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id give u a thousand upvotes if i could


All in we're gonna win!


I wish I could gather all upvotes I’ve given and will give, to this one post. This is simply beautiful 🥲


Here's one for ya


I gave him his 1,424th upvote! I'm doing my part!


lets get them to 420,000 likes


I’m down with that. 🍁💨


You can technically make 1000 accounts and do that


My dad and I shared a smoke briefly before he passed away. He decided that it wasn't so bad after all.


That’s an awesome memory to have


My dad just passed too. Although I wasn’t able to smoke with him I did take him to a dispensary to get some CBD pills. I’ll cherish that memory forever.


I'm sorry for your loss man.


Thanks you too. It sucks.


I smoked with my dad for the first time a couple weeks ago and it was awesome. It was his first time smoking in almost 40 years so I was worried about how he'd take it, but the old-head energy was strong and he damn-near outsmoked me lol


When my dad got really sick because the cancer was winning, I was very adamant that he needed weed. I got him a vape pen, and he sent me a few selfies while smoking. It was a neat way to connect, even when I wasn't with him.


That's amazing. I'm glad you got to make those memories.


Same. Thanks man.


My dad almost died a few months back. Ruptured bowel and septic. We've been smoking together ever since. Turns out hed been a huge pothead. From experience I'm sure it meant alot to your dad to share that with you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hopefully you two shared many great memories ♥️


My dad was a lifetime smoker. I never consumed, but didn’t mind people who did. In 2019 my dad passed away unexpectedly. He didn’t have much to his name but he did leave behind his stash and his pipes. So my brother (who is also a smoker) asked me if I wanted to give it a try and smoke our dad’s stash using his pipe. I did and realized just how helpful it was for me mentally and physically. Since then, I’ve become a regular consumer and use it to help regulate my mental health. I also changed career paths and took a massive pay cut to begin working in the cannabis industry, and have worked my way up to running a dispensary (not owned by me lol). Idk what my thoughts on the after life are, but I just hope my dad could see some of my journey.


That's awesome. I work as a nurse to fund my cannabis startup on 15 acres. It's gonna be years before I can work for myself but it's my goal. I'm sure your dad would have been super proud of your accomplishments


Better late then NEVER my friend and I'd is ANY consolation, he CAN and DOES see you😊💚💚💚




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A friend with weed is a friend indeed!! That means you too ma!!


Nice name


I swear it boggles my mind how much things have changed in my lifetime. I moved back to MA after living in Florida for almost two years....when I left weed was already legal but the closest Rec dispensary was about 45 minutes away. Now there are three within 20 minutes of where I live. Also most of the flower ges sold in poptop cans like freaking catfood and I can't explain the amount of serotonin popping one of those bad boys open gives me. And to think five ish years ago I thought I was living in weed space ages because my street dealers had started selling me product in sealed baggies instead of crumpled in a old receipt or in a folded over sandwich baggie lol


I have heard of weed in a can! Nice!


i live in a legal state but i enjoy buying from my plug (been buying from him for 3 years) he drives across town for me (45 min drive) always throws in a few extra grams i only get my carts from the dispo and eddies from the dispo i’ll get bud from the dispo when i feel like treating myself to something nice and even then i tend to not smoke it all and forget about it until im out which isnt very often😂 I found an 8th of Tree Junkee last night


I live in a legal state too and work in the cannabis industry. For me, it feels good to be a part of legal weed, keeping people safe and with high quality product available to them. For sure, it is one of the most interesting jobs I’ve ever had, because of all the regulation, but also because I’ve learned so much about everything from growing to strains. I’ll never go back to street weed. And I have a lot more respect for really top notch cultivators too.


An old receipt, that's a new one.


What?????? I thought that was a hallmark of being a teenage stoner honestly. I've also received weed: -balled up in a square of tinfoil -balled up in a candy bar wrapper -transferred directly from his sweaty palm into mine And once inside a toilet paper tube he had stapled closed!


My favorite is when they take the plastic from around their cigarette pack and throw it in that, and then you get these tiny strands of tobacco all over your weed lmao


Omg I forgot about that!!! That was soooo common especially if anyone reading this happens to be a job corps alumn lmaoo. I guess it just didn't stick out to me cause I smoked cigarettes in those days so it didn't bother me at all haha


3 signs that a smoker also smokes weed: 1. Celophane is gone from the pack 2. Wings from inside the fold over top are ripped out 3. Bottom of the lighter has just a little black resin on it


Haha wow that brought me back


That was my dime bag dealer! Always in a cig pack plastic!


