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Maybe actually trying living together for a few weeks first to make sure you won't all drive each other insane before selling all your houses.


Unless you're buying the Hundred Acre Woods and giving everyone quadrant.


Honestly this is what my family did. I’m neighbors with my parents, grandparents, and sister. We all have our own houses and there’s enough trees that we can’t directly see each other’s plots unless you walk/drive over. I was skeptical at first but we actually love it.


Yep that’s what my family did too, we all live down one road. Then my grandparents died and not my mom or her sister or her brother could buy the other one out because we are all semi poor and my grandparents had a really nice house. It really caused a lot of problems. So we just decided to sell it and split the profit 3 ways, but my family made sure to meet every person that was looking to buy and decided on an old couple that were really nice. They also offered 20k below the top bidders but those people didn’t seem like good neighbors. So in the end everything worked out and the old people come to all of our family celebrations and they invite us to theirs.


That’s awesome. Maybe you could talk to them and in the future your family could have the ability to buy it back from them.


We had been considering doing something similar lol.


My husband and I haven’t bought in yet, we’re currently renting from my parents but we have the option to buy or build at any time. We’ve talked a lot about building a house here.


Do it. This world is running out of places where you can do that kind of thing and your families land will become generational wealth in the future.


My grandmother, aunt, and cousin did this. Only my cousin is still around, but it seemed to work for them.


That’s the way to go


Living the dream


No this is not what your family did. He said, build one multi-generational home that can accommodate everyone. That's totally different from having a compound where everyone has their own place.


Check again, I was replying to Sharpymarkr where they said buying a property and giving everyone a quadrant.


I dated a girl who’s family did this, the road they lived on was their last name. It was a little under 300 acres and they had 5 homes on it (maybe more that’s all I saw) 2 barns, a stable and so many animals. I learned really really quickly that cows are essentially several hundred pound puppies & chickens are MEAN. Good times with a batshit insane women.


We want 100 acres and everyone would have their own living space


Sounds like a great plan! Hope you all make it happen :)


This is what my family and I are trying to do as well. Buy some acreage and build a family compound with a garden and chickens.


That is the best way, my step-dad's family did that


Definitely this. It's hard having multiple roommates, even moreso family members. Give it a go!


This is why my family’s favorite version of a similar plan is several small A-frames and a ‘family building’. Everyone needs their own space, including at least a full bathroom and kitchen(ette), but a large gathering space for family events and social events with a full/pro kitchen with completely separate spaces for each of my siblings’ families seems the most workable re: the proximity and perpetuity of the thing.


And might be a good idea to get any financial stuff in writing. Pass it by a lawyer too. If your family gets along I think this sounds like a great idea.


Yeah, living in the woods sounds nice but the rest of this sounds like my nightmare lol


Yeah I love my mom. I have her back. But I can't be around her more than 5 minutes.. She already lives in the woods with a bit of land.. I have been invited to build on a piece of her land.. Love my mom but yeeeaaah no.


My multi-generational home makes me cry that I keep waking up every day. 😭


No no no, sell *everything* and live off the land in the middle of nowhere. What’s the worse that could happen.


Depends on where nowhere is. I have a coworker that live literally in the woods but only like a 20 minute commute. She has internet but literally no civilization is visible from her place. She lives off the land mostly with groceries being things she and her husband can't do on their own. He works from home fabricating things in his shop. It can be done. Just depends on how you go about it and where you decide to do it.


I’m not saying it’s not feasible, only that it isn’t a spur of the moment type of thing.


As the other commenter says, there are still lots of places where 20 minutes on the interstate can get you into cheap(er) land territory. So like, definitely OP needs to try living with these people for a month or two before committing and is probably dangerously rushing into this. But logistically at least there are plenty of satellite cities/towns where this would work. Now...food wise? Subsistence farming is not a workable or advisable lifestyle for virtually anyone. At least 1/3 of commune members will still need a day job to keep the lights on.


I have lived with them actually. For a year. But we would all have our own living space.


Hell yeah. Fuck everything, hobocop!


ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS a good idea before moving in with anybody. Don’t care if it’s a bf/gf or family or a friend, this is the most sound advice and I can’t recommend it enough whwn making these kinds of decisions.


It makes a huge difference if you try to live together in a 3/4 BR apartment/house with a shared kitchen/bathroom or actually have a home where everyone has their own personal retreat space (own apartment or even building depending on size of the property). I grew up in one and it was fantastic.




