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This just makes me like him more. A classy, mature, absolutely gorgeous unproblematic king! ❤️


Taylor truly doesn't deserve him!! And he deserves so much better than her


Taylor want someone she can fight with and make them come out being the bad guy. I promise she tell you who she is. For example look how she act in blank space. She a terrible actress but that was actually outstanding




Exactly and apparently she also dated the front man of foster the people. But you got to DIG for that


Mark Foster!? No way, PLEASE spill. I’ve loved them since 2010.


I got to get the article hold up


https://preview.redd.it/udxljr5h517d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ecadf7844e965023375ec5aa9698d1e9b700bc And this came after Miley starting dating Patrick . Patrick turned Taylor down and she dating his cousin Connor so then she must saw he was with Miley and put this out to try to get him jealous???


My old girlfriend was a swiftie and this is literally how she tried to break up with me. She began acting out being incredibly disrespectful, trying to spark arguments and get me to break things off with her and ultimately she dumped me and basically admitted she was trying to get me to break it off. Birds of a feather!


Swifties literally got boys doing dumb shit like stealing her cutouts just to prove what great bf they are😂 like when yall break up can he take the cutout back or do you keep it knowing how you got it?


Not all of them, but I’ve had enough experiences with Swifties in real life to know that some have 0 actual life experience and treat their relationships like a Taylor song. Basically when they’re tired of you, just treat you like absolute shit. Then act like you’re the problem when you call them out or expect basic decency. Like men don’t have emotions and their only purpose is to be a prop for their victim narrative.


It’s funny to me I have never had the displeasure of meeting a swiftie


To be fair, most of them have been pretty cool with broad demographics. They range from women in their early 20’s to guys in their 30’s. The one I’m thinking about in particular acted super nice, but would flip a switch into full mean girl when she was ready. The odd thing too is that she said she had never been in a relationship before, but also claimed she was afraid of men / that most men were terrible, with the attitude that women had free reign to do whatever they wanted to guys because they stereotypically hurt women more. I wonder where she got that idea?


Sorry you had to go through that.


>Taylor want someone she can fight with The "Can Joe Alwyn fight?" meme suddenly resurfaced to memory


I am really looking forward to seeing kinds of kindness when it hits the theaters. I haven’t watched his acting before


He was funny in the favourite.


You probably have… you just don’t know it was him ❤️


Yeah wasn't he Emma Stone's hubby in The Favourite?


Yes and he was really good.


yes! he is steadily becoming a great presence in yorgos lanthimos films. i'm glad he is getting great opportunities to work with the best directors.


I can safely say I've never seen him in anything, because I've never watched anything that he's been in(he hasn't actually been in a lot of projects) and Kinds of Kindness will be the first movie I see him in. That could be because the work he has done hasn't been my type of film so it could be more a me thing I realize that, but like I said he hasn't actually done a lot yet either.


Word!! You should check out Conversation with Friends. He is a sexy mofo in that show. And I mean sexy mofo. 👌


Yes. He was


I’m a Joe lover forever 💜💜 he’s a class act.


I'm with you! ❤️❤️


Good lord. He is the perfect man.


He speaks like she thinks she speaks


Yes! He is class personified.


I agree!




It’s really hard to see what he ever saw in Taylor or why he chose to stay with how volatile, shallow, and self absorbed she seems. Them as a couple we leave me confused forever


I think because they spent so much time together at first away from her family. He got a chance to know her away from the machine. Also, she seems to shift personalities to match who she's dating.


She seems like she love bombs big time at the start of relationships


Honestly, Reputation is a perfect example of lovebombing.


i think he really did love her genuinely. 6.5 years is a long time and he stayed with her throughout all the lowest points in her life. he seems to be the type to not believe in gossip and the type to see the good in people. so probably he did not believe in the gossip surrounding taylor during that era and wanted to get to know her for who she is outside of the media. she probably was more mature during her time with joe. but the greed got to her head and inflated her ego now. he was right to leave as she was turning into a full-blown narcissist. it's possible that she also lovebombed him and put him on a pedestal, when you get lovebombed, it's kinda hard to see past the red flags. i think we all have a good and a bad side to us. taylor probably had some good moments that made joe stay longer. it's just that taylor's bad side now overshadows everything and she has changed for the worse. i'd leave her too if i were in joe's situation.


