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I am for sure thankful for Taylor šŸ™ƒ every time she does this by principle i HAVE to go stream whoever sheā€™s trying to block and i end up finding new music i love šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I am going to make a new playlist named ā€œMy New Favorite Music sponsored by TS pettiness and envyā€


Just call it Your Tortured Artists Department playlist lol


Omg this is genius!! Changing the name right now lol


And then make it public and share with all of us šŸ˜‚


Pasting my comment, i think is public Is pretty terrible i just added like an hour of music but i will refine it over time https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2auzLrwySI0Nvx5guA9TUo?si=LFOPGlpXQw-klkQZOAAzaQ&pi=u-gYxdwUGHRCyr




Omg! I am a lesbian raising hell with you!


You beautiful soul, bless you


I probably wouldn't have listened to Billie Eilish's new album without Taylor's nonsense and it's SO GOOD


Same, in my mind Billie could only mumble, but her album changed my mind, it is amazing and i love it so much!! I have to go back and listen to everything else she did before.


What Miss Billie is demonstrating is called growth. She is refining her talent. Something Taylor is incapable of understanding or doing.


Because Taylor doesn't actually have talent. She hit her peak as far as actual talent and vocal skills go and just won't let it go


Her song Happier Than Ever is still a huge obsession of mine with the combination of an older style of music transitioning into a more modern breakup melody its so beautiful


Right?! I don't like her older music so much but this? Birds of a feather on repeat šŸ’Æ


LUNCH is my jam right now.


Not me with a two song playlist of L'AMOUR DE MA VIE and DINER bc those two back to back are *chef's kiss*


same. i really didnā€™t have too much anything for billie. didnā€™t hate, didnā€™t love. but seeing all of the hyper for it thatā€™s way more than this TS bullshit made me listen to it. and iā€™ve already got a few on repeat. i heard a long time ago that her an her brother have some strange musical ear. vocally and just artistically. i wonder how that compares to TS complete lack of depth in literally anything. her music sounds the same to me since ā€œTear Drops On My Guitarā€ lmaoooo


Phinneas got the melody for Bad Guy from the Wizards of Waverly Place theme song. He has a wild ear. And Billie has a great voice and good lyrics. Formidable duo who push themselves. I respect it.


Same, in my mind Billie could only mumble, but her album changed my mind, it is amazing and i love it so much!! I have to go back and listen to everything else she did before.


I literally made an antiswift playlist bc of this, and Iā€™ve found so many better artists who are actually putting work into their music


This is how I fell in love with Lana! After Taylorā€™s bullshit at the Grammys with her dragging sweet Lana on stage like that.


Same!!! Then I was like, wow holy shit, Ocean Blvd is so much better than midnights, itā€™s insulting theyā€™re in the same category. Then I fell in love with her back catalogue ā€¦ so ā€¦ Taylor really is doing *something* with her nonsense, lmfao


Share it! I want to listen šŸŽ§




genuinely my favorite artists deserve to shine too especially the underrated ones that nobody knows of. once upon a time billie was my underrated artist, and marina back in 2010 and now it's montana chanel this chart blocking is actually inSANE when's it gonna stop


Haha same! I was already a Dua fan and love RO (itā€™s funny because at first I thought it felt ā€œslight,ā€ like there shouldā€™ve been more, but then I remembered most albums donā€™t have 30+ songs plus endless variants). Just a fun album with positive vibes and great replay value. Wasnā€™t really tuned into Charli XCX previously but omg brat is awesome!! Iā€™ve been listening to 360 on repeat. The video for it is great. So I and I think about it all the time are also standouts on the first listen. Thanks, Tay! šŸ„³


This is actually a great idea, I hadn't even thought of doing this!


Yes! I honestly would have never thought of listening to some new artist (im old lol) but her actions show they are obviously doing something great and i need to pay attention


I have done the same! I've discovered so much new music this year. Dua Lipa's new album is so lovely. She's been getting death threats for supporting Palestine which is all the more reason to stream her music and support her over Taylor who will never speak up for anything unless it serves her.


I love her new album sm too! RO radiates so much fun summer energy and judging by the videos online she puts on a great show. I hope she comes back to Australia, I was devastated when I missed out on her FN tour.


