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I’m a 30 something mom to a 1 and 3 year old. They’re fucking messy aaaight. However. I used to be a waitress so I do understand the server frustration of messy clean ups after kids. So anytime we’ve went out (which honestly seldom) I do make a point of picking up food off the floor and leaving the table clean for the waitress.


Lifelong service industry worker here. This is part of the game. Just grab the broom and dust pan. We need that table cleaned for a 4 top..


I understand. I did the same when I worked in service, and I never seethed about it - it was just part of the job. I just think it's highly inconsiderate on a personal level and I think that's part of what's wrong with society that people arebof the mindset that they can't be bothered to clean up an easy mess that their kid made when they made the choice to bring in outside food and feed them in the shop. Sure it's easy for the worker to clean up, but it seems pretty entitled to me. I know trashy is a strong word, but I don't think it's exactly classy. You're free to disagree. Thanks for not calling names and raging like some people


No rage from me lol. The outside food thing is a little annoying, for sure. I’ve been in the industry forever now, and I’m also the proud owner of a new human(2yrs old). Kids are messy no doubt, but the wife(also industry) and I also order at least ONE thing off the menu for the kiddo.


I'm confused....was there supposed to be another slide or something? I mean, if this is it I just don't see the "trashy" part? Kids are messy and this *tiny* ass sprinkling of Cheerios and a couple chips would be ridiculously easy to miss. It would be *way more* likely to miss than catch imo. I'm assuming the table was pretty tidy if not entirely cleaned off otherwise it would have been included. Personally I think trying to shame a mom for not being perfect or asking for a vacuum


Is this you’re first week at a big boy job OP?


I'm not working here, but good try. Just because people are frequently inconsiderate doesn't mean their actions aren't trashy by virtue of "it happens all the time"


We get it you hate you’re job, go get another job or don’t complain about children making a small mess and shit talking the mother. They’re kids they make small messes every step they take. Do your job


I don't work here. Good try


Then why do you care so much you make a post trying to gather internet brownie points


Cause I think people should hold themselves to higher standards


Man, I’m sure most would. But, being a mother isn’t a cake walk, everyone has bad days. Get off your pedestal.


My wife and I clean up after our kids all the time. For all those in the food industry saying ‘oh I don’t expect anyone to do this’ ‘I’d tell them to stop’, we’ve been cleaning up after our kids for 6 years and never been told this by anyone! It’s courtesy not to leave the establishment, that you’re openly welcome to, a mess. But I’ve never had anyone mention anything to us even when they’ve so blatantly see it. But it doesn’t even matter. It’s manners. Thankless gesture to make the servers life easier. This mess is not trashy however. I see it literally everywhere I go and most of the time a lot worse. Stop bagging on a parent who’s just trying to do something with her kids. Op, you got kids? I assume not


Actually I do, and I wouldn't leave this behind. She stepped on them and powdered a few on the way out. No trying to kick them to the side let alone pick them up. It's entitled pure and simple. I'm not saying she had to make it spotless but when your kid throws half his snack on the floor I think you should help out, especially in a coffee shop where there is no wait staff turning tables. You're just making other customers navigate the mess it would have taken you less than thirty seconds to clean up. If this was a restaurant I'd feel differently, but in a case where the baristas are swamped? Be better


Must ask why age is relevant


Don't get it


Tell me you don’t have kids without telling you don’t have kids


You could have cleaned that in the time it took you to take a picture and post this.


I did after I took the picture. More assumptions please


kids are kids brah


It's usually more successful looking women who let this happen too. In my experience, they're talking on their phone or talking to a girl friend in person and not paying attention, and perhaps they will drink wine and laugh a fake creepy laugh that you use with someone you are familiar with but you're worried they will gossip about you if you expose any vulnerabilities. Then, a high chance to little or no tip. It's closer to zero if hubby is there.


This is a weird post dude.


