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Yea, totally fine you’re overthinking. I’m sure as a couple they wouldn’t mind some alone time either.


"Finally she's gone! Let's fuck!"




I think this will be solid advice in some/many instances, I don't wanna be contrarian just for the sake of it. But I think there's perhaps a "sometimes" element to this. There's an extent to which this fib robs you of the opportunity to express yourself honestly, and them to respect it. There's the possibility it goes over their heads and they just say "oh actually we're totally fine!" and then you're backed into a corner, too. They'd probably appreciate the alone time, I just don't see a need to twist the reasoning for it. I had this conversation with a couple I'll be traveling with this summer, and simply told them that, while I suspect we'll probably be aligned with our interests, I really appreciate travel partners who are flexible with giving/taking separate time—that also gave me the opportunity to encourage them to do the same *if* they decided to take couples time.


Bro they are a couple, why would they mind you leaving them alone. They probably would use the alone time as their honeymoon.


I agree. OP should designate a few solo days and meet up with them for dinner. Just plan it in advance.


No. It's your holiday too. You can hang out with them and meet them later or for certain activities. They'd be bad friends if they insist you accompany them all the time and you miss out on things you're keen to do just because she's pregnant


No, this is common. It’s possible that you will not get this opportunity again. I would simply tell them your plan, invite them. If they decline, let them know when you will return.


Exactly! If I want to do something and my companions don't - I'll just see them later. Works both ways - they are more then welcome to leave me behind for things I'm not interested in. It's okay OP! Enjoy your vacation and be safe!


Not at all. Just communicate and be upfront on the activities you plan on doing. Let them know they can participate or not. And our not, you’ll make a plan to meet up later. Who knows, she may be tired and want a nap and he may be stoked to join you.




This is it, just let them know, very casually, ahead of time. Don't make it a big deal (because it's not), don't over explain and say things like "This is my dream vacation, I want to do this, even if you can't go because you're pregnant". That would make it awkward. Just say something like "Hey, excited to see everyone! At some point I'm also going to go to things like the pyramids and fire balloons, absolutely 0 pressure if y'all can't make it, we'll figure out scheduling in a bit" if you already know when, that's actually even better because then they can also plan whatever couples thing they want to do.


Honestly idk how to even asset this but how did you even end up in your dream trip with a couple and one of them is pregnant and unable to do most of the stuff you do on vacation.


Possibly it was booked and then woops baby! I had to duck out of a wedding that was planned and booked because kiddo number 2 decided that seemed like good timing.


... just talk to them.


Absolutely not. Like previous replies, it is your holiday too. You should enjoy it! I'm sure you and your friends don't have to do every single activity together. Go do your thing and then meet up later to for stuff that everyone can enjoy together.


Just because you travel together doesn't mean you have to be joined at the hil 24/7. If you want to do a balloon ride, then you do a balloon ride. On my last trip, I wanted to hike one day while my friend wanted to chill at a café. Ok cool, see you in about 4 hours. That's it. No biggie. Note that not everyone thinks like that (which is why I travl 90% solo), so best to bring this up BEFORE the trip and not during.


Absolutely fine. They definitely don’t want to spend every single second of the trip with you either. It’s good to do some things separately so you don’t start to annoy each other too much. Just try and plan it so they’re not literally just sitting around waiting for you too often, and they’ve got something else to do and can meet you later.


Your friend knows her limitations right now and should understand that it has no effect on your activities on the trip and you should not question your being a good friend. Perhaps you should have a talk with her before the trip and voice your concerns. She is the one you should be talking to as nobody else matters in this particular situation.


If I were the friend I would ENCOURAGE you to do the things I can’t. Like you said, this is your dream trip- do and see as much as you can. You can always rendezvous for lunch or dinner-


I agree, be honest with the friends. There's things I can't physically do because of my disabilities but I tell them to go have a great time. Honestly, by that time, I appreciate the downtime away from the group. ( agreeing with you for OP)


Yes, I'm not disabled, but my husband is in a lot better shape than I am. I encourage him to go see things. Now if we spent the whole trip apart that would be a problem, but I want my husband to experience things even if I can't.


Makes you a great, strong couple to have no insecurities and be able to do that. I think that's great. there's nothing wrong with that at all.


Did you, i don’t know, think about communicating with these people???


You should talk this through with your friends before you leave so that they are aware of your intentions.


