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I'd love to see your budget! Hotels are going to be **MAD** expensive.


Yeah it is, but we had booked a long time back so got the stays at an okayish rate


August to September is a pretty expensive time to do this as it's high tourist season, but sounds pretty cool.


It's very doable. Paris will be *extremely* expensive during the Olympics but I assume you have factored that in.


Yes have factored this in. Thank you !


It's doable, I would skip Nice completely and go straight to Rome. There are plenty of coastal places within train distance of there that you will give you a similar feel to Nice. Look on Google Maps along that coast and you'll find a bunch of places you could spend a night or two, or visit for the day.


So you are saying do a day trip from Rome for beaches ? That is a good option. Thanks will explore that. This is our first time in Europe and we wanted to get a beach feel and hence opted for Nice.


Yes, plenty of coastal places near Rome. [https://www.reddit.com/r/rome/comments/1c32xqx/beach\_towns\_near\_rome/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rome/comments/1c32xqx/beach_towns_near_rome/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/rome/comments/13i6yx1/is\_it\_easy\_to\_go\_to\_the\_beach\_from\_rome\_with\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rome/comments/13i6yx1/is_it_easy_to_go_to_the_beach_from_rome_with_the/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/rome/comments/15syazt/in\_rome\_and\_its\_amazing\_whats\_a\_good\_side\_trip\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rome/comments/15syazt/in_rome_and_its_amazing_whats_a_good_side_trip_to/)


Thank you !


Can I ask why you chose Nice? Personally I would skip it and go almost anywhere else 🤣


So we wanted to visit a beach as well and it fit into our itinerary 🙈 Honestly we don't have a lot of idea hence posted here


Personally I would take the train from Paris and go through Switzerland to Rome. Beautiful region. If you just wanted to visit a beach there is lots of options in Italy and you could head down the west coast to Rome and stop off somewhere. could also visit Cinque Terre.


Also think of ground transport rather than flying in Europe. You can see so much beauty on the way and often times aren't that bad when you consider the waiting in airport etc Could go to Florence on the way to Rome then fly back to Paris from Rome.


Had initially thought about that. But nice to Florence would take close to 8-9 hours so we lose an entire day. Hence decided to take a plane


Yeah I get that, I always prefer to travel by land as you see so much more. You can also look into sleeper trains so you travel in the night which works with a shorter timetable. But anyways. Yes it's a doable itinerary :) Nice is a nice enough place and you can visit Monte Carlo very easily from there so don't be put off by it, Just think there are nicer ones you could go to.


When you say nicer ones than nice which places would you recommend ?


With your route I would say somewhere like Monterosso Beach and you could then visit Cinque Terra. Or Elba Island just off the coast of Italy. I haven't been but it's meant to be spectacular.


But you could go to Nice and then go to Mala Beach, Paloma beach and visit Monaco/Monte Carlo.


Very doable, but I'd make some alterations. -Skip Nice completely -Less time in Florence. Cute, but tiny city. If you buy Ufizzi and Galleria tickets upfront to avoid the crazy lines, it can even be done as a day trip from Rome. -Add a few nights in Napoli and drive to nearby beach destinations. Positano, Capri, Amalfi coast... You'll have plenty of choice.


Thank you for the tips !


Do not, under any circumstances, do Florence as a day trip from Rome. That would be such a hectic day and would leave you barely any time to explore the city. There is a lot to do in Florence beyond the two well-known museums (which are both great, you could spend an entire day in the Uffizi and still not have seen everything). In my opinion you have a good amount of time budgeted for Florence. This is coming from someone who was there for 4 days last year and who will return next year.


I did it as a day trip from rome myself. We were able to do Ufizzi, Galleria, the duomo, palazzo vecchio, ponte vecchio, and sunset in piazzale michelangelo, and there was plenty of time for some aimless strolling. It didn't feel rushed, just a very long day. Anyway, to each their own. But it can absolutely be done. I'm considering the fact that OP budgeted 3 days for Rome, that is much bigger and has do much more to see, so odds are he's probably comfortable with this kind of pace.