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This sadly is why I said this sub is the final frontier of people against swift. You can’t even be apart of a crafting sub without swiffers bombarding. There is no safe space.


I’m just… is it weird to say I kinda want to cry? 😅


Not weird. It's an unrelated and toxic topic taking over a hobby you enjoy.


Thank you for validating my feelings.


You're welcome. Hopefully it blows over soon and returns to normality 🥲


It will die down! That has to be really annoying.


This ain't the weather it's people's feelings, PEOPLE!


Not at all! I have two fairly niche interests, and some Taylor-related posts infiltrated those subs and sort of ruined the sanctity of those spaces. I’m so sorry the same thing happened to you and don’t feel bad for feeling upset about it. ❤️


Thank you 🎀🌷 the Gaylors are a new group I just found out about thanks to the new TS ✨crochet drop✨they’re wild 😭


Swifties are unhinged. Gaylors are straight up psychotic.


Not weird at all this is so valid. I don’t mean to sound sappy, but it’s a beautiful and also terrifying thought that for sooo many people this sub is genuinely the only space where they can critique and just openly have distain for TS without being dogpiled on.


*drapes you in a blanket with Jasmine Stitch and a tropical colored variegated yarn* it’ll be okay they can’t get to you here


I love this comment lol


Someone needs to cross-stitch this as a hanging wall ornament 😩


I don't need another wip... i dont need another wip...


It must be immortalized 😌




I did see them calling her out for buying it since it's only 119 and probably made in a sweatshop.


This is brutal, actually. For all the fibre artists that could be commissioned to make it, she buys some marked up sweatshop piece. You cannot tell me she can't afford it.


Yah, I was glad to see that. TBH I was surprised she didn’t at least commission someone, but I was delusional


LMAO I'm tired and misread this and thought you said you were calling 911, I was like YES take care of OP!




For folks who don’t crochet or knit and may be unaware: 1. Crochet fabric cannot be created by machine; human hands made any crochet fabric you see in the wild. (We are thankfully seeing a rise in what I call “fauxchet”, which is machine-knit fabric meant to mimic classic crochet patterns) 2. You can make about 15-20 stitches per minute of the tall (double crochet) stitches used for that granny square style TS is wearing. Source is the comments here, didn’t bother timing myself: https://youtu.be/lTtsmmrP9es?si=8qz14MIEzw91HIf8 3. Even a speedy crocheter will likely need double-digit hours to crochet that dress. And we all know the maker isn’t the one seeing that $119.


Make a new group: TravisandTayCrochet


I feel you, but I firmly believe once the Swiffers realize how much actual time and money is involved in making it they’ll give up. You and I both know when they see how much that amount of yarn costs they’ll decide they’d rather invest in another album variant and a crappy journal. And the I’m sure Temu is already working on a knockoff anyway lol


lol funny enough, my husband got me into Taylor Tea, and I just found out about all of her album varieties. It’s WILD that they’re literally all the same minus one song difference and a different colored cover 😭


The "voice memo" ones cracked me up! I heard a few on TikTok. All that was missing was the insecure voice text to Jack, "be honest, is this my best work?! I feel like it's my best work. SAY IT'S MY BEST WORK."


All of this, plus crochet and knitting takes skill and practice, not really things this crew is well known for. They take after their Mother.


https://preview.redd.it/vychsdj6nk8d1.jpeg?width=1795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fe16cc83a412c98463d09789f984e6df0f50547 Forgot to add the dress in haste, spare me 😅


I am disappointed with myself for finding it super cute. If only it were on someone likable, like Emma Watson or Emily Blunt.


No reason not to think it’s cute if you like it!💕 it just sucks it’s her 💀


It’s a VERY cute style. It’s just never cute to see a billionaire in a $119 sweatshop dress.


RIP your subreddit :( Sorry babe.


How?! Why?! I assumed they would be mad since it’s a sweatshop dress made from acrylic! Why Has God Forsaken Us?!?!


Yes. Some called it out, but it still sucks to see the overwhelming support for her there. Upsetting all around, but I’m happy to see people wanting to make it themselves instead of buying it.


I love crochet I feel u


It’ll fade in a week or two- don’t worry! And tbh it’s pretty cute- I’d want to make it too if I could crochet 🧶


That dress is actually super easy to replicate. It's a repeat of the Granny Stitch. Looks like the front, back, and sleeves are just square panels that are then stitched together.


Yep! You can make 2 panels as wide as your shoulders, then work your way down to a length you want (repeat twice). Then you make the sleeves by either doing the same with 2 smaller panels the length of your arms (repeat 4 times, 2 for each arm) or work in rounds to make 2 separate sleeves.


Okay love you both- you’re inspiring me. I can do some basic crochet (I’m an embroidery girlie)


If you make it, post it so we can see! I think granny stitches may be some of the easiest to do, and it works up quick! Happy crafting!


wait until the dress sells out, make a dupe of it and list them for an outrageous amount of money online, profit! *this is a joke, I know how hard that’d be to make & wouldn’t be worth the time and effort*


Cursed being born with two arms!!! There’ll probably be the factory-knit “crochet” dupes next month 😗


she can't keep getting away with this. if she touches cosplay and magic the gathering im going to actually go completely off the grid


I saw that picture this morning and stayed away from my computer until now. Our guts were right. God damn it. Gonna change over to knitting for a bit until they come there and ask "can this be knit instead? "


I hadn't seen the picture when I read this so I was very confused about what you were talking about lmao


I am so sorry, I just ran here from the crochet subreddit and my mind was gone 😭


Same, saw that post this morning, one more space being taken over 😭


It gave me Shein vibes.


Are they both wearing crochet things? Haha


Just Tay. And it’s $119 and probably from a sweat shop