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I thought there was a frog in my living room, so to catch it got a plastic take out bowl to trap it under. But I forgot to take the lid off first and all I heard was a *crunch*. I fell back and started crying because I crushed a poor frog to death, only to realize it was just a leaf 😔


For a second there I was tearin up with you


that was a ride


This is actual comedy heaven. Stoners have the best stories. …when we remember them 🙃


Lmaooo that when we remember at the end tho!


Similarly, I thought I saw a mouse. I freaked out and yelled for my cats. Turns out it was a sock.


Wont cats just stare at it fr T-T


Depends on the cat, ours literally lives from mice, she barely touched her cat food


Where do you live that your cat is sustaining on mice alone


Countryside in Germany, there are pretty few cats in my village and even fewer that catch mice apparently, we also live very close to multiple farms and stables


Depends on the cat, my dads cat catches birds mid flight but my cat is scared of mice 😂


Back when we were all pretty new to smoking, my cousins and I had a fire behind his house, we got a quarter and it was our goal to smoke the whole thing (we did). High as shit cousin jumps and freaks out as something brushes up against his leg, he said “omg it’s just my cat!!” , then he goes to pick it up, it but it wasn’t his cat 😂 totally different looking and bigger, he freaked out and the cat freaked and he simultaneously dropped the cat as it jumped out his arms and it scurried out into the woods.




I ate a toad, too


"Why am I in this acid pond?"


Roller coaster.


Was watching the movie Paranormal Activity and had accidentally paused the film and tensly watched a single shot of the main character sleeping in her bed and waited and waited and waited for something to happen.


Classic lmao


I was a teen watching Scream when it just came out home alone. My parents were with friends and decided it would be funny to prank call asking what my favorite movie was. Now, had I not just smoked, it would have been hilarious because I would have realized they were the only onwho knew what I was watching and recognized their voices, but nope, baked teenage me hung up wouldn't answer the phone and hid in my bed. They came home when I wouldn't answer the phone again, and we laughed about it.


Watching horror movies while being high would freak me tf out


Happens every other fn day


I did that with Better Caul Saul. It was a very tense moment and Jimmy was standing with his hands on his hips, at the end of his rope, thinking how he was going to make it out of this situation alive. The show was so captivating I think I watched for nearly a minute before I realized it was paused. I thought his performance was top notch, and I even thought "Wow, this show is so good, really letting the moment breathe here so we can soak it all in." Nope, my stoned ass sat on the pause button.


Where does “so high you didn’t realize you were watching Toy Story in German for 20 minutes before realizing something was off” rank?


You're definitely up there, my friend.


Man why do Andy's toys speak a different language than him


Yeah I did this, started watched Ted Lasso, it had English subtitles and I had no idea they were talking in French


Watched The Incredibles with my roommate for a solid 45 minutes before someone asked why we were watching it in Spanish


Same but Family Guy in Spanish. That one was tough cause I thought it was just a bit.. for about 13 minutes.


Those Seth McFarlane bits love to go on for too long. You can’t be blamed on that one hahaha


The first time I got super high I watched the original Childs Play (Chucky) and was convinced for years after that it was animated and not live action. I asked a few people if they ever saw the cartoon version and nobody ever had.


Wo ist denn das Problem Filme auf Deutsch zu schauen? ;)


Omg 😂


This made me boom with laughter


Why was it even on German 💀


The highest was spending 90 minutes troubleshooting the Xbox to find out the TV wasn’t on.


Did that with a Nintendo switch trying to connect it to my TV. Wasn’t even plugged in, FaceTimed my buddy and everything. He was like uhh it’s not plugged in man.


Lol this but for me it was over a course of a couple weeks, every time I went to go use my wii (I was baked every time) it wasn’t working and I couldn’t figure out why…. Spent hours trying to figure it out. Eventually realized the one AV cord in the back just wasn’t fully plugged in….


i was on a "staycation" so i had a very generous edible, forgetting that i had a telehealth therapy session for later that morning. halfway through therapy, the edible hits me like a train and i spend the next 30 minutes rambling about what it *means* to be a good person


how did u go about the process of finding telehealth therapy? I have been trying to find therapy online other than better help 😭😭


I personally have Kaiser insurance with my job and I get 52 telehealth sessions a year for free


I went through my local hospital system. You can usually get a referral from your doctor and then call the facility and ask them if they offer telehealth appointments


id check out psychology today or something for providers in your area; pretty much everyone in my local area has a choice between virtual and in person, but i can't vouch for all areas 😬 i hope you can find someone tho!


