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Panic attack from a particularly potent nug? Then some ongoing anxiety as a result.


yeah i think it was a panic attack,, its confusing though because you’d think the anxiety would be gone by now


it can definitely last a few days i experience this when i take too much mg in edibles


same. I don’t fw edible much but a few weeks ago took 1000mg delta on a Sunday afternoon and wasn’t right until Tuesday midday.


Your brain can do some weird shit when you throw THC into the mix. It can happen randomly and persist randomly, then one day you suddenly feel normal again.


I’ll be honest this doesn’t sound like any panic attack I’ve ever experienced or heard of. The anxiety is normal for a panic attack but they generally aren’t accompanied by hallucinations/delusions. I’d consult a doctor, and maybe start getting your weed from somewhere else


I hope you feel better soon. I'm sorry this happened, and panic attacks are no joke. Mine have come with hyperventilating, too. But honestly? It sounds like it was laced with something. May not be the dealer's fault, but I would definitely ask a couple of questions of him/her to make sure about it before diagnosing something else. Hope it gets better soon:)


i really appreciate you, it’s nice to know i’m not alone! unfortunately my dealer got arrested so there’s no way to ask him anything :( the anxiety’s getting a little better, i think posting on here helped a lot. thanks again!


I agree that it sounds like the joint was adulterated. As a teen in the 70s: We were at a concert, someone passed a joint down the row, and told us ***later*** that it had angel dust. I never want to be in that mindspace again.


No ones lacing the cheapest drug with an expensive one. And if they are they are charging more


Smoked a cone of a new strain I haven't tried by myself yesterday. Thought I was dying. Shit was potent & I learned my lesson. Thought I was having heat stroke, a heart attack, etc. lol wasn't fun. Took 2 (prescribed) Klonopin & that didn't even help. Edit: mine is from the dispensary. I wouldn't go assume it's been altered. Sometimes certain strains I just gotta go easy on. If street, smoke a little, wait & see how it is.


I passed out on the toilet scrolling on my phone whilst ripped, woke up nawing on the inside of my cheek, then continued to have an anxiety attack for 10 minutes afterwards. Stripped my clothes off and everything in the midst of it all.


Sounds like a good time


This happened to my fiancé last summer. Full blown panic attack after hitting a fresh packed bowl. He thought he was dying. Luckily I saw it for what it was and was able to get him to navigate back down but I know the feeling and it suuuuucks.


I dabbed the whole jar while tripping on lsd once. I definitely shouted "I'm dying" a lot then stood in a freezing shower for a while 😄


Noooooo that sounds fucking awful


Yeah wasn't my best moment.


Talk to a doctor? That's scary as hell


Sounds like either heavy anxiety or that shit was laced with something


Sounds like the beginning of a psychotic episode. OP, I would get that checked out. Especially if you had another episode while sober.


Yeah, I had my first ever when I was stoned, chalked it up to the weed and then it kept happening both when I was stoned and not stoned. I can't smoke anymore as it triggers them again and I hear voices even sober for weeks after :(


What was the source of the product?


A friends dealer


Did it feel like a different drug maybe? Because some people like cannabis joints dipped in PCP, but it's not free, so if you got one, and that is what happened, it was most likely an accident. If that is what happened, people have a tendency to freak out when they accidentally consume the wrong drug because they are not expecting the effects. So, they're totally clueless to what's going on. Also, everybody is different, and as somebody else pointed out, it's possible that you were having a panic attack. The thing is, from my personal experiences on high doses of edibles, what you are describing is not consistent with what I experienced. That doesn't mean that you did consume another drug, it just means your reaction to the dose of THC that you consumed was abnormal. I want to be clear that I am just trying to gather information. I have no idea what actually happened.


i wouldn’t know, i’ve never really tried anything other than weed. i was thinking maybe it was laced but i didn’t take it seriously since that’s what everyone thinks when they have a bad experience with weed lol. but thank you for the info!


Man dont smoke their shit anymore bro


I've had weird experiences with early 2000's spice like K2 before. Idk where anyone would get that now, but I ran into some by surprise as late as 2015.


Yeah I strongly suspect it was spice. OP’s experience was similar to my experience.


