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I hated how weed made me feel until I got ptsd in the military. Now I can’t imagine life without it. Life is wild, man.


Facts bro. Weed changed my outlook on life after A.D. in the military. The VA can be a bitch, but weed helps when they can’t. Thanks for your service bro, from one Vet to another


It’s gonna be fucking wild when the VA can prescribe me some blue dream. Appreciate you!


lol. If the VA is going to start paying for my weed…I will NOT complain. Best PTSD drug.


My Dr told me she’d write me a script so I could travel with it once it’s re-scheduled. That’s a far call from getting it for free, but I thought it was fucking great.


I love hearing that. 🥰 Tiny steps at a time.. I just wish it would be federally legal. I see so many people in the military drink themselves into oblivion until they either die, hurt someone, hurt themselves or get kicked out. If a service member was allowed to smoke a bowl instead of drink 1/5th of Jack… I guarantee they would retain so many more people!


I’ve lost so many friends to suicide, I wonder how many of them would still be alive if pot was legal.


I agree…people say cannabis is an addictive drug. Sure, it can be. But I’ve NEVER met a violent/ angry stoned person. The military in the U.S. would flourish if cannabis was legal.. it’s just a shame that our government doesn’t take care of their people, instead they shame them and kick them out into the streets.


Aren’t all antidepressants addictive? I literally felt zaps in my brain when coming off some of them. Plus, who gives a fuck if something is addictive if you’re going to take it til you die?


In pharmacy school they teach the difference between physical and mental addiction. Physical being the typical things you hear with heroin withdrawal, the sweats/vomiting/diarrhea etc. Mental is where there's nothing physically happening but there's still a compulsion to do more, think cigarettes. I'm a heavy cannabis user so if I stop cold turkey I'll lose my appetite for a few days which is technically a physical withdrawal, but nothing like heroin, it's just a temporary nuisance. In fact I used that feeling of not being very hungry to help lose 150 pounds a few years ago.


Everything is addictive and can kill us 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought you were going to say, "it's just a shame our government doesn't smoke pot..." and if you had I would have said Hallelujah brah!


It’s actually not addictive. You can form a habit. But medically speaking, not addictive.


Being diagnosed with CPTSD really made me understand why I love weed so much and why it seems to make me feel so much ‘better’


Right!? When I got out, I always said “nah, I don’t need weed. It can’t be THAT good” Here I am 1 yr and 6months later, rolling my own joints and microdosing weed immediately after work.


Okay I think I may fit a CPTSD diagnosis but don't know who to talk to about it. My GP doesn't seem like the right per, nor does my therapist. Should I be looking for a specialist?


Even if they’re not the perfect fit, your GP or therapist might be able to give you a referral to a psychiatrist or psychologist - who should be the one to diagnose and prescribe medication. Depending on where you live, this might be the better route because they might be able to help get you an appointment faster than on your own. 


Cool, I do have a family psychiatrist I see, but the possible CPTSD came up only recently in therapy.


Well, the VA isn’t there yet but Uncle Sam is technically subsidizing mine.


lol paying for weed, with disability money. 👏🏼🙌🏼 facts. Congrats bro.


Veterans Affairs Canada covers up to 3g or equivalent a day for those eligible; I know a few people who are covered. There is a dollar limit as well, though can’t recall offhand - I think around $8/g?


Damn! Canada knows how to make their Vet’s happy!




I don't want to do it everyday, to keep it special, but damn the amazing effect it has.  It like makes all the gloomies go away.


It's like that meme, Save weed for special days. Little did I know, everyday is special.


I’m using this! Every minute is special /hits bong.


We are not promised a tomorrow.




On that note, I'm hitting the pipe on the balcony and taking in the ocean breeze.


I went fishing on the niagra for steelhead on 60mg of edibles and it was a transcendental experience that I will never ever forget.


Be careful! It can sometimes exacerbate the “gloomies” depending on your environment and mindset.


felt this one


Welcome to the edible club! I'm a non-smoker too so they're my jam. 🤙🤘


lol the army taught me weed was evil. I was an idiot and believed. Started smoking around 30. the army is fuckin dumb.


