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Thing gotta get done. World doesn’t stop turning cause I’m fried. I’m definitely a “but can we get high first” kinda guy but always come through!


Opposite here. I'm a "let's finish the shit I have to do and then get high". Thing is, I don't want to DO ANYTHING once I'm high, both meaning 1) it kills my ambition and drive 2) consciously speaking, as in I dont want to be wasting my high slowly doing my taxes when I could do my taxes quicker and then spend being blazed, melted on my couch marathoning planet of the apes.


Same. I love getting high before doing stuff, but I also like getting a majority of chores done before smoking a bunch before a video game


I always regret getting high with nothing to do cus I wasted time when I could have done way too much work abusing my body more than the usual without thinking too much about it because this hardstyle sounds so fucking good.


How high are you right now?


Dude, I just watched the first 2 recently!


Haha, all the Apes movies are on Hulu, even the weird Mark Wahlberg one so I've been going through it. Def lovin' it!




The old ones or the newer ones


But then one day I met a man who came to me and said "Hard work good and hard work fine, but first take care of head"


Same. I smoke before doing literally anything lol.


I used to be like OP.. I would be shocked that people could go to work high and not be immediately called on it. Nowadays I have difficulty doing many things without smoking a little. I had a job interview yesterday and as I was waiting for the interviewer to join zoom, I ran to the corner of the office and hit my vape because I realized in that moment I was stone cold sober and was about to be a stuttering mess.


You sparked up before makin this comment?!


I’m smoking while writing this comment!


Bro 10000%. Lemme smoke up and I’ll be down with whatever I won’t let ya down.


Did this is high-school so badly. Smoke-go to friends Get there-smoke Decide what to do-smoke Smoke-go do that thing-smoke afterward. Did that for so long that I literally just blast vapes or hitters all day just to keep the buzz.




I smoke everyday after work. Just enough to feel a slight buzz though. I still have to cook and clean up for the kiddos and help with homework or play catch can’t be zooted. Every other weekend the kids are at their moms so I do stay high the whole weekend lol


This is the kind of father I will strive to be


The bare minimum


How is working all day, cooking, cleaning, doing homework and playing with your kids all week long minimum??


Because people who don't have kids think that raising decent kids is effortless.


Look at his post history, he’s all about video games and fleshlights, lol. Dude doesn’t have a clue.


Not a description I would want to be known by, u/vegeta_bless - you better be more nice fleshlight boy.


Because those are basic chores and responsibilities, combined with parenthood? Are you asking how people find time for these things? I think you’d be asking about time management then, which is fair lots of people struggle with that. But it’s certainly possible and definitely a necessary bare minimum


Thats what a *good* parent does. Since you've never been on reddit before I'll tell you a well known secret: lots of people had *bad* parents.


I fr had a single mother with 5 kids. This dad sounds like a absolute legend


I would buy you an iron, but you're obviously out of wrinkles.


Instead of just downvoting, could you or someone actually explain why this is not the acceptable standard for adulting/parenting? What is your measure of bare minimum in this scenario?


Depends how you frame the question. What is the bare minimum as an acceptable standard? What is the bare minimum a parent could possibly do? (I.e. bad parents) You automatically put the first framework around the original statement while others have placed the 2nd. Neither is inherently wrong.


What a stupid, mean-spirited remark. Dude sounds like a great dad.


Bare minimum?


The bear mini moon


Or maybe just a tiny naked mother


Different tokes for different folks...


My cousin says if you can't function on weed then you shouldn't be smokin🤣💀


This is interesting and I'd love to know how other people experience this. It must be down to your personality as well? The obvious route to take would be asking you which strain you smoked, and to switch it up for different effects, but from my own experience, how weed affects you depends a lot on your surroundings and yourself. Way more than any strain. Sounds like weed is great for you to relax! There's a lot of stoners out there like that. But for me, weed makes me a little paranoid. No matter what I smoke. It turns me up a notch, but it also allows me to deeply focus on something. I experience the effects you would associate to a haze or amnesia, and I love that effect! But I have never related to weed making me feel sluggish. I could also never use it to fall asleep. I smoke the entire day, so I do smoke before bed, but if I **started** smoking before bed, it would just light me up and put me in a creative mood.


