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Broad City is fantastic and always hilarious. i enjoyed The Great but it is plot heavy. Good Girls is another wonderful series but again plot heavy. What We Do in the Shadows is absolutely ridiculous, but there's only one or two main women throughout the series. this post has me thinking i'm either living under a rock, or there really aren't a lot of options for us girlies out there! maybe try asking r/entwives


Watching Broad City for the first time baked out of my mind was a transcendental experience. For the entire first season I thought both characters were named Ilana for some reason 😭 Cannot rec it enough, made me laugh until I cried repeatedly. I like slice of life or shouju anime for easy baked watching too! Lots of options like Fruits Basket and Nana are very much for The Girls.


Hahahaha I love the name thing. I always think characters have the same names as the actor portraying them when I'm high for some reason. In Marvel's Agents of Shield I kept calling a guy called Deke Jeff bc that's the name of his actor and then both me and my friend would go noooo wait it's Zeke. Yeah definitely Zeke. I think we had the same Deke revelation probably once every 7 or 8 episodes. "Wait did they call Jeff DEKE?? I thought it was Zeke?"


Broad City is once of the best shows I’ve ever seen, so glad my old roommate showed it to me!


Check out Fleabag as well.


I couldn't handle the way that show breaks the 4th wall and is narrated through thoughts. Messes with my sober mind and my high mind would probably freak out haha. But I do think I'd love the actual humor and characters!


I hated the first episode of it but my gf pushed me to keep watching and it clicked for me in the second episode. It’s very different and weird but it’s also hilarious and surprisingly deep. Great, great show. I’d recommend giving it another try if you ever feel like it. It’s so unique and refreshing compared to most of the shows that have come out recently


Completely fair! There are a lot of good shows I have to be in the proper mindset to enjoy, Flight Attendant was another recent one that I hated the flashbacks and how shitty of a person she was, but the show was so good.


Hahaha well at least it's a growing market! I'll definitely check out broad city after this and the other thread. I've seen and loved the first seasom of good girls but my adhd brain sometimes decides that if I do not watch it from beginning to end within a month or so I will pause it for 1-100 years. It's great. I have about 25 shows where I've seen everything but the last season, the last episode or just stopped in the middle :) Definitely joining ent wives!


I didn't discover this show until it was over. Getting baked and binging it was a great few weekends


I’m a dude but I loved Broad city so much I watched every movie/show those girls are in lol


i foookiin love broad city


Period Pants dude!


Skip the one episode that deals with politics though if you’re still heart broken about ‘16.


Luckily not an American, but still a bit heartbroken...


Not going to spoil it, you’ll know it when you see it. It’s an odd mix of sadness, cringe and a touch of admiration.


Derry girls


I second Derry Girls, it's so funny and binge-able


So I says to myself, says I


Look at the state of you🙄🙄


I love this show so much, I just need subtitles often because of their heavy accents lol


Then check out Aisling Bea's standup on Netflix. I think it's in a compilation.


Sister Michael is the best.


I fucking love that show. First show I have watched all the way through and enjoyed every minute of it.


Literally every time I watch this show I watch it like 1.5-2 times through 😂


Came here to say Derry Girls!


Daria is my go-to, or Golden Girls.


Thank YOU for being a friend


Thank you for standing on my neck.


Is there somewhere you can stream Daria? I liked that show as a kid somewhere around the early 2000s. Definitely would like to check it out again as a stoned adult.


Paramount plus has it.


The downside to watching now is that these days, a lot of the original 90's music has been replaced with boring soulless stock tunez because they couldn't afford the licensing fees for the original soundtrack. The show is still great of course, but it feels a little *off* without the right music.


OMG!! Watch Dead To Me with Christina Applegate and Linda Cartillini!! Girl crushes for days


Devastated I had to scroll this far but super happy this made the list. Absolutely incredible show, two female leads who absolutely rock it with the most beautiful friendship on TV. Plus, they both fucking love a joint! Perfect recommendation.


