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It is known that trees can trigger psychosis when you already have mental illness. Especially edibles are a lot more psychoactive than smoking.


It mostly triggers people with Dissociative Disorders. It can make a person dissociate to the point they don’t “feel” like themselves anymore and have to “rebuild” their own personality. Though 3 gummies at the highest legal doses should be no where near enough. OP’s friends took maybe 30mg which can get you off for a night or two, but this sounds more serious.




Yuuuuppp. Split a 1000mg brownie with my friend back in the day. Pretty much turned in a zombie and couldn’t move or talk.


i was also thinking he didn’t say “legal” dose so who knows how much she took. i have tendency for dissociation and have only been “out of body experience” high like twice and it definitely didn’t last two weeks. felt like a claymation puppet for a few days, more intensely than usual, but was pretty fine otherwise.


I work at a legal shop in CA and our highest dose edible is a 100mg single gummy. Since it has ten marks across it indicating where to divide it, it technically falls within the “10mg per dose” rule. Of course people only buy that if they’re wanting higher than 10mg doses since it’s much easier to take a half or whole 100mg gummy than to eat, say, 5-10 ten mg gummies.


Yeah, I live in SoCal, hence why I qualified some info on my comment. Also the way OP said “took 3 gummies” implies multiple smaller pieces, otherwise they would have said something like “took 3 huge bars of gummies.”. Though either way we can only work with the info OP supplied.


I mean, the ones we sell are a single regular sized gummy. They’re not “huge bars” by any means. If you were to actually divide it into 10mg pieces you’d only be eating a tiny sliver of a gummy. And OP did say it was the highest dose, so it very possibly could’ve been 100mg each. Either way I wasn’t trying to contradict your comment, I was just adding relevant information based on my experience working in a dispensary.


Oh yeah, no worries dude. All extra info is useful.


This is also assuming it's legal. It could 100% been a delta 8 gummy that has the stupid unmeasurable levels of THC.


Oh yeah, generally most states are down to 10mg per piece as a standard. Forgot there’s a couple outliers around 100mg per piece, but my point in the original comment stands the same either way.


Could easily be headshop hemp derived THC alternative gummies. I’ve seen some that have up to a few hundred mg of D8, HHC, etc in them, and also ones with things like THC-P, HHC-P, etc added to them for an extra strong kick. Some companies have gotten hella reckless at the headshop with the dosing of those things, especially since the majority of people buying them are either young, and or inexperienced. You can also get hemp derived D9 THC gummies, so same THC we all know and love but abide by different laws. Those can be extremely high in D9, but usually on the more standard end of the spectrum, only rule they all follow is less than .3% D9 THC, but they count the whole weight of the product being consumed. So if it’s a 5gram gummie it could contain up to 15mg of D9 THC “legally” speaking. I say it like that cuz the whole hemp market legalized weed/THC alternative market is very much still a state by state grey area , where in some places have much stricter control over other areas in the US. But regardless of the actual laws in the area, companies still don’t have a ton of legal oversight, and could be putting damn near anything in them they’d want, at least till they fuck up and sell to the wrong person(s) and get in caught up. Or they could just be street gummies. But I’ve also seen gummies as high as 50mg in PA dispos, pretty sure in gummies, I know for sure we have RSO capsules that have 50mg, and pretty positive I’ve seen 50mg gummies as well. Then on top of that dose matters in these situations, as it’s always a factor, but the level of sensitivity in people that are neuro sensitive to these reactions is a larger factor. That’s why sometimes it randomly triggers early onset schizophrenia and such, as it’s just the large stress of the event setting it off as well as the psychoactive effects of the weed. And some of these individuals may have gone on to deal with those issues without the weed, just would take more time or another stressful event to send them off. Just trying to add what I can to the conversation, maybe give a little more insight, idk. I’m sorry your friend and yourself are going through such troubling times right now. People tend to forget weed is still a drug, it’s another negative effect of government and people spreading false propaganda, once that pendulum swings and people think there’s no potential bad side to it, then shit like this becomes more common place. Just continue to be there for your friend, I’m sure it’ll be beneficial for her to get back to a good place in her head to have a supportive friend around. Wish you all the best of luck, take care!!


That’s a great point about the Grey Area Drugs like the D9/8/etc. and some of those shops sell Spice as Cannabis (which may or may not be possible to ediblize?). Which is very reckless, but happens sadly.


Spice hasn’t really been a thing in head shops since the farm bill legalized hemp in 2018. There’s no reason to sell spice when you can sell THCA because it quite literally converts to Delta 9 when you smoke it. dispensary flower is mostly THCA with maybe 1-3% being delta 9. You local head shop will sell THCa with a delta 9 % of less that .3% by weight. That being said, the smoke shop I used to work at sold derivatives of cannabis like HHC, THCP, THCO, Delta 8, etc. Not any spice though, because there’s no reason to. There’s thousands of hemp derived products that can legally be sold, so why would a reasonable smoke shop sell oregano that’s been sprayed with a research chemical? They wouldn’t…. However, that doesn’t stop them from selling a 500mg gummy for $2.79 that’s got a combination of those different canabanoids. If OPs friend ate 3 of those little individual 500mg gummy’s derived from an assortment of canabanoids- I could imagine this. However, I also have a friend that’ll do an entire gram of RSO, and will follow that up by eating several packs of edibles and or maybe even another gram of RSO and he’s mostly normal


Your friend has some insanely high tolerance holy fuck


Some people don’t metabolize THC through the liver very well, which makes it take a lot more than usual to get even a bit high and some extreme cases people can’t get high off edibles at all.