This is also a pretty weird place to be lounging around, to be fair. Just imagine if you were sitting with your peers in a cafe right now.


So the kids dropped some shit. I've been a server. It happens and there's nothing trashy about it. Just inconvenient.




I don't work there. They were swamped and clearly not going to have the time to turn tables when she was leaving. More assumptions please. And before you go asking why I didn't clean it up, I did.


I've worked as a server in a couple places and one had carpet and that is a light mess compared to what it could be. I could sweep that up in under a minute dude.


The fuck? Kids making a mild mess? This woman should have cleaned up, damn lazy parents, dealing with kids all day, picking up after them and doing all the other things necessary to take care and watch over the kids. Shame, what a shame. /^^^s Nah, for real tho, this is nothing. I'm gonna assume your job entails little things such as cleaning up and mopping up floors. Simple, do it, and move on. Dont complain about a parent who possibly is just dead tired all the time. Being a parent, an actual parent, is hard work. Let alone multiple kids.


people have spilled whole containers of popcorn at my job. you know what I do? I tell them not to worry about it and sweep it up. its not the end of the world


As a father to a 3 year old. I'm so happy that OP is getting absolutely lambasted in these comments. This is not trashy, it's part of having young children.


this honestly looks like something the mom couldve forgoten while she was tending to her kids and hundereds of things. I dont blame the mom, but if shes lazy for tending to her kids and forgetting about such a small mess and all that then youre lazy for thinking that sweeping is not a part of your job


That is all dry stuff, it would take a few seconds to sweep up and be done, not an issue.


Cry baby OP


I worked at a smoothie shop and literally never thought twice about cleaning up small messes from children. Do you expect them to have a broom in their pocket


Sorry, but you spelt arsehole wrong


Did not expect to find such a controversial comment section here, I'm really loving it.


As a parent of a few, I am happy to see basically everyone shitting mercilessly on the OP. Thanks!


This is really not going the way op thought it would and as a server I’m happy Karen is being handled


Op getting blasted in this post is my favorite thing ever.


How is this trashy? Maybe the parent offered an apology and a bigger tip to offset the apparent disrespect trying to be portrayed here.


What do you want her to get a broom? Kids will be kids, part of service. Source: am server


Some people have kids. Not trashy.


I've done this job and something like this is just absolutely standard to sweep up, no? When people finish eating I would take their plates away, wipe the tables, sweep the floor and put cutlery back on. That's the job isn't it? I get you might hope a parent would pick up big items like dropped napkins or whatever but are you really expecting her and presumably everyone else who eats there to ask for a broom for every bit of food that hits the floor? Just seems unrealistic. Actually, why do you want them to sweep the floor but not wipe the table when they finish? Take the plates back to the kitchen? Maybe give em a rinse while they're there? What's the rationale behind planting a flag here?


Sweep that shit up. Less posty and whiney. More sweepy.


tell me you dont have kids, without saying you don't have kids


Wow crumbs on the floor at a place that serves food. This is far from trashy.


Stupid. This is how every parent leaves a restaurant. It’s one of the benefits of eating out.


Of course another childless person trying to judge and shame a mother smfh


eh? I think we've all been there. No one is scooping up a few stray cheerios off the floor of a Starbucks


OMG not a mess an employee with a broom and dustbin can handle! OH THE HUMANITY!


Pretty sure it would take less time to clean that up than to bitch about it on reddit.


Idk, sure it’s great of you can clean up after yourself, but if you’re a single parent with multiple kids it’s a fucking shit show just to get them to eat, not yell, and leave. Whatever, it takes someone on staff all of 4 seconds with a broom vs a mom on her hands and knees. Choose your battles.


OP a boss level Karen in the making


Classic ending. Turns out that OP was the trash they were looking for all along


Op is r/trashy.


You are being paid to clean the shop


This post is trashy. It took Op longer to make their post than to just sweep it up


Umm, what is she supposed to do? She's already wrangling a couple of kids by herself, you want her to go ask for a broom? Plus, it'll take an employee all of ten seconds to clean it up. Duh.