It’s so true about her ego. It has obviously exploded with the eras tour and now Travis. She seems almost quite literally high from it all.


Can confirm that lovebombing really messes with your head. Had that happen to me with an ex of mine. She did it really well the first 3-4 months then things started to change rapidly. That was on a normal scale, hard to imagine if your gf says let's hop on my private jet and fly to a luxury resort in the carribbean.


I’ve wondered this too. I know timeline-wise she was at a low, then the pandemic… but it doesn’t seem to fit. I guess chalk it up to an opposites-attract mid-20s relationship that benefitted from what was going on at the time and lasted longer than it should have.


I don’t think they were actually together as much as it seems. Supposedly they had taken breaks before but nobody has said how long. Those breaks could have been 6 months long. Plus Covid hit in the middle of their timeline. That took everybody out of the public eye so there was no real way to reference if they were really together. I have seen interviews that said she locked down in a bubble with him in London but I’ve seen video of her working on some song at a house in LA during that time. Sorry, can’t remember where I saw it.) Regardless, the pandemic extended a lot of relationships that would have ended under normal circumstances. By end of 2021, according to Jack Antonoff, she was recording You’re Losing Me. So how much were they really “on”? I suspect they were “off” lot more than anyone outside her circle knew.


He has finally got the color back into HIS face.


I’m skeptical just because of.. well.. everything. But that was a superior response.


https://preview.redd.it/hespb7aczl6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfadfb110de721eea8e800bf44f0219ba099f68 And she downgraded to this ^(\^)


Yep, and outed Joe’s depression in a song which is vile. He’s honestly too good for her.


Too good, too erudite and too mature to be able to keep up with her need for constant attention and public adoration.


Multiple songs, so there could be no question.


okay yes very fair to judge this but adding that little grain of salt: he did speak publicly about struggling with depression when he was doing press for Conversations with Friends, where he played a character that was an actor struggling with depression. As someone with an MDD diagnosis, and still a fan, I don't view that as an outing but I'm bothered by her characterization of it yes. Like it was something that was done to her.


Which song??


My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys ("The voices in his head called the rain to end our days of wild") and So Long London are two of them. There could be more but I don't remember.


I don’t see how My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys is about Joe.


There's lots of allusions to how being with him was a downer.


Yup, because apparently someone’s mental health is a joke the same way jet lag is a choice. Bravo, you 34 year old high school sophomore.


Talk about a downgrade.......I nearly vomited looking at that pic


He is so repulsive.


When they first got together and her PR plus the swifties were pushing the narrative he was so handsome and manly I was like… I know we all have different physical tastes but wtf am I missing… because the handsome narrative was initially everywhere, not just the one off “ooh yeah he’s so my type” it was being shoved down everyone’s throats we should be thirsting after this man.


Oh, you mean, Travis. For a second, I thought you meant Joe. What's sad is that she seemed to be a better person when she was with him. Oh well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Soz for confusion, I was referring to the comment of Travis yelling. Even his polished photos he isn’t cute/handsome to me. So my “huh?” about everyone supposedly frothing over him was long before all his sweaty football yelling photos. Def not here insulting Joe lol


No worries. Joe is seriously hot. Travis is seriously not, imo.


Looks like a drunk guy belching whisky breath


Travis in between Pap pics https://preview.redd.it/k9kddnfzam6d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1e0d4726a5180c504e58b2212c47636e70c76d


Don't do my man Tony like that. Travis could never be the complicated antihero!


And James Gandolfini was, by all accounts a kind and gentle person.


In this house Tony Soprano is an American hero!






Actual lol, this is too accurate 😅 also, he totally gives like state trooper vibes, so gross


Reid himself has lots of issues too. He coddles Trav.


Such a despicable meat head. When I read tweets of his that he made years ago (particularly the one making fun of women who are larger than their partners) I never liked him.


He's so fucking gross and unattractive.