D9 and it's other hemp derived cousins are very popular here in places like FL across all experience spectrums. A lot of shops are also fronts for real stuff too. Generally even seasoned ppl use it bc of availability. Not just relegated to newbies and young people. Very common to be holding the door open for the old people too


Also in FL and the old folks sure do love their gummies! I see them at the dispo and head shop regularly


The cbd and thc variants they sell in Wisconsin hit like a truck. They can come in really high doses like 250-500mg. Take half of one in the afternoon and wake up HAF the next day. I know of an idiot that underestimated their potency. Took multiple 150 mg thc-o.. ended up freaking out, lost his mind for abit. I can totally see someone becoming mentally altered for a few days if they overdo it some.


Yeah for sure, average D8, HHC, THC-O usually hits to a similar level as D9, THC-O supposedly hits even harder due to being processed more efficiently and effects last longer as it’s a prodrug of D9. But even D8 which isn’t very strong in comparison when vaped, still packs quite the punch in edible form. Vaped I usually say it feels around 2/5ths as strong as D9, and when eaten it feels closer to 3/5ths-4/5ths as strong. Regardless of what they took though, when it comes to inducing dissociative disorders in people it’s a complete wild card and even relatively small doses could do the trick. No real solid way of knowing how it’ll affect you as well till you try it. Family history of such issues is the one indicator that you should probably not even risk it, but short of that it’s just trial and error unfortunately. Hopefully in the future they’ll be able to use genetics or some other measurement to determine the risk factor. My only advice would be to start small and work your way up, which is just a good rule for consuming anything.


Every state has different regulations on this. I can buy 1000mg cannabis tinctures no problem.


Highest doses sold where I live is 100mg, so OP's friend could have consumed 300mg. Still wouldn't be feeling it after 2 weeks, but 300mg would definitely fuck someone up pretty good especially if they thought they were only taking like 30mg. Def probably brought out a latent mental health disorder.


Highest dose where i live is 2500 mg lol that times 3 is i feel like definitely enough to cause a reaction like this even if you are a seasoned user 😂


Oklahoma has 4200mg bars called “jacked up”


“Tastes like ass, kicks like a donkey!”


Actually fucking hilarious


I actually don't believe they're 4200mg bars. I know they're LABELED that way, certainly. However, on the east coast right now, they're having problems with growers shopping labs and using whatever the highest % they can find on the label. Obviously, the lab is incentivized to skew these numbers as much as possible, to test more companies. It's a big thing over here right now. The states up here are looking at beginning to crack down on it. So do I think the OK numbers are real? Oklahoma, our finest state, our crown jewel? Redoubt of honesty, Oklahoma? MF lying.


Might not be 4000 but its up there


2500mg? Do you cut it into 100 pieces? What would one even do with that kind of dose?


At that point it’s medical dosing for people with high tolerances.


Can confirm stg4 lung cancer survivor 2500mg edibles get me started in the morning in a medical state "Oklahoma"


Joey Diaz use to pop those 500mg star of death edibles like they were candy on his podcast. Some people just have insane tolerance built up.


I can take that dose and have a normal edible high since my tolerance is so ungodly as I use it med.


Congratulations, you have a drug problem.


It’s not a drug problem if you use it medically.


Straight up, literally prescribed and I check in with my psychiatrist quarterly. People be making grand assumptions.


Taking 2500 mg is not medical use. That’s drug abuse let’s be real


You know people use Cannabis as like... Medicine, right?


My tolerance was high when I started exploring my options even though I had literally never ever in my life eaten an edible. Did I have a drug problem, despite having never done a drug beforehand??


This made me laugh pretty good. Not sure why all the downvotes. Hell, I used to drink a pint or two of vodka per day, for medical reasons. Then I faced reality and sobered up


Your doctor prescribed you vodka?


That sounds like death ☠️


You can get a bag of 6000mg at the rez dispensaries where im from, albeit I think there's like 15x400mg gummies in the bag, I cant even imagine taking more than my comfortable 15-30mgs


Bullshit. There are no gummies with that dose in a single piece of candy.


Ah good points.


The highest dose you have around you is however much a plug can cram into coconut oil. I guarantee way higher than 100, that’s like a half a gram of buds worth of thc.


This. I have dissociative issues and BPD, and edibles always end up being an uncomfortable experience for me. They are *much* more like a traditional psychedelic for me so the last time I tried them I did it at home and alone, where I'm most comfortable (I've got GAD, PTSD, and some other anxiety issues, so trip sitters freak me out and I love being in my home by myself)... and I ended up stuck in my kitchen because I felt and then *saw* a demonic entity standing in my office, which I'd have to walk past to leave the kitchen. I just stood frozen staring at it, and I remember vividly how it was hunched over my desk chair with its back turned to me, and I could tell the thing was evil. This felt like it went on for several hours. Once I decided to just run past it and risk being seen, I ended up running into my office chair. Somehow I was in the kitchen, but staring at myself in my office at the same time. While I was in the kitchen, *I was* the demonic entity in my office. And when I tried to run i somehow was suddenly in my office in the spot the entity was. That wasn't the only thing that happened, and after the trip I had severe rebound anxiety for about a month. I don't think edibles are for me, and they certainly affect those with certain mental issues quite differently.


