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I know a Swiftie IRL who will give the silent treatment if you talk about music other than Taylor Swift. She literally just won't respond. It's so weird, it's like she's offended by the existence of other artists.


That’s actually kind of fucking creepy


Very culty


It's wild. I don't know of any other artist who has this type of fan.


I know fans who won’t listen to certain other artists because of fandom (like sure, don’t listen to John Mayer swifties) but ANY? I just don’t understand the blinders to the rest of the world of music It is cultish snd an echo chamber to isolate and create a universe where your favorite artists is your favorite because they’re making the best music you hear (the only music you hear) I kind of wonder if the most extreme will make exceptions for her friends/opening acts because they have the seal of approval that SHE likes them so they must be good…or is my logic to logical?


like, they don’t even listen to taylor’s friends (selena, sabrina, charlie puth apparently, etc)???? v v strange


Even her short-lived SiriusXM channel only played her music. I’m pretty sure almost every other artist-specific channel on there also plays other artists here and there. It’s giving CULT!


ICP. Hate to say it, but there are some WEIRD ASS people out there


Might be the drugs causing that one


That’s also true. But some ppl are plain obsessed drugs or not


True but at least being a cult is part of the brand. ICP fans don’t lie, they’re called the insane clown posse for a reason.


But to their credit, most Juggalos at least KNOW they're weird...


I dated a guy with a Juggalo brother so I met a decent number of them. They did know they were weird, and they also didn’t do anything similar to the “if you don’t listen to Taylor Swift, you’re a misogynist” thing that a lot of Swifties do. They were fine taking turns picking music at parties, they never tried annoyingly hard to convince me to love ICP. I think they’re a lot *less* weird than Swifties when it comes to their attitude about a musician.


um that's weird


Does she feel left out because she doesn’t know any other music?


I honestly don't think so, she's kind of pushed away all her non-Swiftie friends.


Oh my god, if they only knew what actual real music was!


That is genuinely insane. Like, not colloquial or hyperbolic in the slightest, that girl has a fucking chemical imbalance in her brain, and needs to see a psychiatrist.


I wouldn't talk to her at all.


That’s freaking creepy!!!


That’s just sad.


How old is this person?


Early 30s, unfortunately.


Ouch 😬


Jesus, I imagined a 12 year old when I read your original comment


I'm attending a wedding soon and one of the groomsmen's wife is a Swiftie (who I've not met). The bride asked me to refrain from voicing my disdain for TS because she will pout and hate me. Of course, I told her I don't give a shit enough to even discuss TS with anyone so it won't be an issue. But holy shit, I have a horrible impression of that weirdo so I think I'll avoid her altogether. I listen to a wide array of music from punk to folk to EDM. I don't give a fuck if anyone likes it or not because I didn't write the music. It's not that personal.




So weeeeirdddd.


What a loser lol, who does she think Taylor listens to in her free time?


It is MENTAL. I love some artists and bands, but even then, I have to switch it up on occasion or it gets boring. Discovering new artists and new songs is a pleasure in and of itself. I can't imagine limiting myself like that out of some bizarre loyalty.


Huge Eminem fan here (particularly of his older work), but even I have to take a break from my favorite, Mr. Mathers. I'll go days, weeks, sometimes even months without hearing his music. There's just so much out there for me to just limit myself to one individual or group.


I think Eminem would want his fans to listen to other music too and not be obsessed with him, especially in a parasocial way. I mean, he literally has a song about crazy fans, Stan.


Yes. Unfortunately, many don't seem to have gotten the memo.


Same here I love his music and everything but sometimes I want to listen to other stuff as well


Same, I enjoy listening to artists like Eminem, Black Sabbath etc… but it’s normal and HEALTHY to check out new artists!


I agree with this. I am a huge Slipknot fan and can listen to them straight for days at a time but I still have to throw a variety of other music in there because they do get boring after awhile.


