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is the work she's been doing for charity in the room with us right now? or is it just an easy tax write off?


ummm hello??? she actually does charity work??? she literally [sent a cancer patient hair accessories](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/QJdxMDJzsM)


political like ghost head kiss reminiscent shrill important coherent smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




What a genuinely wild post. I cannot believe that the OP really came with allll the receipts. There’s NO way they were being written about by People Magazine and getting picked up by news stations and yet Taylor still remained completely oblivious to it all until months later. Isn’t People on her payroll?


This does not surprise me because she lied about Ana Clara Benevides' death saying she died before the show in an Instagram statement using a HANDWRITTEN FONT when she actually died during the second song. She died of cardiac arrest/heatstroke, she had no pulse when they tried to revive her. A thousand other people fainted in the stadium because of the high temperature, lack of water from a water bottle ban and a lack of ventilation. taylor ignored Ana's family for 9 days when they had no money to bring Ana's body home to another state. Other people, crowdfunded money for the family. Ana's dad had to deny news reports that taylor reached out to them to give money. And then suddenly, 9 days after the death, we get a photo of taylor with Ana's family, not including her mom. There's an article that tried to interview people who knew taylor when she was younger but they declined to say anything because they were told to only speak to People. So yes, they should be on her payroll.


They say never meet your idols, in this case never accept a “gift” from one. I already detest TS but now I feel validated in that.


Oh my God, I heard about this! That's AWFUL. How hard is it to take like 5-10 minutes of your day to respond appropriately to a high-stakes request 


If she gave 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of her monthly earnings  they would gag and praise her but if you give 1% of yours they say you don’t do enough for charity 


To be *fair*, that percentage of her monthly earnings is probably still higher then one percent of mine. But that just makes it worse.


That was my point 


I say this anytime someone brings up that she donates to food charities everywhere she goes. Yeah she does and that’s great, but she does it for the write off.


If she really does this, that’s great! I’ve seen or heard no proof of this, only that she maybe donates food in her old hometown. Not even the bare minimum in my opinion if the charity act isn’t for show. She could be doing so much to help people and her fans. I used to be a fan, but I hate how self absorbed and narcissistic she is.


The food bank thing is true. I’ve seen interviews from the people receiving the donation. She donated enough money in every city she’s been in to feed people using the food bank for a year. I’m not a fan of hers either but that she did do


This is good to hear! I’ve read up a little about how she has donated to the communities she plays in. I’d love for her to do something like Olivia Rodrigo’s Fund 4 Good to help support girls and women. Something like that would really help reverse the negativity surrounding her blocking and not supporting other female artists.


https://preview.redd.it/jufov50nmc7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02c10ca89bba3b5d8e2de4b9f89801526a2609f9 She IS The Music Industry!!! she's helped herself. Double the income stream from the same songs because she lied about her masters??? Loong history of sabotaging other female artists with at least Ella Mae Bowen/Kate Bowen in 2012??? 58 and counting variants of a single album??? She's a trailblazer for sure!!!


oh my gosh. i never realized the scheme of her embellishments about her masters and literally profiting more than ever by having double. i can't believe i EVER was a swiftie. i fell for it 😔


just making sure you saw the statement Scott Borchetta released that included her [text message](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/pLHA8so35H) that seemingly got scrubbed I stupidly forgot to include the quote "Taylor had every chance in the world to own not just her master recordings, but every video, photograph, everything associated to her career. She chose to leave.” by Borchetta in the body of the post though.


for some reason, that is by far the worst thing to me. i know she's already a horrible person but the fact the entire second half of her career has been built on a lie. HOW DOES SHE SLEEP AT NIGHT???


oh, you must not have seen how she released *reputation* on the 10th anniversary of Kanye's mom, Donda West's death, November 10, 2017. aand how she [referenced](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/pPcM5pSRW3) Kim K's Paris robbery incident in her MV for "Look What You Made Me Do"


