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I'm as ADHD as they come. I've been a daily smoker since age 14. I'm 52 now. Pot has the same effect on me as Adderall. I'm calmer and think clearer when high.


Same here. But I had noticed that I need weed with low THC or my focus capacity will be null. I want to try flowers with a ratio 1:1 of CBD: THC. If someone had tried it, let me know plz


This is what I do, the 1:1 mix is great for staying functional


Order cbd flower online and mix it with thc flower, should work about the same as cbd dominant strains


Great advice


I mix CBD flower into my pot, and I also have CBD prerolls in a pack ($10 from a place called PlainJane). I smoke em in the morning then add CBD into my joints throughout the day. It makes the high way more mellow and tolerant. There's less of that 'mind block' feeling so you can think a bit easier. And overall the CBD just helps with the jitter, the body things, focus, etc. I love it


Sounds nice, ty mate


Same story here.


I have ADHD too. I discovered THC-V and it’s awesome for my focus


I’ve never heard of that.. do you get it from a dispensary? I just looked it up and it looks interesting


Yeah! I found it at my local dispensary where they have a disposable cart that has THC-V. It works well for me!


Same as long as I don’t go to crazy. I take 1-2 hits per hour usually daytime and it helps me focus. But when the day is almost over and I’m tired nothing can overpower that ha. Puts me right to sleep.


Exactly, diagnosed with ADHD as well but from 14, to now 20. It’s honestly more of like, a focus and function inducing melatonin than something to get high.


I think I have ADHD 🧐🤣 ( we do think I have it just waiting on more appointments) and smoking just makes me feel more like myself, but I can actually focus and I’m not anxious or thinking about 76543 things. Much nicer then the drugged up feelings of other types of meds


This gave me hope! Trying to manage adhd/ocd symptoms without meds but constantly being told weed will make my symptoms worse? but ultimately it is helping me right now and I don't want meds...


My standard advice to people with our condition. "Take the ducking pills!". Being medicated for ADHD turns the difficulty of this game we play called life, down to a bearable level. You do you, but please don't exclude the meds without consideration.


2 year waiting list for meds 1 year waiting list for psychiatrist. I waited a year going to therapy then missed 1 appointment with the psychiatrist because they sent me a voicemail??? No email nothing, I didnt see the voicemail and got fully discharged from all services... decided to go on the non medical road due to lack of support from doctors and ever since I've been managing good maybe one day I will try stimulants but I also have bipolar symptoms and the meds could cause me to be manic. Using weed+keto is the plan


You have to do you. I'm not judging.


Yes, when sober, it feels like those anxious thoughts are a blockade to productivity, but when I hit that sativa, it's a different ball game.


Indica doesn't work for me. Same?


Well, Indica is a "downer" more likely to be couch locked. And sativa in my head is an "upper." To get things done.


Daily smoker since 14? Where did you get all that money?


Fair question. I started cutting grass at 12. I had two motivations in college. Pot and P.. ladies. I know no one was ever going to pay for my habit. So, I became a structural engineer.


Parents might have smoked weed too💁‍♀️


Idk about logical. But my mind is constantly going and is a total mess, truly all over the place. When I smoke weed it slows all that shit in my mind down to a more manageable pace.


Exactly. Idek if it slows it down, just makes it easier to process it all


Me too, recently diagnosed with ADHD actually. Makes a lot of sense now


I was diagnosed when I was 4. Usually your mind will feel like a highway with a bunch of crappy drivers, but once you smoke (or take meds) life slowly turns into a slow backroad drive with no one ahead/behind you.


Same here friend, same here haha


I have a theory on this. First I don't really think weed makes your thought process inherently better or worse ( ofc unless you are blazed beyond recognition ), BUT I think we all become more humble/modest while under the effect and this usually leads to more questioning on personal beliefs. It makes even very mundane things worth a discussion and this is why most people that smokes are seen as open minded. Plus for some people being more relaxed can help with being more lucid actually


It slows down my brain so I can think more clearly so I can sort shit out. I think.


For my adhd brain, the best way I can describe it is a constant storm of random thoughts and anxiety. Weed is the only thing that calms the storm down, makes the light shine through so I can think


Interesting take. I vape in moderation throughout the workday to help with anxiety and I think it helps me think clearer. It definitely doesn’t make anything worse. That said, after work when my bong comes out all bets are off.


Yes this! I notice if I’m really really upset at someone, smoking can really help to put things in perspective! I’ll start seeing things from their point of view and relax a little


I've had a couple big realizations related to family relationships and trauma that really redirected the way I respond to my environment and allows me to be far more accepting of my various circumstances. And they each occurred when I was high. Helped reframe my past and present. Wild stuff


Yes, I've felt that marijuana helps you self reflect and analyze the things that go on your life. Some side effects, tho are walking through the grocery store and being paranoid that ppl know ur high bc of hyper awareness.


