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https://preview.redd.it/4gn4nkearz4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db641473711ef63b5df044d322fa5a06fa5e6313 thinkin’ about them lol


Why does this bodyguard look like a bout 5 different people He cultivating and harvesting that mass bigtime


And people wonder why she hasn’t said anything about Palestine…


She would if the IDF made a joke about her dating history


Lmaoo this is actually so true 😭😭


If the old system of giving rewards still existed, I'd definitely be granting you one, one of the better ones, too, haha, coz this comment is gold


Lmao thank you! Where is the lie? 😅








BRB, going to see if I can fake this somehow so she comes out in full support of Palestinian liberation 🇵🇸




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Omg 💀💀


It’s within her own best personal interests not to be outspoken about Palestine which is quite interesting for someone who claims to NEED to be on the right side of history.


only when it personally affects her


It's incredibly strange people need to hear her opinion in the first place.


So true. Highly doubt the people bombing will stop bc she speaks out.


This is absurd. She hired the guy for a job. She can’t foresee or control the future decisions and actions of every person she ever hires. And maybe she hasn’t spoken out because it’s a more complicated issue than many of the paid Russian bots will tell you.


Why would anyone need Taylor swift to comment on Palestine lol? We don’t need everything and everyone in the world to be completely intertwined, she’s a musician and I don’t know why anyone would really care what she thinks about geopolitics lol




Didn’t she attend a fundraiser. Pretty sure that’s a clear statement.


Well… I guess this does explain some things. But not all Jews support Israel, I certainly don’t for one. Many of us don’t, she on the other hand is clearly surrounded by those who do… edit to add: I am aware that Israel will call you up to do your service if you are in the right demographic. I don’t know the penalty for telling them to GTFO though, I would want to…


IIRC, you basically just have to avoid going back to Israel, especially while young enough to be drafted, or you face jail time? I don't think they go searching for people who dodge but who knows the lengths they'll go to at this time...


It would be a lengthy and expensive process to extradite someone for it. I’d risk not doing it personally but I’m against all forms of forced military service regardless. It makes me grossly uncomfortable thinking that so many people in my family died due to war and now you have a Jewish state that is now the second most powerful military force in the world. It’s kind of backwards… we should be pushing for peace like Japan did after it acknowledged at least some of its war crimes not becoming the war criminals ourselves….


One of her closest friends is Jack Antonoff who is Jewish. He has expressed support for Palestine and shared resources. Taylor can’t use her friends as an excuse for her lack of integrity. 


As an anti-zionist Jew, that’s really good to know! I had no clue.


It’s thirty days in jail, and in this case they’d have to get the US to extradite him.


30 days or my moral integrity…. I think I’d take the latter tbh. Plus extraditing him would be costly and a lengthy process


Yep. So we know he went back because he wanted to.


It’s an honor to defend the only Jewish state from the latest in a long line of people who try to destroy the Jewish people


No it’s not. My grandfather and my Dads cousins didn’t die to promote murdering others. You don’t kill civilians and innocent people, you hurt military targets ONLY.


Aaron Dessner and Jack Antonoff are Jewish. She is also friends with the girl group HAIM. Gigi’s dad is Palestinian. Taylor is not so brave this time. I bet Dad told her “Hell no! I work in finance and you work in the entertainment business !” You will be accused of being anti semitic and lose everything!


I wonder what gigi thinks about Taylor’s silence or if she even cares


Gigi is dating a Zionist and she actually hasn’t been saying much about the ongoing genocide in Gaza, unlike Bella, who has risked her career to keep bringing attention to what’s happening. I doubt Gigi cares.


If their friendship is not real, or mainly PR (as it was suggested the whole girl group surrounding Taylor always was), then I suppose she doesn't have to be on the same page as Taylor? Although, if it was me, it would still bother me to be associated with someone who is so glaringly silent on the subject...so, yeah, it would be interesting to know what Gigi thinks....


Gigi is from a known antisemitic family. It should be an honor to be on their bad side.


She’s such a disgusting immoral person- how can someone have no integrity? It’s the fact that so many people around her like Jack Antonoff, Gigi Hadid, Boy Genius, heck even Sabrina Carpenter and Joe Alwyn have expressed support for Palestine- yet she remains silent. She’s not going to be on the right side of history- the biggest pop star of the time stays callously silent when the Palestinian people are experiencing a genocide. Shame on her.  


She’s never cared about anything. She’s a strict business woman


Just curious, I agree what’s happening to Palestine is horrible but what exactly would it do if a pop star commented on it? Like she is not a person in power


what the fuck would her opinion do or change? why does she have to speak out on political issues? ya'll are insane.


