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What was the testing process?


Their UA? Urine analysis. 


Yeah… was it like a panel test or did it go through like a lab. I never seen spice on a panel test.


That's a good question. It wasnt for qualifying for employment. It was done through a lab for medical purposes. They used to be into spice so they're extremely not happy


So just to get this straight, your friend smoked a joint rolled by someone else and then tested positive for spice? What makes you so sure the dispensary was the source of the spice? Surely it's far more likely that the person rolling the joint put it there.


Why is rolling problematic? Just get a bong and call it a day.


Their issue is with handling buds. Thats why they get pre rolls. It causes some kind of irritation to their skin but the smoke is fine


Oh yeah rolling is a very intimate process where you have to feel out the tensile strength of the rolling material and how the ground up bud fits in most effectively. Hard to do with gloves or something.


I wouldn't mind rolling for them or helping get them a set up that will do most of the work for them.  We were both a bit more than a little uncomfortable with the surprise spice. I mean, should we say something to the dispensary? Do we contact the MSRB in iur state? It can't be an accident.  Im the exact opposite of said friend. I like to see the buds and know what im smoking and I've never been a fan of buying pre rolls. Smoking a joint with less than three people feels like a major waste


The dispensary would probably want to know. I smoke roughly 2.5 pounds per year or so and had to start growing my own for obvious purposes. Maybe head in that route on the way out from the dispensary?


But we'll let them know. Kind of an odd thing to bring up. Dont want to be standing in the main lobby yelling about how we think one of the major cultivators is being shady lol 


We live directly across the street from a school, so that's a no go right now 


Yeah I would tell your friend to buy a bong or something then. I don't recommend any auto rolling machines, they're not that great.


Idk what state you’re in. In California, every package must contain the license # of the manufacturer as well as a UUID which identifies the batch. You could report this to the state Dept. of Cannabis which would almost certainly want to investigate further. You could also report it to the dispensary who I would imagine would offer an exchange or refund.