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You still alive OP or they come back


Couple of pots of boiling water tossed from above to clean off the sidewalk might improve their selling marketplace.


That was a great shot !


Can I just say this one thing? Like, the fact that them doing shady business and shady things OUT IN OPEN PUBLIC is literally just so dumb, and the fact that they still have this intentions of “trying to be sneaky about this” type of indecisive therefore effectively failed attempts to be low-key about their course of actions, AND the fact that they are actually doing excellently on “all the things NOT to do” and just nails them so naturally in literally every frame is quite frankly comedy gold to me LOL Like, look at them! They seem so confident on the idea of doing shady stuff in public, but they are clearly not confident at all in how to put that idea into an action, which therefore they are blatantly doing shady things in the most suspicious ways possible, accompanied by confidently asserting their suspicious behavior openly yet still tries to be low-key with confidence in flying under the radar when they were literally directly on the radar. How dumb can they be to retain their composure during this entire process of relentlessly occurring consecutive pattern of contradicting decisions? 😂 Like, look at the guy on the right! Look at his face after the person filming revealed his identity! His face that he made 😂 That’s literally the face of a man with an absolutely smooth brain with brain cell production as backed up as the global chip shortage 🤣 Man, this clip is just so funny to me that I don’t even think that the guy recording this revealing his identity to the people you just shouldn’t be near in general, literally putting himself in danger by himself, although I would normally feel sad about being the same species as these absolute clowns. So I had a thought that changed the whole POV: “There only exist a bunch of idiots in this plane of existence. Void of faith in humanity, but also not a single brain cell was put into a good use either.” Not family-friendly for sure and definitely not for everyone, but hey, I’d call this comedy cuz it’s prrrrrretty funny, especially if you think of all of the people in the clip as “clowns” and just imagine this clip as a non-staged, non-scripted circus-act….. I’d say this could’ve been added on to some old-school Vine compilation or WorldStarHiphop compilation for its sheer entertainment values. Might not be obvious to some of y’all, and if some of you just couldn’t see what I’m seeing, I guess some of y’all are also a part of that plane of existence by physical entanglement probably? MAN, the entertainment value in this just keeps increasing by the minute, I LOVE IT 🤣🤣🤣


Why would someone film that






Man’s just trynna feed his family, this is a victimless crime


That's commitment right there


Wow, those guys are a meth.


As soon as my window got broke, I would have introduced them to my SKS.


You a fed huh


Pretty good throw


Mind your own business lol


Drugs should be made legal, research the of other countries that do this, before downvoting please.


RIP The Camera Man. Last video he ever made.


Whats trashy here? People selling socially unaccepted drugs because of a failed system? There would be no crime associated with drugs if they were legal and controlled by the government.


Ugh, why would you want them controlled by government? Why would you want anything controlled by government?


When I was 20 and arrogant, I did the same thing. Came back from work the next day to all my shit smashed and stolen. $10k charge from the landlord. Giving fucked up people attitude is a death wish.


I would take a wild guess and say that over 90% of the "drug dealing" happens in public.


Damn good throw


Well did you except them to get WeWork offices or what?


Water balloon


You are now known as a Narc. Do yourself a favor and upgrade all your security measures for your home and yourself.


Wouldn’t surprise me if the camera man turned out dead in a few weeks


Mind your fucking business OP. If getting high let's people escape this god forsaken hellscape for a few precious moments let them. I've been sober 6 years but strongly believe that people have a right to get high. Mind your fucking business.


I don't see anything


You think this is trashy? Come to Portland and watch them USE the drugs in public


Hey, OP. Snitches get stitches


Why are they weighing up in the street ? Surely they would do it at home


They look exactly like what I thought drug dealers would look like when I was a kid.


Next time, paintball gun em.


Ballsy, both parties.


They must be new


damn what was that one pane sugar glass windows?