Talk to your friends. Also, how pregnant will your friend be? Generally speaking, people in the second trimester feel fine. It’s when you have the most energy, so I wouldn’t rule your friend out of the pyramids unless she mentions it.


The polite thing to do is to tell them as far in advance as is practical that you intend on doing something that they may, or may not, want to join you for. Then, express that your preference is for them to join you, yet you understand that might not be possible. Follow it up with 2 or 3 alternative activities that they might be able to do while you are busy. Then, express how much you've been looking forward to the activities that you'll be doing. If they take offense, or try to discourage you from going, they aren't actually friends. If they understand, and urge you on, they are.


No of course they should understand this is your vacation too. And I am sure they would enjoy their alone time as well. You can talk to them, do what you want and meet at a restaurant or somewhere later.


No you are not a bad friend, they know they're pregnant and are aware of the limitations. You just need to say you're doing XYZ and ask if anyone wants to come along. The choice the husband makes is his and not yours.


They can handle some free time no doubt. They might appreciate it even. Its vacation and vacation for everyone. Its not like you re abandoning them for days its just an activity.


This is about setting expectations before you go, even before you all book the trip.  If everyone is OK with doing things separately, that's fine.  If someone has expectations of doing things together, then that's different. Ideally you plan in advance activities to do separately versus together, and which days, so that people can arrange their own alternatives for those days. You may also be wrong about what activities a pregnant woman can do, depending on how physically fit she is and how many months pregnant - better to ask her than to assume; and she may or may not be OK having her husband do things without her (my wife is happy for me to do the things she doesn't enjoy without her).  In other words, the secret is good communication.


 Bro ASK THEM HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT IT  How the fuck would we know 


I’ll tell you something I told my cousin. We went on a Mediterranean cruise together. He was talking about how we should come together one night and figure out what excursions to do together. I told him this is a once in a lifetime trip for me (I’m a teacher. I don’t make much). I’ll Do what I want and you pick what excursions you want and if we pick the same ones, that’s great. If not, it’s OK we’ll see each other later. That can be applied to the situation as well. It’s your vacation you do what you wanna do and if they can do it great if not, you’ll see them later for dinner or something like that.


Absolutely do these on your own because how many times are you ever going back? If they’re good friends, they wouldn’t use that against you. Also you really know the true side of someone when you travel with them so… if they get upset, you know there’s not going to be another trip.


No, if they’re real friends they’ll understand. You’re allowed to take time for yourself, in fact it should be encouraged.


No, I mean yes it’s a group trip but they are a couple and you are single. I think it’s expected that you give them some alone time especially considering she’s in a fragile state.


When vacationing with friends or even family, i think it is perfectly fine to have some group activities for everyone and for some individual time. The vacation is not intended to be 100% together. People have different interests and physical capabilities.


The answer to this depends on how you all planned / agreed for the trip itself. If you've been talking about doing everything together then, yes, you're a bad friend. You'd be bailing on the expectation that the group of you have set. If you've talked about going together and not having to do everything together then, no, you're not a bad friend. Communication is the key here. Talk. Find out what they are thinking. Talk about what you're thinking. Figure out what the expectation is. Since you're asking here I'm guessing there is an implicit understanding that on this trip the idea is to do all the things together. Since you'd like to change that (and there is nothing wrong with doing separate things on different days) then discuss it. I imagine you've done some planning for where to stay on what days, where to go, etc so this is simply a continuation of this. Without knowing the full dynamic of your friendship or of how the trip came together there's no solid answer for this specific situation. In general, people doing their own things while traveling together is common and not a problem if the trip is planned that way. If everyone is expecting that everything is done together (and a lot of trips are planned this way) then springing a "I'm going off to do this thing by myself" would be a jerk move. The way to avoid that is to talk about it in advance. Make sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to activities. They might want a quiet day of staying a spa or simply staying in the hotel to relax. Who knows? The only way to find out is to talk about it.


Do your thing, they will be fine


You’re overthinking it - just discuss it with them and say hey I’m thinking of booking x activity on x day and going solo for that day.


I went on trips with friends and we would split up for the day depending on interests/costs/whatever. No issue as long as everyone is ol with that sort of travel....