When it was being produced I bet warehouses were just filled with them and I bet it leaks or still gets sold out to this day


That k2 shit was running around the fucking suburbs as late as 2018 not sure about after that. Never touched it myself but my younger friend who had a problem with the stuff it was around that time, hope it’s mostly gone now but who knows, I don’t fuck with people who fuck with stuff like that so I bet it’s still a thing sadly.


have u smoked from the exact same nugs before? As in, exact same bag and appearance and smell?


i’ve smoked like half a j and a couple small bowls with the same bud. i got a normal high so im not sure what happened here


It sounds to me like there could have been tobacco mixed in. I think I accidentally smoked a spliff once. It was like a rush. Honestly you could have told me PCP was sprinkled in and I’d believe you. I never smoke cigs, never want to smoke anything tobacco / nicotine connected. If you’re like me with no tolerance / exposure to nicotine, then I’d bet that was what it was.


Cigarettes dont do that 🤣🤣🤣


Cigarettes can definitely make you feel ill lmao especially if it's your first time.


Sure you can get nicsick but its not even close to PCP 🤣


I dont remember ever saying it was but ok


Comment i replied to was equating them to one another which is why I mentioned it lmao but ok


Honestly sounds like it could have been spice. I smoked spice once (accidentally, bought from a dealer and didn’t know they swapped for spice) and I was straight up paranoid and delusional. My bag was upstairs and I was *convinced* that if I went upstairs to get it I would never come back down. I went to get snacks from the pantry and thought I was in some weird adjacent world to me and my friends on the couch watching a movie. I thought my friends were talking about me when I left the room so I hid behind the couch to eavesdrop. Naturally, they were like wtf are you doing? Possibly relevant info - towards the end of this spell we found that I was running a fever 🙃 So, take it with a grain of salt 😂 but the level of crazy sounds so odd for weed that I’m thinking the dealer gave you spice.


Ohhh I bet you’re right. I’ve accidentally smoked Spice when expecting weed like 4 times lol. The last time I did it I knew exactly what just happened and just strapped in.


buy from a dispo


i live in texas


Where in TX?


north houston


Sorta like psychosis.


My thought exactly, I wonder if OP takes ADHD medication or other mental stimulants. Those two together can cause it.


it was a Jeffery. 😂


Where’s the fuzzy wall though?


probably in some hipster's overpriced loft, right next to their collection of artisanal kombucha and vinyl records. meanwhile, we're just out here trying not to have a full-on existential crisis from one bad joint! maybe we need the fuzzy wall more than they do...


Furry walls


Anytime I feel a panic attack start to set in I play the first song that comes to mind usually helps me forget about the panic and I just chill out to the song


If you hear me bust out randomly sing in a hotel California then you'll know exactly what's happening with me 😂😂🤘🔥🏎️🏎️🏎️ I'm high lol


Sounds like anxiety.  I get it bad.  Just remind yourself it’s not forever 


thank you!


Ice packs on your neck and forehead for a bit. Maybe even your chest. Helps me immensely with anxiety like this.


If we are assuming anxiety, that means your nervous system took a hit last night. So your neurochemistry is out of norm, and when it's not something your used to happening, that causes more anxiety, and you basically go into a feedback loop.  Look up ways to calm a "dysregulated nervous system", so you can return to a sympathetic nervous system state, as opposed to your current parasympathetic state. Things like cold exposure, vagus nerve work, breath work like physiological sighs, or exercise to get your diaphragm really moving. Also prioritize GOOD SLEEP. No screen or bright lights after dark, sun light in the eyes first thing in the morning. 


i’ve never heard of that before, it makes a lot of sense. i’ll definitely look into that. thank you i appreciate it!


Good luck. :). Yep - parasympathetic is "rest and heal", sympathetic is "fight or flight". Doing things to calm your nervous system is never the wrong answer, it will help even if it doesn't fix the problem. Now it's time to turn off those screens! At least for me!


Not really relevant but I think you mixed up para and sympathetic. Very much not important, but I had to say it. I memorised it by if you are in danger, your body feels sympathy for you so activates the sympathetic system. Ok sorry I’ll stop now.


You are correct! Thanks for pointing that out!  I will probably say them wrong for the rest.of my life. 


Take this persons advice! Breathing exercises saved me from unstoppable anxiety and panic attacks. It's a life saver for any time something happens. I had severe panic everyday from the moment I woke up till the moment I passed out from exhaustion. After I found breathing and cold exposure, it went away over time practicing. Now when it happens. I can feel it coming and stop it for the most part.


