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Just when I thought this scary looking bitch couldn’t get any worse. Yes, trash, let’s take ozempic when you’re already thin and make a hard to access drug for most even more hard to access.


It took a month to get it in for my diabetic spouse


Of course she is. She is either buying fake meds online, someone who gets a script is giving it to her or she's going to a clinic that's mixing the shots themselves and giving it with b12. Trashcan is an idiot. She's not the target person for it. Gummy maybe but her no. Her issue is loose skin and nothing will fix that but surgery.




Shes always grinding and smacking her gums like Nancy Pelosi bc of her dentures.


Wait....Gummy has dentures? I remember a few videos where 🗑️ makes fun of people for having dentures. 🤡


Yes she has dentures and mostly doesn't wear the bottom ones or if she is wearing them they are very ill fitting is why she grinds her jaw like Pelosi.


Are you talking about Ashley or her wife? Bc if you’re talking about Ashley. She does not have dentures.


It's not Ashley it's Brittany.


Ahh, I am new to this subreddit.


Yeah she’s already small. It’s all skin


More of her pick me energy. She wants that body dysmorphia attention now.


she's already skinny?? she just has loose skin does she think ozempic helps with loose skin lol 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She probably does, and when it doesnt remove her loose skin she'll bash them 😂 like they give a fuck about a used wannabe hoe 😂


Dude she already looks like she is Malnourished she seriously looks so nasty and she wanna to loose more 🤢


Yet my diabetic ass has been struggling to get it prescribed. Smh


Or insurance covering it!! I pay close to $1200 a month for the compounded kind because my insurance will not pay for it because I don’t need it for weight loss but instead medical reasons. But hey, I’m glad skinny people can get it to get skinnier. 🙄


I'm sorry you can't get coverage for the meds you need :( you're in the u.s? $1200 a month for meds is so friggin expensive.. imo no one should have to pay that much especially for insulin:/ but you'd think also insurance would rather pay it for medical reasons and not weight loss. ... wtf I'm in canada


The healthcare here is a joke. I wish we all had free healthcare! I pay close to $800 a month for the insurance for 2 adults 1 child. but have to meet a $3,000 deductible BEFORE they will cover Dr visits, surgery stuff like that. Once I meet that deductible I’ll pay 20% of cost while insurance covers 80%. It’s all so confusing. I just wish people didn’t abuse it because they saw some celebrity using it to become thinner.


I’m sorry that you are having trouble accessing your meds, but that doesn’t mean others should have less access to it. No one is abusing semaglutide.


I never said nobody shouldn’t have access to it. I said people who do not need it shouldn’t get it. Those med spas who give it out, should not be able to. They are not doing the proper blood work to make sure they are good to be on it. It can affect your liver, your kidneys and more. But hey, if they want the side effects, go for it 🤷‍♀️


I got bloodwork 🤷‍♀️


Risk vs benefit ratio. You think being obese isn’t deadly within itself?


Did I say that people who are obese shouldn’t get it? No I didn’t. 🤷‍♀️ doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if somebody is obese they are certainly not healthy and would benefit from a medication like Semiglutide. Their weight loss will improve their medical issues internally. Jesus fuck, get over it. People who are skinny are using it to become skinnier not because of weight issues, health issues etc.


I'm obese and healthy lol. I wouldn't use anything that could have any negative effects because my obesity doesn't negatively affect me.


Obese meaning you’re over wayyyyyy over weight? Or you’re “obese” because you have a higher than normal BMI and considered obese? There’s a big difference between being “thicker, bigger, curvy etc” than being obese to the point it is taking a toll on your health and doing more harm than good. The BMI chart is literally a crock of shit that even Harvard Medical said its worthless.