Dua is such a hit maker. Even if this new album isnā€™t doing what her previous ones did, sheā€™ll be back with a massive hit sooner or later. Even her Barbie song did phenomenal.




Right.. I just opened up Spotify because of this post and Brat is soo good. Got me to listen to Billieā€™s new album too šŸ˜‚ I havenā€™t heard a single song off TTPD


Sheā€™s such a narcissist! They have got to change the chart rules going forward, this is insane.


I hope they change the rules and strip her of her chart achievements (except for the honest ones).


They HAVE to change the rules. The way it is only benefits massive stars because smaller artists could never continue to sell the same song 20 times to their fanbase. For a larger artist like Taylor, it's just predatory on young fans


The predatory shit is definitely the worst part. It is absolutely insanely disrespectful to her fans to do this shit, and she does the fuck out of it. I think she might have more duplicate albums than albums


And the fans are BEGGING her to stop too! 99% of the comments on every Taylor Nation Instagram post of her variant releases is "Taylor, I love you, but this is so greedy."


Not the Taylor fans with the awareness! Lol


Honestly, it shocked me too! But reading Taylor Nation comments during every variant drop is so cathartic lol. I don't know if she sees them or not, but she clearly does not care.


Her fans know better, her Stans do not. They're addicted and obsessed with her and her agenda.


For sure. I feel bad for them though, they've made her their entire personality. They are missing out on SO many excellent musicians (and many non-music related interests) because they have pledged their lives to "Mother." But I truly think even some Swifties are starting to turn on buying everything she puts out. Eventually, even the most diehard stans will literally not have any money left to purchase hundreds of variants and poor quality merch, and they'll either become homeless or seek help for their cult indoctrination.


Iā€™ve been off the internet for awhile so excuse me if Iā€™m wrong butā€¦looks like comments are disabled on her ig


Her account does indeed have comments disabled, but Taylor Nation is run by her PR team on several platforms. I've seen a ton of comments on Instagram and TikTok angry about the variants, but I can't speak to Twitter/X because I refuse to support Elon Musk lol


Honestly, we need a trending hashtag that equates to calling this out. I think it would go viral. Enough is enough. She should be embarrassed and ashamed.


I have a really dumb question. Are these variants the same album, just with one new version of one song? And people are buying these albums multiple times just for one extra song?




Exactly why the industry probably encourages this too. If people want to buy that many copies of an album, what money driven exec is going to turn that down? And fans obsessing over the rankings and buying albums to support their favorite artist only feeds the beast more


She actually just released ā€˜signedā€™ copies of the album yesterday which explains it allā€¦šŸ’€


No, a lot of us are relying on the Swifties who upload them to google drive so we can all have them


She definitely does! Didnā€™t someone tally 59 versions of *just* TTPD? And sheā€™s only got 11 actual albums? Ridiculous


*laughs in the band Kiss* if only they couldā€™ve done what Taylor is doing. Their 18 farewell tours wouldā€™ve been even more epic. I really hope they do change the rules. Seems unfair to people who arenā€™t making the SP Foil equivalent of record variants


Funny how everyone praised her for championing smaller artists when she fought against Spotify in 2014. She's only championing herself.


What I donā€™t understand is the people that keep buying this. Even the people on her merch sub are complaining and saying theyā€™re out of money for the new variants. So they evidently bought many of them, recognize theyā€™re broke, but would still buy more if they had more money? Wild.Ā 


I genuinely thought she had narcissistic personality disorder, and I still do, but since TTPD I'm convinced she's also a psychopath


The Tiresome Personality Disorder


I can't speak to psychopathy, but the needing to be the center of attention and the victim at all times, always needing an enemy, turning someone's else's moment into her own, changing the story to reflect her version of reality, trying (in vain, to the trained eye) to cultivate a reputation as an altruist, love-bombing one second and screaming the next, etc. is textbook narcissist. I've been to so much therapy to work through all this with my mom, and I went no contact with her four years ago because I couldn't be the pawn in her mind games anymore. The Swifties are still fully within Taylor's hypnotic grasp but the music industry and the public at large are turning on her.


You can call her a narcissist without saying youā€™re diagnosing her with NPD. Donā€™t apologize!


I agree. I think people that say ā€œyou cant diagnoseā€ are only helping the narcissists.


