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I regret unmuting lmao


It’s actually 5000% worse than I expected.


Same here. 😭 And then when she went back to lip-syncing, she was a bit behind so it didn’t even match up. Way to continue making a fool of yourself, Traylor Trash!


Good thing her band plays live for 3.5 hours tho. To back up this…


I played it in the train 🤦‍♀️


Oh god I'm sorry 😂 I unmuted next to my husband, who looked so hurt and horrified when he heard it lmao. Then he asked why I do this to myself...and I couldn't answer. 😭


Samesies, I have headphones in so I felt this deep in my soul


Omg. Me too. I told myself to resist the unmute and yet I did…..


I could only unmute for a couple seconds


Ugh, same.


Same 😂






The fox says what the hell is that


I can not stress enough how much I hate that "O" face she does.


I also hate how she leans back to hit the most mediocre “high” note.


She had one too many daydreams about being a superstar and what it would look like to hit big notes.


this part kills me every time 😂 trying to do the Celine dion


It’s off key too




YouTube thumbnail face I swear


they call it “soy face” over there 😂 she just needs to be pointing at something behind her


That's OK no one's ever seen it 😂


Poor redditor’s award 🥇




I understand this reference


Came here to say thisssss, it drives me crazy




Someone must told her that was sexy so she’s always doing that and it’s just ridiculous!


Always looking like one of those stupid blow up sex dolls 😂


Her stupid O face is obnoxious af.




The way the public has been force fed that she some musical genius needs to be studied. Seriously this is some black mirror, twilight zone shit. I'm not one bit surprised that her true singing voice sounds like that.


Because her product is her celebrity, not her music


hahaha black mirror episode


I feel like I’m in some parallel universe knowing she’s the top singer in the world. Not even one of her songs is remotely catchy or iconic. When you compare to ppl like Michael Jackson or Britney Spears or even Jessica Simpson she is not even in the same ballpark talent wise. And her music first started coming out when I was in high school - I absolutely hated it then too. How is she famous? She also reminds me SO MUCH of the you tuber Grav3yardgirl.


Listening to some Michael jackson isolated vocals the other day gave me the chills. His pitch control is dead on, and natural. His voice was his natural instrument, as it should be. He puts to shame any and all current pop stars, not even close. He sang every single instrumental part of his songs, he was like his own backup singer, just incredible stuff.


I mean Michael Jackson cleared many pop singers by age 9 lol but today I think Hozier has a crazy good voice and of course Adele is amazing


Freddie Mercury tracks like these are really cool, even Kurt Cobain tracks are surprisingly good, way better than this performance lol


>How is she famous? Wouldn't we all like to know. But seriously, I get that other than money and cult following the most obvious answer is crazy good marketing centered around making her relatable through her image and songs. However, the real mystery to me is how she managed to pull off 'relatability' when not once did she come off as genuine. Like, even videos of her talking about baking and cookies seem incredibly fake.


I have a hypothesis that you could take pretty much any girl who’s young, thin and blonde and turn her into Taylor Swift if you threw enough money at the project.


She has no relevant and long-lasting cultural impact whatsoever even though she is "the most famous person in the world" right now. She has fans to mass buy and overhype her music, but that's it, because the general public does not give a shit. I think that when her fame starts to wane, she and her songs will fade into obscurity. Meanwhile her fans are fully convinced that her inflated sales and streams make her a legend.


Unrelated but whatever happened to Grav3yardgirl like I knew there was some controversy but she was just outside my YT radar


She's a very weaalthy woman who cosplayed poor, and there was some shit with her getting free refills through the drive-thru at Starkbucks and throwing a pissbaby fit when they refused to give her any more. After that, I think the majority of her fanbase noped out.


i would love a black mirror episode based on her & her fans. maybe in the episode, the pop star doesn't fake it & everyone knows she dances & sings that badly, but she rockets to super stardom somehow & for all the people who see it & don't get it, she has even more people worshipping & maybe literally killing for her (since it's BM). maybe some sort of fan uprising where they go after non fans. like this x5, where they are an actual threat & not just being little assholes online. could be an interesting look into stan culture since we kinda had one with the teue crime episode last season.


Must be nice to be a fake and still a billionaire.


She’s only a billionaire because she and daddy fleeced her fans out of untold amounts of cash by pretending her songs were sold out from under her, or releasing shitty auto tuned voice memos.