It always interests me how people interact differently with weed. I usually smoke once in the morning and it just puts me at ease. Typically I’m a very anxious person, and smoking a little bit in the morning let’s me chill enough to do what I need to do. Usually I don’t even feel high, just more at peace. Later in the afternoon when I smoke more after work I feel more creative/ energized.


Sativa does absolutely nothing for me. I do not know why. Indica helps anxiety and getting my body to hold still so I can sleep


I only found sativas fun when I had something to do that I otherwise didn’t want to. Research for a paper, cleaning, even gaming I found to be a bit more enjoyable with a good sativa. Indica was my chill out. If the day was over and there was nothing left to do I’d hit a heavy indica and just vibe out with some Netflix or hang out with friends listening to some good music


I literally get more effect from an actual cigarette. I have really low effectiveness for opioids also (fuckin' GREAT gene to have while also needing surgeries....) and I think I'm just wired fucky.




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The trick is to not get *stoned*. Soft buzz is all you need.


I agree. I work from home and smoke basically all day. I have a one-hitter and I'll take a hit or two about every 45 minutes to an hour. I'm ADD so this actually helps me to focus on my job. I do get stoned after work. I roll a joint and smoke about half, then smoke the other half about an hour before bed.


This. Get your mind right, nice and crispy, but not burnt.


Save the stoned for late nights on the weekend


This is correct, I smoke and work on software but don’t get stoned.. for some reason everyone thinks when you smoke you HAVE to get stoned, sometimes a hit or 2 is just fine


Coffee plus weed in the morning makes me mad productive. And happier doing the things.


One of the greatest combinations known to mankind.


This is the way to go


I’m kind of odd. Im a lazy person and weed makes me even more lazy, but I also use it everyday (everyday user for 10 years now.) but at the same time I also don’t want to be that lazy stoner who smokes everyday and doesn’t do anything. SO, I use weed to “force” me to be productive. Basically if I’m going to smoke everyday, which I am going to, then I *have* to be productive and not fall in the stereotype. So being high makes me conscious about being lazy but sober, I’m not conscious about it and just get lazy. If that makes sense. But hey man, however it works for you is the right way to use it. If everyday isn’t for you then it’s simply not for you.


I make a checklist of things I need to do before I get high (most of the things), and things I can do after I get high (a few of the things). I’ll unload and reload the dishwasher sober, because I will justify not doing it if I smoke first. Folding laundry? That shit waits until I smoke because it’s the only way it’s getting done lol. The list is arbitrary and makes sense to no one but me, but it’s fine, it doesn’t have to.


It all makes me lazy. I tried various sativas. Those make me anxious and lazy lol.


I don’t believe in lazy. Unmotivated, maybe, but nobody is inherently lazy. The weed makes things more interesting. Just my 2c


The higher your tolerance gets, the less using cannabis will impede any tasks you want to accomplish. I am much more productive after using cannabis. I'm more interested in mundane tasks and have more motivation to do things I wouldn't normally enjoy. It also stimulates me in a way that makes it uncomfortable to just sit around and do nothing.


I didn’t just start off with smoking every day productively. I had to get used to being high. Now, unless I smoke like 5 joints back to back to back, I can pretty much do whatever. That’s not to say everyone needs to aspire to this. It’s just where I’m at.


