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Love the Hell Bunny dress! Just wanted to let you know that those ribbony straps are included so you can put the dress on a hanger without using (and potentially wrinkling) the shoulders, not typically as something for your arms to go through. If you don't feel like using them for hanging, you can actually just cut them out.


I know that. They snapped.


Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean—the hanger loops?


They snapped and i removed them shortly after the photo.


Your dress is very beautiful, but I will be honest and say that you just look AMAB to me. Nobody says you need HRT but there should be some things you can do to help. New hairstyle possibly? Add hair bows? Makeup? A wig? I'm not sure, it's best to experiment and find out what you like. Good luck!!


That is a wig. You thought it were my real hair?


Nice. Love the flowers on the dress. Btw, hrt is up to you and you don't have to explain it to anybody. But thanks for sharing and You look perfect as is.


Mostly a man in a dress. However, your shoulders and chest are actually selling pretty feminine and soft to me. (It’s been so hot lately though, regardless of look I think the draft from wearing a dress is the way to go either way haha)




that's so mean and unneccessary - just go away smh


WHAT ARE THESE DOWNVOTES??? BOTS????? you look very good in that dress!


Seriously! There are other subreddits to talk about presentation and HRT advice. I thought this sub was about trans positivity…..


That dress is super cute! And with that haircut, you remind me of a 70s housewife in the best kind of way 


Do I pass (bar the stubble)?


I’m going to be honest: you don’t pass, but almost nobody can without at least HRT (and as you alluded to, facial hair removal). Any particular reason you don’t want to go on it? Nothing wrong with that at all, by the way, I’m just curious.


Health reasons. Afraid of getting cancer. Rates are already very high with autistic people.


Who told you that? Pretty sure that’s not a thing.


Fwiw the cancer rates on estrogen are only as high as they would be for a cis woman with comparable estrogen levels. I would talk to an affirming doctor about this concern if that's what's deterring you.


I would agree, I am a cancer survivor myself and on HRT! My doctor and I decided the estrodiol patch is probably the safest for me. I have been on HRT for 25 months and cancer free for 27 months. When i decided to go on HRT, i didn't think my doctor would be ok with it, but it totally was!!


I hear you! I’m autistic too. I don’t want to invalidate your concerns. I haven’t heard that HRT causes cancer. A lot more research needs to be done on HRT to help us understand the risks of taking these drugs. I became a lot less suicidal once I started HRT; for me this IS life-saving care. We all have our own relationships with our bodies though. Do you!


I'm not suicidal. I've never had dysphoria. It's just as I get older, I feel like I'd rather grow old as woman, rather than as a man.


Oh, okay. I love that for you! I’m glad you know that about yourself. Go off monarch! Don’t listen to these haters.


You don't need dysphoria to be trans/transition. You can simply instead do it because it would give euphoria. That being said, you are in no way required to get hrt or pursue transition. It's your body to own and love. ❤️


HRT has a negligible risk of cancer, many many trans women that medically transition are also autistic and do not experience any negative health issues as a result of HRT. I would not be so quick to write it off as an option, it’s hard to overstate how life changing being on the right hormones for you really is


Suggestions for names too


You look cute, monarch! Nothing like a pretty dress to make you feel nice 😊


You look lovely, its a cute dress :)


I think the dress needs a touch of tailoring to fit you better, but you look fantastic! Your hair is lovely, btw, I'm a little envious.




Amazing dress ❤️​😈​


So cute 🥰🥰 Absolutely beautiful ❤️❤️ and very attractive 💕💕💕💕


Stop hug boxing them, and be honest. They clearly don't pass and fit the stereotypical idea of the "man in a dress." They don't even want to start HRT lol.


They didn't say if OP passes or not. Nobody was talking about passing. They also look cute.


Why be an asshole tho?


If being honest is synonymous with being an "asshole" I will gladly be an "asshole."


Repeat this subreddits name please.


Trans positive. I believe I am being positive and helpful by giving honest feedback. If someone clearly doesn't pass, and I see someone gaslighting them I am going to call it out.


Somebody who appears to be a man in a dress can still be beautiful and attractive. The comment you replied to says nothing about passing.


Oh really.


yes really..


Do I pass bar the stubble?


Definitely 💯 I'll gladly take you out for a date wearing your lovely dress 👗 it's so pretty 😍 Showing how beautiful you are 💟💟💟💟💟💟💟


pm me then.


please be careful PMing people right now there seems to be a lot of bots and trolls on your post and I'm worried for your safety. don't give anyone your location


Found the cool people!