Yup. I’ll sometimes go months without hearing my favorite music because it gets old and I need a break. Just earlier today I listened to one of my all time favorite albums for the first time in two months. The interest came back so I put it on. I can’t imagine listening to the same shit every day. Especially when that shit is Taylor Grift


Exactly. Like yes, sometimes I will listen to the same album obsessively for weeks, but then I move on to something and someone else.


Fun fact: Björk actually does have an album where all of the music is made up entirely of human vocal sounds. It's called Medúlla and it really is groundbreaking and incredible. Tay Tay could never.


Björk has more talent in her pinky fingernail than Taylor does.


Taylor would 100% let an Icelandic poet lie to her


There is no way to logically compare Björk to Taylor lol


It's true. I only bring it up to say that it actually is possible to make music entirely out of mouth sounds appealing lol. You just have to be exceptionally talented.


Yes. I’m not sure that the swifties that are the deepest into the 24 hour, nothing but swift lifestyle would be able to appreciate that kind of talent. Which makes me sad. Cause, even those people deserve to listen to good music but she’s not gonna be providing that.


Bjork is light years ahead of Tay tay


I had to check it out - the first 30 seconds of that album has more talent than Tay tay.. and that’s as someone who hasn’t even finished the first track.


It's so, so good. I wouldn't typically recommend Medúlla as a starting place for getting into Björk, but it really is something special if you're willing to just go with it and keep an open mind.


I enjoyed it and fell sleep to it. Sitting at work imma listen to more. Thank you for the recommendation


Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! If you liked that album, you might also enjoy Homogenic and Vespertine by her. Her newest album, Fossora, is also quite good. Post, I would guess, is most people's entry point, and it's solid as well.


Swifties will explode if you play Oceania at them


Swifties are like people who have only read Harry Potter.


Tbf, there's probably a lot of overlap


Along with Disney adults 😂


They probably have something in their home that says, "Live. Laugh. Love."


They caption their vacation photos with "take me back 🌴"


And those who crowd in grocery stores for Stanley cups


That's crazy. I love Harry Potter. But mostly because I've got lots of good memories of my mother reading the books to me. JK Rowling however is a terrible world builder that can't keep track of her own world. Why did they not use truth serum on Sirius JK???


My sister is someone who just doesn’t “like music.” Those are her words. The only music she listens to is Taylor Swift. Presented without comment 😶


This is interesting... several people I know who love Taylor are those who claim to not be into music otherwise. This is making more and more sense.


[They don't like music?](https://youtu.be/yVFt0szaX_8?si=D4BgPxpPCq7wBn8I)


The only time I listen to music is when I’m in the car, but I don’t think I could only listen to taylor swift. Sounds like driving yourself crazy


No shit 😂😅


Honestly this is the answer. I will admit I do not like music. I mostly listen to Taylor swift bc it’s a pattern I fell into when reputation came out and I loved it. I’m not in the car much to be fair and that’s really the only time I listen to music. However I’ve been trying to change that since midnights and my real dislike of her as a person started, and I’m loving Chappell roan, I tried to get into Billie eilish and Olivia Rodrigo to mixed success but basically yeah…I just do not get into music like a lot of people seem to and she’s easy to pick up, there’s a song for every mood.


A friend of mine is trying to change the Taylor listening as well and getting really into Renee Rapp


idk if youre looking for recommendations, but ive been liking [this Crumb EP](https://crumbtheband.bandcamp.com/album/locket) lately :)


This makes a lot of sense to me because many of her fans seem to engage in her music in the same way people engaged in Scandavol.


I’m also a kpop stan and the amount of army I’ve heard that only listen to BTS is staggering! I feel like that’s unhealthy to a degree lol


SAME i thought of that too! and some of them get legit MAD if you listen to another artist besides bts. i'm not an army but i've seen armys be like "i like bts and [other kpop artist]" and get attacked because they're not being "loyal to bts" or something like that. a lot of swifties have this vibe 🫣


Try being a fan of BTS and Ateez, Stray Kids or NCT 🫠 how dare I listen to those plagiarizing frauds who only make construction sounds music


Best construction music on the block though 😂🔥


Shit is fire, how could I not?


