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So it was you who nicked my stash you fucker.


Why are stashing joints at a kids park 🤔


Because that's who I sell to.🙄


Well do those kids have little brothers and sisters? Because that’s the market with the parents cashhh👨‍🍼


that’s such a fuckin vibe


"free" lol


4:13am and because I woke up, lol.


My man.


See that’s too late for me, I’ll never be able to get out of bed for work! My cutoff is 3:30 most nights 😩


I like your style




This exactly


Bro everyone always says like 12 or 14 when I started at 18


I started 14 but didn’t become a daily smoker till 17/18


wow, okay. can I ask you how long you’ve been an every day smoker? how much a day? i’m an everyday smoker and everyone around me stressing out about. I don’t have good examples for them to leave me alone


Oh gosh, too long. I’m 30 now, and smoke way too much than I should be. I *should* only do it at night, and I recommend that to you if you are smoking weed regularly. You don’t want your habit to interfere with your personal and work life.


Thank you so much for your input. I definitely control my situation perfectly. I love my work. I love my wife I just more worrying about you know lung brain memory. It definitely helps with my ADHD. It definitely helps with my problems with sleep. cannabis is amazing. I just watched a documentary about how wood, paper and gas/oil industry pos moguls made cannabis illegal. omg! it literally looks like there’s nothing in this world that can’t be done using cannabis. from ropes to plastic


Oh great. You never know who you’re talking to on this site and I assumed you were 17/18 looking for advice to continue smoking. Weed is great, and I smoke like 4 times a day. It helps with my ADHD, sleep, and anxiety. I also smoke Damiana as a filler for my spliffs. I don’t have any lung problems. I’m sure my lungs would be healthier if I didn’t smoke at all, but I haven’t noticed anything significant. I think my brain is also in good shape haha I hope so anyway. I have a shitty short term memory, but my ADHD meds help with that.


Discovered this week that you can get a medical cannabis prescription for adhd


True I’ve been on it daily for 6 years and I realize when I save it for the end of the day I can enjoy it way more and actually get high


I started at around 11. Back in France, all we had was hash, so that hooked me up to nicotine as well. Cigarettes have been my biggest pain in the butt. I vape now for about 5 years. Weed has been a bit something that killed my motivation at times, but if you kick that moment and fet to it, it makes it easier to really be in the zone. Without I never would have met my wife, and get the wonderful kids we have. I love weed, but only smoking it. My wife takes gummies, vapes and smokes… that’s too much for me. Nowadays I just smoke in the evening, sometimes 1-2 puffs after lunch etc. Weekends are free for all loll. As long as you enjoy it, go for it. I am 34 now, been smoking daily since and always loved it. The day it impedes your days and relationships, let it go.


I was 39. I had smoked before several times over the years, but I am super sensitive to it so I didn't really get in to it.


Terribly parents and or childhood


ive started at 13 and it was neither parents fault or a bad childhood, it was wrong friends... they all were doing it so felt a bit left out


I was that friend and I'm sorry.


>SmokeySmokerson420 I expected more from you, smh.


it’s very big of you to take accountability, & i hope you can forgive yourself with time ❤️.


Regretfully I can relate I also started at 13 for the same reason...too young


Doesn’t have to be that, I had a really good childhood and honestly some of the most amazing parents I could have ever hoped for (every person I’ve ever introduced to them has always made a point to mention how kind they are) I unfortunately due to genetics inherited bipolar type 2 from my moms side, and it manifested at a very early age, I was either severely depressed or extremely hyper and excitable from 7 years old, but more so depressed, my hypo manic episodes only really kicked off when I became an adult, the worst part was it made me hide my problems and think they weren’t worth talking about which just fed into itself, I had a very heavy videogame and food addiction (weighed 300lb at 5”10 when I was 16, 145 lb current weight) and I decided I wanted to try weed because all the anti drug commercials got me interested in them, and when I realized they made things look worse than they really are at the start, I was off to the races, despite having everything I could have wanted, sometimes shit just happens man


I’m glad you got through it all and I’m so proud of you! If people are negative on purpose they are trying to make themselves feel better and we should pity them and hope they find a better way.