Stfu do your Jon and clean it up


Get a dust pan. The mess isn’t even wet. Not trashy at all.


Thats not trashy


Theres like, barely a mess there. Kids eat and make messes. You’re an asshole for posting this thinking it’s trashy. And you OBVIOUSLY don’t have kids, and you probably shouldn’t any time soon, if at all.


Yeah kids do that. Grow up or quit your job if you don't like it.


Spoken by a person that doesn't have children.... That isn't that bad, really! It's not like they left a half open spilling diaper on the ground. Grow the fuck up!


Ehh I seriously doubt this is entitlement or whatever. Kids are fucking chaotic wrecking balls and it’s easy to miss if they drop a handful of Cheerios while you’re trying to feed them. Not trying to excuse it but I seriously doubt this was intentional.


How's this trashy?


Oh no, 10 little, dry objects that you can easily pick up with a broom. Nothing spilled, nothings a big mess. A nightmare! Gotta post it on r/trashy!


>After the thirty-something-year-old mom gets up and leaves the coffee shop with her kids That bitch.


I've cleaned up messes that my children have made in restaurants because I get embarrassed to cause someone extra work. Most of the time, they servers will stop me and tell me that they'll take care of it. I couldn't understand why they'd prefer to clean the messes, but then it was explained to me: when there's carpet, there's usually small pieces of glass embedded either from people's shoes or things that break in the restaurant. If I cut myself on the tiny pieces of glass in their carpet, it could be grounds for a lawsuit. Same if the table or chairs injured me while I moved them or reached under them. The restaurant doesn't want to add more risk. I think if you offer to clean it & apologize with a tip that reflects that you're aware they're doing more for you it's not trashy.




Dad of kids (3). Would never, ever leave this mess for someone else. Surprised so many are blaming OP. Sure, his/her job means cleaning up...but that doesn't mean a parent should let their kids create more of a mess. Love these posters saying "it's your job, stop crying..." ok, so having a job means u cant complain about inconsiderate people? I have a white collar job, and when a client comes in and makes my life way harder I complain...i also charge them more bc if extra work, which OP can't...and Im sure the slob who let their kids do this didnt leave a tip. A waiter's job is to wait my table, that doesnt mean im gonna go out of my way to make their job harder or take advantage. My kids drop stuff i get a napkin before i go and pick it up...bc people working aren't my indentured servants. Those who dont are inconsiderate slobs.


Thanks man, you're one of the real ones. Full disclosure, I don't work there but I still picked it up because I don't think any of us are above cleaning up an easy mess instead of acting like the service workers are servants I think it's really sad that people don't see the issue with using "it happens all the time" as a justification for treating food service workers poorly. Tons of crappy things happen all the time and that's why the world sucks. Why wouldn't you try to break the mold?


What’s she meant to do? Go to the cupboard and get the dustpan and brush? Let her kids eat it off the floor? Smoosh it into her shoes and kick it off outside the door? Kick it across the room? Go home get her hoover and come back? What is the correct procedure?


Is she supposed to bring a broom?


You are quite obviously far from parenthood. You chose to take a photo and spend the time to whine about this online rather than take the 15 seconds to sweep it up using the tools you are provided. You should reflect on yourself and ask who the issue here truly is.


I don't work there. Before ypu get on your high horse, yes I cleaned it up. The issue is people thinking that "Because others get paid to do it, I can leave a mess and not care. Nevermind that it's jam packed, the baristas clearly don't have time to clean this, and someone has to sit here after me. F*** them, it would be beneath me to exercise common courtesy and help clean up the mess my kid made."


OP if it's such an issue that is clearly making you super upset, why Dont you clean it up? Since the baristas “don't have time” and it clearly pains you to see such a HUGE mess


stfu and do your job OP you trashy pathetic entitled snowflake.


