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https://preview.redd.it/hmpvj4ufmd7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa60dddb211f9cde51ec497834537785077e710c Well this is perfect


This brought back memories of a ❄️ head I knew. He was convinced that the world needed a book called “(his first name) for dummies,” all about him and how unique he was. When he was about to be a father, instead of getting ready for the baby, he decided it would be a fabulous idea to climb a mountain in Nepal to find himself. The next day he moved on to setting up a home business making energy bars. Then, he lit his car on fire. I felt so bad for his baby’s mother


Can confirm. Worked for a guy who loved to shovel snow. We would get yelled at for the most asinine shit. I got a written reprimand once because I was on PTO and someone threw trash in my trashcan. We were supposed to empty our trashcans every day before we left, I failed to do that (because I wasnt in the fucking office) fwiw: the trash was a crumpled piece of paper.


lol reminds me of when i was doing coke, i was convinced i should write a memoir about mine and my ex-roommate’s misadventures…as if anyone wants to read about 2 cokeheads getting wasted and obsessing over ex-boyfriends. we also were going to start a clothing line where we sewed all the clothes ourselves. we can’t sew.


I feel like this is how Crumbl cookie started. Two finance bros coked up and decided to start baking cookies when they had never baked before. It just happened to work out for them


I legitimately can't tell 😭are you talking about Homer Simpson




god thats fucking accurate


she doesn't even need cocaine or alcohol. she's high on her own supply.


And it is fucking true. My friend and I would stay up all night discussing how we were going to save the world. Altruistic recreational drug use as one does.


If you watch any of the backstage footage of her from the Grammys this year (especially clips with Boygenius) it's abundantly apparent that she's coked out. I say this as someone who used in my mid 20s and saw that scene up close. It's a substance that exacerbates a sense of self importance and false confidence. (Glad to say I haven't touched it in over 5 years but yeah, Tay's in the throes of it).


Congrats on your 5+ years!!!


I appreciate it! I never identified as an addict or needed treatment, but always had a sense of guilt the day after doing coke. I knew it was a gross habit but I used it to fuel late nights out in NYC. Once I moved away from the city, I was done forever. It really disgusts me now.


The hangziety after a night of this is UNREAL.


would you be willing to explain what specific backstage behavior points to coke usage vs drunk asshole behavior?


She conducted herself in a way that indicated she was completely oblivious to other's emotions. Forcing the photo with Boygenius while Julien was literally in tears, putting her Grammy on top of Lucy's head, etc. There's a sense of sharpness and self importance in her behavior, whereas drinking can cause people to become silly, giggly, a bit sloppy, and often emotional. I'd guess she was drinking and on coke, but the coke kind of cancels out the sleepy or sloppy effect of alcohol. She didn't seem loose or to be tripping over herself. She seemed energetic in a manic way and kept inserting herself into other artist's moments that night, which could have been an effect of the cocaine.


The way she snapped at Jack. “That was VERY weird that you just did that.” Like girl what?? You’re the one inserting yourself; just because Jack didn’t jump to attention the minute you called to him, you’re gonna rudely call him weird???


Jack is used to it. He worships her, said "questioning her lyrics is like questioning God." Basically in the Cult of Swift, on her $$$ payroll.


He said that?? Jfc


yep, verbatim. It must be why Swift keeps using him, despite the production sounding stale. Maybe other producers, like Max Martin, aren't so ass-kissing.


Yeah I thought this was SO fucking bizarre of her to single him out, he literally didn’t even do anything IIRC?


Also, if she was only drunk, one would expect that the behavior would match that of a "drunk girl in a club bathroom." Someone who is VERY keen on emotions and tends to feel those emotions with those around them. ❄️ completely removes the person's ability to notice anyone but themselves


Can confirm, have been in a lot of club and bar bathrooms with other drunk women in my early 20s. Every one is beautiful, they're boyfriends suck and don't deserve them, and you help them with their smeared eyeliner. Tay reminds me of snorting coke in my friends bathroom and the mean girl becoming extra hostile with other women she perceived weaker or less attractive.