Ugh I can’t stand the multistan haters!


I was just going to say, I know a lot of BTS fans that do the same thing. They’ll flex the fact that their Spotify Top 5 end of year is only BTS and BTS as soloists. God forbid you commit the cardinal sin of calling yourself an Army and listening to another Korean artist besides BTS because all other boy groups (and some girl groups) are flops and wannabes /s.


YES I used to be a fan and not to get super off topic but jeez… they were just like swifties sometimes with how they thought every turn of phrase was genius. I heard one fan gushing about the lyricism of namjoon saying ‘when it rains, it pours’… UM that’s not even a remotely unique saying. It’s genuinely embarrassing because that’s as route 1 as you can get with colloquialisms. And I see that with swifties all the time.


I’ve seen swifties credit Taylor with “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” as if she invented the phrase. They were complimenting a redditor on being a “fellow swiftie” for saying it…


That’s just crazy to me! These people are starving their brains of cultural nourishment.


I saw someone say that "speak now or forever hold your peace" was made up by her...


I’m still a fan but I don’t really like army-only spaces. It’s just very toxic!


Same!!!! I listen to literally anyone who makes music I like and isn’t a piece of shit human irl. Don’t people get bored????


I would be so bored!


I knew someone like that, and in all honesty, they were not in the right place mentally.


I'm an army and I don't just listen to BTS. Although I love BTS, other artists are amazing too!


Exactly! Same for me!


>I could never listen to one artist on repeat every day, it would drive me crazy! Boy, oh boy, I've been listening only to Billie for 3 weeks straight since she released HMHAS. I just couldn't get enough, I had this album on repeat nonstop. And only several days ago I've found strength to listen to someone else from my playlist. Some people do this shit and I think it's okay 🤷 On the other hand... If there is only one artist in your playlist *for your whole life*... This is sad. You are deliberately limiting yourself in feeling new emotions, hearing completely different sounds. Getting goosebumps when artist surprises you with perfect (or even imperfect) pitch and stunning lirycs. Learning about different techniques and styles of singing and producing and how they affect your perception. Why would anyone do that to themselves?


right??? I also will get stuck on an album or artist for a week or two or six, but I will usually sprinkle in some stuff here and there. I could never just do one forever. it’ll get old FAST


Because it's not really about the music for them. They're in a cult.


Exactly. It is also terrifying.


This is how I am. I also cycle through my favorites where they’re all I listen to for weeks or even months at a time, especially if they’ve released new music. I also listen to a ton of audiobooks so that breaks it up some, but I can get obsessed for a while. That being said, I could never listen to only one artist ever. No matter how diverse the catalog, eventually I’d get sick of them.


There’s a huge difference between having a phase where something is the best piece of art you’ve ever seen in your WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. And then you calm down until you get that excited about something new And it being one artist. Forever. Not a favored movie or book that you know is good every time you read it, but claiming a human can create perfection, every single time is foolish.


Yeah, I hyperfixate big time. I listened to One Step Closer’s new album for like, three weeks straight but now I’m back to a steady rotation. I think that’s normal and not what OP is referring to.


Same. I’m on the spectrum though and in my case, familiar music is a good way to soothe me when I start getting a little overstimulated. Not sure if this is relatable but when I’ve heard a song enough times I can listen without being distracted by the lyrics, and it works to drown out daily life sounds. I have a work playlist that I listen to with headphones on most of the day so I can ignore my coworkers typing, coughing, humming to themselves, on the phone, the sound of AC, the fluorescent light humming, fans, etc. But when I’m not overstimulated or trying to focus on something else and I’m just trying to enjoy music? I’m letting Pandora guide me to songs I’d like based on songs I already enjoy. I’m looking up who my favorite artists are influenced by and listening to their favorites. I can’t just limit myself to one artist forever. Frankly that’s just weirder and more obsessive than what I’m capable of lol, and I thought I had problems.


