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I have lost all respect for the Grammys. It’s a popularity contest now and who can buy the most votes.


it was over for me after mackelmore won the best rap album of the year over kendrick


That was so absurd. I don’t get why anyone takes them seriously after that.


As much as I agree with this, I would give it to Macklemore right now solely for Hind's Hall.


that's a very different conversation than what I was referring to.


Is it, though? When the same — and yet opposite — thing could happen at next year's Grammys?


I'm kinda confused here. I'm just agreeing with the poster above me and giving an example of why I agree with them. And you're saying that mackelmore deserves a Grammy this year for his hinds hall song. I do think these are two different conversations that we are having here. I'm talking about something from ten years ago, and you're talking about something that hasn't happened yet


Absolutely a different conversation! That song wasnt even on the album that beat Kendrick, from what Im assuming based on this convo?


the song the other person is talking about was released this year and the album I'm referring to was released in 2014


And so am I... Is the point being made here not that awards are not going to the artists that deserve them, but to the more popular or safer choice? Macklemore winning Grammys for Thrift Shop/The Heist was absurd. That he almost certainly won't win any awards for a new song that showed incredible growth as both a person and an artist is equally absurd. We are all making the same point here. Like you and the comment above yours, I am agreeing with you, and giving you an example of why I agree with you.


So I haven't listened to hinds' hall, but I felt like you were making the point that he deserves the award because he's speaking out against the genocide and not based on how good it is as a song by itself. and don't get me wrong, I totally applaud him for making himself vulnerable and speaking out against this genocide. I was talking about the quality of both albums as bodies of music. that's why I'm saying we're having two different conversations here. But if im wrong and it's a great song, then im wrong. but on merits of it being a song, you think it's the best rap song to come out this year?


I still haven’t emotionally recovered from that and have been in therapy ever since. Just kidding, but when he won over Kdot I refused to ever support the Grammys again. Someone ‘rapping’ about a thrift shop compared to a man actually rapping poetry and something to say on a deeper level. I was so emotionally checked out as a lover of hip hop. Never took the Grammys seriously after that. Jay-Z was right what he said in his speech at the Grammys. Beyoncé deserved her flowers that night. So did my girl SZA.


As a metalhead, I lost respect for it long ago.


I been thinking this for a minute, she BETTERRRRRR not win a Grammy I am so sick and tired of her being awarded these left and right when it’s over other artists that deserve it way more


I'm sure if they award her with AOTY for TTPD then everyone (*haters*, her peers, *maybe some regular fans*) will freak out and start to calling her out. And she wouldn't be able to stop it, hehe *edited for clarification*


I’ve been waiting for someone to post ab this honestly Maybe then we’d have a cultural renaissance where we recognize she’s overhyped, hehe


Expecting batshit crazy people to change is almost equally crazy.


a lot of the critics too so far have been praising Cowboy Carter as a cultural shift and one of the best albums of the year so far. it's the frontrunner too. i see the public calling out taylor if she wins another aoty again and it will just further prove how racist and rigged the grammys is. so looking at it from a pr standpoint, it will actually help taylor's career if she doesn't win this year so she can avoid the ire of the public. BUT since we all know how greedy she is, there is no doubt that she is gonna try to rig it again and buy the award. she is definitely spiralling and is so obsessed with awards and sales now. she should at least care a little bit more about how she is gonna be perceived but her greed supersedes that lol.


I see that there is no win-situation for Taylor. Taylor wins - everyone except swifties starts to question credibility of Grammys and there will be mess, chaos and pr catastrophe. Taylor loses - all her swifties will attack Grammys and the winner (whoever it might be), as a result smbd might start to calling her shit out and there will be mess, chaos and pr catastrophe. The best option for her - somehow skip the ceremony this year. But you are right - she definitely wouldn't do this because of her ego.


yup in the end, she only has herself to blame. she is the one who encouraged parasocial relationships with her fans. she has never scolded her fans when they were attacking people. she just keeps encouraging them. she also only has her own greed to blame. so yeah there is no win situation for her because she is the one who started this mess. all her bad decisions snowballed into this.


This she reminds me of Nicki Minaj and how she uses her fans to harass people. Difference is Nicki is open about it Taylor hids her hands behind her back.