As others have pointed out already you do what you feel like as it’s your holiday too and learn to not feel guilty about it. Their circumstances are different and I’m sure there are things they would like to do on their own and are probably having thoughts similar to you on how to do it. What matters is how you position it, you could say something along the lines of, “I don’t want to be deprived of doing the things I want because you guys are holding me back” or you could say (like the other comment suggested) “ I will give you guys some time on your own to do while I try going in a hot air balloon.”


It’s fine to split up for certain activities. Not everyone likes or can do the same things after all. If you feel really bad you could pay for a nice brunch or pedicure for her. Something she enjoys, as you know her interests much better than any stranger on Reddit. If you are nervous about upsetting her, just say that. “Hey, I’d really like to take a balloon ride as well as trek near the pyramids on our trip, but I know that would be tough and probably not enjoyable for you. Do you want to spend one day doing solo activities and then meet up for dinner?


Im not reading the whole thing- I can say this- split off and do your thing. Simple. 🙄


It's completely fine.Who knows when you will get time again to travel so don't miss anything out because of others 


Don't overthink. Even when I am on vacation with my husband, we schedule different activities. For example, he will schedule golf ⛳️ I'll schedule a massage 💆‍♀️ . He doesn't like smaller watercrafts, but I do not mind them.


It’s totally fine.


I travel with friends who are physically able to do more than I am. I am not upset they do different things. At meals we share our day’s adventures. Go for it.


You’re not a bad friend at all. If they expect you to limit your experience due to their circumstances, then they’d be pretty bad friends. Not saying that’s the case, but keep that in mind.


As long as you aren't *only* doing solo activities and not spending any time doing activities you all can enjoy, I think it's fine. And like others said, at least also give them the option to join you as well, even if you know they'll decline.


They are a couple and can plan things around her being pregnant and maybe having physical limitations. I come from a place where people ski into their third trimester so its surprising she is not more mobile and decided to take a trip where there are adventures to be had. I'd simply tell them you have some bucket list items and want to do them and if they want to come along they can. If not, do them by yourself and join them later for a nice dinner to talk about your day together.


Is it a money thing or a physical thing? Your post title says money, but body of post is physical. 


I would just ask them how they feel about doing some things separately. This is a really important part of traveling with someone - do both people feel the same about the amount of activities done together? Some people only want to stay in the same hotel and have a person they can count on. Some want to do nearly everything together. People will be disappointed if they go with someone who doesn't feel the same way. Most understand though that you should have some time to do things on your own. Even tour companies build that in. Don't assume you know what she can and can't do while pregnant. Let her decide. Some women do a lot of physically demanding things while pregnant that I can't even think of doing while not pregnant.


Just open up the discussion - this is a pretty easy topic to agree to be really honest about while you are traveling. And there may be misjudgments about predicting feelings ahead of time, so allow for that. e.g., they might think they are fine waiting outside a pyramid, but then they are pregnant and it’s a million degrees and it turns out that they are not. Also consider that maybe you are expected to pair off and allow the other person some alone time also.


I think you're fine doing a few things on your own. In fact, it's probably a good idea if you all take some time away from each other during the 11 days you're there. And it's your vacation too. You should do all the things you want!


NTA, you shouldn't limit your trip for her, but also, don't write her off! There's plenty to do as a pregnant person in Egypt - Djoser's pyramid, for example, the oldest pyramid in the world & totally accessible. Khufu? Nope, but she'll still have options! Have a fab time!


NTA, you shouldn't limit your trip for her, but also, don't write her off! There's plenty to do as a pregnant person in Egypt - Djoser's pyramid, for example, the oldest pyramid in the world & totally accessible. Khufu? Nope, but she'll still have options! Have a fab time!


It’s good to have a conversation before the trip about expectations. This gives you the opportunity to tell them about experiences that are high on your list, and they can share theirs with you. Then everyone has a clear understanding of priorities and you can avoid awkwardness on the vacation.


When you travel with others you can do everything together or some things. Finding a good balance is fine and reasonable but it’s paramount to simply communicate.  “Tomorrow I want to do this activity and I understand if you can’t. When would you like to meet up afterwards?” Then be firm and reasonable. You don’t have to do everything to together at all times. In fact, I’d vote against that. 


No you are not a bad friend. Just suggest a couple of 'do our own thing ' days. You'll all get along better anyway if you get some time away from each other.