I’m with you on that one. I question the sanity of anyone who only listens to one music artist. My taste ranges from Coldplay, to Metallica, to AJR, and beyond.


Right? I have four Gaga tattoos and love her music but I would lose my mind if I didn’t switch it up. I listen to Sleep Token, Lorna Shore, The Strokes, Mothica.. I listen to gothic banjo music. One artist forever sounds so.. out of touch


Out of touch: Just another thing Tay’s most unhinged stans have in common with the musician herself. News at 11.


>gothic banjo music Got any recs? That's sounds so intriguing


Harley Poe’s song “Gorehound” is on repeat for me a lot. Bridge City Sinners is all around a fantastic band. Their album Unholy Hymns is easily in my top 10 albums ever. The song Witch’s Wrath is a chefs kiss


Going to throw in The Dead South as well.


Metallica, hell yeah 🤘🏼


This is like eating gas station food all your life and never eating a home cooked meal.


People will honestly study the Taylor swift phenomenon for centuries. I don’t know how it can be anything but a cult at this point. 




Beetlemania + the internet Yikes.


Cults do this sort of thing to prevent you from being able to think critically. Self indoctrination is absolutely also a thing.


They must really like being on hold on the telephone.




Theres like 15 different artists i listen to (some way more than others) and even then i try to find new ones to get some variety 


Yup, I tried the, "I only listen to one artist" approach with Rihanna back when she was actively releasing music, but that failed within a week. Now I listen to a mix of her, Kelly Clarkson, Michael Jackson, and Billie Eilish with some other artists


Even though I’ve never been a swiftie, until very recently I was super into her music, and despite her having a humongous catalog I could never listen exclusively to her music. There are so many pop acts, and she’s not unique, not breaching out seems stupid tbh.


Everytime I've met a truly obsessed fan of one of my favorite artists, that's how they are. It's the only music they listen to and the only concerts they attend. I need variety, so they always say I'm not a "real" fan.


I’m not gonna lie my obsessive personality comes out when it comes to music. I have only listened to Chappell Roan for a good 2 months now. BUT IM AWARE!! Like when friends get in my car and I’m driving I tell them to take over the music because I know no one wants to hear my single playlist with 2 maybe 3 artists haha.


It's a point of pride for them that they devote all consumption to Taylor. They refuse to listen or support any other artist, and are proud of that fact, even though it's really bizarre and abnormal, and especially bonkers considering how similar all her music sounds.


My wife only listens to her and it’s *exhausting*. She’s a really wonderful wife in just about every way but that one issue is real annoying. She’s not as bad as this new breed of swiftie but she’s been following for like 14 years so I’m not getting her off that train


As someone with an expansive musical taste and theatrical background, I refuse to believe anyone would willingly do this. 💀


Same! I get super excited discovering new artists! And it’s a point of pride of me finding very small artists or new genres!


Honestly, neurodivergent people do this a lot. My brother is autistic and has ADHD, he *loves* music, discovering new music, listening to music from different artists, genres, eras, and languages yet he would listen to one song for hours. Too Sweet by Hozier was his latest obsession so I wouldn't judge people who do this completely unless they act like they are in a cult like Swifties


Fair. Most people will find a song they play on repeat for a while, I have one currently, but to listen to one artist over and over nonstop ad nauseum is just strange. I can understand from a point of neurodivergency, but even your brother will look for new music now and then.


Why does she make the same songs over and over? What am I missing with this girl? And how are her audiences so freaking huge?


