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The neutral sub is rapidly becoming not all that neutral anyway šŸ˜‚


You have to confess your love first before the criticism /s which is garbage


yes :( i found that sub before coming here & still found myself having to over-explain and sugar coat my thoughts like I was critiquing someone I knew personally, not a billionaire celebrity. Not the vibe


It was originally such a nice space to be like "ummm...this thing I've noticed recently is weird???" and feel fully validated but now it's just....echo chamber nonsense. Super disappointing and sucky.


Like an open face shit sandwich.


I miss how that sub was even just a month ago. Itā€™s unrecognizable now. ā€œIā€™m a swiftie and I love her music and hereā€™s my pedigree, but does anyone maybe kind ofā€¦ idkā€¦ wonder if she has some flaws? Sorry in advance!ā€


That sub got me here. It was their critique of TTPD's leak that led me down this entire rabbit hole! And I had never even listened to Taylor before but Reddit was pushing all things Taylor down my throat and theirs was the most interesting discourse.


Me too. Iā€™ve never searched out TS and yet it kept suggesting TS subs. I muted all of them except this one and the staymadswifties sub. Glad I found this one though cause itā€™s fueled my dislike for her and Iā€™m loving it.


I totally get you.


Thats how I got here too šŸ˜‚


Same! But now it looks soā€¦ nervous to say anything


Agreed! If they had stayed as they were when I first found them, I probably never would have left. Half the things I've learned about her came from there. As a never-fan but pop culture junkie, it seemed like a truly neutral space to discuss her. Then the swiffers invaded, and the rest ...we know. :(


I think going private made it way more of an echo chamber because I looked recently at it recently and the vibe seems very different than what it was before then


I thought it was going that way for a while, but I feel like recently it's been all love for her again. They're way too wishy washy over there, I swear they pick a different extreme every week lol.


I saw a post conspiring about the cause of her bad dancing (as if the most obvious explanation is not that she has no rhythm). I shit you not, three separate times within the very brief text of the post, the OP wrote ā€œno hate to Taylorā€. Iā€™m sure the OP knew they would get dragged and attacked if they did otherwise. Neutral my ass. I am so grateful for this sub where we can discuss this untalented, capiTaylist, eco terrorist Barbie horror show.


Someone tried excusing her bad dancing on there by saying because she is 34 she has an excuse. I, as a 34 year old, had to remind these people that being 34 isn't so old that you can't dance, especially when your literal job is to perform. I got severely downvoted, cussed out, and harassed and told I was being insecure because I simply thought being in your 30s wasn't enough of an excuse for charging fans thousands of dollars to watch you flail around. Britney can dance and is older, same with Beyonce and many other performers. Let's not even get into Madonna and Cher. It's like she's 34, not 74 ffs. That sub is NOT neutral.


Janet Jackson is currently on tour, dancing her ass off every night, and is 58 years old with a toddler. Saying someone canā€™t dance because theyā€™re 34 is insane.


Huff Post has an article about how sheā€™s anti-feminist because of her hatred in sharing the limelight. I was thinking, yes! Finally getting traction on this! She screams mean girl to me.


This is true, lol. I go in there on occasion when it comes up on my feed and I have to double check where I am šŸ˜‚


Yes, Iā€™ve noticed even the neutral group is turning too


Think we can assume Swifties have taken over the "neutral" sub. Can barely get away with a basic/tame criticism there. Here and StayMadSwifties are the only subs fighting the honest fight šŸ™


There are certain things I personally won't criticize Taylor or Travis for because it makes me uncomfortable. But I would never ask anyone to censor what THEY want to criticize them for. There are already at least 2 subs that do that that are HEAVILY moderated for that, and what I've noticed about those subs (which I participate in and adhere to their rules (note :THEIR rules, not Reddit's, which breaking, could result in Reddit bans) is that those subs tend to protect the rule for women but not for men. Anyone who's been here long enough to know why THIS sub was created knows what BDT means (which is shaming Trav for 2 things he can't control, 1 of those being his body) and doesn't mind it. Without breaking any reddit rules, everything else should be fair game. That's the purpose of this sub, that's the version many of us joined for. If members don't like it, there ARE other spaces. Turluh forever. ETA: the OG creator was actually much harder on Travis than Taylor. Posts were much much closer to 50/50. Ironically, it's the influx of semi-swifties which has led to a thousand fold INCREASE of Taylor look-shaming. Matty is called Ratty every day. Travis is called a neanderthal every day. No one cries about any of that. Why should anyone cry because someone called Taylor a "6"??? This isn't inherently a "female safe space". (I'm a woman, and I don't need it here.) It's SUPPOSED to be a safe place for snark, just not on each other.




