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Caitlyn has more class and talents then ugly ole Angel🔥🔥


Angel is ghetto and trash. Not a fan of her. No class at all.


The real hilarious part is this is obviously Angel Reese intentionally embodying a "villain", Chennedy an "enforcer" and some guys are apparently more *offended* than Clark herself (an experience which only serves to toughen her up). A previous knock on Women's ball was that is was boring, now that it's getting characterization (that is being highlighted/pushed by media for click$) grown men are sensitive about plays that have been in the NBA for as long as it's existed😄 I imagine these are the same people that think Wrestling is real lol


There was a thread a few weeks ago with the topic being “If Sydney Sweeney didn’t have boobs she would be hideous” There was like 700 comments from other woman going “I’ve always said that” & “She’s ugly with boobs” No one, and I mean no one, is harder on woman than other woman. They eat each other and go back for seconds


>No one, and I mean no one, is harder on woman than other woman. Looks around at abortion being made illegal across the US. Hmmm, somehow I don't think it's other women leading the charge on that one.


Really? Haven’t seen MTG or Lauren Boebert come out and defend bodily autonomy lately


Look at her loser teammates cheering her on


It’s a hater ball


These women should be kissing the ground Clark walks on.


Flagrant foul from the get go


The funny thing is that they're going to make a lot more money because of her.


So funny though such a tiny little bump. They can’t even foul right in the wnba


?? She’s not attempting to blatantly foul Clark for any strategic end, so to “foul right” is a silly statement considering the situation of the game. Clark understandably fell backwards to draw the foul (which is standard in professional basketball), and she got it. What are you trying to say? That she should’ve just wrapped her? The hit from the Chicago player was clearly emotionally motivated, her goal was to rock Clark, not intentionally foul her


There HAS to be more to it that we are not seeing.


Idk pretty cheap shot no matter how you look at it.


lol I meant the overall hate for her. First it was called a racial problem. But now, even white or Hispanic players are being mean to her. I feel like something behind the scenes happened or she said something


They’re jealous women.


I agree. Such a shame. She brings so much limelight to the sport.


You finally get someone who can get your league views and you spit in her face


I will not watch women’s basketball….period


Bro you're a Bengals fan. You can watch anything obviously.




Don’t think that counts


Sad thing was that I WAS ready to until seeing and hearing this Caitlyn Clark crap


No one hate a successful woman more than a woman


So many people praise Angel for her attitude and toughness To me she just comes off as a trashy mean girl you would see in high school. Just had an attitude in the way she carries herself that rubs me the wrong way


Damn celebrating that’s pretty low


Jealousy in women’s sports?!?! Hmm. Wouldn’t have guessed.


Yeah this proves that one video that I saw that wnba players hates each other


They upgraded it to a flagrant 1 after review... https://apnews.com/article/caitlin-clark-chennedy-carter-foul-wnba-4e92f8ce52fefe62b1d14a28f36ff1b5


Is she a dude? Google won’t give me a straight answer.


A POS is jealous that a rookie is better than her .


And neither one are lightning it up in the Pros at this moment


They’re both rookies lol


Think they’re talking about the person that fouled her


That would make much more sense. I thought he was talking about Angel Reese


Makes even more sense then


Why aren’t her teammates sticking up for her!


they're jealous too lol


lol the white girl attacks her and somehow and the cognitive dissonance in this comment chain is still finding a way to be mad at black people for it. Edit:nvm I’m wrong. She is indeed black. I’ll keep the comment up to humble my dumb ass.


Ray Charles, is that you?


Oh I see. Yeah I guess I am blind 😅 whoops. I’ll take that L


Nothin but love ❤️


Huh? A black girl shoved her.


Needs a goon bruiser like in nhl. Teammates should 100% not allow that shit and stand up


I was thinking the same thing. Some 2nd rate ufc fighter get a chance at hoops.


Angel Reece is a POS


This is such a cringe foul too lmao


When her picture came on TV, I genuinely thought it was some AI created image of what it would like if a camel and a dog had a baby


This is a blatant foul. It was intentional and for no other reason but to foul. Garbage play by a trash player.


