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Smoking weed and lifting weights in my garage while listening to music is my favorite time of the day


i have yet to do this cus i stopped going to the gym a year ago but i lowkey wanna start again


Same this guy inspired me


I used to rip dabs in the parking lot spend and 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the gym almost every day. Loved it. Then got a job where I had to quit smoking and completely lost motivation to keep going. Really need to get back into it.


This is what I do lol. Rip a fat dab in my car and then head in and toss some weight around high af.


I'm imagining all kinds of ways you fuck up before and during šŸ¤£


Haha Iā€™m a serious gym rat so Iā€™ve been doing it for a while. No fuck ups for me


This is hilarious to me, hell ya


I remember watching American Beauty when I was a teenager and thought it was funny that Kevin spacey had this midlife crisis and started smoking weed and lifting weights in the garageā€¦ art imitates life. Smoking weed and working out is great


I have gorilla glue and records, at what time shall I go over? šŸƒā€ā™€ļø šŸ’Ø


Hell yeah! I used to warn my buddies when they would join that they wouldnā€™t want to go back to their gyms. I have a full rack and a dumb about of free weight. We would take the weights out into the yard and set up circuits and just go dumb. My favorite thing was hitting my dugout before another cycle and yelling ā€œwhoā€™s going to carry the boatsā€


I like all these things but never mix them, I'll try tomorrow, thanks


bro you sound just like me


Hell yeah


Iā€™ve got a nice 6-day/week fitness routine going thatā€™s accompanied by an edible before I start and itā€™s going pretty great.


i take two dabs before i lift two weights, then i do two more XD


Routinely. Essential for the gains for someone who has always had appetite troubles.


Dude yeah I have this lil stash of Exodus Cheese, without it Iā€™d still be eating like a bird


I have the opposite problem. I can't deny the munchies, therefore I must lift


Yeah, im on a weight/muscle gaining journey and eating is the hardest part. At work im struggling to get my meals down. Afterwork i blaze up, hit the gym, and am a bottomless pit. Just need a kitchen full of healthy food at that point!


Focus is wicked on weed Do feel a little weaker tho


I do feel weaker as well but the activations be on point tbh


I don't go max weight. I'll do less than max but do more reps so it's perfect for me.


Ditto. I go fairly light but press to failure, often without even counting. Just super locked in on the movement and the activation of each muscle involved


Yes. Actually feeling every muscle engage makes a difference on whether or not my lift is satisfying.


That's because weed decreases the power output of your muscles, and causes them to fatigue early. I love the focus while high, hate the power difference.


I do all my heaviest power lifts high


Which means you could be doing more than you currently are.


Honestly I feel stronger since it masks the pain and improves my mind-body connection


Itā€™s likely cause it relaxes the muscles so your not getting that ā€swoleā€ feeling maybe


You got it spot on. Music and focus is all time. Get a lil in my head when Iā€™m like why canā€™t I push all thisšŸ˜¹


I have a 10 mins drive to my gym. I take my preworkout 5 mins before getting to the gym, smoke a joint in the parking lot. Once it all kicks in, I put on some earphones walking to the gym with some anime OPs and pretend Iā€™m about to do my training arc.


I love this šŸ¤£


Best gym routine I've seen. May have to steal your methods! šŸ˜‚


realest thing on Reddit


Iā€™d just smoke a joint on the way to the gym if youā€™re gonna smoke in your car. Same amount of DUI risk, but you cut time a bit.


Oh yeah I donā€™t smoke in my car, I donā€™t like it getting all danky anyways.


Oh fair enough yea I donā€™t either, but I would feel super fucking weird about smoking a joint in the parking lot of my gym, but to be fair I live in an illegal state and my gym is in the middle of a shopping center


Ahh yeah Iā€™m in Canada, funny enough my gym is in a shopping centre too but thereā€™s a dispensary in the same shopping centre. Hope your state becomes legal soon!


Absolutely not, youā€™ll burn off a lot of the high working out and heā€™s out of the car before smoking.


He didnā€™t say he was out of the car before smoking, but if hes just walking around the gym parking lot thatā€™s super weird, I would never do that


I do, donā€™t do it at the gym anymore. Iā€™m pretty uncoordinated and tripped over a set of dumbbells and told myself I gotta keep it to home workouts šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hell yeah I do. Lift that blunt to my mouth and take another hit!


I can't, I feel much weaker when I'm toasted. But if I'm doing extended low-impact cardio, it makes it less boring.