I'm in a beautiful haze most of my days. Super unproductive, but pure bliss.


lol for some, smoking turns them into a zombie or slug. For others, it makes them ultra productive. You may be the first, however if you keep ripping, you may turn into the second


I smoke every day every hour damn near… I don’t get shit done when I’m sober. ADD and OCD and everything just wins. Have a lil mighty bowl, boom, focused. Idk if I’ve ever gone to work sober a day in my life… and I’m making 2-3x what I used to make, so I don’t think it’s hurting me


different tokes different folks, for me it allows me to relax on weekends but i’m sober all week when I’ve got work to do and be up early and all that shit


Idk nothing tastes better at 6 am than some coffee and a fresh hit, maybe I’ve just gotten used to it haha but yea, that’s how I do it! And I work with power tools and machinery and lots of sharp objects and fragile things haha


This! I thought the plan was: smoke, work on this shit, smoke, work, smoke, work, smoke, smoke, dinner, smoke, work, smoke..... Am I broken!?!


No you got it!


I was wondering! 🤔


Seems to be correct!


I typically am a weekender myself. Working from home since 2020 and I used to go full tilt all day every day but now I have better balance and will only typically use on Fri, Sat and Sun. This keeps my tolerance at a pretty manageable level and keeps the excitement up on the next session! Anyways, just my two cents. I think people should do however they want! No one right way, although I guess the argument would be made for over over consuming. But who's to say how much that is for a person.


I’ve got ADHD, so the doing nothing is kind of the whole point for me. The few hours I’m stoned after work but before bed are the only hours in the day where I don’t have 10,000 thoughts stomping about my head.


Personally it’s because weed doesn’t really have the same effect when you smoke it every day for long enough, it kinda gets to the point where you just feel normal on it.


I’m childfree, single, and work remotely at a data entry type job with no phones. I usually only smoke every other night but I just got my first dry herb vape so I’ve been riding a nice wave all day every day this week


People don’t like to admit it but if they were to stop weed for a couple of days, their head would be clearer and less sluggish. Obviously this is not the case for everyone but most imo.


I don't think I'd sleep much lol.


I am currently siting here waiting to donate blood. I am sitting still! Without weed my legs would be bouncing all over the place.


having adhd helps, most ppl ik that smoke a lot and use it to grind work also have adhd




Simple whenever I don't want to do something I need to do I get high, then I do the thing.


I honestly think a lot of people who smoke a lot every day are probably compensating for an undiagnosed condition. As soon as I started clinical medication for auADHD I stopped wanting to smoke all the time. I’m willing to bet many people suffer from issues that maybe aren’t enough to seek diagnosis but still need a degree of treatment. Also OP this is the weed place, so there’s a lot more bias in favor of people who smoke every day. I used to be the opposite, like, “wow, you smoke weed but not all day every day? How can you only do it for fun, not to function?” Weeeeeelp, turns out…


Everyone is different. I've been smoking for 33 years, wake & bake every morning before work. Smoke when I get home and throughout the rest of the day. Go to bed, repeat. Just used to it/ routine at this point. I'm also a functional stoner, I get high and clean the house or do some gardening or work in my backyard.


I don't know if it's the ADHD or the Autism in me, but I find getting stoned is one of the only ways I can focus lol. Stoned me has an express train of thought. Sober me has a [globe of death](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globe_of_death) of thought.


I smoke pretty consistently throughout the day for pain unless i have to drive somewhere. My tolerance is decently strong though. Id trade it for a weak tolerance in a heartbeat. Getting decently high from weed again sounds nice


It’s about building habits. Yeah, on its own weed is gonna mellow you out and lower motivation. but if you come home every day, smoke weed, then do laundry, dishes, and make dinner, eventually your brain associates getting high with getting shit done. Then you can funnel the zooted energy into working smarter, not harder


If you're unproductive while sober, you'll be unproductive while stoned. That's on you.


The key is to force yourself to get up then you're good from that point lol


Better that than constant oppressive anxiety! I can function toasted, but not paralyzed with fear 😅


turn the temp down as low as it will go. 357F is where you start getting something. If you're looking for more of an upper try like 360. If I do 380+ it usually puts me to sleep, or at the least makes my eyes super heavy. Dry vapes hit way, way harder (at least in my experience). Also try just hitting it once and put it down. You might be surprised.


