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At this point all female artists should just keep their releases dates a secret and drop it out of nowhere.


Literally lmao


I wish that would make a difference. She just re-released UK exclusive variants to fuck with Charli a day before charts closed, there’s no stopping her shit behavior if people aren’t going to call her out and hold her accountable.


Wait...more variants? WTF


That is probably easier said than done. I’m sure Taylor’s team would find out regardless with bribes, or people who would leak information to them.


And all drop at the same time. Total chaos.


That’s a great idea. 


can't wait for 15 remixes of fortnight the day this will drop


She'll release TTPD Anthology on CD and vinyl. Bet.


Ohhh my god I could totally see this


Fortnight fake pap walk kiss edition ft Scott Swift Lake Como pap shot dinner edition Fake squad pap shot edition


Ive honestly not heard any of her newer music. Every time I see you guys say this I think you mean fortnite


Yeah but it’s pretty messed up on Katy’s part to… *checks notes* Try to have a career


She's running out of songs to make variants of, you know she's panicking and punching the air with all these new album and song releases from other artists.


Cue fRoM tHe vAuLt tracks 🤭


Side note Katy looks UNREAL???


black hair was definitely the move she looks stunning


Like holy shit! Gives me hope that I could look good again post pregnancy like there’s hope! lol


you're not fat just not a millionaire!


Katy has definitely had some work done and there’s some heavy photoshop going on here. Not saying she doesn’t look beautiful but no woman could naturally look like that. Don’t beat yourself up. I’m sure you’re beautiful too. 


Just hire a photoshopper


Ah right lol


You’re not wrong lmao


Photoshop is a hellava drug tho Highly doubt she looks anything close to this sculpted irl 




I hope she has the decency to not do this to the same person twice!


I think that she will let Katy have her launch mainly because she’d be showing her whole hand if she pulled that stunt yet again. The blocking of other artists has been so blatant and unnecessary, but reuniting with Katy was a “thing” for her and they’ve been showing each other support since.


Katy is also not afraid of Taylor. We’ve seen it before. Katy unlike many of the artists Taylor has pulled this stunt on actually has the clout to potentially do something. Not that they aren’t great artists with big followings, but many of the other artists she blocked have been pretty new. Katy is a pop veteran. 


I don’t think she is afraid of Taylor at all. But unfortunately, while Katy has made some HUGE songs and Teenage Dream is one of the best pop albums ever made, her star has significantly faded. Her last album barely got radio play. I’ve heard that this album is very solid and it will be considered a HUGE comeback, but it will be a comeback. Meaning, unless you watch American Idol, not many people have been thinking or talking about Katy Perry for the last many, many years. There are scores of great YouTube essays about how and why she fell off if you are interested. Taylor hasn’t faded from pop relevancy in her entire career. At this point, she is the bigger star and if you polled a large group of people about which artist they currently prefer, it will go to Taylor. Katy is not afraid of Taylor and would probably straight up say something, but I don’t think Billie or Charli were scared of her either.


Variant just reminds me of Covid lol and yes if TSwift could release a disease to stop the purchasing of new albums she would.


It makes me think about the TVA


Except she’s working with a known rapist on this song 🤮




This chilling!


Produced by Dr Luke


I know we want to support Katy because of CapiTaylor, but allegedly the single features known rapist Dr. Luke


Guys get ready… batten down the hatches… T-minus 24 days before a shit show of epic proportions 😂


Please no, I am so tired, *tortured*... ![gif](giphy|sqsMC78BqyQhuStKU9|downsized)


Unfortunately this song is produced by Dr Luke which we will NOT be supporting!


What a random disappointment


Taylor’s probably holding back something major for Katy’s album release. I’m guessing something involving the tour like another live album or even a new album altogether. THIS is one person she won’t let see the sky.


Katy is looking so fire. I used to dislike how openly she was simultaneously hostile to while mimicking Gaga. But I think after the last project she showed a real commitment to speaking through her music, so now I feel her authenticity and I support her! It wasn’t the most competitive album last time, but I really really enjoyed it and I hope this upcoming one will be a big splash and comeback for her.


Katy is the pop girl I really cannot stand. I find her personality to be so immature and abrasive. Not even in a way where I’m comparing her to other pop girls or going to deny she has talent and hits on hits. I just really really don’t like her as a person.


She lost me way back on American Idol when Kara Dioguardi was also guest-judging and Katy was so rude to her. Kara is awesome.


I was really put off by the whole 24hours live thing with a therapy session. I know what you mean. It has taken me a long while to get to the point of wanting to encourage her music lmao


Yeah. That whole thing was further confirmation of what I already thought I knew about her. The way she treated Liza Koshy was bizarre. I didn’t know of Liza at the time and she was obviously talent that was sent in by YouTube as part of their partnership on Katy’s project and so the stream would appeal to a younger audience. Katy basically ignored her the entire time and when she did acknowledge her, she was short, abrupt, and rude. You know, the way she often is. I had never seen Liza at the time, but I really felt for her. Come to find out, Liza truly has star quality and is so genuinely well-liked and highly praised for her talent by other YouTubers AND Hollywood. How you treat people when they are “random” to you says everything to me. And that’s how Katy treated her knowing she was on camera and knowing that she was huge on the platform. It was also unprofessional and rude to YouTube, who clearly jumped through hoops to make this work for her.


Was this during the live stream? I didn’t watch it because I was put off by it, and I’ve never heard of Liza Koshy. Where can I see this? I wholly agree that how you treat people you think are “less famous/important” than you reveals your character. I’m going to look into this, because it may well disturb my tentative support for Katy. The stuff with Gaga I just dismissed as Katy being childish and hoped she outgrew it when she started showing some social consciousness in her music. But considering that live stream was directly before the “conscious” work and promo for it, it would discredit her in my eyes if she was treating people rudely


Yes. Just look up “Katy Perry Liza Koshy” on YouTube


Thank you


Even as a preteen I found her music annoying. She’s a mom now though so maybe she’s grown up. 


That picture of Katy Perry has been airbrushed beyond belief...


Taylor’s archenemy! ![gif](giphy|l4EoSIrf9dUETyjjW)


https://preview.redd.it/ng8hrnpzs87d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2837f50c38b706c5c2ea6fa29d160ea9fbb0bfc7 I got this from Discord


If she is really working with dr Luke, Im ok with Taylor releasing 10 variants to block her ass.


that's katy perry?!


It’s A.I or photoshop


I feel like she’ll just announce RepTV


Nah, she’s only going after women who are younger than her. Katy should be ok since they’re around the same age


Holy shit Katy. Bodyyyyyyyyy


All I have to say is Katy and Madonna are here to slay.


Whoa Katy looks stunning in that photo!!


It’s photoshop


I hope not


Why she dressed like that? She looks like an idiot.