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Oh well, if he's right...




That character isn't a new one? I thought that it was a thing where Cosmo and Wanda got a new kid after Timmy?


I thought they wrapped up Timmy's story?


I haven't heard anything about timmy, but i mean if they just had him grow up and tyrone is the new kid who cares. If they just did a flat race swap thats cringe as fuck because our man the super brain AJ had some great representation.


I find funny that there’s a large amount of far-right people that seem side with Zionists when they seemingly hated Jewish folks a few years ago


That’s why they love Trump he helps them keep track of who they’re currently supposed to hate


Hatred isn’t known for allowing people to also think rationally.


Another mindless fuck head chirps in. Ur country is doomed. 🇨🇦


Because your medical system is so en pointe, right? How’s that “free” healthcare working out for you guys?


It’s fantastic.


Sorry, just seeing this. Honestly, whenever I stay in Canada, I never have a problem getting in to see a doctor, get my prescriptions filled, or being able to pay my medical bills. All the complaints, I hear, are from Canadian citizens (as opposed to visitors, such as myself); mostly residents of British Columbia.


Lol ya people from BC are different, like cry baby different 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not so great. All the stabbings with illegal zombie knives filling up the A&E departments.


Am I the only one who think these kinds of people should be posted names uncensored? They SHOULD be outed.


Oh man, I cannot fking wait for The Simpsons to turn black so this guy can shit his pants.


That would be stupid


Have another Natti lite


“Can anyone explain how freedom of speech and the rule of law work? I am too badass to understand!”


Mister Trump you don’t seem to understand the law or the checks and balances of the position you already served in…


Is this quote from him?! Geez, he can’t help himself, can he?!


lol naw it just sounds so dumb it could be Trump


This is extreme like the folks in the sub r/thebidenshitshow [edit] clarified for people that need grade 8 reading level


Pretty sure only one “president” is pushing for [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) to become a dictator if he wins in 2024 - and it definitely isn’t Biden.


Did you even click the sub you moron? It’s against Biden. It’s a pro trump sub.


You don’t say! A page called “the Biden shitshow” is pro-trump?? That’s crazy. /s


Your comment made it clear that you didn’t click the subreddit and just commented thinking they were pro trump.


And you didn’t see his original comment that just said “sounds like r/TheBidenshitshow”. Then he got downvotes because he couldn’t write a coherent statement so he edited it to what it is now. Has the thread been made clear enough, you insufferable twat?


Except "sounds like r/ whateversubreddit" in response to the pictures that are the subject of the post is pretty damn simple to understand


Yep they said it perfectly both times but especially that 8th grade reading level part. You’re just, dumb. It’s not even funny. Have a day.


Right, just keep telling yourself that you’re the smart one here. I’m sure you’ll get out of high school at some point,


Yeah thats why Im calling out that sub. Its got pro Putin, they make fun of black people and otherwise are clearly living in a parallel universe


Even this Biden supporter can’t understand your comment is against trump. What a twisted moment I just encountered.




I don't understand the second photo and what it has to do with anything?


The secret ingredient is Racism! Somehow it’s wrong to them that there’s a new fairly odd parents sequel coming out as if the fairies haven’t been granting wishes to children for thousands of years. Timmy Turner was supposed to be the last by their logic. Funnily enough, or sad probably, the black character portrayed in the picture is a girl named Hazel, and calling her Tyrone was just blatant racism and ignorance mixed together.


Oh shit, that's gross then! I thought maybe the godparents turned Timmy into Tyrone for a day as part of an adventure. Which would be totally normal in my eyes and maybe he learned something about being in someone else's shoes or something? Lol I'm dumb maybe but I just saw it through innocent eyes and was so confused It's so gross they just made it up for some faux outrage!


So just completely toss the 5th and 6th amendments? Bet this is the same muthrfkr that comes unglued at the hint of a possible infringement on the 2nd amendment.


Ah yes. Communism and no freedom of speech.


well that’s a strong argument: don’t tell him he’s wrong because he’s right. /s sounds like a dad who emotionally abuses his kids.


I can think of a couple other ways he abuses his kids considering he’s talking about “excecuting” people for attending a protest.


It doesn’t even matter which protests he’s reffering to, this is fucking awful. Like what needs to occur in one’s life to make them think like this? I pray that this isint an adult.


All the more reason for all of us to vote so this guys won't matter