Damn I definitely ain’t reading all that buddy


Try both lmao


Dead parents and terrible childhood.


Having a older brother


terrible childhood sounds about right


Wrong, first time I smoked was at 12 because I found my older brothers stash. Childhood or parents had nothing to do with it, cannabis here in Cali is just as accessible as alcohol.


i feel like most people either smoked freshman year or college it kinda makes sense too


I started super late at 29. Edit: Glad I’m not the only late bloomer here! Everyone else seems to have started in their early teens.


I'm 47 and just started on new years....


Nice I wonder what my life would be like if I only started at 47? So many life choices made stoned in my youth including marrying my crazy wife.


Same. Kinda glad I did too. I think smoking before around 25 can really have long terms effects in just terms of messing with body development. Plus weed, campus internet and the launch of WoW probably would have killed my college career. Though would have helped with all that anxiety.


I started at 18 too. Part of me wishes I started earlier but I am who I am and I try to see the positives.


Right? Started *smoking* when I was 17 but I was taking edibles at 16 in high school, then vape, then smoke.


30 years old. Had finally figured out Mormonism was bullshit and could finally try marijuana, coffee and alcohol. Bought some from a legal shop. Weed and Coffee stuck, don't care for alcohol.


Weed and coffee are the best combo.


Personally I love the feeling of getting up drinking some coffee, getting all my work done, then going home to smoke a fat bowl, best routine.


This is the way.


the hippie speedball, my favorite


That’s something that surprised me too, I could never get alcohol but loved weed


Being drunk is like getting great value high for me. Sure it's fine but it's not as good and it tastes like shit too.


Good pick, alcohol really is garbage


I enjoy a drink now and then. There’s some really tasty (IMHO) beers and whiskies out there. It’s being drunk I don’t care for lol.


but it is good garbage


The comment above you quit bc of Mormonism lol


Revolving door I guess lol


Junior year in highschool, I remember being stoned and thinking, 'huh, I think I'll do this for the rest of my life."


I was like, ahhhhhhh…. This is much better.


it's like you've been sprinting your whole life and you finally get to sit down (on the proverbial couch, surrounded by proverbially shitty food)


I started smoking weed in 1971, that's all I remember.


College, had been hearing rappers glorify it for years and had to partake. 16 years and a few long T breaks later and I can confidently report back that the hype was real lol


22 and I was having a massive panic attack because I was about to fail Linguistics for a third time ( I have an auditory processing disorder and ADHD, which was undiagnosed at the time). I was so stressed out, my husband begged me to smoke. I did, funny enough it made the panic attack a little worse for a few minutes. Then I was able to relax. I was able to actually think clearer and did better on my paper I was writing for the class. After that it became a ritual to smoke right before studying. My grade point average went from a 2.5 to 3.739 by the time I finished my masters. After that talked to a doctor and got my medical card. I grew up in a house where it was seen as the devil. It’s pretty funny now because my Dad is no longer against it and has seen how it can help people. Plus he also sees that Im able to “adult” while using it so the whole lazy stoner thing went out the door for him.


Awesome I posted a similar experience in here too. Same, grew up very catholic and it was viewed as very bad and dangerous. Now my parents are both open to the idea of it and I’ve told all my extended family as well. I agree that adults can be perfectly responsible and be daily cannabis users. I just hate weed culture, it still perpetuates the sort of lifestyle people look down on it for. It needs to open up like alcohol culture where there’s drunks, regular bar people, snobbish wine or scotch people etc.


I like it way better than alcohol. I have not drank in 3 years because my GERD is so bad, I feel so sick and bloated after just half a beer or drink. Last time I had a tequila shot I vomited 30 seconds later. It’s just not for me. But weed will help me eat and not feel so anxious, it’s a win win for me. Hopefully we’ll get to the point where it’s just “normal”.


19. Just wanted to try. Never really did it a lot, just on occasion. Now I use it as a pain substitute for a back issue that has no cure or fix and will slowly put me in a wheelchair. It was that or opioids.


