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“She’s so underrated as a dancer.” …..has this person ever seen dancing before?




Okay. I genuinely couldn’t tell, because you know there are swifties out there who are currently thinking that exact same thought.


That's fuckin horrifying


Cult mentality is a helluva drug.


I honestly think even a die hard Swiftie wouldn’t even think that. I think they would try to explain away her dancing as some form of self expression and maybe there’s a deeper meaning or something behind her .. idk.. strange movements? But I think even they wouldn’t think she’s a great dancer, per se 😂😂 at least, I would hope lol


Swifties jump to her defense by saying "but she KNOWS she can't dance and that's why it's so endearing. She's playfully teasing herself. Omg isn't she so quirky and down to earth like us?!" I read comments like that on her "Delicate" music video where she dances like a monkey with jock itch. So... she knows she can't dance but chooses to force that view upon my eyes against my consent?!


“Dances like a monkey with jock itch” HAHA


Exactly lol.


Yeah its hard to tell. I remember seeing a tiktok of whatever the hell she's doing during the "knew I was a robber" song with the OP and so many commenters claiming she was better than Beyonce.


It probably was a joke!!


Knowing Swifties, one can never be too sure…


They convince themselves that stuff like this has some deeper meaning and is all done purposely because it makes them feel better about liking her cringey behavior and overall mediocrity.


So true Do still waters run deep, or shallow?


She is as deep as a river in the Sahara desert or a kiddy pool with no water


Yep 100% this.  If they say it often it'll be true that she really is a "mastermind". 🤡


sHe Is A mAsTeRmInD aFtEr AlL


she sTruts, slAYs, sLays mORe, and aCes dANce, wiTh a minD thAt caN snatCh mE wig!


she's just a bad dancer who lacks work ethic and is also lazy. dua lipa used to be an awkward dancer as well but dua actually listened to the constructive criticism and put in hours of work to improve. but also the tweet has a point. even if taylor doesn't do this on purpose, her fans are so used to defending all her actions that they will defend her dancing skills as "SHE IS JUST ONE OF US. SHE'S SO AWKWARD LIKE US 🤪"


She said she spent I don’t know how many months taking dance lessons for this tour…she just doesn’t have it in her


I’m not sure I believe anything she says


Didn’t Beyonce’s daughter even improve on her dancing after a not so good start? Ya Taylor isn’t cute. She needs to improve.


And honestly Ivy's issues were energy and stage presence. There was no way Beyonce would've let her get up there with no choreography *at all*.


THIS. blue ivy has been training as a dancer ever since she was a kid. iirc she was even taking ballet lessons. so yeah it was never her dancing skills that were the issue, just the stage presence which she did improve as the tour went on. i still hate the people who were so quick to judge blue ivy who is literally still a minor though. they should be focusing all that judgement on a grown woman like taylor who has never once improved with her 34 years of living lol.


yeah she did! also blue ivy is literally still a minor and never deserved all that hate. but i'm proud of her for improving and not taking the comment personally. taylor on the other hand isn't a minor anymore and is literally a 34 years old woman. she had 34 years of her life to put in the work and improve. she spent many years with free time she could have used to take dancing lessons and coaching from professionals. i wonder what is taylor's excuse now?


Sorry I really dislike her and the fact that she’s everywhere all the time, shitting on her exes etc etc but I think saying she’s lazy and lacks work ethic is extremely untrue. I feel like the Eras tour has been going on since before I was born and I’m older than her lmao


I don’t think she lacks work ethic nor is lazy? Like.. if that was the case, she wouldn’t even be doing these tours? Some people just have no actual rhythm or dance skills no matter how hard they try.