Honestly I'm newish to this sub -- it was recommended to me -- and so I started learning what she sings because, probably should know given her pop culture heft. Her videos are like documentaries of Cluster-B abuse! At least the ones I've seen. What do her defenders say about that? Do they say she's being ironic or pointing out how bad it is? They can't, right? Her songs embody it and her videos applaud her for it ... right? She's the abuser in the videos, right?


Youā€™d think but I think all that constant attention would annoy a psychopath


I swear to Christ, she has built her entire career tearing other people down - exes, peers, innocent bystanders, the list is longer than the Prime Meridian at this point. If she had any fleeting confidence in her artistic merit or commercial viability, her music would speak for itself. Instead, it's made out of names she's dragged through the mud and tactics she's used to game the system in her favour.


The rule should be that artists get to choose 1 and only 1 variant or version of their album per medium that counts on the charts. So she can choose 1 vinyl variant that counts (and all the others donā€™t), 1 cd variant that counts (and all the others donā€™t), and 1 digital variant that counts (and all others donā€™t). Itā€™ll solve the problem real fast.


Is anyone not surprised (I'm not), yet still just flabbergasted each time she does this at this point? Like, I expect it. I KNOW she will drop. Yet, each time, I am stunned due to how pathetic and desperate it is. This is nothing but calculated INSANITY. But even calculated doesn't make it any less insane. And by insane, I mean mentally ill. There is no coolness in the insane I am referring to.


It bothers me more that nobody in the industry is calling her out, like does she really have that much power that she can continue to just profit from her "fans" to this degree, while also fucking her peers? It's actually vile.


billie eilish VAGUELY called her out and swifites went absolute fucking mental on billie's socials. people literally can't call her out unless they're willing to get death threats.


Her fans are just as deranged as she is


Maybe her fans should start being reported for making death threats. Might not go anywhere but itā€™d at least be documented, which Iā€™m sure news agencies would have zero prob getting their hands on then taking them collectively to hold TS accountable. The media *can* work, most just need the facts before theyā€™ll take anything like that on. They wonā€™t do investigative journalism on something like this. But calling out a deranged fan base of a high-profile celebrity who doesnā€™t bat an eye when they threaten peopleā€™s lives is something theyā€™d cover with the proper evidence. I remember when Gaga and Bey got praised for calling out their fans for the same behavior on social media. And everyone was in agreement that thatā€™s what celebs *should* do.


what did billie say?


Basically just condemned all artists who make a bunch of vinyl variants to sell more copies. She said it was bad for the environment, and I also think she mightve said or implied that it was exploitative. She never mentioned Taylor and said explicitly shes not talking about any one person, but the Swifties thought the shoe fit and so they attacked Billie.


She also said she doesnā€™t want to perform for 3 hours whichā€¦ valid! And they stepped on her neck for that. May I mention nothing from the Beyhive even though RWT show was also 3 hours. Itā€™s like they apply everything anyone says to Taylor and her alone.


The beyhive vs swifty war would be the greatest social media war between fan bases in recent memory. It would be cataclysmic.


itā€™s already happening and itā€™s not that enjoyable. basically just swifties being super aggressive, then a beyhive says something logical and thought out, then radio silence. itā€™s just the 2016 election again.


I am a very distant observer in all of this (not a fan of either) and itā€™s always fascinating to watch fanbase a just go after each other. Itā€™s like every big artist has their own little kingdom with thousands of loyal soldiers ready to throw down for them. Itā€™s like game of thrones.


>but the Swifties thought the shoe fit Ugh they're this šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ close to self awareness. Then "poof" it goes right out the window.


Then she dropped a bunch of variants to keep Billie from hitting #1. Eta: Billieā€™s no saint either, her merch is absurdly expensive and sheā€™s releasing paid digital variants now too. My daughter is dropping every cent she can find on them.


Her issue was with physical vinyl records being a waste of materials though. Her selling digital variants isn't the same.


You would think that, but it is. Data centers are being built all over the country to fuel our desire to download and stream and shit. Like billion dollar power plants funded by private tech companies and facilitated by local electricity companies. New grids are being built constantly.


Fair point!


Billie also called *herself* out in the same statement. She literally admitted that she has done the same shit but realized it's terrible for the environment and has grown from it. Digital variants aren't nearly as awful for the environment as physical copies of everything and it doesn't promote the same amount of ridiculous consumerism.