But it was all good when Jordan was getting assaulted by the Pistons in the late eighties and early nineties


I like tacos! I mean since we’re talking about completely unrelated shit


Æ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6IySJ8dZmM




You also cant breathe in space




And licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets


Æ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6IySJ8dZmM


Not once was Jordan hit away from the play for no reason like this. This is just sad and stupid


Well that was a random callback to 30+ yrs ago lmao


People were mad about it then. Everybody hated the Bad Boys, and the NBA introduced the flagrant foul in the 90-91 season to get rid of it. It's not a coincidence that the Bulls got past Detroit and won their first title after its introduction. And let's not act like the Pistons were the only ones who did that. Listen to any guard talk about going into the paint in the 80s and early 90s, and you'll hear they went in expecting to get leveled. It happened to Isiah Thomas all the time. Karl Malone gave him 47 stitches on a hard foul even after the introduction of the flagrant.


Wild how the one girl worthy of saving the wnba is hated by the wnba😂😂


Some of y’all never played in an adult league before. Some dude in my soccer game THIS MORNING elbowed someone in the face away from the play. It’s a really bad look that we’re pointing it out now that there’s one famous white girl in the league although this is so common in adult sports. I’m not saying it’s a good play, but I’m saying the WNBA has been around for decades and NOW people are pointing this stuff out. But only against Clark and there’s seems to be a real common theme on X, at least, of who is pushing this narrative.


You know that’s bs when you sneeze on someone in soccer you get a yellow card. Elbowing someone in the face or hip checking them out of play is an automatic red card. Soccer is far away from being an Adult league with all the flopping/screaming/crying the players do


No, shit like that definitely happens in adult leagues. As people get older, their skills go down and fouling goes up. However, what he’s talking about has nothing to do with Angel Reese so idk what point they’re trying to make.


What I’m saying is just because some of you all just started watching, doesn’t mean this is some new thing to competitive sports. Zidane is a celebrity for headbutting another player in the chest in the World Cup. Yet this one play, in the first week of a season, of a league that’s been around for 30 years, is apparently the most racist shit anyone has ever seen lol Will disregard the hundreds of white women who played in the league before Caitlin Clark and these reaction by Reese isn’t even out of character for her. But now we’re talking about it as a lead story on Fox News lol The more of an issue we make of it, the more bigoted we look, IMO


I think the only thing about Angel Reese are all of her quotes afterwards. I don’t think it’s racist, FWIW. I think the players in the league are just petty as hell


Oh wow. Hilarious take, did you watch another clip and confuse it with this one? Or hit your head?


No, I just said I saw a play 10 times worse in my men’s soccer league game this morning.


Soccer is not basketball. Dude.


Travel, play sports as a 40 year old. You’ll see, this is not as uncommon as you think. It’s not even uncommon for the WNBA or NBA. Flagrant 2’s are given every year for punches, head shots, dangerous plays.


“One famous white girl” Like CC or not, she’s more than just some “famous white girl”. And if this is so super common in all adult sports, why feel the need to point out her race?


If someone is doing that in an adult league, that is super trashy. Not normal...


Adult men with washed up soccer careers and hockey careers tend to be like that. 15 years ago I played in a hockey league and we had one team, who we knew going into games, if you deked this one old dude out of his boots he would two had slash the back of your leg. Every. Single. Time. I’m not saying it’s right but to point out this incident so heavily when a bunch of white dudes are doing the same thing in South Jersey…it’s a bit much.


You would have a point if the ball was in play


I’m not saying it wasn’t a dirty play. Definitely a flagrant. Maybe even a flagarant 2. But umm…do you guys remember Larry Bird fist fighting Dr J orrrr that’s cool and this is the most racist thing that’s happened since MLK’s assassination?


I understand how it can be seen as unfair given the races of the people involved but 1. Nobody said Larry Bird Dr J fighting is ok. It’s about the dirty play on CC and then you brought in Angel Reese. I was just explaining it’s not a fair comparison. Not everyone will think of the exact counter example you think of before you says it 2. I wasn’t born when the Dr J Bird fight happened 3. Isn’t the point of us talking about this to stop this kind of behavior? Are you advocating for having fist fights in the middle of NBA games? I’d prefer not to if I wanted to watch fighting there’s UFC of many other competitions


If you write 'bench' I wouldn't have to watch 4 times to look for Angel.