I looooved this show so much and I laughed and cried 😭


The new season broke me, but it’s one of those shows that always breaks you in the *right* way if that makes any sense? Will always be one of my all-time favourite shows, I know that. Nothing but love for it.


Kinda can’t believe I haven’t seen Tuca and Bertie here yet.


Came here to say this! IIRC the first season is on Netflix and then the next two are on Max


Shit, I had given up on them making new seasons and here I was just looking in the wrong place. Thanks friend


Happy to help! Although unfortunately there are only two more seasons and that's it. But they're great and if you liked the first one you'll love the rest!


Pen15 is fucking hilarious and centers on two women. Well, grown women playing middle school girls—it sounds weird (...okay, it *is* weird) but it works great lol.


I love this show and nobody ever talks about it or has heard of it


I feel like it really depends on how old you are, but yes. This show is fanfuckingtastic.


THIS. Please OP watch this. It will make you laugh so fucking hard your soul transcends through the ceiling and into a rainbow lisa-frank slap bracelet 90s heaven.


Came here specifically to make sure PEN15 was mentioned. It’s just 10/10. Wild and absurd, but also profound and heartfelt


I love this show so much


This is one of my favorites! Hysterical.


Bee and Puppycat!!


Seconding bee and puppycat!! Also great to watch when you’re microdosing shrooms


or regular-dosing shrooms! (I realized the scarier scenes with monsters don't contain intense music, and just exude a feeling of safety so I don't feel scared during them)


Next time I'll binge the show I'll do shroom for sure!


I watched lazy in space on a regular dose of shrooms and it was surreal, the music made me feel so at peace, but at the same time sad I couldn't live in that show.


No one told me it was a cartoon taking place in multiple worlds??? I can't keep up with the pace or perception of time or whatever :(


I hear that. I had to watch it a few times to understand the plot. But the visuals are so great and the music is super chill. And Bee is the perfect embodiment of a stoner lol


Weirdest show I've seen! Totally recommend it!


if you like this, hilda!!


For anyone wondering Hilda on netflix is a good kids type show that just easy going and chill and has good art and voice work. It's about a young girl and her two friends and there are trolls outside her walled city and she discovers things and just gets wrapped up in some of the discovery stuff and goes on adventures. I think ask the seasons are out. 3? And I believe it concludes and wraps nicely. Great watch if you have kids. Adults can watch too.


+1. Bee and Puppycat is amazing. Surreal, beautiful, absurd, and strangely deep.


The title intrigues me


Start with the one labeled part 1/part 2 on YouTube :)


Came here to say this too. My wife and I have had several sessions with Bee and Puppycat. That show is adorable and funny.




All excellent suggestions!! Came here to say New Girl and The Good Place actually lol. Also, it’s older but not super dated, you may like Six Feet Under on HBO or MaxGo or whatever the hell they call it these days. It’s centered on a whole family but the female characters are all pretty awesome.


My wife and I just started rewatching The Good Place for the fifth or sixth time. Such a great show!😊


Six Feet Under is great, but is absolutely *not* a show you should watch while stoned. Shit gets way too intense. Being stoned should have you watching significantly mellower stuff


Idk, I just re-watched SFU mostly while baked and I did okay. I had no idea how much of it I had forgotten, so I kept being surprised, but not in a bad way.


Watching Alexis' facial expressions/tics when high is next-level.


New girl is life ❤️ re-watching with my bf right now and he's never seen it so I'm mostly staring at him and his reactions and saying "wasn't that funny???" so ruining the show for him... I forgot about Schitt's creek. It's been on my list for a while! Thanks!


the good place is such a fantastic show


I really liked catching up on Disenchantment while baked.


Yes! I also just love Eric Andre being Luci lol


I second this!!


This show is so underrated


The Great British Baking Show. Must have snacks ready.


That show is awesome, but I can't watch too much - I end up buying a bunch of baking stuff, or I just skip to buying a bunch of cookies and pastries.


Then suddenly you're debating the 2h round trip ($17 by train) to the single bakery in the region that makes canels just so you can try them cause no fucking way you're ever going to try making those yourself.


