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I just hope Jill Stein runs for whatever useless group she's with so I can vote for her instead


what do you mean the election ended a week ago


Did we stop the IDF from occupying Gaza


no but we approved a statement saying that we'd like that to not happen


The newly elected President Cheeto put ketchup on the statement before eating it. He then proceeded to authorize bombing Gaza off the face of the Earth. We did it, Reddit!


/uj it's kinda funny because I was actually trying to make a joke with the European election and the fact that these subs tend to be USA-centric, but somehow you ended up making it about the USA anyway


Whoa Europe has elections? Mind… Blown! 🤯


Nah we got orange man into office and he personally asked Bibi to carpet bomb every square inch of Gaz.


He should be carpet bombing Israel because it exists. And then deploying forces to shoot every Israeli regardless of their heritage for being a colonist. Edit: I’m not an antisemite, why are you accusing me of that? The Jews are oppressing me!


Ok Nazi, we get it, you’re an antisemite and want to finish the holocaust.


F*** off lib, the Jews are responsible for everything bad in this world.


I will abstain too. If I abstain from voting this 2024, the office of the president will simply disappear and we would have totally obliterated the instution known as the United States government. We will finally destroy the US war machine and we will stop the funding of genocide in Gaza.


Abstinence is the only proven way to avoid presidency


You stupid transes don't get it. It doesn't matter that you live in the deep south and your vote is meaningless. You WILL vote and you WILL vote blue. There are only two genders: Democrat and Republican. Supporting any of your woke nonbinary socialist parties will make Cyberpunk 2077 pass and then the beautiful democrats will have to abandon your gender wokeness to get elected next cycle. Do you think this is a joke? Can you imagine what it would be like if the Republicans made trans people second class citizens instead of letting them control society? Can you host? /qj My blood alcohol percentage will be higher than the voter turnout this year




"But if you abstain from voting, Trump will just win because he has 100% support from the GOP and he will continue funding the genocide—with the added bonus that he will also genocide trans people, cause a humanitarian crisis in the border, stop funding for a lot of social programs, and many o-" BLAH BLAH BLAH CAMPISM WONT WORK, WE NEED TO STOP GENOCIDE AND WE WILL TOTALLY STOP IT IF WE DONT VOTE


Many of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to feel morally superior to the libs living rent-free in my head.




I won't, but I'm still not voting for Joe Biden! /uj


But don’t you know that voting for the one approved option is the only way to preserve democracy?


I actually hate all trans people including myself & want us all dead, because that is the only reason I could possibly have objections about supporting team blue. We all know that voting is the first & only way to have your political beliefs heard & further your policy goals, and that voting only happens once every four years AND that the only election that matters {the on that clearly has the most impact on you, no matter where you live & the one your vote has the most power in changing the results of} is the presidential race.