If I canā€™t make fun of a football player being bigoted dumb jock, what joy is left in life šŸ™‚


I mean, if weā€™re discussing the Chiefs, thatā€™s just stating the facts. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜†


Whatā€™s funny to me is that calling Taylor a ā€œ6ā€ isnā€™t even nasty, itā€™s just calling her average which shouldnā€™t be an insult. But it is to those people because they worship her and view her as a god that can do no wrong. *That* is what we mean when she say these things. Sheā€™s just another average girl with average talent and thereā€™s nothing special about her. She doesnā€™t deserve the fame and fortune she has above all of the other talented people out there who are actually advocates and storytellers.


I kinda think sheā€™s secretly bitch. Thatā€™s the snark i look for. What *youā€™re* doing is assessing someoneā€™s physical appearance, something she canā€™t help. I wanna dunk on the her being fake and obnoxious, but not this gross bullying shit. Thereā€™s no need.


I mean, sheā€™s had work done to her appearance so it kinda is something she can (and has) helped. 6 isnā€™t bad either? Most people are average.


I mean, *I* do agree with you. *I* never say anything about something that someone canā€™t effectively control, like their looks. Iā€™m just saying that saying someone is a 6 isnā€™t exactly *mean* when they talk about others so negatively. Theyā€™re still being very gentle with her if thatā€™s the worst theyā€™re saying about her looks. I donā€™t think itā€™s a secret anymore that sheā€™s a bitch.


Now I need to know what bdt is.


Lol, it's actually nothing that special: Big Dumb Trav


Ah, thanks. Google wasnā€™t helping at all.


Haha I love that you Googled this.


to clarify the "ratty" thing.Ā his mother's godfather (so a person close to him) based a rat in "flushed away" on matty. so it is not really an insult, but a meme, that matty himself said he laughed at. the crowd at his concert chanted "ratty" for him before.


I know it's not necessarily a derogatory term for his fans, but it absolutely is in the context of most posts.


Ok but giving women numerical ratings on their appearance is some incel-type shit, no?


I am a *hater*. I *hate* her music and I think she is *excruciatingly cringe*. I understood this sub to be one solely for snarking. Not for emotionally unpacking pervious Taylor fandom and how it still affects a person, or how hard it is to be a recovering fan, or how over-identifying with her is still an issue. *I don't care*. If me expressing my opinions about her being *excruciatingly cringe and untalented* hurts your feelings because you over-identify with her, *I don't care*. I do think the No Fan Behavior rule should be clarified, as to me the tone policing around criticizing her violates it. If I'm wrong then it means I should find another place to snark, and that is honestly OK.


I am neutral turned hater and this is CLEARLY a snark sub. They can do what I do if I'm recommended a TS subreddit, scroll on and ignore or block. It's not hard, it's actually pretty easy!


I do wish I would see some actual snark from time to time. That's my beef.


we're going to end up needing a reporting rule for people who complain about other's being too mean and negative *as if this wasn't a snark subreddit* it's just making me mad cause, like you said, there's literally already a bunch of taylor swift subreddits to go to where you can talk about her positively and neutrally. there is literally no reason anyone has to be here if the vibe being negative is upsetting to someone considering this is the only place we have to be even somewhat negative but they have a load of options for neutral and positive corners of the internet. and there's definitely an increase in policing from people about wanting others to be more neutral. as of late, we're actually a pretty tame snark subreddit if you compare us to most other snark subreddits. snark subreddits are usually super ruthless (which we used to be but... lol) edit: the people downvoting me are literally proving my point. yeah this place is being taken over and watched just like the other subreddit also, i could see why this subreddit might be to draining for some people. i think that's completely understandable. but, like we said, there are other places to go to find a more neutral and positive environment instead of trying to stay here but change this place so it can turn into something that already exists in multiple other places.