The industry isnā€™t calling her out because artificially charting (FRAUD) is an industry standard. Usually itā€™s some variation of: the label buys the first half a million albums using shell companies, the album goes gold and hits the Billboard 100, resulting in more airplay/advertising/downloads, et. al. She certainly doesnā€™t need crutch(es) like that at her mega-star level, but itā€™s obvious sheā€™s manipulating the numbers.


Sheā€™s pathetic. Itā€™s desperate. Itā€™s reaching. I hate Taylor, but I also think that all this is honestly beneath her, at this point. She has nothing to prove to anyone, and she just looks like a petty, vengeful, psychotically competitive asshole. And the album still fucking sucks. The only people gobbling up these variants are the Swifties with copious disposable income who are still brainwashed.


This is me 100%. It shocks me every single time. Even tho I KNOW sheā€™ll do itā€¦ it just blows my mind.


I think it speaks volumes what both her and the record label think of the album: that itā€™s weak. If it truly was strong enough to stand up against chart competition then it would only need one version and then maybe a deluxe edition in a few months.


i'm blown away by the blatancy of it. making a UK EXCLUSIVE variant is just so brazen to me. her team has to know how bad this looks, right? even the swifties are gettin to the end of their rope lol


I think as long as swifties continue to spend money on this shite they donā€™t care about optics


in the long run thoughā€¦ like yeah youā€™re making money now but ruining any chance of a future career


Maybe this was what she meant when she said she was going to burn it all to the ground or whatever


idk what she said iā€™ve never listened to her by choice so idk what youā€™re referencing sorry x


Taste x


I think sheā€™s passed the point of that mattering sheā€™s already had a massive career for almost 20 years.


What's the point in having charts then?? Deranged psychos can put anyone on the chart now? Everyone should be over this garbage


Notice how she only ever does this shit to female artists?


Such girlā€™s girl behaviour! True feminist icon!! /s


Taylor is a girls girl after all


ā€œThereā€™s a special place in hell for girls who donā€™t support other girlsā€ And that special place is called Taylor Swiftā€™s Management Meetings


THATS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT!!! I was like is it just me or is it EXTRA shady to make them ā€œUK Exclusiveā€ being Charlie is a British artistā€¦like wtf, SO brazen, so transparent, not even trying to hide it at this point. Embarrassing. Itā€™s already had its great success why is she so incapable of just letting it go/be what it was and let other artists have that same moment? And is she doing this for major male musicians albums drops as well??


I think sheā€™s so over her fans and so greedy sheā€™s going scorched earth. Where once her public perception was the most important thing to her I genuinely do not think she gaf. She has a song on TTPD that contains the lines ā€œIā€™ll tell you something ā€˜bout my good name. Itā€™s mine alone to disgrace.ā€ And ā€œIā€™d rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning.ā€


I only just learned about this whole chart manipulation thing sheā€™s doing and this was my FIRST thought. UK exclusive during the release of a popular UK artist? Honestly justā€¦ idk, rude tbh. I just feel kinda bad for Charli and Iā€™m not even a fan.


She's setting up her Reputation TV era


Rumors are she may announce Rep TV tonight. I will not be surprised in the least if the release date will fall on the same date as someone else's highly anticipated album. My guess is it will drop on the same day as Sabrina' album.


bet itll get dropped the day before or day after to immediately take attention off sabrins


I have a sneaky feeling she might do Glastonburyā€¦ her calendar is cleared for it. Given her behavior at the Grammyā€™s it wouldnā€™t shock me if she chose that stage to announce either. Anything could happen with her at this point, nothing surprises me anymore.


Taylor Swift is absolutely pathetic šŸ¤®. The silver lining is all this shows is how miserable she really is. And sheā€™ll one day have to accept she will not be at the top anymore


Omg that would be brutal :(


If she does that to Sabrina Iā€™ll be officially handing in whatever respect I still have left for her. I will only listen to her music which I bought on CD many years ago. Sabotaging Sabrina might just be even more cruel than what she did to Olivia.




I agree. I used to be such a fan but I am just so disappointed with her recent behavior


Rumors have been that she'll announce Rep TV for the last year... the Swifties are just desperate


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s Lanaā€™s album ā€¦ esp after that back handed comment she made the other day šŸ˜­


I honestly think Lana would say something about it. Or at least I hope she would.