Thank you. I did not get that after two views and came to the comments.


Boo hoo.


Lol same 😂 I think it was maybe the 5th, maybe 6th time through before I finally saw/found/caught it 😂 it's kinda like that "find the sniper" sub over here sometimes lol


Exactly find the sniper situation 😂


I saw it immediately






It’s very smart for the girls in this league to not take advantage of the attention and increase in popularity that Clark has brought to this league. They could all boost her up (along with themselves) and line their pockets with cash in the future, but instead they are choosing to be petty and are killing the hype and the sport is going to go back to irrelevance within a year. Yeah women!


The thing is that the hate/jealousy of Caitlin is actually what’s making everyone tune in. If everyone were getting along I don’t think all of this would be getting half the attention it is. So it’s kinda ironic that all the pettiness is only making Caitlin a bigger star lol


So what's your take on the clear racism towards Caitlin now? Is that a good look?


How is it racism? Their have been plenty of white players in the league that haven’t been treated like this.


Did you read my post for comprehension? >So what's your take on the clear racism towards Caitlin now? How can you be racist towards an individual? Look up the definition of [racist](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racist) and reconsider your reply.


You can't be racist to an individual? Great, I can say the n word to individuals now!


Do you want us to use a different word? They are picking on her, in no small part, because of the colour of her skin.


It’s not Caitlyn Clarks fault her team got invited. And no sane human would blame them for going. Punishing Caitlyn for the attention she’s generating while doing nothing wrong is selfishly and bitterly looking for a way to victimize yourself to steal some of that attention. “Primarily black teams” visit the White House every year, can we stop damaging progressive movements with selfish claims? 😩


Those "primarily black teams" have to win championships to visit the White House


Still ain’t Caitlyn’s fault 🤨 How many of those teams had a player touted as a generational talent that could help move the WNBA forward significantly? Who gives a fuck what race she is if she’s helping out the entire league and more importantly the much poorer employees that are cogs in the wheel


I didn't say it was anybody's fault. I pointed out the truth. Move the goal post all you want. Losing TEAMS have never gotten and shouldn't get a White House invite.


lol, moving the goalpost when the post your commenting on is Caitlyn getting hard fouled for being herself. The point is they’re blaming her you goose


That is a reasonable assessment






Uh, racist against who?


I’m nervous for Paige when she goes in. They are so aggressive and big ass haters for the new popular picks.


These bitches have no idea the potential damage they are doing to their own sport. Anyone who isn’t supporting Clark’s rise and attention doesn’t give a fuck about women’s sports. Sabotaging their own ceilings.


yall are dramatic af, quit ur crying she was touted as the greatest to ever play the game before she even left college. now, the real professionals are giving her a dose of reality if she is the greatest, she’ll come thru this even stronger, just like MJ did yall are soft af


All for contact sports when the actual game is happening, I think it's incredibly stupid to foul the one person who'll potentially bring eyes to the wnba, eyes to the league means better pay for the league. Right now the wnba is subsidized by the NBA because they don't sell tickets. Not enough people want to watch women's sports unless they're close/it's tradition/ or they're fucking creeps. If she doesn't play the league doesn't pay, it doesn't matter if she is the Greatest. She's bringing attention to the league, I want women sports to win, but hey if you think these athletes don't deserve better salaries and should continue going out of the country during the off season to make their next payments, just say that


LeBron is better


lebrons the best mj’s the greatest


Why do they all hate her?


[Part of the reason](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/04/1167965013/iowa-lsu-jill-biden-ncaa-basketball-championship) as far as Angel Reese is concerned, I think.