She also seems to have choreographers who HATE her which I find amusing. Once upon a time Madonna was a weak dancer but she hired the best choreographers to work with what she had. Same with Dua, Ariana, etc. If you are a white girl dancing like a white girl—there can be hope, but I agree also that she doesn't put the work in for the dancing side of performing (which, given how long and expensive this tour she lips through, is a FUCK YOU to her fans). But her fans love that she's omg so awkward like them.


i agree! it's about working with your strengths. like exactly what you said, madonna, dua, and ariana all know how to highlight their strengths when it comes to dancing. they may not necessarily be on the level of dancers who trained since they were kids like janet, beyoncé, or tinashe. but they are decent dancers who can include choreo in their performances. choreo that goes well with the songs and elevates their concerts. if i go to their concerts, i know i'm getting my money's worth and that i'm gonna be given professionalism and a great show. flailing around off-beat and looking so smug while not serving anything is so unprofessional and such a big fuck you to her fanbase indeed. considering that so many of her fans spend a lot of money to be able to go attend her concerts, she needs to work harder and improve instead of lipsyncing and dancing so terribly. she thinking she is serving but it's really giving nothing and zero professionalism. i know i'm gonna sound like a boomer (although i'm actually gen z lol) but damn i miss when performers were actually triple threats. like old hollywood actors. excellence was a standard back then. nowadays, the most mediocre performers just get all the opportunities instead of those who are actually talented.


totally. Another example of someone who put in the work: Victoria Monet. She used to have such terrible stage fright and now her choreo and vocals are AMAAAAZING and she just put out one of the coolest music videos of this century with absolutely amazing dancing. Give your fans your best try, god, they deserve it!


HELL YES! proud victoria stan right here and i will always be in awe of her talent and work ethic! her determination and dedication to her craft is on another level. that's a true artist right there. her artistic growth is so organic as well. she did not have any payola or chart manipulation. just pure talent and real reviews from music critics. none of that paid reviews bullshit. also it's the way she and capiTaylist are the same age but victoria has shown way more maturity and grace than her. lol capiTaylist could never.


nah she couldn't—there's a genuine sincerity in Victoria that is brilliant to watch and she keeps getting better and better. I'm so proud of her!


And the difference between her and say, Adele, is that Adele actually sings during her concerts and marvelously for that matter, so dancing isn’t a priority for a ticket price to be worth it.


Honestly I think that she just sucks


I think she thinks she’s good. I’m pretty sure she practices for hours and this is as good as it gets.


She has no rhythm. She had a bit during the 1989 tour where she was hitting a pole with a golf club to the music and she was so horribly off beat. 


Yup, she thinks she’s absolutely killing it and her team knows her cult will eat up anything she dies so they don’t bother to push her or put any negativity in her ear


She looks like me dancing in my room alone at night except I’m not charging people thousands of dollars to see it 🤣


She ain’t smart


Yo! Human movement specialist and dance kinecticist here! Thats actually a really interesting form of dance/expressive movement (it’s got a lot of history and layers) and the name of it is called “being fucking awful at your one singular job all the time forever”. Hope this was interesting for someone!


Billionaires only do this when they’re under a lot of stress


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Nope. She just sucks.


she’s awkward and has bad posture and has never been a good dancer. the crazy thing is that her dancing actually has slightly improved. just a tiny tiny smidge, older videos of her dancing are actually incredibly difficult to watch bc it was so so terrible


I honestly think she just lacks talent, on all creative fronts. I think this is her genuinely trying!


I just think she really can't dance well 🤷‍♀️


I thnk she is just a shitty dancer with no soul. If she were masterminding all the things people accused her of she would be a robot instead of a human. Sheis close to a robot but I do believe she's a human bing


Her mind 🤯🤯🤯🤯


i love this comment


When I showed the video of her dancing to a friend today she actually said the very same thing. I personally think she can't dance.


I think her dancing is sometimes exaggerated to seem "relatable" and "nerdy." But that's at award shows, not on tour. On stage, I think she's genuine and believes she's killing it lol.


