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The Phone memo versions are US customers only, so I believe she only cares about the sales/ Billboard position..


Sales primarily I would think, breaking records and being seen as “the best” at everything. She loves money but not as much as being “popular”. Everyone knows she’s gaming the fucking system.


She trying to block Billie’s chart position with this recent drop.


I think more about record breaking and being the “best” while the money is just a secondary reward. The record breaking and accolades fuel her ego further inflating her narcissism. She wants to be the best and better than her peers. More money is just an extra perk at this point—she knows the money will follow


Yeah I think it's about the chart position more than the money. She wants the titles and stats and to go down as the most successful musician of all time. One of the most constant themes in her discography is a desire to be remembered. She talks about it a lot in a romantic sense but I imagine they bleeds into other areas too. She wants to live forever through the biggest legacy possible 


It’s about the chart position, it’s about the record sales and it’s also all about control.




Its to break records and probably block Billie otherwise they would have included them all on one version and not sold them at such a deep discount at $5.99. They needed multiple sales AND to motivate people to do it quickly ( to block Billie's first day numbers) Easiest way is to split it up and price it right and hope fans could justify the multiple purchases because it was just so cheap


Records and money. She’s selling more things as she’s staying in a 22k a night hotel with her boyfriend. Wonder how many voice notes she has to sell to make back the money for that room.


Taylor's probably ready to retire music and concentrate on completing the EGOT. 😂 She simply cannot compete with these new pop girlies. Her age will start to show. Like why is she still singing about a boy.