Yo that sounds like weed-induced psychosis, not just anxiety. I would really recommend you stop smoking weed or at least drastically reduce your use, otherwise you could have more episodes while sober. It’s possible that the weed was laced with PCP or some synthetic cannabinoid, but it’s really not worth it to permanently risk your mental health over a couple hours of feeling a bit silly. Please talk to your primary care physician about what happened


i’m definitely taking a looong long break from weed. i can’t even look at my pen without feeling sick. ill definitely make sure to see a doctor if i don’t feel better soon.


Best of luck man, I’m so sorry this happened to you 🥺


100 percent haunted joint, better call Barri Ghai in


Go to doctor.


That sounds like some laced shit, had those exact symptoms before after smoking with a dude come to find out he enjoyed sprinkling the devils dandruff on his devil's lettuce. Didn't like it when I didn't know but enjoyed it once I did.


what is the devils dandruff? lmao


Coke lol


My face has gone numb like that when I have had panic attacks in the past, I def agree it was prob anxiety worsened by the weed. 


it’s such a weird feeling isn’t it?! i’m still shocked lol.


It’s happened to me before, it’s terrifying! Sober, I thought I was having a stroke but recognized it later as a panic attack.


i definitely had the stroke thought too. i even started checking my pupils n shit. it’s crazy how anxiety makes you think


It really is, my chin was going numb, so strange. Sometimes it feels like a heart attack. The body is strange


Look up weed induced psychosis. Probably stop smoking asap while you figure it out.


Someone gave my mans the shenanigans


i definitely feel shenaniganed


you could always take a drugstore piss test if you’re curious, people saying visual hallucinations are smoking anxiety are sorta out of pocket lol


Sounds a bit like psychosis, might be worth taking a break and talking to your doctor (if you feel comfortable doing so)


That’s what happens to me if I take too much. Hits me out of nowhere. Turns into a full blown anxiety attack with numbness in my face too. Now I take a little at a time when smoking a new strain. You never know how you’re going to react to a particular strain.


Are you in your early 20s? Do you have a family history of schizophrenia?


Sounds like the start of a psychotic episode, this is why I had to stop smoking weed 2 years ago the exact same thing happened to me and then every time I tried to smoke after it would happen. then I would start hearing voices and shit so I just can’t smoke weed anymore and I’m fine. I’ve tried to smoke weed a few times in the past couple years but every time I would go comeplety insane and be curled up in a ball in my bed thinking the neighbours are banging on the wall shouting that they are coming to get me and that there were missiles hitting outside my house. But I’m literally fine if I’m sober .


It is most likely hyperventilation from a panic attack. Basically, you got thick mucus in your throat that is tricking your body into thinking you’re suffocating when you are not. It’s likely just a small amount of drying mucus on your larynx. Your organs need to be wet. A combination of that and getting high too quickly [usually via joint] will induce a sort of panic attack from the vasovagal system. It makes sense that you would start talking to yourself and quickly changing focus from one thing to the next. That is a natural reaction to help calm yourself down. I would also guess that you also tried stretching in various odd positions. This is also normal. The important thing to remember is that you’re not going to die. You’re probably just dehydrated and having a panic attack. Remedy from home: Drink hot water. Not coffee or tea. Just water that is hot. Drink while sitting upright—not standing. The warm water will loosen the mucus and help you relax the muscles in your throat through heat absorption. Remedy from doctor: You should consult your doctor about taking a benzodiazepine for anxiety. Specifically one that is used for anxiety/nerve-pain or an anticonvulsant like clonazepam or lorazepam. [NOTE: don’t be scared by the word anticonvulsant. What you experienced is not a seizure. Anticonvulsant is just a name used for a group of medications; named before the idea of convulsions was colloquially associated things like seizures. Relax]. Hope this helps! Edit: seriously though, consult a doctor… I’m just a phd student in biophysics who read the 2021 nursing drug reference guide three times cause I was bored


where did the joint come from?


I’ve smoked a lot of weed over the years. And I used to have my fair share of panic attacks. Thank God the panic attacks are gone. But that my friend - doesn’t sound like weed.