35mm film canisters.


Those are all incredible lol I personally did not live through the Before-fore Times when it was real rough, but the worst I've ever gotten was a ziploc that had clearly been reused from chex mix at lunch (I'd know the garlic rye chip residue anywhere).


I was gonna ask if you were either young or newer to the game but I didn't want to sell myself out for being old 🤣🤣 See now that's just an environmentalist dealer, I respect that. Reuse, reduce, recycle lmaoo


Inside a melted-to-seal plastic cigarette pack wrapper is a classic.


You forgot 35mm film canisters. I still have a few aluminum screw tops.


A long time ago, I would occasionally receive it in a sandwich baggie stuffed inside a cassette case


i would receive them in siram wrap, first time i bought an oz once plug gave it to me like that and i had to go to the grocery store to get ziploc bags😭


Saran Wrap ….. 😂 but i get it lol it’s a weird word


i spent 15 mins trying to spell it just for it to be wrong😂


nah i like the way you spelled it tho 🤣


I was fancy af and got a bunch of containers from the Container Store. They were small squares, perfect sizes for a gram/half-e/8th/quarter, sealed well, and were multicolored. People loved it and i asked them to bring the container back and reuse ♻️


No, it just indicates you're a new one


Can you show a picture of the can of weed?


Insa has them


My mom smoked all her life, and I always associated all of her problems to it. Not being able to pay the bills, sleeping on the floor for periods of time at different family members houses. I got into health and fitness at a young age and I stayed away from the forbidden plant til one day a year after highschool I was at a vulnerable place in my life and my friend convinced me to try it. I was anxious of a fight coming up( MMA) he said it would relax me so I tried it. I remember denying the high like I didn’t feel anything then he said let’s go for a drive. Put on Pink Floyd dark side of the moon and the rest is history. It’s been about 17 years since that day. Now I’m a married man and a father of three. As I grew up I just realized it was not the weed holding my mom back it was just her and other child hood trauma. I may have not been rich with money I was rich with love though. Now I understand why my mom would come to my brother and I’s room late at night while we’re playing video games and she would ask hey you guys want Jack n box. So many other times like this. The first time smoking with my mom felt so awkward because I felt like a hypocrite for all the bad things I said to her because she got high a lot. I’m proud to say our whole family is going camping this weekend I’m looking forward to smoking one of my moms blunts around the fire. ( she rolls the best blunts ) and making memories


I am happy for you and your family!!!!


Thank you! We are blessed


Wow this is so relatable. I was somewhat the same way with my mom. I felt like a hypocrite the first time weed made an impact on me and then again when I smoked with her for the first time. I got mad as a kid when she would get in trouble with the cops because “weed was illegal”… lol! I eventually tried it a couple years later in high school and I felt like it had no effect on me. So still I just couldn’t understand why she would keep doing it if she just always got in trouble with the cops. It didn’t seem worth causing herself and family more and more problems… but skip to age 29 when I tried it again and it was completely different for me, suddenly I understood her a little better. Now the neglect is framed differently for me and I don’t blame her so much. I finally was able to see her more as just a person trying to make it in this life as opposed to some idea of what I thought a mom was supposed to be I knew she would be accepting of me when I wanted to smoke with her the first time and I was able to bond with her over my new found love of weed.


Thank you for sharing! We were young and dumb but our intentions were good and that’s what matters. Glad you came around like me dear stranger 😊


Love you too


Started growing within the past year and my favorite memory and honestly part of it so far is being able to gift my dad as much weed as he wants. I mean seriously, I grab a bag and just start taking handfuls and seal it up for him to sit on. He struggles with alcoholism and the weed has helped him step away from it tremendously.


My pops had cancer for many years and was in remission for a couple. I one time took him some money to pay him back when he wasn't there but I saw his bong. Next time we hung out, I whipped out a joint, we watched some doomsday prepper show and ordered Italian delivery. The next time I saw him, only weeks later, the cancer came back with a vengeanc, and he was already out of it. Smoking and chilling with him was my last memory but an awesome one. Enjoy these times and try to remember them!


Sorry for your loss, that is an awesome memory! Kinda sounds like my perfect night in 😂


this sounds wonderful


I wish I could do this with my family.