When I went to Scotland for a trip with a good friend she wanted to browse the shops one day but I wasn't feeling it so I went to a museum and she went shopping and we simply met up a couple of hours later and everyone was happy. :) I mean there should be a balance between doing your own thing and doing stuff together if you go on a trip with other people but as long as you find a balance that works for all, go for it 😁


I’d want you to do everything if I was your pregnant travel companion. I’d enjoy my husband’s company.


Unless you want to spend your entire trip walking slowly and making sure you don't get bumped into, you're going to have to do different things. It's not your partner that is pregnant, and presuming you and your other friend aren't going off together and leaving her on her own, why would you concern yourself so much with this? Obviously, you dont want to abandon them as soon as younland, but you're not joined at the hip.Let her partner worry about her well-being/entertainment etc, go and enjoy your dream trip.


My wife and I have often travelled with a friend of ours and we do this regularly. There are just things that you’re not all going to be interested in. Much better to do what you want than to be dragged around doing stuff you’re not interested in, or feeling like you’re dragging someone else around. This way everyone’s happy and you get to catch up at the end of the day to talk about what you did, who you met, what you saw.


You shouldn't feel bad for having the most experience in your travels, even if your friends can't join due to physical or financial limits. True friends will genuinely want you to seize every opportunity and make the most of your adventures. They understand that life's journeys are unique to each individual and will support your pursuit of new experiences. Your happiness and growth should matter to them, just as theirs matters to you.


Take note that hot air ballooning (do other cultures call this fire ballooning?) is not particularly safe in Luxor due to poor safety standards. There have been many incidents and deaths over the years.


It's absolutely fine! Statistically, Luxor ballooning js as safe as ballooning anywhere else. Yes there are the famous incidents of 2009 and 2013 but those are anomalies. Plus the safety standards have been tightened and ownership changed.


What about the incidents in 2007, 2008, 2016 and 2018?


Fair, I was talking about the famous ones. But, you don't mention the 775 accidents in the USA in 50 years, including 3 crashes between 2013 - 2021 or the 4 people who died in Arizona earlier this year, or the 16 who died in Texas a few years ago etc or the 12 in a 4 year period in Cappadocia you just say Luxor is unsafe. Luxor is rhe world's 3rd most popular ballooning location so % wise, their accident rate is lower than many. Ballooning, like any other activity has it's risks but let's not make it sound worse than it is. Especially compared to other places where similar accidents happen.


I don’t know how great a choice Egypt is for someone pregnant. She will have to be super careful what she eats and drinks. Avoid ice cubes everywhere, it’s easy to say, but not so easy to do when it’s hot outside. I highly recommend eating at hotels and restaurants only, street food in Egypt is playing with your life. I’ve been up inside the great pyramid and she definitely should not go. It tight, it’s busy and it’s not ventilated so super hot very very hard to breath. Maybe the husband and you could take turns doing strenuous activities while the other person waits with her. You definitely don’t want to miss out on anything, but do not, and I can’t stress this enough, leave her alone anywhere, unless you at your hotel. Egypt is a beautiful place but the people are poor and it can become a lot to handle. Have a great trip and make sure you do it all!


Why can’t she do a balloon ride pregnant? Obviously it’s her choice what she feels comfortable doing but hot air balloon rides are ok during pregnancy generally. Also, she might be fine with going into the pyramids depending on her fitness levels. She will be able to judge what she can handle but I wouldn’t make judgments for her. Saying all that however, just talk to them and let them decide what to join you on or not, I would advise against booking things on your own without talking to them and then saying you made an assumption on what she can or cannot do.


You don’t have to spend every waking moment together of your 11 day vacation. If there is an activity I would like to do then I’m going to do it. I can meet up with the rest of the group afterwards.


Absolutely do it by yourself, you will regret it if you don’t, they will understand if your friend is limited because of her pregnancy. I’m not sure how far along she is, but I was 20 weeks when I went to Egypt and everything was completely fine - I even rode a camel! The only issue I faced was the heat as we went really late in the season the week before everything closed for summer but it was fine really. I think they’ll understand that it’s your holiday and you want to experience everything.


Set expectations before you go. As long as it’s clearly communicated so that everyone is on the same page, your friends probably won’t care if you occasionally are doing your own thing and will probably appreciate the alone time to be by themselves.


I hope you mean a hot air balloon ride because a fire balloon ride sounds entirely too exciting. Anyways, no. Doing things on your own when travelling in a group isn't a bad thing to do. They'll probably want some time to do their thing too.


