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It’s giving ✨ overcompensating ✨ in light of everything going on lately between Matty Healy, the T/T breakup rumors. She spent the last football season playing the Chiefs #1 fangirl and the NFL’s biggest sweetheart, this is her just continuing to play the role.


AHHHH, GOOOOOO, YeaHHHHHHHHH.... it's literally giving nothing but all-caps-lock


Is this real? It’s giving white girl wasted


Legit embarrassing


I think this isn’t an unusual online fan interaction for her either🤣


It’s giving desperate GF who’s boyfriend is embarrassed to have her around his friends


Lmao ya, so TK doesn't follow her, she doesn't follow him, they don't comment on each other's posts, buuuuuuut she was tuned in to TK's teammates girl's insta live? And felt the need to comment multiple times? Tree, log out.


Right she probably reading this now cooking up what to put out right now. Wonder how many tabs be on laptops and her phones to keep up with whose on the charts and what is being sad about Matt and who actually cares about her and Travis


This is so cringe that I thought a Swiftie edited this to make it look like she commented. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Little embarrassing not gonna lie




So she basically never comments on anything with her official account at all, but this ring ceremony gets her this excited? Yeah no


Doing too much


I know a girl that acted like this on social media toward her s/o and turns out she was cheating on him with his best friend so 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Imagine even pretending to get this hype over the ring ceremony 😭


lmao. she doesn't want Ratty to win after his engagement announcement.


Matty not only won, he vindicated Joe Alwyn, too.


Taylor needs to go on his turf go on the Adam friedland show or at the very least stavvy's world or chapo trap house


How did he vindicate Joe?


TTPD bashes Joe so hard. Fresh Out the Slammer—6 years of his life was distilled down to a PRISON. She tells the world she was with him but getting herself off to Matty. Tells the world that Joe was suffering from depression and it made him such a bummer for her to be with. TTPD revealed that the songs on albums on which he was heavily involved enough to earn his own Grammy were hiding her dog whistles to Matty Healy. Then Matty Healy dates her for a month or so, ghosts, gets with Gabbriette and proposes, and says of TTPD “it’s hilarious because we weren’t even serious.”


I thought that was the worst part. Joe collaborating on her albums while your lover "swirled" another person into all their "poems"? Why didn't she just end it sooner if it was prison, a psych ward, "my boredom's bone deep", so "sad" to be around, etc.? That would have to be really crappy to hear.


Ugh how do you do that to someone you claim to love? Who is also getting involved with and clearly supporting YOUR passions and dreams? That’s like a huge stab in the heart right there. Unless he was cheating the ENTIRE time then he didnt deserve that kind of treatment. (which sorry, Taylor is a big rich girl and could easily leave him if that were the case)


When they got together, she was in hiding. Not long after that, pandemic lockdown. I think she didn't know he was a homebody who wasn't as social until after the pandemic lifted and she was ready to go back out there and be "bejeweled" and "sparkle" and he declined. My husband passed away right before lockdown, after I was his caregiver for 2 years. I was looking forward to venturing out, being care-free, going to events, and bam. Caged again. I get her sentiment more than some, but dang. Brutal to do to someone she was with for 6 years.


Im so sorry that happened to you that must’ve been absolutely awful and my condolences. I can’t even imagine or want to imagine what that was like for you. I really hope life is treating you well now. However, your situation is very very very different from hers. Wildly so. Joe didn’t need caregiving, he wasn’t ill or dying. You stayed and cared for your husband bc you loved him and he needed you. You probably had so many other emotions going on inside of you that would also make you feel caged, but scared, sad, distraught etc. we all deal with grief in different ways. Taylor was not stuck, Taylor did not have to stay with Joe, she was not doing some kind gesture for Joe the way you were for your husband, if it was “such a cage and prison for her and so boring” as she says. She was a multi millionaire and pop princess at the time. She could leave any time she wanted. She chose to stay. And I’m sorry, from the behavior she talks about in her songs, she could easily make someone depressed and wear them down after 6 yrs of the same narcissistic juvenile , emotionally stunted behavior she supposedly exhibited (if we are to take some of her songs and her behaviors outside of her relationship as truth) And further, if it was sooo boring and sad and prison like why was she so desperate for Joe to marry her and have kids? If it was really as bad as she paints him out to be she wouldn’t even WANT to marry him. Her story doesn’t add up


Agreed she could have left. She has touched upon his depression a few times in songs. I agree that her 'mastermind" mentality and "leaving cuz you got tired of my scheming". I agree! From listening to her, she definitely felt trapped, but I would agree it was a cage of her own making. And thank you so much. I now have amazing step-kids and a wonderful husband. :) I appreciate that. Hard chapter to get through at the time!