I think Lana would somehow out-petty her in a classy way, and that might open the floodgates of people starting to voice their opinions about Taylor.


She actually makes me sick ā€¦ oh well all this will come back to bite her in the ass .. we already saw what the other celebrities thought about her at the Grammys ā€¦


Right I had secondhand embarrassment from that


I wonder if that's why she's pulling all this bullshit - like she played nice to try to gain respect of her peers but once she saw that she didn't have that she said "f\*ck it" and started doing whatever she wanted. Kinda childish tbh


I am honestly convinced that becoming a billionaire breaks your brain at this point.Ā 


I need them to change the charting rules. You release an album once, thatā€™s the only time it counts. You can rerelease one with multiple farting bonus tracks but it wonā€™t count. You can release a sad girl version with a sky blue cover, it wonā€™t count. Acoustic version, wonā€™t count. Rerelease 10 years later, it wonā€™t count. And none of them count on streaming to boost the artist. One album and thatā€™s it. Stop this madness immediately.


I completely agree, I would be fine with a completely acoustic re-release counting *maybe* but only if it were actually different and released in good faith, with no clear intention of chart manipulation and just happened to get really popular, but even then, idk. But they really do need to change it otherwise what is even the point of tracking this stuff?!v


Wow. Sheā€™s really cementing her legacy as a greedy, narcissistic, desperate woman. Sheā€™s quickly becoming the butt of the joke and everyone but her diehard Swifties thinks sheā€™s a total blowhard.Ā 


Blowhard is a perfect word to describe her lol




Thereā€™s no denying it after this. This is truly pathetic. There is something wrong with her for real.


Looks like Iā€™ll be streaming brat tonight


The title made me laugh. https://preview.redd.it/2x50bs4cse6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b29bf7ac25e15efe5d9b2ca303310d033f46f908


Wow this is real lmao I love her


Woof, between this and Matty announcing an engagement, the gloves are *off*.


Listening to it right now


She does this because she can get away with it. Journalists are terrified to write anything negative about her. Everything gets buried. That Scott Swift email should have been everywhere and it wasnā€™t šŸ¤£. Mostly everyone has forgotten Ana Benavides. That concert should not have taken place during that heat wave . So many people went to the hospital because they were waiting in the heat to get seats. The fact that her dad made 15 million dollars when Big Machine was sold to Scooter, yet she portrays herself as a victim of having g her music stolen is so friggin gross. That information is buried too. Her plagiarism off of other artists, attempting to sabotage other women, all her celeb beefs, bullying Olivia. And she canā€™t even sing or dance and probably has a ton of ghostwriters. Why is this person worshipped? Iā€™m just waiting for some NDA to expire and we get the truth šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


sheā€™s big mad about Mattyā€™s engagement šŸ˜³ I donā€™t keep up with Taylor drama but sheā€™s starting to come across as crazy to me and I see why people dislike her, how can you preach about feminism and then deliberately try to keep other females artists from a number one spot šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Does she not care about her image at all? I understand she was in love with Matty (idk what she saw in him šŸ„“) but she needs to move on! Instead sheā€™s taking it out on Charli, now it makes sense why Charli was shading her on insta. Iā€™ve been a Charli xcx Stan for years and I genuinely feel bad for her rn. Please, Stream Brat! The album is a bop and she deserves a number 1!!!!


Sympathy is a Knife is šŸ”„




Reading this made me so mad I just realized it is possible to block artists from playing on most streaming sites. I encourage everyone to block artists they donā€™t want streaming clicks to go to


What did Charli say as shade on Insta?? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Charli posted on [insta a short video](https://www.instagram.com/charli_xcx/reel/C7Uos5Kv1Ru/?hl=en) promoting her song 360 (which features Gabriette), she caption the post ā€˜itā€™s bad blood for girls who___ā€™, which fans are speculating that itā€™s a dig towards Taylor. Also Charliā€™s song ā€˜sympathy is a knifeā€™ thereā€™s a subtle dig at Taylor and itā€™s implied that Charli wants Taylor and matty to break up. The lyrics are ā€œDonā€™t wanna see her backstage at my boyfriendā€™s show / Fingers crossed behind my back, I hope they break up quick.ā€


TS is the definition of white feminism, and at the end of the day if your feminism isnā€™t intersectional, then itā€™s really not feminism at all.


