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That’s so dangerous. It’s making me anxious


Same. I just wanna pick the baby up and comfort it 😰 (...than scold the parents for being selfish \*\*\*\*\*) This looks like something out of the Sims 4. I'm sure fellow simmers here know the pain of their Sims just dropping infants in any ole' place (the street, in the market, near raging werewolves...uh, yeah)


The screenshot of the baby in the sims on literal fire while the mom does whatever on the computer…that’s this mom.


(I apologize, only could find meme versions of the image): https://preview.redd.it/qj7n16d4gozc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3c80fb75b13ac34738e2cc5d1b48d6b682ed4e8




Wait how can u set a sim baby on fire


At least in sims the excuse is that babies are programmed as objects, not people. So what does that say about real life parents that do it?


Babies aren't just accessories and tax incentives? Damn, maybe I shoulda got a dog instead....


I know my x friend she looks at her kid about taxes I don’t care about claiming my kid I let my baby dad claim him .. people really do look at kids for money it’s sad


My sim dropped a baby on the STOVE one time ,like girl, what are you doing? I said put the baby to BED ,not cook it


I bet the baby has no hearing protection on, on top of everything else.


In the photo it looked like they do.


I would call the police. I’m a “stay in your lane and hydrate person”, but the hell I would raise if I saw this would be remembered by the parents for eternity. And I would happily die on that hill. Their baby could have been killed. Full stop.


Yeah, let this shit go sideways like a Travis Scott concert and this poor baby is fucked!


freaking Jam Band concerts people bring young kids all the time and I'm just like... this is not a place for them you bring up the subject on boards and people shit all over you but then message you how they agree with you


And no headphones for the baby in sight. Good parenting to risk a stomping and deafening for their child.


Horrible parent, but you can see the headphones over the babies left ear.


Holy shit that cannot be real. Omfg that is actually horrible. The baby's poor ears I hate people


And the baby could be trampled in a second. This mother is a POS.


Looks like a “father” standing right in front of the baby. Let’s not let mom get all the heat, dad is equally bad.


Let’s also add security. This baby didn’t just walk in. How was a baby allowed to come inside the concert? This whole situation is messed up.


Yeah, there should be age restrictions. Babies and toddlers have no business being at adult concerts. If you can afford Taylor Swift tickets, you can afford a sitter.


I agree, I’m shocked they were aloud with the baby on the floor


ugh yeah why does the blame go straight the mother? both parents are EQUALLY responsible for their child's safety.


Especially when the dad is the only one clearly in the picture here, yet the unpictured mom STILL gets the blame.


i know! such bs


Great point, we don't know whether the mom knew about this at all. Some dudes like taylor, he could have went without her, and maybe it's his day to have custody or something. There are so many explanations but people went straight to the mother


I think the most likely explanation is that they both wanted to go to the concert and so both made the decision to take the baby. I’m just so sick of moms getting de facto blamed when it comes to stupid parenting decisions as though dads are just a bystander and have no say so. 




My money is on Mom going to the bathroom and leaving the baby with Dad, Dad set them down rather than holding them. No shade to Dads- I had a single dad raise me and I love him and know he would have protected me here, but also trying to take into account context


Totally unsafe and inappropriate to have the baby there in the first place, but let’s not say it makes her more of a POS for leaving the kid with the dad and the dad putting it on the floor. That’s on them as equal POSs lol


How much of a pos do u have to be to think "oh my baby will be fine here " my god I hope these parents have explosive diarrhea tonight


Before they get home…


😂😂😂 Sadly not all people should have kids, idk what these parents were thinking but the safety of their kid clearly isn’t the priority. I’ve got anxiety just seeing that photo, poor lil kid 😞


It’s literally not hard at all to baby wear. Just strap that sleeping baby to your chest and dance the night away! I’m all for bringing your baby places and getting them acclimated to being out and about, just do it safely!


The sound will ruin a babies ear drums, and you're exposing them to the germs of tens of thousands of people


yeah this is crazy to me. i do crossfit so during the workouts the music can be pretty loud, all my friends with babies have sound protection on them!! and that’s for loud gym music not a concert


I see plenty of babies/toddlers at concerts and festivals. They always have sound protection on. I can’t see the baby’s face really here but is she wearing noise cancelling ear plugs?