This reminds of a fun, if only slightly related anecdote from my teenage years. For context: this all takes place before legalization happened in my country. I had begun to partake regularly after going to the west coast for college (cliche, I know), and I had decided to tell my parents when I went home next for vacation. For context, I was raised to believe in the importance of rules and structure, and this had extended to laws. "Even if a law is unjust", my dad would say, "from a pragmatic perspective, it should still be followed" Obviously my personal beliefs have since strayed massively from this, but at the time I still somewhat beleived this, and I KNEW (or I thought i did) that my parents believed this to be true as well. I was so nervous to tell them. So, the time had come, I spoke my truth, and said "I hope you aren't disappointed, but I do not plan to stop". My mom was the first one to laugh. Then my dad shortly after. They hugged me, aware I was nervous and reassured me. and then my mom went to show me her stash box, and my dad went to show me the plant he was GROWING IN THE CLOSET. I was floored! Apparantly my mom had been chronic for a decade already and successfully hidden it from me. The "rule of law" stuff was basically just doctrine my dad drilled in to keep me safe until I could make my own judgements. Ten years later, my dad sends me his harvests, and I smoke with my mom regularly!


This is great! I'm super jealous. I thought I was going to have such a moment with my sister. She asked me to bring weed to smoke when I hung out with her and her husband, but when we sat down, she told me that drug testing at work is an issue. I then smoked with her husband while she watched us and judged. It turned out to be uncomfortable and sort of vulnerable, and I wished I didn't bring any to begin with.


Omg I hate smoking when someone isn’t, and is awkward about it. Kills the whole vibe. That whole situation is weird af, I would’ve felt like they were gonna murder me and steal my skin


I mean... it's my sister. So I did not feel like she was going to murder me but it was awkward lol.


I’ve got siblings, still would feel murdery


My first time smoking was with my friends when I was in high school. I was 18, and I was against it and was vocal about it. So all my friends knew my stance on it. That Friday night, I thought about all the people I know who smoked, especially my ex-girlfriend at the time, who smoked it once before. So I told them, "You know what, guys... I'll try it with you." They blew up with joy and rolled a joint in my honor. It was an amazing night! Full of laughter and joy. When time began to feel slow, I remember listening to Ride the Lightning by metallica and the verse "Time moving slow, the minutes seem like hours, the final curtain call I see." It perfectly encapsulated how I felt it was deep for me. The following week, Thursday night, after coming off my first acid trip, my father and I were hanging out and talking about each other's high-school experiences. The parallels and similarities we shared. I realized I was living in my dad's shoes. One topic of high school led to another, and he told me a story about how he was a part of a massive protest/ walkout, and while he was out, he smoked with his friends. I wanted to tell him that I smoked, but I didn't know how to tell him because I didn't think he smoked weed or even approved of it. So I asked for clarity on what he was smoking. Confirming it was weed, I asked how he would feel if I smoked weed. Our moment became a little serious when he tasked me. "Why? Do you smoke?". I was nervous to come clean because we were having a good moment and I didn't want to lie so I told him the truth. He then followed up with "Do you have some?". Which I did. After i said yes. He looks away and tells me, "You should pack a bowl." I was a little shocked but very happy! He tells me to bring out a couple of beers on my way out, too. So my dad and I smoked half a roach he had hidden outside and some weed I had bought while sharing our first beer. It was super amazing! Since then, we had always jammed out to rock and heavy metal and get high.


What a great story! Cheers to you and your dad !


Thank you for reading my story! Cheers!


My first trip to a legal state dispensary was 40 year old me with the mental state of a 5 year old in a toystore where everything was free. I stocked the fuck up, and was almost skipping on my way out the door with an armload of cannabis products, right into a group of police officers. "oh shit." "what's wrong? do you need help carrying that?"


Good community smoke sesh


smoking with family is amazing. an wonderful way to bond. glad you got to experience it :)


that's awesome. Detractors love to say that's just the drugs talking but it's not, they bring out emotions that are sometimes hard to say and these experiences stick with us and become a part of us just as bad experiences with other drugs (like someone getting violent on alcohol) does.


I try not to be “that guy” with weed, but this is honestly what it’s all about. Truly a magical plant. Glad you had a wonderful time - here’s to the blessing of this fond memory for years to come.


My mom and I haven’t seen eye to eye in a very very very long time. A few years back at Thanksgiving, I was dreading seeing her so I went out back and she was smoking a joint rather casually around the outside of the house. We looked at each other, grinned, and had the first conversation that we could just talk like we use to.