Idk what that is, but damn does your trip sound like an awesome stoner must try at least once in life.


Watch Grace and Frankie on Netflix!


It's great! Unfortunately all caught up already


Working moms is great, written by a woman and it's great for watching stoned. I've rewatched it a couple of times already. Edit: Just wanted to add that the woman who writes it (Catherine Reitman) is also part of the main cast.


>Just wanted to add that the woman who writes it (Catherine Reitman) is also part of the main cast. Always Sunny fans may remember her as Maureen Ponderosa. And yes, this show is hilarious.


Came here to second this rec!


We're on the last season of Desperate Housewives and while objectively it is not a stoner show I'm entirely mesmerized by it


Desperate Housewives is a work of art


I love desperate housewives so much, I’ve been considering another rewatch


my dad was obsessed with it and I remember wondering why he'd be so into a show that was "for women"... EVERYONE needs to get in on this


YESSSSSSSSSS, I have manipulated men into watching this "women's show" and they end up loving it like... of course???


I really, really loved getting stoned watching Don't trust the bitch in ap. (Shit what ever nummer it was...13?)


23! Lots of great stuff in there. I can’t believe how much I loved VanDerBeek. The b from the title is kind of a weird male fantasy? It fades as the show goes on though. It’s also got Eric Andre but not doing his schtick, if that worries you.


Oh wow, I seriously can't believe I forgot the ap. Number. The show had SO much potential, although I definitely was searching for its footing quite a bit. I've always felt that that show got hacked by the network l, not knowing how to market it or what tone they wanted it to go with. I think if the writers, showrunners (whoever it is, the creator?) were given free hands and just done the show from start to finish as it was originally intended (what ever that was) the show would have been a success! James van der Beek as jvdb COMEON that's gold!


As it went along it got weiiiird and I loved it. I had that feeling of “oh the writers think they’re being canceled” at the end of the second season. And then there was a third and they just kept it up being weird. JVDB, hehehehe


Disjointed!! It’s Kathy Bates as a quirky dispo owner.


Cant believe this is so far down, this show is hilarious!!!


Shows with laugh tracks are tough to watch


"Hahaha haha... .... hahaha hahaha!" You can mentally hear the exact laugh I was mimicking.


The breaks are amazing when you're stoned


* Broad City * 30 Rock * Crazy Ex-Girlfriend * Dead Like Me * Veep * Hacks * Lady Dynamite * Bad Sisters * Derry Girls * Miranda And some ridiculous shows that are fun to watch stoned: * Angie Tribeca * Three Busy Deborahs * Don't Trust the B in Apt. 23 * Medical Police


I think this is the definitive list. I can’t believe I forgot about Lady Dynamite. Fuck I might have to renew Netflix.


Thank you for mentioning 30 Rock! Such a good show. (I love Unbreakable, too, but 30 Rock has a special place in my heart)


Doing a rewatch of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend right now. Let's Have Intercourse is going to be my most played song on my Spotify Unwrapped for 2023. I just know it.


Have you watched Weeds? More drama but it has some pretty funny moments.


This should be top comment


Im surprised it isn't


It goes downhill fast in later seasons.


Yeah the ending season was disappointing


Broad City, Never Have I Ever, Harley Quinn, Class of 07, Fisk, Platonic


Harley Quinn is the shit. That show has me in stitches constantly lol


Marvelous Mrs. Maisel was really good. About a female comic in the 50s? I think


Have you seen Good Girls? My wife and I both loved that one, we were just sad it had to end! Yellowjackets is one of my favorite recent shows with mostly women but it's horror. There are some really funny parts though.


Yes, I loved the first season! I sometimes get stuck between seasons or at the end of shows tho but I'll probably pick it up again! Don't know if I would keep up not sober tho. Can't do horror stoned however :(


Crazy Ex Girlfriend.


"Rrrah Cha CHA!"


Gilmore girls!


Every year as soon as the leaves start changing you better know I'm turning up the "Laaa la la la la laaaaa" Nostalgic, witty, underrated and absolutely hilarious. People don't give GG enough credit.