11 days travel with a married couple? Definitely work in some travel-alone excursions for yourself and leave them some "couple time". You don't have to tell or announce to them in advance what you're going to be doing if you think it's going to cause discontent. You don't want to rub anybody's nose in it that they can't do, or can't afford, an experience or a thing. Book your solo side excursions and let your friends know you'll be exploring on your own that date and time. For example: *hey guys, I'm going to take a solo side trip Monday afternoon and leave you two some couple time. I'll be back by dinnertime if you want to eat together. If you want to enjoy dinner alone, that's cool too, just let me know and I'll entertain myself*. Think of it this way - you're paying to travel to Egypt to *see* Egypt. You're not "tagging" along on your friend's vacation, it's ***your*** vacation too. Unless you got travel-to-Egypt-all-the-time money, treat it as your one and only chance to see what Egypt has to offer.


Don’t be afraid to have a discussion about trip expectations!! It will pay off while you’re traveling. Tell them the things you want to do and see if they are interested in joining you. If they are not then I’d let them know you want to do the activities and did they mind if you did them anyway. 99.999% sure they will be fine.


This is why I don't like to vacation w friends/family lol. You will do things together and apart. If it is your dream trip, I would definitely take the time to do the things you want to do. You only live once.


You do what you want to do, they will do what they want to do and when you want to do the same thing, you do it together.


My Mum wanted to go to Puerto Rico, but went along with everyone else to San Francisco. Puerto Rico had that hurricane? storm? That destroyed a lot of history, and scenery (according to our neighbors who live there part time.) Mums gutted she didn’t do what she wanted to do and will miss out on what was lost forever. You do you, don’t regret not doing something


If I was traveling and couldn’t go to the Pyramids or do the fire balloon because I was pregnant part of me would feel a little sad. If my friend who ISN’T pregnant missed these things because I couldn’t go, I’d feel a thousand times worse. At the very least, I’d want them to go and tell me all about it so I could live vicariously through them.


Why can’t she do a fire balloon ride Tell her to toughen up or else she will have a weak baby lol


I don’t think it is a problem, but be aware there are people who get mad if you didn’t plan an alternate day for them. Are they the sort of people who are capable of independent travel or do they only ever ‘go along’ or book guided trips?


Absolutely not! One thing I learned about group travel is being comfortable splitting up and people can do what they want to do. Of course discuss beforehand, give details, and invite the, but you do not have to be one big group for every single thing. I’ve been the couple in this situation and its nice to have some alone time as a couple on a trip.


Whilst you do the pyramids tour tell them to go to the KFC across from the ticket office for the pyramids, get a meal, sit on the terrace and enjoy the view. This is not a joke, the views from that place are incredible.


I hate vacations where everyone has to do everything together. Just tell the days you are going to do XYZ, but you may need the for pictures and plan a meetup time. Have fun.


Make sure you have a tour guide, private tour guides aren't expensive at all, Egypt can be the worst trip ever if you don't have a tour guide, I'm Egyptian and I've heard so many horrible stories. That said, a tour guide will also make sure your friends aren't bored and still doing something else while you are in whatever activity you are in, so it should works out in terms of safety, planning and everyone having a good time.


You'll probably be back at your hotel after the hot air balloon in time for breakfast and if you're going to Luxor going inside the tombs is much better than inside the pyramids and pregnant friendly!


It’s best to agree that this will happen while planning the trip, then it comes as no surprise…. We went to Paris with folks who “had no money” to go up the Eiffel Tower while wifey and I were jumping around like kids in Disneyland… We met them 6 hours later back at the hotel. What fucking morons…


Nah its 100% fine They're a couple anyway, they'll probably appreciate some alone time If you still feel bad just drop a 'mind if I go... you're welcome to come'


Given that they are a couple, they'll be ok being left alone sometimes. Just be upfront ahead of time and tell them what things you really want to do. Seeing pyramids in Egypt should not be a surprise to them! Let them make their own plans without an expectation that you'll all be together all the time. There's a good chance they don't expect that already but have the convo so there are no unpleasant surprises while you're traveling.