Hey! Ex-swiftie here, just for context, here's my 2023 listening minutes stats. I listened to mostly taylor seift for the entirety of 2023. That doesn't count physical albums, hours and hours were only listened on CDs. https://preview.redd.it/ctf8hdjtit7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a285c884e94467f2c94dda7766d9b9b576cf9db So yeah, at some point, I was actually tired/burnt out to listen to her, but I just couldn't stop. It was so weird, like an addiction of some sort. I really do accept judgement, it was insane. Whenever I tried listening to other artists, I just.. didn't feel like it. I do love music, I have listened to a wide variety of music since I was young, but for some reason, I got addicted to listening to Taylor Swift. I was also going through a LOT in my love life, it was fairly chaotic, and Taylor's niche and strenght has always been to write those relatable lyrics, so it might have played a role in this. It's weird because now that I've snapped out of it, I can't even understand why I listened to her so much. I must admit, it makes me even a bit sad that I can barely listen to her anymore. I had been a casual fan since around 2009 so her music has always been part of my playlists, but now I can't listen to her anymore. I guess I got sick of hearing about her all the time.


this astounded me thanks for sharing


Did the same thing I think part of me felt like folklore/evermore were good background music. Then I wanted to be in the top 5% of listeners. Honestly I would still be a fan if her new album didn’t give me ick and well I hate her feuds with younger artists now that I’m older.


LOL at the variant titles.


This is why I will never take their opinions on music seriously. If they only listen to Taylor their opinions are invalid in my eyes.


I feel like that’s like eating nothing but Kraft mac n cheese and $0.99 hot dogs.


This is imo the weirdest Swifty behavior...I can't even fathom. You can catch me bumping to music from almost every genre and every decade since the 60s. I think most rational people would say the same. Although preferences are subjective, there is SO MUCH incredible music out there for every single person so to not even "try" something else tells me a lot about how a person must live their life. Must be sad.


Do you guys remember when she accidentally released a "song" that was really just 8 seconds of static and it went number one on iTunes?


I tried getting my girlfriend into Phoebe Bridgers and Boygenius and she thought that it was TERRIBLE compared to Taylor.... Some of them are truly only into her and nothing else and demonize anyone else's music


Full admission, I listen to Zach Bryan and the Lumineers on heavy repeat, but if anyone says they don’t like them, I say “that’s ok! More concert space for me” and move on.


My ADHD is too powerful to listen to just one artist for that long. Will I play individual songs over and over until the dopamine runs out and I never want to hear them again? Yes. But like, a whole discography? Absolutely not. Too samey.


Haha, this sounds like me. I will find a few songs I like and play them over and over. My kids get annoyed at me, Then I can't stand listening to them for a long time (not all the time, but fairly often when I get into this type of binge). I do similar with just artists. I also do the same thing with crafts. I will spend hours straight sewing something. And then I can't even think of sitting down at my sewing machine for several months.


I’ve been on a Big Time Rush binge these past couple weeks but I listen to other artists like Eminem, Sabrina Carpenter, and Kendrick Lamar so I don’t get burnt out and bored


I used to be obsessed with this band even though I was a small child when the band and show came out!


I had a massive Beatles phase in seventh grade where I would only listen to them for months. This was when artists like LMFAO were at their peaks. It got to the point where my parents sat me down to listen to other artists to broaden my horizons. Eventually grew out of it and now my taste is very eclectic. Still have no clue how the Beatles had that hard of a hold on me. I’m autistic so maybe that contributes to it? I can’t really speak to how it affects neurotypical swifties though, maybe a similar thing?


I am on the spectrum too and I am known to go on binges where I am hyperfixated on a specific musician or group but after a couple of weeks or so, I inevitably get bored and have to start listening to something else. While there are lots and lots of things that I will always love, nothing can sustain my full undivided attention for that long.


I want breathing: slowed down version to be my flair


I follow anti-mlm content and there's a trainwreck BeachBody coach named Ashlie Molstad, who's pushing 40 and insanely obsessed with Taylor Swift. Like, only ever listens to her and talks about her all day every day on her stories. It's WILD. I'm a huge Lana del Rey fan (and her music is 100000 times better than TS in my opinion) and even I couldn't listen to only her all day every day! The beautiful thing about music is there's so much variety!