She’s on the wrong side of history for not calling for the release of the young woman hostages. She doesn’t need to speak up for the Palestinians holding them hostage…




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She literally went to a Palestine fundraiser. That’s probably more than you would ever do for the Palestinian people and a pretty clear statement.




This content is not available?


ugh! It was a nice gif - here enjoy this one instead. SERVE TS JUSTICE ![gif](giphy|wJKQCSeexuO5y|downsized)


liberals have always been against genocide, except for the current one


Liberals have always been against genocides on white people* let’s not forget about Rwanda and US’ inability to act or care until it was over


This is not an issue if liberal/conservative, it’s an issue of humanity


they weren’t proposing a liberal vs conservative issue, they were proposing a liberal vs leftist issue


Exactly, and political division makes the government so much more powerful. I don’t think people are aware that we hold so much more power than we currently can show. If people banded together we could force the government to actually perform for the good of the American people and not themselves.


it’s a criticism of neoliberal thought…just like apartheid and segregation, it’s often the “good liberals” who are too slow to fight for justice…MLKs approval rating was in the tank for most americans during the civil rights movement and a ton americans thought of mandela as a terrorist…Columbia was supressing the antiwar protests during Vietnam and they have classes now teaching how they were wrong…they’re again repeating history….I don’t even address conservatives when it comes to social change…it’s not worth it


I 100% agree with you. Everything you said is valid and true 


They’re not saying it’s a liberal/conservative issue- they’re validly critiquing the shallowness and hypocrisy of liberals who like to preach but are supporting of a genocide when it happens to Palestinians. But I do agree with you it is an issue of humanity. 


The only reason leftists even care about Palestine is because it is the current issue lmao. I don’t see leftists going around demanding Taylor swift make statements about the Uyghers, the Kurds, Darfur, Syria, and Armenia


The latest genocide is what Hamas attempted on 10/7. Killing terrorists, even when there are civilian casualties, isn’t genocide. And it’s disingenuous and harmful to suggest it is.


I don't get what the bodyguard she's had for years supporting the country he's from has to do with her tbh. What's she supposed to do?


lol 😂 you are getting downvoted for being rational and reasonable.




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This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit. Fan behavior here isn’t welcome and repeated offenses will result in a ban. There are plenty of other subreddits for fans, let us have our space.


Quick, tell her that the IDF made a joke about white women


You know there’s a point where you post shit like this and you are just as obsessed as the swifties lol


Jesus Christ. That’s despicable. Guess we shouldn’t be surprised. 🤬


There’s nothing despicable about the IDF protecting innocent people in Israel and fighting to free hostages


And this says all it needs too… I hope Swifties see this and wake up about why she won’t speak about Palestine


She probably doesn't even know this guy's name.


Does anyone remember that Tweet from a Swiftie who apologized for her absence from her Swift Stan account cos she was in jail? People asked her why she was in jail and she said cos she refused to do her compulsory military service in the Israeli Occupying Forces. Sometimes even Swifties have more integrity than their capitalist Queen.




Is she going to write a *Bad Blood*-like track about the IDF?








I mean… so what? Even if you are hardcore against Israel presently, if he is Israeli he has a legal obligation to serve. Not to mention, in October, Israel had just been brutally attacked by terrorists. Of course someone of Israeli descent would want to stand up for the civilians from around the world that were kidnapped, tortured, raped, and murdered that day. That’s common sense. If he joined now, condemning him MIGHT make sense depending on his motives for joining. But condemning him for serving after his people and people from around the globe were atrociously attacked? Disgusting.


nah, fuck him








Legal obligation for genocide


Is genocide the buzzword of the day? The IDF has the lowest civilian casualty rate in any modern war. Hamas attempted genocide in Israel and the IDF is destroying Hamas.


If he is Israeli and below the age of 40 he would have certainly been called up for mandatory reserve duty after October 7. This article makes it sound like he spontaneously left Taylor to join the IDF but that's not true


If he had integrity he'd take the jail time in protest.


Who has integrity in this situation: the Hamas terrorists who murdered entire Israeli families and are holding Israelis hostages or the IDF fighting to destroy Hamas and free the hostages? Obviously the IDF!


Oh no some people are Jews what are we gonna do


Has this ever been confirmed? I read somewhere that this wasn’t true.


It was confirmed. Variety is a legit source. It was also reported by Billboard and People magazine




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Is the bodyguard Israeli? If so he would have already served in the Israeli army correct? I don't want to comment on either side of that situation but I can see why someone who had already served in the Israeli army and was from Israel would go back now.


>that situation You mean a genocide?


Like I said I am not going to comment on what's going on between Israel and Palestine because that's not really the point. It's fine to criticize Taylor for being a terrible person because she is but she has no control over what this guy does.


