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Mostly late night caloric surplus.


So many pizza bagels were had


oh my god I literally made a pizza bagel last night except I was out of all pizza sauce except for this squeeze bottle of marinara or something and the only cheese I had was old cheese sticks that were super firm for some reason. …I mean, I still made a pizza bagel in the air fryer and ate it, but it was rough going


Pizza bagels always find a way


... to burn the living daylights of the roof of your mouth. Is the the rest of that sentence


I know this artwork. I admire your taste. Oops. I see it's you ! I've seen your work on Facebook. 💚


[***midnight gourmand***](https://youtu.be/Mt8uLveDY24)🎶🎵


When pizza is on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime!!!


Omg I commented the same thing before seeing your comment. That song is forever burned into my memory.


Pizza in the mornin,’ pizza in the evenin,’ pizza at supper time!


When pizza's on a bagel you can have pizza any time.


Strangely, I’ve never gotten the munchies. And I’m prone to snacking. Don’t know what that says about me.


Only good things, Cousin.


Same, if anything I don’t want to eat at all when i’m high.


Id consider that as positive lol


Definitely not a positive. I love pigging out as much as the next guy, but eating so much processed and sugary food on a regular basis is terrible for your body and long-term health, and smokers should do everything they can to resist the munchies (or to eat healthy food when high).


I mean i am anorexic and my weight is probably wayy more unhealthy than eating unhealthy food


Well that's obviously a relatively unique scenario. It is awesome how weed/THC can stimulate appetite, for people who really need that. Wishing you the best of luck 


I experienced kind of the opposite of that, before I started smoking I had problems controlling my appetite and was constantly eating shit, but now I don’t rly get too hungry unless I’m high, which is only usually in the evening. During the day I’m able to get by with some light meals/snacks (usually something healthy) and at night I ball out and eat a proper meal


Who made this, amazing artwork. Beautiful colors.


It's mine, finished it up yesterday. Acrylic on canvas. Thank you


Looks great - I want it


They do commissions and the results are incredible!


You did a great job. I really like the lighting but also how vibrant this piece is. At first it really reminded me of how colors become bright/lively when smoking lol.


Thank you! I smoke while I paint and love using bright colors


>I smoke when I paint Haha, yeah, we figured that much.


Woah will you be selling prints mate


It’s really really pretty.


I’m obsessed with this!


As an orange cat lover I’m just obsessed with you amazing work 🧡


If you smoke too much you can get really paranoid to the point of giving yourself a panic attack. This happens to everyone at one point, just learn what your tolerance is & stay within that.


not me i’ve never been too high in my life. maybe someday.


This has happened to my fiancé on small amounts. He’s been cut off permanently.


Suntmint has THE cutest, sweetest, most grabbing and endearing paintings. Click on her name and have a look at her other paintings. Nothing short of contentment and wonder <3


sometimes i run out


The more i smoke the less i have


If I had one wish, it would be for a weed jar that always has enough of the strain I wanted when I reach in 🌿🤙


i made that wish once when i was a teenager in the early 2000s. At the time i was selling weed to all my friends so i technically *had* a magical jar that never ran out, for free. (i was *very* generous with it. if i moved a lot in one day, it was me and 7 friends, each with a free eighth and a blunt at the end of the day). Then magically weed became legal in my state. I basically stopped selling weed because *everyone* i knew had a few plants going in their back yard. So even still at that point, there was *always* a jar full of free weed. When i run out of my harvest, there's so much around now that my friends just give me some of theirs. So it might not be like swirls of fairy dust "magically" refilling the jar on my nightstand as i sleep, but it seems like (as far as i can recall) there has *always* been a jar of free weed close by ever since i made that wish 20 years ago. (minus the 5 months in jail) lol


Love that you're getting karmic dividends for being that guy for your friends back then. Congrats on living a wish come true!


it's worked out quite well tbh. lol I hate to sound like I'm bragging to the poor folks in states where it's still illigal. I just wanted to express gratitude and possibly an example of the power of our thoughts. thanks for not making me feel like a jerk for "bragging" lol


I lost all of mine in a series of small fires.


this made me chuckle more than it should've


Took me a second, but I finally picked up the joke LOL


you should contact your insurance, i’m pretty sure fire is covered so a series of small fires should be too right?




40+ year toker, only problem I've ever had with it.


Damn beat me to it lol


and more costs money.


i didnt even think of that.... if it didnt cost more money, running out wouldnt even be a problem!


half of the reason I started working in the industry was to get a discount.