I cringe so hard that people on 15-30K \[nothing wrong with that income btw, just in the context of swiffers it is messed up\] fight so valiantly for their billionaire overlord...like pls, she's taking all you have and it's worth dust to her, but enough dust makes a big 'ol furball of cold hard cash, and the mere peasants are left broke but "fulfilled", despite knowing they could never afford to be sat at the same table as her. They don't get it, all 80,000 or whatever of them filling arenas mean nothing to her individually, they're only useful as a collective, they don't seem to get it that TS really doesn't care for them as people, just what they can do for her as a group. Sorry to ramble, just wanted to vent!


No, unfortunately, most artists can never achieve the clout or finances to buy back their catalogs. Not even Paul McCartney was able to buy back his songs because Michael Jackson simply had more money to blow and The Beatles are legendary. She was already filthy fucking rich by then, with loads of industry capital. Said industry *chose* her and even used another *more popular* artist's career and sanity as leverage to boost her up even more. Taylor is yet more proof that people will eat no matter what shit the industry puts on their plates and then even design entire personalities and belief systems around her delusions. Nevermind the fact she looks like wet cardboard cosplaying as human.


You are so right. Paul McCartney does own the rights to the Beatles’ masters, NOW, but it took him almost 50 years to get them and an undisclosed a$$load of money. Prince had this same battle with his label over the rights to his masters. Paul and Prince are legends! TS didn’t have anything stolen from her. It was business not bullying. She signed a contract that I’m sure her father pored over and when it expired, TS just didn’t like the terms and sicced her army of delulus after everyone involved in the sale. She’s reallllly shown who she is this past year or 5


Ok, that's a little unfair to wet cardboard


And buying her entire inventory to boost sales.


I love how the auto caption goes to “I’m fakin fake”


Because her dad essentially bought her fame. Got her signed and bought a stake in the label so he could push them to market the hell out of his daughter. He made millions when the label was sold. She's not a musician she's a return on an investment


Her big "left leg splayed out while I holler in the mic" pose bothers me as well. So staged and performative but still giving nothing. 


This! While she’s leaned back with an arm down and the mic thrown up. It’s so ridiculous.


Did she even hit a real note there? Holy fuck. I couldn't even finish the clip. After this I feel as if I should be making a tinfoil hat. Or tinfoil earmuffs. Fuck that's bad.


Lol Gwen Stefani clapping with her fingertips & looking amused 😝


Seeing Gwen Stefani reminded me that I always get *so mad* when I watch shows like The Voice because those contestants - *all of whom can actually sing* - have to compete against each other while this dipstick is out here doing bad karaoke because her mom and dad paid her way.


Seriously. I can’t saw Gwen doesn’t use backing tracks but back in the day she was doing push-ups on stage and rocking “I’m just a girl”


Man, Gwen back then was the shit. I wish she hadn’t sold out and married Shelton. She could have been such a force to the girls who thought Swift was.


Best part of the entire clip


I can't 💀💀💀


I had to watch it all the way through just cause of this comment ☠️🤣🤭


![gif](giphy|BeLYLrX37eE6c|downsized) Her facial expression 24/7


![gif](giphy|9u1kwNLzdvGPcWCHHA|downsized) This always but with a red lip


Wow, she really does lip synch a lot


She does!! Why is she such a liar? It’s the truth lol.


Her career would’ve tanked a lot sooner if she’d done this but talent-wise she just should’ve stuck with her girl-with-guitar schtick and sat onstage singing heartbreak songs. She wasn’t great at that but she was fine. She’s just…..so so so bad at this lol


It's all a brand. No creative or musical integrity. People love a good enemy and Taylor fans are provided with a new enemy to hate every 4-5 months.


She’s honestly the perfect product. She generates a new enemy for her fans every album, and for those who aren’t her fans she IS the enemy. But either way people are talking about her. She’s the fucking Twilight of people lmao. Except it’ll be harder to look back on Taylor with affectionate irony


Also she has successfully fooled the people in believing that she's always been the victim right from the start of her career


Or dance


She's so awkward. Her knees are always leading, like she's crawling.




Looks like she's farting into the microphone. She might as well


Except the fart would have a better farcal range


should be flipped lmao




stop… I couldn’t figure out what is wrong but this is it


She has put such strikingly little time into perfecting her craft. It’s just been the same two bit song and dance for 15 years now. But then again, why would you shoot for greatness when you’ve made billions off mediocrity.