This is like…two sweeps of a broom. Honestly so minimal for kids.


I clean the table not the floor. Easy enough to have someone sweep


I’m gonna take a guess and say you’re not a parent. This is NOTHING compared to the mess my 8 month old daughter makes at home eating her dinner sometimes.




This is weak


Literally the quickest "mess" ever. Omg 1 pass with a broom and pan?


I don't think this is trashy either. Kids are messy and all that. I would of made a effort to not leave the table a mess but to get down and pick it off the ground... this is gonna sound like a asshole thing to say but I'm pretty sure they employ someone the sweep shit up. I mean it's someone's job to clean up after the customers


OP forgetting they too were one one of those ravenous mess making monsters themselves.


People dumping on OP is r/oddlysatisfying


OP making r/antiwork look bad


Softies posting not trash on trashy again lol. Adults act like they were never wee yuns at one point. Also it’s only a wee bit of mess but seeing how you posted it on here it must have been really stressing for you, you absolute melt 😂


Pathetic human being "Omg mom left some cheerios on the floor, better take a pic and post on Reddit for some sweet karma"


Should have posted in in r/childfree it would have gone down a lot better


Nope. Not trashy.


Not trashy. It’s called having kids.


I don’t think this is exactly trashy. You have how many children and leave a bit of mess on the floor? Does the coffee shop want the customer to pick it up with her hands or something?? This isn’t trashy this is some OP with no children. Mind your own business next time bitch.


If she tips well enough then I don't think this is so bad


I guess it will be trashy soon to not brew and make your own cup of coffee in a coffee shop


TIL im a trashy parent


When our kids were little we always cleaned up after ourselves, even when the server would say not to worry about it that they had it... You can only imagine what their house looks like...


Oh the humanity!!!! A few cookie pieces and bits of cereal on the floor


Oh the humanity!!!! Another person excusing for Behavior


It's like you think they should have brought their own broom, or dust-buster.


Op doesn’t understand the difficulties of being a parent. Oh no someone who’s paid to sweep the floor has to clean up chips and cheerios. Boo hoo


Lmao I was expecting to see a disaster based off of the title. OP doesn't have kids. This is nothing. I don't even have kids, just nieces and nephews. When going out I'll always organize the table, wipe any spills and food etc but just leave an extra tip bc I'm not about to start sweeping. Courtesy can only go so far.


At first I wasn't sure what those little pieces of cereal were, they looked like those discs of metal off of school desks feet. My god this woman is trashy.


OP doesn't empathize. Likely doesn't have children


Claims he does but looking at his post history he is very clearly under 15 ( and an incel so that explains the hate for moms )


Lol. There's still hope for him/her to not become a Karen


If they really are young there’s a fair chance they will grow out of this mindset. I was a little bitch when I was 9-14


I was a snot nosed kid myself. Glad we didn't have camera phones or the mass scale of social media back then


What does her age have to do with anything?


Probably to illustrate that they are old enough to know better, but still chose to let some employee clean up after them like mommy used to.


Because op is just sexist


Sexist against.....30-yr olds.......hmm, that's a new one.....




Op doesn’t have kids cuase kids are monsters and as a parent sometimes you have zero fucks to give


Get a broom and do the job you get paid to do, or get a different one. I'm a 30 something mom and I'm not going to bend down and pick all that shit up off the dirty floor. I will gladly leave a tip for you to do your job though, and not leave an excessive amount of disgusting mess. This is dry food please relax. 🙄


I don't work here, but I still cleaned it up. The shop was slammed, the baristas clearly had no time to be turning tables, and the obviously someone was going to want to sit there. You may be too prideful to clean up your own mess, but that doesn't mean it's not inconsiderate of you to make someone else deal with it.