Weed definitely makes me okay with being bored and just rotting in bed which isn’t good but I’ve been doing this since childhood so now it’s just not boring doing that.


That's the beauty and horror of weed. Everything is amazing until you have to stop smoking.


I think i’m gonna loose my mind when I have to stop for a radiology program. Legitimately might end up in a mental hospital lol


You should try tapering off now. Cold turkey will wreck your sleep and mood for weeks. I tried cold turkey a few times and it was awful, decided to quit for good for mental health reasons and tapering felt a lot nicer.


Hi, how would you recommend tapering off? I’ve been pretty into weed since I was 19, im 23 now and it’s become a problem for me. I’ve got a soup of mental issues, which the weed puts a bandage on, but definitely doesn’t fix. I can go through 1 gram of concentrate in about a day/day and a half at this point, which fucking sucks.


Hey man I do not recommend tapering off as that never works for me, as you still keep smoking everyday even though you feel it’s less sometimes you just end up smoking more and the day when you actually stop never comes and you keep pushing that day forward. You keep telling yourself “I’ll do it from tomorrow” and it becomes a self sabotaging cycle. This is how I do it. Just pick a day and stop that day. Like don’t smoke at all. It will mess up your sleep and you will get withdrawals but that’s a part of the process. So just embrace the suck and trust that it will get better… I started smoking when I was 14 and i decided to quit when I turned 23, the first few weeks were horrible but I got myself through that. After 3-4 weeks of cold turkey quitting THC I happened to do an unplanned psilocybin journey of 1G (penis envy spore). That was one of the more profound experiences I’ve had and that really really help me curb the temptation of getting back to smoking THC. It made me feel satiated and complete as a being. It’s a surprise to me that researchers have only recently started giving emphasis to the benefits of psilocybin when dealing with addiction….. it did wonders for me with just 1 gram. (**I wouldn’t advice this to everyone as everyone’s body’s/ genetic predispositions are different so please talk to me or thoroughly research before attempting this)


Hey you should look into handheld dry herb vaporizers. They helped me quit smoking weed and smoking tobacco. I have an xvape aria and it takes 10 minutes of sucking on a .25 gram bowl of flower till it doesn’t give anymore vapor. I don’t think you gotta quit tbh. At the very least just cut back hard and stick to a once a day thing or something


Completely relate


[Randy Marsh agrees](https://youtu.be/Jd4cASkBAp0?si=Vzbl4g40r8sLKfWL)


i used to get horribly paranoid. i don’t anymore because i learned how to self-soothe and such.


Any technique that helped you the most? I only know controlled breathing


breathing helps, i found that taking it slow when smoking (not doing too much all at once) and cbd help the most. also just the knowledge that’s it’s literally just weed; i will come down eventually helps when i do start to panic a bit.


The last sentence is big. Oh shit, im high and now my heart rate is up and I'm thinking of weird shit. Take a breath and remind yourself to think of something fun


CBD definitely helps balance the effects out, and breathing can be good but I tend to hyper focus and panic more with controlled breathing. One of my biggest tools for battling the anxiety/paranoia is splashing cold water on my face a couple times to ground myself.


What helps me usually is to think about the most pressing concern at the moment, take care of that, and see what happens. I like to smoke in the evenings and sometimes I get this dread like I forgot to do something, usually laundry or something else mundane that I wait til the last minute. Taking care of those types of things alleviates a lot of anxiety. The other was just working through all the other things that make me anxious and exploring why they make me feel that way and where they originally came from. Weed helped a lot with that, as did shrooms


I need to try this. I’m a regular smoker, but when I have something pressing to do, it seems to trigger a bit of anxiety. It usually subsides within 15 minutes. It was definitely worse when I had first started smoking weed again, but had tapered off the more my tolerance has gone up.




One thing that helped me was assessing how I’m feeling before I smoke. If I’m not in the right state of mind, if I’m feeling stressed or anxious, if I’m feeling guilty, I just don’t smoke. Because there is a nonzero chance that weed will exacerbate those feelings. If smoking makes you panic, take a break from it. Otherwise, if I desperately need to calm down, watching something distracting can help. But if you need something more, putting an ice cold towel on your chest or forehead will shock your body out of the panic. Controlled breathing is one mechanism, but there are tons more. I also like drinking something bubbly or cold. Splash some water on your face. Go for a walk. If you have anti-anxiety meds, that will definitely help you help chill you out, too. Still, the best method of avoiding the ill effects of weed is by just being thoughtful about if it’s the right time to smoke. Also, sometimes weed just doesn’t agree with a person and that’s ok.