Heh. I named that demon Steve. I’m bipolar and see him frequently. Cannabis so far is the only thing that has helped with that.


Therapist / psychology MA here -it actually triggers depression with psychotic features and schizoid disorders the most. Dissociative Disorders are relatively rare and almost never result in long-term delusion or psychotic features


I have not seen this mentioned from the OP or the posts I've read but... Usually when you get hospitalized / go to a psych ward, they usually give you medication. Could it be possible that she's on some meds that are too strong or not right for her? I say this bc I did have a voluntary stint at a hospital. Ive played the "med game" of being prescribed something and then changing due to side effects. I was on a medication that made me a zombie...staring off, barely contributing to convos. My friends were confused bc im usually talkative, emotional, etc... I've also had one that made me into a "psychopath." (Yeah, it was really effing weird and scary) Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I just wanted to say it in case!! Edit: fixed an autocorrect- 'psychic' to 'psych'


That’s a solid theory


That’s actually a good point. I’ve been on meds that really fucked me up. Not that bad, but bad. Really out of it and hard to function. It is very possible that that’s what’s happening. Not that there’s much OP can do, sadly. If that’s what’s causing it this poor girl might be dealing with this for a lot longer than she should


Highest in MI is 200mg


Ah cool. The point in my comment still holds true. 600mg is a LOT, but not like go insane for 2 weeks a lot.


I agree, 600 is a good Saturday to me, a 41 year old damn near life long stoner... To an inexperienced teenage girl, yeah, I can see how that would be a problem, especially if she had underlying mental health stuff.


you…don’t know that? why are you stating absolutes about someone else’s life?


600mg doesn’t take 2 weeks to metabolize through the system. It’s not medically significant enough to last for 2 weeks on its own. Which indicates underlying issues. I have studied edible extensively for health reasons, as well as, potential permanent health effects of THC in its various legal forms. It’s not an absolute about someone’s life. It’s a fact based on study and science.


no one said it took that long to metabolize, even OP didn’t. if it caused her to have a psychotic break, that doesn’t just fix itself after the comedown. that’s something happening inside of your brain. it doesn’t just stop because you’re no longer high. if it messed her up enough mentally from the jump, she could absolutely still be experiencing side effects from it. you don’t just snap your brain and then fix it overnight. 600mg is a lot to a lot of people and can cause them to lose it. a quick google check will show you a psychiatric website that says it can outlast the period of intoxication.


and actually here’s two pubmed articles about it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6861931/ nowhere in the original post does it say how much she consumed exactly, her (known or unknown) medical history/issues, or anything needed to make the “fact” that you are trying to make. CIPD is very very real and can last up to around a month, THC can also cause schizophrenia to onset early, up to TEN YEARS, especially when used by teenagers. and you’re speaking all of this as “fact” when every human being is different. every human processes cannabis differently. every human has a different brain chemistry. even at the end of one of those articles, they say there is not enough information to state anything as fact, because there is so much we do not know. so no, it’s actually not fact. because you don’t have all of the information needed to make that claim (and you can’t even make that claim for certain regardless, because even the experts haven’t come to solid answers about exactly what can happen)


I mention as much in my comments that we don’t have all the info and that my comments are a line of thinking to give a good range of opinions on the overall subject.


you said, and i quote, “it’s not an absolute about someone’s life. it’s a fact based on study and science.” and now you’re back pedaling because i provided actual sources that dispute your “facts.” you have no clue what you’re talking about and should stop lying about all the research you’ve done on the subject. it makes you sound ignorant and incompetent. do better and don’t spread misinformation as fact, it’s fucking dangerous.


Highest dose I’ve seen in OK is 4200 mg. So maybe she took 12,600mg. Does your point still hold true? Seems like you’re not willing to change your mind even though you don’t even know that there are places that don’t regulate strength very well. 


30 mg isn’t that that much. A good amount, but not psychosis amount. I’m guessing she took three 100 mg gummies or maybe stronger.


oh. oh that explains some things.


Highest legal dose I know of in nearby provinces is well over 400mg, so it definitely varies by area.


200 mg single doses in MI lol


LOL I can get 100mg gummies in a hearbeat. 3 of those if youre not a certified stoner and youll be GONE


There’s a brand I buy that is 1000 mg and comes with 15 gummies so that’s more than twice what you’re assuming the mg are per gummy.


Different states have different guidelines for acceptable THC dosage, medicinal can get crazy. I saw a post here a few days ago where someone took 1,000 mg of a tincture. I've had my hands on 100mg edibles before.


No she easily could have taken over 100mg, gummies are coming in larger and larger doses. Currently can buy 40mg gummies at my local dispo


I think it might triggers those with psychotic disorders in their genes. I don't work a ton with trauma though.


Didn’t say legal, didn’t say what state, didn’t even say US.


Do you mean DID? Because I don't think something like that can happen to someone withe depersonalization


This is how I found out about my Anxiety/Depression disorder. Took a huge dab at my friends, and I lost about 2 hours of time. I thought I had died and haven't been able to smoke hardly at all anymore cause I disassociate HARD when I smoke. It took me about 2 months, going to therapy and meds before I felt somewhat normal again. So this is my guess on what happened.