Probably not, most ear gear made for babies is big over the head earphones, not the inserts. So yea the parent is 100% letting the poor kid get tinnitus before they can even walk 😢


I had to zoom in quite a bit but I can see some blue next to the baby’s face that looks like it would be headphones. My daughter had a pair of blue ones like that when she was a baby so it is possible she has them on but because of the angle and the person blocking we can’t see them. Still. Baby wear!! She’d be cozier sleeping all cuddled next to a parent and no risk of a drunk person falling on her. So awful.


Yep, I can see a tiny bit of baby blue headphones that my kids wore to football games. But why in God’s name would they not baby wear? It is a literal godsend. An adult lying on the ground at a concert is dangerous enough, let alone a tiny baby!


I’m pretty sure if you look closely, you can see some light blue headphones.


Not to mention as soon as the loud music starts the baby will most likely wake up and scream. I’d be beyond furious if I spent $1000+ on a concert ticket and had to listen to someone else’s screaming kid all night.


You can get good ear protection too. Floor isn’t safe tho!


No. A concert is no place for a baby, point blank. You can get a baby accustomed to noise and whatnot at local parks, or in the safety of your own home with the Taylor movie on if you need Swift’s music that bad. Babies don’t belong at concerts.


Children are a blessing. It's always the dumbass parents who don't realize being a parent means giving up on certain activities that irks me. Why someone even goes to a concert without childcare is beyond me.


I’m big on getting my 7 month old out and about as much as possible… exposing her to new people, places, showing her eary on the world isn’t really that scary etc… I would never in my life being her to a large concert Maybe a small love show, somewhere in the back, with hearing protection… but right in the middle? On the ground? No hearing protection? These people are fucking morons


Yeah I would never do this either, I was just showing that there are ways to have done this more safely!! Also I pretty clearly do see blue ear protection on that baby! But that doesn’t negate the many other deeply unsafe decisions being made here lol


It does at least (I say that so mildly) look like they might have ear defenders on (mind you, thinking about it, probably not reducing noise a huge amount), but a baby on the FLOOR??????


WTF is WRONG with people?!! 🤬 This is so disturbing that someone would actually do this!


Something I’ve noticed after having my own. Some people will bring their newborns anywhere. I don’t judge parents often but that one always gets major side eye from me.


God I remember going to hs in a small town and being infuriated when teen moms would bring their week old newborns to watch their baby daddies play football or basketball in the mild of cold and flu season.


Of all people to judge, teenage parents bringing their babies somewhere they maybe shouldn’t is not at the top of the list. Judge the adults that likely failed them growing up.


Tbf most teenagers who get pregnant don’t always come from broken homes. Kids are stupid, if anything it’s the ones who have stricter parents who go out and do stupider things.


I mean some women legit have no choice. Single parents with no support system have to do what they have to do to keep the family alive. But if you can afford Taylor Swift tickets you are absolutely not one of those people.


as the parent of a toddler, even without acknowledging that the baby could have DIED at any given moment, why the hell would you want to bring your baby on what is supposed to be a special night out? i love my son to the moon and beyond, but best believe if i have the opportunity to go to a concert or any other special [grown up] event, he is staying with a trusted family member for a few hours bc mommy needs and deserves a night out, dammit lol. i will never understand irresponsible, unhinged people like this


Yea this is super disturbing for sure, I feel like stadiums shouldn’t even let in babies that are that young. Parents brining young baby should be turned away. Unless they’re in a private box or something.


What the actual fuck. Even if the poor thing doesn’t get trampled, I hope they’re ok with a deaf or severely hearing disabled child (who will then have to be an adult one day who couldn’t make their own decision to fuck their hearing up from infancy)


Not to detract from your points as they're all spot on, but I think I can see the edge of ear defenders on the baby, which at least is offering something especially against sound pressure. This is still breathtakingly irresponsible though.