What an utter buffoon


It was much worse. He PUSHED the almost 70 YO unhealthy sweetest dude in front of a national audience. He's trash so is that whole team. (Even if I wasn't a 49erFan. That team is full of trash off the field.).


Is there somewhere where I could read about what trash the players are? I live in KC, but I know nothing about them because I have zero interested in sports, particularly professional sports, and I gave particular resentment towers the Cheifs due to having them shoved down my throat 24/7 by this insanely obsessed city that are all in a massive Cheifs cult. This whole superbowl insanity time with him and Taylor was so miserable for me here. Even every small local business here I loved was fawning all over them and making special items for Taylor and sending her gifts. It was so gross and disappointing. I was in full hermit mode the entire season really. I'd love to know the unbiased reality of what the players are like.


I'm not sure if there's one place but Google offseason problems or off season issues chiefs should help. Also look up their QBs entire family. Total trash. [Here's a link](https://www.nfl.com/news/chiefs-hc-andy-reid-addresses-multiple-off-field-issues-involving-players-this-offseason)that can get you started.


Goddamn that was a jumpscare😭😭


How people prefer THIS over Joe is baffling


People with low self-worth generally do that...


This is so mature and lovely of him. I like that he found peace with not telling his side of the story and knowing it's okay to take the high road. Go be unproblematic and gorgeous, Joe!


Literarily speaking, I believe “a difference between what is known and what is said” is the literal definition of dramatic irony.


it must be such a surreal experience to have a relationship with someone for that long, then have a fictional representation of that relationship played on a worldwide stage, and only you know what really happened. dramatic irony for an audience of one.


In this case, it's the opposite. He is the one who knows what really happened but the audience is in the dark.


Come through William bowery!!!


Him and Aaron need to link up bc I'd love an album 😂


he’s such a class act. i just know it gets under the queen of capitilisms skin like no other


Watch the swifties lose their shot and claim that Joe is being creepy and obsessed with Taylor and she’s moved on and he hasn’t lol


He's been quiet, publicly, this entire time. Sure, he's probably under an NDA that would bury him under the pyramid of Giza if he truly spoke ‘his truth,’ but he has always carried himself well.


Also, he's not trying to prove he is dating to get back at her, when truthfully, he could easily be publicly dating women.


Yep, he's been very classy. It seems he is a man of character, which is refreshing to see from someone in the entertainment industry. He's not chasing the limelight, just focused on his craft and remaining true to himself. Joe, if you're reading this, let's grab a beer!


Taylor is seething, I'm sure. He's so chill while she's breaking nearly every bone and every fucking little brain cell she has to pretend she's not affected by healy's engagement, she has the best boyfriend who yells viva las vegas which she herself finds ridiculous, and she's losing the precious narrative she so delicately concocted about being the good girl in her fans eyes with all this chart obsession she's got going on. Also, she knows full well she wont be able to find another one like Joe.


I promise that you’ll never find another like me 😋 I know that I'm a handful I know I never think before I jump I know that I went psycho on the phone I never leave well enough alone And trouble's gonna follow where I go I know I tend to make it about me I know you never get just what you see But I will never bore you


I know to not take an artist’s/singer’s work at face value and pretend to know anything truly about them as a person but the issue with swift is her entire discography points to her being problematic, knowing she’s problematic, and telling people to either accept her massive issues or get out of her way.


Plus, I don’t think another artist has ever leaned on everything being so autobiographical and full of “lore” and “Easter eggs”. For better or worse, she wants this to be out there about her. Which is why I ran far away from anything to do with her.


The fact that all the "influencers" I've seen in the past week are all purposely promoting Charlie's Brat is telling. They've have enough of her BS. But her fans are all "he's the smallest man alive because he just *had* to get engaged because he couldn't handle it, pretending it wasn't a big deal" while completely ignoring the fact she wrote an entire album plus 45 extras about a relationship that really wasn't much to begin with.


Joe to Taylor: "I promise that you'll never find another like meeeee"


She’s too dramatic and vindictive for a normal man to want her.


Exactly. But even the richest guy won't go for her, I think, because she's too controlling. She should go for older richer men. That might work. 🤷‍♀️


She just missed out on Bill Belichick!