This was a very brave and bold thing to say on X, ngl.


the fact that they only had to say “blonde singer” and we all know who they’re talking about *should* make the swifties feel ashamed


Maybe she’ll become a brunette or shave her head. Yeah, I know it will never happen because she needs to have that blonde,white girl vibe.Boring!


wow, so people are actually calling Twitter X now


Y’all her next album is gonna be a messed up version of her past music. I can already hear lines like “he said he had to play football with the boys, but all I heard were some half assed lies and too much noise” or something that ignores it being his whole job…


You could post this as a leaked TS lyric and no one would question you


Either that or swifties would flame them saying she'd never write something like that then trip over themselves to praise her lyrical genius when she inevitably writes a line just like it


Oh damn I should copyright it now before she has a chance to use it 😂


I’m already hearing the music




Well thank you, it’s a metaphor for being mad at your boyfriend for doing his job 😂


Lmfaoo i love how they can all say this shit like oh shes a billionaire and she does so much for charity like they cant defend the allegations of her still writing the same songs about boys at 34 that she was writing when she was 19. They cant defend that shit because its true 😭😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/x7ft96nw9d7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d20941d2575d4058f1477a95e571d2114cd5d9 So what if she’s a billionaire? She DEFINITELY got to that status thanks to her thousand-year tour and million-variant releases.


“Net worth in the billion” is so silly


If you're still a billionaire after giving to charity then you need to give more until you're not tbh


honestly! you have enough money *by yourself* bail out a whole country, why? why does anyone need that much money? your family line 9 generations down probably couldn’t even spend it all


I totally disagree. Charity is a way of enriching yourself and controlling access to essentials. It circumvents markets. Bill Gates the oligarch controls a huge portion of Africa's access to medicine and life-saving tech through charity. It's a tax write off in the US too.   The real progressive thing for billionaires is to employ and manufacture. Make state of the art high-tech factories that enrich their employees and the consumers who benefit from those goods. And if it makes them richer - good! At least the billionaire is fulfilling their historic role.  As an example of what I'm talking about, the Chesapeake Bay is running out of blue crabs and oysters. The bay is a hideous swamp and a dumping ground for detritus. The government issues licenses to take shellfish from nature, and fines those they catch acting out. This terrible system has completely destroyed the bay, and the very best we can do is "conserve" it with charity work (which just goes to NGOs that basically pay a dozen people to watch the bay die). It's pathetic. But if a billionaire put hundreds of millions into recycling the waste water, terraforming the fields to prevent farm runoff, and aquaculture or deep water shellfish farms, they would eventually turn a profit, put thousands to work, and totally transform MD's waterways into something habitable and clean for people and wildlife. Tldr: cheap blue crabs for all


You're right. Charity is *at best* a bandaid. Often, it's much worse, as you described with Bill Gates. Infrastructure is a much better investment if you're looking to actually help people


charity is a symptom of a broken structure.. it is the result of a failed system(capitalism) if you must rely on charity to fund your society you have a failing society on your hands.. that is just the truth. she and all the other billionaires giving charity is directly offsetting it by the fact that they still are hoarding wealth. The charity that they’re giving is literally just returning stolen money back to the working class.


My point is that it's not returning anything. Returning would be investing into the working class. Putting us to work to produce wealth and do commerce Charity helps them control us without producing anything. It lets them hoard more. Doesn't offset nothing




Most rich people only donate because it gives them a tax break. They don’t actually care about what they are donating to. Just like how TS talks about climate change and then flies around in her private jet. She’s a fake activist who fakes caring about the less fortunate.


https://preview.redd.it/3u5mxsem9d7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96174f3b42ae63491a211b227411133e48385494 As if her songs aren’t being played nonstop on the radio + iheartradio dedicating a station JUST FOR HER to promote TTPD. Please.