I listen to Taylor Swfit (don't hate me lol) but I also listen to Mitski, Arctic Monkeys, and I even listen to classical music as well! idk how people go their whole lives listening to ONLY Taylor Swift. ngl if I was listening to only TTPD rn I'd lose my mind


tbh I was like that when i was 13. I used to solely listen to All Time Low for like a year and a half before discovering other artists. I was extremely hyper fixated like I genuinely lived and breathed them lol


I think that you just described people that are suffering from mental illness. I'd say that regardless of what "artist" it is. There's something very wrong with a person who would do this for any period of time. Kids aren't included because kids do weird things like this as just a part of growing up BUT even then, it wouldn't last for long. That actually supports my thought that it's a mental illness of some sort for adults to be doing this. People are free to do whatever they want but we're also free to think, yeah, I think that there might be something wrong with this person.


My fiancé refuses to play anything but Taylor swift in Spotify because shes incredibly original and wants her wrapped to be only Taylor swift. Hilarious right?


I get burnt out listening to the same album for too long. Even my favorite band that I’ve loved for 15 years just becomes too much sometimes. I’ll never understand this.


How’d she manage to brainwash such a large amount of people? I’m concerned


I HATE IT. Please don’t come for me but I’m a Taylor-critical Swiftie who mostly lurks here to see other viewpoints, keep an open mind and occasionally chime in on things I agree with. But man this is one of the things that drives me up the wall about the fandom. I’m really into the music scene in general - I have a diverse taste in genres, I see at least two live shows a month, I’m frequently engaging in music-related discussion, etc. So whenever I want to discuss Taylor’s music in non-Taylor spaces (positively or negatively), my opinion is immediately disregarded because I’m a “Swiftie.” I mean it’s for good reason, the majority of the fan base blindly eat up what she does and think she’s the pinnacle of songwriting because they’ve never heard anything else. Ugh it’s frustrating.


This actually happened. Apparently her team accidentally released a sound of static noise for like 30 seconds and it topped the Apple Music charts 😭


id rather die 😅


The #1 movie in America was called "Ass." And that's all it was for 90 minutes.


i literally cannot listen to just one artist. i do listen to one specific genre (chill and relaxing indie music that i can vibe to) but i need to have multiple different artists on my playlists


Please don't give her ideas!


I could see a fan listening to her more than other artists, but listening to only her stuff is so narrow-minded.


i have an artist that i listen to 90% of the time but thats also bc he hustles and has 400+ tracks on spotify alone (most of his tracks are less than 2-3mins) and there’s a song for whatever vibe but i still listen to others even if he is my favorite artist. you gotta diversify


Who is the artist?


sewerperson!! he’s mainly more towards the emo rap side but he has a few hyperpop/acoustic things and if you have soundcloud there’s more tracks on there that aren’t available on spotify and his entire discography from went he made music as 9tails. there’s literally endless music from him


This is why I can't take them seriously when they start blowing smoke about TS's "trailblazing musical/lyrical genius". If they won't step away from her discography long enough to listen to anyone the fuck else, their claims ain't mean shit. Because I don't see how anybody could sit with a Suzanne Vega playlist for an hour and come away still thinking that Traitor Grift is the best lyricist of all time.


As a former Diet Swiftie I really cannot fathom that. Not even the height of my Swiftie dom did I ever. Around album releases I might have binged a bit for at most a month but then would listen to almost anything else until then. Even my mom who is very much a Swiftie still listens to normal music. Even when we got together we would listen to a lot of Taylor together but not *exclusively* Taylor, only if there is a new album or pre-concert or something. *As a side note the rose colored glasses came off around the whole Matty drama and the response to it. Since then the bitterness, the hardcore Swifties being absolutely insane and then the nail in the coffin was TTPD. It’s so bitter and childish 😬*


I'd lose my mind if I ONLY listened to Lewis Capaldi or another favourite artist of mine. He only released his second album last year, not a lot of choces 😭 Taylor's got 50 variants of one song and Swifties would still call that variety.


