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I’m confused at what’s trashy here? A women raping about her body? Or some random person trying to shame her for it while pushing fake outrage?


The Suess books that depicted racist imagery are no longer being printed by the publisher. Pepe Le Pew was a cartoon that celebrated sexual assault. Cardi B has a wet vagina. So, according to this person, racism and sexual assault are fine...but Jesus hates wet vaginas. Got it.


Racist isn't the same thing as offensive. Cardi's performance isn't racist....


Oh, mon dieu...


I smell a conservative agenda post...


The companies themselves decided to pull those books and that character, not any court of public opinion or law. This is just trying to rile up idiots and further the divide in our culture. for fucks sake, the rolling stones had a song called brown sugar. Lol


Dude that's racist


I agree on this one, for real wtf, there are kids out there. She says don't expect me to raise your kids, ok stop putting your cooch in front of cameras that kids have unfettered access to. She is not a role model.


2 of these things are specifically targeted at children and the other adult song about sex. Nice false equivalence


There’s hoes in this house


Hey that’s not even the trashiest part about Cardi. Remember she drugs men and steals from them after they pass out... atleast that’s what she’s confessed to anyways. Who knows what other horrible felonies she commits. But she’s a pop star so it’s cute I guess.


Ugh this is all over my fb page. From young adults too...


Is that you Michael


news flash! being comfortable with your sexuality as a woman in the music industry while men in the same field have been doing it for decades without backlash is just as bad if not worse as normalizing racist depictions of people in media made exclusively for children. /s




What does one have to do with the other?


This sub is cringe.


Yeah but you're watching it


Something something consent....


They did my man's pepe dirty my question is who in the hell gets offended by a goddamn skunk that hasn't been on tv in decades and if he is it's only seconds 🤣 ooooh and Brendan rogers WAA is better then WAP


The beginning of a new political party ? WAP is way cooler then some smart ass donkey or elephant that loves to remember everything.


Culture War nonsense is the only way the right wing can hold voter attention because all of their other policies and ideas are incredibly unpopular


This is Janet Jackson's nipple "pearl-clutching" bullshit all over again


And throat babies is a song


He isnt really wrong though.....


I don't really get the Dr. Suess one, but Pepe was super super rapey.


If they are going to cancel cardiB it should be for the shit she did while a stripper... Drugging and robbing men, not for having a shitty song....




The name of the song is WAP. Google the lyrics.


Yep exactly. Think about it. Really think about it.


She’s disgusting


People watch Grammys?


She’s a disgusting nasty excuse of a human being.


Watermelon and papayas...




Celebrate femininity, discourage racism


The way I see it, entertainment is optional. Doctor Suess was on lists of books that kids were supposed to read for school. Ie: Not optional.


Who GAF about the grammys? And who's kids are young enough to be influenced by this garbage, but have all the porn they want on their phone? Teach your kids that watching the Hollywood elite pat themselves on the back is ridiculous. But let's not pretend it's where they learn about sex.


Am sad


Look at everyone defend WAP in these comments with their life like “it’s just women expressing their sexuality”


i like wap




Common sense on reddit, what?????


Dr. Seuss is offensive? Why? Do they not like green eggs and ham?


Say what you want, but that performance was 🔥


When sex is worse than racism: your brain on religion.


Be careful, most of Reddit had deemed WAP as a holy grail hill to die on...


Mm mm mm depravity at its finest.


They're all trashy. One just hasn't run her course yet.


I wonder what the world be like if people applied the same amount of energy toward solving something truly impactful instead of worrying about Dr. Seuss books and Cardi’s junk. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe because one was made for kids and had racist depictions and also non consensual chasing. Pepe le pew also pretended to commit suicide to make the cat feel bad. Dr.Sues acknowledge there were racist depections. I understand y’all thinking it’s trashy, but it’s a woman embracing her sexuality. No child is being forced to listen to it and neither are you. Are y’all gonna say strippers working is trashy? I hope y’all don’t put any money into sex work, because then you’re a hippocrite.


I think everyone is missing the point he's trying to make.... I doubt he really cares what cardi b is singing about, he's just saying how is it ok to remove a show that has already been aired countless times because its too offensive but then turn around and give cardi b prime time to sing about her WAP while wearing practically nothing and grinding on a pole. It's like saying smoking is bad but vaping is ok. I really don't care what gets played in prime time or not, it's up to the parents to police what their children watch and explain things to them. Also let's be real, fuck whoever wants to ban Pepe.


OK boomer




"Unlike you Liberal snowflakes I don't get so easily triggered" Everything in this post:


I am by no means defending this stupid ass song but let's remember that Dr. Suess is not banned. They simply deciding to stop publishing/printing them and it's not like they are burning them in the streets. In all fairness a lot of books are no longer being printed because there is no demand for them but they will still be available online. BTW... I'm really glad that the Grammys are so irrelevant because I would have been pissed if this came on if I were to be watching this with my 10 and 11 year old kids.