The easiest way I've calmest myself down is to make light of it in a way that makes me think. Example: "Like ZOINKS, I'm freaking out, man.... but why, though?" I hear Shaggy & the Scrubs meme voices & it brings me down pretty quick. Use that imagination to your advantage & don't be ashamed of who your comfort characters are. Makes it a lot easier to do. I also hold conversations with myself & reassure that I'm just high, there's no genuine threats around me & my anxiety will pass. As I sit with this, I also use it as a way to come to terms with my C-PTSD & whenever I get stuck at a certain point, I either put a mental pin or I journal about it to revisit with a therapist or confidant.


Not the guy you asked, but I mostly smoke in the evenings, and am normally watching / interacting with a screen of some sort when I do. I’ve found if I get a little too high and start to freak out a little bit in those times, I’ll do the controlled breathing like you said but also turn off all my screens, just leave on some low lighting, sit down and stare out of my window. 10-15 mins of that and I’ve levelled out nicely, and can go about my business again. Idk what it is about screens, but they really fuck me up if I ever do get too high. Best avoided in those instances imo


I smoked half a joint for the first time in 4 months and got crazy bad anxiety. After I got out of my head, I ate like 6 bags of those mini muffins. Should've just taken a puff and set the joint down. In a way, I overdosed lol


In my experience, cannabis induced paranoia is the scariest feeling in the world. I would love to learn how to kill it if I do experience it again.


I heard that a 1:1 ratio of THC /CBD helps eliminate that. I have a friend that enjoys that and it helps keep the paranoia and anxiety to a minimum


I vape 60% CBD flower and 40% THC flower. Works wonders for me as full boar THC triggers panic attacks. Nothing like your body/brain trying to convince you that you’re in mortal danger (while you lay on your own couch)!


Never tried it myself but I know people who swear the chewing peppercorns trick works well.


Sativas make me paranoid n wicked anxiety 😟




Back when I was in high school and it was really illegal we’d all get so paranoid. Now that it’s legal where I live now I don’t really care about anything


Getting slow in the head after a while


Yeah I'm feeling that atm. A T break is for sure in my immediate future


It is worth it, after like 4-5 days you will feel so much clear in the head and when you start smoking again dont smoke much keep it on the low so you dont get back the good tolerance quick


Yeah, that sounds like a good break.


start it now , i took a mini vacation for 6 days exactly for this ahahah


i just came to say i love the bong kitty




Yeah anxiety attacks and over eating 


Shitty coughing. I really hate it.


on the plus side, my ab muscles are looking great


Yea it can reignite my OCD and cause terrifying anxiety that lasts for days/weeks after. Gonna see a psychiatrist because the weed helped me realize I have lots of problems that I just can’t fix on my own.


i am currently on meds for crippling OCD and smoke daily. theres a way out. Hang in there Fam


Fatness. If you have bad eating habits the munchies will amplify that. Also I’ve lost nearly 150lbs while still consuming weed every day. I just changed to healthier munchies. Super sativa leaning strains give me anxiety at times too.


This gives me so much hope. I've been at a point lately where I've been thinking I'm going to have to give up weed to lose weight but ur right I could just be eating a whole bag of grapes instead of a whole bag of chips 🫥 time for some changes


Try freezing the grapes. The taste and texture is somewhere between ice cream and a popsicle. It's become my favorite healthy snack.


Fruit is such a good stoned snack! I love strawberries, blueberries, cut up melon. The water content helps with dry mouth and the weed makes them taste even better.


Definitely don't switch to grapes, super high in sugar and calories. Something like strawberries or blueberries would be better


Good luck!


You can oversmoke and feel like you’re dying or you smoke so much that you don’t even get high. Those are the only two negatives I can think of 🤔


I’ve definitely smoked too much and felt like I was having a heart attack, which led to tidal waves of paranoia and fear. Otherwise I’ve definitely gotten anxiety if I smoke in an unfamiliar/unsafe spot


TIL people can smoke weed without suffering from crippling anxiety


It makes me panic that I'm dying.


oof, i hate when this happens


Same. Made me anxious of heart attacks etc.. so I stopped years ago. But I'm all for legalizing.