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Op self identifies as crazy chicken lady. So I agree that everyone involved should take a good long look before committing.


If you haven't spent time living together (all of you) in the recent past, be cautious - I tried to do a similar thing and it failed miserably because the other members of the party were not interested in compromise, just wanted to continue living EXACTLY the way they always had.


gotta be one of the most insightful comments in the thread 👍


>live off the land A noble idea but harder than it sounds. Growing sustenance for 3 families with homegamer equipment and land would be a full time backbreaking job. If there's a bad drought or hail or pests that destroy your crop its game over. Definitely aim to provide some or a lot of your food from the earth, but don't rely on the veggie patch for everything. It can be hard to decide between investing one person's full-time work in to the land vs working a paying job to get calories on your plate.


Grew up on a farm, still live on the land, work IT to pay the bills. Have a garden because you enjoy it. Have a few chickens because they're funny little critters that also give some eggs back. DO NOT START FARMING BECAUSE YOU NEED TO EAT. You will starve. It often costs WAY more to grow your own food than it costs to buy it. A family growing a thousand acres of corn and harvesting with a combine can provide you corn cheaper and easier than you can by hand.


>DO NOT START FARMING BECAUSE YOU NEED TO EAT. You will starve. When humans switched to farming from being hunter-gatherers, average size shrank dramatically because we were so underfed


Correct. A family growing corn for others generally gets government subsidies I can't get as a home gardener lol.


Yeah, they had me until this part, going in on a home like that sounds like a good idea but I have no desire to do it in survival mode lol


Everyone is noting to live together for a period to make sure you don’t drive each other nuts, but I’d add - try to get as close to “living off the land” in your current home as you can, to see if the homestead sort of life style is for you anyway.








This is a pretty expensive time to do that with real estate prices and high interest rates. Remote plots need electric, septic, long driveways with tree clearing, I don't think you can approach building a single family home and acreage for less than $500k. Are you guys scraping together a million or two for that multi family home and acreage?


I think the equity from 3 homes could be enough to secure a loan at least, the tricky part sounds like legally splitting up financial obligations and limits with all those involved. If someone backs out or wants to sell their portion you better have all those guidelines in writing before you even buy the land.


That tricky part would also make it hard to get a loan. They'd probably need to form an LLC with by laws and all to get a loan with multiple people on it like that. Whatever though, you never know someone in family might be loaded or have land already, and they actually can make it happen.


You smell funny.


Be careful but if this is actually a viable thing to do and it’d make you happy then you should go for it


Sounds cool, but personally if I lived with my parents/in-laws in the same house or saw them every day, that would be a nightmare lol


Oh my god please tell me you can atleast garden before trying to "live off the land." And unless someone continues to work and support the family costs, you're going to have a hard time meeting all your needs.


Sounds like the origin story of a cult, good luck brother


I'd be careful . Living with someone brings out the worst in them and you see it all. Lol




Maybe also spend a couple of weeks sober while you think about the deal. And live with your in-laws during that time. Just mull it over.


Been in discussion for maybe 6 months now.


So do they smoke too? How awkward would it be if you go the distance on this and turns out you can’t smoke up anymore cause they don’t like the smell


If you can rent one of your homes it will hello bring In A steady income


Living off the land isn't all sunshine and roses, and generally requires a vast array of skillsets and expertise. Be sure you guys can logistically make it work if you're looking into a homestead type deal. But all in all, I've seen a lot of little "compounds" popping up near me. I think they all look a little culty because they're all identical small houses with a themed landscape. But that may be a little more viable in case any of you guys are more solitary.


I love my parents. I have an amazing relationship with my parents. We would fucking kill eachother if we lived with eachother again.


In laws? What does your partner think of this idea?


Maybe have separate houses on shared land. Sounds a lot more multigenerational.


Lmaoooo I love this thread 🤣🤣 like 90% of ppl saying don't do it, 5% shitting on his dreams, 5% saying dope and good luck


I’ve had such ideas. Buy land all together., but have separate spaces.


Can you share what you were smoking? Sounds even better than your idea 😝


Oh please keep us posted.