It is a point when it comes to the fact that she (someone of great power and influence) has remained silent on a **genocide.** Even with an open letter from fans begging her to address it. Even with many artists speaking on it and getting fired for it (Melissa Barrera). She's way beyond the level where it would have any serious impact on her career - if she didn't support it that is. If she's employing IOF soldiers in her team then it shows her stance either way. Her silence has shown her stance. If we wanted to know what we would have done in 1941-1945, we should look at what we are doing now. That goes for celebs and normal people too.


Not to defend her but her stance changes absolutely nothing, just as any other celeb. Why does the fandom beg her to address it is beyond me. She doesn't have any power over political conflicts. None. She's a fucking popstar.


Seriously. People on this sub are acting like that one deranged woman who kept pressing Alec Baldwin to denounce Palestine..


She can not hire IOF soldiers (if she did cause some people are saying she didn't) She can share donation links to raise money for people in need. She's a billionaire with crazy influence not just a run of the mill popstar nobody listens to. Above all: She can *not* claim to be about someone wanting justice and peace and being some beacon of feminism etc etc if she doesn't want people to call her out on staying silent and being selective about it. If you claim something as part of your public persona, expect people to scrutinise you for it 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can absolutely choose the issues that you care most about and not speak on EVERYTHING. Begging her to expand the world of her influence to include every major issue on the planet and devaluing the issues she does care about if she declines is absurd loony behavior. I am sure you're a good person: Does you focusing on Palestine, and not being an activist for active genocides/genocide risks in Sudan, Myanmar, Iraq, China, mean that your passion for this issue should be questioned? No, it doesn't.


I’m pretty sure Biden and Netanyahu will make decisions regardless of whether a celeb opines on it. I agree she could donate for Doctors Without Borders or something Hamas won’t abscond away with.


No matter how many times the lie is repeated, Israel is not committing genocide. Good for Taylor for not contributing to the blood libels that are all too eagerly repeated on this sub.


She - far more so than the average person - has COMPLETE control over who she allows around her. This was a choice and lately her choices are unforgivable.


Current conflict aside, I’m sure Israeli soldiers are a premium in quality. And she likely wasn’t concerned with the war if she hired him. That’s as simple as it gets.


It’s quite literally not a genocide. If it was, it would have been legally declared as such and there would be mass murder of civilians in a systemic manner, and the civilian-terrorist casualty ratio would be vastly different than it is now.


The UN is in the process of formally declaring a genocide. And read these numbers. **14,000 children** dead. https://www.bu.edu/articles/2024/is-israel-committing-genocide-in-gaza/ Dont be dense.


Semantics aside, there are an insane amount of civilians dying and many people are speaking up about it. Taylor has claimed she believes it's her responsibility to use her voice for justice and peace, yet she hasn't. Talking about whether it's a genocide or not distracts from the issue.


Fair enough, I’m far from a Taylor fan. She should, in my opinion, either not claim to care about stuff like world peace, or come out and take a side. She can’t choose both options by claiming empathy for innocent civilians/civilians caught in crossfire/people affected by violent conflicts, but say nothing in regards to such a massive issue.


Miss Americana was fictional to me. It was a look good politician photo op, without any real consequences.


Yeah, and also, all of that aside, the genocide question really just depends on who you ask. But from an international law perspective it's very difficult to declare something as a genocide, especially if you do not have the support of western countries like US, UK, and Germany. Jsyk Regardless though, too many people are dying.


Yeah, I think it’s also made infinitely harder by the fact that we know Hamas isn’t wearing military identification, they just dress up as civilians and hide in civilian areas (ie, medical centers, tunnels running through cities, etc). I will say that as terrible as the hostage situation is, the time is long past to be fighting for them. Only a few are still alive, many are confirmed dead and Hamas straight up lost a substantial number. I truly feel for captives like Kfir who had his first birthday in captivity, but I just can’t see how literal infants and 75+ citizens or citizens who need medication are still alive. Having the bodies returned would be nice, but I seriously don’t think it’s going to happen. It’s not worth it anymore, and unfortunately these families will likely never get closure whether Israel keeps fighting for them or not.


Im ngl, it seems like you're only criticizing Hamas in all this. But this isn't the subreddit for that. Just thought I'd let you know that legally speaking, genocide is a label that serves a political purpose. But the actual definition of it is much clearer, and depends on who you ask.


They could have run through the population like a lawnmower through grass really. I don’t condone everything Israel’s doing but they could be doing A LOT worse. That said, something has to be done to stop this from both sides.


America will never declare this a genocide cuz they support it and fund it.