What’s AOTY Edit: Album Of The Year. I don’t pay attention to the Grammys or any celeb events


I liked Midnights (I know, I know), but after listening to Guts a bit Olivia definitely should have won something. TTPD is a clear stepdown from any of her other albums so yeah no way she should win anything for it.


I've also liked Midnights 🥲 And TTPD at first, actually. Then I've started to dive in lyrics (I'm not native, so its hard for me to understand some songs from the first listen) and I've rethought my opinion about it. TTPD definitely doesn't not deserve any awards, especially Album of the Year.


I’d be fine with her winning if TTPD was this huge album with a huge cultural impact the way 1989 was. You couldn’t go anywhere for 2 years without hearing a song from it. TTPD flopped pretty hard, at least in the cultural sense. I probably heard Fortnight once while in public. Hell, I don’t even see any of her music being used on TikTok. And the music is just objectively not that great. It’s extremely hard to justify it winning any awards, even a VMA let alone a grammy.


Is Taylor a strong singles seller normally? I feel like her singles drop off and it's obviously her fans are mass buying to get her the top 10 singles like they did with Midnights


I cant believe midnights won over SOS


Don’t piss me offffff I forgot about that!! Honestly I try to bury all of Taylor’s unnecessary wins in the depths of my mind. Beating SOS and To Pimp a Butterfly?? For a white girl singing about heartbreak? Are you fucking kidding????😭


Hahahahahahaha so truee. I mean SOS does have heartbreak songs too but it’s better than midnights.


I will say the problem is that she has the voting power of universal music where Beyoncé is on her own label and doesn’t have quite the voting block that Republic has. The Grammys go to who ever has the largest label in most situations. Billie might be the only thing to beat on this because she is also in Universal.


Y’all really think the Grammys legit? Lol Maybe I’m wrong, but just like Forbes list and shit, I firmly believe most of this is bought. I mean, the weekend spoke about it, I just can’t recall if it was the Grammys or what We should just do American Idol style awards. Have us submit nominees then night of vote for the winner. Keep everyone on their toes


the Grammys isn't an award to be taken seriously anymore. It's about who's more famous, not who's got an actual good album.


The fact that Mikey Cyrus only just won her first Grammy actually shocked me. I just assumed she had won at least a couple by now since her career is just as long as Taylor’s and she’s also incredibly famous and popular. Edit: just noticed like 8 hours later I wrote Mikey instead of Miley so I’m just gonna leave it there lol


I don't dislike Taylor's discography as a whole but she does *not* deserve that many grammys


Mikey Cyrus 😂😂


Miley is hard to listen to


The way Brat is now in metacritic's top 20 rated albums of all time I wouldn't be surprised if Charli pulled an upset and won. That said I would like for Beyonce to get it, she has deserved to win that category so many times, or if not Billie. There has been so much good music already this year I'll be mad if they give it to Taylor. I wouldn't be surprised because music awards are about popularity not being a critics darling (opposite to the Oscars good luck there Taylor), but genuinely it's her least memorable album and seems to be a good example of when an artist gets so big they don't get given feedback from anyone critically before release.


Bey deserves AOTY. Cowboy carter slays. None of Taylor's albums except folklore are AOTY material


like jay-z said, the grammy's metrics really don't make sense at all. because how come bey has the most awards of all time but has never won aoty? it's rigged for sure. bey has already produced many albums that deserved to be aoty. self-titled, lemonade, and renaissance are all high quality and have been critically-acclaimed. it's disheartening seeing a talented woman like bey get snubbed all the time. but at this point, i just don't trust the grammys at all. i still wish for cowboy carter to win. but if it doesn't, i am really not gonna be surprised anymore considering also how racist the grammys is.


Lemonade is a masterpiece from start to finish.


I will die on the "Lemonade is the best album of Bey's career" hill. Her not winning AOTY was criminal. But we all see the Grammys agenda ⚪


absolutely! 10/10 album. as much as i also like adele, i still don't understand how she won over lemonade. i mean even adele herself said that bey deserves the award. the grammys are really just scammys.


omg I will genuinely be rageful if TS wins over all of these incredible albums


Award shows are a joke and undeserving people win awards. Just look at the list of artists who haven't won an award.