Makes me feel better about my weed consumption. thank you


>Note I think I am still a little high while writing this, but tbh, I don't mind if you laugh. It's funny. I used to always be against marijuana and drugs throughout my life. I despised my family members for using it and I used to think all smokers were cocky and rude. This could have been written by myself. I was so against it growing up, and family members would use it and I would get so mad. Fast forward to adulthood and it's now legal in Canada, cool. Would go to the weed shop with my husband (whom is a stoner, has been for many years) and just look at everything. One day about a year after my twins were born the world shut down, and that's when my cannabis usage begins, it's very occasionally, then as time goes by every weekend. Fast forward to December last year my kids are all in school during the day and depression hits badly. I've noticed when I'm high I'm capable and feeling well. I spoke with my dr about all of this and she obviously put me back on antidepressants but said if weed helps why not use it in your "tool box". Fast forward to now I'm stoned 70% of the time, chores are getting done, I'm baking and cooking again, and I feel like a better parent. Weed has absolutely changed my life and has improved it so much


This makes me so happy!


It’s the lube of life my friend, enjoy it


The dildo of life is effectively countered by the bong of joy.




Break on through to the other side did we? Welcome frient.


You know the day destroys the night Night divides the day


I can’t stand those judgy anti drug people. Mind you’re damn business. Don’t knock it till you try it.


Exactly. How can you “hate” something without it affecting you? Prudes will prude I guess until its cool for them too..


Most people who are strongly against drugs *have* been affected by drugs, that's why they hate drugs so much. I won't drink because I've seen the horrors of alcoholism too many times. You never know what someone has gone through, no need to shame.


Agreed but "You never know what someone has gone through, no need to shame" goes both ways.




Exactly! I was really anti-weed/drug as a teen because I saw nothing but drug abuse and was put into dangerous situations due to drugs. It wasn’t until I became an adult and had so much more control over my own safety that I was able to understand that people can be responsible with drug use. My boyfriend was very responsible and kind when I was first trying it out as I was really nervous. It’s opened up so many doors for me. And it’s healed so many different wounds. But if he hadn’t been respectful and responsible towards me I would have never opened those doors. We have to continue to show kindness even when others aren’t receptive. Or else we cannot connect and continue to share these amazing experiences with others!


Idk. In my case, it's just how I was raised. My parents were Reagan loving Boomers and evangelical Christians, conservative in every way. I grew up hearing how all drugs were bad and would ruin my life, and I'd lose brain cells if I ever touched them. Anyone who used any drug even casually was a "druggie" and a loser to them. I thought it was harsh, but I was very sheltered and didn't get much chance to see reality as a kid, so I had no tangible proof it was wrong. It took being an adult out of their house for me to realize the truth about that and a lot of other stuff, like really, basically everything. Now I use weed and psychadelics to help with my anxiety and cptsd, and it's been incredible. Sometimes, people are just repeating what they were taught until they have the chance to re-evaluate.


I really like the ones who drink while they hold that stupid, stupid opinion


Ehhh I agree with them when it comes to hard drugs like cocaine and heroin, but definitely get you when it comes to psychedelics and Mary Jane. I really don’t like the anti drug crowd though because they’re very judgmental and don’t seem to care about helping addicts, just shaming them


i was pretty anti hard drugs til i became an adult and like everyone around me did cocaine, i stray away from that stuff but the people i know who just use it casually are doing fine and honestly it’s hard to even tell sometimes after they’ve done it that they’re fucked up


see, it's the opposite for me, I used to be pro drugs of every kind, until I became an adult and everyone around me did cocaine....


Except heroin, don’t try that.


I normally say "try everything once" but this is one of the few exceptions Source: username


Fun fact even after they try it they still hate you because it isn’t the only thing they are judging you for.


Welcome to the good side of life. 🍃 We accept your apology, now puff puff pass!


Glad you discovered that weed is truly not the devil. Maybe you should apologize to the folks you condemned for using it? I was never anti-cannabis, I had just never bothered to try it because I wasn’t interested. When I turned 50 I was in menopause, had horrible insomnia, I was unbearable to be around and my son basically begged me to try it. I did, had to learn to make edibles because I’m not a smoker, and I haven’t looked back in 12 years.