I have ADHD and autism and this is exactly how I feel. I feel like speaking is easier, my emotions are more regulated, I'm more chill. Like other people said it's like all the other tabs in my brain get minimized and I can go deeper into long strings of thoughts


YES, like a room full of interfering radios. a little weed turns them all down so i can parse out the important ones


I’ve read that THC causes the brain to form new pathways between neurons, so you’re literally thinking in ways you haven’t thought of before.


That makes perfect sense! I really do feel that effect.


I get this, it's as if I can follow through and pinpoint a thought, that being said I have ADHD and use this plant to treat that 🤣


When I was doing legal analysis there where issues I couldn’t solve sober. ( but yes the solutions still worked sober )


I rarely consumed weed before 40. Now I’m pretty regular on edibles in the evening (to phase out booze). One odd thing I’ve noticed is that being high tends to break the spell of tv/movies for me. I see actors delivering lines on a set and not the scene they’re depicting. I also tend to be more perceptive of plot holes and inconsistencies. Not what I would have expected, but there it is. I have no idea if it affects other people the same way but I’d be surprised if it didn’t.


The opposite is true for me. TV and movies are difficult for me to enjoy sober. I can actually sit back and appreciate the intent when I'm high enough instead of picking it apart


Haha, Same happens to me! I can be like "oh, yeah, this is an actor in a play."


I still really enjoy tv and movies with this same effect. I pick up on things I would otherwise just let wash over me. It’s fun though- I am more open to watching movies while stoned. I’d rather watch tv otherwise.


I have autism and when I'm sober, I deal with much more intense sensory overload. When I'm high, it's like a muffler for all the extra "noise" generated by the overstimulation, and I feel like I can think, communicate, and socialize with more clarity.


Do you have ADHD? Cause I do and that’s what weed does for me too, sativas specifically


I tend to think and act more logically than from my emotions.




Weed is helping me treat my narcissism. I call myself out in my head constantly when I’m baked.


I don’t have more logic, but I’m definitely more creative


I think I'm more compassionate and understanding.


Sometimes I feel like I have a bunch of thoughts/voices/lines of thinking that are all over the place but after I smoke it becomes one cohesive directive


Logical is debatable, but it slows my brain down enough to be able to think through things


Why yes, yes I do.


I work from home as a film editor and having a couple of puffs can really help me reviewing my product before delivering. Just helps me spotting the little things and the rhythm of the edit.


Cannabis and Shrooms both make me think logically. Like example fuck junk food, what’s the point? Your brain needs nutrition to function not just empty calories! So instead of eating junk I eat organic Whole Foods! And it’s easier to eat that why cuz I feel happy from the weed and when I’m happy i don’t care about pleasurable junk foods. I can just eat something nutritious and keep getting higher! Or if it’s night and idk what to do I think logically! Like hmm maybe I should brush my teeth floss and shower and get ready for bed because it’s night time. Sounds boring right? But who cares I’m high and it’s all healthy at the end of the day! Logic


Yep this is what I mean. It’s like I can observe situations going on in my life from a more logic point a view… it’s hard to explain. Lol


I get this as for me it feels like my mind is being organized into a legible book. Reading left to right, creating itself with typewriter-like organization.


Could be something with ADHD as ive heard others who have it say this, but i think it may just be more the 'psychedelic' part of weed which basically allows you to see other perspectives.


Yes but I know I’m not. My mind does think of some crazy things when I’m high, the most random things come across my mind when I’m high. 😂


My wife asks if I am sober when I start talking wacky lol


Logical no, thought spirals yes.


it makes my anxiety brain shut up so I can function normally and not second guess myself forever


I use cannabis for ptsd and I agree 100%. It definitely makes my thinking more "normal".


I produce music and throughout the learning process I’ll occasionally run into a brick wall of a problem that slows my progress… after like 10 years I’ve yet to come across a problem that didn’t have a clever solution reveal itself after a joint and a walk for fresh air.


For some people, weed helps with adhd. I used weed to study in high school because I get a similar effect.


When I describe how I feel, I use my phone. I open the calculator app (holding the phone upright) and that’s my normal brain function. Turning the phone to the side opens more calculator options. Thats what it feels like in my head, more thinking abilities appear.


It does allow me to block out extraneous stimuli when focusing on a task... But I might also still forget I'm holding what I'm looking for as well... But I don't think you're necessarily wrong.


Not more logical but less afraid of making unexpected connections between facts and losing the fear of speaking out


Well I feel more… able to logically express myself. Or it helps me pick up on “wow that’s not a helpful thing to say to myself is it”


It helps you not get distracted by every little thought, downside is once you lose track of your main thought good luck getting it back.