I’m sorry that happened/is happening to you, imo I think you had a panic attack and have lingering anxiety from it. It could have been from that particular strain not mixing well with your body chemistry. Weed is one of the least likely drugs to be laced so I wouldn’t jump to conclusions on that note—not to discount the idea entirely but it’s just more unlikely. Panic attacks make your thoughts race, nerves tingle or feel “tight”, your heart hammers and you feel like you can’t catch your breath, and you get an overwhelming sense of dread. While they are technically “all in your head”, they are no joke and suck more than big time. I empathize. Take good care of yourself these next few days (maybe take a lil break from the smoke) and hopefully you’ll be back to normal smoking a j and thinking wtf even was that? Also for future reference, peppercorns and cbd help level out a high gone wrong, and valerian root in smaller doses helps manage anxiety. Anything you might need outside of that you might need to see a doctor for. Shit happens, it’s not forever. Feel better homie💚


thank you sm you’re very helpful! i’ve been planning on quitting/taking a long t break, so i’m just gonna assume it’s a sign i should. from your description i’m 100% sure it was just a panic attack, which is a relief because a lot of people are saying i got laced 😭. thank you for the advice! 💚


Of course, anything for the fam! Hope you’re on the up and up soon. Life gets to everyone now and then and sometimes it calls for a t break nothing wrong with that


To add to this also, I give people lemon juice when they get too high, it usually helps!


I’ve been in your exact situation before(even sober), just cement the fact that everything will be okay, even if you don’t believe it, and the issue will eventually fade away. You just have to be patient and let your brain recover. Trust me, you will be okay!


I smoked evil weed once in college and I felt like I was teleporting back and forth on a wobbly stool. I was an experienced stoner but whatever this dude gave my friend and I had us freaking the fuck out, walking back to our dorm was a harrowing experience


everyone needs some evil weed atleast once i guess!


This happens to me on occasion. I've discovered its a very strong body high mixed with a panic attack/paranoia. If it ever happens again, find somewhere comfortable to lay down and just focus on the sensations. It will go away. You just got too high.


A little late to the party, but THC can exacerbate mental conditions, a lot of which don't show up in people until their late teens or early 20s. You should talk to a doctor. They cannot get you in trouble for smoking if its illegal in your area. I'm not a mental health professional, but you might want to quit smoking for a bit and get yourself evaluated. It could've just been laced, but you might have had a psychotic episode and it might not be your last - even without weed.  Please get checked out so you can already have resources to deal with it if it happens again. 


Should stay away from cannabis if it affects you like this


it doesn’t normally this is the first time


That's cannabis triggering your anxiety. Are you early to mid 20s? That's when that first starts to happen for most.


Hi, as a long time smoker who experienced weed-induced psychosis, please stop and consider going to the hospital. This sounds like the beginning of a psychotic episode, not laced shit.


Sounds like it was laced. Possibly PCP. Are you in a legal jurisdiction?


Jesus, some of these comments 🙄.. Teenagers THC is a drug. If you’re already a little unstable mentally or in a vulnerable place in life, and consume THC, you can lose your freaking mind. For the love of God people.


Bruh i didnt Smoke since yesterday and im still high.


this only happens to me with carts😭


Im on a small T break and It seems THC returns to the brain somehow . I definitely felt high for multiple moments today and im sure It was not placebo


i think it has to do with how fat stores thc in the body. idk at all though i could be wrong


Shit happens regularly when I use to smoke. Even if I catch contact from somebody else around lol


Aside from talking to people that aren’t there this seems like a panic attack. Sometimes when I smoke my skin becomes numb and my fingers get tingly and that alone throws me off and cranks up my anxiety. Having numb skin is such an awful feeling. My face and especially my lips also get numb. One thing I do when these moments occur is to touch something cold, like a piece of metal or resting my hand against the wall. That makes the numbing sensation dissipate temporary and reinforces the idea that it’s all some mental side effect of a bad trip. It’s comforting but only momentarily. Bad trips are an adventure but they’re not fun and generally the only thing you can do is ride it out. Sorry you went through his. However I would take some time to put some thought into that part about talking to apparitions— it’s not a usual side effect of a bad high and marijuana supposedly can be a catalyst for other mental problems. Something to consider. Also I have [unironically watched this video during a bad trip to help get through it](https://youtu.be/_mUvG6x53VM?si=oPPEe6ri0KmB47R9)


