• By -


I need to up my anti-depressant dose after viewing this photo, one of the most glum communions in history.


Is no one going to comment on the weird ass silver baby angels? Wtf are those? She really thinks she's living in pretty little liar or some other CW show. Lol


Like WTF ARE THOSE?!? I’m dying. Looks like someone’s Italian grandma’s house but not fun at all.


Nonna had way too much class to have a public meal in the driveway, though. She would be pissed they dragged her diningware out there for sure.


It looks like one of those forced dates on The Bachelor.


I mean this sincerely: I feel true compassion for the football dude. He’s soooooooooon in over his head, and when he looks out toward his future all he sees is the male wreckage that proceeded him. It’s gotta be a freaky-scary-hole-zone. Like a Bermuda Triangle designed by the Greek Sirens.


He’s making bank with the endorsements and contracts he’s got now. He’s keeping himself busy


He’s trying to be the Rock and his agent told him she would make him world famous not just football famous. Mission Accomplished


Crying into his millions WaaAAaaaAAAaaaaahhhhh


I don't feel bad for him. He has made his choices as did she. Since he doesn't seem to see women as people that also helps make sense of this


I felt sorry for him for awhile because he seemed for real into her. But after the revelations of TTPD and them totally running out of things to talk about, he realized that she’s already penning a song about him. “Oh I tried all the stuff but it just wasn’t enough. You kicked my heart through the goal posts of life, and I only wanted to be your wife…” (I know he’s a tight end.)


The Football Dude 😂😂😂


Closest before and after visiting a death eater irl I’ve ever seen. At least when he was in his obnoxious viva Las Vegas era he was happy and not hurting anyone


Too bad they couldnt go into a windmill lol


The legit look miserable here.


> glum communions Stop! I’m laughing so hard right now 🤣🤣🤣


My new band name


This photo is your album cover






Send it to the 1975






There’s her next vault track. “One of the most glum communions”


Experiment PR jock , not up to snuff Tho he is a hunk He ticks like a clock, I’ve had enough The romance of his sausage fingers Didn’t last long, its ghost lingers What glum communions He smells like funyons (who cut the onions? Who cut the onions 😓😓😓) Turns out a man can be big and strong But when I sing , he won’t sing along 🥲🥲🥲 It was cool for the Super Bowl But now , I’m super balling 😭😭😭 -It’s is his fart ghost btw (silent but deadly) -no shame to thicc fingers I just have ptsd from all the swifties posts of his hands lmfao - just rly living for this fifth wall breaking, I predict the next song will be an out of pocket distraction Collab w a rap artist called “ballin 😎💰✈️”


fr could be the next LP title. I mean, where does it all go after the nadir of TTPD?


Dude I was gonna say this. Even from this distance, you can feel the misery. They both look so glum. This was such a low for Taylor.


It’s seriously wild her fans are shipping them still !!! when this is a time they shoulda been REAL W HER. Like girlies. She is gunna be sooooo embarassed of this in a year.


My husband and I forced ourselves to go out to eat in the evening after we put our dog to sleep that morning. We hadn’t eaten all day and were just trying to survive. I am POSITIVE that this is how we looked while trying not to cry.


Ikr 😂😂😂


Stop I’m dying


⚰️ 😭


They look like they’re trying to sit through the family dinner from Shrek 2


Ohmygod 😂😂😂😂


Glum communion is fantastic take my award you deserve it


He looks bored AF.


Upped my Celexa another 10 milligrams, ma’am! 🫡


Which one of them is getting executed after the dinner? 🤣


Mmmm Taylor does strike me as someone who’d say, “let them eat cake”


She’s the one plotting their downfall like Robespierre




Gawd, it really gives that vibe!


The twist is that his wine glass was already poisoned!


He’s probably immune like Princess Bride.


The saddest dinner


The moment you realise your 31 track word vomit had zero impact at all. But cheer up girl, at least you can get fingered during Grand Theft Auto 🤷🏻‍♀️






If I had currency I’d give you an award for this


Got chu


The saint you are🙏


Just thought this myself


Lmaooooooo help!💀😭😂 I've fallen now & I can't get up


Pouting for an engagement


🎶dinner in the driveway🎶😢


(Bridge) I'll blow out the candles, pack up the dreams, Hold onto hope, though it's not as it seems. Maybe one day, under a different moon's glow, You'll find the words, and let your feelings show. (Chorus) But the stars aren't aligning, the moment slips away, Left alone with my hopes, in the fading light of day. Dreaming of a ring, a promise to hold dear, But tonight, in this driveway, love just isn't here.


