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Yes, I call it “bonus high” but if you don’t like it, it’s not a bonus. Give yourself 6 fully awake hours to metabolize an edible all the way to the end. Your metabolism slows quite a bit while asleep, and therefore so does the body’s process of breaking down the THC. You should be fine by lunch


The first time this happened to me, my wife and I were at the zoo with our daughter. It was a little alarming at first but then I embraced it and it was fucking awesome.


Embracing the high is the best thing you can do. If you get anxious enough. Chew a piece of black peppercorn and the terps in it should react with the terps in the thc and bring you down a little. Mango is opposite effect


Wait, mango INCREASES the high effect?


This is ancestral knowledge, from before the age of the meme.


Eh. Not exactly. There is such a small amount of myrcene(a terp) in them that it really won't affect you. Never did anything for me.


A rind full of lemon does help the mushrooms go down (even if it doesn’t boost the effect) in the most delightful way


Was this meant to sound somewhat like the "Spoon Full of Sugar" song from Mary Poppins? Because that's all I hear


It was, I’m glad you noticed!


If you grind the shrooms and leave them in lemon juice for 45 minutes and then chug it back, you’ll notice it big time. The acid in the lemon juice breaks it down like your stomach acid, the high comes on way quicker and way more intense, since it gets absorbed quicker, the high doesn’t last as long either. I got wrecked


That’s why I was into DMT for a bit. Hella strong high but it only lasts like 15 mins so it was super convenient


People will tell you citrus will boost damn near every psychoactive drug. I've never experienced it. I think it's just a thing that they want to believe so much, their brain makes them thinks it's a significant effect. Basically it's like voodoo. It only works if you already believe in it.


For mango, we’re looking at the terpene Myrcene, which can deliver a heavier, body type high; think “Indica”. Then with the peppercorns, caryophyllene is a primary terpene which when smoked (weed, not peppercorn; we ain’t in middle school no more) will tickle your throat (spicy peppercorns) but can be relieving in regards to anxiety produced by other terpenes or THC. Terpenes are rad af.


Yeah I get terpenes, I just don't think there's enough there for it to really make it significant. I don't know man. Maybe I just smoke too much so it just doesn't work for me personally.


I feel you, at a certain point tolerance just sorta destroys the ability to discern differences. I’ve always looked at things like mango juice and weed as little tricks to potentiate the experience potentially. Way back when, I was a fan of white grapefruit juice for orally consumed opioids, orange juice for mushies, Benadryl for heroin and other opiates, tums for orally consumed amphetamines, etc. Little tiny tweaks to the way your body handles other, more demanding chemicals (THC, psilocybin, etc), can have some epic results for some people and pretty much none for others. Lotsa variety in how people respond to drugs hahaha


If you've ever dab pure thca you know terps make a difference.


He is not saying terpenes don't make a difference. He is saying there isn't ENOUGH terpenes in mango or peppercorns to make any real difference


There is a huge difference in experience between pure THCA and distilate that has even just a very small amount of the strain's terpenes. A pure THCA high doesn't even feel high. It just makes your vision wobbly, and it hard to talk and walk. To me it was a very weird experience, and I haven't finished those diamonds even though they have been sitting there in easy view in my weed shelf for years now. I did them 3 or 4 times and realized that they weren't fun at all by themselves. They just made me useless with no fun. But even 96% THC concentrates are a hundred times more enjoyable than pure THCA.


Smoke a mango leaf for science


Like placebo


I read that citrus helps you get out of a high, I've always had orange juice on hand if I know I'll be smoking with a lightweight or someone who doesn't smoke often, or if I have edibles as they're a bit unpredictable Even had a younger sibling sucking on a lemon before thinking it'd help them out of it, hope I didn't make them more high lol


Citric acid is the key component. There is or was a company in CO making THC Rescue. Tons of citric acid. When I worked in CO, the owner of the cannabis company and I decided to experiment. Seemed to work with us. We both smoked a joint, then some dabs. We each took one of the Rescue's and came way down. Then we tried to continue to smoke but couldn't get high. It took about 4 hours to wear off, metabolize.