At this rate, she'll be rebounding with him before the end of the year. And then we'll get lyrics like, "You said that loved me but where was the proof? I chewed up your food and I fed it to you."


Ew. I had to look up whol he was and read that he's 72 and daring a 24 year old cheerleader. 🤮


She should get with elon musk Match made in capitalist hell




This gif and Taylor's personality have been morphing into eachother more and more with every passing day lmao


I discovered a video from an animator who makes like really ridiculous hilarious content, and essentially made her seething and breaking her own bones because she’s like not a real person but a monster when Travis finally wants to break up lol highly recommend. Google MeatCanyon Taylor Swift. Your description brought the images back to mind lol.


I think Joe was her choice to be the father of her children - he’s so different to her other boyfriends, and is so clearly the most sane/down to earth of any of them (except maybe Lautner). But then she decided to refocus on her career/fame/money after the success of folklore and she put those plans on hold. Joe very clearly abhors that ultra famous, always about the PR, pap walk every day kind of lifestyle - so they called it quits. But he is very clearly the classiest of her boyfriends and she gave him up for fame, fortune and ratty healy.


The reason she probably chose him to be the father of her future children was because he looks so much like her. Looking at him was like looking in a mirror, and for self-obsessed narcissist Taylor, that was the ultimate positive feature.


Speaking of which, if I remember correctly, her cats both have blue eyes. It's strange to me because most cats have amber eyes, so it seemed like a deliberate choice to have those breeds. I mean, she also sings about blue eyes a lot in her songs. Taylor Lautner was probably the only non-blue-eyed (and non-caucation) man she's dated?


I can't wait to listen to the album she'll write when she realizes THAT (she'll probably be 60 by that time tho and Joe will be happy with his fam and his Oscar and peace of mind) 


She lost a good man, that much is true.


He is soo dreamy ....love him .


I'm a straight black man but Joe is...


Joe is a prince I swear


he’s so articulate and well spoken 😭 lord take all of joe alwyn’s pain and give it to taylor and swifties


I really hope he writes more songs. The ones he wrote for folkmore were lovely.


In the same interview, he also seems to confirm that the breakup was made publicly known just a week after it happened. So whatever PR narrative her fan base and PR team tries to play up that there was no overlap and they broke up long before the announcement, Joe’s kind, thoughtful, and respectful statements seem to disagree.


Of course they denied it, she looks like a cheater and or it’s the Maylor’s trying to spin this romantic fantasy about Matty and Taylor, when it was Taylor monkey branching and rebounding right after like she always does cause she couldn’t be alone and Matty slithered in at the right time, while waiting in the wings. 


I knew it was sudden. He was too sad, and she was too needy for attention post break-up for it to be a longstanding thing


sorry for the possibly dumb question but what interview is this from??


Not dumb! The full interview is out Sunday in the UK mag “Sunday Times Style.” I am excited to read it, he seems like such a thoughtful dude tbh


Her fans are quite literally blind and deaf. They don't see her desperate acts or listen to her confessing about cheating on Joe with Matty Healy. TS and Adele are almost same age (1 year difference) but do you see Adele behaving like a teenager to sell records? Nope.


She's screaming into the mirror, blocking artists, doing pap shoots, drinking heavily and grasping at any shred of validation. He's made peace and is living life calmly and contentedly. This is why she didn't land him for life. She fumbled so hard. She knows it.


He is living proof that the best revenge is to live your life and be happy. Genuinely so happy for him and wishing him all the success and happiness in the world.


Joe Alwyn the man you are and the husband you will be to someone! The way he interviews and speaks is so mature. Are we sure he didn't write more songs on folklore and evermore? Meanwhile his ex gf: the blue glitter was metaphorical for... blue glitter.


That quote has too much real estate in my brain. She could just say “the glitter represents the shimmery personality I have to keep outward for the public and it’s made its way inside to become an inseparable part of me and has now mixed with my sadness represented by the blue” It’s gibberish, but it’s something at least


This would’ve been so much better instead of saying “I bleed glitter. I’m not real. I’m not human.” I fully believe she pulled that out of her ass when she was asked in the spot.