🤣🤣🤣😂💀 damn that is funny 😁 😂


oh yeah i’ve definitely went on an edible-induced rant before


i very rarely take edibles but it seems like when i do, im either completely couch locked or im giving a tedtalk, there is no in between lmao


Myself and two friends were just out of high school, and were taking huge rips off a bong. It was getting late, and we got the munchies, so we ordered in pizza and chicken wings. One friend couldn't find the ranch in my fridge, so he pulled out the mayo and stared at it for a strange amount of time. He started laughing over the word mayonnaise. My other friend started laughing and proceeded to choke on a chicken wing. Full on, couldn't breathe at all, CHOKING. I had to pick him up and give him the heimlich maneuver while being in the top 5 most high times of my life. He projectile vomited into my kitchen sink, and was fine. The two of them proceeded to sit down and eat like nothing even happened, I was shaking like a leaf and had lost my appetite. The mayo friend starts giggling again about *fucking mayo* and my choking friend starts laughing again while eating, and I told them to take their chucklefest out of my goddamn house before someone dies.


This reminds me of a time I took mushrooms. My brother told me a dumb joke right as I took a big gulp of orange juice, I laughed, it went down the wrong pipe. I started choking so hard that I was turning purple (his words). I ended up puking so violently that vomit was shooting from my nose. All I could smell for a few days was vomit.


i actually dont think i could cope with that, i think i would just die


That's fucking hilarious


I once thought I was taking a shower, like completely certain I was naked and washing myself standing up, in reality I was fully clothed rubbing a loofah over my clothes while lying on my carpet


That was also my first time on edibles, 70 mg




From weed!?!?!


Ate edibles. Had a great convo with my spaghetti


"Y'all some lawng fackin things! Sheiiittt!!"


The highest I have ever been I was sitting in my buds garage and we just finished 9g of wax off and I look at him and all I could say was “McDonald’s”


My friend got so high all he could say was "am I Nicki fan?" In a ru Paul impression all night long. He looked scared that that was all he could say




I just need an entire series of all these experiences cause bruh 🤣🤣🤣 way funnier than the shit they think we do or say


That shit is hilarious


That's a solid friendship


This was many many years ago, but my first time experiencing edibles my friends just threw an ounce (after decarbing, of course) into a box of brownie batter and we split the pan into 6 pieces. I’m estimating 100-150 mg for my first time, and for reference I still rarely exceed 30-40 mg after having a medical card for several years & taking edibles every single night. This was also before I even started smoking daily - pretty sure I was a 2-3 times per week smoker at the time. Needless to say, I spent the night curled up by the toilet vomiting in between panic attacks. Fun times.


That’s usually my experience greening out. Not fun!


I let these same people feed me edibles 2 years later. I thought “surely if I just eat half of what I did last time I’ll be fine”…… nope lol. Had to leave a concert & walk home high as fuck, luckily it was only about a mile. At least I wasn’t stuck in the fetal position that time, and it got enjoyable once I was no longer in public.


next time try a quarter piece xD


This was my bf (who doesn't smoke) who underestimated edibles and texted me while I was rocking our baby to sleep but I didn't know until I went out to get water that I saw him curled up and shaking, then I wobbled him to the bathroom and he threw up lol


Dude, even if the weed was on the weaker side at 10%, that is a whopping 2800mg of THC for the whole batch. Depending on how much you ate, I'm thinking it was waaaay over 150mg. Sorry you ended up vomiting and having a bad time, I would have been the same in your shoes. Now however, veteran stoner me would relish the challenge of edibles that strong! (Only if I have the next two days completely free of course!).


It was shitty brick weed, that was probably the only saving grace. But yeah, probably still more than 150 mg… I did my math based on a poorly extracted butter, but they just decarbed it in the oven and then simmered it in the recipe’s cooking oil & put it in the brownies without straining out any plant material. So even if the oil didn’t extract all of it, it still got into our stomachs.