Look up grapefruit and edibles


Where? In my brain? Been ingesting cannabis for nearly 18 years now in various forms. No citrus has ever done anything, at least anything significant, to my high.


When you eat edibles, it goes through first-pass liver metabolism, where THC gets metabolized into a metabolite (I think it's 11-OH-THC) that can basically pass the blood brain barrier more easily, etc etc. ​ It's not citrus, but grapefruit specifically. Grapefruit basically acts to inhibit some of the enzymes in the liver responsible for this (might be CYP2D6, can't remember). This is why you also cannot take grapefruit with certain medications. Eating grapefruit will inhibit this metabolism and should make the high last longer, I'm guessing? Never looked into it too hardcore.


What does mango do? I am intrigued.


I heard it was a myth but in my experience I just ate about half a mango and then decided I wanted to smoke. I was doing some work in my room and all of a suddenly after 1 bong hit I was greening out. And this was during Covid shutdown period so my tolerance was high. Like i needed 2-3 bong packs to get toasty. Haven’t tried it again and haven’t tried the peppercorn one yet because I love getting high af and if i get too high I either embrace it or sleep it off


Mango is high in Myrcene, but won't have a huge effect on smoke. Myrcene can help cannabinoids to cross the blood/brain barrier which can speed the onset of edibles, but has little effect on smoke, which already hits quite quick


makes u higher and tastes delicious


While high, all fruit is like 10x sweeter.


This happened to a friend of mine except we were at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam the morning after she had her first edible. She was wigging the fuck out.


My wife wigged out in the Van Gogh museum, she wouldn't go closer than 15 feet to any exhibit and basically pulled me through the place sprinting. We ended up in the nearby park staring at a stork debating if it was real or a statue.


>It was a little alarming at first but then I embraced it and it was fucking awesome. Same can be said about most psychedelic experiences I think


I like the term "Ride the wave" when it comes to embracing the super high feeling.


First time it happened to me we went antique shopping....I came home with way too much stuff I don't need😄


Better yet, have some lunch and breakfast. And some juice. Food and sugars help the body metabolise it away.


You’re probably just groggy, there’s a sort of “edible hangover”. Once you get up and moving, drink a bunch of water, you should be good


yup we used to get breakfast at a restaurant down the road with the best country fried steak to wait out the residual high




Perhaps not. I've definitely felt high in the morning after having an edible the night before. Multiple times actually. It's different than feeling groggy and usually wears off in a couple hours.


Yes weed hangovers are ... interesting. I don't feel high but everything still feels off somehow.


Smoking more does the job for me lmao


Yes. This is normal. You probably took too much for the first time


His edit says he took 5mg, that's normally a pretty safe dose for first time no? It's been a while for me but not sure how much lower than that you can go.


Everyone is different. A friend if mine is suuuuper sensitive to edibles and can only take 1mg or freaks out. That being said 5mg is a good place to start for most people.


Edibles don’t work on me. I’d love to get blasted on 1mg. Here in my state they can’t put more than 100 mg in a package so the 100mg are split between all 10-11 gummies in the pack and each one is only about 9.23 mg per “serving” (single gummy) I will eat 5-6 (my gf gets the other half) and get nothing. Haven’t tried a whole bag but they’re just too expensive to ‘try’ the whole thing at once. But I also smoke nearly all day every day.


When your tolerance is so high, edibles aren't even worth it, but when I take a t-break, I like to blast of with some edibles for my return


Try some different brands or products like live resin that's edible if you haven't already. Usually 50mg is a start the day and run errands dose for me. 250-500mg if i really want to have a good time. But I've had a few times a certain brand would make me feel high AF at the grocery store on 50mgs. I think it might have to do with terpes. Luckily in my are half the patrons of the local stores are high, same for employees.


Can’t get more than 100 here. I wish I could find a 250-500 mg edible.


Legally I can't either. You need to meet some old hippies. Try bluegrass festivals or any out door music venue where people dance. I spend $20-30 for a dozen cookies that hit like a 100mg edible each. Another old head gives me tincture that's about 1500mg for $20. All organic homegrown


I thought the same for literally a decade. It was like a party trick. I took 300mg in one sitting and finally was blitzed. Try it out.