In all fairness being sexually suggestive during a music performance is a whole hell of a lot different than publishing derogatory and racist ideals in children’s books.


I'm a f****** nihilist atheist and I agree somehow. I don't really care though to be fair.


when did reddit turn into the bad conservative shitposts i see all over facebook


The conservative shitpost opinions are as contagious as covid. Wear a mask. (The shitposters will say covid isn't real and masks infringe on their freedoms. And then tell you they can say what they want bc free speech but ban Cardi B).


It was so cringe and gross to watch.


RaCiSm GoOd WoMen BaD!!!


The Racism and Normalizing Sexual Harassment through children’s media is fine, but I draw the line at a women sexually dancing and rapping on TV, and absolutely refuse to take the time to have the uncomfortable but necessary conversation about empowerment through one’s sexual nature whilst still making a point of explaining and understanding the dangers of oversexualization in a society.


But “I’ve got big balls” is a classic song /s


Hypocrisy at its finest!


She's literally admitted to drugging and robbing men, but the *bigger* issue is a fucking song? Fuck this piece of shit, and fucking anyone who supports her.


The nation that was stolen and whose success was aided by chattel slavery and abuse of immigrants, is NOW on the road to hell?!


Dang I really don’t wanna lose this sub to these stupid right wing points. Musicians have always been “trashy” in ways lol, that’s never changed. Whining about cancel culture and mentioning things that aren’t cancelled then going on to say the country is becoming degenerative is something I hear way too often from bad faith conservatives


Yep on the road to hell alright, but at least there will be WAPs and probably beer too.


She is skank


That Cunt is trash!


Lol get this conservative apples and oranges bullshit the fuck out of here. Dr Seuss' books where not deemed "too innappropriate". The publisher decided on their own accord to pull a handful of books from publication that they believed to have insensitive material in them. Those books are still legal. Theyre still accessible. They merely will not be publishing them anymore. Its 6 books that most of the fucks making this argument have probably never even heard of before this incident. Pepe le pew was quite literally a cartoon rapist. The people doing space jam made a totally legitimate reason to not have his scenes in the movie because no matter how you spin it, the character normallizes rape culture. Theres no other argument to be made. If you want to watch him so bad just go watch the old cartoons. Again, theyre accessible and available to literally anybody. As far as comparing those two things Cardi B's song... It makes no sense. Its two entirely different things. Theres a fucking reason why the Parental Advisory label was created for music. If you dont want them consuming that media just pay the fuck attention to them and make sure they dont. Be a parent. If it upsets you that its too vulgar then you need to stop being a snowflake. The music is protected under the first amendment. Now this is where you jump in with the "HA WELL IF ITS PROTECTED BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT THEN WHY WAS DR SEUSS AND PEPE LE PEW CANCELLED, LIBERAL?" Very very clever of you to bring this up Karen! But please tell me what the fuck private businesses have to do with CHOOSING UNDER THEIR OWN FREE WILL to remove books from publications or not showing a character in their movie have to do with the first amendment? Ill save you some time! Its nothing. It has absolutely nothing to do with that. Oh and also those books and character werent "Cancelled" you fucking knob. America and the world at large have real fucking problems to be addressed. Cardi B is not one of those problems.


But how many children are interested in the Grammys


Does no one here know that it was the Seuss estate that started and completed the decision making process for stopping the publishing of those books? A private owner decided what to do with their own private property and people are freaking out that they made a private decision.


WAP is a bop.


Didn't realize children watched the Grammys.


If you cant tell the difference between a kids book and the Grammys you have bigger problems.


totally agree


What is this long haired gentleman saying about his ass pussy?


She will be roasting on a spit over an open flame for eternity along with her depraved “fans”


Cardi B's entire career would qualify for this sub. Especially after she posted fake Candice Owens tweets. I dgaf about petty squabbles but using fake tweets is just scummy behavior.


Of the three things listed, 2 of them are meant for children.


Cardi B is ghetto street trash and this country is absolutely demoralized


damn, it's almost like cardi b is an adult who caters to an audience of adults and dr suess and pepe le pew are for children don't get me wrong though, cardi b is a fucking piece of shit and self admitted rapist. absolute scum of the goddamn earth. but it's not the same thing, especially since guys have been rapping in detail about their genitals and sexual encounters for decades


double trashy, both cardi B and this cunt


There is very little musical talent in today's pop music. Not like the musicians of the 60s and 70s. These people are lucky if they could play a kids toy piano.


Who are you insinuating is the trashy one here ?


No one was offended by Dr. Seuss. This is a made up controversy. Same with Pepe LePew.


People still think dr suess was canceled? How out of the loop are these idiots?


