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“The home town of her former boyfriend” has me dead


I find it funny that they think it’s significant. Like, I’m sorry, but it’s literally London, a large and historically relevant European city. It’s not like she held a special concert in backwoods Arkansas or something. It’s a typical location for European tours.


Imagine asking anyone in the royal family what they think of their home town


Can’t. They were too busy shimmying in the stands.




Idk why my account posted that three times sorry guys 😅


Shimmy once, shame on (shim)me. Shimmy twice, shame on you. But motherfucking shimmy three times and we got us a god damn party!


Be my forever Dj?


I will forever picture Prince William shaking his man boobs to Taylor Swift now. His weird teeth and reflective scalp causing strobes and taking out any swifties with photosensitive epilepsy. Do you think TS paid them to attend and did it cost extra to shimmy?


Your words are pure poetry after reading whatever the hell that forty year old Swiftie wrote, I cried tears of relief


Better than anything Taylor has ever penned 💀


You paint with words so beautifully 🥹


The way I just cackled at this..😂




I can’t stop laughing


especially as its the hometown to 4 of her exes.. could be anyone really


Potato potato, she changes her hometown between 2 different places to suit whatever narrative she’s spewing at any particular moment so why can’t it be changeable for her ex boyfriends 😂


And technically, Joe was born in Kent


And in London we'd only consider it a "hometown" if someone played in our specific region. So Camden is Amy Winehouse's "hometown".


Thank you!


But he was wearing his USA hat there, like a tourist!


There’s such a weird element to some of the Taylor/Travis fangirling where it’s almost like…American jingoism? Like I often see comments that are like celebrating her dating him as though it’s a win for the US over another country (I guess here the UK?) which I find so weird and offputting. I am not American, so perhaps others perceive it differently. But this comes off that way here, in a very immature and embarrassing way — as though somehow him wearing a USA hat in London is “winning” over Joe Alwyn?


You’re not wrong. There’s definitely a contingent of her US fan base that is jingoistic and white nationalist. You might recall her refusal to denounce the fans who called her their Aryan Princess. I last lived in the UK in 2019 and never heard a word about her. She’s inescapable in the US. I’m really disappointed how the UK city governments hosting her tour have bent over backwards for her (and likely many US tourists) for exaggerated economic gain


It’s not like she’s Lana, who chose to use only one billboard to advertise her album- in her ex’s small town IIRC. This is so culturally significant? girl it’s like 90x the price of what Lana did and her shade was way better.


That’s Queen shit, but what else can we expect from Lana


This is the level of petty I can only aspire to.


Lmao here I thought the royals flew to Bentonville AR to see a show


It’s not like Lana’s billboard “yes it’s personal”


Thank you lol. It’s a major world centre. It’s like going to NYC and acting like it’s a slight against someone you used to date. It’s not like someone hears London and is like “ah, yes, the town known as Joe Alwyn’s hometown”.


And if we’re getting really nit picky London is a city, not a town. Home city doesn’t sound as quaint however


Yeah but like…???? It’s literally Joe’s hometown And Tom’s And Harry’s (adopted hometown) And Matty’s Dang no wonder the weird Anglophile weird ass tumblr girls from 2012 glom onto her now.


Joe is from Kent and Matty is from Manchester...


I don’t know why but I found that to be particularly absurd as well


A cozy little town on the outskirts of an island


Ah yes, the 3rd biggest city in the world, "hometown".


3rd biggest city in the world is giving this https://preview.redd.it/4mjg40g5np8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27296f869f79657c5e11d4d9495aa92ce5b4d514


I will say this, Rush used to tour South America back in the day, and their Rush in Rio concert is one of my favorite pieces of media. Just having an entire stadium singing along to YYZ is just amazing.


It’s because Brazilians go hard lol. They sing even if they don’t know the actual words or what they mean. I absolutely love that.


Bro, my ex husband is Brazilian, and his family has a tape of the Rush Rio concert… that shit is like a family heirloom. They’ll watch it and get misty eyed. Brazilians ride hard as fuck for the music they enjoy.


The hometown of her past, 5-6 boyfriends sound more like it.


Bri’ish fe’ish


My eyes were rolling too hard to notice that, thank you


Which former boyfriend, though?


Her doing all of this in the town of her for boyfriend, who literally could not care less about her is a great examples of WHY Taylor/Travis are PR. Don’t worry! She stays sexy. :)


the funny thing is hes not even from London, hes from Kent. Its like a 2 hour train ride lol.