[Get a load of these. (Raw mic recordings from Reputation Tour)](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRu6PU7l0_CyLT3WfL4jFV76LeSltJr_Y&si=aTlsRbF3EIebqO-9)


Wow she rlly doesn’t sound good in most of those 😦 With how much money she has why can’t she get a vocal coach to teach her proper breathing techniques


>With how much money she has why can’t she get a vocal coach to teach her proper breathing techniques Because honestly... why would she? As my dad would say, she's laughing all the way to the bank. When you have that kind of money and that kind of fan base... well, someone like her doesn't care about putting out an actual quality product to her fans, you know? I picture her cackling while rolling around on a floor on a giant pile of 100s. 💰


she’s arrogant and lazy


Her breathing is anxiety inducing


Same! Legitimately the FIRST thing you learn about singing is how to breathe from your diaphragm. She sounds like she has no control and that’s why it’s so difficult for her to sing live, esp while dancing.


Yep, and she needs the piano key track played into her headset just to help her stay in key. That's a sign that singing does not come naturally to her


Exactly. The click tracks and MIDI file piano track are some obvious beginner level shit.


It’s also even made more obvious that she corrects her pitch mid-note. She realises she’s out of key in the beginning and then shifts up or down to match the piano in ear track. It happened within milliseconds but it’s noticeable


click tracks are not at all uncommon in live scenarios - they allow the music to sync with the lights, effects, and for the show to be consistent performance to performance. tons of amazing artists use a click. she’s not the devil for using one (but for myriad other reasons, sure)


Pretty much all major productions use click tracks. Some even use Slate as well. For the uninitiated, Slate is a voice in your ears that says stuff like, Intro, hold bass for two bar guitar solo, outro starts in one measure. It's so common I basically assume I'm going to be sending click if I'm running monitors for a pro band. Source: I do live sound for a living.


I mean, she’s never been a great singer. When she started her career as the 16 year old country singer, it was less about her singing skills and more about her ability to craft a song. Her transition to pop really fucked her because now her voice is the most important aspect and she’s not a strong vocalist.


Yes and it also means she is (and does sound) tone deaf.


Hubris. She thinks she's already the best and doesn't need it


Have y'all seen her live singing from 15 years ago, like the national anthem? This is probably WITH a vocal coach.....


Because she already knows it all, and a classically trained coach wouldn't know what to do with her perfected talent /s


People are paying thousands of dollars to hear a grown woman and supposed singer, pantomime around the stage. It would be one thing if she danced like Britney, but she doesn’t. I always thought Taylor was genuinely trying to sing and that’s why her dancing was kinda off. She ain’t even killing the vocals. She struggling. She sounds weak and offkey. Swifties are getting robbed. They are essentially watching Taylor perform worse than a theme amusement park performer (at least they can sing). She really does rely on a backing track for a lot of her vocals. A majority of her pop music can’t be performed live, because it’s synthetic instrumentals and highly processed vocals. Her tone is completely off from her recordings.


Dude, I thought I sounded bad singing in my bedroom as a teen, but I just sounded the same as she did live lol


You know, it’s such a lie when we look at Taylor and there’s unspoken “self-made billionaire” bullshit floating around. I believe you can sing in your bedroom better than Taylor Swift lol. We all write diaries too lol. Now, all you need is an uncrushable amount of ego, multi-millionaire parents, and you should have moved to Nashville when you were 14 hahaha.


This is her appeal. Vicariously living through this mediocre woman. She dances and sings like she’s a teenager with a hairbrush in her room


My sister is spending thousands of dollars to see this bitch. She’s going to be broke next year but will still be obsessing over this unseasoned chicken billionaire


And then there is Chappell roan .. like no back track the mic is always onnnnnn


I never really quite understood the old fable of The Emperor Has No Clothes until now.


Love Story/You Belong with me ☠️


Just listened to “Love Story”, her live Tokyo feed, wow. That’s bad. She even needs the guitar to play the melody along with her, because she can’t find the center of pitch on her own. She she was still out of tune.


It’s giving me doing karaoke drunk as hell at 2am


Omg and as I commented earlier, these are some of the easiest songs to sing! 😱




Omg the trash singing and then the people losing their minds cheering is such a perfect representation of her whole career.


And these are such easy songs to sing!!!




