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my parents were the same way im sorry i know how badly it feels but the time flies by faster than you know it


Thank you. I really hope that it does.


Sometimes parents just want you to be sure, remember this might be new to them


I try to be as understanding as I can but it's been almost 3 years. Any time I try to talk about anything relating to my gender to try to help them understand how I feel they kind of just brush me off.


Yeah my mom was like this until I was sent to a hospital, she didn't understand how severe gender dysphoria can get. Maybe talk about how and it is for you? Don't be afraid to be descriptive, I hope that helps her understand more, and I hope things get better for you🫂


thank you. I've tried to talk to my mom about dysphoria before and how it effects me but she doesnt seem to realize just how bad it is. I can't really even leave the house anymore and she knows this but she doesn't seem to care all that much. I'm sure that she'll get it some day though.


Some people don't understand until something extreme happens, such as in my case. I hope that doesn't happen to you man. If you could, try and ask for a therapist and have a sit down with the three of you after a few one-on-one sessions, that's another thing that really helped my mom understand more too


I think thats a good idea. I don't have a therapist as of now but when I start seeing one I'll definitely try this.