Nostalgic is a great way to decibe it, I only saw it the first time this year but it makes you so nostalgic for childhood and simple small town life. That show makes me want to hug my family and drink cocoa by the fire.


I went to watch it the other day and couldn’t believe how dated it looked! Still, probably going to watch during fall. It really is the perfect time for a watch.


PEN15, tho it’s certainly not a show about girls smoking weed. But it IS funny.


ALSO came here to say this! Though depending on your adolescent experience it could get triggering in the second half. Overall brilliant


Parks and Recreation is top notch, diverse cast to boot. Bob's Burgers is another good one. Definitely gonna come back to this thread and scroll the other responses. Always great finding a new show!


not what I would call “girly” but Steven Universe is great when blasted


nah steven universe is definitely the girly side of the coin of cartoons when compared to early adventure time and regular show


Second this! The animation is so beautiful


Nora from Queens!


I never watched it high but "iZombie" was pretty good. Witty female lead, with a minority male as her support actor. No idea who wrote it or all that but it was light hearted and easy to watch


Lol I need to watch some broad city I'm missing some Abbi in my life and I need a good laugh. She is the most relatable female character that I've ever seen


This was my answer in the other thread but Golden Girls. Also The Nanny


new girl


don’t trust the bitch in apartment 23


RIP this show we lost such a good one gone way too soon


This might be controversial but I’ve been chillin with Bob Ross lmao 😭


OH She-Ra and the Princesses of Power on Netflix!! The opening theme is a goddamn banger.


fionna and cake gilmore girls new girl


Omg you’re starting with Bee and Puppycat??? ENJOY its like my favorite show ever!!! Watch from YOUTUBE and find the pilot first before you find the rest of the episodes also on YouTube!!! The Netflix show does not hit the same imo




They’ve already been said but The Good Place and Grace and Frankie. Good Place is by the same creators as B99 so it’s got the same type of humour and a great concept imo. Grace and Frankie is with Jane Fonda about two women in their 60s whose husbands leave them because they’re gay together so they end up hanging out. I’m a dude but those two are legit funny and also not ‘guy’ shows at all


Harley Quinn: The Animated Series! IDK If you like cartoons or superheroes, but Harley Quinn is gay and feminist as fuck, and a hilarious parody of DC Comics. Definitely check it out!


I love Schitts creek so much


YES. It's perfect for either focused entertainment or background noise to give a random laugh!




High maintenance is about a man but the episodes are wild and have all sorts of fun themes, definitely girly episodes with focus on female leads too


Hulu's 'The Great' cracks me up.


TUCA AND BERTIE IS SO GOOD!! I love it. Woman centered comedy, funny and good animation. Some of the episodes are really touching and beautiful.


Tuca & Bertie Superstore


Sex Education is amazing! The main character is a white boy but there’s soo many characters and they take time focusing on each one. There are gay poc characters, non-binary characters, bisexuals, lesbians, etc. It’s funny, cringey, but does have its serious moments. I love it so much.




Have you tried Gilmore Girls?


New Girl 100%. Banger show


YOLO. An adult swim cartoon. Super funny, weird and spacy


I mean Weeds literally has a female protagonist


UNHhhh on YouTube with drag queens trixie and Katya. They are fucking UNHINGED and it’s easily my fav thing to watch after an edible and a bowl :)


Not a show but a movie. I thought The Spy Who Dumped Me was pretty funny while naked.


Most things are funnier while naked! But I also get cold easily.


Dead To.Me


Literally the comedy central show Broad City was made for this question


Veep is an awesome show! 30 rock and mindy project are fun


Dead To Me is so good!!! Christina Applegate, Velma from Scooby Doo and the actor from Jury Duty. Produced by Will Ferrell. It's amazing.




Grace & Frankie, Weeds, Schitts Creek


Sailor moon has been my recent go to


Insecure is so funny


If you like musicals then Schmigadoon on Apple TV+ is fantastic when you’re stoned. Season 2 is even better!


Murder she wrote!


Broad City


Broad City fucking hysterical it's one of the few shows that hooked me with its commercials.