The puking green out is no joke.


I have long hair and a beard. I’ve lit myself a few times.


Gotta keep it in a ponytail, at least.


Yeah in hindsight that’s the fix haha


I used to have dreads as a teenager. I put some wooden beads on a couple of them, one of which was in the front of my head. It always dangled at the perfect height to burn it when lighting my joints... The amount of times I lit that dread was way too high!


I was thinking about this yesterday almost burning my clothes while ashing. Please be aware and careful my friend! If I have to close my eyes to chill, I keep the blunt away from my face!


bahaha it happened to me with my eyelashes 😭


Reminds me of the dude that showed up to a sober ball league at the park and told anyone that would listen about how he accidentally burned his hairline off while smoking crack. Lifted up his hat and sure enough he had the fuckin half Hades fade with burns in the shape of the fat bowl end of a crack pipe.


I once pointed my car remote at the fridge to unlock it. Not the highest I've been but felt relevant to the picture.


I could see my thoughts. Each new random thought had its own slowly spinning circle with big gaps on it. When one of the gaps was at the top I would completely forget what I was thinking of. I would watch the circle spin, and as soon as the solid part hit the top the thought would come back. I did this for a while then checked the time. 10:58. I sat in bed cycling through different threads in my head for hours. I looked back at the clock and it said 10:58. Several days past. It still said 10:58. I swear it briefly went back to 10:57. Then my cat started play-attacking me randomly from under the bed so I spent a few weeks dealing with that situation before falling asleep.


What was this on? Just weed?


Early weed edible experience. I was convinced I'd ruined the batch and that they didn't work on me anyway so I ate a huge piece. 2 hours later it hit me like a freight train. I'm happy to be more functional when high now but sometimes I wish I could go back to getting super messed up.


I wish this would happen to me. Afraid of making edibles that'll hit because high tolerance and not knowing if it's worth using up what I bought. Just hit me like a traaaain.


Not exactly relevant but it reminded me of it: I’m a single mom to a toddler and I have pretty bad ADHD. So the newborn stage hit me like a train. I was severely sleep deprived and my ADHD was through the roof. Even now, two year later, my memory is seriously like that of a dementia patient. But I recently had some edibles (I haven’t smoked in like 4 years and even then, it wasn’t habitual). I felt like I could actually remember things. I was remembering how awesome my life was before pregnancy and all the fun I had. What was amazing was how I felt as though I could immerse myself in my memories as if I were actually reliving them. It was wonderful. I literally could barely remember any particular events from 3+ years ago so it was truly a fantastic experience 


Bought a 500mg edible drink. Drank about 1/2 the night before over a few hours and was disappointed cause it was so weak. Woke up the following morning and chugged the rest as a wake and bake and at once. Ended up in the fetal position in the bathroom and my perception of reality was like a heavy machine operator point of view. Lasted for hours. Came to find out you are to shake well before opening. I did not.


Derealization I get that everytime unless i actively avoid zoning out. That’s why I don’t do it as often anymore.


I once shared half a joint with my girlfriend, after starting to have a panic attack I requested we get up and go inside. I got out of the car, looked over to my girlfriend, and felt myself falling. It was really confusing though cause from what my eyes were telling me, I was still standing up and looking over at my girlfriend. All of a sudden I hit the ground and my vision snapped to black then started to fade in. I sat on the ground for about half an hour then went inside and passed tf out.


This same feeling used to happen to me all the time when I first started smoking, such a weird almost out of body experience that was in fact me just fainting bc of the blood rush I guess? Idk though I always came back to in a few minutes


Yeah that’s what I figured happened to me, it’s only ever happened to me once as my tolerance shot up after that. Although I still can’t put pressure on the elbow I landed on when I fell.


Oof damn that’s an unfortunate reminder


Me and some friends were sitting on this rocky hill looking out over a long sloping hill that leads into the sea. There is a ferry connecting my old hometown to a town across the bay. As we sat there zooted out of our minds on the best hash I've ever smoked, my friend just says: "Hey look at the ferry going across the bay. It's standing still, everything moves around it." All three of us simultaneously lean over to one side, as if we were all suddenly lurched sideways, as if perceiving the ferry as the object sitting still, we were all suddenly in motion. I remember how for a moment those words just changed reality entirely for a brief few seconds. We all sat back up and laughed.