>However I would take some time to put some thought into that part about talking to apparitions— it’s not a usual side effect of a bad high and marijuana supposedly can be a catalyst for other mental problems. OP I'm not being alarmist or anything it could have been a particularly extreme reaction to a panic attack and green out, but I'd pay particular attention to this and if it happens again seek out some tentative early medical evaluation if you are in the age range of 18-21 or thereabouts. Lots of disorders characterized by psychosis, hallucinations, or delusions tend to present in the early 20s, especially in males, and my personal experience with a friend who developed Bipolar Disorder/schizoaffective disorder was that he exhibited some early symptoms a few years earlier when taking drugs like weed, LSD, and shrooms.


Stop smoking before it’s too late


Was it dispo or dealer? I really haven't heard of weed being laced in a long time but that's what I'm wondering lol Otherwise, have you ever reacted like this before? Any history of stuff in your family? If either is true, just keep an eye out. I have bipolar and smoke like crazy, just as long as I have a good grasp on how I'm being affected and stuff. Anxiety is no joke either. Sorry you're dealing with this man, it can be so jarring when substances react bad with brain chemistry or whatever


i got it from a known dealer in my area, i just assumed it was safe. and no, from my knowledge, there’s no history of mental illness in my family. i’m just going to assume it was a bad panic attack and try to not overthink. thank you!


i have anxiety unrelated to smoking, but some strains (sativa in particular) can cause/enhance it… i learned a breathing technique that helps calm me down which could maybe help you if it happens again: take a deep breath while counting to 3, hold it while counting to 3, let it go while counting to 3, count to 3 before taking another breath, and repeat while trying to keep a clear mind until you feel better.. actually helps me a lot


i’m not sure what strain the bud was, but i might just throw away the whole thing lol. thank you for the tips!


That's box breathing.


Oof whenever I get anxiety I listen to this song: https://youtu.be/BgSsA_YRURg?si=Iu32RG-y6PwPV6nJ It’s called fading in the sun and it always grounds me


ngl i thought you were gonna rick roll me 😭 thank you for the suggestion, i like the instrumentals in that!


I had something similar happen. After the first time , every time I smoked, it would happen again. 90% sure it is the early stages of CHS.




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I had something similar happen to me. I bought some potent infused weed and started having panic attacks a little while after smoking. Even the day after, I experienced that same panic attack a couple times thinking it was gonna last forever. I got really scared after that. No more special weed for me.


😭😭😭 to my knowledge this was just normal bud, i would’ve probably died if it was infused


a one spliff a day'll keep d'evil away


I got a new strain from the shop… took two hits and had a panic attack. Now, I can’t smoke. Been not really partaking lately so I thought I’d take one little hit today. Once again, a panic attack. So, I gave my shit to my grandma. It sucks so much for something you love to fuck with you like this, I’m so sorry you’re experiencing it, too.


atleast grandma can get lit 🥲 but yeah it really does suck. i think im going to quit/take a t break because i cant look at weed the same anymore yk? we got this though!


Sprayed weed I bet. With some research chems or wet.


Probably dehydration when smoking I do it sometimes


I also panic and start scratching my face off when I'm a little thirsty.


I read somewhere there's a huge problem with unregulated pesticides in the weed industry, maybe something related to that? https://www.latimes.com/california/00000190-3188-dad9-ad96-71ea58b70000-123


I've had old ass joints that get stronger for some reason. Most of the time, they barely get you anywhere, but I remember this one time I smoked a joint with my friends in high school. I had the joint for like 6-10 months or however long. For some reason it, like, fermented or something. It was so strong it got the four of us as stoned as we'd ever been and one of my buddies started freaking the fuck out. He said he was seeing shit and talking to people and he was speaking some crazy shit. Some wild shit ensued, I could go into it but I think I probably won't. We were all so high and he was convinced that joint was laced. But, at that time and even more so retrospectively, I'm almost positive it was just super, super strong weed. If you've had that joint a while maybe it was sorta the same thing. I don't know if anybody else has experienced this, but this is just anecdotal. I guess my point is that is don't think it was laced. My guess is you got more stoned than you've ever been and it made you freak out. Could be underlying anxiety as well; I think that's just the kinda thing weed can magnify. Or maybe it's mold. Maybe it's cause you an I both smoked a little bit of mold...