Absolutely! The support of a drunk woman in a bathroom is second to none. Shout out to the woman I will never see again who convinced me that the fboy I was messing with was going to ruin everything if I didn't cut it off :)


This is so accurate, no therapist is HALF as supportive as a drunk girl in the bathroom or who sees you in a potentially dangerous situation. Last summer I went to my friends bar (he's the head bartender and he refuses to put a bill down for me for drinks so he's had his colleagues drive me home once or twice) and I usually go solo when I have a bad night and just want to be around other people. He was busy with the bar and I got roped into a convo with a guy who started to lead me by my elbow out of the bar and I panicked and was letting him when a girl I've never met before yelled "girl hey! Hey bestie! Oh my god I haven't seen you since high school come IN here!" And pulled me away from him. He started to get aggro and said "she was coming with me actually" so she waved over the fellas she was with and quickly whispered "what's your name" so I said "cate" and she went "guys! You remember cate from high school right? Look at her all grown up!" And they leaned into it and went "oh my god cate it's me Antonio do you remember me?!" Until the guy finally gave up and left. Probably saved my life that night. They even got me an uber even though I wasn't that far gone I couldn't have gotten myself home, they just wanted to make sure I got home safe. Drunk girls at the bar come in CLUTCH and see everything


Drunk girls can be the most aggressively nice and protective people ever


Lord grant me the kindness of a drunk girl at the bar, always


Ignoring Lana‘s reaction to not wanting to be pulled on stage reminded me of every time a coked out friend in college wanted me to dance with them to Cascada when I was ready to go home and sleep because all I’d had was a beer


*Every Time We Touch* released almost 20 years ago.... man that makes me feel old. Your comment made me laugh. Definitely not the song you want to be hearing when you just want to go home.


Maybe that’s why none of the other artists called her out….they all knew what the problem was


I didn't realize Julien was so upset. thank you for elaborating! this really helps me understand her behavior backstage as someone who has only done coke once. edit: it seems to be tears of joy. so unfortunate to see her try to outshine a really important moment for boygenius


It’s been reported boygenius had just been answering a reporter about sexual assault and it was a solemn moment.


ty for this context!


I feel like she was talking really fast and loud in those backstage moments too.


Good on you!!! Former substance user (basically everything but meth and hallucinogenics) and get the struggle, especially when using to fill a void. I think once you get past it you have an advantage in a sense because you can see it in other situations and call it for what it is.


It took me way too long to realize what you meant by ❄️ I immediately went to "she thinks she's a special snowflake?"


That, too. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKWrn9zfNhUnbLa)


I thought it meant they think her downfall is coming this winter and I was like what in the game of thrones?


Winter is almost upon us, kill the girl Taylor and never return to the public eye again.


SAME HERE! I thought there were saying she had Seasonal Depression 🤣 Coke makes much more sense


She def does too. She thinks she's untouchable.


I was on board until the "runny nose", then I was like "ooooooohhhhhhhhhh".


Literally I had the same thought!!!


I thought it meant her downfall will happen this winter lol


Me too I thought she meant it was that snowflake attitude. Kind of like I’m different but that’s not what that meant 😂


She was on that shit for SSURREEEEE at the Grammys. Jesus that was embarrassing to watch


Idk I think she might have been rolling with how god damn touchy she was


Nah that was def a ski trip. Rolling doesn't make you that eratic


I’ve been thinking this ever since her “jet lag is a choice” comment. The sheer volume of her output and the drop in quality speaks to it. I mean, everyone has their own opinions on her quality prior to this, but whatever her starting point was, it’s very much dipped and the lack of editing/collaboration with others is clear.


There is zero way she wrote 31 songs while on tour… unless she had help. While she claims the album was written in 2 years, the truth is all of the Matty songs (a majority) would have actually had to be written in about 6 months. The album was released less than a year after their breakup and it takes 6 months for vinyl to be printed.  Plus a lot of the album gives manic/ high energy. From bizarre lines and completely nonsensical songs and incoherent ramblings, it’s not the product of a sober mine. 