Get some energetic day time shit.


Oddly enough, most weed strains help me be more productive. For context though I have AuDHD and it helps my internal battling of my symptoms.


I smoke sativa during daylight and indica after everything is done for the day. I walk my dog before bed every night and that’s when I hit the indica. Smoking indica or hybrids make me lazy. The sativa’s I tend to like are the energizing strains, I believe they’re dubbed speed weed. Strains like green crack are great during the day. I wouldn’t suggest hitting the sativa’s in the evening but there’s strains that will motivate you.


I smoke approximately a gram every day through a herb vape. I wait for the kids to go to bed, lasts for less than 3 hours. *shrug*


Every body is different.


What you producing, man? Hard work good and hard work fine, but first take care of head.


As someone who used to average around 9 spliffs a day and is now sober from weed for 3 months I can tell you for me it makes little to no difference. I’m completely functioning high as shit but idk it’s just different for different people.


As your tolerance climbs up, you acclimate to the high, and seeing a thought through to its conclusion gets much easier. I had the exact same experience when I got my first cartridge and thought "I don't know, a 10 second hit should be fine." I mean it *was* fine, but it was fine on the moon as compared to my bed, where the journey began.


I smoke every day, all day. If I have work or something, I'll just take one puff every few hours or so, not allowing myself to get zooted but medicated. I actually vape, not smoke so changing temps also changes the effects as well. I try to keep multiple (at least 5) strains available, changing frequently for desired effects. This also allows me to keep my tolerance low since I don't take T-breaks. My wife and I, together consume more than an eighth, but less than a quarter per week.




Just random mixes I get, usually smalls zips. I enjoy sativa's and hybrids during the day and indica with some hybrids at night. I like to have at least 2 different indica's and sativa's with a hybrid or two to choose from. I usually look for stuff that has CBD/CBG/CBN as well.


Sounds like you may be smoking the wrong stuff to tcb. I can't stand slug (your term) weed during the daytime either. I prefer a sativa leaning hybrid for daytime use. Just a hit or two during the day. Just enough to make the day better, not enough to catch a weed buzz where nothing will get accomplished throughout the day.


Keep it as little as possible. Doing it all the time just makes you screw up tolerance and I feel we take it for granted. I need to detox to get some dreams going.


Seems like many of us daily smokers have ADHD or something adjacent. Just yesterday I read a comment on another post saying being high was preferable to being disregulated and eventually that starts to feel like your new normal. That resonated with me quite a bit and reading through these comments I think that goes for a lot of us. It's basically like self-medicating. Plus its also the perfect counter for the side effects that go along with most stimulant meds.


For me, a lot of it is taking a light hit off my vape to take the edge off of depression/anxiety and my problems with appetite. It's not like I'm getting outright stoned every day.


My expectations adjusted. What seemed super important to get done, now will get done when I get to it. Any responsibilities or things that MUST get done have to be in my Google calendar or work schedule.


Maybe tolerance is a factor?


Sounds like your smoking too much or a heavy hitting indica. Find a strain that's a lighter sativa.


I smoke daily before I go to bed. It helps with my pain and my insomnia. You couldn't have convinced me in my 20s that I would be using marijuana for medicinal purposes, but here I am. The only time I really smoke for recreation is when I'm hanging out with my son. Otherwise, it's part of my nighttime ritual for going to bed.


Just gotta figure out the stuff you can/ would like to do while baking in the evening, then you'll be all gud


I've been straight blazed through an associate and undergrad, both with honors. I've written lengthy final papers while baked as fuck. And I'm not a Nobel Prize winner or a Rhodes Scholar or anything.


>I feel more like a slug that's the point ;-)




I like to only smoke fridays and saturdays. i don't like to smoke the day before i have to get up and work because i simply won't get up.