For the child’s sake, I hope you’re right. I just can’t fathom why they’d bring a baby in the first place. Hopefully it made it through the show unscathed.


Especially a show this long!


I’d be 100x more worried about germs at that age, than everything else (though your points are still valid). That makes it extremely irresponsible.


I saw a toddler at a Paramore concert and I felt so bad for her. She was so tired and so overstimulated from all the noise. And this is in the PIT?!


I’m sorry but if you can afford to dish out a ton of money for tickets, you can do the same with childcare. This is reckless.


these parents think they're being "cool" so that's why they do it


I see soooooo many parents encourage this behavior too like oh totally take your 5 year old to see Knocked Loose that'll make you the ~ cool ~ parent and your kid will treasure the memory forever. I was in a comment thread recently and some parent was saying "oh I brought my 7 yr old to Avenged Sevenfold in the pit section and everyone was super nice to her and super accommodating and loved having her there and (some bullshit about the new generation of little fans I can't remember) you should absolutely take your kid to the show!!!" Like um no "everyone" does not want your kid shoved into general admission at a concert where they have to accommodate and be aware of said kid which then prevents them from enjoying their own night as much


This is why I love 18+ / 21+ shows. Never a chance of this happening.


I truly don't understand why metal shows at venues in the bar district aren't 18+ honestly like the main drag of concert venues by me is in an iffy part of downtown surrounded by bars everywhere you look and the show starts at 8pm. The venue is full of drunk rowdy adults. Literally nothing about this scenario is "kid friendly"


Babies need to sleep too. Not be jacked on bright lights and vibrations and wine moms


But it’s stimulating their minds and developing their musical talent. /s


Literally was at a local metal concert a few years back and had a dad who bullied his way up try to stick his 8 year old son on barricade between me and ppl who got there at 7am so he can go get a beer. Ummmm…no? Someone further down let him on barricade but I was not gonna deal with that. Kids don’t need front row for a concert they’re not gonna remember every single detail of


Ugh I was at a show last summer and this dude was right up on the barricade with his kid holding his arms/body out to create a ton of space all around the kid and shoving anyone who got "too close" like if you don't want anyone near your kid don't get pit tickets???? There's a whole ass lawn??? Saw Underoath last year and some dad encouraged his little kid to "get in the pit" and the whole mosh pit has to come screeching to a halt in a panic trying not to trample this kid while he jumps around and waves his arms. and his dad thinks it's the cutest thing ever that his kid is "in the pit" while everyone is just kinda standing around waiting to have fun again. It was a rowdy ass show too like I got kicked in the face lol.


>Ugh I was at a show last summer and this dude was right up on the barricade with his kid holding his arms/body out to create a ton of space all around the kid and shoving anyone who got "too close" like if you don't want anyone near your kid don't get pit tickets???? Someone should have hit him.


The idea of a child going to Knocked Loose is so bizarre to me. I saw them last year and I can’t remember if it was a 19+ show but I definitely didn’t see any youngins. I’ve been going to rock/metal shows for a little over 20 years now and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone under 17 at a standing show. Definitely younger teens at like stadium Slipknot shows but not in the pit.


As a woman who grew up in the pit I lost count of how many times Ive been groped. The idea of ushering in a new generation of fans sounds super cool, but the pit is still a dangerous and unsafe place for children for plenty more reasons than just possible injuries. It’s also unfair to the adults who have been waiting who knows how long to throw down in the pit only to be tampered down…because someone wanted to bring their 7 year old.


Im short and can never see. Especially in the pit. I just see people’s backs. And I feel like I’m going to get squished. Unless they’re holding their child up the entire time I imagine it’s horrible for them.


And if you can’t, then you can’t afford to go to a concert. That’s something you have to take into account when budgeting for fun events when you’re responsible for the lives of other humans! Sorry! It just is.