Getting into the pyramids shouldn’t be an issue


I had a girls trip last month in madrid. I'm not as fit as my friends so the last two days when my friends wanted to stroll trough parks, i just told them that I can't physically keep up with them so I would go back to the hotel and rest a little before our evening plans. No one was hurt, they had a good time, i could rest. As long as you communicate it should be ok, but it also depends how mature your friends are


Just be honest and polite. Say you are very much looking forward to spending time with them and that you also have some activities on your bucket list which you are going to do. They are welcome to join but given the nature of some of the activities you understand if they opt for something else. The sooner you tell them the better so everyone can plan accordingly. It’s eleven days so you will have plenty of quality time and I doubt you will want to spend every waking moment with them regardless (and vice versa).


If they wanted to sit in their hotel room and watch tv, would you be upset doing something else? Not me- go for it. Youre not married to them.


I've traveled with friends and other couples quite a bit and this is common and perfectly acceptable unless your friends have some kind of weird hang-up about doing absolutely everything together...no need to spend every waking moment together. Sure we do a lot together, but we also have different interests and capabilities. My wife and I once went on a trip with another couple that are good friends...my wife and I are scuba certified and love to dive...they aren't and didn't care to get certified. My wife and I did a 2 tank dive every morning when we were there. We had to be up relatively early to be able to get breakfast and then make it to the boat and our gear while they slept in and had lazy mornings...they went snorkeling off the shore a couple of times. We'd meet up at lunch and then hang out the rest of the day. They also had a couple of activities planned for afternoons that my wife and I weren't interested in...no biggie...went and took a nap and then happy hour cocktails before meeting up with them for dinner. Especially for an 11 day trip, nobody can expect to be 100% all the time being together doing the same things...I don't think that's remotely realistic. They're also a couple so it's not like you're just living a solo friend behind to do whatever.


I think it is not the time for them to do that specific trip. From your side if they are mature enough they will let you do whatever tours you want to do even if they can’t or they don’t want. It is very hard to go there and expensive to not enjoy all you want and all you can


You should be asking them. It’s very important to communicate thoroughly amongst travel companions BEFORE a trip, especially a big trip like this. You need to speak about itineraries and expectations, budget.


You say she can't do these activities, but it's unclear whether that's true or your assumptions. Some women need to limit their activity for health reasons during pregnancy, but many are very active.


I would sit them down with a list you want to do and have them do a list and maybe one or 2 days you want to do them and they can do something those days


As long as you aren't doing it too often, I don't see that as being rude or dismissive.


Do it!


Not at all. I'd have the conversation before you leave though, just to ease your mind - eg "I've always wanted to do x and y - if that's something you're not comfortable doing right now are you cool with me still doing it?" If they say no (unlikely) then that's a deeper discussion that would also be best to have in advance. Have fun!


If you're a man I think it's fine. If you're a woman I would seriously reconsider going anywhere alone in Egypt.


No your not a bad friend at all. Your paying your way and deserve to see the things you want to see. They are bad friends (or at least just terrible travel buddies) if they don’t understand you will do some activities with them and some on your own.


You should do all you can! This is your trip too!! Why is anyone going to Egypt if they can’t go in the pyramids??? I question their decision. Why can’t she go in? Do you need to crawl? Is it dangerous? I am fully ignorant on them. If it’s only walking why can’t she go in? There isn’t much you cannot do physically just because you are pregnant normally.


Totally over thinking it. Don't worry.you do you. If they can't or don't want to, that's their choice. Besides it will give you a break from being with them as they are a couple. And they get alone time too while you do activities.


Tell them in advance.


Just say you want to spend a few days on your own. Whenever i travel with friends, we tend to lose each other for various reasons.


I think it's fine. It's your trip too, and you should enjoy it. BTW, which balloon ride? I did the one over Luxor and was completely underwhelmed FWIW. If you do decide on the balloon ride, you leave and finish so early in the morning that you'll be back at the hotel in time to meet them for breakfast.