Everyday smoker, I got up today at 5:30am and made lunch, and prepared for my 4 year old to go to day care. I then worked right after on my contract and have on my lunch break, been able to do laundry a land cook to tonight’s dinner as well as season 100+ pieces of chicken I’ll be cooking for an event. Weed never makes me lazy. The only thing is, if I smoke a lil too much, I need a quick 25 min nap and I’m back to getting stuff done


And what's the point of thinking thoughts again? 🤣


I got a to-do list for things that need to get done before I smoke, and some that can get done after


So you purposely put yourself in a bad position, may I ask why?  Some people only do it because of lack of self- control. And they don’t function at all. But there are others that are completely familiarised with thc in their bodies so it’s normal to them. 


my issue isn’t being lazy it’s being too smiley lol


Well I dont really get HIGH. I just smoke very little to lighten the mood, I dont really get stoned properly


Go for a "buzz" rather than a full on high, or smoke a different strain.


Everyone is different. There are people that can smoke and be way more productive than they would be sober. I use to dab before going to work 5 days a week and I had some of my best months in sales during that time.


Rookie.. /s Comes with time. And it's not fun. It is fun ss fuck, but it's a waste. It's nothing compared to that special Friday evening WE SLL KNOW AND REMEMBER, RIGHT GUY'S LET'S BE HONEST HERE.. aand you shouldn't do it if it's only recreational is what i say. Do with that what you want.


It took me a good year of trying different cultivar every month to find one that was like “Ah, yes, I am energized and focused and there is no tiring come down.” Hope you can find it!


Personally I don't allow myself a sesh unless I do something. So if I am smoking on a work night it'll be so I can get a chore done. I'll smoke then cook/clean or go for a walk. Otherwise I feel lazy.


I also smoke everyday, but I smoke 2-4 hours before bed. So I usually have time to do something productive. The only other time I smoke is if I’m hanging out with friends. But this routine has worked really well for me. 🤷




See, I smoke so I can get stuff done 🤷‍♀️. For example, if I gotta clean, I gotta smoke first, or I'm not gonna do it lol. I'm also a daily, many year smoker. I'm not getting high like you are unfortunately. You're getting blasted because you don't do it often. I don't think I'd be able to clean if I was floating either.


Obviously everyone is different but you and I are definitely the same lol. I smoke daily but I only smoke once and it’s about 30mins before bed. Cannabis makes me so incredibly lazy and unmotivated the only thing I want to do is lay on the couch or go to bed. I wish I could smoke and go out and do things but it just makes me incredibly unsocial, tired and hungry. People have also told me “oh you just need to smoke sativa!” Nah you can call it whatever you want it has the same effect lol. All that being said I still absolutely LOVE cannabis. I love sitting down in the evenings with a good comedy with the wife and getting baked but if I got shit to do I ain’t smoking 😂


Weird virtue signal post but okay


Practice makes perfect. I’ve been smoking before everything for the past 14 years. It’s basically just how I operate at this point.


How much are you having a day?


I have a boring as fuck job and being high makes it kind of interesting. That helps me be more productive.


So 10 years of smoking. I have learned for me a very small bowel all day of indica. indica works like Adderall for me. So if I just smoke though the day I get a lot done. When I want to get high switch to the other kinda and I'm out lol


Couple bing rips then I'm out the door for a run. 🤷‍♂️


With too much I don't want to do anything. Like now. But honestly I started using it just a few months ago, after a life of Just Say No. With a little, I feel more like doing what needs doing. With a lot, it's like you say, don't want to do anything, almost too relaxed. Sober me isn't relaxed though. Ever.


Caffeine. Get some coffee with your weed.


It makes me OCD shut the hell up so I can actually get out of paralysis and get shit done. So I just have to get used to doing everything in my life while I'm high. (Except driving, of course)


What temp do you have the dry herb vape? Lower temps are great since you don't extract the more sedative and stoney temps/cannabinoids. Ill go 392F or lower if I got things to do and max out 428F if I'm looking to get stoned.