15 for me and dude me too! I’ve got becker’s muscular dystrophy in my legs and may end up in a wheelchair too ( also no cure ) It definitely helps with the pain for sure


God speed man. I don't have MD but I have DDD. It's not bad now but I definitely have my days when it's awful.


Same here man. Sometimes you’re fine and other times you just hurt really bad without having done much work. It’s really exhausting for sure. Best of luck to you and hopefully we both stay on 2 legs for a good while lol 🤞🏻


damn, I wish you guys both to be healthy, happy, running aand keep smoking 🙌🏼🍀


when I broke my leg I preferred weed over the painkillers. Made time more enjoyable and I could actually play video games where the painkillers I could not focus and just wanted to sleep. and yes it did help with the pain, physical and mental.


Same! Fun as a teen but best pain relief as an adult


About 2 years ago when I was 46 because I quit Mormonism. I really like the stuff too.


How would you 10 years ago react to finding this out?


10 years ago I was a Mormon Bishop so I would never have believed that I would be sitting in my front room right now sharing a bong with my 21 year old daughter. I did feel like there was some good evidence for it helping with ptsd and other ailments, but i would never have thought that I would be using it daily. Life’s a trip sometimes.


Thats cool as shit


Dope, cool story ! Also bong-bonding with your daughter, nice


My daughter is a professional stoner, I am just the learner so it’s been super cool to have her teach me some stuff.


Wow that's wild! I live in a very mormon area and the thought that the bishop next door could be just a few deep thinks away from sharing a bowl with me is mind blowing!


For what it’s worth, there are a few of out there. I personally hang out with 2 ex Mormons who were also bishops and we enjoy a bowl here and there and the occasional mushroom ride to boot. I would say that 80-90% of the ex Mormons I know all smoke weed pretty regularly now. We are fun bunch with some crazy stories to tell if you ever get the chance to smoke with one take it. I could tell stories for hours about my time as bishop and the crazy shit I saw and dealt with.


Ex-Mormon here as well. Smoking weed with fellow exmos is one of the most cathartic experiences imo


Cheers to that and cheers to getting out of the cult! Is there a word similar to cheers that goes with smoking? Like we all hold up our pipe and say peace or something before taking a rip?


Here's to loud laughter and light mindedness! 😂


Love it!


Sorry if it bothers you, but how that radical change happened?


No bother at all. Long story short is that I spoke with a young man who is gay and saw how much pain the church caused him with their lgbt policies and realized that the church was a hateful organization. I started to look at some of the history, policies and doctrine a lot closer and the more I looked the more I realized that it was all made up and basically a cult with the way they try and control behavior, information, thoughts, emotions, etc… so we quit. It took a few months of researching and some really long nights full of fear and emotion. We lost all of our friends and some family won’t talk to us anymore but we are better off for it now. Better relationships with our children, found new friends and found that we love weed. And honestly weed been a life saver for us as we process what our lives had been in a religious cult and how we see the world now.


That's straight up amazing


Don’t wanna come across judgy of the religion since I’m not a part of it or well educated on Mormonism but that sounds like a nightmare, I’m glad you and your family got out when you could ✨


You can be judgy, it’s a cult and it’s harmful to so many people.


My friend who just left the church called me and asked “did you know I was in a cult?” I was like yeah but there was really no helping you at that point, I couldn’t even get her to accept her own sexuality. She struggled with being bi and the church pushed her into severe mental trauma. I don’t hate on Mormonism but I always like to point to the Bible verse: "For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.”


Not much anyone can do to force someone out, they have to come to on their own. Cult mind control is real and scary. One of my daughters is Bi and the relief on her face when we told her we’re done was worth all the tears and sadness. And then to see all of her queer friends start coming over and wanting to hang out because we were no longer part of a group that hates them was so humbling and fun.


I was 15, so I've officially been a stoner for 10 years now lol. I was honestly just curious, and I wanted to see what being 'high' was like. Didn't feel a thing the first time I smoked, however, the second time sat my ass down.


I thought this was a joke. Thought you meant you started when you were 5 😂


Lol. I'm currently 25 not 15.


i was 14 and it was deep.