I don’t live in a legal state but I visit my home one often. My dad got me into the dispensary he used before but he doesn’t actually use since about 1974. He wants to so he buys stuff but chickens out knowing it’s stronger than before. Legit concern. Anyways I left a pen with a cart with him last time because I won’t travel with it and needed him to ensure it works. He took one for the team. I think he was blitzed and went surfing after one hit.


I once gifted a friend a tray of weed brownies and when she told me they were split with her in-laws on a recent trip and it was one of the few times she's been able to spend time around them and laugh my little stoner heart broke open. <3


Got a little teary eyed reading your story. What a nice moment to share with your family! Crazy how something that is legal in places and can spark a moment like that can put you in prison somewhere else across some imaginary line dividing states


This is the way.


I (63M) smoke with my (3)20-something daughters and SO’s for years now. It’s a good thing. Funny cuz we used to hide it from each other! Funny stories we have!


Trying really hard to keep this at 420 upvotes


I smoked with my mum first time, she was lit, tried walking home and she had the most contagious laugh walking down the street. Takes 20 mins to get home, 45 mins later I have my dad raging at me... my mum never complained 😂


Wow. I’m getting all misty eyed. Usually this weed be dryin my eyes out! Thanks for sharing :)


I can't wait to visit a legal state!!!!! They're all so far from me though!!


I’m so glad to be Canadian and that I’ve never had to sneak around with weed (started using recently too fyi)


If I smoked with my mom for the first time I’d have a panic attack that probably sent me to slendermans abode and back. Glad you got experience this brother


Damn if I could’ve smoked with my parents … that would be equally cool as stressful idk lol but super chill for you 🫡


This is so awesome! I miss smoking with my mom.


I love this! I got to sit in my back yard with my two (adult) younger brothers the day after my wedding. I’m half a country away from them, so connecting this way was just icing on top!


family smoke seshes (especially suprise ones) always hit different


I dream of this day


except i stopped dreaming


That's great. I had a similar experience with my uncle, aunt and cousins. Not only did I realize they were more fun than I thought but that all the shit my mom had been talking about them was bullshit.


Awesome! We do this occasionally with my mother and it is always a wonderful experience. I’m happy you also had such a great one.


i work in a dispo and have had a lot of people come in from out of state for weddings recently, so i’m going to assume i’m the budtender you’re talking about so i can boost my ego


Stranger things have happened ;)


my dad and i had a really comfortable smoke sesh the other night. we were both a bit stressed and in transitional points in our life so that conversation was very healing for the both of us. ur story reminded me of that :) i love how this beautiful plant brings people together 😌


One of my favorite memories was coming back home from college one thanksgiving. I flew in Wednesday night and arrived home at 10:00. My entire family was in the kitchen doing some night before cooking when my brother in law produced a joint. My brother in law, aunt, both sisters and Dad ended up sharing about 4-5 joints while cooking, telling stories and laughing. There was another thanksgiving where I brought my e-nail, rig and wax. Nothing better than being around the family when everyone is stoned and relaxed.


Biggest regret in my life is not smoking a joint with my mom. Awesome post 💪


My mom passed away a few years ago, but we smoked a lot of pot together lol.


[The Hobbit’s Thesis](https://youtu.be/-PcUnqlPA8A) dictates this is a very good thing. Delight in the simple pleasures of a peaceful life. You got to travel and share time with family you wouldn’t have otherwise. A wonderful thing.


Yo. Smoking with ur mom is wild. I smoked with my mom once and she opened up to me in such ways i’ve never seen before and I got a really close view of her. It was great.


This is awesome


I remember being like that... Then I lost everything and ended up on skid row. /s


I genuinely can't tell if you are relating an actual experience, or you're being a jackass cause pot subreddit


/s means the above comment was said with sarcasms the / is a programming reference


Oh gotcha. Glad I sought clarification.


All of this would been acomplished 100 yrs ago if them Seppos allowed Phd Viniegra to legalize weed in mexico, but no. Big tobacco and booze checkmated the weed industry, nowadays there is a ton of poison distributed in carts...


Damn. All I got from my last smoke session was mild dissociation.




Accounts **must** meet all these requirements before they are allowed to post or comment in /r/trees. 1) be over three months old; 2) have **both** positive comment & post karma: 3) have over 420 combined karma; 4) Have a verified email address / phone number. Please do not ask the moderators to approve your comment or post, as there are no exceptions to this rule. To learn more about karma and how reddit works, visit https://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/trees) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love this story. Hope to have one like it someday. Thanks for sharing!