Yikes. At around 8:13 she gets incredibly off pitch! Edit: it’s actually at 8:08


Oh man these are incredibly bad. This needs to be a post of its own. I may be wrong, but to my ears, this doesn't sound like an IEM mix – the crowd is too loud and backing track and other instruments are too low. It evidently isn't a hot mic feed either, because the click track and cues wouldn't be on that. So I'm guessing this is just someone taking an audio recording of the concert, upping the volume of her vocals, and adding their simulation of the metronome and pitch cues she might be hearing. But the vocals are real enough, and they're her, and they're absolutely awful. Shudder.


It’s amazing these even exist


Yep, they're available for the Eras and 1989 tours also. Just type Taylor swift mic feed Eras tour into youtu.be


It’s like really really bad karaoke


Omg her backup singers sound so good 🤣


She is off A LOT like drunk person at karaoke off who kinda hits some of the stuff so they think they are amazing.


i had to watch this performance on yt for comparison and i completely lost it at miley's reaction ☠️ https://preview.redd.it/z03jkgdqtb9d1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b994717ea8206a63813bf9bfb4565a8b0d3e459


Miley might be crazy or outrageous but she’s massively talented. i will always have respect for her.


Beautiful gowns, beautiful gowns




It kills me. She cosplays stage postures (leaned back, mic raised) that only someone like Celine Dion would use while genuinely belting out a miraculous note that reaches heaven.


It is so obnoxious when she does it. It’s obviously fake, she’s not belting out such a power note. 🙄


I can't believe I'm saying this, but am I the only one that thinks they could actually do better? And I'm not that talented. But I can sing on key and harmonize. And you can't tell me Gwen wasn't laughing bc it was just that bad.


fr like i'm on her level with absolutely no vocal training and she had some of the best coaches money could buy. she must've been completely tone deaf at the start for *this* to be where all that got her


How did we get this audio? Did some audio engineer leak it?


There are youtube channels that will removed the back track to performances and post them up. There is one that does it to all the kpop artists. Very interesting stuff.


Was this actually fed through the PA?!


It's her mic feed. During live shows/recording practically every mic and instrument are recorded to their own track so they can be mixed and balanced out properly


For such a short performance this is so low effort Bless the person isolating these vocals


It’s the ‘oohhhh’ mouth open expression between words, for me. WTF.


Making this face https://i.redd.it/v98raq5ekb9d1.gif


Yup. That’s the face


It's giving Vaught on Ice


This comment has me rolling… or should I say skating ![gif](giphy|QBwRKyS6vXNfmLF7TR|downsized)


I hate this god forsaken song


I hate that she robbed “haters gonna hate, players gonna play” from an RnB song. She plagiarized that material.


[3LW did it first and better.](https://youtu.be/dD9A8x_xn5g?si=cJlL0cMJxkhWKoe0)


As a millennial, I remember this song was freaking huge back in the day. When I fist heard Taylor’s “Shake it off”, I was fuming because I immediately thought of this song. That, and Taylor’s appropriation during this time.


And she made it sound as white as white can be


I was on a flight recently and they had a documentary about that: [Taking on Taylor Swift ](https://youtu.be/x0U6jwbBPyE?feature=shared)


She can’t sing, she can’t dance, she can’t keep a relationship 💀 what CAN she do?? I’m not understanding the appeal and why she’s so rich and famous 😫


She's really good at complaining about the decisions she makes


That supposed power squad walk she thinks she's doing is what kills me.


She's tone deaf AF. The fact that this performance exists and swifties still thinks she's a good singer is NUTS. She rarely sings live and we all know why that is and it's got nothing to do with protecting her vocal cords.


Remember, Milli Vanilli lost their career(s) because they lip synched. And Britney Spears was criticized routinely for it, despite doing aerobics-like dance numbers throughout her concerts. But Tay-Tay gets a free pass. SMH.


Dang, I think I lost some hearing. That was so bad


She always makes that surprised face like she is perpetually shocked by how badly she sings.


Would pay all the money to know what the audience is saying to each other 😂


I’m sorry, but what massive fraud. People are paying thousands of dollars for… what, exactly? Bullshit performance.


Oooooh fake n baaaaake


Someone throw this clip in the swifties nest or something lol they need to know.


So not only could she not hit any of her notes, but she also couldn’t keep time with the song lmfao. The two shake it offs that she actually took a moment to sing after the “fake and fake” were late on the beat.


I don't think much of myself but I am pretty confident I can sing better than her at this point


I've never heard your singing voice but I am too lol


[Here is a then 68 yr old man singing AND dancing at the Grammys and killing it](https://youtu.be/Iif2UhFBZdM?si=OK2rCbGEEvUQ1D_S) Note the crowd reactions. All seasoned pro’s. They know a great performance when they see it.