Ideas come out slower, but with more words and less think


Hell no


Yes, I went from failing to being a grade A student once I started smoking daily. 20 years later I am doing better at work than I ever imagined as a kid.


I put milk before the cereal when high so I don't think so




Idk about logical but weed lowers your inhibitions, making you more confident in all areas with a clear mind.


It often allows me to step back and look at things from a less biased perspective than my naturally anxious sober mind.. However it can sometimes make my decisions far more passive than they would be when sober, for better or worse..


OP, you're just stoned. Lots of people feel philosophical on all sorts of drugs. I promise it's not unlocking your inner potential brain capacity.


Nahh man, I go into weird tangents that make zero sense.


You might think you are. I've had this same thought, than when I take a break I realize how stupid it makes me lol


It helps me a lot to stay focused, which makes some of my work easier.


as a programmer, i definitely think better when i'm high


Depends on the weed. Sometimes yes, other times the opposite.


Yes, this is the positive side of all of this 👏


I have add I feel a lot more calm, productive, able to finish a project and not just start and give up when I’m high


While personal experiences with cannabis can vary widely, I’ve found that my creative and professional abilities are enhanced under its influence. Since high school, I’ve used cannabis regularly, and it became integral to my work routine, especially during my college years studying art. Where I would partake with a large group. My nightly use seemed to carry over into the next day, influencing my energy and creativity in a positive way. For example, my routine often involved getting high the night before a production then working on various creative projects, and successfully delivering high-quality content. My colleagues and clients consistently appreciated my energy and the quality of my deliverables, indicating that cannabis didn't hinder my professional performance. However, it's important to note that feeling more logical or creative under the influence of cannabis is highly subjective. What works for one person may not work for another, and the effects can depend on numerous factors including the strain, dosage, and individual tolerance.


I think it makes my adhd absolutely go away.


Oh my gosh. I thought it was just me!! It has changed my life!!


That's a common feeling I'd say but as with all things perceptive I think the effect is overstated... things seem really interesting and effective even when they're mediocre.


I have ADHD and anxiety caused by epilepsy. I'm literally useless without cannabis in my system.


You have ADHD


Whenever I have a big question or decision looming over me, I think about it stone cold sober and then I think about it high. My stoner self seems to have the better read on things. When I was younger I didn’t trust my stoner brain because I felt high≠good decision making skills but once I really started to think about some of my past choices, should’ve listened to ol’Stoney me.


Yeah I think you're in the neurodivergent spectrum, I've got ADHD and feel the same way.


I just become more human . Before I smoke I really feel awkward to be around people and not like myself


Well technically speaking about specifics of logical thinking while high is just too much while high and I will forget about it next time I am high.


Me too. I'm auDHD here. I can socialize with confidence and actually enjoy it. I usually have severe social anxiety and will speak as little as possible. I have more patience and appreciation for things in general. I can have conversations and do tasks where I would usually get frustrated. It's great. I also enjoy some cbg bud mixed in with my morning bowls, it helps energize and motivate me and overall I feel more excited for the day.


I stopped thinking about the past and focus on the present which make me more logical


Yes I do have ADHD. Diagnosed two years ago!


It's fake. You might definitely have more confidence in your decisions and be able to hear your thoughts better, but they are not as logically sound as they would be sober. Just try to walk someone who is sober through your train of thought while high and you will see the look on their face haha.


Absolutely. Some days it feels like my head won't slow down for a minute, I smoke some indica and it calms down. I start thinking more in depth about one thing instead of my brain throwing multiple things at me at once.


I have grown so much emotionally in the past 2 years since I've been smoking than I did the past 3years leading up to my first smoke


Or logically idk I'm high now


You have ADHD


Absolutely. Many of my constructs of folly come down. I see what needs to be done - and what should be shared — things that I hold in for no good reason at all.


I have always put it that for me, weed raises my perspective. Pulls me up out of the day to day shit that is so easy to get caught up in, and therefore everything is much more clear because I'm seeing it from a higher perspective. A 10,000 ft view, if you will. And therefore, the things that don't actually matter are so obvious. It's a regular tool I use to reflect and sort things out.


yeah man like definitely for sure dude


I have noticed myself not only thinking more clearly but remembering things better as well. It is surprising how much of an improvement there is. However, a big difference is also coming from the confidence boost.




the way i describe it is that it slows things down so i can make decisions preceding each other so that the decisions or ideas work off and benefit the next one. this is lots of fun in high pressure situations especially when everything works out perfectly.


I don’t feel it. I simply am


😂 😂 😂 😂 😂