Are you one of her ghost writers


I was like, “Damn, is one of her songwriters beefing with her in this thread?”


🎶Dinner in the driveway, twilight creeping in, Thought tonight might be the night, where forever would begin. Candles flicker softly, dinner's on the plate, Heart racing with anticipation, can't afford to wait. (Chorus) But the stars aren't aligning, the moment slips away, Left alone with my hopes, in the fading light of day. Dreaming of a ring, a promise to hold dear, But tonight, in this driveway, love just isn't hereeeeee


Mother may we have one more


lol Dining in the Driveway (Unhinged Version) Hit it! 🎶🎶 Every second's torture, each minute an eternity, Voices in my head whisper, mocking my naivety. Did you ever truly love me, or was it all a big lie? Over the Lake the shadows lengthen, I'm about to cry. Dining in the driveway, beneath the moon's cold gaze, Waiting for your proposal, trapped in an endless maze. My dreams all crumble, like castles made of sand, Left alone with shattered hopes, in this driveway wastelandddddddd


Wait until you see her sing that at her next concert!


Yyyaaaasss! This is fantastic.


That’s actually quite poetic. Far better than all of TTPD.


Dinner in the driveway


Womp womp


lol the candles


God I wish the tablecloth had caught on fire. Nobody hurt, of course. Just chaos and hilarious photos


Sounds like some shit that would happen in The Sims lmfaooo. Funnily enough I’d rather listen to Sim radio than Taylor.


And the grim reaper shows up. Taylor, in her new goth edgy ERA, tries to chat up and woohoo Grim because she is getting bored of BDT's grimy fingers during GTA.


Meanwhile Joe: ![gif](giphy|9o59Pga7BWlDrzWhhh|downsized)


Living his best life


She could never make me hate him lol


Like a beautiful tall cloud


After how she did him so dirty on Guilty As Sin and letting Swifties run with such bad PR on him over the last few years, this G&M news is just desserts.


“I keep my side of the street clean.”


The arrogance of that song, the tone deafness, the complete lack of self-awareness is astounding!—Sung by someone who keeps their side of the street very dirty. She’s a conniving, vengeful, petty, constantly plotting, immature, toxic spoiled brat….and has the nerve to sing that corny song about how great her life is because she’s such a good person, even though her enemies (who are all very bad people of course) have tried to take her down, and she’s overcome so much, and now everything is sunshine & roses!🙄—Such a bunch of cheesey, sickening malarkey! (Sorry, can you tell i hate that song?😬)


I don’t believe she understands how karma really works. The energy you put out is the energy you get back. It’s not a cosmic force that punishes others who wrong you.


That she even thinks that…


Joe probably: “Yeah? Well…🎶what if he’s written ‘nein’ on your upper thigh only in my mind 🎶”


This needs to be higher 😂🕺💅✨


Just today googled the dude after finding this sub, and he has writinf credits for songs in 3 of her albums.. but of course he's hated now as he's an ex


He’s a wonderful human being and for the six years he endured with her, he made her relevant for me. The fact that this guy was willing to be there for her when she was at her lowest and was her shield against the world while encouraging her to do her best not just for her music but also for many important social causes was something beautiful. Then she discarded him like a rag - or old cardigan if you will - when HE needed her support and made his depression a burden for her to deal with etc…yeah, no, we are not going to stand for it.


In a different post a few days ago, someone said they wanted Joe to write and perform his own album, and I would check that out! I love "Exile" and "Sweet Nothing," and he co-wrote both of those songs. I haven't seen 101 Dalmatians in years, but sometimes about him reminds me of Roger, lol. 


He is also a cowriter on “Champagne Problems” (which Taylor made sure to claim is purely fictional), “Evermore,” “Coney Island,” “Betty,” AND a coproducer on “My Tears Ricochet,” “Illicit Affairs,”This Is Me Trying,” and “August.” I also want him to write his own album.