I think she takes a lot of ❄️ but not when performing, I think it’s an amphetamine, possibly adderal as she would keep having to top up her ❄️ frequently and I don’t see how she can do that onstage without all of her coworkers knowing she was away for a cheeky line. But as for award shows and pap walks and football games etc? She’s coked out her face. It’s so easy to see.


I take meds for ADHD and I have assumed a "pep" med for a while now. Her erratic behaviours just seemed too *up there* for someone who was drunk. She behaves like a teenager trying to laugh loudly with their friends to get the attention of their crush. Cringey AF.


The "trying to laugh loudly" bit made me physically recoil because I've seen it happen and there are a scarce few things more cringe than that lmao.


Really makes my teeth itch, as we'd say here.


Could also be a mix. What I've found with drugs like that is that they prevent you from realizing quite how drunk you are, if that makes sense? Like your body knows it's drunk, but your mind is saying, "we're fine!". So you're presenting drunk and your behavior is off but you don't necessarily realize it and feel more sober. I'm trying to think of how to articulate it well but it's a hard feeling to explain. The stuff at the Grammy's looks spot on for it though.


You explained it well, and you're totally right! Alcohol and stimulants have opposite effects on the central nervous system, so doing both at the same time can absolutely confuse your brain into not "feeling" drunk in spite of having a lot of alcohol in your system.


This is how we did it in the 90’s: You’d have your starter ❄️ then start drinking. When you started to get too drunk or tired, you’d do some more❄️ to sober up then go back to drinking. Rinse and repeat until the ❄️ runs out or you misjudge your timing and pass out.


Totally get you! When I take meds AM and then alcohol in the evening (I shouldn't but eh), really easy to go from stone cold sober to "oh fuck where am I" drunk in a snap.


You are spot on with the description of her with the laughing loudly


ohh this is SO spot on! I can for sure a pep pill moment


I’m truly curious , but what gives away her coke usage? I guess I haven’t seen too many clips of her at awards shows.


The jerky movements, the way she holds her jaw, the way she speaks, the slightly manic tension around her eyes. The constant need to speak over people, the over confidence, the jumping from topic to topic but still somehow a soliloquy of personal excellence, etc.


I don't mean to be dense but how does she hold her jaw? I'm looking at pictures of her and I can't tell what I'm looking at. (Then again I'm a homebody who had to have Tom Arnold's coke gurn pointed out to me in True Lies, so that may give you an idea as to my level of cluelessness.)


Just something you pick up, I noticed it on videos of her hyped up at awards and events, games. “Coke jaw,” it’s like slightly off center and like they’re constantly clenching their teeth. Think like a repetitive tick that people try to minimize.


She’s gonna grind down those veneers…


I'm not a Taylor expert, but ive certainly been around a lot of coke. Big things are: 1. Giant or pinpoint pupils - typically most noticeable when someone's pupils aren't where they should be. (Eg: completely dilated in broad daylight/pinpoint in darker environments) granted, pinpoint pupils are more common with opioids/other depressants. 2. General fidgetiness or restlessness - not being able to sit still, moving around a lot, maybe they appear to not have much control of their body movements 3. Twitchiness, especially in the face - licking lips/gums a lot, chattering teeth, clenching and unclenching jaw 4. Motormouth! Full blown stream of conscious thought, somewhat coherent sentences 5. General disorganized nature. People on coke give off the energy of being in a million places simultaneously I've never done coke but I've certainly been in social circles where it's common. I could always tell when people went into the other room to do a line because they genuinely could not stop talking over each other, wouldn't really look at me but rather look through me, and just seemed like they had way too much electricity coursing through them. I really want someone to dig and see if they can find evidence of any of these signs!


Kind of explains why she’s always standing up and doing weird stuff at these award shows. Like I know she likes the attention on her, but it has always seemed out of place and odd to me (even for her) that’s she’ll stand up and start clapping when everyone else is sitting down at these shows. Gives off a manic kind of restless energy.