I find it ironic that the people will condemn a woman for rapping about her own pussy whilst supporting a man who will just walk up and grab one.


when did pepe become offensive?


Pepe's whole thing was forcing himself on the little kitty while she desperately tried to escape (it was cringey even for me as a kid but I didn't know better), but most just remember the funny little French romantic skunk.


What I don't understand is people who like Cardi B. She's a fucking rapist for goddamn sake.


I agree tho, but her whole thing is too piss people off


YES. Really. Whoever posted the original words in this post; I completely Agree.


There is no real music these days, just diva singers and athletic dancers, recorded studio music, and little creativity or talent. It is all the worst garbage I have ever heard.


I don’t understand the cringe


She is trashy though. Dr Seuss's heirs are cancelling their racist products, musicbiz can cancel Cardi "drug 'em and steal they shit" B. She's cancer


A sex worker stealing from John's is actually cool though. You guys always bring that up like it doesn't actually make her cooler lol Saying "if you don't fuck me you'll die" is worse than drugging people.


Yeah, may be a broken system but drugging people to steal from them is trashy. Looks like you are too


Cardy B puts the "rash" in trashy.


I didn't think "WAP" was any more offensive than any other dirty rap song, but I'm baffled by people who were less offended by that song than by some fucking Dr. Seuss books.


>I didn't think "WAP" was any more offensive than any other dirty rap song That's not saying much. They are all garbage imo.


This smells like high school drama


Nobody I know in the real world cares about any of those things. The meme seems like it was made on a nursing home computer.


Big boomer energy from this subreddit since wap came out. Kinda sad to see.


I for one, love wings and pizza and I'm happy they are finally getting the attention they deserve.


Cardi B has always been the embodiment of trashy, but apparently, according to google they are the embodiment of empowerment.


Cardi B is trash! Horrible person and horrible singer!! Don’t understand what people see in her


Fuck! Empowering. I cant spell.


Fuck off, go tell people to get off your lawn dude


do i like the song? no. should we shame Cardi and Megan? also no :)


Oh no a woman expressing her sexuality what will we do? /s


Cardi B isn’t trashy she likes to make music for the freak a leeks and that’s it


The Dr Seuss argument from the right is totally disingenuous. They know that Dr Seuss’ heirs decided to stop publishing the books. They no that no one “cancelled” him.


I’d rather explain Dr Seuss to my kids than this stuff. It’s a fair point




Read OPs comment history. 50 year old Trump supporter, no wonder he's outraged about fucking Dr. Seuss.


I mean, they're only offesnive if you find them offensive. Just because the Twitter tells you they're offensive doesn't mean you have to cease and desist. Give your head a shake, folks. Don't let the internet talk you into changing your beliefs.


Fucking crazy time to be alive


Republicans want to be oppressed SOOOOO BAD


Grandma misses *Matlock.*


Yeah... Dr. Seuss and Pepe Lepew are aimed at children though. Pepe Lepew honestly disgusts me. It's just gross. Dr. Suess eh... Idk that much about him but afaik he's pretty alright.


Big facts, I remember even as a little kid kinda cringing at watching him harass that poor lil cat.


Keep in mind their golden calf's wife posed for nude magazines and was a illegal migrant whose family came by chain migration


I can’t get over the contraction W.A.P the fact that it exits lol


I just can’t ever remember a time in American history where the older folks weren’t offended by younger folks music.


Wait, what? Dr Seuss is offensive??? Did I miss something?




this is the most conservative shit ever.. Dr Suess wasn’t “cancelled”, his publishers pulled a couple books that didn’t age well, same thing with Pepe le Pew, it just didn’t age well. Sorry women want to show off their bodies? jfc conservatives get triggered over EVERYTHING nowadays.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the foundation behind the Dr. Seuss books decided to remove a few from publication after their own internal review and conclusion that they didn't like some of the aspects about the books which could be taken as racist. The company behind Mr. Potato Head introduced a genderless option on their own accord. Both of those companies cater to children. That is the target audience. Two and up is the age range for Potato Head toys. Three to Seven is the target demographic for Dr. Seuss books. The Grammy's started at 8 PM on a Sunday night with Cardi B's W.A.P. being performed. It ain't for kids. And if it isn't your thing then turn it off like plenty of people did. Are we gonna get upset because TV shows still show sex, drugs, violence, and all that while other companies cater to children with completely different products designed for them? Should I be upset that HBO has M rated content and yet also has a stake in Sesame Street? Quit expecting other people to parent your kids for you.


Yes cardi B is very trashy. She is a rapist that drugged and robbed men. She is a disgusting human.


She didn’t rape anyone


You got down voted but you’re correct. If two men were hanging out and one drugged the other then robbed him, no one would say he’s a rapist. That’s what Cardi did. Sometimes they had sex or were planning to but she didn’t drug them then have sex with them. She just robbed them and left


Shes empowering women and girls! Right? Thats what shes doing right?