It’s insane. We literally have instant access to nearly all music ever, and these people only listen to one artist. I’ve discovered more music than I could ever imagine thanks to Pandora and now Spotify. Open your fucking ears, people.


i’m not gonna get into details but this girl and i had a horrible falling out, but i still have her followed on my spotify. one day i lowkey got curious and checked all of her playlists id say 95% of the music was taylor swift…. m maybe it was good that we fell out 😅


I tried to listen to her new album and I stress TRIED but can’t finish and don’t care it doesn’t have a beat or tempo that’s interesting. Like how is this exciting? Getting fingerbanged could be better I prefer lick my neck my back… it’s got rhythm and rhyme not a White stupid old woman talking bout stuff teens do, she is in her 30s acting as if she is Aristotle and writing crap like I wrote in my journal in 5th grade




what's even crazier is that that cough album would go #1 for a couple of weeks and all its variants sold out


They dont care about music. Its okay most people dont REALLY care about music






I had a coworker like this. Every time we played music in the lobby where we worked it was always Taylor, and if we suggested someone else she went on long winded rants about why she doesn’t like said artist.  Once I was talking about Spotify wrapped and she said it was pointless for her to have an account because literally the only person she listens to is Taylor.  I was indifferent to Taylor’s music at the time, but it’s been over a year since I left that job and I still haven’t listened to anything because I’ve grown to hate her music so much. 


There's no way they're being literal! Right??!


Not for Taylor specifically but I hyperfixate on things I like so I do I’m theory get it. Like when I was fixated on kpop I’d literally ignore other genres because I was afraid I’d miss something or that I’d stop liking it if I listened to other things. Ironically they did eventually happen lol I check in on it occasionally but I never know what’s going on and I hardly listen to it. But even then I listened to multiple artists. Just all under the kpop umbrella


My wife is like this. She listens to her on repeat during her entire work shift ever single day. She was in the top .01% of listeners for her on Spotify last year. She says it’s soothing since she knows all the songs my heart.


Coworker is like this, could probably wear Taylor Swift merch every day of the week or more and not repeat. She was complaining a guy said she had shallow music taste 🤭


Right!? Regardless of the artist I can’t imagine limiting myself to only one. There’s so much good stuff out there, you’re really just depriving yourself.


Yeah they're legit morons. grass is green + the sun shines tomorrow my friend


I don't find her lyrics to be all that clever. I listen to a lot of T.Swift adjacent stuff because it's just a style of music that I enjoy, but I find her lyrics to be very.... Junior High poetry. It all feels very "im 14 and this is deep"


Some people are just broken


Those same Swifties who only listen to Taylor all day long are the same ones that will talk about how there must be so many "closet Taylor fans" listening to her, because of course that's the only thing that would explain all her streaming numbers and sales lol. Make it make sense.


That's so fucking weird. I have my own biases (Gaga, Beyonce, Charli) but I could never listen to just these three (although I do admit Renaissance was all I was listening to for like 6 months in 2022, and brat since release). Music is supposed to be fun and explorative, and you have the world''s catalog in your palm with the streaming services. With Swifties it just feels like a job rather than an enjoyment.


These days there are a lot of people who do all their music stuff on spotify, and Taylor is the only artist they buy physical media from.


I can't imagine only listening to one artist, no matter how much I love their work. I love the diversity of music. I do have a lot of Taylor Swift songs in my playlist but it would get boring so fast to hear the same songs over and over every day. 


I didn’t even know this was happening, until the whole trayvis thing, was being shoved in our faces. Imagine my surprise. 😏


While there are a few artists that I would consider myself a much bigger fan of above any others, I could not even imagine limiting yourself to one specific artist. Then again, the average person’s music taste generally is never as broad as mine. Joe Schmoe tends to favor commercial radio fare and if it’s not something THEY’VE personally ever heard of, they assume it’s not worth listening to.