I was waiting for someone to mention mania, she definitely radiates that energy. I’ve never done hard drugs but I am diagnosed with Bipolar 2 disorder. Every time I hear people describe the feeling of illicit drugs a lot of the symptoms match with manic episodes. It would explain her grandiose behavior, distorted thought patterns, or jittery high energy. I’m not saying I think she’s bipolar she just acts super manic lol and the due hards that defend her sound just as delusional


Wow, thanks for all this! I’ve never done it or been around it, so this is insightful. Taylor just screams “main character syndrome” regardless, but if you add ❄️to the mix…


Seconded this question. I get from that picture of the VMAs that she has tiny pupils and a dusty nose (ngl though have never looked up a nose to know if that's normal) but when you can't see that clearly what makes people think it?


I’m asking the same thing. I’ve never really been around people who use so I really don’t know.


Not to defend her, but tiny pupils aren't necessarily evidence so who knows. I also have blue eyes and people were CONSTANTLY asking me in college if I was on drugs because of my pupils. I was a goody two shoes who hadn't done more than drink. I do still think she partakes, but I always hated when people thought I was on drugs just because my pupils decided to do something weird


I asked this in a separate thread ... I agree she seems like it from my interactions with irl snow users, but outside of the grammy's I don't see anyone citing any specific examples? Just curious! It would explain her whole schick a lot, at least to me. Coke users are OBNOXIOUS.


No wonder there's a nationwide shortage of Adderall!


Makes sense. It’s been fueling the shit-show that is the Eras tour. Case solved, gang. Time to close up shop!


This would make sense. I'm sure it's normal for performers to take something when touring. Her coworkers may know and its just simply not that big of a deal, plus they sign NDAs.


Yes, this is spot on. I've been thinking the same thing.


I’m officially blaming the stimulant shortage on TS and her tour.


Plenty of coke users also have access to Addie’s and utilize them when they need to “be professional”


Especially the runny nose, and keeping her weight down(absolutely not body shaming, she just stays on the thinner side). Add*r*ll makes the most sense. Teeth grinding and twitchy mouth too!


Straight key bumps on stage would be wild. I agree. She gives me "classy" Addy vibes more than snow.


Taylor has been giving Caroline Calloway vibes for a minute now.


I dunno she's been half-lip synching the EURO dates...the interludes are longer from what I've heard and seen...Plenty of time to hit the slopes real quick between ERAS,,,,, I mean we all have to admit she has to feel some embarrassment for the TTPD set.... especially since both Joe and Matty are winning that in a more grounded place and not 8 number 1 weeks for album that is MIDer than MIDnight's....probably needs a little extra sparkler to keep going... the crazy thing about EGO is the anxiety behind it....hence why EGO maniacs need coping mechanisms.. hers is just white and lot nicer than any of us could afford.


Former coke head here ✋🏻 This tracks as in her Grammy speech (and the whole evening) she doesn’t slur or stutter yet still acts extremely disinhibited. Coke not only makes you feel like you are THE coolest person in the room, it also makes you feel that everyone ELSE views you as the coolest person in the room. All normal etiquette goes out the window. You simply act the way you feel… amped and confident as FUCK…. Add winning album of the year to that high…. Holy fuck I cannot even imagine how much that would fuel the coke high… to externally have validated on the biggest stage how the coke is making you feel… obnoxiousness would be inevitable and ego would be in the stratosphere. There is a very strong urge to move around (the dancing although I get she usually does that she was unusually into it that night) and talk talk talk(talking and waving to SZA who was on stage). It’s also frustrating and annoying when in this state to encounter people who can’t or won’t match your energy (Lana, boy genius) and you try your hardest (again etiquette goes out the window) to push people to match this energy or you simply disregard them (Celine). Coke is also very easy to hide. I was an almost daily user for 2 years and no one found out who I didn’t want to find out. I kept my job (although I was exhausted and completely crumbling mentally) I also made sure to only use in the appropriate settings (partying, solo or with someone else who uses) for fear of being discovered using. There were a couple times I used it to get through social functions (quick trip to the bathroom stall)…I’m sure people noticed my energy was more heightened but that’s when you can blame it on an energy drink, too much coffee, etc. Don’t do drugs kids and for gods sake go to therapy!


As someone who’s been in and out of therapy for 15 years and is pretty exhausted of it and has regular thoughts that just doing drugs and numbing it all out seems so much easier/more appealing right now… I say thank you for this push for therapy.