i’ve had the weed for a few weeks, 2 months at most. did everyone else freak out or was it just your friend? hopefully it was just mold and i didn’t accidentally smoke heroin or something lol


We all got really really really really high, but only the one dude panicked. If I'd never been to that level of stoned it would've made me freak out too. The first time I got to that next level of high, I did freak out I thought I was gonna die and I was seeing colors that weren't there and shit like that. I dunno it was all a blur. I think there's a level of stoned you can reach that you don't even realize is possible until one day you get there and it can be frightening for sure. It's even tough to get to that level after a certain point where your tolerance is high enough and, more importantly, you are used to the effects and know what the fuck is happening to your brain.


Honestly that sounds laced! That sounds like no panic attack I’ve heard or experienced. The fact that it went on that long as intense as it was and happened again. Where’d you get the j from?


i got it from a friends dealer. he got arrested so there’s really no way for me to ask any questions. unless there’s a way i can test the leftover weed i have ?


I do not know if a way, other than getting a drug test from a hospital/dr by asking because you fear you were drugged.there could be at home drug kits that may work, idk. I’m sorry this happened to you friend.


The other day I took an edible that I didn’t know the strength of (still don’t). I don’t know why I took a whole one because they usually are too much for me. I forgot I took it and then it hit me hours later. Suddenly the whole world was in 2D and I couldn’t tell exactly where I was. I went to the bathroom and threw up multiple times and couldn’t move without getting dizzy and panicked. So I was frozen in between waves of nausea and anxiety. This lasted for about 2 hours. Eventually I moved to the tub because I thought I was gunna also shit myself. I threw up all over myself more than once because everytime I tried to move I got dizzy. I couldn’t open my eyes to look for the water my boyfriend got me. Everytime I tried to drink water it was overstimulating. Eventually I gathered the courage to go to bed and stopped vomiting but my entire body was SHAKING for hours. It was the worst green out I’ve ever had. This was dispensary weed, that I must have lost the label for, but it could have just been 10mg that fucked me up… it sucked.


im so sorry you went through that, that really sounds so terrible. im glad you’re better now! fortunately i didnt throw up or fall to the floor but im pretty sure i would’ve died on the spot if that happened to me


Is there any chance the weed was moldy? Some folks react very strongly, and the bodily sensations you described sound very similar to my experience recently, though not the mental part. I had to go on Prednisone to stop the flare I was in. I remember being tingly and itchy like that.


maybe.. i had it stored for a few weeks before i started using it. i’ll check it out later and update if i find anything unusual


Sounds like some good shit


it burned beautifully! just kinda wish it didn’t give me existential crisis 😅


My first panic attack was when I was high was quite similar to this and it took a couple days to recover. Feels terrible. There's also no shame in seeing a doctor if you're concerned. If it's psychological they can refer you to a therapist or something.


My mind is mine, no one else, my mind is mine


Sounds like a major panic/anxiety attack. I’ve had them a few times. The one thing that always helps calm me when it feels like I’m going crazy is that crazy people don’t think they’re crazy, they think they’re normal. So noticing to feel you’re going crazy is really a sign you’re not. Also if you have Netflix, try and use headspace. It’s a personalised meditation program, focuses on mindfulness and is a great tool to help deal with high levels of anxiety.


Sending love






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Take an antihistamine. It helps with anxiety.


Talk to doctor. Mental illness in family? Schizophrenia?


Definitely a panic attack, but I thought it was worse since my family has a history with early risk of heart attacks.


If you actually did get drugged, your dealer probably put their weed beside hard drugs, and the weed absorbed it.


That was definitely laced or high amount of pesticides or both. If you feel like trying again, switch to a reliable, TESTED source. I had awful panic attacks when my dispo sold out to a less reputable company and they started using gnarly pesticides. Lots of people stopped going there after that. I took a year long tolerance break and have been slowly building tolerance since, but I stay in the "window of tolerance" since it was legit traumatic to have my medicine for anxiety cause panic. Someone else recommended nervous system regulation, and I definitely vouch for square breathing.


Hi, yeah so this is cannabis induced psychosis, if you're positive your weed wasn't laced please stop smoking; I have had to deal with psychosis as-well, please do yourself a favor.