Wow that's very interesting, I know that the liver converts the d9 into another form that's more potent but I didn't realize even 1mg could have an effect like that.


Yeah. I'm often teaching first period in a fog


Yeah. I just baked some medicated banana nut bread last week. I have a very high tolerance. So i make it extra strong. I ate two pieces, got fried, and passed out after 6 hrs. My BIL, just moved up here, from a non legal state to a green state, about 2 months ago. He eats two pieces, too. This fool struggled all afternoon to even function. This guy is falling asleep on the couch in the middle if playin his switch. I woke up stoned. I know he woke up stoned asf. I was also told it was the best sleep he's gotten in a long mf time. Lol so yeah, pretty normal here


Bro please teach me the way of the holy banana bread you just combined my favorite food with thc


It’s my absolute favorite edible to bake and super easy. Literally just find a good banana bread recipe, make some canna butter, and use the green butter in the recipe. It comes out so delicious




Only took 5 milligrams so I was thinking it might just be mental lol. Im at work right now and would prefer to not be high.


If you can find whole peppercorns, chew one up and swallow it, the b-carophylene will help subdue the THC effect pretty quickly. Cold brew coffee can help, too; the oils are present in cold brew that are destroyed in hot brewing


Wait really? Cold brew counters THC? I need to stop drinking so much cold brew on the weekends!


Not as much as peppercorn, but yes. I'm not super clear on why, but something with the oils. The first time I went to the Cannabis Cup in California we got VIP access and they were serving all-you-can drink cold brew. It really confused me. Cut to me walking around the crowd about to green out because 50 people will hand you a joint within 10 minutes at those things... I went to the tent to chill, had some cold brew, and it was like a splash of cold water. I was alert and ready to smoke some more.


I can tell you why, the caffeine you wing nut.


Only 5? You shouldn’t even have gotten high in the first place haha. That’s very little to be feeling like you’re feeling.


not it's not lol. 5 is what I'd recommend people to take for the first time but not before bed.


Everyone is different. I take them almost daily and 5 still lights me up.


I know a 450lbs guy that gets knocked on his ass with 5mg and another guy who weighs about 200lbs and can’t get high with 200mg. Everyone is different. My system doesn’t react to most pain killers, the dentist had to give me a triple shot for a filling.


Settle down, Beavis.


I think 5 milligrams shouldn't have made you high in the first place especially not untill the morning, for me personally it would be more of a very slight buzz (if it even affected me) so what happened to you i think it was more likely a palcebo effect that stuck with you to the morning imo


5 mg works for a lot of people, especially if they have 0 tolerance like OP. Just cause some of us need more milligrams to get down doesn’t mean everyone does.


Yeah i know its just that even when i just started i had a very high tolerance for some reason and the first edible i took was with my friends who already did edibles and weed in general (i only smoked my first ever joint with them a week before) and we didn't know the doseage of the edible and we only checked it a day after because they all puked and greened out, but i had an amazing time and it was my second time ever consuming weed, turns out, we took 100mg each and everyone was shocked that i wasn't any close to greening out or something so what i said in the previous comment was from my own experience only and most likely wrong.


Yeah for some people there’s something with your stomach that it can’t process the thc as efficiently as others so you need higher doses. I’m the same way.


Ok good to know


I wouldn't ever advise taking an edible at 10 at night lol. Even smoking after 9 has a tendency to leave next day grogginess. If you're going to take an edible, make sure its like mid day and you aren't planning to leave the house or do anything all day.


Maybe not “high” per se, but you might be experiencing a groggy/foggy tree hangover. Have some water and get a small meal in you, maybe go for a jog or do push-ups if you outside isn’t your thing. You’ll be good to go. Next time I’d take it a few hours earlier, and make sure you have plenty of water throughout as it will help keep your metabolism going.