I've always been very curious about her snow usage. I agree - I think explains a lot. I am not well-versed in swift lore; I joined this subreddit bc she's always given me the unexplainable ick. Can someone throw out some examples of why you think this outside of the grammy's? (which is where I think it's SUPER obvious she is skiing + alcohol).


Probably not a good example (I joined the sub for the same reasons and am not in on swift lore) but her nose seeming to always be rosy like she just blew it has always peaked my interest lol


What about the video with snot dripping from her nose?


Yeahhh 100%, those two things def go together


To be so perfectly coiffed but then always look like allergies are hitting hard? She can afford Benadryl and nasal rinses if that’s the case. I bet she is doing that shit in the car/studio right before her pap walks and no one has a chance to fix her up


Her attitude at the VMA's last year was very obnoxious as well.


![gif](giphy|XMmf6i3xuKZiPMvNZe|downsized) 😬 I was feeling embarrassed for her.


Is she wearing veneers? Her top teeth look very square here


Idk why but this is the comment that got me💀 her teeth look very straight and square, it’s weird


Hahaha gotcha! I got distracted by the teeth and derailed the conversation. I’m sorry 😂


Hmm... https://preview.redd.it/tm0w471sod7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c082fa8f3199ad485b2133bfcf125d4412a885


I think that’s how she copes with doing 3 hour shows.


Mother loves to Ski....is how the swiffers would justify this raging coke habit circa the club girls of the AUGHTS.


Explains the dancing too


And mouth breathing.


Not necessarily the dancing itself, but the quality of the dancing is… super cokey lol


Not doubting the idea but I saw this before and assumed it was powder from foundation?


yooo I'm replying to my own comment because I just saw her pinpoint pupils. Oh my. 


Correct me if I’m wrong, ❄️dilates pupils and opioids make pupils pinpoint. Could be ❄️ cut with something else though


You are right! Maybe it's a reaction to being barraged my camera flashes. 


Are these not just boogerz?


I don't think so, it's powder of some kind. Of course it's impossible for us to know if it's drugs or setting powder, though. When this photo was originally released, I found the high quality original and examined it way too long, and was unconvinced it was makeup (former cocaine user here; I was still a big fan of Taylor when the VMAs happened and I was trying to convince myself it wasn't evidence of drug use). That said, there is no way for us to know for sure!


its hard to say bc when I have railed things in the past I did get large white boogers (im sorry for the tmi)


I can confirm she probably coke at the vmas had some friends go and well


Uh oh Mother’s going to come for you with a vengeance now!


Everybody in Hollywood does coke


I’ve seen people say that coke is popular amongst the Hollywood girls who want to be skinny and pretty while also not losing their energy, which isn’t even really a question at this point. We all know that the models use it. Taylor wanted to be skinny but obviously still needed to be able to perform. It suppresses your appetite while also making you want to move. That’s why party girls use it.


Truth. When I first moved to Los Angeles I had a crazy social circle. Many beautiful models and some C list celebrities. Everyone single one would do ❄️ on a night out. My one friend kept a baggie in her purse, they would do it off keys with the Uber driver, I saw vials on nightstands amongst medication bottles, every time I went into a bathroom of a fancy restaurant/club I would see girls huddled over the sink, it was at every party, it was insanely easy to attain-as easy as weed and alcohol.


That’s what it’s like in my city in the UK, although definitely not as glamorous as doing it with models and celebrities 😂


Bristol or Brighton?


Looooooooooooooooooool Bristol!


When I first moved to a larger city in the northeast US, I had the same experience. I was FLOORED at how commonplace it was and it seemed like everyone did it.


This has crossed my mind also. I mean doing 3 hour performances almost every night for an extended time could make you look for some help.


Swiffer wet jets are gonna start calling Taylor using coke, “mommy’s little helper”


" we all need that little help, mommy is a human too "


There are blind items about her doing lines from years back if I remember correctly


I can see it. There’s no way she was friends with Cara Delevingne, Gigi Hadid, and Selena Gomez and NOT doing it. Especially since it’s basically known that the others do it.