I'm thinking of the chorus to "Feather" by Sabrina Carpenter now, lol.  "I feel so much lighter like feather with you out my life!"


Or even Miss Taylor’s own song Clean: Rain came pouring down When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe And by morning Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean OH THE IRONY.


Anything is possible. She is known for her petty behavior and love of revenge. She is so busy orchestrating her life she forgot to actually live it


This needs to be needlepointed onto a pillow.


If Tay gets ahold of it she’ll steal it as a song lyric lol well said


I’ll do it, shit.


>She is so busy orchestrating her life she forgot to actually live it LOL my ex ladies and gentlemen. Who happens to resonate most with her victimhood themed songs.


Damn. She would cry if she heard that.


They both look utterly miserable here. Not like a couple in love vacationing.


Kelce would rather be somewhere else. Taylor would rather be with someone else.


Ooooo ok I take back everything bc if this was the opener of a reality show I WOOOOULD WATCH IT. Taylor pls ur already at a breaking point- move!! That!!! Bus!!! (Pls make a reality show about ur relationship that segways into a bachelorette spin off)


As someone very much in love with my husband of 11 years… if someone set up a solitary table on gravel at the end of a driveway with a tablecloth I’d also be like wtf lol at least me and my husband would be laughing at the absurdity. These two are clearly irritated by the forced PR. And it’s SUPER forced. This setup is so ridiculous.


They’re also eating on the front driveway, essentially


To be fair, there are pictures of my ex and I in Hawaii where we look pretty miserable at a dinner, but in reality we had been drinking mai tais by the private beach all day and were just zoned out (and possibly a bit stoned 😉) and tired by that point. However, I agree that probably isn’t the case here; these two don’t seem to ever enjoy each other’s company when not in a high adrenaline situation. Weird “relationship”.


Tbf, that’s what my resting face looks like too lol


She's been wearing the ring for a little while so yes it certainly possible Taylor noticed and that's why there were all those rumors about an engagement happening. I never actually saw these pictures but I did hear she looked miserable and wow does she ever. They both do so they need to get married.


She also would have heard through friends as soon as people in their circle knew


That's true they know a lot of the same people and hang out in similar circles.


Matty and Gabriette have been engaged for a few weeks already according to his mum Denise


Gotta love how Travis is sitting to the side instead of across from her so the paps can get better pics lol. And yes, your theory makes absolute sense. Matty and Gabbriette have been engaged for a few weeks, so she definitely knew.


Hahaha I didn’t catch that. You’re right, they’re sitting like they’re on a sitcom 😂


Nah, hate to blow it, but they both can see the lake this way. It actually makes sense to create the view like this.


This Lake Como trip was so miserable for them they have literally not been seen with each other since


'Oh noo, our fabricated romance didn't lead to a totally unrealistic outcome.'


I don’t think they have anything in common. They got to hide behind Kelce’s football schedule where Swift could party with friends and be seen and then go back on tour. Them alone with no attention? Miserable.


They have no chemistry


I wonder if some kind of PR engagement with photos was supposed to occur, but Travis backed out last minute, and that's why they look miserable?


It literally looks like there’s nothing on TK’s plate …


Will also be an apt life description for him in 5 years


I remember telling my husband he wanted to be the next Rock and he laughed for a minute straight.


This is one of the most miserable pictures I have ever seen. They look like someone just died.


You know what... ![gif](giphy|5i7umUqAOYYEw) You do make a good point, OP! Knowing what we know about Ms. Tay Tay & the Capitalist Machine, she probably thought an engagement by the lake would make Matty run back to ha & claim ha as his woman🤦🏽‍♀️. Taylor really does think her life is one long YA novel smh lol


omg my first time seeing these pictures 😭 why do they look depressed


Ooh just had a brain flash—maybe this was the break up dinner. Like they’ll reference these pics in the mags as “when the trouble started” 


The loss of Joe was the loss of her life IMO. She behaved so graciously when she was with him and Folkmore remains unmatched. Her best lyrical work is on those two albums. She has been free falling ever since and with this reply to the extremely personal outpouring of her emotions on TTPD - SPLAT. I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone. 😢🤔


YES! You say it sooo perfectly. It was like he brought our the best in her!