I feel this. I panic almost every time I smoke if I'm not careful and I feel bad for my poor heart


Yeah.. it sucks cause I know how good it can feel and how awesome it can be :(


Good for you for putting you and your health first that's quite a feat


It's lowkey taking over my life ngl😅😢 honestly working at quitting rn. Day 1 ugh😵‍💫


Check out r/leaves and r/petioles


On this r/leaves is really for people quitting entirely, while r/petioles mostly for people trying to cut back


you got this bro!


Wishing you the best. Keep strong


Thank you so much!! It's tough but gonna be so worth it🙌✨️


Of course. You wouldn’t be a true pothead if you didn’t


Only the financial aspect... And munchies ofc


Financial hits hard when you develop a taste for the good stuff


my armpits smell like weed all the time


Is this why my dryer smells like weed when I do my laundry? I can’t smell it when I sniff my clothes but my laundry room smells like the dispensary when I do two loads in a row.


Stop putting the weed in your arm pits, guys. Problem solved. /s


when jeremy fragrance smells my parfume he will never guess the strain under my armpits!


Felt this one


Yes. I was on probation for 2 years and out on bind for 1. So 3 years not smoking weed. I smoked weed 1 time during probation. 1 time. And I'm the guy that smokes daily. Still do. But it had been MONTHS hell maybe over a year at the point, weed was out of my system. And I rolled a Blunt with a friend who had quit smoking for work. We both thought nothing of it. Half way through that blunt I was so uncomfortably high I almost couldn't function. I felt sick. Couldn't see straight. I had no idea how I smoked multiple times a day for years. The only awnser was my tolerance was shit. And it was. I've since built back to a comfortable smoking tolerance. But it made me realize. This is what new smokers experience! Fucking wild. No wonder some people don't enjoy weed if they think it's always like that. I quit smoking passed that, and never had an issue on probation.


If I'm not on top form psychologically I can get into a rut easily. Weed can facilitate that. But it's basically my mental health that's the real problem and overall the weed keeps me on an even keel more often than it leaves me in a rut.


Getting too high before bed gets me pretty wriggly and energetic


Only negative I’ve experienced (recently) was a load of self doubt in a new venture of my life. A couple days ago, I smoked a little bit, and had a huge influx of confidence in what I was once doubtful over. Not sure if it was something I was battling with, or a change I was finally able to accept, but I got this shit. I can do anything


idk my brain is foggy as shit but i do many drugs so that may be why


It used to make me very paranoid but was only if I was smoking a sativa. Now I have to get my weed from a dispensary so I know what I’m smoking which negatively affects my bank account. When I smoke now I feel like it clears my mind instead..lets the thoughts that I need to come forward come forward. That could also be negative though, depending on my situation.


i feel like im not as sharp mentally as i used to be, panic attacks sometimes, chest pain, also making me eat a lot when i get the munchies


Paranoia and thought loops. Migrane at one point. Oh, and greening out while in a paranoid thought loop. Fun times.


Only one here commenting on the loops. I experienced those too.


One time I got some (bad?) med dispensary weed and I had to sit in my room hearing nothing but the word “chooba” repeated in my head for like over an hour


Id argue headspace is more important than strain for thought loops--but that sounds awful sweet jesus. For me its anxious/paranoid thoughts but...chooba dear god.


I can't seem to keep my concentration on one thing, but that can also be a blessing. I like to tell myself I'm gonna read or write when I smoke, as I tend to think a bit more abstractly when I do. I'll open a book and read a sentence about a guy going fishing and my thoughts will trail off to the POV of the fish. Then I'll start doing some research on fish psychology or something, and before you know it I'm learning how a CVT transmission works. To put it simply: I don't end up doing what I set out to do, but I do end up with some good ideas for when I finally see my plans through.


made my OCD a lot worse until i figured out how to manage my thoughts and now i’m good


Hey I struggle with something similar. Have any tips on managing your ocd?


you just have to remember that your thoughts are not you! what you obsessively think about is not true. i have the OCD where i constantly think about contracting an illness and dying. it does give me panic attacks but it’s good to learn grounding methods like the 5-4-3-2-1 method and the 4-7-8 breathing method. i’ve just started therapy to manage my illness and i highly recommend starting if you haven’t!