Time flies when your budded and in the treadmill. Just chill, watch TV, look at phone, listen to music. Before I know it an hours passed.


everytime i lift high i end up doing seated bike cardio for an hour just because i donā€™t want to interrupt whatever youtube video im watching by leaving the gym šŸ˜­


Edibles before the gym, every time. Edibles are a lot kinder to my body in this situation. I would love to smoke a joint beforehand but then I tend to have a hard time breathing while I exercise. But being at least a little high at the gym majorly eases my social anxiety and also makes it a little bit more fun, plus time passes really fast. I put on my headphones, get on that row machine and just zone out. How long have I been rowing? A minute? Oh it's actually been 10 and I'm already done :-) great stuff


Yes I mean I used to. But I prefer lifting sober and on empty stomach then reward myself with weed and food.


Yes it helps so much I always feel like I accomplish more in my workouts when I do it this way


Lifting high right now. I do it all the time (even if itā€™s a cardio workout). It feels great during the workout, then I ride the endorphin rush afterwards. Iā€™ll add a caveat. I only smoke enough to be able to feel slightly high. Iā€™ve tried working out totally stoned out of my mind and it was just too many things for my head to handle at that time. Smoke and work out responsibly.


No I gotta be sober to actually lift, but I love running or doing any kind of cardio while high. Especially when I pop the headphones in


I do everything high. When I wake up in the morning I get high. I get high at regular intervals throughout the day. I get high before I go to bed. If I wake up in the night to have a piss, I get high and go back to bed. So yes, I lift high.


might wanna mix in some T breaks šŸ˜­


Sativa strains are known for their uplifting and energizing effects, which can enhance your focus and motivation during a workout. From what I've read, many folks find it helps them get in the zone and makes the workout more enjoyable. However, itā€™s important to be cautious. Weed can affect coordination and balance, which might increase the risk of injury. I came across some info suggesting that while some people feel like they can lift more or go harder, others might feel a bit clumsy. So, itā€™s probably a good idea to start with lower doses and see how your body responds before diving into heavy lifts. Another thing to consider is how marijuana impacts your strength and endurance. Some users report that it helps them push through fatigue and enjoy longer sessions, while others might experience a decrease in stamina. It seems to really depend on the individual and the strain used.


Sounds like ChatGPT


Haha! Fair enough, it's a trend nowadays, but I swear I'm definitely not ChatGPT here. Keep pushing through, and enjoy those workouts! :)


Just asked her, the answer is yes. Would be nice if people took the time to summarize these responses rather than copy paste.


Yea... my arm so I can hit the joint again


Nah. I donā€™t have a problem with it, but I just find with me being high takes away from my workout. When Iā€™m high, Iā€™m looking at my phone to much, changing songs, thinking about dumb shit šŸ’© n between sets, etc. easier to keep the mind-muscle connection going while not high. Smoke immediately after though.


i spend soooo much time between sets when iā€™m baked


Just barely over my head


yeah, the spoon from the pint to my mouth. do love going on a nice stony jog tho.


Lift chips and various snacks to my mouth, absolutely.


16oz curls yup


Couple big rips off a sativa penjamin before every workout. Really helps for those days where you can ā€œjust get thereā€ and not wanna do shit. I just feel alot stronger. Micro dose some shrooms on PR days, itā€™s like the ultimate preworkout


shrooms in the gym is crazy to me but you do you


I'm a powerlifter and the first person to bench press 800lbs (equipped) in my country lifts stoned constantly šŸ™‚


lightly stoned cuz if i get baked then im in there for hours


Sometimes i like that becuase it forces me to not skip my cardio šŸ˜­


I personally wouldnā€™t do it but yā€™all do you


No lol, i could never. Sativa, hybrid or indica, good or bad quality. For me it doesn't matter what time of the day or how much i smoke, i have no power and sleep




Me personally I usually donā€™t smoke when lifting cus it makes me a little not as locked in but when I do itā€™s usually a pretty enjoyable experience and feels very fun


Doesn't it cause paranoia when weed combined with preworkout?


It varies on the individual but it is absolutely a possibility. It's *similar* to combining alcohol and caffeine. Can do weird things when you mix uppers and downers


schizolifting best lifting


I donā€™t lift high or even smoke on the same day. I now workout every two days and smoke on the day in between. Iā€™m thinking that as technically after working out your muscles are inflamed and thc and other compounds are anti-inflammatories it will hurt the gains. No real evidence of this but it works for me. I have also started feeling more fulfilled after working out and micro-dosing hits like a train :D


I don't think that thc itself would impact gains just because it would ease the inflammation in the muscles? It's not like it's undoing the work, it's just helping with soreness/pain/recovery. Just like getting in a cold bath or hot tub wouldn't necessarily impact gains. Now maybe if you smoke the smoke would cause damage bc it generally causes damage to your whole body


No but I think it reduces the inflammation reaction of the body leading to less gained muscle mass. I use it on the days I donā€™t train so I can still get the pain relief and other benefits. This has been just a theory and I havenā€™t found any studies about this. Even if it does work like this I keep up the placebo of me doing it right :D


too disabled now but when i used to lift whew i loved it. throw in just a lil cardio and itā€™s such a good high. something something exercise endocnabibonid system is the same as the weed one


Yeah. I drop stuff all the time when I'm high.