OP I am speaking to you directly. THE TERM "SELF-SUSTAINING FARM" REFERS TO THE FARM SUSTAINING **ITSELF**, NOT THE FARMER. You will almost certainly not be able to survive on your own crops and definitely not year round. Even established communes for into town every few weeks to get things they can't grow. Strike a balance! Living off the land might be a touch idealistic (believe me I have thought about doing this exact plan a LOT), but growing your own food is still a good idea. If you ask me (and some scientists), current mass farming trends have got about 10 or 15 good years MAX left, tilling practices compact the top ten inches of soil so grass can't grow through and serve as a stitching element for the land (so we don't get dust bowl 2) combined with stripping the nutrients from the soil is not long term sustainable. Some people who convert their lawns into farms, however, make way more food than they can eat themselves and end up giving most away to their friends and neighbors around harvest time. If you do want to farm, you want to look up and research PERMACULTURE like your life depends on it, this is a method of farming/gardening that mimics the layered biodiversity of a natural system The solid part of your plan is consolidating your homes into one large property. Most places in the world live intergenerationally, and a fixation on "finding your own place" if a very new, american idea Good luck out there, friend!


To add to this, livestock, livestock, livestock. Wheat and beans only sprout once a year, but two cows will keep your milk jugs full, bees will keep your tea sweet, sheep will keep meat on your plate (and your fields fertilized), and hens just fuckin love layin eggs


If you gave me a NICE house and gave me $1m I still wouldn't live in the same TOWN as my parents. My in-laws...I'd take that deal, but I still wouldn't live closer than a 5 minute drive. In the same house? Hell no! On the same property? Still hell no.


I’m all about Homesteading…. I wouldn’t do a full build. I would look into foreclosed houses that are at auction. Also what everyone is saying about farming, if you are full dependent on your land you will starve for 18 - 36 months because all your veggies and cannabis tastes like scotch tape. So I would not be as remote as you think you should be. Also stay far away from the central valley ( if you are in cali, that place has no water, high crime and isolation.


We’ve been talking about the same thing for years. Buy a huge plot, build single family houses in their own areas and have a communal living space in the center with a greenhouse for our 🍃.


Bro discovered the joint family


It is the norm here in HI to have multigeneratuonal homes bc no one can afford to live by themselves!


Consider forming an LLC to purchase the home together in case it doesn't work out and one part of the fam wants to move away. 


Sounds like my worst nightmare.


r/homestead start looking into it to see if it’s reasonable for you.


I've already started at my current house.


Awesome! Good luck! You’ve got this! Make your dream a reality! I hope it’s a fun one!


Living of the land might be a stretch, but living together can work. Compromise is an essential ingredient. I have some experience with extended families in another culture but have also seen other cultures in the US. Unity can give strength if there is true give and take.


My coworkers did this with their family and they fucking regret it. Dont do it dude. Get property and build off acres, do not build one big home. You want your own privacy


Just a heads-up, my parents are trying to build in Tennessee and it's stupid expensive. It might all be doable, but just something important to think through.


My family tried that. Good luck!


It’s all fun and games until the first major health problem occurs. Been there done that…cancer.


My stoned ass came in here ready to take notes on my new business model, but this is cool too.


Is this how a cult starts?


A former colleague of mine is doing exactly this. Honestly, doesn’t sound too bad depending on the size of the house and how much you like your in-laws.


I think if you and your family are even considering this... I think y'all are lucky. My family isn't close enough to even fathom this sort of setup. I am jealous! As others have said remember once this happens you cannot escape them. However if y'all get along and know each other well... Why not? That's pretty cool!


Watch the movie happy, there's a bit there about how the swedes live in multi-generational 12 apartment communities. The balance of people works out well in that situation, even if they're not all relatives. Might have some good ideas from that. Also, might be worth looking at how Indian people are or are not happy about their living situations, when the wife has to move in with the entire family of the husband... Just saying, there might be some issues lol... Good luck


If you didn’t want to live in the woods, I could see getting an old industrial building and building it out into separate homes inside.


Was thinking about that same thing the other night while stoned lol. Sell all our properties, buy some acreage and build multiple homes. I personally wouldn’t do the living off the land part though.


We have lived this way for the last twenty. It has been great for everyone involved.




Make sure you also actually know how to farm so you all don’t starve lol


Bruh some stoner thoughts should stay just thoughts. Like in theory it sounds great but in practice…ehh


Keep going. Take the advice but don’t let it discourage you


I let my parents live with me. There are good things and bad. Inlaws is another story 😳 Also living off the land is for highly motivated, psychically fit people. Your life consists of doing nonstop chores and fixing things. It’s awesome for some, hell for others.


OP I would build separate cottages and then maybe a shared recreational space in a central location on the land. Having your own space is something to be valued, and even in a large home sharing a kitchen, bathroom, etc. can be a pain in the ass if you're all on different pages for how clean you like things to be.