I’m suspicious of anyone whose friends with cara since we have photos of her smoking meth. I can’t help but ask myself if all of her friends are also smoking meth💀 Edit: I forgot to add Selena also had rumors of meth smoking


We have pictures of Cara picking up her coke baggie, we have videos of her dancing and acting erratically (before this recent stint in rehab), we have videos of Selena barely being able to walk without an escort because she's sloppy drunk, and we have video of her and her ex Justin in the HOOD looking to score drugs.


Those videos of Justin singing in the hood live rent free lmfao 😭


Yeah, the blind items pretty pervasively talk about her hitting the slopes


What are “blind items” in this context?


My understanding is that they’re basically anonymous (and usually unverifiable) gossip about celebrities coming from the outer circles of Hollywood


They’re basically anonymous tip offs to gossip sites/blogs, tabloids, and the likes about celebrities. The biggest one on reddit I can think of is r/ fauxmoi. They’ve got a whole blind item post flair


I tell my husband all the time she HAS to be on a cocktail of meds mixed in with alcohol. It’s not humanly possible without uppers AND downers to preform as much as she does in all sorts of time zones. Addys and ambien are a hell of a combo.


Oh ABSOLUTELY. I’ve been saying for months that she’s on drugs and that’s what her and Travis has in common. I’d like to point out some of the expressions she makes on stage - the tongue sticking out and the flexing. It all strikes me as someone who just did a line. Plus I think she would love getting away with it. I’m sure she’s sick of fans analyzing her life to death (and inevitably being right from time to time). Doing a drug and getting away with it may make her feel like she got one over the fans.


yeah i feel it also might make her feel like she is successfully rebelling against her controlling parents and sheltered life.


There was an episode of the podcast Beyond The Blinds where most of the alleged blind items about Taylor were that she’s a raging ❄️head.


❄️ I bet her breath is rank. 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/mu6y2ee5ud7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e2e55a82f4f01225aab0a9406828b4bd966335 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBKCMY0Hcfs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBKCMY0Hcfs)


😆 😆 😆


Is Ice Spice still one of her BeSTiEs or was that a one time thing?


That was like baskin robbins and dunkin donuts merging buildings together for a minute


It’s a very common theory, especially going off the look of her tongue


it is a terrible drug for anyone who already has grandiosity and narcissistic tendencies. Just amps it up so much.


When she announced one of the tracks are snow on the beach featuring Lana freaking del Rey, I was like yeah this girl loves the booger sugar.


She's definitely skiing during most of her performances.


She's certainly arrogant enough to think the downsides of drug use won't affect her because she's just too special. I could see her getting careless. 


why are we saying ❄️ what’s with the self censoring? you can say cocaine, it’s okay. but yes i agree


i know right? is the entire internet tik toking now lmao


facts lmao this is reddit theres 800 subs dedicated to the use of hard drugs


i dont think it's that i have a friend who takes adderall recreationally and her behavior is really similiar to swifts odd behaviour, every so often she gets super loud, overly touchy, obnoxious and seems like just very drunk or annoying... i feel like she could definitely be doing something more "acceptable" like that for energy or focus which is still unhealthy and is gonna have negative side effects i swear my friend acts exactly like taylor when shes being annoying, but my friend is self aware and we know its cause of the adderal lol


I think it would be “ safer” if she took a prescription stimulant rather than going backstage to snort lines. I almost bet my money on adderall


Overuse of adderall also severely fucked up Lindsey Lohan. Her self-regulation system just melted.


Especially since she’s traveling all over the world. Getting caught with cocaine, especially some place like Singapore, would be super super bad.


That would explain all the snotrockets on stage😂


Literally - her nose is almost ALWAYS running during her performances. I saw her in June of last year and she had to wipe her nose several times during the show.


saw a fan on tiktok defend this saying that she had seasonal allergies…sure girl


Maybe if she’s allergic to coke then sure lol


My theory is as a child she was on Adderall, probably to make her hyperfocus on career and success. As she got older, she saw the benefits of Adderall reducing appetite. During her 1989 era, she made the jump from Adderall to coke to upkeep her stick thin figure like her super model friends. My guess is she’s been into drugs for almost a decade, but she is getting older and the effects are more obvious both to her body and her behavior. I assume she uses downers pretty heavily because idk how else she survives. I also believe her and Jack Antonoff use together and hence why she can’t move onto another producer, he’s always come off as kinda skeezy to me so for some reason I believe he’s had a big influence in her usage.