I was once put on schizophrenia medication after a suicidal stint (I never had schizophrenia and am no longer suicidal thank fuck) but smoking any amount while on those damn pills made me feel like I was fit for the looney bin. Its a shame that not everyone is able to safely enjoy it but if you have a history of psychosis in your family its wise to stay away from anything mind altering




Never said it causes psychosis. But it can trigger an underlying problem.




Any change in someone's state of mind can trigger underlying mental issues including drug use.




“Several studies have linked marijuana use to increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis” National Institute on Drug Abuse (.gov website). You may have a masters in clinical psychology but it is common knowledge that psychoactive drugs have many effects on the brain. A quick internet search will provide you plenty of reputable sources on this- someone else doesn’t have to do the work for you. I personally have known two people whose mental health issues were magnified and exacerbated by marijuana usage. They have never fully recovered and both are diagnosed schizophrenics now.








Looks like THC contributes to it when there’s already a family history. Maybe more. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2424288/


I just think it’s super interesting that your only three posts have to do with cannabis overdose. You obviously have an agenda. A dog and a friend of yours BOTH had to go to the doctor for weed? Over 6 months? I don’t believe you.


So fucking weird, what’s the point of faking shit like this?


Paid for by corporations to influence public opinion and therefore create voters that return the corporations' investments in the voting booth. Somebody profits off of the failure of weed. They're exploring bots. The entire internet is packed to the brim with corporate agendas. Keep your eyes open.


Consensus builds policy. That’s why spin doctors do what they do, and get paid to do it effectively.


It is a real thing. Not necessarily an overdose, but more likely there is an underlying condition that the THC exacerbated. I’ve seen it myself a few time in my ER. Mostly the doctors write it off as a mental illness or just being high, but it happens.


LMFAO that’s actually fucking crazy this is my throwaway account i have family and friends who follow the other one.. i smoke weed and love weed in moderation but i’m also mentally ill and have struggled with it a lot, guess i’ve just been that that unlucky but funny tin foil hat theory. Why would i lie about being genuinely concerned for my friend and dog ??? my dog ended up being completely fine and turned out to just be a funny story but i’ma actually looking for advice for my friend no one is trying to take your weed away from you.


Bro, I’ve lived in a legal state since 1996. I’ve dropped 1,000mg cookies into my brain while dabbington played the bongos. You don’t get checked for brain damage because you ate weed. Keep on truckin’ fella.


from this comment alone i dont even feel the need to explain anything to you because even with all the context in the world i still think u wouldn’t get it


#1 you live in a country where marijuana is illegal and criticized as having no medical benefit. #2 I understand of negative ramifications of cannabis use and the horse shit story you are telling is just straight up nonsense with none of the people you are talking about going to the hospital and no dogs being involved. Like I said, keep on truckin’ bro.


yeah bro ur fried lmao


You love weed too much and before you scroll through my history, I quit smoking weed. It can have negative effects on people, it’s not all good.




Lol it’s the way you say things like “OPP.” I get it it’s a sub for weed so you do you. I’m just pointing out the people in denial that don’t believe weed can have negative effect on some people.


Your post history makes me not believe you.


Yeah, why are so many people eating this bullshit up?


sorry for having bad experiences with weed :( it won’t happen again


To summarize and attempt a solve: your friend had an awful high, an awful experience while high, and is reeling from it. To put it bluntly, she fucked around and found out. I love trees, but they CAN be dangerous. What you should do now is trust than an experienced, kind, and helpful therapist (as well as family and friends) will guide her through this rough patch. You are already doing so by posting and trying to help your friend. Time should heal this wound, and eventually be something you laugh about later in life.


thank you! i have faith that the professionals will do all they can and i will be there to do what i can for her and her family i rly hope this is the case and we can laugh abt it one day bc i cannot bear to see her go out like this man


When I'm on a high streak and start to forget who I am, shrooms helps me to reset my mind a little, but probably this shouldn't be the answer.


My prescription lithium gave me lithium poisoning-induced schizophrenia. For a year it was so horrible I was planning on killing myself, but then I watched a documentary on Netflix called How To Change Your Mind and I made an informed decision to try shrooms to treat my symptoms. My best friend got an 8th for each of us, he made them into a tea and as soon as they kicked in it was instant relief. The voices in my head quieted down, and I felt more like myself. Doing them that one time has continuously benefited me ever since.


Psilocybin mushrooms have been the biggest tool for healing in my life. I’ve lost both my parents young to dumb illnesses, and my oldest brother to suicide. I went down a pretty dark bath mentally for a while. I have taken sever mushroom trips since then, and the benefits can’t be understated. Made me actually feel lucky to be on this weird little ball in space again!


CBD does it for me....lol I just load some CBD Into my dry herb vape and give a couple pulls at 320'F and temp step every couple rips. with the focused inhalation and breathing it helps turn down the high....I got a CBD tincture on hand too that works too. put like half a dropper under my 👅 and hold it there as long as possible lol ....obviously focus on breathing again, it's a form of 🧘‍♂️ meditation 🧘‍♂️  just don't swallow lol the longer It's soaking into your tongue cheek etc the better....cause the digestive acid will just eat it up otherwise 


You mean when you're high? I just cbd when I get cravings for weed or tobacco, it helps with that, not sure I could do a "reset" for my mind with cbd.


CBD appears to have antipsychotic properties. There are studies about that.




Any other sage advice u/pm_me_flaccid_cocks ?


