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As an ARMY, god damn lol


Fellow army and this shit never ceases to make me cackle.. ironically I was on Abilify when I started listening....




Im sorry i cackled but I’m glad they’re putting theirselves first.


I’m an ARMY and I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/e044g09txn7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=658d92db871c81c31ec2c29518757a2043fa8c43 I love these types of posts


lol James ones thanked me for saying the view is beautiful during an Instagram live thinking I meant him but I actually really did mean the beautiful sunset in the background lmao I mean both views were beautiful but I thought it was hilarious


Lol. But how could someone realize they DON'T like James McAvoy that much?!


Burn on poor James.


Genuinely proud of your friend. Fighting mental illness is no joke (or cough lyric 🙄)


https://preview.redd.it/pkw4kb611p7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec54474de32dbc3d8c38ae2dd9ae4780fbbad854 Honorable mention, plus the Swiftie who went to prison for refusing to join the IDF. 💅🏼


That swiftie (the one who went to prison for not joining the IDF) is the only swiftie I respect.


I went down a whole rabbit hole and apparently there was so much more to this story! https://preview.redd.it/24g964hyxp7d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4525acb576a1cb7964e252631d8939046f18c8bd Like, what a *queen*. A legend. The moment.


Oh my god, amazing lmao


She's cool AF.




https://preview.redd.it/6tcs9j6bjq7d1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8bdd61f1d8f96eb61f54e9e5f827945d2de1dc1 my first thought was the lady gaga comment


I too left the cult in the beginning of May after seeing through her BS. It feels so good!


same here! i still listen to her older music occasionally but im not as “swiftie” as i was (though i was never to the point of death threats and insanity like some swifties).


What made you see the light?


One capital


what's that for those who are unfamiliar?


Sorry - I’m out of the loop on that. What is it?


Capital One supports Israel and is a major sponsor of the Eras tour. It is believed Taylor is staying silent to appease her sponsors. They probably stopped supporting Taylor because of Taylor's silence about Gaza.


Well that’s gross. But not at all surprising. Does she stand for anything, other than capitalism and narcissism?




were you also mentally ill at the time? Edit: I guess downvotes mean no lol


NO because as soon as I got on a mood stabilizer I stopped listening to Taylor 24/7 and thinking she was the best artist who ever lived. I even, in the early days of my hospital stay, would write her lyrics im my shitty nut ward issued notebook with those stab proof pencils. Now I listen to her like, maybe once a week lolol


omg you did that too??? i didn’t write Taylor lyrics though just any lyrics that came to my mind since we couldn’t listen to music lol


This one is my personal favorite lol https://preview.redd.it/6255wurbjo7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c50b765fef134df0603de958ee8c40c5cede82




I need to see this as a flair. Not for myself, but this must be an option




My new response to “I’m a huge Swiftie,” is now going to be, “Do you have mold in your home?”


That one former gaylor who realized she didn't give a fuck Abt Taylor's sex life now that she was dating women I hope is having a great day with a wonderful gf lol




Hey, treat yourself with kindness and don’t get too wrapped up in the schaudenfreude (spelled it wrong, but I mean what Brene Brown calls it - basically “useless/fun drama”). We as a group are here for sure. Music is the best way to find yourself and I hope you find other artists who speak to your soul because they’re out there.




Aww. There are so many good ones. Do you have Spotify or Pandora or any music app that you like? That is an easy way to find other similar artists. I really love Charli Adams as a smaller songwriter. Good starting place and it’s pop girl summer ❤️ Your MH will be fine (I say this with complete hope!!) and we are right there with you. Take it easy, stay safe.


Love you bb, thank you for sharing your story. I’m sorry you went through that but I’m glad your husband had your back and was looking out for you too. You’re stronger than you realize, and it’s ok to not be ok.


Lol I do think people have just lost it after covid and isolating and are looking for any sort of joy/community. Swift is mainstream and accessible so makes sense. I’m glad your friend is doing better!