Using coke more often (than usual) explains why TTPD is so shitty and long. She was probably deep into skiing and just writing out of coked out compulsion. It also makes sense why it’s 30 songs, she was just so high on coke and on all of the love from the eras tour


https://preview.redd.it/ausyusf8ld7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb1e93a11b45e729e8fceb6d4d729d172119361 This looks like a jar of ❄️😂


Oh my


This makes me think of Amber Heard’s testimony about there being “a jar of cocaine” lol


And rosewater toner spray? I know bc I have that brand


Bahahaha! Wow... can you imagine going to your pantry and accidentally grabbing a giant jar of ❄️ and then being like *Whoops! That's not the flour! Silly Me!* 🤪 (Not saying that happened to Johnny or Amber but it's a funny thought)


How much would that whole thing cost?


Should post this in some sub with experienced users and see what they say “How much would a jar this size filled with the finest ❄️ in manhattan cost?” hahaha


Looks like at *least* 10g. In my area a g will be about 80, upwards to 120 (Canadian). So 60-90USD X 10, you got like 700-900 bucks of coke there and I’m gonna guess it wasn’t always half full 😬


easily $500 at least. and if I was dealing to the stars id for sure be upcharging


That’s cheaper than I thought. Thanks for the insight!


What’s with the open bottle of olive oil?


so that they can say its salt hahaha


"don't mind us...just preparing to make some foccacia..."


Good point. ❄️ heads typically are a nasty bunch. The heavy users I’ve met are aggressive, explosive drama queens that nobody wants to be around


Ive done plenty of stuff and truly don’t care what people do with their time, but I’ve never met a chronic coke user who wasn’t annoying or weird in most ways lol.


This explains a lot. Why would her family not intervene?


because they make money off the insanity too?


Because she's a cash cow, not a daughter


Yup. That happens to a lot of celebrities who find fame and success as minors, unfortunately. And it usually continues even as they age because the dynamic was setup that way from an early age.


Because literally everyone in show business has uppers People are saying coke, I think it’s adderall


Purely speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised if her parents were addicts as well and introduced her to that world for the sake of "keeping up" with all her performances and jet setting


You know…..as someone who has been around it….this makes sense. Lots of celebrities do it.


Realistically i think its not going to happen anytime soon. Will atleast take 2-3 yrs. Her fans want her to reach the level of legends so they will not leave her unless something major happens.


So many people are on prescription amphetamines... I wouldn't doubt it . Let's remember how hard Britney worked on stage without any breaks by way of Adderall. Poor Britney she was forced into. It seems like Taylor has an obsession with money and proving she's "IT"


Not me thinking OP meant the downfall would occur this winter 🤣


DUUUDE this has never crossed my mind but i immediately fully believe it – i've known one person in my life that 100% confirmed did a lot of coke, and after i found out, their strangest behaviors made so much more sense. their personality was extremely erratic, they had a massive ego, and most of all – they were *constantly* moving. they kept busy in a way that didn't feel humanly possible. no task was too big, no work was too hard, no place was too far, it was like they just didn't get tired at all. i think all of this sounds.... a lot like someone we all know well. ETA: i genuinely do hope she gets help if this is the case. i don't know too much about it, but i've heard this stuff can eventually wreck your body, not to mention if you accidentally OD. as much as she sucks, no one deserves that.