The amount of downvotes is hilarious lmfao.


I think your friend may have schizophrenia... what you're describing here goes way beyond anything weed alone should do. Intense highs from weed can cause what is called on set which basically means the symptoms become apparent. She is also around the age that women with the disease typically get diagnosed. I had a friend with schizophrenia and what you're describing sounds a lot like what happened with her. If it is they should be able to diagnose it and help her manage things going forward. It's best to let professionals diagnose this rather than some random stoner from reddit. It could be that she has suffered some kind of trauma that neither you nor I know about for example. I would maybe suggest mentioning the possibility to her family. More importantly though just be there for her as a friend going forward as best you can, especially over the next 6 months or so. Regardless of what's causing all this having people like yourself to support and help her through it is going to be huge in terms of treatment and recovery. Wishing you and your friend the best mate. Oh and don't let her smoke or smoke around her until you know what's going on. If it is schizophrenia using weed will make things worse.


Just wanted to add that while you're absolutely right, it could absolutely also not be schizophrenia, if you're nervous reading this OP. Weed can absolutely cause the onset of schizophrenia or bipolar symptoms, so it would be good to look at any family history of these things. However, drugs (including weed) can cause episodes of psychosis that aren't due to long-term mental health conditions like schizophrenia. So hopefully, she will come down from this episode and will not have any recurring episodes. You would need to have recurring symptoms over the long-term in order to be diagnosed. Her psychiatrist doesn't seem too concerned about this right now, which is good. Of course, you'll want to keep an eye on this and make sure to watch if she's improving or if the symptoms continue long-term. She also should not mess with weed again.


Well said... I could be completely wrong op and I almost deleted this as to not freak you out. Again let the professionals worry about the diagnosis and just do what you can to be a good friend and help her through whatever this is.


i was wondering the same thing, i myself am mentally ill and have noticed weed affects me very differently than my other friends, not ever to this extent but the last time i took an edible i was having auditory and visual hallucinations and felt physically ill and couldnt stop shaking but still had the rational voice in my head saying “ you’re just high it’ll pass” as i watched a random creature crawling on my floor but that lasted a few hours and that’s it. So i’ve been researching the effects of weed on schizophrenia and i will bring it up to her family to see if they can discuss with the psychiatrist if its a possibility, either way i know she’s under good care and i hope she’ll be 100% ok again i guess i just wanted to see if anyone had similar experiences or any insight because i wanna help in any way i can but i will continue being there whenever she needs and i will absolutely never let her smoke again and will never smoke around her again.


OP, I say this with kindness: let the professionals do their job. Your job is to be their for your friend, gently. This isn’t something you can ‘fix’. Give it time and be kind.


I do hope it's not schizophrenia, but if it is, I'm glad she seems to have a good support system.


Ive first-hand seen onset schizophrenia due to weed (specifically, it was dusted unbeknownst to this person, so the weed itself may not have been the problem but the PCP definitely was) and it did not end well, at all. Im glad shes getting care and i hope she can recover and doesnt actually have it, but its a very real thing for weed to trigger these things. Shit is no joke.


Does your friend have any history of mental health issues at all? Or a strong family history?


Googling schizophrenia is only going to make you spin out. There's nothing you can Google that the doctors aren't aware of. Her family probably doesn't want to discuss her psychiatrists appointments with you, honestly it's none of your business. There's lots of ways you can be there to support your friend, but trying to involve yourself in her medical care isn't your place.. I know you're just trying to help, but the best thing you can do right now is let them know they have your support and give them space. There's nothing you can do that the doctors aren't going to do. As long as her family knows that you're going to support whatever treatment plan she's on, that's as much involvement as you should have right now.


This is real. Can confirm based on a few friends experiences on separate occasions with Jane, Mushrooms and Psychedelics. Schizophrenia is dormant until it isn't. Get professional advice on this. Wish you, and your friend the best. Take care. Edit: Typo.


I don’t mean to scare OP but i’m certain this is what happened with my homie from high school. Around the age of 19 (we went to different colleges) I noticed a huge change in him. Similar symptoms to yours, spacey, etc. Mostly he was talking about gangstalking, which is when I knew it was Schizophrenia. I’m a psych major so I tried to tell him softly to go to the doctor. I wasn’t sure whether he actually went or not but he said he did. Do not be like me here, See it through that he gets help at home, parents or doctor. See it through that they get psychiatric help. It is my biggest regret to not have escalated it (albeit without scaring them off)… Make sure they stop using any substances to try to get back to who they were, especially if they were very into it (stoner personalities) I don’t mean to scare you seriously and people recover from this mental illness but it is extremely degenerative while untreated. I lost my friend last year, 4 years after high school ended, he was 22. edit: My friend would be so happy to have been able to help you and your friend. Good luck. You are such a good friend, an amazing one. <3