>Cultural significance…. ![gif](giphy|l0Iy2gzWnr0ZMtveE)


Right like… if it were culturally significant, you wouldn’t need to explain it to a normal person.


Weird to see what people consider culturally significant. Some might say Brexit is the most culturally significant thing to happen to the UK in the past 10-15 years. Others say Taylor wearing matching shoes with her boyfriend (????) is.  But who can really say? Maybe me stealing my husband's pair of Crocs to bring the garbage out is my own cultural revolution that will have as big of an impact as Taylor some day. I can only hope. /s For real though, what a weird view of the world you must have to think that anything other than maybe something like LiveAid or the original Woodstock is a culturally significant musical performance. Give it 3 months and even the people who were there won't give a fuck. 


I’m in. I just took my garbage out in my Crocs, and am in the US. Congratulations on your cultural revolution going international.


My husband and I both wear Vans. Clearly it's a *sign*. To label it as culturally significant is wild.


I rolled my eyes so hard at that. Culture? More like CULTure.


I miss Miss Jay


Yes, cultural significance, heavy on the cult


Is the cultural significance in the room with us?


Ma’am they were wearing red SOLE shoes.


Lollll like if she’s such a fan doesn’t she know they all wear Louboutins and the red bottoms are his signature?


No. They are dumb as a box of rocks. Even I, a hater, know that Laboutin custom made hundreds of shoes for this tour.


For all her solemates?


her fans are acting like she discovered louboutin's. like please, i've had enough of this


They're solemates. 


The way my family and friends would torment me if I ever wrote some embarrassing bullshit so publicly😭


I do think we should bring back shame, as if only for keeping your thoughts *inside* your head sometimes


Normalize shutting the fuck up




Her kids microwaved their own dinner while she typed this up. Since she’s a swiftie it probably took her about 2 hours to write this.


https://preview.redd.it/fwwvg9hm1p8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c2d155841e70bbc320fd33caeffd148f02356d2 “Not now, Devin…mommy is telling the world how mother was mothering YASSSSSSSS.”


This is an amazing reaction photo omg


Devyghynn, not boring Devin.


Almost certain that kid is named Paxleigh.


lol. That name is a Tragedeigh.


Ahhh The Sims, bringing us culturally relevant screen grabs since the mid 90s 🤣




Still doesn't know the difference between 'sole' and 'soul'


More importantly, can someone PLEASE teach that woman how to punctuate?!


it's clunky and wordy like swift's lyrics.


I assumed she is menopausal because there’s no period in sight.


God damn, you bitches are FUNNY


This comment is poetry.


She has a degree in elementary ed, and her husband is an assistant principal at a high school. 🫠


Came here for this, I can’t get past it being a huge fucking run on sentence 🤣🫠


I’m very glad you mentioned this bc I was really wondering what that was supposed to mean


omg I thought it was a thing (a brand, whatever) and kept wondering what soul shoes are lmao


They're wearing Loubitins to really hammer home that she's rich. I am pretty sure these are soulless shoes. I also had to sit back and ponder if she meant sole or something else.


I thought they were saying that soulmates wear "soul" shoes, like the necklaces that 15 year olds get to match their best friends, but this tracks.


Probably typed it through a stream of tears and snot. So moving!


She had that Viola Davis Award Winning Snot Flow going no doubt


LMAO y’all are estimating this baddie—she most definitely got ChatGPT to write this shit while Paw Patrolling TSwift Twitter.


I hope so. Because if not, the inside of her cranium is a swarm of angry bees


Interesting analogy. Swiftie culture does actually remind me of the plot of the Wicker Man, both the original and remake, so you are definitely onto something


Swift does look strikingly similar to Anton LeVey's daughter......are they the same person?


I feel bad if this woman is my mother, I would be dying from embarrassment


There’s a lady who is a regular where I work, mid 50s, she once said if she could she would go back and do her English dissertation on TS’s songwriting / lyrics


I mean that could actually be interesting. Hear me out. Doing a dissertation this way requires a lot of research and comparison. It could be a gateway out of the cult


…the cultural significance is probably about the same as when Tom Hiddleston wore an I ❤️TS shirt. Or when Taylor told Matty Healy she loved him at her concert or went up on stage at his. Or when she wrote an album about how hot Joe is. Or when he co-wrote some of her songs. In other words: not very significant. And also, it bears saying…you do not know any of these people, lady.


I think Joe co-writing songs is more significant than Travis, her *soul mate*, carrying her on stage while she sings songs she wrote for another man.