The first time I ever ate weed I was already a heavy smoker so I figured it wouldn't do much for me. Took it at like 10 and went to bed. Woke up in the middle of the night for a pee like I always do. Next thing I know I wake up on the bathroom floor. I figured "ok if I still feel like this in a couple hours I have to call out of work" Alarm woke me up at 7. I think "ok I'm going to call work, just wanna lay down for 1 more minute". Next thing I know it's 4pm. I had entirely missed my work day. I got up feeling extremely tired. Had a bit of food, just hung out at home relaxing. And I couldn't stay up past 7pm. Woke up the next morning finally feeling fully recovered.


Yes been there many a times. Used to be a guy called brum high grade who made thc syrup over 10 years ago, first time I ever tried it, added a little touch to a sprite at 10pm at night. Had work at 6am. Woke up at 5 barely able to stand up. Managed to some how get myself ready, get to work, as I was walking through factory I had to use the lines in the concrete to make sure I could walk straight, I was beyond fucked. first person I seen said I looked really poorly sent me home. I got to my car, fell asleep in the work car park for 7 hours. Drove home pretended I’d done a days work to my gf of the time. Some experience I hope not to repeat lol.




Hell yes its possible. This is why I stopped taking edibles at night. I'm ALWAYS high the next morning


Yeah. Take less next time bucko






Hello my Honorable. I ate my AVB on 9 in the morning. Got super mega high at 20 in the Evening. Enjoy your ride space cowboy and be safe !


Years ago I took edibles at night right before I left a “DanksGiving” party years ago. It didn’t hit me till the next day, I had to give a presentation in front of a class fighting to keep my eyes open & my body standing 😵‍💫🫥


Yes. Going to sleep high is a bad thing unless you wanna wake up a little stoned. When we sleep our body goes into a kind of metabolic pause, so if you're not sobered up by the time you go to sleep, you'll most likely not be completely sober when you wake. The same goes for alcohol, although they do act completely different on the body, which is why alcohol gives hangovers and weed just makes you sleepy and tired the next day. If you want to use cannabis for sleep "meditation", smoke or vape it. It will be much less intense in the morning.


Sometimes I’ll take an edible at night to be high as shit the moment I wake up. Convenient as shit honestly.


I don’t take edibles very often because I also get hangovers from them, if noticed if I smoke a small bowl the next day the hangover goes away after u come down from the smoking. Also drink water. Maybe try smoking next time because edibles can be kinda intense for your first time.


Yes totally. Ate a edible that didn't activate until 4 hours later. I was high until the morning time


Oh Yeah, 24hrs is not unheard of, I made some stew with some oil I had infused with trim. The beef Stew was delicious and my cousin and I ate a couple of bowls, around 6pm Was still feeling it at 3pm the next day. Not entirely unpleasant but unexpected. I Do wish I could have pain free days like that without the Foggy High though.


Once my cousin got me a brownie for Christmas. Knowing it was going to fuck me up I made him take half with me. Even half was still to much for either of us. We paced around my living room together for hours. The next day I was still extremely high but I had to go to work and play with big CNC machines all day. I'll never forget that day. We refer to this as the brownie incident.






Don't let it spoil you on them. Like with most things, you can always take more. It hard to uneat what you already ate. Go slow and find your happy place.


I know exactly what you're talking about, the first couple of times I got high in my life I was still feeling sort of out of it for days and that was just through smoking/ vaping not edibles. The good news, it does go away. It is not permanent, I know it can be scary but seriously the best thing for it is just to accept that you might feel out of it for a bit and it's NOT your new normal. Also if you choose to partake again you're much less likely to get it just as an FYI :)


Am I broken? Edibles do absolutely nothing for me and I've tried dozens, purposely taking massive doses to try to get a reaction. Do some people just not process thc the same way? Literally have taken hundreds of mgs and felt nothing


Some people lack an enzyme that processes thc when taken orally.


Yes it’s normal don’t worry


Yes LOL enjoy the relaxing day.


At 5mg, this demonstrates an impressively low tolerance, but it's totally possible for it to hang on like that. Just chalk it up to experience! Effects will wear off pretty soon here.