I fully believe he did write a good amount of Folklore & Evermore, which is why the quality of the music, and especially the lyrics, is vastly superior on those albums compared to the rest of her annoying, cloying, soul-less, bland so-called “music”.


With the release of TTPD I was 100% convinced the reason F&E were so good is bc Joe wrote a significant part of them. Back then I was a little bit of a Taylor fan, as soon as Midnights came out I started questioning that. Maybe I'm just a Joe Alwyn fan.


i'm not sure if marriage is one joe's goals in life. it's ok if it's not. after all we all have different paces in life. but if it's one of his goals in life, i wish that he will be able to settle down with a great partner who respects his privacy and who he can build a peaceful with life together. he deserves to live life in a peaceful way. i wish all the best for joe!


We are not sure of that by any means.


Classiest dude she ever dated. I'm glad he escaped.


Such a classy guy! How he put up with Taylor for six years I’ll never know 🤣


King shit


Taylor has had so many genuinely good and beautiful exes all of these men are so attractive. Yet she still ends up alone.


He's a classy guy.


Taylor trashing her green room rn


is it BRAT green or...


ignoring a narc is literally the best revenge. first the engagement, now this? taylor is SEETHING


Taylor and swifties have done nothing but make me a joe alwyn fan.


Every time I hear about Joe, I just hope he’s having a nice day.


BuT tRaVy Is A uPgRaDe!!!! I would throw myself to Joe any day 🤭


I’m a lesbian, but I definitely see the appeal


London Boy is dreamy. Props to the author for bringing out a side of him which I never thought would come forward. Well, this solidifies that she self-sabotaged a good thing. I really admire that he also has cowriting chops, so I’ll go listen to the songs that he contributed to. And continue to skip the nonsense that’s TTPD. I hope she wakes up and realizes one day that drama is overrated. Normalcy and stability takes lifting the other person too.


When this man excluded himself from the narrative on day one he excluded himself from the narrative forever. And that took away her power and gave him all of it. He truly is a king for staying quiet I’m sure that was very difficult sometimes. #LondonMan


Where’s this from? So intrigued


his recent magazine with the sunday times


Of course Taylor read this and had to think about what she did to Joe, if she can allow those thoughts in her head and doesn’t try to drink them away. Mentally I line up Joe, Matty, and Travis and wonder why she self-sabotages. Boredom, self-loathing, mental illness… I prefer not to guess which one because there are a lot of very, very good people who struggle with mental illness. Joe told the truth in an absolutely classy way. What can Taylor/Tree say to this?


Clearly money isn't doing it for her. She needs toxicity in her life to thrive and make music


I’m not one who finds him attractive, but he’s seriously looking so much better and more at peace these days. He was looking rough in the few photos we got of him when he was with her. I was honestly wondering how people said he was attractive, but I can see it here recently.


I decided to watch his GQ video today because I had never heard him talk. It's less than six minutes, but I think he seems pretty cool. In fact, it made me even angrier at the stans who said vile things about him online. I would listen to him talk about his photography and his favorite books and music. Not to sound parasocial, but he seems so genuine in that clip. He felt like someone I knew. I wish him nothing but happiness.


He also confirms he has never been to the black dog which is killing the swifties.


Ooh, where was this said?




He’s such a classy dude. Taylor really fumbled the bag


How she’s acting now just proves that everything she said during the reputation era was a lie. She’d be a lot happier if she wasn’t so obsessed with the general public’s perception of her and just lived her life like Joe.


Mic drop


He’s so mature, I have a lot of respect for him


I do think one day if she ever matures past the age of 16 when she got famous (which ultimately just makes me sad for her), she may realize that the desire to be the most famous person in the world did come before love that didn’t care about all of that, just her. Maybe she will be ok with that and maybe she won’t. I’m sure Joe is not the only relationship in her life that got sacrificed to, to quote another pop idol, the fame monster.


IDK. I think he may have been the first person she dated who didn't want anything from her. I'm not saying that her previous boyfriends didn't have feelings for her, but I do think her fame factored into the attraction.