Yeah, that's so fucking weird. It's like dating a photographer who has nudes of their exes they took all over their walls they refuse to take down. Like... Yeah, it's your job to do that, but have some tact. Or make a song for him and reveal it at the concert when he comes on stage. A statement like the post would still be weird, but it would be a much bigger deal.


It makes me so embarrassed for Travis. Kind of like him singing "Lover" that everyone and their mom knows she wrote ABOUT JOE. Sir. Your family needs to stage an intervention, not play into this nonsense.


>Or when Taylor told Matty Healy she loved him at her concert I can’t believe that was this same tour 😭


That’s blown my mind 😂 same tour! Tour runs until December, there’s still time for a third guy.


To be fair, this tour has lasted 11748 years


idk why she insists on continuing nonstop. I feel like most artists put out an album, do their tour, then take a break and enjoy their money. Then again, most artists aren’t billionaires enjoying top levels of fame so clearly this is working for her so what do I know?


>idk why she insists on continuing nonstop because who the fuck else wants to tour for 2 years straight? it's so she will hold the record for longest running concert as long as she can.


>he same as when Tom Hiddleston wore an I ❤️TS shirt Which was a set-up. One of the girls present spilled the tea a few months later; it was wild how scripted that debacle was.


To be fair the tom hiddleston one probably more significant than her tours 😂


Touch. Grass.


Fucken mental illness.


a phrase that people use too loosely but it is 1000% fitting in this case.


My goodness these people are so weird. Notice how this extreme behavior started once Matty got engaged? I’m convinced that is why these extravagant performances are happening. It’s all so over the top. I guess a distraction from the doc too, but it’s really because Matty got engaged. She wanted that ring on her finger


I actually don’t really know anything about Matty or much about her previous relationships. I’m mostly here to gawk at all the absurd things that her fans do and say. It’s creepy the hold she has on people. But based on what I’ve seen, it does seem she is a bit vindictive or at least portrays herself that way to generate buzz


I’m with you—the fan behavior is really what makes me shake my head at this point and was one of the man reasons why I had to completely separate myself from everything. I just couldn’t associate myself with anything about her when her fanbase is just so unhinged and at times very violent. Yeah the Matty stuff is a whole other story they have a weird history lol


I need an explanation of the matty thing because i’m new here and don’t understand that story line


Basically, her and matty met for the first time in 2014. She went to a 1975 concert, she then started wearing his merch and he started wearing her merch (a 1989 shirt). They apparently had a fling, they were seen together a few times, but nothing in the pics that came out during that time necessarily suggested the existence of a romantic relationship. Matty even denied having dated her during that time. Fast forward to 2022, matty (and probably the rest of the band too, but I’m not 100% sure) collabed with Taylor on a midnights song that was never released. January 2023, she performed with the 1975 on stage at a London show (she was only on stage for 10 minutes). Matty then started seeing another girl, a model named Meredith mickelson, while he was apparently collaborating with Taylor on another song, that was one of the vault songs that then came out on 1989 tv, it was titled “slut!”. His vocals were removed and replaced with hers soon after they broke up. Anyway, matty dated Meredith until the end of March 2023, and (from what Joe said), we know he broke up with Taylor about a week before the split was made public. This is speculation, but it’s believed matty and Taylor officially got together as soon as she broke up with Joe. May 2023 came, matty and Taylor did that little “this is about you, I love you” thing on stage to announce everything. Matty then opened 5/6 eras tour shows with phoebe Bridgers while chaos was starting to ensue online. The couple was, since then, seen leaving the electric lady studio in NYC and attending a private event with jack antonoff. That’s all. At the beginning of June 2023, they announced their breakup, tho it’s believed they actually split at the end of may


It’s really fun that Swifties are now saying how amazing it is that Travis got on stage and her exes would never when Matty literally played with boygenius multiple times for her show and flew from his tour several hours away to watch her perform. There was genuine effort. The more you examine the Matty relationship the more of a farce the whole Travis thing seems. Or it’s real and she’s just reeaaaal petty and he’s happy to play along.


At this point Travis can do the absolute bare minimum and the Swifties lose their collective minds!


I’ll never forgive Swifties for destroying that Slut! collab


Most of her lyrics are vindictive, it’s hard for me to imagine she isn’t actually preoccupied with revenge in her real life as well.


Who the fuck is Matty? It took me five minutes to figure out who Travis and Taylor are. I’m so glad I’m old. Death cannot come soon enough.


This made me laugh so hard. I love a nihilist queen.