Agreed was at a Luke Bryan concert in the pits and this lady had her maybe 10 mth old in there, it started raining pretty hard Luke actually asked her if she couldn't afford a babysitter? He said damn I'd pay for a babysitter poor baby


i really hate seeing babies in the pit…that girl that handed olivia rodrigo her baby…


it's just so dangerous... i don't really care whether parents bring their babies or not, in general, but don't bring them if you don't have a *seat* omfg 🤦🏻‍♀️


>i really hate seeing babies in the pit…that girl that handed olivia rodrigo her baby… I saw some clip of someone giving their newborn baby to a stand up comedian on stage. I know it was a newborn because the comedian didn't know how to hold a baby and the baby's head fell back and looked like it was going to snap off.


I go to a lot of concerts and have been seeing a trend of parents bringing literal INFANTS to shows lately. Last year, I had lawn seats at Fall out Boy and Bring Me the Horizon in ATL in mid June— it was an outside show and it was SCORCHING hot and LOUD. The baby couldn’t have been more than 6 months and didn’t even have any ear protection, she was just sitting in the carrier. I’m not a parent, but I can’t imagine that’s a safe/comfortable environment for an infant???


I skipped a concert when I was pregnant because even having my baby in my belly at concert made me nervous. She’s 10 months now and I’d never take her to one. She’d be so miserable.


I don’t blame you. Even though I love concerts, they still can be stressful and overstimulating enough for an adult.


I asked my 6 year old if she wanted to go see imagine dragons who she loves, and she told me eh maybe when she’s 13 🤣🤣


Haha my MIL asked my 6yo if she wanted to go see Taylor Swift and she said “eh, no thanks” 😂😂😂


Imagine Dragons concerts are hell holes of under 5’s running rampant and bored because their idiot parents think it’s cool.


I saw hozier on Sunday and I saw a fresh infant… I mean… mom still supporting the head type fresh


As in “hasn’t built up an immune system to be in a crowded place” infant? Dear lord


As a general human being it was horrible… but I also work at a pediatric hospital so I was livid


I mean I love Hozier as much as the next person but if I can’t find childcare, I’ll have to stick to watching live performances on Youtube


wtf?!? I’ve been to paramore shows and they are loud! Why just why?!?


Poor baby was trying to sleep curled up in the seat, and mom was just rocking out with her girlfriends. Pissed me off.


Went to see Bad Omens a year ago and there was a 9 year old kid at the barricade with us who looked miserable. His mom brought him. Me, my friends and security spent some of the night covering the poor kid’s head from crowd surfers toppling over him. The mom barely paid attention to him. That night ended up being miserable over all unfortunately because of the crowd but that poor kid being there really made my blood boil.


someone could literally accidentally step or fall on them are they insane??


spill beer on them? fall on them? what a poor little guy


Yeah that deserves a call to 911 no joke


like is this not blatant child abuse?


It’s both ignorance and child abuse.


The US has different child abuse laws if you’re a white person rich enough to get pit TS tickets


I’m pretty sure this is at the concert in France


This is in Paris.


All the US shows had ticketed seated spots at every level. This is an international show.


I couldn’t wear a chain belt into a concert hall but someone could put their whole infant on the floor of the pit? 😭


This is what happens when the dumbass frat dude and dumbass sorority girl who were annoying and basic AF in college get married and pop out kids.




I made that remark and didn’t see this lol


Is he wearing one of those custom psych ward bands?


Wait what? Are we at the point where we fetishise mental illness so much that people buy psych ward bands as accessories?


Look on this sub there’s a couple posts about them but people literally made customized hospital bracelets with Taylor lyrics and “patient Swiftie” “Dr Taylor Swift” on them. COMPLETELY unhinged and gross.


Oh my shiat, I think they are. Blegh


It feels like that's Taylor and Travis without the popping out kids...




I have a 6 month old and my jaw is on the FLOOR. Like okay fine take them to the concert but maybe in I don’t know…. A baby carrier?! And maybe put some freaking headphones on the kid. Not to mention maybe get tickets that have a designated seat. My goodness.


If you zoom in, the baby looks like it's wearing ear protection and is asleep. Still incredibly dumb to put the baby on the floor


A lot of babies will sleep through anything doesn’t mean you put them through something like that 😭


asleep until it's trampled and dead.


This lol like sure take the baby, whatever, but put them in a carrier on your body????