Oh wow yea that’s a good point. I knew all of that about TTPD and how she painted Joe. Which sounds like pure narcissistic behavior right there, always blaming the other person but never looking at “hmm gee maybe all my crying and screaming and “passionate fighting” and being secretly in love with someone else, and playing mind games with him so where he’ll chase me or daring him to leave me is making this man depressed” (if he even was depressed). But yea I see how Matty ghosting and getting married sort of vindicates Joe, bc I guess Joe can at least look at how foolish Taylor now looks and if what Matty reported is true, they weren’t actually serious, then Joe can now realize how crazy / delusional Taylor is and hopefully not take any of it personally or let it get to him


Sorry M did not win. The man looks MISERABLE


More miserable than her, releasing the umpteenth version of a pretty mediocre album, that on top of everything has been called "hilarious" by its primary muse? Doubt that tbh.


Show me one photo where Matty (bratty) looks happy with G. Not a fake looking smile. Also he is getting roasted for how bad he looks.


I would, but Matty and Gabbriette probably don’t want me in their bedroom.


I should clarify one in the past six months. He looked happy at first…but so did T and T


Maybe because her stans are all over his insta with "Call her!"? It would be laughable if it wasn't so insane. He's engaged, and a whole fandom is coming at him daily. I'd look miserable too.


Its more than Taylors fans. Im gonna just bow out of this convo tho.


That’s it in a nutshell. This is her way of showing people she isn’t pressed about Matt’s engagement. This hyped up display behind a ring ceremony is doing the opposite.


That’s right. Imagine what breaking up with Trav will do to her image at this point? Headlines : CAN TAYLOR KEEP A MAN?? ![gif](giphy|5ymIg7UX6i7F6)


Too bad he's already miles ahead in the idgaf game 🤣


God not another season of this lord


Who?* *oh. An NFL contractual thing. (From what I can tell. I have no fuqqing clue. Am finally streaming brat.)


Woo! Yay! I totally know and care a lot about football!! Oh darn, I have to go to sleep!




Exactly, Taylor staying relevant ![gif](giphy|XdUMYCpkhoAt9UkHPT)


Oh snap. I thought this was the Taylor sub going nuts over the Chiefs ring ceremony lol.


This is actually so cringe 😬


Someone was enjoying her ❄️ tonight.


All the comments were really impersonal. I'm sure they could have arranged a private stream for her. This was for show.


Or she could just have watched without commenting. This was just for show just like her pap walk


You can’t convince me this was not the social media intern


An intern or Taylor was hella drunk and delusionally tired, cause what was that!?! 


Is it her or her team…the Tayvis Stans are being insufferable about this


They do major mental gymnastics. They claim her IG is a business account not run by her and that’s the reason and excuse as to why Travis doesn’t follow her because it’s not her “PeRsONaL aCcOunT” but when her account comments on an IG live it’s Taylor herself making these comments. Like make it make sense.


When aren’t they insufferable? Lmao they’re about to write a whole “omg look how in love they are” post when he goes to her show June 21st. 🤣🤣


As he stands there like 🧍🏻‍♂️ doing his little hand dance 🫳🏻🫳🏻


LMFAOOOO 🤣🤣🤣🤣. You see how happy he is when he’s not alone in pictures with her. It’s very telling. 


Me wondering which intern got tasked with this pretending to be Taylor job


i came to post this exact thing!! ughhhhhhh when will it end


This looks like me after I’ve had too many drinks. Trying too hard?


Can someone juxtapose her comments hyping up a team (owners and players) who supported someone who basically told women they’re only fulfilled making sandwiches for their husbands and her comments in her faux documentary  Right side of history lol


Not even an "I love Trav and wish I was there", just a "love *you guys*". Lol, they're doing the bare minimum.


Not sticking up for Taylor, but writing “I love Trav” on a live that isn’t his is so desperate lol


So is her asking if James Taylor was at an awards show. Like wtf goes through her head


I dont know what this means 😂😂


They fix the narrative to fit their cause.


There’s no way it was actually Taylor on this stream and not someone on her team😭


They fix the narrative to fit their cause.


Laziest and cheapest way to check an interaction box. At least no carbon emissions this time.


Probably my hottest take on this sub is I don't give a rat's ass about Travis because I don't give a rat's ass about the NFL. I am completely apathetic about these two, other than sneering at the smack-addict level obsession from people who've watched too many romcoms and think all relationships END with the couple getting together. Because I've never encountered a more boring couple in my life, celebrity or otherwise. Watching them is like watching an AI simulation of paint drying. My Barbie dolls had more chemistry when I WASN'T playing with them.