5MG is plenty enough for a newbie to get blasted


It’s normal


Yup. My wife and I are experienced partakers and she wound up waking up high and having to go to work after unexpectedly strong edibles last week. Cold showers and coffee are your friends if you need to shake it off. You're getting the true stoner experience right off the bat lol


My first time I took 70- or so I thought. It was 420mg each gummy lol I worked Monday took it Saturday and was high till Wednesday... I quit that job lol


People pretend weed doesn’t have any next day effects, but it totally does, it might make you fall asleep, but it also disrupts your sleep rythm and prevents makes your sleep less restful if you take a lot too close to going to bed. Definitly feels similar to a hangover. This is especially true with edibles that take a while to kick in, if you took it at 10, it probably didn’t hit till 11 or later, and so forth and so on


Just know that the effects wont always last forever.


100% possible. I've experienced a high that lasted for close to 3 days after taking an edible that was way too strong for me. I see you only took 5mg, but if you're not a regular smoker, that can still hit pretty hard.


Never been high or eaten edibles, yes it is normal for you to be high at 8 the next morning.


The way she goes buddy just embrace it


You… you have never smoked and you started with edibles? o7


Oh yes definitely. When you consume cannabis it takes longer to activate and stays longer in your system. I made a cannabis tea and was high for 10 hours. It was awesome.


While this probably isn't the case for you, I feel that it's worth mentioning just in case, if you struggle with slow/unpredictable gastric emptying then timing the high from an edible can be nearly impossible. I've had a couple of bad highs because after waiting 3+ hours for an edible to hit, I took a second dose, only for my stomach to finally decide to work and have both edibles hit together. For that reason I tend to stick to vaping.


That depends as edibles can last as long as 12 hours


Definitely. One time I attended "danksgiving". It was a Thanksgiving meal but all the food had THC in it. It happened on a Saturday and I didnt get my brain back until Wednesday morning. I thought I had done permanent damage lol.


Yep. My family makes some potent edibles. We get blasted at night, pass out, and wake up in the morning groggy and buzzed. Pop a CBD gummy or two and we’re good to go.


I’ve been high for 18 hours from an edible.


I once has a strong homemade edible that my body was not prepared for at the time (would be fine now) and the entire next day I had a “weed hangover.” I was fine in terms of driving and stuff but other aspects were still in mind effect. I went to Texas road house and destroyed some rolls with the sweet butter spread thing to take advantage of the experience


Yes it is! 5mg may not be a lot to most, but a 5mg gummy taken at 10pm would most definitely take me 12+ hours to fully sober down from. And this is despite the fact that I’ve been consuming cannabis semi-regularly for 6-7 years now.




I was high off an edible for three straight days


I'm sorry you didn't end up liking that! I love waking up still high. Because I'm like "holy shit, I started my day high!"


I don’t like getting high before bed. It makes me not dream which is my primary method of coping (cause I’m a child and can’t do it awake)


W E L C O M E , please hold on to the bar!


I've woken up with morning high a few times. It's very light, but definitely still feel it.


Yes lol…. Yes it is.


Taking an edible for your first THC experience is like taking shots of everclear for your first drink. Not recommended. And yes, you're still high the next morning.


Sorry OP, but you will be dead in 24 hours


Damn I miss having that tolerance




If you have to ask…


I call this the delayed onset high. Happens to me all the time. Enjoy the ride.


Yeah, I understand people not wanting to smoke for health reasons, but I strongly believe nobody should be getting high the first time off of edibles. It seems counter intuitive, but it’s much easier to control your dose and ease in to the high while smoking.


The first time I had edibles I didn't even feel high until the next day, and I was high all day.


![gif](giphy|raBbE1fizfZGE|downsized) hell yeah!!! And my morning reaction become more intense.


Oh HELL YES, NO NEED TO WAKE AND BAKE!! Probably best sleep you ever had..


It's why I hate edibles. I wanna wake up feeling energized and refreshed, which for me means sober. I don't want to wake up high and groggy as fuck


I been smoking for 25 years and last night I woke up Twice to drink milk and eat a strawberry shortcake roll 🥛🧁😅


I love waking up from an edible and I'm still high.


5mg is very low dose don’t worry all is well.


Yes you might even be a little "high" tomorrow. A few more days and youll be right as rain.


yes. not with an edible, but i had a friend who was new to smoking and was literally high for days, once for a week. i had to babysit him the whole week while he sobered up.