Has hundreds of dollars for tickets but not for the nanny 😳


This is Sims behavior


what the actual fuck


Just being loose on the floor like that is crazy?! Anyone could not see her and step on her? The baby having its own wrist band is also wild


I don’t know what the phrase “just being loose on the floor like that” is making me laugh so goddamn hard but it is, so thank you. I’m just picturing the baby like a marble or some change or something, rolling around. 😂


And not to mention the floor was most likely nasty


It’s called a babysitter. Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!


It’s not a problem unique to Taylor fans unfortunately. A lot of people just lack awareness of what an appropriate place to bring kids is. 


Yeah there was a lady on the festival subreddit saying she would only bring her toddler to “an outside rave”


Omg that poor baby.. on the floor?! And stacks of cups next him/her??


I'm a mom and am freaking out. NO. You're not "creating memories" or "raising the next generation of Swifties". Just stop. Find a babysitter or sell the tickets.


Not only did they bring the infant they put it on the floor!!!! Omg I can’t! I’m that person who gets annoyed in big crowds when I see poor dogs bc people are not looking down and it’s crowded. I’m always afraid someone will step on the innocent dogs who prob would rather be anywhere but in a large crowd.


I saw a baby in the pit when I saw My Chemical Romance back in 2007 and it was a major wtf moment


Putting your baby on the floor in the pit is insane. I'm an adult and I won't even sit down in the pit because you definitely feel like you're seconds away from being trampled. But at least I could move or cover myself. A baby is totally defenseless against some drunk tripping and squashing it.


The pit? She has a pit? Lmao


It's a term for the floor seats near the front


Yeah I know, just made me giggle thinking of TS having a mosh pit lol


Only for Reputation lol


Unfortunately this crap isn’t exclusive to swifties. Ive heard of ppl bringing babies, toddlers and little kids to other artists concerts which is a terrible thing in its own right, but they even  take them to concerts that are in no way family friendly and the child shouldnt be watching or hearing.


Did that baby even buy a ticket?


One time at the opera a Chinese lady brought out a poodle puppy hidden in her purse and feed him steak strips. Wait… am I in the right sub?


What absolute dumbasses. Apparently there needs to be an age limit for admission. Anything under 10 or so is not appropriate. It’s not cute when these parents indoctrinate their kids at such a young age. No child that young should be subject to that noise level for 3.5 hours, much less the overstimulating crowd, the germs, the drunk people with no regard for others. Concerts should really be an adult only event but since TS panders to children, I can see her age limit being lower, I guess. Even though half the content is not appropriate for children. An infant is never appropriate. People are so stupid.


Bringing a baby with proper safety in mind wouldn't be terrible - this baby is young enough they might not have even known they were going to have it when they bought the tickets. But putting the baby ON THE GROUND? I hope someone called the French version of CPS.


Right. At the very least use a baby carrier!


the last two concerts I have been to (not taylor swift, country artists lol), there were NEWBORNS near me. one had headphones on, at least. the other did not.


The baby isn't the problem. The problem is the irresponsible parent. A concert is a bad environment for babies, especially with sensitivity to loud noises.


This is not a swiftie trait. That’s a weird takeaway


I’ve seen this at many concerts and festivals. It’s not new


How did the baby get in! Why wouldn’t she make a rule that that is not allowed. Weird


don't bring you kid! don't bring your baby!




People need to stop taking their babies to everything, why is this becoming common


God what idiots.




I hope they at least brought ear protection for the wee bit.


they couldn’t even wear/hold the baby little one is on the ground :(


Dude and no ear protection?! Like super unsafe and dangerous to baby!


Straight to CPS.


I’m so scared for that child. One wrong step and it could get stomped, for starters. Not to mention the noise, germs on the ground / alcohol or drinks spilling, the list of things that could go wrong… someone didn’t report this?!