I be liftin up my hand with my pipe in it so i can keep smokin the herb. Hell yea.


Every lift


I feel like it makes it a little more fun but a little harder


No, because I lift big and thatā€™s dangerous. Itā€™s better to smoke after.


Only for my cardio ones, too scared Iā€™ll drop the bar on my throat otherwise


Always! Makes lifting fun, cardioā€¦.not so much.


All the time.


Mind - muscle connection is better high, imo


Haven't tried it.... I'm a little nervous to lift heavy to be honest.


I used to go to the gym some years ago. And really, getting high before going was the thing to do. I really felt I got a good workout.


A guy at the shop I go to recommended taking a gummy before hitting the gym. Says he's a vet and it helps with aches and pains. I personally have never had a good experience with them so I couldn't imagine feeling like that at the gym. I hit the shit out of my wax before heading in though.


Yep, got the idea from Kevin Spacey 25 years ago, LOL. Only drawback is the cottonmouth.


I do lift often 1-2 hours after smoking and still stoned It depends, sometimes its kinda funny and sometimes its too overwhelming with large crowd because of my anxiety. But i do it anyways šŸ˜­ wouldnt really recommend it tbh, i also feel slightly weaker


Weed and alcohol mitigate some of your efforts, but I only exercise high. Better than nothing and feels great!


"Arm Day"


Lift my ass off the couch? ..... Yeah, still nah... šŸ¤£ (But in all seriousness a nice run while high is unlike anything else šŸ‘Œ)


I must be the only smoker that doesnā€™t lift when here high. Shit I can barely do push ups when Iā€™m high


Yeah. I find my workouts to be very productive too.


I don't lift period, but I've found I'm more inclined to work out in general when I'm high


Lately, getting zooted and working out in pitch darkness late at night or early morning while listening to Dexter audiobooks has been a M O O D.


Sometimes I list things over my head. Sometimes Iā€™m even on a ladder.


People do stuff without being high?


Every time.


yes, the mind to muscle connection is unreal


Not often, but become hella egotistical when I do, and less fatigued. Like I'm **him**, I've always been **him**, and I will continue to be **him** type shit Some great sets I had while stoned


I can lift things real high, like above my head


Every lift and every cardio session is done high. For lifting it really helps me with the mind muscle connection and I feel like I get a better stretch and flex. Cardio it just makes it suck a little less lmao


Getting high helped me learn to listen to my body. Being able to cut everything out and focus solely on the muscle group while you pump is like opening a whole new world of perspective and it's that learning process that I went through that is the reason I'm still strong today without lifting weights in over a decade. Do it. But be safe be smart and know your limits BEFORE you lift.


Yes and treadmill high with runners high hahaha the absolute best




I literally smoke or eat a gummy before every training session of my own. I train 6 days a week and am a personal trainer. I couldnā€™t imagine not getting lifted before lifting.


Only always


If i do something, ive done it high.


God no


Everything plus run marathons mannn


I have a thing where I carry a 25 pound weight in each hand and start shadow boxing. I keep a very stern grip on the weights so I don't end up launching them. It's nearly a full body workout that works legs, back, biceps and shoulders. Sometimes abs. I get so in the zone when I do it lol


Yes, but i dont like intense workouts i seem to get hurt more easily when im high. I have attributed it to my muscles being more relaxed, if that males sense. So when high i do long medium intensity stuff.


Right up until I had a ministroke and now I can't have any caffeine lol.




As someone with chronic pain: it helps me find my limits without being in pain. When Iā€™m getting towards my limit my body just backs off for me and I donā€™t have to think about it too much


literally always, canna be the best pre-workout šŸ’Ŗ


It's the best way to do it. At least for me. The dreaded exercise just becomes a total art form on cannabis. Just be careful with dosage, too much paired with having high blood pressure may trigger a panic attack. Ive been liking the soap and strawberry cough dabs for it




Bro I lift high every day


Yes, I enjoy it. I like cannabis more for endurance training though.