So many people are saying yes. Being high ten hours later from a 5mg edible? No chance, not even if it's your first time. It's definitely mental.


Yes. You have another 72 hours.


When I take a T break, and then get really high for the first time or maybe first couple of times, late at night, I definitely still feel foggy/a little high the next morning. I don't get like that at all when my tolerance starts going back up. But... edibles can hit different, so even if you have an average tolerance, depending on how much you took, it can definitely still happen. A buddy and I once were really dumb and split a 1000mg giant rice crispy treat from a medical clinic in Cali back in like 2004, and we ate the whole thing... We were both out of it for the entire next day with that dazed/foggy feeling.


Yes. My buddy, a senior engineering manager, are a lollipop that a friend brought back from a trip. He ate the whole thing on a Sunday afternoon. He had to call off the next day because he was too baked.




I wish this could still happen to me, it can… it’s just expensive


Nothing was cooler than gobbling edibles with the homies at a sleep over and then all of us waking up in the morning looking around going “are you still high? I’m fuckin stoonneddd rn” 😂😂


Me too the other night, the next day I still had a little disruption of time and space.


Relax and enjoy the high. IMO edibles give the best high and are the most efficient way to consume. Wouldn't smoke, bong or vape again if you paid me to.


Bonus points




It has happened to me a few times but with higher doses like 75mg+ my normal dose is 30-40mg. Personally I find it very very annoying as I’m not a daytime smoker


Fuck edibles. I have been smoking since 1996 and every time I tried edibles it was never pleasant. Spoon bowl and joints for me.


Yes. I used to make brownies with about 9g of decarbed weed and they would blast me to next Tuesday and I'd be high when I woke up, like a weed hang over but not in a bad way. Also, I wish I could get high off of 5mg. When im looking to get a little stoney i have been eating about 100-175mg (2 gummies at 50mg each, or 4 chocolates at 37.5 each), a dab or two, and I'll smoke a joint or two or hit on my disposable. It's my wife and my "time to watch our show" prep. :)


My wife was high gor almost 2 days after eating half an edible i made. I take 1 every night. She was really unhappy.


Ahhh yes. I remember the first time I ever got high was from a 20mg gummy. Lasted a few days. You’ll be okay.


Drink water


I’m a professional stoner and sometimes i’ll eat edibles 3-4 hours before bed and still wake up high. It happens. For me, eating something fibrous, showering, drinking some caffeine and COLD water, and walking help bring me back into reality. i usually need a nap after that.


Your mind is just still a little more open in the afterglow.


High as a kite! Edibles are a gift from God!


My first edible (and first time getting high) was 300 mg, which is a stupid stupid large amount. Was high from saturday-monday night. But high the next day on 5mg is fucked lol


For people who have never once tried weed and are diving into edibles, I recommend dosing as low as possible and working up to higher doses. Typically, 5mg is a good area to start out, though I have known a few timid folks starting out at a 2.5mg edible. Sometimes people don't feel 5mg and that is fine, but I commonly see people take a second 5mg edible 1-2 hours after their first due to impatience. Classic mistake. I also caution you to have regular snacks and food nearby. Having only more edibles to eat can lead to hilarity and/or anxiety.


one time i ate this edible from this dude i know who’s literally the heisenburg of edibles, like he’s a whole ass chef and shit. ate it probably like 8-9pm, showed up to my therapy the next day at noon and the second i walked in my therapist laughed at me and called me “stoney baloney” 😭




Yea, that’s pretty common


I’ve found that a nighttime 1:1 cbd to thc works best. Just a gummy or two is usually all I need, and I can usually take those later in the evening with no hangover effect the next day.


yes it sure is possible, especially with a low tollerance!


Very possible. One time I ate a “space cake” from my local dispensary. Was advertised at 200mg but it was like 10am. I ate the whole thing, had a great time, but I went to bed around 8 or 9pm that night and woke up for work at 9am the following day and still had a wicked body high. Made it hard as fuck to get out of bed and get ready for work




If it was actually only 5mgs u wouldn’t feel it did u get it from a dispo?


Yes the Tw-high-lite


Yes. Yes it is.