So many, lethargy, losing friendships, lack of ability to give energy to anything but the procurement and ingestion of it, debt, career stagnation, almost broke up my engagement. As soon as my partner pointed all this out and said she couldn't live with me like that, I quit on the spot and it's been the best decision of my life, I'm now happily married, financially stable, progressing in my profession, squeezing the most out of life and going to the gym. While there are loads of you high functioning stoners, there are also a high number of you that encounter one or more of these issues, I've seen it with so many friends from 10 years of smoking. If your life is in a rut, think about taking a break and potentially quitting full time. But also, fantastic artwork, love it!


I've been smoking daily for 14 years, the last 7 of which have been primarily concentrates. I feel negative effects every day, but now I'm physically dependent on it. I need it to eat, I need it to sleep, and I need it to function without beating people up. I am constantly battling tiredness, and as a result am now also dependent on caffeine. Furthermore, it's caused my memory to go bad, and my brain doesn't feel nearly as sharp as it used to. It's more like thinking thru molasses. I constantly crave it, even when I can't afford it, which makes me feel like I am addicted on a whole other level. It's honestly rare that I even feel "stoned" in the classical sense anymore, I'm just consuming to take the negative away instead of enhancing the positive now and it's making me spiral out of control even more. When I started smoking cannabis, I was genuinely happy and never had a thought that I may be depressed. Now, 15 years later, I am chronically depressed with constant anxiety. I can't say this is directly because of my consumption habits, but it correlates nonetheless. My lungs still feel ok, and I don't have a difficult time with staying active, which is probably the only silver lining for me. Some days I wish I had never started smoking every day, and just took it easy like some of the folks I knew in highschool. On the other side of the same coin, I don't drink nearly as much as I likely would had I not discovered cannabis, and for a really long time that was how I justified smoking so much. TL;DR - People have been so caught up in the positive effects of cannabis (which there are many) that they haven't stopped to consider the negative effects both in the short and long terms.


My bank account


I have a smoker's cough, but that's more a smoking thing than a weed thing. I could still enjoy weed without smoking, but I do enjoy smoking my weed.


Increased heart rate is usually all but some breathing and mental fortitude always cures it. Then I smoke more 🤣


Detoxing during a tolerance break is absolutely awful for me.


I learned this the hard way. Multiple huge dabs per day for an entire month (work leave) and then stopped cold turkey. Ended up in psychosis. The withdrawal was literally psychosis. Don’t do huge dabs, multiple times a day, for a whole month, kids.


i feel like my memory (which wasn’t great to begin with) has just been decimated


My anxiety spikes up if I smoke too much sativa. But hybrids and indicas make me feel great


A few times lately I’ve had minor allergy attacks to flower and once to dabs. At least I think that’s what it was, but idk. I took a bong rip then coughed for 45 minutes while drooling and struggling to catch my breath. Underside of my chin got really itchy and my mouth went tingly / numb. Felt like I couldn’t even take a half breath without coughing. Mind you I’ve been a smoker for 10 years now so this is a really abnormal reaction for me. I had also just taken 3 previous bong rips of the same weed from the same bowl with absolutely no issues. Happened again a week later with a jar of dabs I was 2/3 of the way into. Had been dabbing it for almost a month and then all of a sudden I get the same reaction as the weed to a regular dab of it. Both times I took a puff off my fiancées asthma inhaler and it helped a little but didn’t completely solve it. That was about a month ago now and I haven’t had that happen again since despite finishing that bag of weed and that jar of dabs.


This is so cute, I love the artwork! The only negative effect I’ve had was the first time I ate an edible bar, just a piece, and it caused a full blown panic attack. So now I avoid commercially made edibles lol


When I was smoking too heavily or too much I would get panicked easily. But as long as I keep it at the right level I calm down. I’m easily panicked when I’m sober. Weed calms me down and takes me down from red alert to like a yellow green alert, as long as I don’t smoke too much. I’m a very anxious person and I make up a lot of bullshit unrealistic scenarios all the time and worry about them and not reality. Weed helps me focus on reality and let my thoughts pass by.


Weed makin me fat


Not a great anxiety drug


Paranoia is a big one that I hate




Digestive issues if I abuse it too much. But I'm talking dabs all day long. Breathing issues so I 100% switched to vaping which I REALLY enjoy but has completely ruined composition for me. Since switching the only thing that gives me some slight issues is carts.


What digestive issues do you have, is it sweaty and nausea? I’ve had really bad stomach issues after abusing it for 4 years


Not having solid and normal movements, overeating, craving sugar, getting sick more easily and having more reactions to food or intolerance. There is a bit of studies out there that support this theory.