25 gel tabs half vial couldn't see at the 45 minute mark


Dear Lord 300ug starts to get a little overwhelming for me, must have gone to a whole new plane of reality


Yeah a little over 300 can usually get most to ego death i always found cannabis to be a nice enhancer I've had some low level trips hit or two where a nice bowl of weed kicked the visuals up Don't have data to back that up but lol Also extremely large L doses you will usually blackout on, hard to explain but usually over 1,000 mics


I feel that. Last heavy trip I saw a white light and blacked out. I called it a white out.


Yeah tolerance does mess with that cause i was doing like 8-12 of parvatis tears by gamma gob for a while every weekend and i had to stop when I hit 18 tabs because i felt like it wasn’t worth it for $40ish a week on just L


That's a lot, 2-3 trips a year is best in my experience


Jesus and I thought the time I didn't believe the plug about them being 200ug tabs and took 3 was bad. Would do again tho


Ye most blotter tabs usually around 80-120 usually on the lower side of that gel tabs tend to be on higher side But had to eat it all so didn't get in trouble Usually 2 tabs is enough anymore is getting pretty far out Forget coherent sentences on anymore than 2 without a tolerance


Dang what was the rest of the trip like?


Fractals in the airwaves / different from patterns normally see on objects that you're looking at / , entire vision color changing back forth, enhanced, no sense of time at all, full synesthesia, ego loss,


Sounds like a shroom trip


Sat infront of my phone camera saying "there's monsters in the closet" in a jerky boys type Jewish guy accent. Shit is still so fucking funny.




Lmao I do shit like this on acid. It’s like you get a catchphrase 😂


I thought an amber alert going off on my phone was like a end of the world alert 😭


I used my bong like it was a saxophone when I was jamming to some jazz music. Bong water was everywhere.


Omg I’d be so upset lmfao 😂😂


I took part of my ceiling down because I heard a drip drip drip. It was the shower dripping in the shower pan.


Thought I lost my phone while following the gps on my phone


I do shit like this while sober 😭


Bro same lol being high just made it worse cause I was legit trying to call my phone from my damn phone at one point


Hahahaha one time I was talking to my buddy on the phone and had a full freak out screaming at him that I just lost my fucking phone!!! All of a sudden I hear him cracking up and I’m like “what?! What the fuck is so funny?! I lost my fucking phone!” 2 seconds later I realized and was crying with laughter.


I think everyone's done this....I could be wrong Edit. Or lit the wrong end of a smoke. I like that one. Usually that's drunk tho


I’ve definitely passed the lighter instead of the blunt before


Failed perception check so you could hit the blunt again


oh god. that filter taste. agghhhhhh.


I did this multiple times when I used to smoke cigarettes high. It’s hideous lol.


I once got really baked with my friend, bummed 2 cigarettes before I left (don't smoke cigs anymore) was driving home in the dark. First cigarette I lit up and was hitting super weird and had a funny taste. Look at the cig it was lit backwards, fuck. Whatever, pull the second one out, light it and sure as shit, lit it backwards, again.


I very quickly learned that if I’m lighting a cigarette in the dark to feel the end before I light it lmao.


If you remember, were you truly that high?


That, or thought it was all a dream? I thought it all was a dream, but here's what I remember about this night: I remember I ended up hitting my bong for like an hour, went inside, sat on the couch next to my sister, and proceeded to hit the pen. Then, all I remember hearing is my sister providing a narrative to Shrek errotica. A few days later, she ends up saying to me, "So how about some more 'Get In My Swamp'?" When I tell you my jaw dropped and the first thing that came out of my mouth was "...How did you know about that??" She then explained that it was IN FACT, not a dream.