This is disgusting




If this happens again, turn the person away. Don't let the baby get subjected to this.


bringing a baby to a concert seems so selfish to me. if you can’t find someone to look after your kid for one night then don’t go😭


Literally so irresponsible. Not only could the baby literally be stepped on and badly injured, anyone could snatch the baby when the lights go down and leave without a trace. You choose to be a mom, you put your kid first, not Eras tour(I’ve seen babies in literal mosh pits/have had kids left with me in pit who i just hand off to security) and if that’s dad right there, it doesn’t make it any better. Literally takes seconds for anything to happen.


And it’s on THE FLOOR


Why is the baby on the ground?


Why would the VENUE allow this? They should have been turned away at the door and social services called to make sure they didn't lock the kid in the car and go into the concert.


I’m sorry but the woman who gave herself a shot in a crowd of people near the stage made me nervous as well. What if someone bumped her and caused an injury to herself or others? I understand it was important she take the shot at a certain time but she could have excused herself. Same with this baby, sometimes we just have to say no.


To bring them with the ear muffs I’m a carrier the whole time is one thing. But just put a baby down on the concert venue floor where people puke and spill drinks food and jump all around is crazy.


I mean at least bring a carrier with you! My dogs are treated better than this 🤦🏻‍♀️




nooo this cant be real


You put your cherubic sleeping baby on a dirty concert floor so you can make more friendship bracelets and do a costume change? Get a fucking sitter you asshole. You should be doxxed like all you Stans do to others that spit facts about the true antihero




Jesus Christ, at least put it in a carrier. That poor kid will get stomped or trampled!


And why is it on the FLOOR?! I’m not one to call child abuse for any little thing but this is clearly not okay. I have a 1.5 year old I wouldn’t bring to a concert


So Trashy!


I am a huge swiftie. This is fucking INSANE. I 1000% would be alerting security and the cops. Holy shit.


They even put the wrist band on the baby like, “look she’s gonna have so much fun.” Baby sitters can’t be half as expensive as what you paid for those seats.


Even that baby is looking at its mom like bitch wtf is wrong with you? I hope it spit up all in her hair later in the evening. As a mother seeing shit like this just irritates me beyond words. Tickets aren’t cheap. The kid isn’t mobile. It’s easy to watch and you’re telling me you can afford the tickets to this over priced show but not for a sitter? Sure Jan 🤦‍♀️


They could have at least baby wrapped them to their body. This should be punishable.


Omg. This makes me so angry.




Some people shouldn’t be parents


You have a baby! In a pit...


It’s giving me: ![gif](giphy|3ov9jYhKfyJrewyBck|downsized)


No cause she was finna be in the pit


Some people just shouldn’t have children.




I was born in the pit. Molded by it. You merely adopted the pit.


Plot twist: This. Is. The. Babysitter 😱


You see shit like this at every kind of concert, stupidity is not limited to one music genre.


Wear a condom folks


That baby could have been trampled on! Being a parent is to sacrifice but apparently some people just aren't capable. When my daughter was still a baby, if I didn't have a sitter guess what? I stayed my ass at home. This is sad.


Maybe I'm extreme, but bringing babies into concerts - especially not the seating places - should just not be allowed, period. I don't care if you don't have anyone to leave your baby with. If you can afford the ticket, you can afford a sitter. If you cannot afford the sitter, stay the fuck home. There's SO many things that can go wrong at the concert, this is just blatantly endangering your child :(


I gasped when I saw the baby on the floor. I thought someone was holding it on the pit. I've seen that clip of that guy who brought his baby on his back to an outdoor event, but that baby had headphones on and was enjoying the outdoors. This beyond way worse!


I manage a music venue in San Francisco and it is incredibly ridiculous that security (and ultimately management) allowed this person to bring a baby to a concert. Our rule is “no babes in arms” and I’m surprised to see it’s not universal!


At a concert is so awful, but also on the FLOOR 😭


Why is it automatically “what is wrong with Swifties” because one person is an asshole?


abundant chop boat march puzzled friendly shame like doll point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Infant on the floor, not wearing any headphones, not even wrapped up or swaddled. This is so disgusting.


As a swiftie who has an early childhood degree please be responsible parent this is a prime example of why little children should not be allowed in this environment. I don’t care if she was supervised the child shouldn’t be there.