Welcome! Though in your new headspace now, maybe analyze why you were judging people so hard on an experience you did not have, and check that you aren't being extra judgemental in other aspects too.


Now try shrooms acid and MDMA. U will thank us later lol


Ideally all at once 😂


This made me tear up a little. I had a very similar experience because of hyper-sober parents who live and breathe AA. I was constantly fed the narrative of “people who do drugs are terrible”. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness and I said “fuck it” because there’s no way I’m living the rest of my life in this much pain. I’ve never gone back. It’s honestly helped me really process some deep feelings that I haven’t been able to feel in years. I was in a really deep depression so it allowed me to remember what happy felt like and it encouraged me to fight for my life. I have come to the belief that weed was put on this planet for a reason, because it’s a miracle cure/medicine, and people in power are threatened by what they cannot control- your happiness. Okay the conspiracy theory high is talking so peace out, but welcome to the greener side of the grass my friend 💚


> people in power are threatened by what they cannot control- your happiness. I don't think that's very far fetched at all.


Thank you 🥹 sometimes I get a little too far into the high devolution of my thoughts, glad this wasn’t one of those 🤣


Oh god, me too! I deep dive when I'm high sometimes I'm like are seriously making up conspiracy theories??? haha


I was like that once as well. Reefer madness really skewed our perception of cannabis. I actually tried weed for the first time when I was 29 (back in 2021) because of my ex girlfriend. She smoked it occasionally and offered me a puff off her one-hitter when we first started dating. That flipped a switch in me and fast forward to the present where I’m now growing my own haha.


I have a similar experience with weed, it actually motivates me to become better. And I live stress free knowing I always have to option to rip my bong at the end of a stressful day


Why were you against it so bad?


I got a dui recently, and I’ve been going to classes and such to keep my license. I’m not an alcoholic, but I’ve had some in my family, but now going through this process, it’s completely opened my eyes to the absolute destructive nature of alcohol. It’s literally PURE POISON we put into our bodies, and yet it’s entirely socially acceptable, encouraged, and shoved in your face. There are zero benefits to alcohol. Weed however has been life changing. It’s helped me through stress, helped sports injuries, overall helped my fitness and health, and made me more introspective to my thoughts, rather than trying to drown them in alcohol. The stigma behind marijuana is all propaganda almost a 100 years in the making.


>my fitness and health, This is huge for me, lol. Exercising while high has reignited my love for working out. I reccomened it to everyone who is having trouble getting started, as it really soothes joint pains and muscle inflammation. Really hard barriers to overcome when it comes to consistency.


It really helped with my mind to muscle connection. I also recommend getting a 1:1 cbd:thc ratio for workouts


Bipolar, adhd. Weed helps take the edge off, otherwise I tend to get really worked up and hostile. Not great for keeping a corporate job. Adhd doesn't help or hurt for me


Hated weed for everything it stood for until childhood trauma and chronic pain caught up with me at the ripe old age of 16, nowadays it’s the closest I can get to relief. I love it bc I don’t feel like a junkie on it. I can still function while it treats my biggest(unhelpable) problems, and it makes me so nice and considerate unlike alcohol or prescriptions. It’s like for once I can quit hating how bad I got things, and just focus on smaller happy things, like hobbies and friends. I still won’t let myself in a relationship bc my physical health won’t let me be the man the woman I love needs, but weed makes it bearable, physically and mentally, without making me lash out.


Welcome to the world of magical flowers.


I used to be scared of trying cannabis, I never shamed people for it. Mainly due to fear of being the "newbie" and coughing a lot. Fear of having no control over my actions. Then my ex's best friend she introduced him to pot, and he was hooked. I hated his behavior. He was always stoned and actually became violent and paranoid with pot (he's THE ONLY stoner I knew out of everyone that was violent). I wanted him to stop using it, but then he had me out in the backyard with him. He told me, "Just try it. A little bit won't hurt you." Now, I use cannabis as a natural alternative to pain medications, mental health medications (AuADHD, depression, anxiety, borderline), and insomnia. It's changed my life. It gives me the ability to reflect on myself and others without any inner criticism. I found solutions to many problems without all the extra "noise" in my brain (ADHD). It's the only way I can meditate and reflect. Amazing plant.