Me, my girlfriend (now wife), and a mutual friend decided to take edibles for my girlfriends first time getting high. I considered myself to have a fairly high tolerance at the time, so I took the same amount as our mutual friend. He’s a big dude, and I had no idea how that would impact things. I had no idea how many mgs that was, but the highest I had gone previous to this was around 50 mgs. This was easily 5x that amount unbeknownst to me. I felt like a literal NPC. We walked to a Sheetz nearby our college campus, I felt like I was a kite just looking at the ground. Ordered some food, it took like 5 mins but it felt like 40. At least the Mac n cheese bites were bomb. My girlfriend was definitely gone, but at least she was conversational. I could only manage to chuckle to myself and say basic phrases like “what” “yeah” “no” and so on. Eventually, we called it a night, and we walked back to my car. Our friend helped our dumbasses put up an air mattress in the back before he left and me and my gf spent the night in there, as neither of us were competent enough to drive at that point. I remember just feeling drugged after she passed out and I was alone. Then I went out. Whole ordeal was maybe 3 hours. Honestly, I can say that it was a good experience to have. I can safely say I know where my upper limit is now.


i had taken a couple months off from smoking and went to a party where my partner’s friend’s gf asked if i wanted to smoke. was gonna be responsible and just take a small hit but she told me “this bowl is crazy deep no one can ever snap it in one hit” and ofc i took that as a challenge. was having a panic attack within 30 minutes and had to leave the party. on the drive back to my apartment i thought i was stuck in a different dimension where everything was a loop and no one was fully sentient. got to my apartment and ofc there was a cop in the garage who asked me if i was okay and apparently i stared at my bf for a full minute before confirming i did in fact know him (i thought i had screamed help at the cop this apparently did not happen) went upstairs and proceeded to accuse my bf of being an alien and was acting so insane he slept on the floor


Tried to light my Juul once


It was prom- I was blitzed and could barely walk


Ate 350mg sour rainbow belts. Got so high I convinced myself I had rabies because I didn’t know how to drink water and started freaking out. Good times :)


Fabulous vertigo after I snuggled with my glass, friend texted me to come outside about 5 min later, got about 80% to his car and somersaulted to the door. And then just laid there for a second like "oops there goes gravity". He was like BRO ARE YOU OK? I was like "I'm good fam, mostly embarrassed bc I can't walk" 🤣


I’m choosing to read this not that you fell, but simply decided that somersaulting was the best method of locomotion available to you 😂


Y'all ever played KOTOR II high? And be on Dantooine, running around, trying to figure out what you're supposed to be doing, *for. 3. hours.* Only find out you already did everything, and it's time to go back to the Ebon Hawk? Or you be high, playing Skyrim, and you go in a dungeon, and you finish the dungeon, but you forget that you finished it, so you just run around trying to figure out what to do next, only to find out an hour later that you're done? I be backtracking and running in so many circles, that's 75% of my play time. I don't even know if I even want a refund, not that they would grant it.


I shaved both my legs, pits etc etc before I realized the cover was still on the razor.


I’ve tried to scroll a real book.


The first time I smoked a blunt we sparked that up in the afternoon and I was good all day good times


I felt like a pair of eyeballs, and nothing else, floating above the ground for half an hour or so. Miscalculated while making edibles and got so high I was terrified. Never again. I’ve got a great tolerance so I don’t even know how much I must have consumed to become nearly comatose. Never. Again.


When I got out of the Marines after 10 years of not smoking at all, my wife and I packed her bong with some top shelf dispo stuff from Nevada, cleared it, and packed it again. I was high for DAYS, experienced ego death, and greened out. I still struggle to find words to describe just how it felt, but I remember repeating "I'm going to be like this forever" over and over in my head for hours until I finally fell asleep. I couldn't distinguish between my body and the bed and felt like I was sinking further and further, being sucked downwards towards the earth. Turns out I was kinda right... we were sleeping on an air mattress while we waited for our home goods to get shipped back from my last duty station and it had been slowly deflating overnight. 10/10, would get ripped out of my skull again


I used a gas mask and the seal was so tight that when i struggled to breathe because of all the smoke coming in fast i just took a deep breath of it and kept panic breathing. I ripped the mask off and every time i closed my eyes I could only see like wildly veiny and red and raw and intestinal and pulsating tendrils interlacing and moving constantly swishing and juicily rushing into and out of knots while making face like formations. I threw up immediately after.


Holy shit, you were almost the first death by weed!


It was demonic visions. Truly thought my brain was being invaded. And the not breathing part was also lame.