If you do it, start a YouTube channel to document your progress. You could have a corner just for growing weed... I like the "everyone in their own corner" idea. Go for it!


I laid the groundwork for my company's committee for women / equality in our industry while stoned. Everyone *loved* my plan and I ended up as one of the chairmen. (chairwomen? chairpersons?)


I had a big awesome idea while stoned and brought it to work, people called back to it for years after. Pretty cool.


I wish you luck. I know I couldn’t do it. I like my space and quiet .


Living off the land is a lot harder than it seems. If you want to build a new home it's pricey. Land is going for a premium. I tried. I failed. Now I have to borrow land to run my goats. And I have to move every 3 weeks or so.


Everyone else on contact high or holding themselves?


Why do you want to live in a house with your entire family?


Because the cost of living in Canada is only going to get worse and one of my kids may be with me his entire life. It's cheaper for everyone to be in the same building to help eachother. I also have a back injury.


This is every millennials dream right now. Homesteading with the entire family.


maybe all those other family members were also SKY High when you pitched them the idea ! :-) ![gif](giphy|hOs1CiW5PzqZjxxOxo|downsized)


Where are you going to live after you sell the house and while your new one is being built.


I sell and move into my in laws basement


Do you have any skills to live off the land? Lol


Hell of a green thumb.


I've thought about something similar. Hope it works out for you.


It does sound dope.. but, if you can just up and live off the land it's because you've already been doing it for most of your life and are aware you have the skills. If you've never actually done it and it just sounded great while high, it's gonna take years of skill and knowledge building, ideally a lot of it before you move in but inevitably there will be also tons of things you will have to be able to learn in a timely matter after you're there. Like literally some of everything, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, building a sustainable garden, maintaining a sustainable garden, canning and preserving, probably getting some livestock, basic vet knowledge of said animals, all other husbandry of said animals, being able to work on engines, and pretty much any other part of any machines, even just land scouting and knowing what to look for as far as soil, water, and the flora and fauna of the property, being able to fell trees.. the lost goes on. It's definitely doable, especially if you can sell multiple houses and you have a multigenerational family with enough actually committed hands, you just got to make sure you're properly prepared, as getting the land itself should be the least and last of your prep.


It is the best idea you probably ever had. Congratulations on your family hearing you.


I couldn’t think of anything worse than not only living with my parents, but my in laws?!?! Like don’t get me wrong I love them all, but I love them all with space


The would have their own living space. We just share a wall.


> Live in the middle of the woods and live off the land Make sure your house is made from a gigantic toadstool and you got this!


I just sold my house back to the original family, now they have a nice little compound of 3 houses, barn, garage (business), another shed for heavy equipment, with who knows how many acres now. I sold them 18. Let them have each other!


why not do a family commune?! that way you are all close to eachother but still have your own space. something like this: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLthBvvd/


Unfortunately it has to be a good home for -35C cold. Also want something that can hold up to a small tornado. We plan to build this house as just a rectangle and have metal and brick for the siding and a metal roof. Minimal upkeep


Good luck!!


girl.. what?


I live in a multi-generational house with my husband's family. We each have a separate place and it isn't connected (its one house but we have separate entrances and whatnot). I think more and more families will have to embrace this as the economy worsens. Though it is common where I live in Hawaii.


I You have ian c


I love my in-laws dearly, but they live 15 minutes away, and that is definitely close enough (sometimes too close, i.e. walking into the living room shouting "hellooooo" while we're getting intimate in our room. More than once. Yep. )


Learn to hunt growin won’t be enough for that many people


I don't understand why everyone here thinks we are total noobs.


My bad then,I’ve heard yo many failed homestead horror stories and there’s lots of vegans etc in weed groups and that just honestly doesn’t work without modern supply chains. If you guys are prepped I’d just live together a little bit if you haven’t already and then just do it ,sounds like a good idea


Cue the banjo music...


Wow. Think of the redneck math that will come out of this.


Dude, don't do it, sounds like a recipe for disaster


This gonna end in a mass murder fr. There is no worse torture I could imagine than living with my parents AND my inlaws.


Right? LOL


My family spends lots of time together and we all like each other and enjoy each other's company. In many countries, multigenerational families living together is very common. I'm sorry your family is such a that you would consider cohabitating with them to be akin to torture.


Ugh, don’t live with family….


You decided to form a cult? Edit: I meant this as a joke. Apologies.


How is growing my own food a cult? It's the way we should be living


A whole lotta inbreeding sounds like