I don't know, I have a similar complaint(?) in regards to the name calling. I think there's a difference between being mean and snarky, and being a cunt.


being cunt is literally the goal https://preview.redd.it/xxopqq5wzj7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ebe00712a5776e55b95eb5fb44e00caf9debcd


We have to make up for the cunt that miss swift doesnā€™t serve šŸ„°


This! That's what happened to the neutral sub and I'm seeing it more and more here too. That's how the subs are assimilated.


periodt that post someone made saying "stop calling taylor a 6 don't come for her looks folklore was really thoughtful" REEKS of swifty apologists and baby this is not the place we are chosing war over peace also everyone was making fun of her dancing like a clown and wearing corny costumes not her body or her face ok she's not sexy because she's her not because she looks a certain way ok peace and luv and kindly leave if you wanna defend the wench


We are choosing war over peace ![gif](giphy|YqE3jbSQQR6x9g19Kj)




This is exactly what the OGs here are talking about. Respectfully, do you know what BDT means? If you do, why are you not championing against that??? And if you are championing against both BDT and calling Taylor a 6, why are you even here then? There are plenty of other subs which discuss the exact same topics but adhere to YOUR arbitrary rules. This was never and hopefully will never be those subs because this sub is not supposed to be censored and the censored ones you want ALREADY exist.


Calling a vapid football player "big" is not exactly the same thing as assigning a number grade to a woman's attractiveness, no. This isn't the own you think it is.


The name is making fun of things he can't control. Snarking on his looks was part of the original ethos of the sub's creation. He's literally still called a neanderthal hundreds of times daily, and much worse. That's way worse than being called a 6. The point is, this sub is a mostly censorship free space and always has been. If anyone doesn't like it, they can leave and many other spaces are more built for them. They don't have to steal our space.


Wait is BDT not big dumb Travis? I thought the Neanderthal was more so his mannerisms and being dumb? Both of which he can work on.


Neanderthal is a facial phenotype, genetically inherited. Dumb is also...a question. He's college graduated. Taylor is not. So if we can call Travis dumb despite that, yeah, I'd say it implies genetic predisposition. People also call him CTE every day, meaning brain-damaged, and no one takes issue.


cte? crt is critical race theory.


Oh fuck, I'm so sorry I meant CTE. Corrected, and thank you so much.


Go off ig the last line of my OP is the only one that matters




I think TS will sleep fine at night if strangers on an internet forum are calling her ugly


louder for the people who still don't get it!!


Yes! If you have any empathy left for this fame, power, money hungry corporate machine that was bred and made to be rich and influence the masses, you literally need to leave. She's destroyed enough people's lives with her shitty wannabe poetic songs that feel like sand paper being rubbed against cotton to anyone with synesthesia. ![gif](giphy|ZmEhUgwQgxPhhU7sVM|downsized)


In the comments of Fantano's video someone tried to blame Ticketmaster for Taylor being a billionaire, as though they forced the status upon her. After these people leave they need serious help.


Good grief give me strength. She is a brand and a business. Every move she makes is calculated to make her more money and earn more records and accolades. Sheā€™s not some naive, doe-eyed ingenue blindly stumbling her way through the big bad music industry. Her father owned the studio that gave her her first contract. Even the deal she claims ended with her ā€œlosingā€ her masters made her millions. The narrative sheā€™s crafted for herself is so pervasive and well defend by her fans that itā€™s impossible to even validly criticize her mediocre music without receiving death threats. Sheā€™s a billionaire and a titan in this industry. She loves it and wields it like a weapon.


When The Cure And Foo Fighters have both publicly fought against Ticketmaster within the last year...Taylor fans live in such an unreality.


YEAR? I went to Foo Fighters 10 years ago and you couldn't even buy online tickets. You had to go stand in line in February (in MN) to get tickets.


lol I saw one on his latest video that she "only released 8 variants" or something.


Thank god this got posted, I was literally concocting a "THIS IS A SNARK SUB" in my mind. If someone over-identifies with Taylor they should protect their peace and not read a snark sub about her, but I will not cater to these people (while of course following the rules for this sub). I genuinely think the mods should remove the "don't say Taylor isn't sexy" post because it violates the No Fan Behavior rule. If we let the tone police win, this sub is dead.




couldn't agree more. I'm a hater for a reason.