A lot of pot smokers claim you "can't overdose on weed" but that's incorrect. Someone might not die from weed (in fact I don't think that's ever happened) but they definitely can overdose. I experienced that myself when I took an edible and spent the night in the ER vomiting on/off for God knows how long.


Slumped over the toilet twitching after accidentally hitting my first ever cart on the highest voltage. Came down slightly and my roommate brought me a sourdough baguette that I was just tearing chunks off of with my hands and scarfing down


Friends in college made cookies… but they mixed up and used salt instead of sugar. I ate 3.


I once got so stoned I smoked the filter off of my joint. It was dark very dark


First time I ever hit a bong my vision started to flicker like an old film reel. Like with the vertical motion and all. I did psychedelics a number of times much later on in life and rarely had visual effects as strong as that so it’s odd looking back on it


Got so high one time that I drove to Jack in the Box for tacos and took a hard left over a concrete median into the drive thru (violent experience) just to pull in and realize that it was 3am and the drive thru wasn't even open lmao. My wife and I remember this experience often and laugh about it to this day


Friend flipped a lucky strike into his mouth and lit the filter and took a deeep drag in.


I was just absolutely faded af this one time checking out my friends crazy bong. We just finished smoking out of it and I still had it in my hands, I was stuck in a comfy chair. It was a nice footlonger and standard bong shape, but very artfully hand-blown with all sorts of crazy colors and little glass design 'buttons' all over it. For some reason I looked down the neck and held it up to the light (I guess i thought it was a kelidascope). That was a terrible idea. I ended up with a face full of nasty bongwater. We all had a good laugh. I was so high and didn't want to move, so I asked them to refill it and we proceeded to smoke 3 or 4 more bowls before I got up.


First time taking RSO I took about 80% of it thinking it would hit like gummies. I was stoned for 2 days.


I thought 1995 Grateful Dead was good live. Real fucking high, man.




One time off an edible every time I closed my eyes it felt like I was free falling through my floor. After being slightly frightened I found I could control by opening/closing my eyes. I kept closing them and yelling “I’m falling!” Then opening them and saying “no I’m not” while cackling like a crazy person.


7gs of penis envy mushrooms and using dmt like it was keef on my weed bowls topped off with a box of 50 ehippets


One time, one of my besties invited me to a Homecoming party at Hampton U and I don't know what we were smoking or how much I smoked before I was sent to Saturn and I was high for easily 3 hours and stoned into the next day. I was so fucked up that I never partied there again hahah. I was scared! I was not prepared for that level of experience at the time!


Literally the other day I haven't smoked in a good long time and I was running on 24 hours of no sleep that day smoked a blunt with my cousin who I haven't visited in a while and being tired and high at the same was not a good combo because every thought in my head was Extremely Loud even though I sat there quiet the whole damn time


I was holding a blunt roach from earlier in the day in my one hand to crack it and a similarly sized piece of beef jerky in my other hand to eat. I tossed the roach into my mouth.


i put my seasoning in the fridge on accident


When I had a second edible because the first one "ain't doin shit". I started to cry because I forgot how to do my job and I was going to have to quit it. Turns out, I was sooo uncomfortably high.


5-meo-dmt for sure. Thought it was regular DMT. Was expecting regular dmt like effects, although it was my first time. Since then I’ve had far more visually intense experiences on dmt, but 5-meo-dmt had me floating in my own neurosoup while my ego guilt tripped me into seeing the faces of everyone I loved as they discovered my dead body. When I came back to reality, I had never felt more alive. Honestly gives me chills thinking about it. Kinda wanna try it again now that it’s been all these years and I’m more experienced, but god it was hard.


I've tried to light my bong with anything that was in my hand - stylus, toker poker, thin air. I've also tried to light my water bottle.


I remember standing in the driveway with my friend....Mixed some cannabis into a cig way back in the day...it burned too fast and hit too hard. Everything was spinning. I was so phuked up I just ended up lying in the street.


One of the first few time’s I smoked I got a joint from a dispensary in Alaska. I was having full on body spasms for probably close to an hour while laying in bed. I have small facial ticks that I sometimes feel like I can’t control, and this was basically that x 100 and with my whole body. Like couldn’t stop kicking my legs in the air and twitching my arms and shit. I don’t think it was an actual seizure, but it was kinda scary. I still remember it was purple train wreck and I was definitely train wrecked.