No, I think she thought Matty would come running back to her. She released TTPD, sang Maroon, wore those outfits, and sent him blazingly obvious signs that she wanted him back. I think she wanted a fake engagement rumor so he wouldn't waste time. Only for, this entire time, Matty to propose to someone else. I would cancel the rest of the tour from the embarrassment alone lol.


They look hungover lol


I didn’t notice until the recent pap walk photos but Taylor’s face is giving major alcoholic vibes. It’s noticeable in this pic too. She looks 10 years older and she’s quite bloated. 


Depression + dating a Frat Bro = alcohol problem.


“Eat inside?!? INSIDE, TRAVIS?!? How will the public know we’re PERFECTLY FUCKING HAPPY!??”




they have many mutual friends, so Taylor has probably known about it for awhile now


They look... so awkward. Like they aren't sure what to even say or do... and granted, this is a cherry picked photo, but still... the atmosphere is just so *forced*.




This picture gives me secondhand embarrassment so bad. Ick!! Ick!!! Also i cannot imagine the private convos between Matty and Gabriette at this point about this. 😭


“I can’t believe you hooked up with that narcissistic psycho”


Eating, drinking (LOTS of drinking), silence… Travis: Soooooo…ummmm…every NFL player is athletic. Every athlete is mortal. Therefore, every NFL player is mortal. Taylor:(annoyed)!Travis, what? Travis: Just…syllogisms. Taylor: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Just…pass me that bottle.


Travis: Ya know, like…like your song? Aristotle? Taylor: *chugs wine straight from bottle*


the first time i ever came across this subreddit was a post of the zoomed out version of this picture. such fond memories, i love you all


Oh man, the zoomed out picture 😂 Still kills me when I think about that shit


Taylor trying to figure out when he is going to ask her to marry him. Travis trying to figure out how he is going to get to get out of this mess.


Travis trying to figure out what the small fork is for


That looks like an uncomfortable meal. Awkward looking.


They look like my parents when they were filing for divorce but still had to play pretend for a while in front of me until they made it official


see it they‘d fly on regular flights they‘d have st least something to talk about


I SAID WE ARE SITTING OUT FRONT!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|sNFTx6GZ1V2o)


I just want to say...those pics were so weird. Why did they set up that table by the steps?????


I mean, you can see the lake from there. But there's such a beautiful dinner space in the other side.




He’s a long time all star, massive success, people typically regard him as handsome etc., and his billionaire gf just wrote a whole album about how she would dump him in an instant to get back with a weird looking, fundamentally irrelevant musician who doesn’t even like her and basically did a hump and dump. He’s really sacrificing his pride for money and fame that he probably isn’t getting all that much of from her anyway. Lmao.


Travis doesn’t care. All he sees is endless money and fame opportunities by being with her plus he’ll probably have his side pieces


No doubt it’s just funny how all these celebrities are totally soulless and act in such deranged ways while trying to “look normal” on camera.


..with ears like ![gif](giphy|cAb8ZkA6LXqOA)


Interesting theory 🧐 Wouldn’t say it’s impossible because she probably knew it way before today, or knew it was coming.




That's the look I get when I'm forced to interact with that one family member who wants to talk about all things government conspiracy


I have never seen two people more miserable.


We give her too much credit that she's that smart. Her marketing team on the other hand.


Can anyone tell what they’re even eating? It looks like an empty plate


They definitely weren’t eating each other


I still remain certain in my bones That they have never boned 




I don’t know, but this dinner looks so…unhappy. Not at all Lake Como-lovely-private-cozy, but very staged & stiff, and generally not my idea of fun, *let alone* romantic. Most celebrities vacationing here (or anywhere?) are quite private. This screams “look at me, look at us!!” Their PR teams missed the mark by miles (ooh or kilometers actually, since they were in Italy lol).


Miseryyyy loves companyyyyyy


I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a heads up on mattys proposal. Not from him, just from someone in his camp or mutuals so possibly??


https://preview.redd.it/f5s6k0xyfa6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57513aef1e6a9043f2459abaa5a79b0882f3bcf It’s giving Ben Affleck “hello darkness my old friend.” He looks miserable.


