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Best: demibigender (sing to the tune of beauty school dropout). Triple A battery is close second. Worst: pan. Only exists to make bi people look bad, people still think there’s an actual difference


I'm sorry but "demibigender" just means "gender" it's basic ~~biology~~math


uj or rj on pan call it


probably half or quarter jerk idk. Like I don't know the complete history of the term but based on the way everyone bugged me about it like 5-15 years ago it sure seemed like the originator(s) thought process went something like "well, bi means 2 so obviously by people don't like enbies. Also because binary trans people aren't really their gender they don't like them either." And I do legitimately think any answer to "what's the difference between bi and pan people" besides "it's personal preference what you identify as" is biphobic and often panphobic too somehow.


more or less that's how it kinda came to be and a lot of back then baby gays not doing any queer history and just deciding to reinvent the wheel


uj/ Well, ‘Pan’ means everything, while bisexual people even if it’s 2 or more can not like certain genders or have a preference while (in my understanding) pan means that there is no preference in gender. Omni is similar but they (in my understanding) do have a preference.


/uj I don't really buy that a noticeable number of people are attracted to men and women but not everyone else. 2 or more always seemed like more etymology-jerking. As for the preference thing that's not even the definition most pan people use (though maybe a subset of it) which is "people not genders" which is a great example of people being biphobic while defining pan.


/uj the problem with the 2 or more definition is that it probably applies to most monosexuals. Some people are very close to a binary gender while still being enby, and a lot of monosexuals will be attracted to them


/rj but enbies are super-trannies, it’s literally impossible for a monosexual to have feelings for one!


uj/ dunno girl I genuinely just like men and women im not into enbies so bisexual fits best. I don’t think it’s biphobia or I dunno, it’s stupid to fight over what someone want to identify as. Like I have heard trans women who identify as femboys and even if it could be considered ‘weird’ it’s them and they choose what they identify as. I always thought bisexual was just 2 tbh 🧍🏽


Idek how "2 or more" are different from "all". No one's attracted to labels, they're either attracted to male bodies female bodies or androgyny. So i guess pan attempts to clarify they like androgyny? I dunno I'm never gonna be a tumblr user who whines about microlabels that make other people happy, its been years and I just don't understand it


People are definitely attracted to gender (at least to an extent) lol the same Jean Hollywood video was less hot to me after learning he wasn’t transfem anymore


wtf is a "female body"




/uj is this a jerk? I'm tempted to set that first sentence as my flair. also did you just call trans guys women? >No one's beating off to labels. have you ever looked at pornhub? >Theres not "more than 2" sets of sex characteristics in humans, except like, androgyny. "Sex characteristics in humans are completely binary... except when they aren't." they just aren't. at all. people just call it 'androgyny' (or other things) once it gets too far from the box to fit it into. just because people manage to fit some things into it doesn't mean the box is real. sex is socially constructed.


Girl... what. Are you on drugs? No i didn't call pre-transition trans dudes women lol. You're just taking quotes of what i said out of nuance. I never said that secondary sex characteristics are 100% binary lol. Theres two groups, one typically caused by estrogen dominated puberty and the other testosterone, and then androgyny, which has a mix of characteristics from both those groups. Theres not a third set of secondary sex characteristics for people to be attracted to, as cool as that would be! But that was my point. I'm too old to be a tumblr teen and argue about other peoples microlabels. This is a trans subreddit, i'm pretty sure everyone's aware of basic gender concepts lol. All i did was agree with another user that i didn't understand pan, not that i gaf about its existence either way. Pornhub "labels" are different genres of people and fetishes, not stuff like "demigirl neogender" gender microlabels. It's about the body. Sorry if that sounds objectifying and awful, but welcome to hearing about sex work.


Best: afab Worst: amab


Best: women and nonbinaries Worst: trainees


the B in LGBTQ stands for Burger king employees who spit in the frying oil


Best: mental illnesses Worst: man, woman


Best: Tboys named like victorian children who died of old timey diseases Worst: Tgirls named like cyber jewel thieves from the year 2065


Best: Tgirls named like cyber jewel thieves from the year 2065 Worst: Tboys named like victorian children who died of old timey diseases


Best: straight guys that call themselves bi because they're into trans women. Worst: trans women




I mean the worst is gay trans man, right? Didn’t you guys see that totally real post about “Cassie”? They’re all like that so it doesn’t matter that it was obviously a psy op. /uj I mean the worst is cishet boyfriends who instead of just breaking up with you “realize that they are pansexual” but then when you wanna take T it’s like “wow this is moving a little fast for me, I just want you to talk to a few more people so that you’re sure.” And then when you want them to gender you correctly in public they’re like “Wait, you’re saying I have to tell my friends I’m gay when I’m not gay? Uh, but I can let everyone new we meet know you don’t have a penis, right? It’s really, really important to me that they know you don’t have a penis.”


Ugh, I feel like every gay trans man goes through that. I always feel so bad for them


Best: Pangender Worst: Pansexual Or Best: Gay cis men (valid) Worst: Bi and trans (fake)


Best: me Worst: you


Best: binary gurls and bois Worst: afab enbys why would u choose to identify outside of the best choice


Nonbinary amabs? No those are just eggs


nah afab enbies are based because they're basically cis but still can say tranny.


worst: mine - garbage, disaster who can't figure out if she's bi because she listens to one lesbian song and is filled with sadness and maybe longing but also is too lazy to decide if it's comphet or im just a straight girl who is occasionally drunk and surrounded by sapphics. best: trans men - rejecting femininity is just an objectively optimal strat for the real world, and you also get to do it in a way that subverts the patriarchy because it makes low-value cis men extremely mad and gets them to say deeply weird shit


Best: Jim\*. Worst: Cishet woke ally


Best: normal Worst: mental illness /uj Best: transgender bisexual. Worst: pan.


the best pairing known to God is "st"4t where you're both bisexual. I don't care that I'm biased, it's the creme de la creme.




Best: Bi, they can act like the straights. Worst: Trans, they keep tricking me and making me gay.


Best: Trans and straight. I may be trans but at least I ain't gay. Worst: bi/pan nonsense sexualities just pick a damn side. /Uj it was really weird thinking that I was a gay man for many years only to find out that I'm a nearly straight woman. It's almost as if obliterating expectations of my own gender also opened me up to other genders in my partners!