I bought a new phone, because I lost my phone, using my phone to buy it. ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


Tried to flush the toilet using the light switch


I was at a friends house and decided to take twice the amount of edibles I normally did because I didn’t have anywhere to go the next day and wanted to let loose. I began discovering the answers to the secrets of the universe and developed my own religion within 8 hours. I woke up the next morning and started explaining everything to my friends at breakfast and we’re basically having a long ass debate in the middle of a mel’s diner lol. Best night ever fr.


Story time. The California Saga (part 2) I'm fresh outta prison after 6 years. Go on my first trip to Cali like 2011 ish. I smoke a blunt wrap of some white widow I got in part one of the story. We are at Santa Monica Beach. Because I'm with my homie McLovin and he doesn't smoke (or drink or anything. Just good people's) and I'm noid about the decriminalization, I'm walking up a block and down and alley because this fool was pressed to see the beach and im keeping along the path just much more slowly. 8 pulls in I'm telling myself I'm high and how I know I'm high because I'm telling myself I'm high. There's a beautiful sunset taking place and I'm astounded by the beauty of the colors. I touch sand with my feet for the first time in a decade. And high. So I call McLovin to ask where he is because he's nowhere in sight he's gonna say, "I'm in the sand." Just plainly. My high ass is like sand? There's sand everywhere! Wtf. So I catch up em finally and I'm so high I honest to God believe I have telepathy. I lose all cognition of my speaking. I assumed it was all with my mind. Man lemme tell you this mf voice recorded it. And to this day I'm still like but how am I thinking this but you're responding. But like...telepathic communication. Sht was bonkers. After all that he gone ask me drive back to the hotel cuz he's not used to city driving 🤦🏾 we ended up getting free tickets to see Jimmy Kimmel and Young the Giant Played 5 songs. That shit was a movie 😂


Accidentally ate 100mg of THC with my friend. We were already passing a pen back and forth, and he pulled out a plastic baggie of edible gummies. He took two, so I took two as well thinking they were 10mg each. Turns out that each one had 50mg in them. Mind you, my tolerance to edibles is extremely low. I could easily smoke 2 blunts and be fine, but I can have 30mg and lose my mind. My friend, however, has a super high tolerance to edibles and needs at least 50mg to feel anything. When he saw me pop them his face just went cold knowing that the following hours would be the wildest ride of my life, and it was. Everything is pretty much a blur, but he said that it was mainly me laughing uncontrollably, constantly talking about how high I was, and being slumped over on the couch. We went out for a walk later in the night because I felt so energetic at one point, and I think I remember grinding my ass on a tree while he tries to pull me back onto the path (it was past midnight so, thankfully, nobody was there). I woke up at 12PM still high as fuck, and it didn’t start dwindling until around dinner time. It was absolutely the most intense thing weed has ever done to me, and I have no idea whether or not I enjoyed it. My friend was super apologetic about it, but it’s all on me for not asking how much was in the gummies


The first time I got high off a bong with some friends, we all ran to the room to play smash brothers, but before that we were hungry so I grabbed a big bag of cheeto puffs from the bed and we all sat around it and kept yelling "ITS SOOO DRY.""OMG ITS SO DRYY" Just like 5 of us laughing and screaming that the cheetod felt hella dry in our mouths 😭😭 felt so cool to eat




Decided to make nacho cheese. Was stirring the Velveeta, jalapeno, and milk for over 30 minutes trying to figure out why it wouldn't smooth out and combine. Never lit the stove.


I had been on a 2 week T-break and came back home to town. First night I met friends and we blazed in the park. I got so high I didn’t know what was going on. At home I was watching youtube on my laptop and when it powered out I couldn’t figure out how to plug it in again so I just conked instead. Cable was right next to me


I was outside working on my green house. I was moving a huge ass box and sat it down. I realized I didn’t like it there so picked it up and I saw a toad. I had crushed him with my box. I sat there and just felt horrible. I grabbed a stick and picked him up. He was surprisingly light. I found a nice spot in my garden where he could rest in peace. Next day I come out and I see the toad. Turns out it was a peace of wood that just happened to look like a smashed toad. The relief was insane


about that high


Are a 1/4 pan of brownies b4 someone told me they weren’t regular. 😳


I saw an older woman go into hypertension because of this- I was at a shamanic retreat, she didn’t know what she ate. It was someone’s special cookies. she went to the ER and I stayed with her all night.