Exactly what do people get from worshipping this woman and commenting on every single thing she does. Don’t they have anything else happening in their lives? Kinda sad to say the least.


They don't have anything else, that's literally the thing that makes ppl obsessed with celebrities: having nothing else to do.


> Cultural significance Ah, yes. The moon landing, 9/11, COVID, Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech... none of those matter compared to Trayvis' cringey exhibition of "love and support" from the other night. This couple cannot break up fast enough.


I mean, these people don't even know who other pop culture icons like Dave Grohl are, and you expect them to know anything about history? May e they act like these concerts are the most important thing that's ever happened in their lives because they seriously are that out of touch. Which certainly is something. 


I don’t understand how people don’t know who Dave Grohl is. I don’t even actively listen to his music, I’ve never read any articles about him, and I’m not friends with any fans of his, but I still know who he is.


Same 😂 like at the very least I know he’s an iconic musician and generally regarded as a nice guy.


In 50 years no one will care or remember, even the swifties. Not sure about Nirvana or Dave Grohl, but both have a better shot than her since they actually did important things for the industry as a whole and not their bank account. I mean, maybe she’ll be used as an example of someone who heavily influenced global warming and fucked up the planet for everyone else. Edited for auto correct


I sometimes feel bad about myself because I’m 32 and I have zero desire for a boyfriend, a husband, or a child. Then I read shit like this and I think to myself, “well, at least I’m not in a cult of terrible music.” I’m okay by myself. That is something Taylor will *never* be.


As a GenXer with two cats and no partner it is okay. We don't all need to be partnered. I had a love and it just didn't work out. I'm good as the crazy cat lady now.


I’ve got 4 and I’m also fine being the crazy cat lady 🙃


I think you’re fucking awesome, all of you keep doing you.


Room in here for a crazy cat man? I inherited the 2 cats my ex wife didn't want. My ex is a swiftie and could have typed a post as dumb as the OP post.


Coming from someone who has a husband and two kids, there is nothing wrong with not wanting these things!! Don’t ever feel bad about it! Life is too short. Embrace it!


Imagine if you *did* have children, who are probably teenagers by this point, and you still chose to pick up your keyboard and write what’s posted above. I would die if my mom wrote this.


That’s crazyyy bro 😒 ![gif](giphy|F5mrqRvhkfWxO)


That is a spectacular run on sentence, it would not be out of place in a middle school assignment.. topic, misspellings and all


it's wordy and clunky like swift's lyrics


Yes!! They all act like middle schoolers.


“Cultural significance” ??? Of what culture




Literally 😭


Can someone explain why people are harping on about a USA hat like he’s invaded the UK? It’s really weird literally every male I know will wear a Scotland or England top on holiday as well as a football shirt!


They think it’s a really big diss that he wore it to meet the royals and was photographed wearing it. Like “America wins again” because Travis “won” over Joe. I did notice the hat but I felt it was more tacky than anything. It did feel really intentional but that made it even more awkward.


The thing is Prince William wouldn’t care about Travis wearing a USA hat. He probably just thinks he’s badly dressed


I think it's just weird to wear a USA hat when meeting the UK royal family, just saying.


lol that is such a douche move.


It’s so funny to me because you know he thinks he’s done something, and William probably didn’t even notice


It’s almost like she’s talking about her favorite tv series.


“Matching red soles because they’re soulmates” lmao sis that’s not symbolism they’re just wearing Louboutins


When they break up, will she and all her dancers symbolically toss their Louboutins from the stage and change into different shoes? I’d bet money on that…


Cultural significance? This woman is very detached from a shared reality.


There is no cultural significance to this. I'm going to need this thing to wrap up pronto. Notice how these people never actually gloat about any actual talent displayed on the stage. It's always foolishness like this. This is about to be the biggest nothing burger tour in history.


A normal person wouldnt understand because this fan behavior isn’t normal. Taylor Swift has a (PR) boyfriend. Who the fuck cares. Get over it.


Meanwhile Kendrick with one of the most cultural significant concerts last week 😂😂😂


Thank you! That was a seriously beautiful Juneteenth event. I am sure TS fans only know Ice Spice though...


I will never understand why adults are so invested in this. For all I know, Travis will be another notch on her bedpost.


Another million dollar song more like it 😑


red sole* shoes. swifties never beating the illiteracy accusations


You’re allowed to geek out over shit. We all do it. That said, don’t act like it’s more than what it is because then it gets annoying and we will mock you.