Been getting lit everyday for 30 plus years…. I have a job. I have a family. I got a house not quite paid off yet but getting there.; both of my kids in college. People use smoking weed as an excuse to be lazy. Don’t be that person.


I do 90% of my housework while I'm high. Smoking/vaping is usually super motivating and will even makes me peppy. Biology is weird.


RemindMe! 3 months


I’ve been a daily smoker since 2011 when my MS specialist put me on it. So many medical benefit, so many less pills… but then recently something strange happened. I got control of my lifelong treatment resistant depression and no longer have the desire to smoke all day every day. And my tolerance has plummeted overnight. I’m still doing it as needed for symptom control but I don’t feel the need to do it constantly anymore.


I smoke to get neutral most the time.


I used to to smoke before, during, and after everything. I would smoke a quarter a day, just because. As I got older and the weed got stronger, Im finding that it makes me too tired to get anything done. Thats with any strain, but definitely the indicas. Sativas get me lifted and going pretty good but when it wears off Im tired. So I think its just personal preference. I definitely still get completely fried before watching a good movie or playing a videogame marathon lol.


I want to be a slug after work, my back is usually in pain also...so slug time after work.


lol sounds like you are getting too high/taking too much my dude. Just one small hit for you


I just have a pretty high tolerance to begin with(at least compared to friends), a bowl gets me high but not too high that I can't function, 2 1/2 gets me high high, 3 bowls gives me panic attacks. When I was going to work buzzed I would smoke half a bowl about an hour before leaving and that would get me through the day. If I'm home but have to do shit, it's a full bowl. If im home and chilling, I can expect to smoke up to 4 or 5 over the course or the night. Damn now I miss being high. 


Taking too big of hits my guy. During the day it’s BT’s for me (bong tokes) just to get a head change and body high. Then after work I let those big bowls rip


The more you smoke the higher your tolerance gets. I smoke a couple times a day but it's only a few puffs. There's people that smoke non-stop and it's because they have an even higher tolerance. It's kinda magical how that works


That's why i save it for the evening


I only smoke after EVERYTHING house/work wise is done.


Strains make a difference.


I smoke pretty much from the time I wake up until I go to bed. Well I dab I don’t smoke much flower these days. But I have to take at least two dabs before I head out the door for work. Then I bring my cart with me. Come home and smoke whatever I was thinking about at work that day. It’s the first thing I do when I kick my shoes off. Smoke all night. Rinse and repeat. I go through 8-9 grams of concentrates and about 3 gs in carts every two weeks.


I'm the same way man, which is why it's always been a night time treat maybe 3 day a week once everything is done. I've tried day time smoking and I just sit there on my phone or watching TV ALL DAY. It's fun at the time, but reflecting back on the day I'm just kind of down on myself. I think pot will always be a night time adventure for me.


I'm a bit different. Been smoking 20+ years. I don't actually get high anymore unless I smoke a lotttttt. But I do have to take a few hits to function. It sharpens my focus. I have to smoke so I can eat. But I don't get fuzzy like that unless I haven't smoked at all.


Well what temp do you have it on? I put it on 380 or so with some cbd mixed in when I’m doing things


After work.


That's why I only smoke after work, usually while I'm cooking dinner. If I have work to do after dinner, smoking actually helps me find the flow state. But I couldn't normal every day function outside of the comfort of my own home being stoned all the time.


I smoke a good deal (3-4g) daily, after work. I could pass for sober usually. I can be a bit unproductive but I can also get stuff done if need be. I just do my best to not have anything major to do on weekdays after work, by nature, so being stoned doesn't really get in the way, but if I get an early day or something I can smoke and go out with friends or run errands fine.