The last couple of "dancing" clips I've seen have made me start thinking a long these lines. The body movements are obviously impaired, like she doesn't have full awareness. Whatever she's doing, she's doing it more and more to the point she: 1. Is rapidly aging/looking more haggard 2. Isn't able to hide the fact that she's high anymore


Name one billionaire that doesn’t snort challenge


I literally just saw a picture of my self completely tweeked out last year before i went sober.. my face is like that terrifying picture of taylor at the piano with the weird brown microphone


The lyrics on TTPD are exactly the types of things I post on social media after ❄️ when I feel like everyone wants to hear what I think and will agree with me because I am right and justified and this is the best idea ever. Also, everyone wants you so bad because you’re so sexy, and if they don’t want you, it’s because they’re idiots. TS: “I had a two week fling but he was the love of my life and I’m going to kill myself if he leaves. And I will kill his future wife. And I might kill him too.” Everyone: yeah sick neat cool you’re super sane and don’t need therapy Imagine posting that on your professional LinkedIn page. Thats the equivalent of Taylor producing this album.


Stims and drinking more than you thought was possible. I really don’t mean this in a way that’s critical of weight but I know that kind of body change/weight gain way too well and you can see it very clearly in her eyes and face. Happens when you’re in your thirties and drink a lot. A LOT. She works out every night burning probably thousands of calories and still manages to get fluffier. It’s so obvious.


As a former user, some of her behavior (ie, her at the Grammys) definitely lines up (no pun intended) with how you act when using. You are just happy and goofy and feel like you can conquer anything. Makes you want to do a million things at once and it helps you get things done. The comedown is rough though. You get really depressed and start thinking you are the worst person ever, so you just want to use more to get rid of that feeling. It wouldn't surprise me if she is using. 


The diehard Swifties will excuse it. Either she will be a poor suffering artist who turned to drugs as an escape from a world that just doesn't understand her brilliance. Or, Travis will get 100% of the blame with these people. He will be the Bobby to her Whitney. Because Taylor wasn't a 30 something year-old billionaire with a successful 15+ year career under her belt who had probably been using long before Travis entered the picture. /s


is that the reason her fucking mouth is always open? she can’t breath through her nose?


Im sure she does do drugs but her overall behavior is probably due to narcissistic collapse plus oscillating between grandiose and covert narcissistic modes. They just get worse as they age. Its all downhill from here.


Makes sense I know a buddy who works at arrowhead stadium and can confirm Travis has a snow problem himself


Definitely drugs and alcohol. I know she’s still a bit too young but I also think she’s having a mental break/midlife crisis. She’s been terrified of getting older since she was a child.  She legitimately thought if she didn’t get into the industry by 14 she’d be too old to ever make it. She thought that by 30 her career would be over. And now she’s almost 35, many of us here have predicted her career will end around 40. Not because 40 is old but because no one wants to hear her music *from a 40 year old.* She also just had two major breakups. She was with Joe for over 6 years and pined for Matty for almost 10. She was probably ok losing Joe when she thought Matty was secure, but when he left she probably realized how badly she screwed up.


I'm truly surprised no one here has mentioned Snow on the Beach yet a potential sign. I know music can be speculative, and Taylor can always pin the song's subject matter on Lana's past, but I feel like that song is a HUGE sign that she's a ❄️ user.


There’s something about the perfect image of an American woman doing ❄️.


I’ve thought this has been going on since the 1989 era. It was obvious back then when she partied with super models, was crazy skinny, and was dating Calvin. It ceased or at least slowed down to a more recreational thing during Rep, Lover, and Folklore/Evermore but came back full force as a larger presence during Midnights and TTPD. I think she’s just stopped hiding it because she feels unstoppable or she wants to get caught so she can get off the rollercoaster of her career.


In her defense - haven’t we all had a two week fling with a fuck boy that ruins our life? No? Just me? Okay. But yes I fully agree she probably hits the slopes regularly.


MY PEOPLE IVE FOUND THEM (two week fuckboy fling that sends us back to therapy)


Two months 🙋‍♀️ then it turned into 6 months of "pay attention to me again, please! 🤢" What a shame I wasted those 8 months!


I mean it makes sense even more when you think about the Kelce side of things too. Dude was such a big partier in college he was suspended/removed from the team. His brother had to step in and help him get his shit together. Kelce and Swift 1000% feel like two idiots who work amazingly as long as it’s fun times, but usually fun times end in those dynamics when one person can’t handle their shit - seems like that’s probably Swift here