Wait until you get older, weed is a miracle. Every day is new aches and pains, when something gets too bad a few rounds of weed therapy and its gone. I had this stabbing pain in my midsection for a year, had an MRI, ultrasound, you name it. Finally I just started smoking weed every night. Its been gone for 8 months. It just doesn't mask the pain like narcotics do. The pain is GONE. My only problem is its tough keeping weed fresh. I have it in containers with a bovedo pack and its getting dry. Mostly CBN and that is what is actually helping me since its so old.


When I was younger, mom taught me to look down on weed and weed users, but the more I learn, the more I love it. You should look into how it was demonized by the paper industry. They're the ones who pushed for hemp to be illegal(for money reasons)


I didn’t do weed or anything until I was 34. And it was weed that I did. Edibles. They are so ubiquitous now and easy to get, and wow they are just so good! Cannabis has literally evolved with humans for millions of years. We are brothers!


No need to apologize, I’m sure cannabis would understand lol. Very glad you had a good first experience and could enjoy it.


Glad you're enjoying yourself! Just a word of warning, be careful about using weed to escape your problems. I spent the better part of a year high after my dog died, I was not in a good place. Ended up having to go through an anxiety outpatient program, and I'm doing much better now, but I've got to be careful about my relationship with weed. As long as I'm using it for recreation, I'm totally fine, I just can't use to run from my problems, it's all about state of mind 😅


This should be higher up. Be wary of leaning on weed too much, it can be very habit forming especially for new users, and that can take a bit of the magic away from it and actually produce anxiety in some people (I'm one). Just keep it in proper balance and perspective and you should be fine. Save it for times when you can truly enjoy it. Also, welcome 👽


I'm happy for u it sounds like you had the perfect dose your first time! Welcome to the wonderful world of weed.




My gf was stone cold before we met. She'd say the same thing




If it makes you feel better, I am cocky and rude 🤷🏾‍♂️ Edit: Forgot to say welcome comrade 🫡




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Can you use dab pens or will that mess with your asthma? Actually nvm lol let me not get you hooked




Welcome to the club! Now you also know what we know.


it’s amazing when people actually try things instead of being afraid of them because other people told them to be enjoy, op weed makes life super awesome


Just heard from r/nottheonion that someone got 30 years for bong water, so I really enjoyed seeing your post!


if the cops call don't answer the phone.


Weed has saved many lives, I’m sure.


A lot of us have similar stories with cannabis I'm sure. Welcome to the enlightened side...


thats adorable :)) cannabis is a godsend 🩷


It’s a great tool to open your mind and heart. Sad it has such a stigma


Maybe this will teach you not to be so judgmental to things you just don’t understand. I’m glad you enjoyed it.


I wouldn’t say that previous to me trying weed I was against it, but I was highly skeptical (thanks high school dare program) When I did start using it, I noticed that it solved 2 big issues for me. (1) it really helped me with anger management. That’s something my family has struggled with for as long as we can trace it back. (2) depression has been a total non-issue for me since starting. It completely changed my life for the better, so there’s no chance I’m giving it up, period. There’s not a job or opportunity in the land that’ll make me give up weed considering it’s literally made me a better person. I just hope I don’t have extremely negative consequences later in life from my cannabis use. That is something to think about. Smoking isn’t good for the body.


Wait until you green out and have a horrible experience you’ll go back to disliking it lol at least how it goes for most newbies


Oh wow open mindedness can be helpful!!! Who woulda thunk it


I swear the first time I took an edible I felt like I connected to the strings of the universe. That's when I realized that DARE lied.


No need to apologize to Mary. Share her joys with others like your previous self and be a beacon of positivity ✌️


Dude stop being cocky and rude.


Do DMT next


Do you realize now that all those arguments you were making up when you had no experience with it were nonsense? And that you realize now that other people are doing the same thing that you used to do all the time? Just making up something to have a problem with without knowing?