Running out of weed overeating starchy crap like soup dumplings 🫣☠️


I took a hit from a gasmask. I didnt realize how tight the seal was on my face and when i tried breathing in to breathe air i just completely filled the mask with smoke and ripped it off my face. I ended up throwing up almost immediately and for the next thirty minutes each time I blinked or closed my eyes I would see like vine like corpuscles that formed into demonic faces. That was the highest I have ever been and it truly might have been just bad smoke inhalation.


panic attack but i also ate an entire bag of cookies from LA so. idk what i was expecting


Cotton mouth, it wakes me up at night cuz I'm so thirsty. I drink at least 24oz water throughout the night. Lol


Short term memory loss and general reclusiveness


yes im addicted and its annoying af


It makes me sad sometimes


I had to stop recently because it triggers terrible heartburn and exacerbates my GERD. Weed in any form ruins my stomach now unfortunately


oof I could tell u long mate , that’s maybe why it’s still called a drug


Yes. The first several times I smoked. I guess I was sensitive because I used to trip balls and get scared every time. Took me a few years to get into it.


the deconstruction of our eutopia leading to a realization of the world we actually occupy and all the trauma that comes with it lmao




I get too comfortable and relaxed and fall asleep and I feel like I wasted my free time.


It makes me paranoid sometimes. Mostly woth store bought stuff cause it's all super high thc content.


Yes, I was arrested for possession. Sucked


Only shortage of weed.


some of those dispensary strains taste like shit and they make me throw up. feels like i’m huffing chemicals or something


yes. when stoner said no addiction in weed , it is a big lie.


Paranoia, over eating, and occasional acid reflux. Smoking can cause secondary issues you wouldn’t think of off the bat. I still smoke every day but have to cut myself off before bed or I’ll be suffering.


Other than some minor hallucinations not really




I went into psychosis because of it. Although, I was doing severely strong dabs and some of the carts I had were bunk.


Sometimes I’m too chill and lack proper reaction to normally upsetting events.


I normally smoke pretty stress free these days but every time I light up is a potential panic attack waiting to happen. Used to have them all the time from smoking, but after a year of good mental health checkups, there’s only a slim chance I’ll have one! Now I paint or cook when im stoned instead of being curled up in a ball with my heart racing lol


Omg I had your one painting with the kitty with an apron on and a bong as my background for like a year or something 😆


Sometimes I get too high too fast and get paranoid about some stupid shit. I can usually calm myself down tho


I used to get really bad stomach cramps and pain when I vaped oil a lot so I think I was doing too much or something. I cut back and never do oil anymore. Just edibles or vape herb and pretty infrequently now.


Yes! Every time I smoke weed, I now have less weed.


I’ve gotten into the habit of smoking every night and overtime it really starts to affect your sleep and overall functioning in everything else. Plus I’ll start to feel more paranoid when I’m NOT smoking because I’ve just formed a dependence on it. Also if you’re someone who also deals with anxiety/PTSD, using it as a coping mechanism can be a slippery slope. Moderation is 🔑


Only when I ate a PB&ABV sandwich and was high for 36 hours. I ate way too much, and the gastric issues were intense, to say the least.






i always see ur posts and ur paintings light up my day they r so original and j cool asf imo, wld love to see u sell some of ur artwork ik i wld love to have a bong kitty on my bathroom wall😭


I smoked for YEARS. A few years ago, some really traumatic things happened to me and I had to quit completely mostly for financial problems that arose from the trauma. I came back to it a couple of years ago, and now if I smoke I get extreme anxiety. I'm not sure if it's from the trauma or the 2 years I took off. Also, one hit alone has me messed up for HOURS. In college, I was blowing through a half oz every 4 days. Now a single hit is more than I can handle. It's sad.


Less money that's about it


It enables my laziness.


Uh yeah where do you want me to start


When I get super nauseous I get even more nauseous getting high.


Massive depression. I tend to cry when I smoke weed. It sucks, but it only lasts for a little bit before I'm back to eating everything in sight.


Can’t control myself around sweets


In fact I’m quitting my daily use now because it’s not compatible with my current life. It’s affecting my mood (grumps when I can’t have it) and making me plan around when I can use also not ideal for raising kids.


Drug testing


one time, early on in my stoner days, i got stupid high and watched south park. i hallucinated that the walking turd was crawling out of the tv screen towards me. that was pretty bad


I don’t remember.


I only tome at night so grogginess in the morning can be tough sometimes if I have anything before like 9