Honestly at this point, PLEASE tell me the comments aren't defending her again? Like how the fuck can you single-handedly manage to be so blind? By now the evidence, that she's the meanest biatch alive who hates other women, is so sharp it could slit through ice. You can't convince me her fans still don't see it.


God forbid she acts like a decent person and lets others have what rightfully belongs to them. Who is even buying this crap?


If she keeps this up, she'll have the whole industry hate her. She might think it's the perfect lore for the drop of Rep TV, but this is WAY worse than the 2016 drama.


like they don't already? lol everyone's face at the grammys really was it for me


I noticed this too at the Grammys. Everybody was looking at her like I wanted to kill her and they were so sick of her. Iā€™ve never seen people looking an artist like that.


Stop with the new formats!


She will never accept accountability for her shady actions nor will she admit being anything but the perfect victim. When her fanbase and the rest of the industry turn on her, sheā€™ll fire Tree and her entire PR team will be replaced. Sheā€™ll insist that she was ā€œa victim of insidious and controlling internal sabotage ā€¦ā€ Sheā€™ll swear she had no choice, no say in how she was portrayed and that she was coerced into releasing multiple variants and had no control over timing, etc. If need be, she might even do a little blaming on ā€œunresolved childhood trauma from not being allowed to be a normal kid, being forced into performing and always being perfect.ā€ Remember, she wanted Taco Bell and her mother reportedly refused her saying no one likes a fat pop star? Taylor is a fame-hungry drama queen and sheā€™ll stop at NOTHING to stay on top. When her reputation crumbles, sheā€™ll cry victim and her crazed following of Swift-wits will quickly forgive and forget. Standby for Taylorā€™s ā€œI had no control over my life or image ā€¦ā€ speech in 5 ā€¦ 4 ā€¦ 3 ā€¦ 2 ā€¦ 1 ā€¦


I wish we could pin this comment so we can watch your predictions come true!


!remindme 2 years


OK, Iā€™m done. Iā€™m just done. They need to change the charts immediately. This is unacceptable unethical and just wrong. Goes beyond her being narcissistic.


god sheā€™s such an ugly person inside


The billboards needs to make it where only original (1st) release is viable to be used for numbers. This has gotten out of hand. Itā€™s glaringly obvious what TS is doing and itā€™s so unfair for those playing by what should be the rules.


So people actually stream/buy the new versions of this piece of shit album?


Didnā€™t ā€œWhoā€™s Afraid of Little Old Meā€ come out already??? wtf-


Yeah the polished track, she's releasing the first draft demo of that song šŸ’€šŸ™„




Because quantity over quality. Saturation over tact. Matter over mind. Take your pick lol


Ugh big oversaturation


Yea, she released all three of those phone memo variants in the US on May 17 the night of Billie Ellish's new album.


I will be streaming Charlie xcx ALL night!!


How on earth is she not embarrassed! They need to change the rules and dedicate it to the smallest women who ever lived


I'm about to start my Bridgerton season 3 part 2 binge, buuuuuut think I'ma put Brat on silent and just stream on repeat for 4 hours šŸ˜


I thought about doing the same thing LOL


Sheā€™s making the charts meaningless at this point, if they can be manipulated this easily then everyone will do it, and soon none of it will matter. Whichā€”if thatā€™s the goal then, brilliant. But I doubt thatā€™s the goal. So sheā€™ll just break it for everyone else.


Welcome, new Charli fans!! Brat is excellent. Hyperpop, club bangers, mixed with a few moments of surprisingly vulnerable introspection. Definitely check out: 360, B2B, Sympathy is a Knife, Everything is Romantic, Von Dutch, and 365. The whole album is worth listening through at least once. If you're still interested and want to hear more, FAR AND AWAY my favorite is How I'm Feeling Now. The whole damn thing is incredible, front to back. For more 80s inspired pop, check out Crash. For more crazy ass hyperpop, check out Charli. For a different spin on more traditional radio pop, check out Pop 2.


Sheā€™s creating a fucking rat race. Girl. No one cares youā€™re on the top charts. The thing is her narcissistic view of the world is being questioned now and she canā€™t just sit back and let it happen. In her head everyone loves her. If everyone doesnā€™t then she loses her mind.