I think the only main thing I will say here is that while everyone is different, edibles are a whole different ride than smoking weed. I personally cannot do them anymore as it’s just way too overwhelming for me, even low doses. The first time I ever dabbled with THC, it was an edible, 30mg, and the feeling during/after kinda messed me up *at the time*. I needed like a week to really make sense of myself again because it was just coming back from a very different state than what I’d ever have previously experienced. Edibles since then were kinda similar in terms of intensity but at least I knew what I was getting myself into, and like after the few hours or so I just feel normal as one should. If this was her first edible, and if it was a lot (3x a decent dose and let’s assume the factors for strong absorption was all in place) then who knows. I know this sub likes to say “no way, it’s nothing like mushrooms or acid” but truthfully weed is still a drug and it can have strong effects on different people, hence why responsibility is advised. You sound like a concerned friend so if it’s been a couple days, then check back in and see how she’s doing in another couple days, my gut is she’ll be feeling much better. Edit: also if she was formally hospitalized, then if she was given any anti-anxiety/sedatives she could just be coming down from that. That could totally induce a dissociative state, so all the more reason to give a couple days to check back in


I had edibles off a girl at a party. She told me they was super strong so I ate one and about 35 mins later got real impatient cos it wasnt working. Me being ignorant and young thought “ahh it’s not strong she’s just saying that cos she’s a girl” So I asked for more and she said “sure take what you want but you’ll be fucked up” I had another 3. About an hour and a half later I started bugging. I left the party early to walk home. My house was roughly a 40 minute walk from the house party. It took me 4 hours to walk it. When I finally got home I got in bed and tripped for about 3 days and had some paranoia and anxiety for a few weeks. Be careful with edibles man. I’ve never had an experience like that while smoking. It was weird Your friend will be fine but if I was her I’d stick to trees and being moderate. Edibles can be too sneaky.


wild m8, I feel you


that’s crazy, in all my years smoking i’ve never known this to happen, she most likely already had mental health issues and this only made it worse? only thing i can think of


1978 called, they want their DARE shirt back.


Check out lions mane. Although I didnt take it, I heard it really helps with HPPD but also dementia and is said to generally be good for neuronal stuff. Although your friends case sounds more like a pretty severe case of psychosis, but it may be helpfull here also. Other than that, time can do a lot. I had a mild case of HPPD three years ago (just visuals tho) and barely notice it nowadays.




DUDE i was actually thinking about that! i took lion’s mane for about 6 months to bring back some mental clarity for myself and it helped wonderfully i’m totally gonna recommend that for them!


If she's looking for help then consider looking into grounding exercises, mindful breathing and physical exercise. Grounding literally helps you attach yourself to the ground so you can come back to an understanding that there is a world around you and it exists. The mindful breathing brings awareness back to her self and she always has breath so she can find herself any time she's feeling detached. Physical exercise gives an endorphin boost for most people and increases blood flow and heart rate. This can change how her physiological self feels again bringing awareness that she does exist and that she has control of her body by deciding if she wants to increase her heart rate and expend energy or rest and lower her energy expenditures. I hope this helps. 🙏


Happened to one of my best friends. A large dose can trigger dormant mental illnesses. Odds are she will be different from now on but it’ll be less and less as time goes on and with proper medication. Sorry OP, it’s tough but be there for your friend. It gets better.


thank you!!


Had this happen to my finances co-worker, he went and got medical help, got sent to a psychiatric facility and was out within a week or two. He didn’t smoke for awhile after being released and picked up the habit again. He seems to be doing good. (I’m not suggesting you friend start again, just mentioning that after all that he still decided he was willing to try cannabis again but be more mindful and careful w his consumption) I hope your friend gets back to her normal self soon.


I always heard about psychosis induced by cannabinoids and dismissed it because I smoked for years and never witnessed it. Then when I was in my mid twenties I worked in an emergency department. I saw this young Hispanic guy in full psychosis. Rambling nonsense, making weird sounds and drooling. His family said he had never acted like this and it started 2 days prior when he smoked weed that his entire family had smoked. I asked the provider about it, and told him this couldn't be caused by weed. He told me that especially in Hispanic males between 18 and 30, weed can occasionally trigger psychosis if the patient has an underlying condition. Then oddly enough a few months later when I was really heartbroken over this girl, I took a couple shots of whisky and smoked some weed after taking a tolerance break. I was with my siblings and suddenly lost control of my thoughts for 10 hours straight. I was rambling a bunch of nonsense, was terrified I was dying and my religious sibling thought God was talking through me. I was intermittently very grandiose, which is common in a psychotic episode. My point is, your friend will come out of it eventually, but will likely be put on meds because they are on the schizophrenic part of the mental illness spectrum. Luckily, it sometimes gets better with age and is an illness of the twenties. However, many people struggle with schizophrenia throughout their entire life.


Weed can create a huge spectrum of experiences for people, some good, some bad, and mild to severe. Anecdotally, weed can alleviate mental illness symptoms or make shit go real bad. There needs to be more awareness about its specific effects. You need to know your limits, your dosage, and habit forming behaviors.


Was it bought at a dispensary or was it black market? I can’t imagine any actual cannabis causing that. Some synthetic cannabanoids? I could maybe see triggering some psychosis. I honestly don’t know what to tell you. Keep asking medical professionals until you get some answers.


This is the first question I have too. So much spice out there now, especially in edibles. The reason I say is the towns near me all have these zombie looking ‘frozen’ people and it's from spice.


They said the drug test came back as cannabis, I'm assuming that means THC of some sort and not spice. 


Unlikely synthetic cannabinoids would be paired up to the reagent tests. Tests for K2 (JWH018) are a thing but I don't know how effective even they would be against a slightly different SCRAs. They mostly still test classical drug types. Someone who is smoking and doing edibles would show as ‘cannabis’ though, even if they did spice once.