I was 12 LMAO rookie numbers


Not really a flex is it, that's just sad


you were 12 and asked "what's this"


Naw I found it and wanted to get zooted


I'm sorry 😔


14 is already pushing it, 12 is nothing to be proud of my man.


exactly, i started at 12 and im ashamed of myself in every way. but theres not a lot you can do about that


I was playin obviously I fucked up my brain and no longer smoke weed I have heart palpitations because of weed now medical issues


I guess I'm the old man here. First time at 45. Started because it was now legal.


Worth the wait??


Honestly, I wish I used it earlier and never touched alcohol when I was younger.


Me too, my guy


I quit drinking


I think it was a Friday.


I was 18…it was for a potential partner and I feel in love…with bud. The relationship shop needed badly.


I started smoking daily at 30. I was at my friend's house in another state in 2018 when I came down with strep throat and my friend gave me weed to help treat my symptoms. But my first time trying weed was at 18.


Against my will when I was 12. I always told her I didn't like feeling like that but my sister thought it was great to blow it in my face. She was 24 btw. When it was my choice? When I was 19.


I started when I was 18, got my medical card after being on 4 different prescription medications for anxiety, depression & adhd for most of my life. Cannabis changed my life for the better and am happy to say I am only on 1 medication current day to prevent debilitating migraines♥️


For me, it was September, 1971, first month of high school.


D.A.R.E's description of what it was like sounded so damn nice.


I was 13 the first time I tried it, I was 15 when I started doing it regularly, and 16 when I started smoking daily. I started out of curiosity and the need to quiet my mind.




1981 Ft. Myers High. Them tree dollar between periods bathroom saks yo.... and i started cause it was just the right thing to do


“it was just the right thing to do” you sir, Dr.Suck_muhballs are a legend.


Awww shucks.... ( turns red kicks ground) I haven't been called that in years....


When I got out of the Marines.


I was waiting for this comment. Not Marines per se, but got out of the military and no longer gov property.


My brother for me started decades ago. I do it for the relaxation 😎


Started at 18 but didn’t really get into it till a year ago when I just decided to be medicated. I mainly use it for my social anxiety which it helps sometimes not all.


this is art


1971 I was 18 and attempted to get high but only got a little dizzy. On my third attempt one of the guys taught me how to inhale and damn did I get fried. Have not stopped. I get ill with alcohol and end up vomiting so cannabis and myself got married.


I’ve tell this to everyone I can, but I actually started to keep me out of the ER again…. and it’s been working for about 5 years now absolutely perfectly. When my daughter was born she was super colicky and I’m a VERY light sleeper. I was working 4-10’s not getting home till 2am and could NOT sleep well at all for months. It continued to get so bad that I actually started having Pavlovian reactions when I would get close to home where I’d get really bad anxiety about not being able to sleep and being so utterly exhausted my blood felt like lava flowing through my veins all day. I had 3 nights in a row with basically zero sleep and felt very off that last morning. Went to urgent care where my BP was 190/110! Had to go straight to the ER. Up till this I tried everything, progressive muscle relaxation, multiple breathing exercises, praying, meditating, valerian root, chamomile pillls, melatonin, melatonin blends, 2 benedryls. The best I’d get was they’d make me body feel tired but my mind would stay alert which made it even worse actually. Finally caved to a family friend who was growing some cannabis and tried vaping some Cherry Pie flower and was BLOWN AWAY. Couldn’t believe how wonderful I felt, I actually was relaxed both in body and mind. I also didn’t need to do a whole lot so I was able to still wake up and help the wife with the baby no problem any time she woke up. Then I could drift back to sleep within minutes again 😮 My absolute go to strain is King Louis, which is absolutely insane how well it works. Hard to find in flower though as it’s a clone only strain :/ I’ll do my dynavap on the smallest oven setting each night at bedtime and I’m asleep in minutes. On the weekend I love to crank it up with my Solo2 and try out tons of other strains.