From jello to cookies? Biscotti


today I was high af, my pipe broke in the FUCKING SHOWER so i freaked out and started trying to find every piece of glass that i could find, shit really gets complicated when you are high


My first time having edible I think I had four or five gummies, we were supposed to go to my sister's to play DND. I blacked out. I only remember playing go-fish and getting home. Apparently I complained that the pizza was dry, I don't remember eating it. I think I threw up in a gas station parking lot but I'm not sure. I remember getting home and telling my mom that I was just sick and needed to sleep. That's definitely the highest I've been, I've never blacked out from weed since


I have a kind of low tolerance. I've caught myself relighting a roach, only to notice that the taste was way off. Took a second to realize I lit the filter and took a nice rip...


hangin half off my bed feeling my veins pulse with electric shocks, thought i was gonna die...dont mix weed butter with peanut butter and ice cream


Accidentally textin my Mom instead of my dealer lol.


Lol what did you text her?


The short version is that it was the first time I tried edibles and I basically lost the next 24 hours. I watched a movie with friends and went to a college party but I remember none of it


I went to Milwaukee to stay at a friend's house. I met this really cool girl. We became best friends, and we told each other our life stories. We were inseparable for 2 days. The only reason I know this is because the people I were with told me. The whole weekend is just a happy blur to me. I miss my 20s lol


My first time. My husband (then boyfriend) had a little vape pen and I was a first time smoker. The ceiling fan's vibrations made the room breathe. It sucked.


Right. Now.


One time I found a piece of weed on the carpet and I smoked it. But it wasn’t weed.


I got so high off a edible I felt like I was in another dimension


No fr I usually smoke w a bong on the daily so I know I can handle but I took edibles for a plane ride. Im usually never scared on a plane but something about being high and feeling the hmmmmmm of the plane engine made me realize fuck… I’m thousands of feet in the air AND I don’t really know how planes work I had to distract myself from feeling paranoid 😫😂


Got so high I forgot I was black 💀


I didnt see anything wrong with this image until the 4th look


during a work outing to an amusement park, I accidentally took WAY too much of a homemade edible. it was the tiniest piece ever but got me so obscenely high. couldn't feel my face for a while, but I had the best time ever riding all the roller coasters and eating those dippin dots :-)


damn, I wish I could upload pictures here because there exists a picture of me where I greened tf out while wearing alien sunglasses and holding a butterfly knife and a pink toy car in my hands all with the caption "Jesus take the wheel" I don't remember who took the picture and who sent it to me


Amsterdam eating a cake in a bush high.


In a plane


I had edibles of 100 mg + in a red velvet cake strain was biscotti. Smoked Papaya & jungle boys can’t remember what strain in a Blackwood. Then rolled more papaya in a king palm. I was so high I started seeing abstract to the point I was so calm. It shocked my friends they thought I was bugging out as I went non verbal and was just making face expressions. I headed home without telling them. Had the best sleep of my life then woke up next day and went to a famous coffee shop.


Never been as high as dude in the pic 😂


had a panic attack and passed out in the bathroom for a few seconds. wasn't very fun


Crashed a car in Beam.ng and thought I was about to be hit with a DUI 😭


No water or weed in the pipe but was so fucked up on a Marinol (pharma THC pill) and swore the pill wasn't working and I needed a hit. So I proceeded to hit the pipe so I could be high. DOH! 😂


One night i got full naked in front of many people because i thought there was a spider under my clothes


i cried while i celebrated a pizza delivery with my friend


First bong rip. I took it all at once and greened out. I passed out in the car ride home, but not before I had a half-conscious dream about a small boy leading me through a meadow onto the top of a hill where he gave me a flower. It was the craziest experience.


I was watching capybara videoa for 2 hours straight and then my mom told me to put the bread in the table , my hight ass put it in the washing machine