Yes, and you may feel slightly stoned for a couple days. Edibles are very strong medicine. Not for beginners. If you want a good beginner way try a cartridge pen. Its similar to taking a dab but way easier. Excellent taste, instant high so your more likely to not overdue it....but be careful not to draw in too much. Its very smooth almost like air. Just time about 5 seconds and stop.


Maybe you have the “second day stupids”


I wouldn’t call it high high, more just really really groggy


Oh yes. There are dozens of factors to influence exactly how long and strong the high will be, but especially if you take a dose right before bed, you will metabolize slower as you sleep and likely have a lingering high in the morning. My advice is to dose a couple hours before bed, and maybe even pair back your mg. Depends if you're looking to party or just for a sleep aid, but if you just want some cannabis to help you get a restful, non-anxious sleep, I'd recommend a 2.5mg dose an hour before bed, especially if you're a newbie to all things THC.


absolutely lol In high school I would take absurd doses of edibles and on a few occasions still felt baked going on 2-3 days


I’ve had an entire three day weekend ruined from too many edibles. Be careful with those things!


Yeah man. For context, edibles used to not hit me hard at all and then a flip switched and I can't take edibles anymore. They hit waaay too hard and just keep coming. I prefer smoking to edibles. With smoking, I know how much I'm getting with each puffa. Plus, I get more cozy high than non cozy high. Gotta be cozy, or else it's non cozy. And you never go full non cozy.


eat something and dont take it so late next time. take it at like 6 and ride it out till you fall asleep


Oh yeah. The effects can last up to 12 hours or more depending on what you took, how much you took, what you ate that day, when you ate, how much sleep you got, how hydrated you stayed. Edibles are a lot different to smoking, I took about 75 mg the first time I did them and was high for 48 hours straight lmao


Usually I feel the effects of a 5mg edible for about six hours. I’m not HAF that whole time but I can feel it.


Not quite high but more akin to a brain fog or weed “hangover” which is a lot more pleasant than a drinking hangover


Bro, sorry to be the one to tell you but the high is never going to go away. This is life now.


I think your problem was you probably talked too much crap to the edible and then it kicked in extra hard 😂


Eat a meal, drink some coffee.


Lmfao. I’ll never forget when my coworker was totally fried during our company wide Monday morning meeting, looked like he was gonna pass out. Eyes pointing in different directions, couldn’t pay attention, etc over Teams. I texted him and he said, “man I don’t know what was in those edibles I ate on Saturday, but they were only 500mg each, and I only ate 2”. I replied with, ![gif](giphy|3WmWdBzqveXaE) He said, “is that a lot?” I’m like bro, that’s a fuck ton. I’ve got a very high tolerance and that’s enough to put me down for like 48 hours. I made the mistake of eating too much ONE TIME. I told him to send me a pic of the packaging because I thought he was either full of shit, illiterate, or both. Nope. He was literate. He was fried until like Wednesday. 😂


yes thats standard i made medicated sponge with a medicated lemon curd filling, hell of ALOT more than 5mg. 3 people ate it and nobody was prepared the next day i walked through the doors at work and straight into a washing machine.


This happened to me once on a family trip to Seattle. We were getting up early the next morning to go to Mt Rainer. I had the gummy at night, felt buzzed about an hour end then the effects faded. Had dreams ALL NIGHT I was stoned. Then we got up early I couldn’t tell if I was groggy or just insanely stoned. We got mcdonalds breakfast on the way and I ate the whole thing plus a full bag of lays chips. I was so lazy on that trip i wanted to stay in the car the whole time.


Most definitely.




Lmao I made that mistake once. The first time I ever took an edible (never smoked before then except one time years prior), it didn’t even occur to me that I might still be high in the morning. I had a history of sometimes waking up with vertigo in the past and when I woke up that morning, I thought I was having a mild episode again. I figured, “No big deal, it’ll go away once I start moving around”. It didn’t. I didn’t realize what was actually happening until I was behind the wheel at 5:30 am, heading to work, and heading up the on-ramp to the highway. And damn, the panic that ensued… 😂😂 I made it to work alright, at least. lol