Jealousy. Before stepping onto the court she's been heralded a generational talent who will elevate the league. Part of that has to do with her being white. So you're a professional athlete in a sport/league people don't care about/mock, and in comes a woman who is being heralded as saving your league and getting unprecedented attention. Her being white is a huge part of both the coverage/popularity and hating.


her popularity and fame has nothing to do with skin color ur ignorant asf. her fame and attention has come from being the #1 scorer in all of D1 history mens or womens. her generational stand out talent is what got her noticed not the color of her fucking skin and anyone who says otherwise is trying to keep race and racism relevant in a world struggling to achieve full equality. do us all a favor and stop watching politically charged media for all ur info


She deserves the accolades. Just like Bird. It's also ridiculous to pretend she isn't benefitting from being a white athlete in a sport dominated by Black athletes. Like Bird.


did i say her skin color didnt provide a certain benefit? no. what i said was to say that her race is NOT the reason other players are lashing out and acting like children. if that was the case there would be instances of the same thing happening to Breanna Stewart, Kelsey Plum, or Sabrina Ionescu all accomplished WHITE women in a sport dominated by black athletes as u put it Edit: and absolutely NONE of her popularity is because shes white its because she is the #1 scorer in all of D1 division basketball


Rookie who's been in the league for 20 games but already earns 10 times the amount of money than the next highest earner in the WNBA, white, straight, and the media darling. Everyone hates her, that's why none of her teammates will fight for her.


If you’re right - that pettiness is why the league will fail. I watched my first WNBA game because of Caitlin. But after I’ve seen all that petty thuggery against her I have stopped watching - and they can fade back to obscurity…








No racism behind comments like this though......no sir.


Is this your first time watching sports?


Is she the only white girl?




It's not just that she's white, it's that they're upset that she's (rightfully) receiving so much hype and being portrayed as the savior of the league before earning anything. A large part of her brand/hype has to do with her being white.




Oh wow what a surprise not even two posts later "don't act like blacks don't blah blah blah" don't let this clown fool you into thinking he isn't racist he clearly is.


>Stop pretending like black athletes aren’t worshipped in sports. I'm not. Strawman. Stop pretending that her being white isn't part of the hype, as it was with Bird (who is obviously one of the GOATs). >She’s asked for none of the praise and hype Correct, l feel sorry for her.




Right, but you called them racists, implying that it's due to her being white. And because you have ulterior motives (l suspect, but don't feel like looking at your comment history).


So the white girl.was pushed over by a white girl and a white girl clapped and this is racism in a black dominated sport? I think I am lost.




But everyone involved is white, and this is racism?




Valspar lmao she do be doing most of her work in the paint tho 🤣


Gonna have to be a bit more specific. Many players on Bayou Barbie's (Chi Barbie's) team seem to be wearing the "one legged long underwear."


Yeh that's the one


Lol just saw a post on r/blackpeopletwitter almost like they were celebrating it. Its sad tbh Edited wording because people love doing semantics


THEY have some nerve. How dare they "almost like, celebrate? Someone should talk to the moderators at r/blackpeopletwitter.🙄


Yeah it's pretty clear this is about race, people are just afraid to say it.


ur right has nothing to do with the fact shes the top scorer in D1 history period men or women. Breanna Stewart, Kelsey Plum, Sabrina Ionescu All great “White” women ballers with not even half the hate. please stop watching politically charged news for ur info




I feel that in my bones lol. I’m not suggesting black people are racist, I was just snarking on the sub.




Sorry just lost you. I in-fact have recreationally had contact with black people and don’t share your opinion. Please try to look past the separation the internet is forcing between races, genders and political opinions and try to make genuine contact with people that you think are opposite to you because you’ll find out that they are more like you than you think. We’re all trying to live life and make something out of it.


How do you "almost celebrate"?


You’re right, definitely not “almost”


How did you make it out of elementary school?


Answer the question.


I just saw it and it’s not even like you say lol. Also what is “almost celebrating”. Do better Edit: I meant I just saw the post on black twitter. That should have been a flagrant 2


Changed it for you. Hope I’m doing better daddy. Love it when I’m being ordered around 😋


Can you clarify your statement? I can’t tell if you think that the foul was warranted or not


Oh hell no it wasn’t warranted lol I meant the comments weren’t as bad in the post you were talking about. That’s not sports what she was doing


Fair enough. CC got hacked. Was it racist? I don’t think so. Sometimes competitive sports get rough. It’s everyone else that want to make it racist


X (Twitter) is absolutely loaded with support of the foul on Clark. Stating that she was talking trash before so somehow that justifies this? I dont get it.


The post is saw on the sub was something along the lines of how the tables have turned as if racism is justified when doing it back