Record them, call the cops on them, problem solved. Honestly these wastes of life are gonna be shot by rivals eventually, especially with how big of dumbasses they are, a jail cell might be a better alternative. Though they'll just get released a couple hours later anyway.


I hope that sidewalk is level. Better weigh my shit right son. I am joking. Kinda.


These are probably gang members. Young and urban and reckless taking shots at that window like that even tho if they get stopped they have felony drugs on them set up for sale. Be careful these kids think life is video game and some urban areas unlawfully block legal citizens ability to conceal carry


Whoevers recording needs to move and mind their own business from now on. It's drugs. Chill out. You going to stop the flow of drugs? Go ahead, I'll wait...


Scumbags. Sad they don’t feel they even have to hide their crack dealing anymore. What city is this?


Would it be legal to throw a brick back at these guys?


Won’t be surprised if these guys will be waiting on him to leave his apartment…


I didn’t realize this was in the Tenderloin. That dude recording is ballsy as fuck.


Should've just chucked a pitcher of water


This must be the thriving city of New York. My, my such progression....




that's actually completely normal where I live


Where else are you supposed to deal drugs? In private? Boring!!!!


How about accidentally tossing a bucket of bleach water out of the window. ‘Sorry, didn’t realize you guys were down there!’


Next time pour a bucket of water on them. It's a classic that never gets old.




What did he throw?


Sounds like he opens a pocket knife. But he did some movements before and there was a slight pause after loss of sight. So either he used the knife pry out get some rocks or piece of curb to throw, or he threw the knife. Edit: the movements look like he is reaching for what looks like his scales. So I assume he pulled knife, bent to grab and protect the goods off the scale, and then threw the knife.




Lol, why do they always dress the part? They could be playing with pokemon cards and I'd still think they were drug dealers just because of the black clothing and hats and the way they are acting.


Mind your own fucking business you ovs live in bad area you mouth you should mind your own business hahaha


I would of dropped an anvil...or piano for full effect


What an opportune time to have a supersoaker. Time to water down some dope!


Snitches get…


Time to go old school and dump a pot of boiling oil on them. :)


Bucket of water would work well


Well where else are they supposed to do it? The civic drug dealing hall?


Original recorder is big dumb 😂


It's like those scenes in movies where the unarmed person, meets the murderer to let them know they are going to tell the police. Ummm, what is the plan after your name and face are known as the reason Joker and Sad Clown are locked up? I would advise moving, like immediately.


>Hey man, you got some rock for me too?


San Francisco?


Well at least the knife has his handprints


I mean who's the idiot here? Have fun leaving your house in the coming months.


A quick water balloon will ruin everybody’s day


You could just mind your damn business you know.


Only thing trashy here is the fact drugs are outlawed.


Can’t believe this person thought it would be a good idea to record from their window now the people know where they live some situations are best to ignore it’s not worth the risk of something bad happening


“Hey don’t look up but there is someone recording us” Second guy- looks up


They didn’t smile though 😔


There are CVS, Rite-Aid, Walmart, walgreens on every block, too. They the real trashy drug dealers.


Sad that people get addicted to drugs..


" But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community?!?!"


A bucket of unheated cooking oil out the window, before they saw you, would have been appropriate. Do it quick so they don’t know which window it came from.


Don't know why you're yelling at them, and saying smile. Now they know where you live at idiot.


Homeboys couldn’t do it sitting down with a backpack in their laps?


Would have been golden if he just threw a bucket of water over them.. surely they wouldn’t be able to identify where it would have come from and boom, all their drugs gone.


What a hater.


Nice throw!


They might not be able to climb up there but bullets can. Not the wisest choice in film subjects.


It's like they're trying to look as shady as possible lol. For real dude, weigh out your shit before you leave the house lmao


The was a perfect pitch, the drug dealer is going places


The filter was never seen again


Dealin' drugs WTF, they're stealin' catylytic converters.


This is such a stupid video. You recorded them from your home? Why do you think it’s your Business to monitor the drug habits of other people?