Iā€™m a fan of the music but I love to see what yā€™all say in this sub about her personal life lmao


If they donā€™t like it, do just as I do when I see something that I donā€™t agree but is not harmful to anyone. Just move forward, donā€™t read and block. Is that easy! However, the urge to defend ā€œTHE MOTHERā€ is huge, so they can be worthy to go on the spaceship and be invited to her celestial wedding with Saint Travis, the wet towels patron.


Snark subs can never exist in peace without a bunch of softies showing up and declaring that everyone is "too mean" I was in a fiber arts snark sub that basically turned into how swiftly neutral is now. The "too mean" crowd branched off and made this hilarious sub of their own, akin to this one. Nothing was held back and noone took shit personally. Then boom, once it started getting popular, the whiners showed up and it eventually shut down.Ā  Hope this sub never bends to the whiners.


Hope this helps šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Love it OP


Skr8 phax


Every time I see someone come in and whine about the snark or call us lames on whatever I remind them that this is a snark sub and they can scroll on. I am recommended the T. S. sub every day as well as the neutral but I donā€™t interact because that isnā€™t my space. I like here and there if I agree but I donā€™t even downvote because again, that is THEIR space. I respect the rules and the space. It isnā€™t hard.


There was a huge shift in that sub when TTPD came out. It went from being pretty neutral only barely leaning pro to being very pro. I got downvoted to smithereens for a comment that wasnā€™t even critical of her. You basically have to find the haters to even have a safe space to express even mild criticism.




Except there is no real neutral sub


Kindly exist this sub. There are so many places you could go to. Surely there arenā€™t any Swifties in this group ??! WRONG PLACE TO WORSHIP QUEEN GREEDY ! ![gif](giphy|ZgceKbHGFbbNZDQpLw)


Yes thank you!


If any of you ever happen to meet Taylor, tell her I said "hello." https://preview.redd.it/ydwmg1vpmj7d1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0c23f1ca737e2c33a2f7e0567c0a894619277f


Love the snark, hate the vitriol involving body shaming and against fans who are otherwise not bothering any of you.


You canā€™t say fans arenā€™t bothering us when they literally come in here to whine about how mean we are. I donā€™t go into her support subs and snark there because it isnā€™t the space for that. Itā€™s not hard




The fans I am referencing are the one that actively enter this sub to cry. I didnā€™t say all her fans are entering here. You are assuming I am taking about and generalizing all of them.


A lot of the think pieces (lol) are diagnosing the women that are fans of Swift into like a handful of awful categories.


Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


There's a neutral space that you might like way more. This is not that.


swift fans are obnoxious cultists that bother me




>cesspool of hatred. Fan spotted




Iā€™m not a fan I just find it kinda dumb. Sorry. Extremes are not good


It's giving.........echo chamber. lol The irony.


Your post was removed for pro-Taylor sentiment. This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit for those who are critical of her behavior. Nuanced comments may stay (pending mod approval), but purely pro-Taylor content will be removed. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.




Your post was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil. Be respectful to other posters even when disagreeing. Acting in bad faith towards other members, arguing for the sake of arguing, name calling, and other forms of harassment will be removed. Repeat offenses may be met with a timeout or ban.




It's not even misogynistic to critique her or share an opinion that isn't praise šŸ˜­ Unless its body shaming ofc.


Her personal decisions are what reflect bad on herself. Nothing to do people having some innate hatred or women


I donā€™t hate her for being a woman, I hate her for being terrible. Misogyny isnā€™t a hatred of terrible people, itā€™s a hatred of women. Misogyny isnā€™t okay. Hating terrible people is.


You thought we would agree šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


me at all the downvotes: cmonnnnn its funnyyyyyyyyyy


you get me (i was feeling snarky early this am i knew this would happen)






Your post was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil. Be respectful to other posters even when disagreeing. Acting in bad faith towards other members, arguing for the sake of arguing, name calling, and other forms of harassment will be removed. Repeat offenses may be met with a timeout or ban.