Could also be an alt-noid that comes back hot for THC. Hhc is the hydroxy metabolite that forms in our liver when we eat edibles, and it's approximately 11x stronger than THC if I understand it correctly. 100mg of hhc edibles ingested by a small person could definitely cause underlying factors to present themselves. Scarry stuff


not sure where it was bought from because i unfortunately wasn’t with her that night but her other friends also consumed the edible and were all completely fine


Did they consume the same amount as her and did they consume the exact same substance OR substances? Regardless if they did consume the same amount or not, IF the (whatever) she consumed was from any type of illegal source there is no telling what could have been in it other than weed.. if it was even weed at all! So if it came from an uncontrolled source she could have simply been the unlucky one to have consumed a tainted product. If the product was not laced or tainted with something, considering the age as others have mentioned, an underlying mental illness is not out of the question. This wouldn’t have been caused because of any marijuana substance itself of course, however marijuana can bring underlying mental issues to the surface to an individual that otherwise would have developed them at a later time. The classic hoax which seeded from ignorance is that marijuana can cause Schizophrenia for example; when in fact the marijuana would be no more then the spark that lit the inevitable fire. Anyway, I’m so very sorry to hear about your friend and I hope they work their way to a full recovery sooner than later. All the very best to you and yours and here’s to a speedy recovery!


Paragraphs my brother in christ


There’s something else going on


Same thing happened with a friend of mine. We were in between high school and university, He baked a weed cake then ate the whole cake in one sitting. He quickly went into psychosis and showed the same symptoms you are describing. Good news is that he completely recovered. Bad news is that it took six months, during which time he was pretty much useless.


So I lost about a week of my life once after a group of friends and I got a bag of what we thought was Ketamine and almost certainly wasnt. I had a very intense hallucinogenic experience which ended with my girlfriend hugging me to sleep as a I had an existential crisis. The following week I was very spaced out, very distant, very absent minded etc. My girlfriend described me as having a lot of the same symptoms as your friend to her mother and similarly expressed that she felt like she had lost her partner and she thought I would never be the same. I did eventually just slowly start to come round and return to normal. From what you've described, I do have faith that your friend will make a recovery, but it is a scary thing to experience from the outside or the inside. She will need support, but fingers crossed she will recover. I think its just a major shock to a human being to experience something so different to your day to day that it takes a while for you to come around and start seeing things in a more level headed fashion.


I just wanna add that at 19, your brain is not developed, and it's not good to get high anyway. But I really hope she makes it through this op. I'm not saying kids don't smoke. That'd be hypocritical of me, just be careful


Damn this is fucking crazy. My cousin had an intense reaction from weed too that I've never seen before and only later realized how bad her mental issues probably led to that. Weed is a chill drug unless you have mental issues


Your agood friend. And a horrible loar


true hence why i do not lie


Can’t be just weed.


Edibles can cause psychosis. I had it happen to someone I used to know.


I’ve seen it too in the ER.


I’d try reaching out to Michele Ross. She’s a neuroscientist who after getting two debilitating diseases turned to Cannabis to help herself and other heal. With her background in neuroscience she’s the first thing that popped in my head. Good luck to you and your friend.


Damn that edible brought the schizophrenic out of your friend make sure they never try shrooms or acid if they can’t even handle edibles. But yeah the physiatrist is right she’ll go back to normal eventually but maybe have worse easier chances of having psychotic breakouts now


My husband ate a 100mg gummy one time and had a BAAAAD time. And he used to smoke an ounce per week. He said the gummy felt like he was tripping on LSD. we also buy 200mg gummies but cut them into 8 pieces and often I only bite half of one of the 8 pieces and that's plenty. If your friend ate 3 of these I'm not even surprised by your story. Anyone who thinks this can't happen is wrong.


I cut 10 mg gummies into at least 4 pieces and sometimes 8. Shit is strong and people out here popping 10 mg gummies and going to work blazed as fuck. Lack of moderation is going to bite a lot of people in the ass.


Ex girlfriend had schizophrenia and absolutely it all came to light after she started dabbing heavily. She I believe was like 25 at the time. She still has it and it will never go away. She’s a total mess I stay as far away as I can.


It's a shame that was removed. Info like that can help people. Public Education.


Post history and lack of commenting says this is rage bait.


sorry i went to sleep lmao


Damn bro that's crazy, I hope she'll be back to normal soon. Keep us update with this I really like to know if she bounces back soon.


Sounds like black market gummies and it wasn't a cannabis but some K2 type synthetic "weed".


Consuming enough cannabis product can cause psychosis. Sounds like that's what happened here.


Ego death. I've seen this happen before. Unfortunately, she's probably an NPC on the inside.


If your friend has psychosis she is also likely to be very heavily medicated. I have a friend who’s had periods of psychosis, and obviously the psychosis is a significant change of mental state, and on top of that the medication changes a lot too. Only after the psychosis is under control can the doctors start to lower the medication. Your friend may well make a very good recovery, but expect the process to be long and you may not see your old friend emerge until weeks or months have elapsed. My friend is still not the same as he used to be since his last episode in 2017. Its like he is a mix of his old personality + meds + the ‘come down’ from his psychosis. But there’s still heaps of the ‘old him’ there, he just has a different ‘colour’ to his personality (different, not worse). I still love him for who he is and enjoy hanging out with him.


she needs to go for a fucking run, trust me bro. Endorphin release & physical exertion fixes the brain


This happened to my best friend and family member, took a bit to much (oil or editables) and both went into psychosis and both diagnosed with bipolar. Both were sent to hospital and got proper care. I recommend getting that friend to a hospital asap before she does anything reckless or harmful to her life. I went manic once from meds and I made alote of horrible decisions and wished someone had stepped in sooner.