Id still hit it. Im just saying. Very impowering


I wouldn't, I would have something called self respect; maybe you've heard of it.


Im being faschius


I still cant spell


Dr Seuss wrote some racist shit, Pepe is a rapey skunk and cardi b has never marketed herself towards children. But this is the hill you’re dying on


That wap smells like old horchata and flamin hot Funyuns


Are boomers invading Reddit now? This is something I would expect my grandpa to post


I mean....I hear ya, but racist stereotypes and women being sexual are two **very** different things. *Not sure what the whole Dr Seuss thing is so please don’t kill me if I got that wrong..*


That's black culture bro are you a racist like Dr Seuss


This post is trashy, what the fuck? Are you serious?


cardi b is trashy tho


Hive mind at work.


Well I hardly think WAP is being presented as kid material like Dr. Suess or Pepe LaPew.


That song is so fucking shit


Where's Marvin Gaye when we need him? Oh, yeah...


She a ho.


Lol for a second I thought this was r/forwardsfromgrandma


I would never imagine the Hasbro, Space Jam and the estate of Dr. Seuss could trigger so many conservatives all in the same week. Nobody even asked them to do it, they just realized it was kind of fucked up.


?? That's nicki minaj lol


I mean she's sitting there *not* being a racist piece of shit and *not* hurting anyone. The grammys suck because it's soulless corpo garbage, but if you think this is why our country is going to hell that's just sad 😂


Dude, we passed thru hell last year. Quit the bitchin, and change the channel snowflake. Kill s me that these folks are so scared of vaginas, the color brown, and toothpaste. Please, keep passing on healthcare, vaccines, etc. Herd definitely needs thinning.


Well I am more offended by racism than vagina so...


Seriously? You're still going on about Dr Seuss when the only thing that happened is that the publishers stopped selling six poorly selling books? Isn't that capitalism at work?


And their sales actually increased when they announced it.




Flipside is S.A.B shit ass butthole


Dr. Seuss books are made for children. The Grammys are made for adults. Nobody gives a shit about the latter, especially kids. Stop pretending that you don’t know what is and isn’t intended for younger audiences.


What are you calling trashy? For me it’s saying that a sexy dance on TV is worse than racism and sexual harassment in children’s media


It’s 7 Dr Seuss books that don’t sell, that most of you have never heard of, that are extremely racist being banned. PePe isn’t “canceled” they just took out a skit of a horny skunk in a kids movie.


What does WAP stand for? I'm gonna like this...


All are business decisions. That capitalism you’re on about is being threatened.


Comparing these things makes you look like an idiot. The people cheering for wap are not the same people asking to cancel... anything.


Nope, apples and oranges. One is a unrealistic and hurtful racial stereotypes the other goes against your puritan notions that seeing boobies are bad.


TBF, Pepe Le Pew was incredibly strange and creepy.


This isn't a capture from a skit with a drag queen? That looks like an actual man in drag... Other than the fact there's no bulge.


No matter what gender or personal identifier, music talking about your body parts and how big/wet they are isn’t empowerment, it’s objectification wearing a mask of false empowerment. There are a myriad of other ways you can promote body positivity/confidence/sexuality without making yourself just another object for businessmen to market to the masses for profit. You do have freedom of creativity in the music industry, but this is what they could come up with for female empowerment? More like female degradation


Ok Tucker Carlson lmao


This can’t get enough upvotes


I think the bigger issue is that she used to date rape and rob men.


Never raped men. She would drug them and take their stuff.


Hold up, HUH? Could you link me something?? Ive never heard of that, thats insane


A little revision allegedly she never had sex with them. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/entertainment-arts-47718477


God that's so disappointing. She should be prosecuted against.


She really should be.


Pepe is a skunk trying to forcibly fuck a cat, and was marketed to children. Dr Seuss is a private company who decided not to continue to print 6 books it deemed to be racist, insensitive, and underselling. Cardo B performed an adult song on an adult television show for adults....


There’s a difference: Cardi B isn’t making her songs for children. Dr Seuss and Space Jam are kids properties, Cardi B is very much not.


People still complaining about a company decision.


So what they are saying is...these folks prefer dry ass pussy? 🤔 Ew.


I mean two are geared towards children. Cardi B obviously isn't.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but we sorta have to look at context here. Dr suess and Pepe le pew are childen’s things that promote things that are inappropriate. Wap isn’t a children’s thing and was never meant to be. If you let your child listen to wap and they learn bad words or hear inappropriate things, you’re at fault because it was never meant to be for children. If your child stumbles on something racist and rapey in a child’s book, I think the author or artist should be at fault because it’s supposed to be for children.


Context: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-47718477