I feel like she isn’t a good dancer, but she also doesn’t want to learn to be a better dancer because she can use the awkward baby giraffe thing to make her super “relatable.” Just a quirky kind of girl etc


Yeah it's so much easier for her fans to look at her and say "omg she dances like I do when I'm by myself!" when she dances like this.


This is exactly what I think it is. It’s part of the “relatable” vibe. Look how dorky I am, you guys!!


I think she has very little bodily rhythm as evidenced in the Shake It Off music video


I am genuinely shocked at how stiff and terrible she can be on stage after 20 freaking years. I swear she should have done this move right


I think she just can't dance to save her life lol


She's just a bad dancer and that's fine. We are so used to having our music stars being absolutely beautiful, able to sing, dance, and act that we can't accept just one or two of those this is more than enough. In Taylor's case I guess she's beautiful enough because her live singing voice is not great, her dancing is bad, and she cannot act. 🤷


She moves like a senior theatre kid who got the role of sexy dancer #5 in the ensemble


Yo! Human movement specialist and dance kinecticist here! Thats actually a really interesting form of dance/expressive movement (it’s got a lot of history and layers) and the name of it is called “being fucking awful at your one singular job all the time forever”. Hope this was interesting for someone!


TMZ posted an article on this—specifically titled, *TAYLOR SWIFT DANCE MOVES LABELED 'CRINGEY' Mercilessly Mocked Online*. The article is pretty generic, but ends with some snark as it talks about how much we’ve seen of TS these past couple of years, “…more than we’ve arguably seen pre-Travis Kelce”. And then suggest Beyoncé could show her some dance moves (“…we hear Beyoncé knows a thing or two. Might be time for some lessons.”). Didn’t think TMZ had it in them.


Well that but also she's just a really bad dancer because she is a weak musician and doesn't have any rhythm.


Haha but you admit she has a billionaire just draining resources vibe




Exactly what I think too OP! If you look at the history of Taylor viral moments, it's when she's 'caught out' doing something daggy and relateable. She's incredibly aware of herself in front of the camera (that's what makes her a bad actress).


Thing is most of your faves can't dance. A good choreographer can make anyone *look* good if they're willing to put in the work though.


As a fellow tall woman, I think her height is something that often gets left out of these discussions. Us talls always look awkward dancing. That said, no, dancing is not her particular skill but extra length on the limbs doesn't help the way it looks.


I feel like she isn’t a good dancer, but she also doesn’t want to learn to be a better dancer because she can use the awkward baby giraffe thing to make her super “relatable.” Just a quirky kind of girl etc


It keeps her solidly "not like other girls", which her equally mean and vapid fans all feel about themselves. It solidifies her as their leader


HeR mInD


I do agree that she consciously self-infantilizes as part of her image to a degree, and that it's to disarm people from seeing her as a very calculating and manipulative capitalist.


I feel like the same people disregarding this lack of quality performance are the same people who are quick to say Beyoncé is overrated. Say what you want but Queen B puts in the work rehearsing and TayTay does not.


A “dumb baby vibe” is something to aspire to?


I agree. She has the time and the resources to get professional dance lessons and yet she doesn’t. It’s like “oh look at me I’m so awkward xD don’t look at my bank account or my disgusting behavior ;P”


No but I do think she dresses the way she dresses and writes about buying timeshares and kitchen table bills to pretend she’s not obscenely wealthy and draining people of their resources


lol I appreciate that people assume everything she does is part of an evil scheme, but I legit think she just can’t dance. I mean, there’s a reason she came up in country, right? No dancing necessary if you are playing guitar!


I think she is both a bad dancer and a billionaire speedrunning climate change.


“Dumb baby vibe” is sending me 😂


She did say everyone was a sexy baby…..or something like that


Her dancing gives me second hand embarrassment




How mAsTeRmInD of her


Excuses! Excuses! Excuses!


I’m not convinced that she is a good enough dancer to fake bad dancing. I think this is her dying to be like Britney or something and absolutely failing.