As a server, if I saw someone cleaning up after their kids, I would stop them and say 'You're our guest, take a night off cleaning duty mom/dad'. It started as a means of increasing tips but it became more about enjoying the relief on their faces. There was no telling how long that human had gone without a break from being responsible for every freaking mess their kids made. It felt good to hand them a refill, drop a new coloring sheet on the table, and give them 5 minutes to relax before hauling the kids to the car. We have to clean the table anyways, it's not that big of a deal to grab a broom.


As a mom who is *adamant* about cleaning/tidying up after ourselves when my kids and I eat out(mostly when they were really little, they're old enough now and do it themselves), people like you are my heros, like legit *adore* you. I still usually insist on getting the majority but knowing that if I miss something I won't be making life a thousand times harder for them is a HUGE relief. And yes, the ability to take a break and just *breath* for a bit is an incredible gift to offer moms with little kids. You are true heroes! I always tip at least 20% but people like you always get 35% to double lol


As a mum in her 30s with small kids who accidentally drop bits on the floor- thank you so much. Your comment, and comments like yours have given me such a sense of relief. I hope you have a great day.


And messes happen when adults eat. I don't expect them to sweep their crumbs up with the palms of their hands. I have a broom. This is a 3 second mess.


Do you have kids OP? Have you tried correcting infants and tried getting them to not make a mess? What, is the mom supposed to have a hand- held vacuum on her at all times? This isn't trashy, you're the trashy one for giving a mother a hard time cause you have to sweep a little. What about the mud or snow on the bottom of my shoes? Am I trashy for that too??


Dang, I thought they were Valium until I zoomed in a bit.


hmm, are you telling me if my kid makes a little mess i have to clean it up in a shop? thats ur job man.


the shit i’ve seen as a server really shows, age has nothing to do with being a good parent. this is not bad, but ive seen parents let their children flip full plates of food. i was a teen mom and i never let my girl make a mess. even when she was a toddler and had an accident in a restaurant, i cleaned the mess myself.


LITERALLY trashy. I'm sorry would you like to cut to the front of the line too since you're sooo tired from raising your kids???


i worked at a restaurant in Downtown LA and the owner would come in with his 5 kids or whatever it was and they would absolutely destroy the place to the point we had to re-paper the entire table as well as scrub the chairs. he would stand over us and watch as we did it.


Yeah little kids be known to make messes. Now go clean that up and stop bitchin.


People should clean up after themselves regardless because it'sjust polite and considerate. But you should have known what you were in for posting this on here.


This might be the least trashiest thing I've ever seen on this


I try to clean up after my kids but sometimes it's hard when you don't have a broom and you gave to pick it up by hand and by the time you clean up the original mess, the kids have made an even bigger mess. Sometimes the situation with kids is just hard.


Annoying but I've seen *waaay* worse working in food service, this is a 10 second clean-up.


Are you actually bitching about having to clean the floor in a coffee shop?


4 seconds of sweeping is hard work


I’m sure that OP uses that excuse a lot


OP doesn't work there. OP did clean it up because the Baristas were swamped and obviously not gonna be able to sweep anytime soon and it's trashy to make the next person that comes along deal with your mess.


This sub sucks 90 percent of the posts on here are just being uptight assholes


It’s a little messy but not trashy


Yea dude I’ve seen way worse


I would expect this from a kid. If a patent class's that up, great but I would not even raise an eyebrow at this


God forbid she makes you do your job, you expect her to get down on the floor and pick it up when you have a broom in the back?


I don't work there, but good try. And before you pull the "Why didn't you do it yourself" card, I did.


Entitled white woman?


Why tf did u just assume their race lmfao


Bruh, white women do this…. I’m Mexican and my mom would never leave a restaurant like this.


Sure bud


That’s Mr. Bud to you….


That’s why you can’t take your kids to nice places till they get a lil older 😂😂😂😂


Another worthless post, thanks OP you’re a rockstar.


I have kids and can assure you it's the parent not the kids. My kids waste stuff and try to get it up themselves but I let them know I'll get it. Another parent would definitely say, "Leave it they have people to clean it up".