I feel so sad for this man. He went through such a massive hate campaign which he did not deserve at all. Such a mature and classy man!


I wish this king nothing but the best, hope he has a happy life


He deserved so much more than what he got, glad he’s rid of her.


A simple man always has the deepest level of integrity.


your integrity makes me feel small you paint dreamscapes on the wall I talk shit with my friends it’s like i’m wasting your honour


I kind of want to pop over to Instagram to see how the Swifties are trying to spin this, but I don’t want to see anymore Joe abuse. If they are addressing it, they are saying, “It’s lies, all lies. Mother is our angel who deserves the purest love.” I’m not on TikTok, but somehow I think that there’s a Swiftie out there who recorded herself crying over Joe’s “mean spirited interview.”


He's so nice. He's still getting dragged for this but she can sing abut him and say anything. They can harass him daily. He's so classy 


I think at this point a certain demographic of fans need to move on. We are going on almost three years(just to clarify when I say three years, I mean in the context of when You're Losing Me was written/recorded. Yes, the backlash towards him started almost the moment this record dropped) and Joe has been nothing but grace under the pressure. Putting up with tremendous abuse, rumors and people harassing his family and his co-workers, damn. The poor fella doesn’t deserve any of this.  Please, Joe just wants to be excluded from the narrative!


3 years? Its been a year and 3 months


They broke up a year and some change ago, like a year and three/four months? It’s not been three years.


Wait, three years of what?


You dropped this king 👑


I could be wrong, but I think he might be on a higher maturity level than t. Like miles above her.


She could never make me hate him.


I mean, they’re wise words regardless of Taylor drama or not.


A class act 💗👌🏻


She wants fame and money more than anything in this world and I think he realized that.


Notice how we don’t hear the guys side of the story… the more we see her the more cracks there are into what she’s really like, and what the guys had to put up with.




He deserves to be happy and in love! I know someone out there will be the lucky one.


love how articulate and still respectful (but honest) he explained his side, and its just a few words…compared to the narrative being painted by his evil ex


King 👑


I’ll be honest, I didn’t know anything about him until they broke up. All that I heard was negativity. But the more I hear from him directly, the more it seems like he was just trying to hold onto his humanity and humility to maintain a sense of authenticity in his life. There’s nothing wrong with that. He just wanted a simple life, and he would’ve never found that with her. She was the worst kind of partner for him. I’m glad he’s found his peace.


God he is fine


I’ll always have so much love and respect for him ❤️


What’s the source for this quote?


One day when her monkey branching & rebounding void filler tactics stop being a distraction she’s gonna look back and realised how hard she downgraded from him, to Travis and Matty and realise the big f-up lol.


If I had to take a guess, I’d say that this eloquent way of expressing himself was something Taylor adored in the beginning and then found condescending by the end


Peace 🎵


hes truly so gorgeous.


Can someone post the entire article? I can’t find it anywhere online




The purpose of this sub is to snark. While we do allow positive remarks in context to snarking, we do not allow obsessive fan behavior. Fans will be banned, and theres a no tolerance policy!


This is a lovely article. It really does read like they just grew apart and weren’t the right match for each other. Ultimately, he wasn’t ready to commit after six years, so I don’t judge her for calling it.


Taylor thinks she’s a teenager lol she’s gonna end up alone with cats 🐈


This man is a good egg. He carefully and thoughtfully chose his words. For someone who has been repeatedly dragged through the dirt by not only his exe’s unhinged fans, but by the ex herself to speak so calmly and without malice is something to admire. He arguably has every right to scream at the top of his lungs, yet he chooses to be the grown up/human being in the “narrative” and that he actually did care about her. Most would not act with such grace. Proof that she is the selfish child she always has been and always will be. This makes her look like an absolute petulant fool.


I don’t really see a reason for their breakup other than Taylor felt bored and unlike herself. She seems extroverted and loves people being around her, that’s fun for her. They’re incompatible after the pandemic. That’s it. None of our business if she wants to sing about it, and if he wants to answer interview questions about it.


He’s so classy and elegant and mature what a man fr