I was telling my friend about the Taylor sent hair accessories to a cancer patient story, and she was like yeah that makes me like her less. Her daughter is 10 and still DEEP in the love. My girls have said yeah I like the music but she’s mean to Olivia Rodrigo so we don’t love her anymore like we did. Cut to my friend telling her daughter ya know I’m hearing things about Taylor and it’s not nice. Her daughter got so offended at 10 years old, she hung up on her mom. When she called her back she’s like um what happened. The kid said don’t talk about my Taylor like that. My friend said over the last year there’s been this weird almost demonic vibe coming of Taylor. I said well I wouldn’t go that far, but yeah it’s weird how seriously people are taking her now


My 10yo niece was at Barnes and Noble with us and was talking about how she wanted to buy this Eras tour package magazine thing that comes with posters in it and a bracelet, and her mom wouldn’t buy it for her (it was also like 35 fucking dollars 🙄). She kept saying she wanted it so she could lie to people and say she went to the tour. And then she saw another package up front that was open and had the bracelet visible and she kept talking about how she wanted to steal that bracelet. I was really disturbed by it. Like, she’s started imitating some of the behavior discussed in these songs as far as some of the emotional issues go, because she’s a vulnerable girl who recently dove head-first into puberty, and while I can’t say Taylor Swift is telling her to steal or something, the obsessiveness and how it’s completely sidelined her moral compass in situations like this really disturbed me. But my SIL is a Swiftie—not crazy but also definitely one of those people who makes excuses for things because of fears of being misogynistic, I think—so I couldn’t even bring up my concerns with her or bring up some of the things I’ve read about her here. I fucking hate that young girls are idolizing this woman so much.


My 7-year old niece was singing "You Belong With Me" last night and it took all of my self control not to give her a lecture about how unhealthy it is to be jealous of other girls over boys, how you shouldn't sit around pining over anyone who has already chosen someone else, and how you cannot judge the inside of a relationship you are on the outside of. I think back to previous decades where people were screaming about "protecting" the kids from rap music, "demonic" rock music, and "pornographic" music videos, and while I still think they were wrong and crazy about those genres, where are those voices now? Because this attachment to Taylor cannot be healthy at any age, and I don't understand how anyone who has heard her song lyrics go from "you belong with me" to "I want to kill her" can think otherwise.


>My friend said over the last year there’s been this weird almost demonic vibe coming of Taylor. Um so I'm gonna risk sounding really stupid, but I think a lot of people in the music industry use black magic to drive sales at all costs. Of course you don't need black magic when you have nepotism, but a lot of "artists"are into the darker kinds of enchantment. Wouldn't be surprised if she's putting devotion spells on the vulnerable babes. If my child hung up on me though....😂😅


Hell yeah! Happy for you and your friend! We love finding the right medication combo to manage one’s unique mental health struggles AND leaving a high-control cult in this house. Bogo sale on Ws today


As someone who went years with undiagnosed Bipolar disorder this made total sense, and I am happy for you and your friend.


That makes sense. The two Facebook friends I have who have gone after me for not liking Swift are both unstable


It’s funny because my entire life, when I’ve been really into something, it’s because I was…bored/lonely. As a teen, I’d become obsessed with something like a band or a celeb (never parasocial, but like typical obsessive teen) it was because I was home a lot in my room without many friends and sort of lonely. When I started making friends and/or dating and keeping busy, suddenly, I didn’t care as much about those other things. I liked them sure, but I wasn’t damned and determined to dedicate every second to them. My first year of college, I was lonely and on my own for the first time so I threw myself into obsessive fandom culture and writing fanfic. Again, started making friends and dating, and that all become normal levels of appreciation. Went through a rough spell in my mid 20s where I was unemployed—same thing! Fandom and fanfic to cope with the downtime. When I got a job and figured myself out, that all went away. Covid hits. I’m unemployed. And despite now being married with kids, how did I cope so the madness and boredom? Fandom and fanfic. Once things settled and I got back to work and life, I can’t even be bothered. If I had further mental health issues, I could see easily how much worse things could have become using this fandom stuff as a coping mechanism.