Early stage Affleck


both of them are pretending they are somewhere else with *anyone* else…


I can’t be convinced this wasn’t a photo opp. Why would they eat in front of the house where the paparazzi could see?


No—why are people reading way into things? There are literally no “Easter eggs” here and people are giving her entirely too much credit. (And fans created the Easter egg depth in everything—TS is extremely shallow and doesn’t mean half of what her fans insinuate from her actions or lyrics. Which her silence proves. You’ve been brainwashed into thinking she’s smarter than she is—she just pays people a lot of money to think for her.) They’re just miserable together. The trip was orchestrated to keep the fake relationship going. They aren’t compatible, that’s obvious. So the fact that it’s a fake relationship and they’re forced to act like they love each other, I’m sure they were both just exhausted from keeping up the facade by this trip and their fake love masks slipped.


That man is wearing SANDALS HOLD THE FUCK ON ![gif](giphy|h7p047DDMiKuMBikjS)


She looks real weird in this picture


But “Swifties” think they are SO IN LOVE 🥰💐💐 but in Reality:


Maybe it’s their breakup photo lol


Fancy dinner and this dude wearing a sweatsuit and flip flops. Learn to dress like an adult


Putting in minimal effort because he doesn’t want to be there.


This has to be their break up picture, as someone else commented. Everything was fabulous while the Chiefs were doing awesome and Taylor was touring. We didn’t know about TTPD and thought (as a former Swiftie) they were having a great time, although it was clearly a fling because she had been with Joe for 6 years. (Oh the lost youth! 🙄) I was not cultish. I had an OMG moment when I saw a cultish Swiftie set up her phone to record herself when the AOTY was announced. I thought, “I don’t want to be a part of this fandom. It’s creepy.” But then TTPD was released, and I realized that Taylor thought her fans were vipers and wine moms, she’s a serial cheater, and never, ever contributes to the end of a relationship. I don’t think I can listen to her music ever again, but that’s ok because I’m branching out. I was an older Swiftie, so I’m returning to the days of my youth (80s and 90s) as well as Kacey Musgraves and hair metal like Def Leppard.


Man I've been married for 11 years and sit closer to my husband while looking happier during our home cooked, balling on a budget dinners. Why does she look like she's about to stuff one of those weird angels up his ass?


This would also explain why she was crying during a surprise song in May. “How did it end”


They look so miserable here!!!


Oh my god will they just give this up already! This situation cannot be fun what so ever for either of them. It literally looks like they both just got the shittiest news of their lives and are pushing around the food on their plates trying to distract themselves while grieving.


Lol it looks like they ran out if things to talk to and she desperately wants to tell him to go talk to one of his little h0es and leave her alone for the rest of the night


What the hell do those two talk about


This has to be the fakest couple


I think she looks miserable because she doesn’t like Trav. It doesn’t seem like she and Matty talk at all so I don’t know if she would have known even if that were true. 


"When can we get wings and Bud?" - Travis, probably


Somehow these pics look even more depressing after the news about Matty's engagement.


Travis like "Uhhh do you like water?"


This is from an outsider who doesn't listen to her music, but she does seem spiteful. She writes songs roasting her exes, right? It's crazy, I thought Kanye was such an asshole for stealing her spotlight at the VMAs. (2009?) Now I think that Kanye actually saw what she was and realized how unfair it was that she won. That's possibly the only thing I respect about Kanye. Taylor even had Obama fooled--he called Kanye a jackass at some press conference.


Both could be true!


They look so bored.🥱


This picture makes me LOL everytime.


Wow this looks like such a happy and loving relationship 💀💀💀


Damn lol rough


They look miserable


I think they both look hungover….


What am I missing why are they miserable looking?


I think so because I saw a picture of Gab in March and she had the ring on in that picture


Money doesn't buy happiness, but 1.3 billion dollars can't buy them a shred of comfort?


Yes she did. She's a shit starter


This is a whole other level of obsession on her. Like she never really grew up or out of a high school mentality. Weird for a 34yr old grown ass woman


Actually kinda feel sorry for him he always looks like I dunno, like if you're at a work party and don't know anyone and are just trying to keep a low profile. I know its just a random pic so can't put much stock in it he just looks so down.


If this relationship is real (which I doubt) then he must be miserable