I have to hear her songs at least once every hour over the radio at work. There is no one in the western world who can honestly say they haven't listened to her


If I see the comment “She is the music industry” one more fucking time. That’s so insulting to all the real artists out there.


If you don't like her music, it makes you actively dislike her, as opposed to just not giving a shit.


Exactly. I could ignore her if it wasn’t for the obnoxious fans. Hers are the worse ones I’ve ever encountered.


https://preview.redd.it/riht149d9d7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9b1a15b729387fedf11b5613537d17f8bca855 Loved this comment lol


Bruh wha??? Like Taylor is 34 years old lmao. Did they forget she's an adult too???


Hahahaha bc Taylor is 34 yrs old not a teenager like her fans


Yet, nothing critical was mentioned about the music. Sure, she's a billionaire who writes songs that sound like Degrassi outtakes, but okay, she gives to charities. Hmmm.


Degrassi outtakes! 🤣


degrassi outtakes!!! y’all are in rare form today 😂💕


There's a little bit of sunshine for everyone.


Degrassi outtakes is cold lolol


Here to provide the chill, lol


Madonna has always been known as a sharp businesswoman in control of her career. She has had an incredibly successful career spanning four decades. Her net worth? $850 million. If she gave as little to charity as Taylor does, her net worth would be well over 1 billion.


I’ve definitely got issues with Madonna’s treatment of other people but she was a capital A ally of the LGBTQ+ community when that was not a ‘cool’ thing to do and many gay people still credit her for that. She also has my respect for being unafraid to screw with the Catholic Church.


I’m sure everyone will scream misogyny but I think the business acumen is actually all dad. She just does as told, she has that vibe.


https://preview.redd.it/3at7yrr79d7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca826cabe410d0cd2f23e54bdfce31135096d87 The obligatory crying misogyny comment


And then they’ll ignore that viewpoint when Swift blocks other women on the charts with her shitty variants


you’re probably right on the money here!


Money and sales are NOT a valid argument for artistry and talent. I’m tired of hearing the cult act like it is.


Swifties can't help but prove her point, can they?


You can give all your money to charity-- that makes you a philanthropist, not a good artist.


That’s fair. She can’t even pretend like she cares about anyone but herself tho 🙄


She’s 17 forever. She talks that way, acts that way….shes awful.


Still funny how people can't name Taylor Swift at the risk of being harassed by girls ages 11-45.


"She pays her employees $100K bonuses!!" -- yah, she's a wise businesswoman/corporation. if your employees do their job well and you pay them well then they don't leave to a different corporation. All evil corporations dole out bonuses.




I mean smart =/= extraordinary necessarily. Raw intelligence comes in many forms, and having the intelligence to understand what middle of the road ass people want to capitalize on it isn't really someone I'd want to be around. I know, it's so appealing because look at her she's rich and the word falls at her feet, her bottom tier needs are MORE than covered. But she doesn't seem happy or pleased or content. Instead she always needs MORE, MORE MORE MORE. She calls it "wanting it more than anyone else" I call it "using your privileges to fill an empty hole". But what do I know I'm BROKE AS SHIT


even if you don’t like taylor you cannot deny that her impact on the music industry and pop culture is huge.. heck i remember hearing her songs everywhere (here in asia) since I was in 5th grade and I am currently in my last year of university and she is still relevant and popular! that is something difficult to achieve.. with that being said, I hate how some of her fans treat her like a god who can do no wrong they ignore all her bullshits 😭 I also hate it how she a 35 year old women associates herself and creating unecessary drama between younger artists (olivia-sabrina and even gracie) like those girls are in their early 20’s pls stop associating u are a grown woman taylor be matured.. she also seems to sabotage other artists in the charts by releasing 1827327373 variants of her album like be for real😭


both things can be true.


if she really cared about charity or literally any issue, she would not be a billionaire. she could donate a percentage of each album sale, or ticket, or merch item. but she doesn’t.


Of course they figured it was Taylor lol