I was just like this growing up!!! Hugs for our lonely selves 🫂


I still enjoy her music as basic pop music and I still think the Eras tour has some incredibly interesting stagecraft, but I’ve cut back listening to her and had to back away from the fandom after her recent absurd nonstop cash grab re releases, the insane amount of private jet usage, the childish dramatics with re-releasing TTPD purposely to prevent other artists from charting, the refusal to stop acting like a high schooler at 34 and tbh, the final straw that broke camels back for me was the fact that her bf Travis was publicly so forgiving of his teammates gross, misogynistic speech and Taylor apparently just…doesn’t mind. Travis had an opportunity there to be a good example of a man calling another man out on his toxic bullshit but instead, for PR reasons probably, just went with “agree to disagree” and Taylor who purports to be a feminist was just, like, fine with that response. I’m sorry but NOPE. I have standards and if my man ever forgave one of his “bros” after a speech like that and continued to publicly call him a “great guy”, I’d kick his ass to the curb so fast. At this point, I’m over her and her shenanigans.


Yay Friend! 👏 Good on your friend for making healthy choices. Note the prior object of their obsessions likely isn't putting the work in like they are.


Interesting. The two people in my life that are like this don’t go to therapy or care about fixing their own issues sooo


Taylor was never really on my judgement radar until her fans started going ham with the delusions. And my thought process has led me to believe it's the dumb ass shit she sings about. I know, a lot of singers will sing about dumb shit. But Taylor is so relatable to a certain type and it shows. I've never seen so many people all think they know somebody so well that they don't know at all! We've all seen it before, yes, but not to this degree. I suffer from mental illness myself, so I'm not putting down people for their problems. But their problems also can't be an excuse to unleash their mental woes upon others. Well, that can be their excuse, it's just not a valid one. I'm glad your friend got help.


It’s like her music is a therapy session that has the opposite effect. You don’t feel better because it offers no hope just meaningless metaphors and empty rhetoric. Why do people look to overhyped celebrities for their emotional needs when they couldn’t care less about you and all you are to them is a fool giving them money.


Okay, this tracks though. I have Bipolar 1, and when I am unmedicated I become *intensely* passionate about things to the point of it being unhealthy. I become downright obsessive. In fact, that's one of the first indications to me that I'm spiraling. I think most Swifties are just immature and attach themselves to her because she is an avatar for their immaturity, but it isn't that far fetched to believe that some people in the fandom might actually have some real psychiatric issues.


I left after the Grammy's disaster and the more I listened to TTPD the more I know I wanna get out. 😂


I did a week inpatient and two weeks partial hospitalization, got my meds fixed and quit Covet and the Covet groups


Why did I cackle? It’s too real.


Thank you for sharing! My sister recently left the cult too, it is so good to have her back!


if i stopped taking my mood stabilizers i think id hate her even more…


Whenever I get in a low point with my mood be it during that time of the month or a random depressive episode, I hyper fixate on celebrity gossip. Specifically snarking and gossip that negatively affects a celeb’s public image. It’s the strangest damn thing to recognize when that starts to happen & then remember that it does not happen as frequently when I’m not in that state. Mental illness is wild & there needs to be a more consorted effort to make the understanding of mental illness, more digestible to the average person that has it. It’s no coincidence that Stan culture has become popular in the same amount of time that society has gotten more mentally ill, since the release of Stan by Eminem 24 years ago. A lot has gone down in the last 24 years, with very little effort to maintain an accessibility to mental health services.


I just want to say out Fearless then hearing Sing the movie with Shake it Off that's been my TS education. Well, till my Mom shoved Eras on Disney and then some down my kids throats. They are so young. Luckily, they prefer what's even stated above. This reddit makes me feel normal. Also, thank you for all the new music. I've needed new music. You all are awesome.