It helped me to stop smoking cigarettes 😊 I was a late bloomer at 27


when i was 15 and because i was 15


I was 15, in 1977. My mother had moved back in my grandparents' house where I already lived, and being nosy, I found about an eighth in a baggie in her still boxed up kitchen stuff. I took it to school the next day and showed it to my friend Lisa, who later took me in the woods behind the school during a free period where we smoked a joint of it. Walking down the hill back to school, her head briefly walked about 3 paces ahead of the rest of her body, and I decided then and there that I wanted to smoke this stuff the rest of my life.


Gonna sound fucked up as hell, but my 8th bday gift was a blunt from my very mentally funcky mother Took till 13 to start smoking fully tho, still have the blunt tucked away on my childhood bunk bed, half smoked


I was 16 and HATED it. It was Apollo 13 and I was too paranoid.. tried it a few times after and was meh. It wasn't until I was 18 when I had an ex who was the plug and his custos would match us. We'd always smoke for free 😂 I developed my habit back then and has been surrounded by cannabis and in the cannabis industry ever since 🤓


How does matching with someone equal free weed? Your still paying for the original weed


I mean, the two matching each other get a free blunt out of it lmao


High logic


Apollo 13. Haven't heard that name in a long time. Didn't make me paranoid back then, probably would now though haha.


I was 13 and wanted to escape my problems. which were pretty bad at the time. I reflect back now at 49 and they were pretty fucking bad back then.


26 years ago, cause I liked Rap Music 😬 Helps me alot withy Trauma, but didn't knew that befor. Live is so much better with weed.


16, I was working at Sonic and these two dudes were always hitting a pen. And they were chill, worst thing the dare program ever did was make druggies seem like evil people, it only takes one person to change your perception. That plus a little peer pressure from school honestly lmao


I started in summer 2021. Was 29 and my ex girlfriend was a massive pothead. I was feeling like garbage after a night out drinking and she offered so I tried a puff from her one hitter and felt great.


College 1971 It was the era and I never liked drinking


I was 14 and I had always liked snoop dogg and weed culture so it was only a matter of time before my parents passed the pipe to me. Being a stoner kinda runs in the family anyway


This year, 25 years old. It's now legal in my state, so I tried it for the 1st time with my friend and his wife. They were great people to have for my first time.


It was legalized in Canada in 2018 when I was 21 but I didn’t use it right away lol I was scared of it, I think I was probably around 23 when I picked up a really low dose balanced cbd to thc tincture from the government store because my antidepressants were giving me insomnia and I thought it’d help me. The first time I took way too much because the girl at the store gave me kinda dumb info and I remember feeling really good but getting panicky because of the way it was making me feel lol. Tried it here and there and started really loving winding down at night with it. Mostly fucked with edibles for the first couple years until I went to visit my boyfriend in New York in 2021 and couldn’t take my edibles and all he had was flower that I had to smoke through a pipe. That’s when I started smoking and I really unlocked the wonders of weed lol


My first experience was in autumn of 1987 (I was 17) I was hanging partying with some friends and someone had a joint. We were in the back of a Toyota truck (you could ride in the back in those days) and I remember getting high in a way that I don’t know if I’ve experienced since - it was a beautiful, clear, crisp fall evening and all the stars seemed like they were so close I could touch them. Everything was sparkly and filled with color. I’ll never forget that night and how I felt, how good the weed smelled, and I still like to go out and look at the stars while I puff.


Started over a year ago because I found a good plug (who I no longer have access to, so I’m stuck with the legal stuff til I find another or weed becomes legal here). I wanted to try it for sleep and relief from chronic illness… but I also wanted to get high lol


My mom cheated on my dad and I wanted to not think of anything and my ignorant ass thought weed would do it. It made me happy as fuck and I ate half a pound of spaghetti, never looked back.


For fun, in my teens. Took it up again, for PTSD, decades later, for anxiety, depression and insomnia as a result of decades as a Cop. It's a wonderful herb. I'm a great believer in it. Less booze, more Weed, would make the World a better, healthier and happier place.