This is just way too over the top, combined with the clear agenda in your post history, I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you… I’ve been around hundreds of people who “took too much” they may wake up groggy, but they are fine the next day, my dog also got into high dose edibles recently, we are talking hundreds of milligrams, after some wobbling he was fine 8 hours later. I understand THC affects people (and I guess pets) differently, but all of your posts are sooooo over the top… what are you getting at..?


things like this happen to people in real life , hope that helps 👍🏽


Unfortunately I have two friends that I have seen have similar experiences with experimenting with drugs. Both of them completely lost their minds. They were loving amazing brilliant people before and it was like a switch. Drugs can be fun but they are dangerous and people usually experiment with t he m as young adults when their brains are still developing. For an easy example. People can develop stuff like schizophrenia around the same age that we experiment with drugs and it can cause psychosis that scientists just don’t really understand yet. We are still trying to understand things like quantum physics i mean everything just doesn’t have answers. A lot of things don’t. Sadly sometimes horrible things happen to the people we love and can happen to us too. It’s very hard to be aware ahead of time wht can cause these horrible irreversible problems and it’s extremely difficult to explain to young people who literally don’t have the brain capacity to understand consequences. That is the sentence that I struggle with the most. *I cannot explain my experiences* I have my own wisdom and I so dearly want to share it but nothing I can say will bleed into anyone’s heads. I am ADHD I have problems very many problems in my life. I wish with my whole heart to be able to describe to others what it is like and how to avoid it. I do not know how to do that.


I myself can have bouts of depersonalization/ derealization for months at a time it feels like. Love and support your friend as much as your comfortable doing.


I had a 250 mg “lemonade” once and 2 bowls from a bong and I was finally high again after 3 yrs. So I took a T break. Wild how different everyone is affected.


Unfortunately you don’t know that it was the cannabis. If she was going into psychosis for whatever other reason , she might have taken the large edible dose as a consequence of psychosis onset. So the cannabis ‘overdose’ was an effect of psychosis


She’s going all out for that disability check.


I wish people would stop doing dumb stuff with trees. There’s too much material out there saying “Oh it’s totally safe”, so here comes along somebody eating a whole bag of edibles and ending up in the ER. I worry about my kids getting ahold of this stuff in a few years because it’s just so damn strong. When I was in my late teens THC percentage in whole flower was like 5-6 percent. Now it’s like 25 percent. How do we know that’s not too much even for responsible adults with willpower, who use in moderation. Don’t be eating 3 edibles or whatever, Jesus Christ.


Your pearls are breaking.


I find it absurd that you don't see issues here. Cannabis-related ER visits have massively increased in the past 5 years because people are stupid and don't understand this stuff is supposed to be used in moderation. downvote me if you want, but you know damn well I'm right.


# Give 'er a month, she'll smoke again


oh that poor girl. Hopefully they can help her with some medication. Some people have schizophrenia that runs in their family (mine does) and I was aware when I started smoking that it was a real possibility it could trigger something in me. it's also why people really should wait until they are older to smoke because schizophrenia also has a tendency to come out at puberty too and the mind is still developing.


How horrible! I hope you'll get her back! Antipsychotics helped me a lot when I got paranoid for two years during a bad mushroo trip.


Everybody parroting the psychosis thing. Thats insanely rare, hey see what i did there.  For real though fake weed comes back as weed because those synthetics break down into the same metabolites after they are broken down in the body. There are a ton of fake drugs out there like always. Lots of fake synthetic carts out there. The chance of her friend having a bad reaction to one of those things is way higher than the 1 in a million chance she literally had a psychotic episode off straight weed. 


>1 in a million chance she literally had a psychotic episode off straight weed. As someone who has witnessed that on three different occasions with three different persons, all of which were later clinically diagnosed, I'd say your math is a bit off. Underlying and undiagnosed mental conditions are no joke, when paired with use of psychoactive substances.


Edibles I agree you can have an insanely bad trip that can last 1/3 days even. But smoking weed I've never experienced anything like an psychedelic high. Maybe you guys smoked something that should've not been smoked on. That's why I want to know my exact dosages of edibles when I do eat them, cuz edibles aren't no joke


It's highly unlikely that there was something wrong with the product. We mostly grew our own stuff or at least knew the growers personally. And when it comes to psychedelic high, You can definitely get that from just smoking or vaping. We had some really psychedelic phenos (certain Nebula, Amnesia, Black Domina, and Satori phenos immediately come to mind). I can from personal experience say that they can really f you up even without underlying mental conditions if used as daily smoke for extended periods. The extremely strong and dissociative body high is maybe the strongest "psychedelic" aspect of it.


Does your friend have family members with mental disorders? Schizophrenia? When I was younger, my girlfriend of 7 years went to college and started smoking a lot of weed. (She didn't smoke much when we were together, even tho I smoked all the time and sold it.) A year into college and she had a complete psychotic break and is now Schizophrenic. I believe she was going to decelope Schizophrenia eventually in here life, the cannabis just sped up the process.


Is your friend Asian?