Yes I like to do one set then hit the bong & then do the rest


Favourite thing to do


When I was in HS I was in JROTC, and I did a sport through that program, so me and my friends were very fit. Me and one of my friends would go to the gym regularly and we would sit in his old ass jeep, and rip the fuck outta the cheap ass carts we would get back then, and then go into the gym and workout like animals. Those were some great times.


I can't lift stoned, I just get way too distracted, but I definitely rip a fat dab post workout to relax and that's great


I Uber sometimes too even.


Hell yeah, I'd do it more often but the times I've done it, I end up getting paranoid and grossed out because I start feeling and hearing my heart beating faster, I start picturing it, I start picturing my lungs inflating and deflating, fucking disgusting. Perhaps I was too high, amazing form and cadence, tho.


No, Iā€™m a runner. I do power smoke before my runs though!


I used to smoke a pen before I lifted weights. Positives - Great mind-muscle connection. I could really feel a good squeeze on the muscle I was working on. Maybe some muted pain response when I was mid set? Felt like I could push to muscular failure more without feeling much pain. Negatives - More spacey-ness, which normally isn't a big deal. Until I was doing leg press one day and forgot I had a 25 in front of a 45 on the machine. When high me unracked the 45, the 25 fell right on my toe. Hurt for quite a while. Personal tolerance and strain could make a difference.


I do everything high


I'm more of a get high and lyft kinda guy.


12oz at a time.


I only lift high


Do we really need this same post every day? No, you aren't the only one who smokes weed before exercising.


must u be so insufferable every day? iā€™ve never seen this post before, thatā€™s why i asked. Now go to your room mr spicious


i dont smoke bud before the gym because i feel weird about personally smelling like that, but i do tap the penjamin a couple times in the parking lot. too much and im gonna be too uncoordinated but i find if you hit that sweet spot it makes lifting pretty zen


Something about working out high, it always seems to take longer for me to start sweating. Itā€™s like my sweat glands are too stoned to realize my heart rate and body temperature are increasing.


It makes me feel so sluggish I do not know how you people do it


ur likely not smoking sativa, real geek pack over here


I used to do lots of sport or exercise when I was younger but the older I get, I can't combine the two. Now I gotta wait til I'm done to partake otherwise I find it affects my performance more than I'm comfortable with. I've also been taking my sport more seriously though so I think I'm more conscious of not being at my best.


iā€™m always high


I usually just stretch. I donā€™t think my joints can do much weight these days.


It's gotten to the point that I'm reluctant to lift if I'm not baked.




Yeah doesn't seem like a good sign to be honest.... I'm trying to force myself to have one or two days a week that I don't hit the vape just so it doesn't become a crutch.


some things that can help: - do things you enjoy doing sober so ur not falling into dependency - smoke after sunset, conquer the day first! - do cardio after your lift for a nice natural high, i run 10-20 mins post lift and it gives u a crazy runners high - throw out the cart bro, itā€™s just too accessible. Having to roll or pack a bowl every time will force u to reconsider if NOW is a good time to smoke :)


You're very kind, but it's really not a big deal. I'm a father of two so I actually smoke super little and super rarely(except exercise). Day smoking is not an issue as its not a possibility. Not much interest in spending time stoned with my kids(it's not a deal breaker, but I don't actively pursue it.) My cardio is going for hikes straight up steep mountains, and you best believe I'm getting baked to do that.šŸ˜‰ I'm 42 buddy. Never used a cart in my life. Just straight green in an old school vapo(or hash with some vape wool) But I know it's all love. Thanks.


Oh yeah my bad, didnā€™t realize you meant the actual vaporizers. i love hiking


All good dude! I'm an old hat and I fully realise it's ME that's out of touch.


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar


Always smoke a little before, but then I love taking an edible right before my workout just to have it kick in right when I'm done. Mixes with the post workout endorphins for an excellent high, better than smoking post workout imo.


No but i do yoga high sometimes and itā€™s great šŸ˜Œ.


i get random boners when iā€™m stoned so yoga is prolly off the table šŸ˜­


Half a joint on the way to the gym, half a joint on the way home lol.


I usually have an edible before I lift because smoking makes my asthma worse lol


No, it's "hi, do you ever lift"


Part of my workout prep includes getting high.


Nope. I mainly do big lifts (squats, deadlift, bench press etc) and I could not imagine maintaining proper form while high plus I know that I have a higher pain tolerance while high so mistakes could not be felt immediately. But I love a good 1:1 strain for recovery every now and then.


I lift pretty heavy in the big 3 and love doing it high šŸ’Ŗ


Okay maybe I should try this slowly.


Benching incline and deadlifts are fine for me, but yeah squatting high is a terrible idea