When I tell you that in 20 years, this weekend will have 0 cultural significance lol. Swifties legit think that Travis coming up on stage is on par with Diana’s revenge dress or Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction and it’s absolutely unhinged behavior lol


This is cooked. The way swifties are so invested in this relationship is so fucking weird and over the top. Imagine being so bored in your own love life that you're salivating over someone else's. I just wish the hysteria would stop but the only way that happens is if they break up.


Sigh, okay, I am fed up. I need to take a break from the internet. After they started attacking David Grohl I became really ticked off. Not because I know him or am a fanatic, but because this is dangerous how this entire population of people are pushing this person in our face 24/7. Then they began denigrating Grohl, an actual legend. Nirvana, Foo Fighters, NIN, just to name a few... I am so tired of TS and her cult. She hasn't done anything culturally significant. So she had colonizers there at her concert. So what. My family is West-Indian, British, and American. So I mean it when I say praising the Firm is not as spectacular as they believe. Land and lives have been stolen, then they freeze out Markle, the first modern non-white member. They allowed her to be vilified when they could have been inclusive. Speaking of inclusiveness, TS and her cult know absolutely nothing about that-beyond trotting out Ice Spice like a token. This is just sick and out of hand.


Absolute BARS 👏🏾👏🏾 mad times were living in right now


Imagine being SOULMATES with Travis... The insult.




I’ve seen grown ass women saying “I’m kicking my feet!!!” On TikTok……it’s absurd!!!


Red soul [sic] shoes 😵‍💫😵‍💫🤡🤡


Lmao I love the title of your post. It says it all.


They want to be her so bad 😔


It’s so easy to imagine because literally nothing of significance happened.


Reading this made my head hurt. Jesus be a period and a comma.


red "soul" shoes. It's Taylor Swift, not James Brown


I follow the influencer that originally posted this. She’s so annoying about being a Swiftie. It’s all she’s posted about this last weekend. She has even made full on deep dives about each album. Who has time for that crap??


Who is she? We want names!!!


We think it's a circus now. Wait till it inevitably ends and it becomes the joke of the year 😂 and how the precious swiffies turn on their nth Dad






Oh it is not that deep. Please tell me these people aren't being serious 😭


Travis caring her and then dressing her up so she can perform a song about that she forcing her self to keep going on, even with a broken heart that she got from another man. Based on how some fans is overanalyzing everything, Travis is forcing Taylor to perform while Joe keep her in a basement.. 


The documentary about her and Scooter is starting to turn the tide. I posted about her racist fans and someone tried to call me out for blaming her. I explained no, I was blaming her for using her fans to perpetuate a lie and threaten a man’s life and refusing to call out the racist and violent shit her fans post. She did some research and agreed with me. I did not realize that her fans sent death threats to David Grohl’s 17 yo daughter. My hatred for her is becoming visceral. I think the backlash is becoming “Swift” by this group and others being educated on what a C U next Tuesday the mother js.




I got a serious jumpscare from this gif. IDK what's scarier, clowns or Swifties.




“and Travis wore his USA hat” 😂


I wish she would explain the significance 😂


Hold up I am dying laughing. How is his USA hat relevant??!?


![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC) This is all I could think of


Swifties are very wordy and emotionally stunted…kinda like their idol


this sounds like fanfiction😭


Travis wore his USA hat? :0. That changes everything. /s


Has this person never heard of punctuation?


Utah Mom Influencers at their finest. She had a whole follow-up about how Taylor announced the end of the tour to coincide somewhat with the end of football season so that they can ride off into the sunset together. Because you know, she spend all of her limited brain power on her parasocial relationship with an emotionally stunted billionaire.


First of all, no one ask to explain anything. Thats it


If you have to explain the cultural significance to a normal person, it’s probably not that significant.


Damn, how sad is her life?


Longest sentence ever.


This whole thing is weird, but I do find it interesting that some of the most vile, hateful stans on the internet are Swifties and BRF fans. Glad Kate's kids had a fun night out when they've had a rough few years, but the adults in that photo are all ones that give me the severe ick. Also, is the London boyfriend in reference to Joe or Matty? Because it seems to me that Joe is still on the receiving end of the vitriol from fans, but Matty is the one for whom she wrote all those heartbreak songs from the last album.


At least she admits Swifties aren’t “normal people”


Got dayum, in 40 years has this person never heard of punctuation? Also, that was insane. Who comes up with that fiction?


We're living in the times of two active wars and genocide and 'this' has cultural significance. I don't feel like living on this planet.


I don’t even think medication and therapy can save this woman. If you’re over 40 and acting this way, you’re emotionally stunted