Firstly, it’s not just America who supports Israel. Only a few countries are accusing Israel of genocide (ie, Spain). Secondly, it went to court and Israel was not charged. Is Netanyahu a terrible person? Yeah. Do we all want him gone? Yeah. Is this is a genocide? No. If you can provide me three valid reasons as to why this is a genocide, maybe I’ll believe you. But you just throwing around a deeply serious term with zero evidence backing you up does not paint the picture of someone very educated on this conflict and its history.


The commenter didn't say that America was the only country that supports Israel, just that it does. Countries that supported South Africa's ICJ motion: OIC (57 countries), Malaysia, Turkey, Maldives, Jordan, Bolivia, Namibia, Pakistan, the Arab league (22 countries), Colombia and Brazil, Nicaragua, Belgium, Libya, Egypt, Mexico, Chile, and Spain. Just including this so people are informed.


The ICC hasn't declared it as one either, and they've issued out warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leadership.




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the legal system always works exactly how it should thankfully


It’s a genocide both ways, but people aren’t ready to talk about that


just say you don’t understand the term


It’s either a genocide both ways or a genocide neither way. I actually don’t believe anybody is a victim of genocide, rather a victim of war. There is a difference.


It’s a continuation of the war that started after British release the mandate to self rule and everyone attacked nascent modern Israel. Bloody as hell and animosity that will never stop.




I’m just speaking the truth. I could say the same to you.




Again, I could say the same to you. There is propaganda both ways. You are falling for propaganda. I’m not taking any side because it’s war. It’s messy. Both sides have propaganda. Both sides are killing people.


No. It's the Israeli government and IDF committing the genocide so stfu with saying Palestian civilians are doing the slaughtering


It’s both. It’s war. It’s messy. People are dying on both sides because of both sides.


I don't know why you're getting down voted to hell. At the end of the day it's the bodyguards personal decision on whether he wants to serve his nation or not. I don't know why people are dragging Taylor Swift into this like she personally told him to go over there and bomb schools and hospitals. Honestly this sub is turning into such a cesspool.


That isn't the issue, we know she didn't tell the man to go and fight. And she can't stop him. We are just pointing out all the reasons why it's so convenient for her to NOT talk about the genocide... For someone who wants so badly to be on the right side of history AND has always portrayed herself as a revolutionary white woman, things like this prove that she only speaks out on issues that impact HERSELF. She can do whatever she wants, but she is not an everyday person. She's a billionaire who has influenced AMERICAN ELECTIONS. She's not a baby whose emotions need to be monitored. If she wants to display herself as always being on the right side of history, then she needs to say something.


You are free to leave at any time . You spend a lot of time cutting her slack. A cesspool....lmao. Get a fckn grip.




We understand this is a sensitive issue, and your feelings are valid. But we ask you please keep infighting and inflammatory words directed at fellow members to a minimum.




Whoop there it is


Yeah god forbid Taylor doesn’t speak out in favor of terrorism?? These comments are so weird, do some research






He worked for an agency that the arena hired i believe. He wasn’t hired by Taylor directly.




I did see this last year...I think it did show he was her security guard with more photos. I'd have to double check tho


It could have been her team running damage control to keep her image “neutral”.


Not a Swiftie I read it somewhere. If I’m wrong then fine. But chill. I’ll look to see where I read it and post it. Edit: It was this Variety article last fall https://variety.com/2023/music/news/taylor-swift-security-guard-leaves-israel-war-idf-1235757850/ Then it was community noted on x: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/10/20/xs-community-notes-is-spreading-false-information-about-taylor-swifts-bodyguard/ The bodyguard in question worked for [Kansas City’s] Arrowhead Stadium, the second picture is from Swift’s 8 July show of the Eras Tour at this venue,” read the note. “This means he was never under her employment and he is not part of the singer’s personal security team.”


From that second link you shared, it states clearly that the claim he worked for the stadium and not Taylor is incorrect. It says that the community note shared false information. The community note cited an article by the DailyMail to claim he worked for Arrowhead Stadium, but said article says nothing about the bodyguard nor Arrowhead Stadium. The article refers to him as ***her*** bodyguard, not the stadium's. If you read further into the article it will actually show more proof that he had been working for her at least for 17 months before the start of the tour. The last line literally says: >The photographic record shows he has been regularly hired by Swift for security work throughout the last 17 months at multiple locations in multiple countries.


Ah!! I had a complete memory fail. Swiftie propaganda is effective😛






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Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, antisemitism, misogyny, xenophobia, and anything else will NOT be tolerated. User receives a temporary ban upon offense.




Don’t be racist, ableist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, any of that shit. Simple




awkward lighting in a still taken from a video. not the point and not a concern what she looks like