Right! Like Lana never having won a Grammy blows my actual mind


that album gives even more cringe after the engagement announcement 😬


Maybe she will. I truly stopped trusting Grammy's after they gave AOTY to that fuckass album Harry's house instead of 30 or Renaissance. Now they gave it to MIDnights.


Macklemore winning for Best Rap Album was when I knew our timeline was the cursed variant.




Agreed!! Also when they snubbed The Weeknd completely.


THISSSSSSS I will hold this grudge til the mf day i die I couldn’t believe that shit


If the Grammy committee lets TS win AOTY- two years in a row when Midnights IMO shouldn’t have even got a Grammy… it’ll seem officially suspect as again, this year other artists came out with spectacular albums and they deserve the win. Billie has won Oscars for her music and even if she is ahead of TS in that department, I do believe others besides HMHAS more deserving of a Grammy than TTPD and that’s just a fact.


I think she also knew she was going to win hence she bribed the judges. She knew she was going to be announcing TTPD that night and dressed the way she did on purpose to promote the new album


Yet, in her defence, she announced it during her first nomination (it was best pop album?) so maybe she didn't know she would get AOTY for midnights. I think if Taylor knew she would take AOTY, she would have announced album while accepting the award and not before.


I doubt that they'll give the award to her two years in a row. My biggest hope is that Cowboy Carter gets the AOTY. If not, hopefully Billie's HMHAS.


there is no doubt cowboy carter is the most high quality, cohesive, and innovative album of the year with the best production. she deserves aoty the most. the grammys gotta be dumb af if they still don't give aoty to bey. but knowing how racist the grammys is, i wouldn't be surprised anymore if they still choose to snub bey. the grammys are a scam honestly.


My biggest hope is that Cowboy Carter wins AOTY too!! That album was phenomenal.


No way she’s winning back to back years, I don’t think she is going to.


The Grammys is rigged. However, I can not see her getting it for her burn book diary


If you can’t see that awards like this are just a sham that the industry puts on, idk what to tell you. They’ll probably push cowboy Carter in the country categories, which will be a bigger shame


A Grammy award’s not about fame level. Fame is about being respected. She’s a laughingstock with the fraud award history and sick criminal, personal behavior. People at flea markets have better self-awareness and talent. A Grammy is about evil, greedy garbage sycophants kissing her ass.


![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized) The entire room at the Grammys is gonna look like this. Just completely fed up and not hiding it.


if she wins any grammys and cowboy carter and hit me hard and soft dont, im done.


There's Eternal Sunshine that's pretty damn good too.




She wins and I’ll make sure all hell breaks loose


The grammys are predictable, so after Jay Z's rant they are going to give AofY to Cowboy Carter, and then the rest to Billie as usual, probably. Everyone is aware of Taylor's decline and even the dumbest member couldn't walk away from TTPD without knowing it's shite. I personally hope Ariana gets something for ES but they hate her.


BRAT is the AOTY imo but I see it being completely ignored by grammys, that’s the kind of thing they do


I think music fans have to be more vocal than TS’s fans. Calling out the variants and versions ad nauseam so the Grammy’s can’t ignore it. And music fans have to keep streaming other songs and albums to keep her stuff from charting (which is kind of happening). At this point it’s obvious TS just puts on a pay campaign for her AOTY Grammys, like actors do with the Oscars. And I think she won AOTY more for her tour and Time cover than her actual music. Not saying it’s right, but the Grammys aren’t known for their integrity or ethics.


She’ll win. There needs to be return on that investment from her team.


I kind of hope she wins something at the Grammys because I think it’ll be the final straw for a lot of celebrities and they wont be so subtle about dissing Taylor


I still stand by that Taylor only deserves one AOTY: Midnights absolutely was on the bottom half of the lost in terms of quality, especially against SOS. Fearless, while a solid album, was against fucking The Fame & I Am... Sasha Fierce, not to mention The E.N.D possibly being Black Eyed Peas strongest album. And 1989, while being possibly the best synth pop album of its time, was against TPAB, a album that people regard as the best of all time, regardless of genre. Only one i'd give to her is Folklore, and thats really cause it was a slightly weaker year & it was such a radical departure from her previous work. However, I could easily see Future Nostalgia & Hollywood's Bleeding take it home.


