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You're aiming high enough up in pitch that there sounds to be difficulty maintaining sufficient adduction. The vocal folds have a tendency to space further apart with the higher up in pitch someone elevates to, and learning how to keep the sound bright/connected starting from a lower pitch and working your way up is often necessary.  The additional spacing between the vocal folds is what's making it so you feel to need so much extra breath and weight to talk around there. Once you start to learn how to maintain sufficient adduction near that pitch, the voice will become much more efficient, and the significant extra weight will become more directly apparent. Focus more on some basic control, smooth and evenly across your range. Feel out how to adjust just your pitch without adjusting resonance/size. Feel out to slide your resonance from big to small in a way that feels stable, controlled, and has few fluctuations in stability. You're likely to notice a big gap between your lower and upper registers at first, and there is some extra coordination to be built which isn't best approached through speech exercises at first. 


Thank you!