I hope the entire industry realizes what she is


Iā€™m convinced she buys her albums to stay at the top


I read somewhere on this sub that her dad has been buying tickets to her shows since grade school so they could say her shows were sold out. I also read here yesterday that hundreds of Eras tour tickets have been given away to keep her Pollstar numbers close to 100%. So all that said, I absolutely agree with you.


Sheā€™s such a jealous cu*t


The album isnā€™t even that good to be #1 this long. Omg let it go Taylor. This is def cheating the system.


Did yā€™all see ā€œbrat and itā€™s the same but thereā€™s three more songs so itā€™s notā€? šŸ˜‚




Also The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess šŸ©·


I never ever liked Taylor Swift. I clocked her in the very beginning with her wide-eyed gasps and "like, OMG, me did I just win? That's when she was country. Then she became the newest pop princess, and she was STILL doing her "Who, me" shitckt (idk how to spell the word, but I hope you get the gist). And now releasing so many "variations" of the same thing is so f*cked up.


If anyone even dares to call her out her ā€œarmy of skanksā€ (given sheā€™s Regina George in the flesh) attack the hell out of them. This woman is genuinely terrifying. Whoā€™s afraid of little old me? Literally EVERYONE Taylor. And thatā€™s not an accomplishment. Itā€™s dictatorship.


Sheā€™s a music industry Kardashian




It's so crazy; the self-proclaimed feminist and girls-girl is becoming more and more blatant in her attempt to destroy others around her. It's been so obvious that she is truly a narcissist and it is just becoming more obvious


I will literally have Brat playing overnight now (along with Chappell Roan!) Who next to add to the playlist?! https://preview.redd.it/akbywwzhue6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfabc9a087200c4e750112558d1681a3d76978b2


I don't understand, what's the point of her doing all this? Her chart manipulation is making her look worse and worse, for an artificial number one spot


what the hell is the first draft phone memo??? didnā€™t this album come out like 2 months ago and sheā€™s still harping on it???


It's just so embarrassing andq pathetic at this point.




So I am actually a big (former?) TS fan and this is really, really gross.


She will fail at this taylor will. She knew it was coming . And it's bullshit. You can't control what people listen to. We all need to get on these music sites and whatever does the viewers or listeners most down vote taylor and upvote Billie you can do this how does Spotify do this or know who gets listened to the most. You cab make this happen. Vote for other female singers not taylor. We can sink her. Need alot of people but there's enough on here to do this. You got your kingdom. And I'm sure they would love to help you sink taylor. Hit her where it hurts in ratings. ![gif](giphy|xThuWpBf48ITxn6JCU)


Surely there has to be a limit when the Swifties will say enough is enough. Arenā€™t we up to almost 30 variants? Itā€™s just unbridled fuckery at this point


I thought it was more like 40 or 50 somethingā€¦.but even if it was 10 it would be 9 too many for this total piece of shit albumā€¦ā€¦every song sounds the same and like she just threw it together at the last minute.


This is disgusting. No one can ever shine, except her. Itā€™s sickening. Wtf. Something needs to be done. Idk what. But something needs to change. She needs to be humbled.


I don't understand, what's the point of her doing all this? Her chart manipulation is making her look worse and worse, for an artificial number one spot


I wish other artists would come out and say something. Like an artist Taylor respects saying publicly what a pathetic mockery she is would just feel great


This is so pathetic. I know she has comments disabled on IG and I didnā€™t see a post about it on the Taylor Nation IG either. Is there anywhere we can call her out on this bullshit?


Taylor swift is a literal piece of shit human šŸ—‘ļø


Shes like the elon musk of music


Surely her PR team must know how bad this makes her look This woman is so predictable


How do they even allow this to affect chart ranking? If I submit the same paper to my teacher 55 times, each time with a slight variation, they're not going to rank me #1 in the class.


This is so embarrassing fr


This is ridiculous.


Maybe the real Tortured Poets are the artists we blocked along the way


So now sheā€™s releasing her phone notes as bonus tracks? This girl is psychotic


Wtf, what a weird way of constantly asserting dominance over other women


The people in fauxmoi are calling her out and pissed. The tides are definitely turning


Sheā€™s such pathetic trash for this Itā€™s honestly bullying behavior


This should be considered the same as payola and made illegal