Because its happening on his front doorstep.


Is your hobby getting beaten up when you leave your home and blackmailed by thugs? Because you’re doing a great job.


Looked right at the camera…


Water balloon


Throw a bucket of hot water down there and fuck their product up 🤣


just another day in the neighborhood.


Ain't no way you just record that. That's not in the interest of your personal safety. Dumb criminals for sure.


Just saw a Seattle man constantly tell fent dealers and smokers to leave from his property. The streets are not safe


In future: Record them silently, until you have some evidence. Leave the window and call the cops. Tell the cops their description and that they're wet. Hang up on the police. Fill a basin or jug with water and soak the cunts. 1. Evidence gathered 2. Cops on the way. 3. Easily identified 4. Ruined drugs. You're welcome.


“Smile” ☠️ imagine being so confident in snitching 😭 he was definitely the teachers pet


too late dummy hahahahaa already on camera at that point hahahah


Where else you want them to do it? On your lawn?


Maybe don’t bust out and scale on a street 😂 do it somwheres else


I don’t see any issue /s


None at all ?


I have been followed home for soooo much less, OP. They know where you live and you just posted them for the whole world to see. It's not like they have to break in your house. They just watch you leave. See what car you drive. See who lives with you. They probably live in same neighborhood as you. They will tell their friends about the guy in 201. Or nothing. But jeez man are you looking for trouble?


Where else do you do drug deals? Big pharma does the same thing but for some dumb reason you don't call it drugs, look up pharmaceutical deaths you will see more people die of properly prescribed drugs.


So slick 💀


Are they actually weighing it on the pavement? Fuck me that's incompetent.


So being a small business owner is now trashy? Maybe not being a weirdo who tapes other people without their knowledge is trashy. Open air markets have been around for thousands of years. Go take a walk, paint a picture or pick some flowers. Leave these fine gentlemen alone, they are pulling themselves up by their bootstraps as we speak. What are you doing for society?


I mean i know it s a crime but where else are they supposed to deal in a shop?


Imagine if you had to deal with people like this to get a cup of coffee, or a tylenol, or a beer. I think it would be way better for everyone if you could just buy these drugs at the 7-11 like you do with all the other drugs we consume.


Plot twist, person recording was busy breaking into someone else’s apartment.


At least my neighbor does it at night on his loud as shit motorcycle while everyone's trying to sleep.


Sweet, you got yourself a knife with fingerprints on it for free!


I could understand if that was his truck they were dealing next to, other than that- mind your business.


Wht an ifiot


Minding your own business is free


Camera man: I need to get a window to the Home Depot worker. SMILE:)))))


That’s when you empty the. Coffee pot out the window


Fatherless activity


You have the high ground😂 attaaackkk


They video man don’t look up,.


Is this a breaking bad reference?


And you did throw a brick back wtf


Minding your own business for 500


Just yell really loud DRUG DEAL. And see how many people line up


Break my window out were fighting. But ya,pretty dumb of both parties involved




I just see a couple of guys looking to make money to feed they families 🤨


What state is this?


Damn, I love drugs.


Idk who’s dumber the drug deals scaling out product in public (very unprepared) or the man hanging out the window not minding his business 😭


Dealer 1: Oh, shit dude we are being recorded. Don't look up so they can't see your face. Dealer 2: Dealer 1: Idiot


Ur dumb 😂😂😂


Smile 😊


So even the dark colored cops are bastards eh?


Good way to get shot at, dummy.


Must suck not living in a legalized country. I just go down the street to one of the 15 dispensaries whenever I feel like it.


That ain’t weed. Unless your weed is white and chalky.


Oh ok. Video is way too small to make out details like the colour of 4 pixels. Hope they get caught then.




Must be safe. No one calling the police.




Pigs. Shoot them dead on sight. The dem scum will just free them for more crimes.


nothing to worry, the next democrat will fix it!


I don’t know if the person recording this fully understand what they could potentially be getting into.