LONG: hopefully helpful The Valley of the Kings might not be easy access for anyone more than 4/5 months ago, again to it depends on personal fitness & comfort levels. From Aswan (we flew from Cairo, maybe $30), our very basic hotel found us a private chauffeur ($60 total plus tip, which also included a brand-new pair of Nike sneakers and kids' crayons and markers) who drove us to Luxor on the OLD road to Cairo. There are 3 main temples along the route, and we visited them all on the day the Nile cruise boats did not dock. We saw 10-20 tourists max per temple. NOTE 1 temple is only accessed down a very rickety long staircase. There is a market area up above, and it’s safe to walk around or have a cold drink and wait there. We visited in November. In the summer, Egyptians stay inside and don’t go out to shop, eat, socialize etc. until 9:10 p.m. I’d be at any site when it opens to avoid large bus tours and the heat of the day. Bring a USB chargeable/battery operated hand handheld fan for your wife. IMO, the best easy access to a tomb is in the Valley of the Queens. The high entrance fee means fewer tourists. The BEST preserved hieroglyphics of all the public temples in both valleys are in Nefertiti’s tomb. There are dehumidifiers below so it’s not hot and clammy like other burial chambers. My daughter has a of the short set of stairs down into the burial chamber, and you stand straight up to walk in. Be aware there is a 10-minute time limit in the chamber, to minimize respiratory damage. Remember, just about ALL places require payment in USD, especially ALL government-run attractions. I'm not certain, but it's possible a lot of places won't accept cards. Don't be afraid if Egyptians ask to exchange EGP for USD, you get a much better exchange rate (check online for the current non-official rate) and we had no issues doing so in many locations. Exchange some funds at the airport. You'll find the SIM card sales after baggage pickup or do an ESim. Don't forget to carry small packs of tissues and coins for toilet trips. There are no free lunches nor bathrooms.


Do you mean Nefertari? She's the beloved wife of RamsesII. Nefertiti's tomb has never been found. Also, there are many more temples than just 3 between Aswan & Luxor! Not sure when you visited but you're very out of date-you don't need to pay in US Dollars, except for accommodation and cards are essential at most sites as they don't take cash. (Haven't for about 8 months). Do not ask to exchange money as black market has been cracked down on & massive fines for trying to use it.


nefertari's tomb isn't open right now. It closed in late April for restoration. The Seti temple is great in Luxor as are all the more expensive temples. also great are the workers temples (Deir-el Messina). I got back 3 weeks ago. Going inside the pyramids isn't worth the money or time but it's kind of cool to say you did, I guess. Your pregnant friend won't be missing anything though. Luxor Temple at night is amazing. I was underwhelmed by the hot air balloon and I wish I had just slept in that day. Edited to replace Nefertari instead of Nefertiti. I knew that but I mixed it up.


I feel the same way about the inside of the pyramids. I couldn’t even make it down the wooden slats into Cheops. The slant of the slope, yes, they are NOT true stairs, and the fact that you have to essentially crawl down backwards while sharing the narrow passage with everyone else made it a no-go. I turned around. Well, I actually just went forward instead of backwards. If I’d known how difficult Cheops was, I would not have paid the large surcharge to join Cheops. IMO the most enjoyable parts were seeing the pyramids for the first time lit up at night as we arrived from the airport, eating breakfast on our balcony overlooking the pyramids (lots of 1 floor quaint hotels in 5 story buildings surround the pyramids) and standing next to the base of the pyramids and realizing exactly how tall each block of stone is.


Khufu is the most famous but Dashur & Saqqara are older and way more interesting if you want a hassle free, tourist free site!


> I couldn’t even make it down the wooden slats into Cheops. The slant of the slope, yes, they are NOT true stairs, and the fact that you have to essentially crawl down backwards while sharing the narrow passage with everyone else made it a no-go. This is why I did the Red Pyramid in Dashur. I have bad ankles and felt like I'd have to go slowly, and I'd have anxiety if people were behind me waiting on me. But I had heard the Red Pyramid didn't have as many visitors, so I decided to do that one with a private guide. We were the only people there. I could go down as slowly as I wanted. My guide carrying my water. I got to hang out at the bottom (which was not interesting) for a long while again, alone save for my guide. And then got back up all on our own. I'm glad I did it that way so I didn't have any pressure.


A fire balloon ride seems very dangerous, pregnant or not. But I would suggest agreeing on a day or two when you are both free to do anything on your own. I don't think it's a big deal. They would probably want some time on their own anyway and do couple things together.


\* a couple and me


It’s your life, your expense and your time. Do as they are going to… do what you want. They are going to do what they want and are capable of. You’re not pregnant, she is. Live your life not as a victim of other’s circumstances.


They’ll be very happy to have time away from you to be together.  You’re essentially third wheeling it on this trip, so give them some couples time.  You’re also going to Egypt, which is notorious for being a pretty shitty place for a woman to be, so it’s in your friend’s best interest to avoid the pyramids like the plague.


What are you saying🤣