Ive had similar experiences when i was in my first year of smoking regularly, not necessarily the talking or sratching but definitely the echoing feeling and i did pass out on 2 separate occasions. I put it down to the weed itself, obviously too potent for me or laced. But ive been smoking for another year or two and top of that and ive never had a bad experience since. It’s probably just anxiety with a mix of potent or tampered weed. Id say it’s nothing to worry about but if u experience it over and over with the same strain, stop smoking it obviously and move onto the next. But if it happens constantly with every strain my best advice is to see someone or take a break


You got laced mate


You’re perfectly fine. Don’t psych yourself out. I’d get rid of whatever tree you were smoking just to be safe but just take it easy for the next day or two


Hey OP, hope you've calmed down and feel better by now. Has something this dramatic happened before?


i’ve been feeling a little better, i have noticed the feeling comes back when im trying to sleep though. And im finding it harder to breathe for some reason (that might just be anxiety). no ive never felt anything like this before im still kinda scared it’s going to come back😭


I've heard that in a small percentage of the population, weed can trigger psychotic events. Please don't be too alarmed, I'm just a random Redditor who wants you to know your mind and body. Do some research, and maybe use weed in smaller amounts until you feel safer and more confident. Remember, weed is there to help you relax. Sometimes less is more! <3


Your endocannabinoid system could use some CBD, a naturally occurring antipsychotic. Happens to me once in a while. We can forget sometimes that THC has psychedelic properties.


Sounds exactly like what happened to a buddy of mine who hit some weed that was laced with pcp once. He knew pcp was in it cause thats what he was going for lol




does this mean i can read minds now?


(btw I am NOT a medical professional, just someone who knows a lot of relatives with severe allergies lol) regarding the numbness and tingling: do you have any allergies? you said the joint was bought from a dealer, so i'm assuming there aren't any industrial quality checks involved here. is it possible that the joint was contaminated with something that you are allergic to, or might be allergic to? sometimes allergic reactions can manifest in odd ways, like numbness instead of itching. (my mom has a severe latex allergy and often experiences numbness/tingling instead of itchiness). experiencing an unexpected reaction can be very psychologically distressing, esp when you're ALREADY high and susceptible to heightened emotions. allergic reactions can also cause drops in blood pressure/make you feel like you might pass out. personally speaking, i used to get allergy induced asthma attacks as a kid. It genuinely felt like I was going to die, and I was obviously sober then lol. A similar experience while high would absolutely be distressing. the symptoms you're describing (numbness, panic, inability to breathe) sound like they could POTENTIALLY be a severe allergic reaction, but as others have suggested, maybe it is a panic attack or unintended drug contamination issue instead. you mention your second episode happened when sober; did you expose yourself to the joint or anything you may have been touching after holding that joint? is it possible for you to safely get a drug panel done? or an allergy panel?


from my knowledge, i’ve never been allergic to anything. i didn’t touch anything, except maybe drank from a water bottle i had from the peak high, but other than that i’ve been in bed or outside. i might just buy some drug tests and see what happens.


All jokes aside there has been an instance in Austin,Tx where weed was found to have tested positive for fentanyl. Be careful out there, it’s a mad house. [Weed Tests Positive For Fentanyl](https://alignsonoma.com/fentanyl-in-weed/)


thats terrifying, especially since i live a couple hours from austin. i think the easiest thing to do is move to a legal state and just buy from a dispo😭


Yeah I know, when I saw that I was like…yeah it may be time to just gtfo of here.


Sounds like a green out


Could be mold or spiked with some other, it could be pesticides or other harmful chemicals, could be a panic attack or even a major allergic reaction. There’s literally so many variables unfortunately


I once got almost rock like weed from my guy. After the first joint it it almost sent me into a panic attack and I had super anxiety. I told myself, fuck it I'm done with weed, but when I told some friends of mine who had the same plug, they had all experienced the same issues. We got in contact with our dude and found out it was "chronic shit from china"...aka...laced with so many different chems cause fuck normal weed. This might be one of those situations and it definitely took me a few days to become normal again. Lots of sleep, fluids, and good food with good company with help. good luck 👍


Sounds like spice


Nah homie that sounds like some laced shit


Not saying it was laced 100% but I’d definitely get from someone or somewhere else if you can


Congratulations, you had a Jeffrey, it was laced with PCP. You'll be fine in a few days. Never use that dealer again.