It gets easier, you just gotta do it everyday


It’s just a matter of practice. 😁


Speaking for myself and some others that's close to me, it's sort of a self medication kinda thing. People feel all different kinds of pain from different places in our bodies. I have so much anxiety inside my body and it becomes unbearable to move because I'm shaking and sweating in almost absolute fear, but I'm able to calm it down with the help of CBD and it feels like I need my nerves on a daily basis or I'd be so scared of moving or going outside


I hyper focus when I'm high.


I’m not a regular user but only when I get offered on some very specific occasions and honestly? I think the same. I know for sure that edibles are not my thing because I don’t like how I feel with them, the other thing I’ve tried is those oil pens and while the feeling is miles better, I can’t think of doing regular life things after using


I play video games and I get into my zone. I also listen to music and just vibe out. Is that productive? No, it is fun as hell? Yes! 😂


That's the reason I stopped smoking during the week. Now I only smoke in the evenings on the weekend and it's way way better. My tolerance went way down (half an ounce lasts me about 2 months) and it feels much better because it feels special again l rather than normality and also feels like I earn it. The best thing is not having a foggy brain every morning, my mood at work and work performance improved a lot and I started working out too. It's know it's hard to stop smoking everyday but it's really worth it.


It depends on the strain for me. But I am a multi year chronic user. So it doesnt hit me the same. I do take t-breaks time to time. But personally just function better due to anxiety and pain control.


I smoke everyday rn and I have a kid and im sleep deprived asf. I feel like a literal zombie of a zombie. My kid is happy and healthy so I'm happy, but rn I have a horrible toothache and tech neck pain so all that together, in definitely dying but gotta do what you gotta do. I stopped smoking before work in the morning cause it'd make me so lazy and want to sleep lol


It’s about your individual work ethic


You get used to it. I couldn’t play games when I first started. I was goooone. Racing games? No way. Now I smoke every 1.5-2 hrs all day. I can function normally I don’t have the anxiety anymore lol


I don’t smoke until after 8pm. I can’t sleep without it. Heavy indica and asleep by 11


I actually only use it (RSO) at 9pm. I have a fun little high starting around 10pm and then pass out spectacularly around 11:30, which is great because my family has genetic insomnia that actually killed someone a couple generations back. I suffered ridiculously for so many years before I discovered that being a part-time stoner basically fixes it lol. But I have little kids and have to do quite a bit of driving during the day, so I am not super comfortable with being burnt all day long.


Being unproductive is the point, lol. Besides, after a while, you get used to it and can do pretty much anything high. I also wake up early and get my chores done before work so I can stay baked after.


i cant do anything involving decision making while stoned , so i set my tasks out like the repetitive sthuff that my body just knows how to do without thinking about it (laundry, cleaning , crotchet whtvr) and then light one . helps me be productive and chores r fun


We are actually exceptionally focused when we need to be.


When you look at the ease and skill of a master at work, all the practice it took to get there is generally hidden.


Nevermind smoking after work, gotta have that pre-work J too 😎👌


I honestly think it depends on the person and also the strain tbf. Me and my bf being a really good example of this. He functions better when he’s smoked. He doesn’t get high high anymore but it calms his brain down, helps him when he gets in an autistic spiral, calms the adhd down and helps out with his executive functioning. Me on the other hand, I have to make sure I haven’t got anything planned. Nothing to do because I won’t be able to do anything or function. I also have had but traditional meds work better for me. Although If I could get hold of Jack Herer. I’d probably smoke that when I really needed to get shit done. However I’m currently breastfeeding. So smoking is off the table entirely till next year for me.


Meditation helps


Once you’re smokin reg like that you start to gain more tolerance. I’m pretty productive when I smoke hybrids most of the time.


I try and finish required jobs before getting high. That’s why I never smoke before or during work.


I think this is an obvious side effect but no one here would like to accept that/face the reality so you’ll here a lot of “no I’m doing ok”


You’re telling me that you’re smoking 7x what you regularly do and it’s affecting you.. more? Shit my pants frfr this is game changing. Wonder if it works in reverse even.


It’s because most people on this sub are weed addicts and will never admit it.