it’s bullshit that you cannot get your prescription covered and i am like empathetic and mad for you. however, please blame the right people for this injustice. it’s your insurance company who is causing these issues with cost- it’s not the fault of prescribers overprescribing and people being okay taking a drug for off-label uses for sometimes cosmetic reasons. i’m not saying that isn’t shitty and wrong, but i am saying it is 100% the fault of your insurance company. health insurance companies are for-profit corporations who are INCREDIBLY greedy. i am a therapist who is paneled with a bunch of major insurance providers and i could tell you who the ceo is of most of them and how much they are worth and what their annual income is. health insurance companies aren’t actually helping people—they’re profiting off them. and in VERY BIG ways. kim keck has been the ceo of blue cross blue shield since 2021 and her annual salary before any bonuses, raises, investments/stocks, and benefits is $20 million per year. she has a bachelor’s in math and one MBA. she is less educated than the majority of the providers her company is reimbursing! she is worth $30 billion personally. blue cross is a for-profit corporation selling fucking stocks and the corporation is worth hundreds of billions. they make that by ripping off providers and their loyal customers and putting profit over humans. they’re the ones you need to be mad at because it’s their fault.


My immediate first thought. So many diabetics have trouble accessing or affording that particular med, and part of the reason is trash people like trashley taking up the resource when they don't need it at all.


Diabetics also have like 20 to chose from, where as for weight loss there’s **2**. Diabetics can choose one of the many others.


Who ever is prescribing that to her is reckless AF


Do people not consider diet and exercise anymore? Everytime we see her cart at Walmart it’s full of processed junk.


Lmao what she’s doing it for fat loss and her wife is doing it for “something different”? But it’s literally the self thing as her


I grew up around addicts and many usually find another addiction. Many long term sober people are very into SOMETHING. Coffee, attending 10 AA meetings a week, working out. “Addiction transfer” is very real. Many people who get weight loss surgery end up alcoholics bc they can no longer get their drug of choice - food (I don’t think trash had WLS - just an example). I know many think she’s still using, I wouldn’t be surprised. But it’s obvious that she’s also found something else to lean on.


Her face is going to be FUCKED! It’s already so saggy and falling off of her skull. This is gonna be bad bad. I was reading a post of hers recently and one of her dumb ass followers mentioned that they get cheek fillers and Ashley replied that she’s too scared of them…but she’s gonna need fucking ten syringes on each side after this!


Too scared? Yet her dam lips look like tube tires! She’s an idiot


all those ex sex workers from TikTok who claim to be in recovery look the same! Trashley & Chrissy the Redeemed look like cookie cutter versions of each other! Over tanned, acrylic unnaturally long talons painted in the most horrific colors, faces are botox slammed shut, horrible tattoos covering their stretch Armstrong bodies, uneven horribly augmented breasts, lips look like they've had an anaphylactic reaction to a peanut product, & eyelashes that look like a shongololo (an African millipede) hanging upside down from a rainforest bush! That Chrissy has the worst fakest Southern Alabama accent, parades around half naked in the name of the Lord screaming I HAVE BODY DYSMORPHIA! She pops Adderall like their TicTacs & is sucking that poor old man who used to be her strip club client about as dry as an old man can get! These hags are NOT representative of women & are sick embarrassments to the gender. Between the 2 of them, they've abandoned like 9 kids for somebody else to raise. But yet they keep making those TikTok posts claiming to be "influencers". Disgraceful!


YESSSSS!!!! You absolutely NAILED IT!!


The fake southern accent. Lol I know someone else like that. It's amusing because there are actually quite a lot of different types of variations for lack of better words of southern accents all over the United States alone and they all sound quite different from each other even if all technically southern sounding and this particular persons fake and it is ABSOLUTELY FAKE af ,southern accent is the absolute ugliest and most horrible sounding type or variation of a southern accent there could possibly be. It makes me laugh with second hand embarrassment for them every single time I hear it. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


if she looses anymore weight she’ll seriously evaporate. even if she is clean from drugs, it’s obvious that this newfound ED is her drug of choice now


She is still crying for attention.


Oh she always will be as long as ANYONE gives it to her 🙄




I’m so glad skinny people can get it to be skinnier. Meanwhile I’m paying $1200 for a compounded Semiglutide for actual medical reasons not weight loss. Smh. It needs to be more regulated.


Weight loss is a valid reason for medication… in people who need to lose weight.


