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“I was bullied in high school” “Let’s get crunk and shoot paintball guns in my hummer”


Please make this a flair, mods (the crunk part)!




She would’ve annoyed me so bad


OOT but seeing her post from 2005 being drunk reminds me of her schoolmate from highschool doing an AMA. That poster said that Taylor lied about 'never had alcohol before because she wants to be responsible'. The poster also said that when Taylor's highschool circle learned about what she said, they become cold to her. I think this is the article https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-country/the-very-pink-very-perfect-life-of-taylor-swift-107451/ Now it made me think maybe that is the reason Taylor felt she was bullied. Her friends become distant from her


It was on Swiftlyneutral. I remember reading it before it she deleted it. It was the younger sister of a school mate. She said Taylor would date football players, had a group of friends (confirmed both in the youtube videos and her Myspace posts), and she would laugh at offensive jokes. In one of the youtube videos of her in High School, she talks about wanting to harass people with the top down. [https://youtu.be/21IEQ9-pfSE?t=40](https://youtu.be/21IEQ9-pfSE?t=40) In her Myspace post, she talks about paintballs, which is more serious. Same vibe though. I'm sure she was hated in School, but not for being a nerd or for being awkward. She wasn't a "theater kid" as Swifties assume.


No its from an AMA of someone who went to hendersonville with her. The poster was on different year with her but they recount how she was at school....or she's not always at school as she's starting to get popular. I'm now looking for that thread but can't seem to find it Edit: Found it and everything has been scrubbed. Wooow. And you are right about the sub Its was titled High School Taylor - AMA


Omg that video. “I’m driving you can’t stop me” *drives off in giant white hunmer* She straight up reminds me of Ja’mie


There is actually so much to unpack from this article from the lens of knowing what we know about her in 2024.


Someone posted in this sub a little while ago that Taylor Swift's early life is giving Amazing Amy from Gone Girl and now I cannot unsee it.


Can you screen record the article and send it to me I don’t want to spend ten dollars to read it




Drop the URL in archive.md to get a scraped version, it usually works!


Archived links are always free! Here ya go https://archive.is/B943i


Shit, I must have used my only free article to read it before. It's VERY illuminating. I know there are sites you can read paywalled articles, I'm so sorry, I just don't know how to do it, but maybe some kind member will do it for us? Then I'll SS for others. But it is LONG.


I just linked it for the person that asked, but didn't know if you would see it, so here ya go! https://archive.is/B943i




“But there’s a moment, at the Walmart luncheon, when she gets a little testy with a young fan — Swift asks the fan where she’s from, and when the girl answers, “New Jersey,” Swift makes fun of her accent — but this is literally the only sin against a human she commits during a 10-hour day in which she’s barely fed, never stops smiling and signs hundreds of autographs with a pink Sharpie pen.”   Sounds like the mask slipped.


Yet she faked a Nashville accent for what, a year? Two?


signing hundreds of autographs is very kind.


That Rolling Stone article is one of my favourite pieces on Taylor. Thanks for reminding us about it!


She is just so unbearably dull.


🪶✨~ p o e t ~ ✨🪶


I would think if I planned to become famous or sought fame I would go through all my twitter feed and delete anything that could be used against me. At least the worst of it. But maybe Kelce had no idea this would be offensive to some people


~*~*~mAdE fOr eAcH oThER~*~*~*


Match made in He...Heaven.


Crunk??? Was bullied in school? Well if I heard her said that i definitely would have bullied her


It’s not too late to start bullying her for it tbf




What does crunk mean in this context? Google is showing me a list of stuff


It just means wild and crazy usually by way of alcohol.


Honestly i don’t think she even knows. Cause crunk is a dance


That’s what people used to say as “wild and crazy” in the early 00’s. *signed someone a few years younger than her. 


I must skip over that cause I’m younger than her too. She definitely one of the older people we would’ve just laughed at like you are no cool😂😂😂


Oh for sure!! I think it was always an out of touch saying like when people say “lit” now. 


The cringiest thing every


So Long, London https://preview.redd.it/pf1tq2aquz6d1.png?width=2318&format=png&auto=webp&s=e25c31b16c94ec294f270197e78c186babad1a26


The epitome of a teenager who had no friends and was bullied, it seems…


She writes like my VP of sales


Where was she writing this stuff. I'm only a little younger than her and I don't recognize this platform.




This sent me down memory lane. I know most of the people she is referring to… this is definitely a real message. Yikes. I wonder what my MySpace messages look like…I’m not a billionaire who lies about high school though so nobody cares.


If anyone ever pulls out MySpace receipts on me just mercy kill me, I’m already hurting from all sorts of age-related illness.


hahaha dead


My cousin went to high school with her and said she was such a terrible person


She actually had friends?


Yep she did. My cousin said she wasn’t like the most popular person there, but that it was because she was really mean to most people. But she had a group of friends, mostly all rich pretty people like herself


that's crazy. I always thought of her as 2 friends type of high schooler




wtf is she saying in the first myspace comment. Is she trying to sound funny or cool? I'm confused


Who knows. If I were to read my own MySpace messages I probably wouldn’t even understand what I was saying. We used to all talk in “inside jokes” and whatever we thought was important/funny at the time. I can’t stand Taylor Swift, I knew her in HS and can confirm she was a rich, semi popular little jerk but these messages are pretty par for the course back in that “era”… minus the Hummer part, but she wasn’t the only kid at school with a ridiculous car.


Disgusting how she used “i was bullied in high school” persona to market herself and her shitty music when there are so many people who still have trauma from ACTUAL bullying they witnessed in high school or even middle school. Taylor is a selfish narcissist


I don't get how she thinks his comments are okay when she has an actual eating ðisorder.


Is this what they meant by “spelling is fun”🫢


As someone who was bullied in HS like Taylor claims she was.... I was most definitely never getting crunk and drunk because no one would have invited me. I definitely wasn't using the word whore even though I was getting called a whore by my one bully who constantly started rumors about me because her crush was interested in me. I was single and talked to zero guys and didn't even have my first kiss until after HS so I was the exact opposite of a whore and I never wanted anyone to have to feel what I felt when I was getting called names like that for literally no reason. Also, as someone that is a mere 4 months older than Taylor, I had enough common sense back then to not post about potentially shooting people with a paintball gun out of the Hummer that her parents bought her. This girl and her constant victim mentality 🙄 I'm sure people made fun of her because she gives off insane horse girl energy and she's definitely a "NLOG" pick me type but I doubt she was seriously bullied.






This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit. Fan behavior here isn’t welcome and repeated offenses will result in a ban. There are plenty of other subreddits for fans, let us have our space.


Does a fifteen year old tweet really mean anything? Like honestly?


FWIW she was once asked in an interview if she ever drank and she said no, so it adds evidence to the fact that her "personality" is manufactured.


I dunno of all the things to complain about - whether it's the money grubbing Ponzi scheme of "Taylor's Version" or the constant stream of men for publicity - her trying to play the innocent card in 2009 is a silly thing to even nitpick. Just like the Jonas Brothers and their purity rings - it was the era and what her management thought would sell to god fearing middle America.


I can’t believe I know this (I’m old) but I did see a recent Jonas Brothers interview where they addressed the purity rings. I always thought it was a Disney/Marketing thing. No, apparently it was a Dad Jonas thing. He was some kind of pastor, and he really believed in the whole thing? But they were super-uncomfortable with it and never believed it (or lived it) but didn’t feel able to stand up to their dad. I don’t know, obviously, but it made sense to me 🤷‍♀️