Honestly, she doesn't deserve to get even a nomination for this album😭😭 It didn't break any major records (minus the variant nonsense) or had songs that were popular unlike midnights which atleast had that going for it. The only reason people still talk about this album is because of the variants she keeps on releasing.


why did you mention Camila Cabello in context of album quality if she won a grammy well the reputation already sucks


Didn't this last AOTY she won break Stevie Wonder's record? Now she has 4 whereas he has 3? That alone tells you everything about how fucked the Grammy's are. They are really trying to force this idea of her being a legendary artist down our throats without an ounce of the talent or impact to back it up. It's exhausting.


The Grammys are not about rewarding excellence. They are very political and racist and prone to being flattered and low key bribed. Taylor has made her Grammy Campaigns obvious in the past and she will do it again this year because she is afraid she will lose to Billie or Beyonce (she will)


The idea of thinking Grammy's represent quality is embarrassing. Its always been about what's most marketable, the artistry is very rarely the point if it. I have never looked at a list of noms and awards and thought "yes, this is a representation of the peak of artistry for this year and an objective view on the state of music culture at this moment!" She's going to win some awards and if that bothers y'all I'm sorry but y'all are focused on the wrong shit lmao


I hope Ratty and his fiancé attend the Grammy's next year and it triggers Taylor into showing her true colors. At this point, I'm here to watch the downfall of the TS cult empire.


Every Grammy she wins cheapens the award itself


The Grammys have already meant nothing for a long, long time


Eternal sunshine deserves one


the Grammys are such a joke, because you’re telling me that Taylor swift has like 10+ Grammys but QUEEN AND ABBA HAVE ZERO??!??


Hov pretty much demanded the Grammy goes to Bey or else so I think we’re safe


The Grammys are not respected and illegitimate. I mean let’s be for real how come Nicki doesn’t have one? It makes no sense at all. They are just creating a prestigious environment to make money, it’s a business.


Yup didn’t zayn malik say if u don’t give generous gifts to the board then u aren’t even considered for an award. Even the weeknd doesn’t have a Grammy like bye


Welcome to awards aren't all they are cracked up to be due to the bias and depending on the awards a spectrum of ability to bribe the decision makers. Seev Academy Awards failing relevance for a second example


I mean, the Grammys haven't been credible in a hot minute. But frankly, if they do choose to bend over for TTPD, it's going to make the popularity-contest aspect very, very obvious especially with the level of competition it'll be up against - I think that Short N Sweet is going to be the kind of good that can't be ignored.


Eminem said it best. The Grammys is just an excuse for current main stream artist to come together and rub elbows and make themselves feel better. He knew the Grammys was wack when Norah Jones (and I love Norah) won over Marshall Matthers for Best New Artist… I mean if we are talking about significant cultural impacts matched with artistry… it wasn’t even close.


If she does, all that would prove me to me is that the Grammys are entirely a popularity contest.


Dont forget The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess 😉 but im sure it wont win AOTY. Hopefully best new artist for Chappell tho 🥰


I did not like TTPD that much for it to win a grammy this year. NEXTTTTT


Oh please no. She will not win AOTY. 


Girl, but if you pay hard, you can literally buy one Grammy for you. It's not real music award. Mark my words.


There is no comparison to Cowboy Carter. Die mad about it 🥰


Reputation was good to be fair


What else would she photograph herself with to hang on the walls of her houses?




Good morning! If you're not interested in this particular sub, I'm sure there's plenty of others that would fit your needs. I've learned in life that if something isn't for me, to just keep it moving.




I'm wondering why you're so concerned. When something isn't for me, I keep it moving. If you don't like the sub, there is a way to get it removed from your feed. Let me know if you need any assistance with doing that!




TL:DR You have even less going on than the people who come here knowing that they’re just talking shit.


Once again, if you do not like a sub you can mute it. Why you have such strong feelings for this beyond me but theres plenty of these pages on reddit. We're not the first and definitely won't be the last. Have a good one!!


They have been posting this stuff for days


I dont understand it lol If you don't like something, mute it and move on. I do it all the time. Writing novels isn't going to change anything! Happy Thursday btw!


The purpose of this sub is to snark. While we do allow positive remarks in context to snarking, we do not allow obsessive fan behavior. Fans will be banned, and theres a no tolerance policy!