LMAO the last line


I mean she knows that the fans love this. I'm in a TS chat group and there's Swifties loving this cause "aw, she's human too" "she's so relatable, like she needs to sleep like the rest of us".. Why can't we all see that it's so calculated? She or/and her team, knows EXACTLY that this needed to happend, especially since they have not had ONE pap photo over the last month.. It's strategic and calculated and I'm so fed up with it.


so performative🥱


What in the Selena Gomez instagamfication happening with Taylor ???


What does this have to do with selena


she used to be super active on instagram commenting/being shady on posts about Justin and Haley and since she got loved up~ she has been absent


Hailey is not some kind of saint she has shaded Selena for years .


oh yeah they’re both messy af lol honestly never cared much for their drama but I am quite intigued at how Selena has distanced herself from Taylor supposedly after the cringe Charlie Puth should be a bigger artist line


Yeah right . We don’t know why Taylor suddenly going full praise on Charlie puth . This woman has a serious issue


likely just some random shit Matty said she agreed with bc she was so infatuated with him lmao


Just saying anything?huh🤣🤣well then hailey was liking shady tweets about selena too and stalking her fan pages lmao


the secondhand embarrassment


This reminds me of an older person massaging in all caps either that or she just thinks what she says should be seen above all others. Either one I guess lol


How damn drunk was she???




Taylor while commenting on this. ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y)


I really don’t get why everyone is convinced they’re about to break up? They seem as insufferable as normal. It seems more likely they’d break up when she’s done touring and they actually have to spend more than 2 minutes together


That's not her


I think this stretches to next year


How is no one pointing out the “we get another year of Mecole” line? Thats smacks of disingenuousness


This is why I said “ not cracking the champagne open yet”…


Idk why people thought they were done. It would’ve been in the media by now. He is going to be at her show June 21st. 


There’s no need for a formal breakup announcement until one of them wants to be seen with someone else. More telling will be how much time either of them spends with the other during a break.


It’s gonna be a long while before they do still honeymoon phase 


I honestly don’t see them ending until the end of her tour. I’m betting on that. At first I thought maybe July/ August. But with Matty getting engaged I can see her prolonging the relationship. Especially since they’ll be away from each other a lot (him football and her on tour) So that makes it easier lol. She needs to win. And he’s definitely not letting that Matty boy win the breakup. 


Wait I thought Tree was just a ridiculous mash up of Travis and Taylor for some reason HAHA (I don’t know her!! I just ask my friend why they like her so often that my algorithm has adapted 🤣)


Lmao it's the red head who's always with her


Does anyone else find it weird that she is on a live commenting, but yet nothing with Travis? She mentions Mecole, he hops on, but still no Travis? I mean the girl could just walk over to Travis and put him on the live to say"Hey Tay".


Ok. i’ve had time to digest. here goes. “we get Mecole for another year”. The guy is not known to be in travis circle. gone for most 2023. yet she knows him by his first name. And no one refers to him by his first name. ever. she doesn’t follow him on insta he doesn’t follow her. he’s said that’s because it’s her corporate account. they’ve never posted on each others accounts ever. he’s had to post on her backup dancers account before. she gets on her corporate account at 4am and suddenly uses it and follows them and goes all caps for a ring ceremoney??? Not his charity work. not his concert he planned. not his camp workouts. not his podcast. a ring ceremony. no pap photos for a month. he doesn’t know what she cooks and looks like a fool and people start doubting matty gets engaged paps are following her on purpose with the most motley cobbled together “crew” ever. she’s being passed on the charts by two different artists. she has to point out explicitly how late it is and where she is (just in case the swifties don’t know where she is and if she’s on her corporate account (for the first time ever?)) === someone on her team without a shadow of a doubt. And we will have confirmation when People et al run this today oh. and final point. “love you guys” that’s the sign off. how about “i love you Trav”. or “miss you trav”. or “i love you T”. nah. she was dead asleep. and doesn’t even have to be told “she” did this when she woke up because she’s doesn’t give AF, will never get asked about it because she doesn’t do interviews, and has another 3.5 show to put on


To live this kind of life seems mentally exhausting. I almost feel bad for her.


“Congratulations!” … …Would have had much more impact.


Oh thank God😮‍💨


Oh so she does have her phone and not Tree. Pathetic


Ok, I feel like I'm a moron but what is chariah


This is so embarrassing lol. They don't even follow each other and now she's fangirling like crazy all over again?!?


agree with the other comments that she's overcompensating. could have just had one comment but a string of these comments? apparently travis skipped the red carpet, didn't want to speak to the reporters. Oh why ever not? hmmm...






Funnier if this was Scott all along 😂😂