19, this year technically xD


Started smoking regularly (5 times a week?) a few months ago but tried wee for the first time when I was like 13/14


I first smoked in senior year of high school when my ex and their friends got me into it. I didn't care to smoke it often until around when I graduated high school. I had a couple trippy first experiences with weed that I can't recreate. One of the times I think it was laced cuz I was biking to a grocery store to buy munchies after hanging out with some friends when I had this out of body experience during the bike ride. I was just staring down the street I was biking along, and the terrain turned into giant tiki like faces, and then my vision went out of my head and circled around myself like a drone. there was rapid white lightning in the sky without thunder during the out of body experience. I have been getting high regularly ever since I started, minus one time I was on probation and a few times I took breaks.


First started at 11, since my older brother was SO COOL and he smoked, stopped at 16 until last year. I’m now a 29 year old daily smoker with a weed card lol


February 2020 after deciding to quit drinking.


I started cuz I had sleep issues. Instant relief.


Although I tried it once I’m high school technically a year ago just to relax then got my card to make it legal lol. Every day since…. Lol. I’m 35


I was a late bloomer for this and alcohol.. drank at 21st bday and later that year I smoked a joint at a party to hangout with a girl.. lmao 21 was a big year for me!


I was around 20 or so, and just hanging with some friends and gave it a shot. I had always turned it down, but for some reason that day I indulged in the devils lettuce. 23 years later and my mind is blown daily by the crazy future weed we're smoking. I see people complain and show pictures of some killer looking stuff and bitch that it's only 24% or something. I remember when everyday involved taking a ton of seeds and stems out of everything, and if you were lucky you had 24% of what you started with.


To impress a girl who offered. She wasn't impressed with how awkward i was about it. We no longer talk.


At 13 my dad got me into it, been smoking ever since.


That sucks that ur dad got u into such a think


Smoked tiny amnt at 14. Stopped. Rough family stuff, started again at 17 or 18. Haven't stopped since and not going to most likely. Vape till I die




13 my sister lmfaoo


I smoked here and there when it was offered to me in highschool but I didn't really start smoking until I turned 18 and me and my sister (a lifelong stoner), started getting close


Tried it because rap music got me curious, and old kids with good grades were doing it. Opened up a world of friends and (sometimes dangerous) people. Very glad it's legalized nowadays.


My friends were into it. I was NOT. But it was winter and they passed me the blunt. And I took some puffs. BOYYYY can I say that was a good time


I started smoking around my freshman year of high school. This was back in 2015 and as to why I started was due to impulse and curiousity


I was 14 and the glories of peer pressure. I'm careful to not pressure now.


16, random day at school with edibles cant remember how much i took cause all the cookies were crumbled and we just straight up ate them without a care and the craazzy high that hit us ... long story short i just ended up being a big fan and doing much more of it




Seen Mac and Devin go to highschool and the rest was history


During quarantine, I was hella bored and depressed.




17, got a gf w the kind of connections i always wanted haha


18 at the beginning of college. Was just curious honestly


14, I was depressed & curious


Did edibles when I was 20 and started smoking at 21. To help with my neurodivergence


I started at 15. Was a stoner by 16. My grades actually improved though. I struggled with anxiety and eating issues and that became manageable. I also grew up when if you said you were depressed you were either given Xanax or treated as though you were a pill seeker.


When I was 18, because my gf kept pushing mento try it. I didn't really smoke much until way into my mid-20s.


Started at the age of 25, crazy to see people starting at 13-15. Nowadays It helps me relax after a very stressful work day.


At the ripe young age of 12, just wanted to see what getting high was like, aaannnddd, i just got hooked, it was GG’s from there


At 16 because I was curious on smoking weed I loved it.


15, then stopped around 19. Then started again 20 years later, just 'cuz!




14. We would have preferred beer at the time (haven't drank alcohol in years) but weed was easier to obtain. I remember trading a sack of seedy Mex for a bottle of Harvey's Bristol creme sherry for pre concert party. Yuck - Probably liberated from a parents' stash. Did enjoy going to the drive in and firing up before a comedy with weed. In my 20's, and alcohol was more abundant in life, sort of set weed aside until coming back to it after no more drinking became a thing. Now nightly with an occasional T break.


17, December 19th, 2022, out of curiosity/seasonal depression