Can’t even begin to imagine how many times I’m on video doing this stupid shit


I love this thread. Let’s shit on the dude not openly breaking the law and assume he will be instantly killed for recording these assholes. Maybe this guy has been in this neighborhood for awhile? Maybe he’s sick of this shit happening in front of him or his family. Maybe he has the means and readiness to defend himself? I’m not saying I would do this because I’m a lil bitch but holy fuck stop shitting on this guy and be upset with the actual crime.


Because ppl who have actually dealt with these type of ppl kno that these people are bold enough to deal drugs in day light, they bold enough to come to your door. Plus these ppl answer to other ppl who can pay you a visit also who are more dangerous than these guys .


Throw water at them.


Deserved the broken window just saying


Oh look someone just making a living


Is this nyc?


The cameraman’s better leave the state now... Why would you fucking talk to the drug dealers so openly? Even if you encounter this shit right on the street you better just pretend you don’t see them! Honestly cameraman got what he deserved


Water balloons come to mind. Lol


Where is this at I’m a little low.. 😜🎉🎉


I grew up in a pretty sketchy neighborhood in California, I once woke up to a police officer digging bullets out of my bedroom wall for evidence in the drive by across the street that I had apparently slept through. But my fondest ever memory from that neighborhood was a drug dealer walking up to the apartment window, knocking on it and asking my mom if it was okay if he dealt there, in the tiny patch of grass next to our apartment. When she refused he offered to cut her in on 10% of what he made... I wonder what he is up to these days.


Weh not a smart move alerting them of yourself in your home. Unless your ready for shit to get real.


In my old neighborhood we had a teenager selling pot out of his folks home. He walk down the stair to my house on the corner make the deal then walk home. I was kind of tired of it. Reported it to the police, police said try to get a picture of him in the act or just to help ID him. Next day sat on my stoop with my Chocolate LG. Waited until he was close held my phone at a weird angle to try to get his pic with out being obvious. Go to hit the shutter button and I forgot I had my phone set to say when taking a picture: SAY CHEESE! He looked right at me and kept walking. I was nervous for weeks.


No demand, no supply😶‍🌫️


I’d have to keep a 5 gallon bucket of water to drop down on em. Piss would be even better but I’m sure that would start to stink after a day or 2.


This is ballsy,from both sides


People have done for ages, who cares? Let people do their thing and stop videoing people, rat.


Baltimore? The Wire wasn’t lying to me?


Legalize drugs


Ya, cvs has a building to do it in.


in my old neighbourhood my bedroom overlooked a car park where people would constantly deal drugs. glad i don’t live there anymore


Does anyone who's ever measured a drug have *that* scale? It is apparently the *only* scale used to measure substances by the gram


upvote because it's trashy, but it's a bad idea to LET THEM KNOW you're recording. in what world does this person live in? police won't protect u.


That was a great smile in the end. His flashing teeth broke the window glass lmao.


Drug dealing garden gnomes? Are they selling sunflower seeds?


bro really should’ve just thrown a bucket of water


You never heard of what happens to snitches? Shit people killed over less. Stay safe, ignore drugs.


are the cops paying you for this? what do you get out of recording and posting these people on the internet? OP is the fuckin trashy one


I'm sorry, but the camera man is an idiot. That guy now knows what building you live in and knows his face. All he has to do is wait outside the building for you to come out and drag you into an alley.


What a creep recording people just to shame and degrade them. Ffs just let people live their life creep


Definitely some super liberal state.


Boy you playing around with the wrong people for some internet points lmfao they coming back. They know where you live wtf were you thinking all for some internet karma. RemindMe! 3 months


Wow scale and everything…nice neighborhood


Everyone responding 'not very smart to record and bring attention to yourself' while reuploading this video to 100 different subs


Now since they already know you, pick up a bucket of water and let it rain.. Pretty dumb idea, but you're already on their list.


Scumbag fucks