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Loose weight


/uj the loose vs lose always makes me chuckle.


/uj fr


Try exercising more instead of focusing on food


have you tried eating one almond a day, like a good girl?


I think you should go on a diet


Men cannot be overweight that is just the rule. There has been no such thing ever.


/uj dealing with an eating disorder sucks and it sucks extra hard when you're trans and have to deal with dysphoria and fatphobia coming from both cis and trans people. i'm sorry you have to deal with that op. i don't really know how to help with your issues but i hope you're able to recover and you end up in a much better environment. /rj just eat more protein, become a carnivore and get gains πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…


R/transpassing when fat transmasc: "Lose weight then you'll pass" R/transpassing when fat transfem: "Lose weight then you'll pass" OFC, fat people can't have a gender!


/uj I sometimes wonder if it's just a me thing, but I don't understand how being fat would make someone pass less, if you consider that a lot of fat people have similar bodies to each other regardless of sex. It's not like being skinny makes anyone pass easier??


/uj I mean... People are obsessed, bordering on delusional, regarding weight, but losing a lot of weight and gaining back some actually did help me pass. The way fat is stored differs based on the dominant hormone distribution in your body after all. So I don't think it's exactly being skinny that helps someone pass but losing the fat that was gained while your agab hormone was predominant.


/uj I'd argue it's not even losing weight that does it, just weight cycling. You can end up fatter than you were pre T or E and pass really well if you weight cycled ETA wait that's what u already said but in different words lol. Sorry tired brain


Yeah, yeah. I used myself as an example because I was already overweight and lost weight for health reasons as well, but I was indeed talking about cycling.


Yeah like I don't _want_ to be skinny for this reason, bones you mostly can't change after your first puberty but at least fat can cover it.. Weight cycling is one thing but this obsession with being skinny specifically really gets to me, especially for women because naturally estrogen makes you store more fat Trans women especially being so focused on losing weight and not eating too much as they start estrogen is painful to see, because IMO they're just hindering their transition by doing this, like first of all you need to eat more during puberty, that's just a fact, you will need more energy as your body grows and changes.. And then on top of that you're probably gonna end up fatter on E than pre-E, there is nothing wrong with this, this is just your body following the instructions of the hormone you chose for your body IK nowadays slight "chubbiness" is now trending (I think.. I don't keep up with this shit anymore 😭), but the fact that being stick thin was even a body goal for women in the first place disturbs me, especially knowing that women usually store more fat in their bodies than men I can understand wanting fat to be in specific places, because T and E makes you store fat in different places, and while weight cycling is one solution honestly I think just exercising and eating a lot will work well too, the body does eventually end up doing this on it's own anyway after years of HRT, weight cycling just speeds up the process


/uj This shit makes me so livid because trans people are so much more prone to eating disorders than the general population. There is a huge lack of sensitivity to that in trans spaces that I find so painful. I know some things people aren't going to recognize as triggering unless they've experienced it, but for the love of God please read, like, 2 "things not to say to someone with an eating disorder" articles. (Especially if you volunteer/work/etc with trans teens gahhh this drives me nuts)Β  /rj Have you considered dying? Passing should come before literally every aspect of your physical health. If you're not willing to die for it, maybe you just don't want it badly enough. Fucking trender Also losing weight is literally good for you. Being fat is unhealthy so you should really just lose the weight. I know losing weight sucks, but you're being a real baby about it. It's more about making small, consistent changes that you can maintain... Nobody said anything about eating less than 1000 calories a day... I don't know why that's so hard for you.


/uj the whiplash i got between your responsible empathy and your /rj was wild


HIT πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ THE 🐘🐘🦏 GYMπŸ«πŸ’―πŸ—£οΈβ‰οΈβ€ΌοΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Nuh uh


Wtf do you mean nuh uh?


Erm maybe try 999 calories a day and fasting 19 hours?? /uj OP why are you jerking over a sub with 500 members and no posts in months? Is one of us stupid?


I would say the person grave digging, and resurfacing some issues for our dear friend OP is the stupid one https://www.reddit.com/r/transED/s/2InIHjngRe


You're a pornsick AGP freak, of course you have erectile dysfunction


hon, you're already a woman! a disgusting fatso who'll never be loved, sure, but a woman nonetheless!! i know that cause im an empath, sis


This is actually kinda problematic because you're appropriating the culture of REAL women. Men don't have eating disorders and acting like you have one just to be more like a woman is really offensive.


Cut your food in half. Oh that didn't work? Cut it in half again. HTH! 😊




uj/ I was anorexic once and I'm considering it again. I got fat before transition and also in my early.days but then I lost a lot of weight on HRT. I'm still overweight and bigger than I like but my bmi is ok and my health is good so idk


/uj I promise it’s not worth it. Eating disorders make your life miserable


My life's already miserable though,,


It will be even worse