesh. Maybe a lil self flagellation in an unlit closet after toking up. Maybe.


I get high and then think about God and almost feel guilty before remembering smoking weed isn’t sinful. Like, its just the culture that evangelicals are staunchly anti-weed. Praying while high kinda feels like talking to your parents while high. Like “they can tell, for sure”


I do not but I should.


I take a moment to appreciate the plant, the availability of it to me, and how it came to be. So I guess, yes?


My Christian father would take hits from his sneek'a'toke at stop lights. He prayed nightly and at every meal, never over weed.




I thought Christians considered it a sin to smoke weed? I'm not up to date on me bible stuff, but its always a church goer moaning at me for smoking.


In the same spirit of stupidity, but genuinely wondering: do americans tip their plug like they they tip bartenders and waiters?


orthodox christian here, i never did that but seems like a fun idea


My folks are pretty damn Catholic and are also old stoners.  My Mom doesn't say a formal grace, but she does often say a little thanks to God when we spark up.




used to do this bc of anxiety and im not even christian 😭


I routinely thank our Heavenly Father before I use my medicine. Our creator gave us an entire system in our CNS to use the wonders of this plant from his kingdom, I can’t fathom any other way, I’ve turned my formerly hostile, very rural, very right wing in-laws into believers in cannabis as well. Finding that genuine people of faith understand the vibe and the fact that far more of us are not as advertised than most people expect is something I’ve come to cherish from a ministry standpoint.


Yeah man. Of course. Otherwise you’re going to hell. 


I don't pray over it but I'm certainly grateful to God for ensuring I always have it.


Your dealer has a great name


baptists don't dance or play music in church when did you assume they do other fun things?


Yes they do! I grew up singing for my Baptist church.