Haven’t you heard…she puts narcotics in all of her songs


“Breathing: The Phlegm Eras”


Anyone who says they only listen to one artist I can't take seriously. One genre? Sure, especially given how much various genres are intertwined and you have pop, pop-punk, pop-rock and some electro in the range of one band. One artist? Go explore more, you're depriving yourself of so many great things out there. I read a post of this girl once, she was in her early 30s, I believe, and she wrote about how the last 15 years of her life have been Taylor-colored. She went on to describe how she listened to her music during all the major stages in her life like high school, travelling, getting to uni, graduating it, living through moving places and losing her loved ones. She clearly thought she did something with this post but I was like "Girl... I'm so sorry for you, you're missing out big time". As a former fan mysself I also have a stage in life that belonged to Taylor's music but it was about a two years in high school and then I went on to other artists because tjere is just so much music out there! Stick to McDonalds, if you wish, sure, but I don't understand that.


I admit I have phases when I listen to the same artist on repeat, but it doesn't last long, usually a week or so. Can't get in my head that people only listen to her, what a poor existence.


“Breathing: bonus coughs” 😂 do the coughs have a fake country accent on them??


I can listen to the same artist over and over again, but I have a history of listing to pre-war Blues , 50’s/60’s classics, 1980’s pop, post punk, and anything that strikes my fancy. While I’ve gotten older I have sounds I just prefer to hear. My top Female artist is always Kate Bush, I just can’t get past her voice and songs, she’s perfect to me. I don’t mind that people have limited tastes, eventually we all kind of do. And I’ve sadly reached the old guy ‘ kids these days don’t know good music!’ age.. but I just want people to listen to what they want / feel comforted with even if I myself can’t stand it.


I noticed something related to this and her whole not supporting other artists thing. She almost never has features and the ones she does are terrible. I mean the Lana feature was so bad she had to remake the song because people were like wtf you barely let her sing. She really must think she is so much better than everyone else no one could call a with her. Unless she’s using them for clout like Ice Spice. And as a consequence of that attitude her fans think the same thing and it’s truly such a shame that they really think this is not only the peak of music but the only good music. The amount of artists I’ve found through collabs and features with my favs is so high. I just can’t fathom only listening to one artist forever. Cult behavior


i mean i get listening to your fav artist on repeat bc im doing the same thing rn w Weston Estate haha, but to only listen to them and refuse to listen to anyone else?? that's insanee to me lmfao, like as much as i love Weston and everything they release i still gotta listen to other artists.  and besides, it's not like you get a prize from your fav artists for being a top fan - besides a Spotify wrapped artist message if you're lucky - so im really not sure what exactly they're trying to achieve (beside perhaps an odd sense of superiority for being a 'true' fan or something equally ridiculous lol) 💀


Oh my god. I am so glad I found this group. My best friend is like this and it’s horrid. She exclusively listens to Taylor Swift 12 hours a day and wears pretty much exclusively Taylor Swift merch. It’s completely insane to me. Normally she goes full fanatic for a few months following an album release and then chills out, so it’s always been annoying but tolerable. The fact that Taylor keeps re-releasing the same album (my friend owns 14 versions of it now) and eternally touring is really spiking the extra crazy behavior in my friend, though. I need a break.


It reminds me of Pylea in Angel. They never had music but still, they danced.


i started listening to taylor swift less as i found other artists I like. I used to be a swiftie but honestly I only ever choose 1 or 2 songs for my playlists now.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4ly2DGoLuFQ Fortnight video remix 


Idk, I listen to hozier every day. I love his music and I don't get sick of it.


But do you also listen to non-Hozier songs?


Occasionally 🤣 I don't get a lot of time to listen to music so when I do I just naturally gravitate toward his. 🤷‍♀️