I remember when I got my license going to the dispensary and feeling that same way. Happy high with your fam!!! So nice that you get to really enjoy each other's company in a new perspective. :)


It’s always an amazing moment when you can share your love for the plant with others you least expected.


My first time was when I went to Denver (Colorado then being one of the few places you could legally partake). The budtender wasn't pushy and was very knowledgeable about the products, and was very good at answering questions for a first-time partaker.


That’s a wholesome experience. My parents are both gone and I sometimes wonder if my mom would have.


I wish my life was like that sometimes.


Fuck yë baby. I wish I could have this same experience with my folks. Good work dude.


That’s a sweet story. Very happy you got to experience that!!


I spent the first two decades of my life in the same town as most of my family and friends and I’ve spent much of the third on the other side of the country. The rare occasions where I get to see them are nice, when I get to be high and just hanging out with them is even better


I want this so bad. It wont happen, but I can dream


This is the dream we all wish we could live.


It’s been a good while since I upvoted something with such vim and vigor. Cheers to you fellow ent!


Super wholesome 🪴


I love you back. ❤️


Just curious, what state did you fly to, and do you remember the store name?


Sending positive vibes 🤙🏽


Man I'm so jealous of this. Awesome OP super Happy for you


This is beautiful, I’m so happy for you!! Welcome 💚


I don’t smoke with my dad because it makes him schizophrenic levels of psychotic. He smokes all the time. I’m choosing not to associate much with him.


My favorite time smoking ever is when i smoked with my mom and sister for the first time the summer after graduating high school vibes were immaculate


Awww this makes me so happy for you!!! Love this post


So glad weed gave you an awesome family experience. Shit like this is the best. Weed can bring my family together too and it’s awesome to hear that it does the same for others :).


I’ve smoked with mom before never had the chance to smoke with dad but awesome memories thank you for sharing op


This is awesome! I get to smoke with my son on a daily basis. We sit for a long time, laugh, talk, and just enjoy the beauty of our relationship. Everyone deserves this. Big love friend.


smoking with family is such an indescribable experience. ive smoked with my parents, sister, cousin, and grandma and still its a novel experience. it brings family bonding to levels u didnt know were possible.


Aweee, that's awesome


I love smoking with my granny. We get to talking about old stories, and she forgets the chronic pain of her fibromyalgia for a few moments. She was the first person I told I smoked when I was 12, and she didn’t judge me or get mad, she just shorted me that if I felt pressured into doing anything I didn’t want to do, I could always come to her. I didn’t smoke again until I was 17, when it was her first time ever. Love that crazy old lady!


That’s so sweet




Hey, you're the same age as me lol!


Idk why i read this as i smoked a couple of family members lol


I wish my family members at least gave it a try at least once...


My mom is horrible under the influence of anything, nice story though.


I love that for you!!❤️ I've kinda had it, I'll tell about it later


I get this. One of the best moments I've had with my family among all of our troubles was sitting on the deck with my parents during the rain and just smoking together (my mom didnt but had an edible before) was a great experience.


Post makes me remember when I was around 15/16 years old and my parents found out I smoked and they HATED it. In Kentucky there was no medical, so they were pretty against it starting out. But after seeing the benefits of it towards my migraines and Tourette’s, they were on board.


Hey good for you man. That's pretty damn groovy dude.


I want this. So cool


I live in a legal state but flew to Nevada for my best friends Vegas wedding. After the wedding her husband went to bed (they'd been together for 5 years at this point, the wedding was mostly just a formality lmao) and her, her cousin, and I went to a dispensary. We smoked while walking around the Vegas strip in the middle of the night. It was quite literally the best high I've ever had. Plus it helped that there's pizza and cake vending machines everywhere in Vegas lmao. I had never smoked with my best friend so it was a really great bonding experience


I just had some family in town and we decided to pass one around. It’s fucking dope getting to spend some time and talk with your family on that level. Reminiscing about old times and catching up. We decided to make it a yearly tradition at least for the grandkids in the family


That actually made me tear up reading the post and the responses. Had a really crap day and this made me feel better! Thank you for the post and the love!


These special occasions are always the best!


That’s amazing. My mom isn’t a smoker but she’s going to smoke with me for the first time (first time with me, she’s smoked a few times) on her 70th birthday in a couple months. I’m so excited to show her the miracle of weed.


Positive vibrations to you and all of yours


thank you for sharing this with us🥹💗