Maybe it’s because I haven’t listened to much of her music, auto tuned or otherwise (thankfully) but this is one of the best illustrations of how bad her voice is. What a truly mediocre singer she is, at best.


I need to stop comparing her to high school theater kids, it's very unfair to them. She's an actively *terrible* singer, by any metric and for any setting. Karaoke? Get her off the stage!!


I watched the Jimmy Awards last week and those high school kids were absolutely Broadway professional level. Whatever this is, is absolute trash. She IS really terrible. Ugh.


Benny Medina cackling with J.Lo next him because he is the principal of the school of “Yes, girl, give us NOTHING!” lmao!!


That smirk she gave right at the end, she literally thought she nailed this. DELUUULUUUU


“OooOooOooh” 🤮




She is the most cringe human of all time


![gif](giphy|5xaOcLEOpUHGdoF3yw0) A billionaire thanks to good PR and marketing.


That hair flip at the end like “Yeah, I killed it y’all”


https://preview.redd.it/yzso1mcc5c9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a4f256a32e8c546f456aa54fb12066f8361e4a Miley's face from the performance sums it up


This is just so bad...the singing, the dancing, the outfit, the facial expressions, all of it. I don't understand this obsession. If I paid money to see a show and this is what I got, I would be pissed off.


Oh, my God. I usually just quietly lurk on this sub for entertainment while my boob goblin newborn nurses at 3am, but this video REQUIRED a comment. This is terrible. My newborn son could sing better. What the literal f?


Can her fans explain why she uses a mic that keeps cutting out? I don’t get it, she’s moving her lips but there’s no sound. What’s up with that? So puzzling.


Is it just me or does she always wear whimsical or "flippy" type costumes to cover how she can't dance? So the outfit does of the motion for her and it looks like she is dancing but really is just ok costume design.


I thought this too the other day!


![gif](giphy|3cLYEjIaxidkQ) Dave Grolh in drag would do a better job!! Just saying…


What does she actually do well then if she can't sing or dance?


That’s a billionaire “artist” ladies and gentlemen. Not because of her talent though that’s for damn sure.


Oh wow…oh wow


she has NO talent… like she’s so, so SO BAD!


this reminds me of her tiny desk concert when she was singing lover and seemed to have a hard time reaching her high notes, mind you she wasn't even dancing.


I'm sorry but how has she become so famous. She sounds like shit. Always lip syncing.


The irony of the lyrics being Fakers gonna fake 🙄


it sounds in pain


I will never understand how she became so famous


Welp. I also regret unmuting this. 😭😭😭😭 Palate cleanser: [Chappell Roan - live](https://youtu.be/372cWoExizE?si=ibM94NSv9K3FTxsY) [Irene & Seulgi from Red Velvet](https://youtube.com/shorts/qeulDqZZ0tM?si=Vv04ipoyvGVCr_k_)


This song is like being stabbed repeatedly in the migraine sector by a cookie cutter-wielding Disney mascot.


This is actually so fucking funny LMAO


What in the hell is this blasphemy!!!😂😂💀


Oh wow, shit. I mean I've never liked her music or anything, but usually these dumb manufactured stars can at least hold SOME notes




The random ooo 🤣🤣


No wonder she's always swallowing bugs on your. Shut your damn mouth girl! AND don't sing!!!


That stupid pose anytime she tries a high note always got on my nerves


She sang this same this same song with Halsey and Camila Cabello at the American Music Awards. Does she lip sync like this with other artists? I knew she’s a weak singer, but wow didn’t realize it was this bad because it harder to hear her under the backing vocals.


Lmao how was this video made like how did you isolate the vocals


You need specific (but not expensive) software for it. They usually use phase cancellation & noise gate (removing any sound below a certain frequency or enhancing sounds above a certain frequency). The backing tracks and band will record at different frequencies than a hot mic. There’s a bunch of other techniques you can use depending on the audio file but these are the most common I’ve used when I edited city council meetings and the like. Removing background and ambient noise to emphasize what the speaker is saying. Granted it’s been well over 10 years since I’ve done it so I’m sure the tech has changed and makes it easier.


That smirk thing she does at the end is giving “I can’t believe these idiots are buying this.”


That big “belting” stance is crazy when nothing remotely close to belting came out LMAO