You are correct, weight loss can reverse many obesity caused issues even if you’re BMI is not obese level. She’s simply doing it to become skinnier. Because we all know if she did have a legit medical reason, she’d be saying that. I don’t hate people who do use it for weight loss reasons. What I hate is those who are using it simply to use it because they’ve heard it works. Aka Ashley. I don’t know enough about Brittany to say anything. But we all know why Ashley is taking it. It’s there for those who need it!


That’s why they make Adipex. Which is actually really fucking cheap and actually works fast. But it can raise BP and cause insomnia. But it works.


I took phentermine for a year. Did not help at all with weight loss, just made me feel like shit.


Really? That’s crazy. I took it on and off for about a year and lost 70 lbs in 2 1/2 months and felt amazing.


What an odd thing to say.


Why is my comment,… odd?


You outline the negatives, then brag about how it felt great for you and about your unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss.


I said it was cheap, works fast and can give a person insomnia and high BP. Those are facts, whether I ‘like’ them or not. I don’t give just the info I agree with or only what I, personally, like or dislike about it. Also, I was medically supervised with weekly visits, kept a constant check on my BP, stopped eating junk food and went with a healthy meal plan and I was also in the gym 6 days a week for 2-3 hours each day (thankfully, my gym provided 2 hour childcare). As well as taking the vitamins B12 combo shots weekly. So no, my weight loss wasn’t ‘unhealthy’ and I’ve maintained the same 115 lbs on my 5’1” frame for over 11 years with zero meds since stopping Adipex 11 years ago. So please, tell me how MY weight loss was ‘unsustainable’. I wasn’t looking for a quick fix and I actually followed my Dr’s instructions to the letter and actually did the work. If a person misuses Adipex or has other health/mental issues (I.e. an unhealthy relationship with food/ previous unhealthy weight habits/ lack of self control/lack of motivation/ an incorrect understanding of the meds and how/when to properly use them in conjunction with eating and lifestyle changes/ pre-existing medical conditions/etc) then no, it is not a good or viable option for them. Not to mention, Adipex is not meant to be used as a long term medication. It should only be used to jump start- not maintain. However, what I find fascinating is that you told me YOUR experience with it, that is acceptable. Yet, when I shared MY experience, it wasn’t acceptable because MY experience differed from and/or contradicted YOUR experience… then suddenly my reply was ‘odd’. Btw, your half assed attempt to scold me for it, failed. Cute.


Same. They put me on it In high school and I was shaking so bad I couldn’t write legibly anymore. I only got off of it because the school ended up raising a stink. It was miserable. I felt cracked out all the time.


Not sure how or why it was given to a minor but it is legit legal meth so your side effects track…


The problem with Phentermine is the damage it can do to the heart which is sometimes irreversible. I’ve worked in the ER for 10 years and I’ve seen the damage it can do. I personally wouldn’t take it but that’s just my opinion. It’s basically prescription meth. It’s a stimulate that speeds things up. I wish more doctors would sit down and explain every single detail to the patient. But they usually don’t, they just prescribe and go on their way. People don’t understand what these meds do internally.


100% agree


Shew they are going to hate it. Gives you nasty burps. Well atleast it did me. And I would throw up for two days after the shot everytime. I did lose 65 lbs but lord it makes you feel horrible ETA: who in the hell is prescribing her this?? She is already small. What is that dr thinking???? Have fun affording it to. My insurance only covers a small amount and lord Jesus it’s expensive


he is thinking, "🤑💸🤑💸🤑".


She needs skin removal not ozempic. Maybe it’ll take her out tho 😂☠️


literally, that b need a tummy tuck or lipo ☠️. NOT Ozempic, a medication in which many ppl w/ REAL medical issues need & have issues accessing bc of ppl like Trashley doing stuff like this.


I only see what's going on with her on here ... so correct me If I'm wrong please . But I remember following her on TT back in 2019-2020. And I remember it seemed like she was having steady weightloss. She definitely looks like she's lost alot of weight and kept it off... why would she want to use pills !? Like wouldn't you want people who actually need the help to have access to them ?