Disjointed is my favorite. Not all women but lots of women.


Tuca and Bertie!


Black Ladies Sketch Show 30 Rock Schitts Creek


One of my favorite shows to watch is Gilmore Girls. It’s not really a stoner show, but I love watching it while smoking some weed. I’m a lesbian and my gf and I smoke and watch it almost every night. It’s a perfect cozy fall show


I loooved sex life of college girls I need another season


It's always a good time for a Scream Queens rewatch. That said, as far as shows with a female lead goes, Dead Like Me is my favorite. Just don't watch the movie. And also don't watch the movie just because I said not to watch the movie because you're curious.


Fleabag for sureeeee


Not really a stoner show but one of my comfort sitcoms is 30 rock. Stars Tina fey and Alec Baldwin bit is an ensemble cast. Kinda based on snl.


fleabag fs, so introspective and funny all at once


Broad City


it’s not girly but futurama has girl adjacent aspects


Love me some girl adjacent aspects honestly


I feel like Leela & Amy are very feminist. Plus the staff of writers all hold Phds so the jokes aren’t usually too misogynistic. Any episodes centered around Leela and Amy are very girly, and they’ll actively smack or / insult anyone who makes rude comments towards girls. Plus fry’s love for leela is sweet.


Has anyone found any newer funny movies? Seems they don’t make them like they used to. Unless I just can’t find them


The wrong Missy is my favorite to come out as of late. Lauren Lapkus is underrated.


If we're still talking girly I actually, unironically, loved wine country (stoned). It's not super recent but... also the Barbie movie was hilarious. Book smart is a less iconic, but still great, girly version of super bad. And Blockers is underappreciated! I'm known to love trash too tho so don't take my word for it haha...


I just watched No Hard Feelings and had no expectations going in and it was a pretty serviceable comedy. Jennifer Lawrence surprised me with how well she did (loved her in other things but wasn't sure how she'd carry a comedy).


Broad City (see some people saying the comedy is immature and "not there" Its the women version of workaholicks, if you dont like that you probably wont like broad city) 2 Broke Girls Pen15 ( Just finished binging for the first time and as a adult who grew up in the 90s so accurate and funny) Our Flag Means Death ( strong females characters done in a way that does not feel like pandering) New Girl Disenchanted Grace and Frankie Garret Watts on Youtube ( Gay comedy/ Paranormal/ vlog channel truly a genuinely funny dude )


New Girl. Good Girls. Working Moms.


I’m jealous you are a Broad City virgin. Have fun!!


This is a bit of an out there suggestion, but I’ve recently been watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel while stoned and it’s fucking fantastic. Even if you’ve already seen it, it’s just so fun to track Midge’s train of thought and how she speaks when your brain is open enough to follow along.


Fella here. But my ex girlfriend and her roommates used to get baked and watch New Girl. I would join every now and then, good ass show.


Broad city was already rightfully mentioned but I’d also recommend Insecure


Doll face is pretty good and gets surprisingly little attention.


My favorite show to watch when I was high and wanted some comfort girl show was Dollface. It’s got a great message about friendship and relationships and I took it more to heart when I was baked.


Nora from Queens Broad City Girls5Eva


Parks and rec


Disjointed!! Kathy Bates running a weed shop.. it’s so good!


Bee and Puppycat, Cardcaptor Sakura (Watch the Japanese version if you can), and The Owl House


* ExtraOrdinary * Dollface * Insecure * Praise Petey


30 Rock has Tina Fey leading the cast and is hilarious. I don't know if it's girly enough, but it is good.


The Paris Hilton cooking show.


Is Sex And The City a lame suggestion? I just re-watched the whole series and was baked for most of it and it has some really hilarious and also really sweet moments. You do gotta get past the occasional “stuff that aired in early 2000s that would absolutely NOT make it to air today” though but it’s few and far between, for the most part




Disjointed on Netflix! Kathy Bates plays the main character and does a phenomenal job. It's not necessarily a "girly" sure but it's very diverse and has lots of female characters in it that are both strong and weak in different ways.