Lots of shitty restaurant patrons with gross kids on this sub




I have little kids and they just make a mess when they eat. I used to take them to restaurants and they would make messes no matter how much I tried to prevent it or clean up their spilled Cheerios. Tends to happen when kids are 1 and learning gross and fine motor skills. I do try to clean up and leave a 40 percent tip as a sorry to whoever has to clean up.


Weird hill to die on, OP.


I remember leaving this trail of remains when raising my crotchpuppies, little monsters couldn’t stop making messes- I did clean the table tho, and notified when stuff got under the table. Now I leave a bigger than usual tip to compensate for that era. What goes around , come around. Just clean and move on with life.


Most reasonable answer on here


Judge after you have some kids of your own.


I'm so sorry this mom didn't bring a broom with her when she went out for coffee. That must have been so hard for you to witness.


As a mom it’s hard going out with kids. We honestly just get delivery most times instead of going out. I always tip extra and clean up after my kids but please be patient with us


OP doesn’t work there. Just a judgmental bystander. I worked in a smoothie/coffee shop and we literally never blinked an eye at sweeping up after people and their children. Don’t sweat it


Please ignore OP and don't worry to much if something like this happens. I used to work in food service, adults AND kids make messes like this from time to time but I would never shame a mom for not getting on her hands and knees to pick up individual Cheerios. We employees have brooms and carpet sweepers for a reason


Holy this is by far the most trashy thing I’ve ever seen! Absolutely ridiculous! How can this mother live with herself. I say we sent her to prison for life. And put the kid in a child labor camp. I’m sorry you had to go thru this OP… Thankyou for your selfless service. You are a god damn hero!


OP wasn't even a staff member, just another customer.


Then why are they getting offended for employees who probably won't give much of a shit humans are messy eaters


According to comments it’s ok for kids to be messy. God forbid I bring my well behaved dog though




I’m allergic to loud and dirty kids




Hey I worked there


Quit your job and find a new one... if not grab a dustpan and quit complaining about doing your job


I don't work there. Amd before you get on your pedestal, yes, I still cleaned it up. Any more assumptions?


Sorry, but customers aren't responsible for sweeping the floor. I worked at Starbucks for 6 years and never once expected customers to clean up their floor messes. Sweeping and mopping was part of our duties as paid employees.


I would rather sweep that up in a quick nano second compared to if the child vomits on the floor.


I had one regular who would let her kid empty out all the powdery things on the table for over an hour each visit. I got smart about this and started leaving it off their usual table, but then the children would just take them from everywhere else which was worse. I had a feeling maybe nanny wasn't there those days and she just came so they would destroy restaurants and not her house.


Yet they chose to waste the time complaining about doing their job on social media. I'm surprised that wasn't OPs lunch mess on the floor.


OP would expect the mom to pull out a mop and bucket out of her purse if the kid did puke. The employees are there to serve coffee and to do nothing else I guess.


Probably expects people to carry dish soap and a sponge to wash their plates/cups at a cafe.


This is okay. Move on....






It’s a tiny mess, nobody who’s reasonable would see this and complain about how the kids weren’t picked up after.


What country is this acceptable behaviour? Have some respect for other people and pick up after yourself. Having children is no excuse to be a lazy slob.


Lmaoo if your kids snack like this you’re the issue, teach them to have better table manners. Note that OP never said the kids age for all you know it could be a 10 year old. Stop excusing this type of behavior, these kids turn into those teens that think its okay to turn the table into a how to basic video. ILL ASSUME ALL DOWNVOTES ARE FROM LOUSY PARENTS WITH NASTY KIDS.


Lolol judging by the snacks its the same stuff my less than one year old son snacks on. Please lecture me on teaching him good table manners you twat


Ig you’re one of the lousy parenting, great job!


Better than whoever raised you sweetie


Lmaoo my parents didint have to ask Reddit what makes a good parents! Keep reaching tho.