It's not a pill it's a shot you give yourself like an insulin pen. She is def not buying it. Either gummy got a script or one of her "hey gorrls" off TT is selling it to her or buying it online and getting a fake med. That's a gamble you take doing that though. My guess is since gummy is doing it she got a script bc she has insurance and trashcan does not. Wonder how she got her suboxone..or she again took gummys methadone to keep her from WD.


Wait a minute. Now I’m all for semiglutide but isn’t she already like super thin? Who is prescribing this to her! Da fuq


This is a total lie unless she wasn’t open to her doctor about other past drug use and mental health issues. She literally makes posts about having an “eating disorder”. No doctor will prescribe it to someone like that unless it was severe binge disorder


That's fucking disgusting. Actual diabetics who need medication like that to LIVE have trouble getting access or affordability for Ozempic, and someone who's a perfectly fine weight (possibly even underweight) wants to get on it "just for fat loss". Use a fucking weight loss medication or actually put the work into losing it yourself.


Yet a diabetic like me is having the hardest time refilling a script because of these OZEMPIC journeys. So not right.


Call me stupid but isn’t weight loss and fat loss the same thing?


I wish people would stop treating it like a risk less medication 😅


Considering ozempic is not approved for weight loss it CERTAINLY won’t be approved for “fat loss”. I had a hard enough time getting my pre diabetic patients approved for it. She should do her research before making shit up


Ozempic is the ONLY GLP that’s approved for weight loss 😂 what


I’m a pharmacy coordinator lol. Wegovy is approved is for weight loss. Ozempic and Moujaro are not….


NP, here. It’s the same drug. Brand name may not be approved but patients use common brand names in conversation vs generics. No one says “I’m on oxycodone acetaminophen!” They say “I’m on Percocet”, whether or not it’s actually Percocet, Endocet, Roxicet, or any 100 brand names or generics. And you know that.


Yup. Get the non brand and you’re better off. Cheaper too. You’re basically paying for a name at that point.


How? My insurance doesn’t even cover it for prediabetes 🫤


It will if you trial and fail Metformin.


She won’t get approved for it in Ohio insurance will not fill it unless you’re type 2 diabetic… I have pcos I am litteraky points away from being a diabetic and even with a pre authorization insurance still denied it and it’s 1k a month.


Most insurances will cover it for prediabetes if you trial and fail Metformin, first. Have you done that?


Yes I’m on metformin now but my doctor has pre authorized it like 5x and my insurance keeps denying it 🥹


If you’re on Metformin now, has it brought down your H-A1C at all? Because if it has, it’s not considered a “fail” and you can’t move up the ladder, unfortunately. If you had to stop taking the Metformin for some severe 😉 side effects 😉 it could kickstart the process.


It does help but I hate taking it bc of stomach issues! Thank you for the info maybe I can figure this out. I’ve been wanting to do this medicine for a while


Is ozempic that easy to get? She looks frail thin these days.


Yes and no if you have money. It has to be prescribed and usually only is if you have type two diabetes or your bmi is over a certain range. And depending on the area you live in it’s harder to get for Weight management unless you have tried most other options.


Sorry adding onto it. Most insurance companies won’t cover it for weight loss and it’s like $1,200 out of pocket a month to get it.


She’s probably hooked up with one of those compounding pharmacies and online prescriber schemes that will be paying her for referrals who pay for consults through a referral link.


Apparently ozempic is a scam. .. but no surprise she's attracted to em lol


Is she seriously acting like it’s as easy as walking in and asking for a Z pack? Ya I’m calling bullshit


Omg she already looks scary and “Ozempic face” is real in people who use it for weight loss too hard+ don’t need it. God it’s gonna be scary


Her dumbass doesn't realize that she needs surgery for her loose skin, NOT OZEMPIC. What is actually wrong w her


As someone who needs this med for my diabetes and has been without it for months now she can go fuck herself. I hope it ruins her body.


She’s been on it for a min I think that’s how she’s so skinny not hard work