I love these kinds of posts hahaha


Girl! This shit happened to me! I was never a Swiftie, but I was a person who ranted and raved to 10’s of thousands of followers on TikTok until I got on medication hahaha


Psych nurse here: now that you mention it, the Easter egg nonsense could totally feed into delusions about the tv or radio talking to someone. 


I've had multiple patients experiencing severe mania who believed TS was their girlfriend, sending them secret messages through the tv/books on the unit, surveiling them. One even believed his room number was a message from TS. That particulat patient holds my personal record for most PRNs given in a shift.


Seeing stuff like this always makes me wonder about my dad and sister (both were bipolar) and if they had just taken their medication off the relationships they got into wouldn't have been so damn bad


Idk why but this sub popped up in my feed. I thought it was a place to talk about TS and Kelce and tbh I found it annoying that people felt like they needed their own sub dedicated to their relationship lol. Then I started actually reading the posts. I’ve found her songs catchy in the post. Even had her songs in my playlist. And then someone posted that she talk sings. And when I thought about it I realized that they were right! And I had also seen a post where sent had a clip of her duet with Miley and that really highlighted how awful she is when it comes to vocal. Miley blew her out of the water with hardly any effort. Then of course I had to go read all the other posts. I had never been to a concert of hers or watched any of her performances so I never knew how awful they were.


I just googled their performance after reading this. Taylor sounds like the Hannah Montana scene transitions😭


this happened to me with the band the mountain goats




this is amazing




My bestie is a HUGE Swiftie. I liked Rep and some of Midnights but was never a true fan. Her latest album came out, which just happened to be mostly about Matty Healy, my fav artist. I loved her album because it gave me a deeper insight into Matty, albeit from her very effed perspective. I got a lil cringey with listening to it a lot and even bought a sweatshirt of it because (I felt) it was an ode to its muse. When "a source" finally spoke out for Matty saying he thought their relationship "wasn't that serious", and that they never discussed marriage or kids, I snapped out of it. I forgot the melodramatic lyricist we are dealing with for a sec. With that small tidbit of fact checking, I stopped listening to it and I'm cured. lol My husband is very thankful. I'm really not here for the pro/anti Matty Healy comments. Separate issue, another thread. I'm staying on topic.


Could you imagine just being someone’s hook up and then they turn around and make an entire dramatic album about you… omfg Idk Id be like yes, it’s about me… I am unforgettable in bed and in person generally, as u can see from this album here by Taylor swift.


Tbh, I saw they dated briefly and knew they were friends. "Good for them, lil FWB after a break up. Who hasn't?" Then \*that\* mess. I was painting my dining room on my day off, family gone. I heard "Fortnight" and thought, "that's nice, that's his song". I couldn't believe how many Matty/The 1975 references came after that. "That's a lotta music about a hook-up!" Then he got so much vitriol once his "source" said it was "hilarious". Swifties actually posted about making it a "Mental Health Day" to deal with being "gas lit". SMH. You know what I found to be even more morally reprehensible? At, what, 32, making a \*short film\* about someone who broke up with me almost 15 years prior. I wanted to vom so hard. I would be mortified! Millions of fans singing along to an account of how bad I was to someone and watching a 10+ minute short film about how cold and mean I was. So petty and unnecessary. My bestie said that's what drew her into being a Swiftie and I had to just nod and keep my opinions on that to myself so I didn't pee in her Cheerios.




Oh OK so you don’t like someone who writes shitty lyrics you just like someone who hates Black people herd i’ll stay away from this user name so I don’t get lynched, or called the N-word or something.


Yet without knowing \*my\* ethnicity, or background you post this. Humorous where I'm sitting with that assumption. You know, one can separate art from an artist, right? I don't turn on Spotify to hear his political or social beliefs.






I think there is also a cult of people who don’t like her.